DXLLY CAPITAL JOUJIXAL, AUML ORBOok, MONDAY, MAT 1 JM. - 6 u .rJBJHjBBSj? aBBBBBaT M BhSjMBBBbT bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWJLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi tu Patent Medicines or medicines advertised In tills paper aro for sale- DR. STONE'S Drug. Store The- only cash drug store la Ore gon, owes no ono, and no ono owe It; carries largo stock; Its shelves, -counters and show cttsbs are loaded -with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet .articles, wines and liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes Di. Stone Is a regular graduate in med icine and hns lind many ycaro of ox porienco In tho practice Consulta tions aro froo. Prescriptions aro free, and only regular prices for mcdlclno. Dr. Stono can bo found At his drug storo, Saloni, Or., from 7 In tho morning until 9 at night M-WfHHtti I I f f f-HH- ; ASYLUM AVENUE STORE;- Wo soil all kindB of atnplo and ; ; fancy grocorlos, nnd mill food. ; ; Prompt dollvory. Phono us n '!! trial ordor to Main 209. A. J. KNOLKBAB.T, Prop. Cor. Stntcsman nnd Asylum Av. J X ffflff fff I Arner, 31300 Rocord 2:17. Full brothor to Don Dorby, 2:04; Dorbortha, 2;07; Diablo, 2:09; Dewouio, 3:11; Ed Lafforty, 3:16, ana othors. Dy Chas. Dorby, 4907, sire of 0 'bettor than 2:10, dam Bertha by Alcattrn, dam of i hotter than 2:10, and flvo othors. . . .. Winner of first premium at B&- lom horso show. For standard stallions Beason of 1909 at Fair Ground and Club 8U blos. Foo, $25.00 for season, 3C.OO to Insure. O. B. SIMPSON, -4-8-tf Fairground, Ore. A GOOD PLAYER Is always particular about tho musi cal Instrument used But oven tho most critical can find no fault with tho Instruments sold horo. Come In nnd try your speclul favorlto. Noto tho tono and volume, the fine finish, tho bountiful harmony. Your first visit will not bo your last, wo fool confident. h, V. SAVAGE, 17 Commercial St. Salem, Or. WW7ZP S& 231 S. COV.MERCUL ST Graber Bros, PLUMBING AND GAS PITTING Will give prompt attention to all orders, guarantee our work to give satisfaction and to be up to tho sanitary standard. WE WILL HE PLEASED TO GIVE ESTISLVTKS ON CONTRACTS Wo aro agents for the Alamo, Victor and Ideal Gnsollno En gines Water Systems Installed Shop on Liberty Street, back of Barr'a Jewelry Store. KgKf tarsisg Methew mm! Over-lmrdee.wi West In til stations of llfo, whose visor and vitality may have been nndormlncd and brokon-down by over -work, exacting social dutlot, tho too frequent bearing of children, or other causes, will find In Dr. Pierce's Favorlto Prescription tho most -potoiit, lnvlgorntlng rcstoratlvo strength giver ever devised for their special beno flu Nurslmr.raothcrs wlKflnd It especial ly valuablo Ik sustaining hclr strength and promotlngSni a"tmndant nourishment for tho child. tlxpVctnntwtkcrs too will find It a prIccl(MsMjoWp!nap the j'Stom for baby's coming and ruDdKlna tho ordeal comparatively painless. J f fintlo nn h.-mn In nny State, or conditio OLtlin frrinlo sytein. Uclicuio, lu A'uus,' Weak women, who suffer from frequent headaches, back acho, drngglnfj-down distress low down In tho abdomen, or from painful or Irreg ular monthly periods, gnawing or dis tressed sensation In stomach, dluy c! faint spoils, soo Imaginary specks or bpoU floating boforo eyes, havo disagreeable, pelvic catarrhal drain, prolapsus, auto vorston or rctr d version or other dlsnlac ments of womanly organs from weakness of parts will, whether thoy exporlenci many or onlv a fow of thu abol i symp toms, find relief and a permanent euro bj using faithfully nnd fairly pcrslstcntlj Dr. Plorco's Fixvorlto