DAILY CAPITAL JOLHNAL, HAIuCM, OKKGON, SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1809. I' " v - SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Tlmo Card No. 04 Effective Snnday AagHSt 10, 1000. Toward Portland Passenger. No. 10 0:13 n. m Oregon Express Nn. 1R 8:40 a. tn...Cottace urove I'ii a-i No. 12 2:45 p. m...Iloieburc PamitORpr J n n A n1fl n m.... InM Html KWnrcaB C PaMfDCCr ....Portland Bxprcti No. 2226 n. to Portland Fnit Freights No. 220 10:40-11:28 a. m....Way Freight J Toirnru ann irnncisco liutscngcr. No. 11 ii:03 a. ni....uocDurc rautnger , JSO. II v P UI...VUUKC JfUire ABBS. I id 1R n -Rll n. m PnllYnrnln RtnrHil .No! 13 3:31 a. m...8nu Franclico Exp. Townru Snn ! rancisco I'tciriu. No. 221 2:43 a. No. 2231 1 :28 a. tn... Portland Fast Frt. m Way Freight i o OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Time Card Effective Nov. 15, 1008. Loaves Fer: Portland and Intermediate, local. 0:40 a.m. Portlnnd-Ullliboro and Intermediate, local 8:35 a.m. f'nrtland and Intermediate, local. 11:15 a.m. ortland and Intermediate. I teal. 1 :40 p.m. Portlnnd-Tualatin and llllliboro, lim ited . . K 3 :03 p.m. Pnrtlnnd-lnlUboro and Intermediate. local -:00 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 0:20 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:40 p.m. Arrives Frem: 4'ortlnnd and Intermediate, local. 8:23 a.m. Portland llllliboro and Intermediate, local ....10 :00 a.m. Portlnnd-Hlllsboro-Tualatln, Mm. Ited 10:50 a.m. Portland nnd Intermediate, local. 1 :00 p.m. Porttand-Ullltboro and Intermediate, local :00 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 5:40 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:20 p.m, Portland and Intermediate, local. 10:40 p.m. O. C. T. Co. otonmors Pomona and Orogona leavo for Portland Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 10 a. m.; Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a. in. For Corvnllls Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday about 7 p. m. M. P. UALDWIN, Agent. f if iingi4iieii ? ASYLUM AVENUE STORE? Wo sell nil kinds of stnplo and fancy grocorles, nnd mill food Prompt dollvory. Phono ub a trial order to Main 2C9. A. J. HXOIiKHAUT, Prop. Cor. Statesman nnd Asylum Av. Arner, 31300 Record 2:17-i. Full brother to Con Dorby, 2:04 VI; Dorbortha, 2:07; Diablo, 2:09 VI; Demonlo, 2:11 Vi; Ed Lafiforty, 2:164. nad others. Dy Cbas, Dorby, 4907, alro of 6 hotter than 2:10, dam Bortha by Alcattrn, dam of 4 bottor thau 2:10. and flvo othors. Wlnnor of first premium at Ba lom horso show. For standard stallions soaaon of 1909 at Fair Ground and Clnb Sta bles. Foe, $25.00 for season, $35.00 to Insure. O. B. SIMPSON, 4-8-tf Fairground, Oro. A GOOD PLAYER I alwa8 par'ltular ,-iboti Hit must al instrument nsr-d Hut f-ven the most i-iltliul .' find tui fault with the instrument mU lu u- Come In and try your special favorite. Note the tone and volume, the fine finish, the beatitlfHl harmon Your 'first lslt will not b your last, wo feel ounfldent. L, I'. SAVAGK, HI" ComtiuTcIal St. Salem, Or. 223 S. COUUtROAL ST Graber Bros. