i feUfcr OAJTCTAfc WCJUCAL, HA1JW, OKN0OX, THURSDAY, MAY. 18, lfM. 4? THE CAPITAL JOURNAL K. nOFKn, Writer a4 Proprietor Independent !&5ppper Deroted to Aerica rrinclple and the froxteM and DoTclopcmnt of Alt Oregoa. Published Brery Hvonlng Kxoept Sunday, elom, Ore. SUBSCRIPTION RATBS. (ItiTtrlably In Adranoe.) Dally, by carrier, per year. Pally, by tnall, per year. .. JVookly, by mall, per year. kJ AA f- MMlk Mm ........9".W (Vr UlUUtUmiiHMmwuu 4X0 Per month- 88o ,.. 1.00 Biz month ......60o MEMORIAL DAY FINE . PROGRAM Tho Joint committee on Momorlal Day exorcises, aptfolntod by BedgwIeJt Ioist and Sedgwick W. II. C, -would licroby cordially Invite CohipaHy M, O. N. 0., tho Spanish War Vetera, tbo Sons of Votorans, tho Ladles of tho O. A. II. and any and nil oilier patriotic and civic organktattew 'to join them In a propor obsorrance of the day. Tho program Is Hot com- plcted as to details, but will be In a few days, whdn It will bo announced. Tho dxorclsos of tho day will begin, at what hour In tho morning will bo announced lfttor, by tho W. H. 0., dot forming their beautiful ritualistic sonrico in momory or tnoio wno aiea whilo sorvlng In tho U. S. navy. This skirvlce will bo hold on tho South Commercial street bridge. It Is ilso mbro than probnblo that tho W. II. 0. will servo a "bnskot dinner" In Ma rlon Park nt noon, whoro tho old sol dlors and tholr families may moot and cat their noon-day lunch, and that tho Iridlos of tho O. A. R. will, after tholr usual custom of decorat ing tllo graves of tho eoldlor doad In Leo Mission coraotcry. sorvo a free dlnnor to tho old soldiers and tholr families In tholr hall, corner of Com mcfclnl and Contor streets, at thp noon hour. At or near 2 p, in., tho 0, A. It. parade will form at tho cornor of Stata and Llborty streets, and march erfst to Church, thonco north ta Court, thonco West to Commercial, thonco north to Chemoketa and countermarch on Commorclal south to Stato, whoro thoy will tako the cars for tho comotory, whoro tho usual ritualistic ceremonies will bo observed, after which the Hon. P. H. D'Arcy will dollvor an address ap propriate to tho occasion. This be lilcjr a general witllno of tho program of tho day, Is subject to chango In mhio of tho minor details, of which duo npttco will bo given. . WEBSTER, Chairman of Commltteo. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ACTIVE Ann Palmer to Edith M. Roynolds, 98.71 acres In township 9 south, rungo 3 west; w d $3454.85. J. M. Hrown to B. L. Irvine, loto 11 nnd 12 In block IB, In Fnlrmount Add. to Salem; w d $450. D. T. and L. Randall to W. and M. D. Mortcnson, land In Woodburn; w d $0000. II. T. Randall and L. Randull to W. and M. B. MortonHon, land In Ma rion county; w d $400. Androw Whitney ot ux. to W. Mof fltt, 12.43 acres in Marlon county; w d $1400. O. W. Watt et ux, to R. R. Ryan, lot 6, block 20, In North Salem; w d 100. R. R. and L. P. Ryan to C. II. nnd S. B. Carver, lot 0, block 20, North Balom; w d $200. O. A. Webb and M. E. Webb to C. P. Wobb, land in Sllvorton; w d $500. O. S. Forrens et ux. to P. and L. Woltor, lots 7 and 8 in block 2, Walnut Orovo Add. to Balom; w d $1100. J, II. Robnott ot ux. to Emma a. nrown, land in block 30 In city of Balom; w d $300. Mary A. Ramp to D. F. Ramp, 2G.20 acres In township 0 south, rango 2 west; w d $5870. Mnry A. Ramp to I). F. Ramp, 00.45 acres in township G south, rnngo 2 west; w d $1638. J. O. Anderson ot ux. to D. A. Whlto, lots 1, 2, C, 0, 7 and 8, In block 21, North Balom; w a $1700. C. W, Reed ot ux. to W. H. Byrd, lot 4 In block 1 In Watt's Add.' to Snlom; w d $1500. 11. and L. D. Hoover to Frank ftownk, lot 2, block 1, In Brooks; w d $1100. P. nnd J. M. Biscnoir to 11. nmi'j. Qllllch, 30 acres in township 7 south, rnngo 2 west; w d $1500. O. a, Lownsdnlo to E. ECKorlon, lund in block 33, city ot Balom; w d $0000. 0 - Do It Now. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS WEDNESDAY EVENING Aldormnu Stole wan in tho chair, in tho absence of Mayor Rodgor. Eight blacks ot paving wore put through to assessment nnd contract Will bo lot Monday night. Tho park board was ordered to appear boforo tho city council Mon day night and show cnuso why cer tain ordinances wore not enforced. Tho mattor of n contract with Mlnto pros, for gravel from tho Isl and waB roforrod to City Attorney Koyos, Special commlttoo uuthorlted to ask bids from contractors for erect ing n gravel screen nnd minimum prlco on gravel. ..idorman Stockton reported that Wnrrou Drainers hud prepared spe cifications for choapor hard surfucu pavement for rcBldonco streots to cost but $3 per running foot for u 37-foot atroot. Tho' commltteo on parks reported that thoy hud scoured an option on tho Fulrmouut hill proporty from Rov. Klworthy for $10,000 for what would make about a 26-acro park bo report wne unanimously adopted. Tho aldormen preaont wore Hid ridge, Elliott, Qreenbnum. Hofer, Millard, Motfett, Btols, Stockton, Waters. -- FIREBUGS AT WORK IN LEWIST0N. IDAHO f United I'rraa Ud Wlr.l Lowiston, Idaho, May 13. Clr aumstnncoB Indicating that firebugs startod tho firo In which George Draiumor and his eon, wealthy farm era in this faction of Idaho, lostthrlr , lives early yesfefliay, are being In vestigated today. Tho Brammers wor.o stooping la tholr home near QlSforsl, 30 miles cast of LewUton, when the flames attacked tho building. It la apparent from the position ot the charred remains that fathor and so wero Xrst overcome by the smoke and thou burned to doath in their l4s. Now Is tho tlmo to got rid of your rhoumntlsm. You can do bo by ap plying Chnmborlaln'fl Llnlmont. Nino casos but of ton nro simply muscular rhoumndsm duo to cold or damp, or chronlo rheumatism, and yield to tho vigorous application of this lln lmont. Try it. You nro cortaln to bo dollghtod with tho quick rollof which it affords. Sold by nil good druggists. BASEBALL SUMMARY FOR WEDNESDAY Pacific Coast League. Vernon 0; Portland 0; same called. Los Angeles 5; Sacramento 0. San Francisco 7; Oakland 0. NortJ1wc.1t League. Portland C; Tncoma G.' Spokano 3; Seattle 2. Aberdeen 3; Vancouver 2. National League. Cincinnati 6; Boston 2. Now York 3; Chicago 2. Philadelphia 3; Pittsburg 1. 8t. Louis 10; Brooklyn 0. American League. Washington 6; Chlcngo 2. Boston 3; Cleveland 2. Detroit 11; New York 4. Philadelphia 1; St. Louis 0. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Pacific Coast, San Francisco 019 Portland 579 Lob Angeles .. 568 Saoramonto . . .. 403 Vernon 450 Oakland 333 Northwest League. Seattlo 720 Spokano .. 016 Vancouver 522 Portland 417 Tacoma 3G0 Aberdeen , 348 National League. Pittsburg C3C Pnlladolphla 579 Chicago 542 Cincinnati 480 Now York 474 Brooklyn 450 Boston 460 St. Louis 400 American League. Dotrolt 702 Boston .'COO Now York 550 Philadelphia 520 Chicago 470 Olovoland 429 Wasnlngton 333 St. Louis 300 A Dainty Toilet Article. Every lady who desires to keep her attractive appearance, whilo at tho theatre, attondlng receptions, when shopping, whilo traveling and on all occasions should carry in her purse a booklet of GoHraud'g Oriental Vpauty Leaves. Thltj Is a dainty little booklet of exquisitely perfumed pow dered leaves. It Is lnvaluablo when tho faco becomes moist and flushed and is far superior to a powder puff, aa it docs not spill and soil tbo clothes. It removes dirt, soot and grease from the face, Imparting a cool, del icate bloom to tho complexion. Sent nnywhero on receipt of five cents in Btampo or coin. , F. T. Hopk'ns, 37 Great Jones Street. New York. 6-13-lt REV. I. W WILLIAMSON'S LETTER. Rov. I. W. Williamson, Hunting ton, W. Va., writes: "This Is to cer tify that I used Foloy's Kldnoy Romcdy for nervous exhaustion and kldnoy troublo and am frco to say that It will do .all that you claim for It." Foloy's Kldnoy Romcdy han restored health and strength to thousands of weak, run down peo ple Contains no harmful drugs and Is pleasant to take. J. C. Perry. o Clinngo of Street Grades, Notlco is horoby givon that tho common council ot the city of Balom, Oregon, deems It oxpodlont to change nnd proposes to chango tho grado on Saginaw street at tho intersection of Millar Btreot, and tho grado on Com morclal stroot at tho Intersection of Miller Btreot, and tho grado on High street at tho Intorsoctlon of Miller street, in accordance with tho re port of tho city's onglneor, filed in tho odlco of the city recorder the 3d day of .May, 1909. Dnto of tho first publication of this notlco May 4, 1909. By ordor of tho common council. W. A. MOORE8, 5-4-llt City Rccordor. Weell in Weeli out 1 fjp ISfe&cKSTflH ff wBSSsmllmk syy BBUM BfrnjCr- 11 1 w III Wl H lJ I 111 I J m This wllii Itli