Proscription. This world-famed spoclflo for woman'! weaknesses and peculiar ailments Is puro glyceric extract of the choicest na tive, medicinal roots without a drop of alcohol In Ita mako-up, All Its Ingrrdl ents printed In plain English on Its bottlo wrapper and attested under oath. Dr Pierce thus Invites tho fullest Investiga tion of his formula knowing that It will bo found to contain only tho best agent! known to tho most advanced medlcai science of all tho different schoolsof prac tice for tho cure of woman's peculUi weaknesses and ailments. If you want to knuw more about the composition and professional endorse ment of tho "Fovorlto Proscription," ronrf Bostal card request to Dr. B. V. Plore luffalo. N. Y., for his frt booklot treat Ing of same. You can't afford to accept as a substt Uite for this remedy ojhnoxon composMnr a socret nostrum c unK-noum compo Hon. Don't do I. flUIE WING SANG CO. Big stock, boat goods, now nt wholcsalo prices. Wo mako up a now lino of ladies' wrappers, whlto underwear, klmonns nnd wnlsts. Wo koop all kinds of dress goods and Bilks. Oonts' nnd indies' furnish ing goods, shoes, hoso, umbrollns, ombroldory nnd lncc, skirts, suits overalls, trunks, matting, otc. 325 North Commercial St., Salem, Orogon. Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Wovon Wiro Fonelng, Hop Wiro, Barb Wlro, Poultry Nottlng, Shtnglos, Mal thold Rdoflng P & B Itondy Roofing. Screen Doors nnd ad Justlblo. Window Scroons. All At Lowest Prices. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN SAO Conrt St Phono 12 1 MEALS 15c Call and try thorn. MoaU lGc Board por wook $2.76, nisi fur nished rooms very reasonable. AT THE Salem Restaurant 830 COURT STREET. HIAnAHJffl MAIPflFBEJilCH FEMLE1 sJfuwajMiamMi.piL.Ls. A Saw, Curf r lUmr H Hvrrmmaum MtwmvifiMt, MYCft UOtVNTO fAll. lU'tl Mr Bsmdfl UtU. kfttf tUot MaVl ! r4Tt U lb UfttTKD MEDICAL CO., BOl T4 UhoaTCH. Pa. h(J in Sacm by Dr. 5, C Sir Phono 44 Main. 147 N. High bU C, W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs and Llvory. All Rigs Modern Rubber Tiro. FP Fire Proof Fool Proof In considering making your own light, or cooking, why not consider tho F. P. Gas Machine and Slub bers Light. Will sell and Install this machine and guarantee It to give 100 por cent more light fdr thu same money than electricity or city gas. Let me figure with you, estimates furnished. Call at my shop and see the lights and stoves In operation. I also carry PYRO DENATURED ALCOnOL utilities.. Safe economi cal, odoriea, A. L FRASER SATURDAY JOURNAL GOOD PROMOTION NUMBER If you havo not sont Saturday's Journal away to bouio frlond, look It over again and seo the Itoms of f.t tnat toll or what Salem is doing, anu how it Is crowlmr. Tho secretary of tho Bonrd of Trade tells of publicity work, thoro aro sovoral advertise ments for tho city, stato and school district, tolling of proposed Improve ments, tho German Socloty'rt pur chaso of a corner lot for $8000, Sa cred Heart Academy nnd Southorn Pacific Improvements, nearly a pago of real estato advortlsomonts, state ment of ono of our banks, account of Improved stroot car sorvlco, favor- nblo condition of croDs. Improve ments at Willnmctto Hotel nnd Uni versity, contract lot for flvo-story steel bank building, groat results from drawing in tho public schools, halt a pago of ads for manufactur ing and Jobblntr housos. Salem to havo n modern crematory and stories e: tho great undovolonca wealth, of Central Oregon. Thoro was no ex aggeration, no hot-air fairy talos. Tho report that Dohvcr capitalists want 1000 to 2000 acres of land In this valley to plant a fruit colony up on