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Will give prompt attention to all orders, guarantee our work to give satisfaction and to be up to the sanitary standard. WE WILL HE PLEASED TO GIVE EST15LVTES OX CONTRACTS We aro agents for the Alamo, Victor and Ideal Gasoline En gines U Water Systems Installed ' Shop on Libert) Street, back of lUrr Jewelry Store. wmMMsL BIlalllaaaaaM fYtW&'0 , A. Bold Step. To ovsreoms tha woll-grounded rb4 reasonable ofc'wt. iu of the morn Intel ligent to tho i.$. ol mi rot, m.dlclnal com pounds, Dr. 11 V. Puree, of Buffalo, K Y., some time &30,dei-,dod tomnko a boh ooparturo trcm the umir' course pursue by thnnm-prinf mii.n mniirinna fnr , i .1. ' I 1 7S. ...:, .."". '"csuc use an 'uso uas juiunsiicu oroaa- iu iuu nuuiu nunu, tun list of all tho Incrcdlonti .ni,.i...i. ccicbratcil the composition of hlswkielr ! dlrJfies. Thus ho has taken numcr. utrons and patients Into n4 full rence. 'lnus too lio has re ediclncs from among secret rlnliMfnl mnrtf nnrl marfi ,-A i luOCil, nostr; I thomtffcTtrtlfM of Knou-n CompotHlnn. ty lluUlil Mop nr. Pin-o iit ii (nrrnvja nry of snrh hftH slipwr til iTIik fnrrnvfjKi nry of iiirh pxrolfpiir; t i:rhy nnnt iifgii-TTto ynhject them 1? i Qie-liiH'Mt. -Mfrutlny. Not onlv Ooca hp wranrter of ererr holt' ot Ur. I'lorrw a Golden Moulcal Dlscoverr. ll: famoui niedldno for w. rk lumacli. - rf. liver or blllout'-iis and all raiarrbal (llsoa-f wnert'ver locatt.l. Iiaro prliiUtl uivii it. i- 11 In h.tialttt. a full Knil rnmnlntn Hal uf llio liigrvtfirnts i-otnpvKlnc It, but a umaii li book lias lic-p -uplled from ntimrrvui itandarU medical works, of all tho dltTorvni scuooi oi pracitrtN conlslninc reip iiumrr ous I'Xtracta fioui tlio nnt.im of k-mlliij tiractltumnr! of m.-dtctiie, cudorMnc (x ('' lfi)fipf p.C Urmi. oich and every Inirru client contaii'Mi In Dr. 1'ieivo'a mcilli . . Ono of tboo hnlti book will 'bo malktl tn- to any one. sending addrwon postal card ui by letter, to Dr. It. V. Pierce. UufTalo, N. V and rccurstlnir ttio name. From this lllli book It will bo learned that Dr. I'lorco's n, Iclnes cotita.n no um4iol. narcotics, mint" scents or other pol- m ,m or Injurious ai'e and tbal tliuy aro mndo f turn native, mcUlt-i nal roots of treat value: alo that aumn o! the miKt valuable Intrreulcnts contalneO It Dr; Plerco'a Far. rtt, -I'rosciliiil.in for weak, nervous. ovor-w..tl,.'d. "run-Umtn." nervout and debilitated women, wens employed, lom years airu. by tho lini.ntis for similar allmenU afTcctlnc their wi'uri In fact, ono of th" most valuable ririlliMiil plants entering Into the composition of Dr. Plorco's Favurlto 1'tJ scrlptlon was known to tho Indian ai "Suuaw-Wcou " Our knowleclce of tho uuf ot not a few of ur most valuablo native, me dicinal plants wu trained from tho Indlat a At mado up by Improred and oxact piw crssea, the " I arorllo Prescription " Is a mo' efllclent ronn Jy for recslatlnir all tba wote ardy funcUuni. correcting dliplacoments. ai prolapsus, ar -aversion and retorverslo uvurcomlna painful periods, tonlnir up th nerves and brialn about a perfect atatairf health. Sold t all dealers In trsdJcine HUIE WING SANG CO. Dig stock, boat goods, now nt wholesalo prices. Wo make up n now lino of Indies' wrappors, whlto underwear, klmonns and waists. Wo kcop all kinds of dress goods nnd Hllks. acnts' nnd ladles' furnish ing goodR, shoes, hoso, umbrollas, embroldory nnd lace, skirts, suits overalls, trunks, mnttlng, oto. 325 North Commorclnl St., Salem, Oregon. Salem Fence Works Hoadquartors for Woven Wlro Fonclng, Hop Wlroj Barb Wlro, Poultry Nottlng, Shingles, Mai thold Roofing P & D Ready Roofing. Screen Doors nnd nd Justlblo Window Screens. All At Lowest Prlccn. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN 20 Court Mt Phono 124 MFALS 15c Call and try thorn. Meals ICo. Ooard por week $2.75, alr fur nished rooms very reasonable. AT THE Salem Restaurant aO COURT STItKICT. I FRENCH FE1ILE PILLS. A 8n. OaT Eiiir lot ftcrrmMsii Miivnv.rwM, MVIIMila'KTOrAll. F.f a.i di-Mri tuu .. ttn w ,, mhi . x vtnAM IWdi itmi4 I' i hraMtrt!. i i I l trufUl i. m t Ui4 Id liit tb. iut i .' f-lr, 4 llM ON TIO HSOICtCO..oT. UaeilTIt, &TCS33SSrcra d i.i ijicn ft. D 5. C. S Phone 44 Main. 147 N. High st. C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs and Livery All Klgs Modern Rubbor Tiro. FP Fire Proof Fool Proof In considering making your own light, or cooking, why not consider tho F. P. Gaa Machine and Slub bers Light. Will soil and Install this machine and guarantee It to give 100 per cent more light for the same money than electricity or city gaa. Let me figure with you. estimates furnished. Call at my shop and seo the lights and stoves tn operation. I also carry PYRO DENATURED ALCOHOL utilities.. Safe economi cal, odorteas. A. L FRASER CALIFORNIA JOCKEY CLUB HAS TROUBLES Snn Francisco, Mny 8. Intornal str'fo has stirred up tho Now Cali fornia Jockey Club to such an oxt tent today that llttlo attention Is bo- I-- ..l.l -I--- ..!..,.. nm. " iium iu ius ui iiuuutou ..- i'""" ivov iuu nuinvt-utio .. bcttng law. Thomas .11. Williams, president of the clMb, and Colonel M. Hums, vice-president, nro at outs. WlU'ntns Has been trying to freeze Dun. . out of tho club, and tho vice president has announced his Inten tion to remain on tho inside. The clash was brought about by a differenco in opinion between tho rtwo mon ns how tho club should bo conductod. Burns 1b understood to have urged that some of tho com mercialism be cut out ot tho racing game, and to have objected to tho mannor in wh'ch tho fight ngaln-it the Walker-Otis bill was conducted at Sacramento. Williams grew peev ish nnd tho broach becamn wldor. Recently Williams nnnouncod that no moro dividends noed bo expected from Jockey Cluub stock. After wards ho Is said to havo attempted to ga'u a controllng interest in the club by offering stockholders par, 20 per cent tn cash, tho balance to be paid In two years. Thf debt was to bo secured by Williams' noto, tho stock hold In escrow until tho obli gation was mot. This falling, ho Is said to havo made Burns n slightly better offor for his holdings. Tills offor wns ro ftised, tho v'co-fliresldont declaring that ho would not sell his otock un less ho got par valuo tn cash. In the mvnntlmo, Frank Dnroux, proprietor of tho Sausalito poolrooms U hunting for n man who Is willing to go to Jail, with tho chanco of bo Ing Kent to tho ponltontlnry later. Daroux's poolrooms havo been closed by the Wnlker-Otln law, nnd ho Is nux'oiiB to havo It tested. Hi plana to havo the marker regis ter his own hot, after tho Now York plan, nnd raise tho contention that there can bo no ponalty when a bookmakor doos nothing that Inter fere with tho odds of a blackboard. It will al o ho nllogvd that tho tltlo of tho law Is defectlvo, nnd that It Is void, bocntiBo It proscribes a ponl