I I ill motor jfflf KJ I I IK works It I 111 US G2 I Utrj It washea while you rlnae and hang out FullBearing Orchard Tracts SIZES TO SUIT PURCHASER Winter Apples and Royal Ann Cherries RICH BOTTOM SOIL 3 MILES NORTH OF SALEM. Enquire of owner at Capital National Bank. the Cofflcld Power Washer is ready for work. No complicated parts. Nothing to get out of order. Nothing to break. No' short-lived materials to need replacing after a little service. The motor is enclosed, protected. Nothing can get in to clog or retard its working. The tub is of galvanized iron no splinters, no rusting,, no warping, no leaking! Seeing is believing. See it work I Let us put one in your home for a week, free. You 11 need no further convincing. It proves every clalmfor itself. You'll like it you'll want it. 1 iii I in 1 11 1 1 1 1 E. ECKERLEN Wholesale ""1 ' Family Liquor Store 144 Commercial St Free Delivery Phone 103 Mrs. Claud Catch has been chosen to represent Oregon mi tho hostess at tho Seattlo fair. Iloartburn, sour risings, belching, dAill, henvy fooling and such things are all causod by indigestion. Ko dot stops thorn by digesting all tho food you oat. Bold by all druggists. if 9mmf Haf i NKWrOHT SODA WORKS, i Wo manufacture nnd carry a comploto Una of soda wator fountain syrups and othor si- Z phon liquldB, Havo tho boat UUU IUIUOL iiuiruvuu IIIUUUIIIUI and our goods nro known nnd usod for tholr purlt, which J miiKua 100m a iiriuiu iiivuriiu. Wo nro In a position to supply thoso goods in any quantities 10 mo irauo unu guaranioo sai-isfactlon. HARDING . OILtVMKH, Traps. illl8f t lf Blsf CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK J, H. Afcirt, Prts, E, M, Crolsan, Vice Pres, Jos, H. ANrti Cashier SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Pays Interest mi Savktoc Auntf iaiiiiif iinnniig I The Grand! " FURNISHED ROOMS::::: On block north from bot Undlnt T i.arc kiicbta la cnuKiioa ror id U Ot lfo RUNU TUIIMH ItKASONAHLK. I Mrs. L D. Skolleiburg mwi Uf' tniiaiiifii iltlHlf miff w BAYVJEW IBURlBVaMMMHHIHK 1 Rooming House tHMMHHHaNMHMBMBSSSSSMM .. Ono and one-half blacks south of boat landing on Main street ! I Keyul Rcstaunutt Ui cosnectton ; ; m$. O.C, CARTER, Pip. ;; NEWPORT - - OUE4 Miwmwwwiu I I S ..fcJ M iii : t r sK'miiMBmmn Hom 2IACRE TRACT STUDY THE ABOVE MAP HLOOMKH'B ADDITION to tho City ot Newport, Orogon, 1b now on tho market for the first tlmo. Tho tract is located about half way betweea Nye Creek and Newport, and conslatsot some 30 lota, oa tno rising ground directly above , tho ocean. Each lot Is bat a faw steps from th beach and a commands a vlow of tho ocean or surf for mllea north and south. To the north can bo seen Jump Ott Joe and tho Yaqulna Head Light To tho touth tho entrance to. Yaqulna Bay and tho Llfesaving Station. Tho property is about a flvo-mlnuto walk from tho boat landing in Newport, It Is reached by a now 'six-foot board walk, -which runs in a straight llao fros the Ocean Hoifse Hotel In a northwest direction to the lota. This Is wow tno most popular walk la Newport on account ot 1U beautiful surroundings and agnlceat view ot tho Paclflo when the end la reached at BLOOMKIVS ADDITION. Here before tho observer the ocean and tho beach stretch for miles and ffiilss. A WORD ABOUT YAQUINA BAY You could not ftnd a mora interesting location to spend your Bumtaor than around thU beauUful bay, which Is conceded by those who know, to bo the most beautiful summer resort, NATURALLY, ot W on the PaclBc coast, barring aeae. Hunting and flshlneare unexcelled, and tho many places ot Interest closo to Newport, auch as thoLlghthouso, Otter Rock, Seal Rocks, etc, make It aa ldoal place towa a summer home. NOW LOOK AT THE MAP . You will see that ULOOMKR'B ADDITION Is right on the ocean, and yet has tho. great advantage of being close to the bay and town, with no steep hills to climb to reach It. The beoch In front of the property Is good for bathing and the gathering of rock oysters. Mr. Bloomer has already bnllt two beautiful cottages on these lots tor his own personal" use. Mr. Bloome is a Seattle mandated Intends to make this the most popular addltloa to Newport FOR SALK 11Y MKYKR HKLLE, DKKHY WILLSON, H. A. JOHNSON, FERGUSON & FISHER, BECHTKL RONTON Per further loraaUoa enquire at CAPITAL JOURNAL OFFICE u a imwwwwmwMHiWMiwm mil wwii wm