was an oyo-opencr to ovory rcad or, and will bo followed with results. Tho Board of Trado sont away copies of tho Saturday Capital Journal to all who wroto for Utoraturo during tho past week. Tho uso of a good local paper Is tho host way to advor tiso our city, and this Is proven by tho fact that Tho Capital Journal gets mnny replies from persons ro colvlng copies. RAIN WAS GREAT BUT NOT FOR BASEBALL " 'TIb an HI wind that blows uo ono good," lo a trito proverb, regard ing a much disturbed atmosphero, but yesterday Managers Iloysor and Jorman, of tho local basoball aggre gation, woro tho most poevlsh sot of ball magnates ono could Imagine, and if looks could havo frozon, Ore gon's boautlful bluo domo would havo boon n chunk of ico when tho $1,000,000 rain was falling tho Hardest yesterday afternoon. Tho Kugono bail men woro In tho city sit ting in protoctlvo stairways, wait ing for tho lonk to stop, but woro uv nblo to go on tho diamond for tho wot, and nt Inst tho gamo was callod drowned. Thoro Is only ono consola tion, Iloysor nnd Jorman cun ontor- titln, nnd that Is they could never Im't been defeated by MrCormlck's colts, McCormlck, howovor, thinks different, and another dato will bo arranged. Jjor. teddTassassinated A BIG RHINOCEROS Nnirobl, British Hast Africa, May 10. P oly taking aim at n giant rninoccros, wnlcli was but l-i pacos nwny, nnd plunging toward him at a furious pneo, Colonel Roosovolt sont n bu'lut i mailing through tho mon stor's brain. Tho animal plunger for w rd, tiniest to I no foot of llin vmor lean huntori and foil dead. Tho rhlnocoros was tho gorty-flfth niilinnl killed by Co, one! Roosovolt and his son, Kormlt. Tho party was CO miles from Nalr obi. whou tho natives who woro boat Ing tho undorbrush slgnalod for tho colonel to ho on tho nlort. Tho rhl nocoros appeared at a point 100 yards away from the tuintor, and mado a florco charge unon him. ColonolTloosovolt's aim wn stoady and trno as ho fired at tho boast, hs It was almost upon him. Tho party will remain In tho nolgh borhood of Mnchakos anothor wook, and then go to George McMillan's Ju-Kn ranch. o Young Glrln Aro Victims of hondncho, na well ns older wo mon, but nil got quick rollof and prompt euro from Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills, tho world's host romody for sick nnd nervous hoadnchos Thoy mako puro blood, and strong norves nnd build up your health. Try thorn. 26c nt J. C. Perry's. o Itcnl Kstnto Transfers. M. I, Tlnmlltnn at iit.. tn TTomnr If. Rnilth. 4 0 font nff h( nnt hIMa nf lots -i and 3. blk 1, Edos add to Sa- mui, w a, sitDU, J. A. Dooflor, ot ux to John Car lln, vt ux, 97.27 acros In Marlou county, w d, $3000. W. O. Pearson to John Carllu, 71.01 acres In seo 10, t 0 b, r 2 w, w d, $2500. L. J. and E. It. Vlhlinrt to IT A. Johnson, lots 9 and 10, blk 1, Con- irui uuu (o uaiem, w a, iavuu, O. J. and II. B. Brophy to J. E3. Brophy, lot 10, blk 79, city of Sa eom, w d, $1800. If you doslro a clmr complexion tako Foley's Orlno Laxatlvo for con- stinntlnn nnd Mvap Irnnhln It will stimulato these organs und thor- ougmy cieano your system, which is what ovoryono noods In the spring In ordor to feel well. J. C. Perry. Notice to Contractors. nld will h l(pnlvirf tnr thn fnn. structlon of a two-room school house nt HafoHvillo, district No. 99, Marlon county. Plans aad specifications may be aeon at tho office of F. A. Lecir. nrrhftont. nr nt Ihn hntna nt T. T. Reynolds. Tho successful bidder win uo required to give bond for tho ratlsfactory fulfilling or the con tract. The directors roservo tho right to reject any or all bids. Bids will be opened May 15. L. T. REYNOLDS. Clerk District No. 99. Salem, R. F. D. No. 9. B-C-31 o If VOII wont In font wnll innlr wnll and bo well, take Foley's Kidney Remedy. It tones up tho kidneys and bladder, purifies tho blood and restores health and strength Ploas ant to take and contains no hc.