trntlnry sentence for n mlsdomean or. TROUBLES OF A MAN WHO TOOK A CHRISTMAS KISS Valh'Jo, Cnl., May 8 It is thought here today that upon tho complotlou of the testimony of Assistant Naval Constructor M. llonry hoforo tho court of inqulrj thnt Is trying Lieu tenant F. . Ostium n a charge of conduct unbecoming an officer nnd gentleman, Lieutenant EvniiH will rest his case. Tho proceedings of tho court are hold behind locked doors, and tho date of tho conclusion of tho Inquiry lins not been nnnouncod. Unless Os tium calls witnesses for his dofonsn. I hownvor. It Is prohnblo that the In i vestlgatlon will end tomorrow. It is rumored today that Anna Su bee, n maid In tho Evans household, will not he called to tho stand un less her tostlmony Is doomed iiocoh sitry by tho officers sitting in the court. Ostium Is bearing up woll under tho ortloal of the Invostlgatlnn but persistently refuses to comment upon tho proceedings. "ONE' WAV TO i.NKPLT A MAS." He wns a film typo of tho old Southern colonel, tho fiery scion of a race of cnvallurs. Also, ho was ex ceedingly wrathy. He had Just re ceived a letter from a man. "a low soht of puhsoii, Htir, I assuro you." which displeased him Immensely and , ho was debating. Inwardly, how bust to convoy to this vnlcer !orruinon- dont an ndoquato expression of his I (tho colonels) opinion of him But his stenographer was a lady. The colonel snorted, made two or three falsu starts, and finally dic tated Kir -My stenographer, lining a lad. cannot transcribe what I think of ou I, being a gtiutleiuHn. oau-' linl ,lit,iLr It llnfl .. klnu nallkaM ' will nsadlly UNderstaad what I moan " -The C.r.te for April. , , , . ., iiimilC t.lrls An. Vlotliiw of headache, aa woll a older wo- 'men. hut all net .julek relief and proinpt cure from Dr. KIhk u New Life Ptlla. the world s beet remedy for sick aad nervous headaehea Thoy make pure bliKjd. and stroMg nurvea aud build up yuur huftlth. Try them, lie at J. C. Prry'a. I o I 1 Tho Oermanlu taloon. at The ! Dallos. burued Tuoaday. This sptitkCantr8 of South enroll;. resigned j well of the "proof" of tho salooa .goods. i ii,,, Hij of tin. World o- If you doalro a olnr aomploxlon , take Foley's Orlno laxative for oon-1 stlpatlon and llvor trouble as It will stimulate these organs and thor- oughly oieanso your system, whteh Is, what everyone neods In the spring , lu order to feel woll. J. C l erry ; 1 Nitlro to Contractor. Bids will bo received for tho oon-, structlon of a two-room school house 1 at Hayesvllle, district No. 99, Marlon county. Plans and specifications may be seen at tho office of F. A LeKK. archUect. or at tho home of L. T. Reynolds. The successful bidder 'w - be required to give bond for tho ratlsfactory fulfilling ot the oon tract. The d'reotors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Bids will be opened May 15. L. T. REYNOLDS. Clerk DIstrlot No. 99. Salem. R. F. D. No. 9. 6-C-3t o IJf you want to feel well, look well and bo well, tako Foley's Kidney Remedy It tones up tho kidneys 'and bladder, purifies the blood and restores health and strength Picas I ant to take and contains no harmful drugs. Why not commence today? PILES "1 hT lalTereJ iliS tiilm for thlrtrl rt. One yer n lt Ap-ll . Won Uklnr Cn,cru rorcnntiliMion In the conn o( iini I notltol thv iill brcan la dliir mi.l th mil or ill ha? ii.vi vr itvli-m fur ma I iwn riilltfir cored n4 (IIiku r mail." (lrt KrjiUr. Nupolcon U KB inPT u Best for Tho tiowola worn can (rr CATiwtnc PIpixiim. I'aUUIi'o Pnlonl TstOnl DoOood, Nirtrnn ,ih Writkrii rr Otlt lix He 10,' Nti tola n i k . ii' .o Tittitn plmil IH'ft QnvrAnt.f to c u r "ir ny buck. o'f rlm Krirrdr Co., Clileako or N.Y. 59 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES llow'w This? Wo oltor Ono Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any caso ot Catarrh that cannot bo curod by Hall's Catarrh Curo. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ou.w. Wo, tho undersigned, havo known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, nnd bollovo him porfectly honorablo in all business transactions, and fi nancially ablo to carry out any obli gations mndo by his firm. WALDIN, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholosnlo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Intor nnlly, acting dlroctly aipon tho blood nnd upon mucuous surfaces ot tho systom. Testimonials sent froo. Pruo, 75c por bottlo. Sold by all Druggists. Tako Hall's Family PUIb for con stipation. o That roportcd earthquake In Afri ca was nothing but tho donlztfijg ot tho Jungle removing thcmsulves hur riedly to InacoBslblo plsces. For ed Into Exile. Wm. Upchurch of Glon Oak, Okla., was an oxllo from homo. Mountain nlr, ho thought, would curo a fright ful lung-rnoklng cough that had do lled all romodloB for two yoars, Af tor six months ho rotumed, death dogging his stops. 'Then 1 began to use Dr. King's Now Dlscovory," ho wrltos, "and after ta..lng six bottles I am as woll as over." It saves thou sands yearly from dospornto lung diseases. Infalllblo for Coughs aud Colds. It dlspols Hoarseness and Soro Throat, Cures Grip, Bronchi tis, Hemorrhages, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough. 50c nnd. $1.00, trial bottlo froo, guaranteed by J. C. Perry. o Salem ban a llvo lot ot real estate mon, who havo done moro to put Sa eom on tho map and glvn values to property nnd stimulate building than any other claw of booBtors. Thoy nro the men who siiond their good money to entertain tho strangor when ho comes to tho city. 0 A CARD This Is to certify that all drug gists aro authorized to rofund your monoy If Foley's Honoy and Tnr falls to ouro your cough or cold. It stops tho cougn, heals tho lungs nnd provonta pneumonia nnd con sumption. Contains no oplatos, Tho genulno Is In n yellow paakage. J. C. Parry. 0 Thoro aro moro congressmen wonr Ing tho nnmo of "William" than of nuy other pro-nominal handle. This may also servo to explain why con grew, hns so many bad bills. o DoWltts Cnrbolixed Witch Haxol Salvo Is good for outs, burns and brulbos and Is especially good for piles. Rofuso substitutes. Sold by all druggists Seorotary of the Intorlor Balllng er has looked horns with Sc-crotary Wilson, who holdB down tho agricul tural Job. ovor land withdrawals. Rallinger Is from Washington, and undoritands laud condltous In tho Wast. ., ..,. ,. HM(J w '"i.S.rnu.h. cuts, Hpralus, brulsH. bumim. burns or ua,,!,!,,. r)in't Mgw,i aueh thlnge ,tm lmy rmnt nerlous If you do A.)l)ljr nHiHriH 8w Liniment e- ,,1 lo .Jlreolloita rlgln away and u wm rHliuvtl tie ,mln M,i h(M th truuMv rtct) 8sc. 60c and ?1 0 g,,, l)mlWH. 0 . ISoraal 18 Cabell of lllohmond. Va.. ))N0 h)i selected uiimmlMdonur of Internal rovHiuiH. Miiceeedlng John O should It come tomorrow would find fUjjV 1.3 0f the pooplo suffering Wln rhoumatlsm of Ithor alight or m,f0us nature Nobody nr.od suffer Wtu rheumatism for Ballard's Snow ijjur,,,,, jrVWi awy th trouble, ruiuvw, the naln Instantly nnd w,Voh tho user aa well and supple as u ;wo-your-old. Bold by all Dealers. o - GrcMt Clilncbo Doctor L. M. If U M lla medtclno which will cure an Wnowo dlsrase. Ho makes a special ty of, aud guarantees to cure Catarrh Attbnic, Lung, Throat, Rheumatism. Debility, Stomach, Liver, Kidney Troubles; also any blackened 01 swollen aorenena, broken limb: Smallpox; Epidemic; all hinds ol noils, Lost Manhood, Female Weak oeas. Hcrnif Troubles and Paralysis Consultation free. Care of Ylck 80 Toug Co., Chinese drugs and bdrbs U Utah Rl . upatalrs. Mm. Or Wl r 2t-illJrn Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CA3TORIA THE STOCK BOOKS For tho Nei'tk Bantlam Mining compnny, are still epeai tvr la ves tors. A limited amount of stock la now for salo, nt tho LOW FRIGS of Bo por shnro. SAVAGE & HERREN FISCAL AGENTS. 123 8. COMMERCIAL KT. READY TAILORED FOR WELL DRESSED MEN. -rf J. WW Aro thoHO who will hnvo us launder their waists, dollcnto llngorlo, otc. Our fncllltloa aro thoso ot tho host for tho porfect handling of this charactor of work. Our holp Is thoroughly oxportoncod, nnd much mora sklltull thnn most holp you can securn to como to your homo or to "tnko out." A trlnl will mako you n client of ours. Salem "Laundry Co. Telephone 2ft. 1110-100 H. Liberty HL (mwrz Brainy Women mf)sjlf lH4 KM !( !! . rJWILLIAMiDAVIDSON II STOCKS and BONDS jj J ; WILLAMETTE HOT Eli, HALEM, Or, ( ) I can advise you 011 any stocks or bonds sold or on the market. J ) Money secured for promotion purposes, patents, manufacturing In J J I dtiNtrles, largo land deals, etc. ! ! ' Call and se me. Wnnted, n few cmpeteiit men anil women. J J 1 ( ' ' Refen'iicrs required. J -Hrll H)lllllllilIWIi'l"'"' E. ECKERLEN Wholesale Family Liquor Store sssasasssssaESEaasaEssssasasssBaasassat 144 Commercial St Free Delivery Phone 103 t ...,.riB - Portland' Popular Fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service In city, "with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m. Most perfectly furnished, Moderalo Priced, Modern Hostlery in the metropolis of the Northwest. ANNEX IS NOW OPEN Our capacity has been doubled and our free bus will hereafter meet trains No, 6, and train Mo. 12, limited, Oregcr. Electric that arrlvo In Portland at 10:05 a, m. and 4:55 p, m, M. C DICKINSON, Manager THE OREGON 1 r- - CLOTHES price: range: a tAltyii w &Q to $40 Shoes For Summer Everything you could wish for pumpB, low ithoos nnd oxfords, In pat out, calf, tans, oxblood and canvas. All contain ntylo al d wearing njilllty. Boat prices. J. Vogt lOTtr-w1 niittV THE BEST R0AS1 THE FAMILY EVER HAD Can be obtained from our prlmo, ton dor nnd Juicy Boot, Mutton or Pork. All our moats nro seloctod from tho choicest, nnd preparod for tho tabln to suit tho doinuuds of tho' fastidious. Our prices nro lowor for qi nitty than you can find at any place In Balom. E. C. CROSS & SON yyf - ..VakS. siaiaKa M . Tl jbev.ipi wsiwis w a 1 'i HhOK ' Ka "- FlHwe 133 X1H Slate St. J C Perry. I