-mful druKS. Whv not cnmninnrn Imkvf New Incorporations. Articles of Incorporation filed in iho oftlco of Frank W. Benson, secre tary ot stato, May 8, 1909, as fol fel fol eows: Page Investment Compnuy; prin cipal office Portland; capital stock, $50,000; incorporators, J. 11. Page, Fannoy F. Page and F. H. Page. Portland Plumbing & Heating Co.; principal offlco, Portland; capital stock, $10,000; incorporators, O. R. Fleischer, M. Flelschor and O. M. Idleman. W. W Davis & 8ons Co.; princi pal office, Portland; capital stock, $50,0001 incorporators, O. W. Davis, M. J. Davis and R. C. Nelson. Euclid Investment Co.; principal ofllco, Portland; capital stock, $76, 000, Incorporators, H. Q. Deckwlth, Fred A, Jncobs and Otto J, Kraem or. Mutual Independent Tolephono Compnny; principal office, Wood burn; capital stock, $3000; incorpor ators Potor Chnpotlo, A. J. Strub har nnd R. L. Coo. Goernor Make Appointment. Tho following board of commis sioners for tho Socond Southern Ore gon District Agricultural Socloty woro appointed May 8, to servo two years: Douglas county W. W. Cnrdwoll, O. W. rnrrott, Rosdburg. Coos county R. C. Domont, Myr tle Point. Curry county U. T. Stownrt, Gold Beach. Lane county Amos Wllklns, Eu gono. o How's Thla? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward for any caso of Catarrh that cannot bo curod by Hall's Catarrh Curo. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Wo, tho undersigned, havo known F. J. Cheney for tho Inst 15 years, nnd bollovo him porfoctly honoroblo In all buslnoss transactions, and fi nancially nblo to carry out any obli gations mado by his firm. WALDIN, ICINNAN & MARVIN, Wholcsalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is takon Intor nnlly, acting directly upon tho blood and upon mucuous surfaces of tho system. Testimonials sent froo. Prlco, 75c por bottlo. Sold by nil Druggists. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stipation, o Roseburg will soil $25,000 ot street paving nnd brldgo bonds, o For cd Into Kxllo. Wm. Upchurch of Glou Onk, Olcla,, was nn cxllo from homo. Mountain nlr, ho thought, would euro n fright ful lung-racking cough thnt had do ited all romedlea for two yours. Af ter six months ho returned, death dogging his stops. 'Then I oogan to uso Dr. King's Now Dlscovory," ho writes, "nnd nftor ta.Jng six bottles I nm ns won as ovor." It snvos thou sands yoarly from dospernto lung d Bonsos. Infnll bio for coughs ana Colds. It dlspols Honrsoness nnd Soro Throat, Cures Grip, Bronchi tis, Homorrhnges, Asthuin, croup, Whooping Cough. COc nnd $1.00, trial bottlo froo, guaranteed by J. C. Perry. o Tho annual publlo school parado is a "mado In Salem" ovont, A UAR1) This is to cortlfy that all drug gists aro authorized to rofund your moiioy If Foloy'a Honey nnd Tnr falls to euro your cough or cold. It stops tho 'cougd, heals tho lungs and provonts pnoumonln and con sumption. Contains no oplatos. Tho gonulno Is in a yailow package J, C. Perry. o Two big stool buildings this year will sotid all down-town property up 25 to CO por cent, o DoWltts Carbolizod Witch Hnzol Salvo Is good for cuts, burns and brulsos and Is especially good for plies. Rofuso substitutes. Sold by nil druggists, o A Marlon county toachora Insti tute Is being hold at Hubbard to day.' u lloyrt Will He Boys nnd aro alwaya gottlng scratches, cuts, sprains, bruises, bumps, buniB or scalds. Don't nogloct such things thoy may result sorlouu if you do Apply Ballarl's. Snow Liniment ac cording to dbttrtions right away and it will rollovo the pain and IionI tho trouble Prlco fc5c, COc and $1.00. Sold, ... all Deaiors, 0 '- In tho dry towns thoy havo Just as much troublo regulating ncar-boor as though It wns tho real thing, only the near-drunks aro more numerous, o The End nf tho World should it como tomorrow would find fully 1-3 of tho people suffering with rhoumatlsm of Ither Bllcht or gorious nature. Nobody need suffer witu rhotimntlsm for Ballard's Snow Llnlmont drives away tho trouble, rolloves tho pain Instantly nnd leaves tho user as well and sunnlo ns a two-year-old. Sold by all Dealers. o - Great Chine) Doctor L. M. HUM Han medtclno which will cure an, known disease. Ho makes a spcii ty of, aud guarantees to cure Catarrh Asthma, Luug, Throat, Rheumatism Debility, Stomach, Liver. ICldnoj Troubles; also any b'lacktnod o. swollen soreness, broken llmba; Smallpox; 'Epidemic; all hinds ol Bolls, Lost Manbood, Female Weak ness, Hornis Troubles and Paralysis Consultation free. Care of Ylck So Tong Co., Chines drugs aad kerbs. 163 High St., upstairs. 81 s-m. Or CHllsalrwn Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA YIin.LUU - m LtOI10L3 PKU tEf(T Agc(al)L?Pivparaltonror,l5 s!raI!a!(rt3ilieRy(fantinpto linglltc Stoaacfts mwlHowlscf 6 m kYil LSITlf X jHTHr'HPi Promotes DigcstlonJChmfBl- rtcss and Itosirontalns rtcJitw Opiitm.Morphlic rwrMincraL not NAnc OTIC. i hrVirtVZtSWZZlTnCT ftrtyjlftr. Apcf feci Remedy for CwsSas-i Worms .Cwrvu1sieu.Fewrk: ncssamlLossOFSLEEP. 1 FacSui Sttfaatwe of NEW YORK. JL-Uxg-: Kxoct Copy of Wrapper, - a 3 (UQCrt" I !," i ionssisw if PBBW P A CTflD I A f. in mm ii i ii r ii If fll I Ulllfl .Special Prices On Clover bood, Darloy and Wheat Chop and Land Plaster. Tillson & Company THE STOCK BOOKS For the North f?nUm Htslsg company, are still pm lar ! vos tors. A llmltod amount ot atock is now for sale, at tho 1X)W PRICK fif 6c per share. SAVAGE & HERREN FlaKJAL AQKXTsJ. 19S S. COMMERCIAL 8T. Brainy Women Aro those who will haro us lauudor their waists1, delicate lingerie, otc Our facliltloa are those ot tho best for tho perfect handling of this character of work. Our help Is thoroughly experienced, aud much more skllfull than most help you can socuro to como to your homo or to "tako out." A trial will mako you a cllout ot ours. Salem Laundry Co. Telephone 20. ItHJ-lflfl 8. Liberty HU WrHMlm ff f lHHHf f H)f flf w JWILLIAMDAVIDSON ! i i STOCKS and BONDS ! WILLAMKTTK IIOTKL, 8ALKM, Or, ! I I can fidvlse you o any stocks or bonds sold or on tho uuvkei, J w Money secured for promotion purpose, pateats, wanufctirm h J dustrlcs, large loud deals, etc. J J Call aad seo sue. Wasted, 2 Befercce rfqalrgil ririfr vv-vt'nniirirt CASTORIA or Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years rut enTu osi ww. m o . Shoes For Summer Everything you could wish for pumps, low shoos and oxfords, in pat ent, calf, tans, oxblood and canvas. All contain stylo ni d wonrlng ability Best prices. J.Vogt 'WtjarjhV THE BEST ROAST THE FAMILY EVER HAD Can bo obtnluod from our primo, ten dor and Juicy Beof, Mutton or Pork, All our monlM are selected from the choicest, and propnred for tho tnblo to suit thu demands of thu fastidious. Our prices uro lower for qi ollty tbau you cau find nt any place In Salem. . E. C. CROSS & SON .few competent hr-h ad weie. J j AW r mi flHLiiiiiBMHHHHl jBpBJBy gftk asBBMBBiBlBBM ' spsR Im TIii V i ff ' l ., T 'vin FfcMMias fli.il! w J. O. Perry. Mil f f f lf tm f f f f f f f lf f ! f f f f 4tH9m