yiiija"n"r77frr. MM "- DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SAXKM, ORBGOX, SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1909. Salem Manufacturing and Jobbing Houses Below arc represented many of Salem's leading manufacturing and jobbing houses. These home industries should be loyally supported by every Sale m citizen. Ask for Salem pro ducts and insist on having them. They are just as good as those shipped in irv 3 ': -.. i . Mil II V U1 V IV V II I I 1 I I f I Kill f onmmiiiiiHiiumi i Salem Flouring J Mills Co. Manufacture WILD ROSE FLOUR T Ant carry u full stock of Hrnn and Hhortfl H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i T. S. Townsend f j salem cigar factory jj Creamery Co. Manufacturers of Pure, Wholesome CASCADE BUTTER J37 Commercial 8t. Salem II n n 1 1 mi i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e i m- i -H 1 1 1 1 1 II II I Ml ll .)-H Manufactures TAHHMOO 12$c I ; LA COKO.VA 10c '.' HON TON i 5c ' HuioKf Homc-mado Cigar AUG. IIUGKKSTEIN, Mgr. I I I I I I I It II I II II I II II II II I- II 1 1 1 M I III II I M I 1 1 IHli Tt 4MMMMIMIHMMIIHIM' 111 I II I II I II II II M II I I M-H -Ml 1 1 II I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III I I N 1 I I I 1 n. b. Gile & Co. 1 1 Kodgers Paper Co. Wholesale Grocers Salem, Oregon T41MMMMIII llillllllh Wholesale Paper J I 404 Court St., Salem, Or. 1 1 I I I H I I I I H I IMH-t-fri i t-t-r MMMMII I II II imilMII CAPITAL DRUG STORE X 'A. J. Itlggs, I'"i. I Compounder of tho following T preparations of merlt: Capital Cold Cure. Capital Iloadncho Tablets. ;. Capital Toom Powder MONUMENTS aa thoy should bo made. AUTISTIC PERMANENT No no lowor In price. None bettor. Elt-ctric Tools for Lettering Salem Garnite and Marble Works I -MO Liberty. W. W. Martin I ii ii i n in mi in i m 1 1 ii i lllllllllllllllllll III MM I -Ml Mill I M II III II MM llll OREGON SIENNA MINERAL PAINT CO. t Fillers, Shellacs and Wall T Tints I I M ii fjiiini i A McCorkle, Pros. W. Y. IUchnrdHon, Sec. SALEM, OR. HI I I HIM III Hill- Manufacturers of and dealers lu II CANDIES and ICE CREAM t I Paints, Stains, Varnishes, X 1 I II I H 111 M III M llll I I I Tlii"ttilintfiwti A titti lti I T.. la tlin Hmn in liffnrr umtf ' ' threshing cnglnon to havo tliotn . ; repaired Do not wait until the . Inst ilnv. an thnrn tnnv tin nnmn ' ' . nnn ntlnrwl rif vill fjttiwi nnlv . . ', ', ami avoid tho nodi. Wo carry ' n full lino of high pressure '. ! steam gauges, nlno boat Scotch . . water glass. Repairs on auto- ' mohllcfl, marlno nnd threshing . '. ', ', engines and all farm machinery . . n pnnrlfilfv. ' J. Cross & Son Established 1884 i Meat Market i:: I Cured 3loiit Products of all T ) j kinds. t Wholesale and Retail t t t Phone 291. 370 State St. t Salem, Or. v r"iwwrm- . 178 South Llborty Btreot 1 MHHHHUIIIW II 611 1 1 4-l-M 1 1 1 1 M MM IH 1 1 M M 1 1 v 1 M II H HI HI I I I I II I I I II I -' W-4--H- HARRY P. CHASE Established 1803. Manufacturer and Jobber Wind Mills, Pumps and Plumbing Supplies Special maxc Hiatal nnd wood I tanks and spray pumps. Phone 34C. 101-113 Front SL i Salem, Or, W. W. Zinn Manufacturer and Jobbor I Zlnn'.M goods are known for I their purity and flavor. 4. Special nttcntlon to supplying i parties. T Phone 1MB. HO State I Salem, Or. IMIIIIIIIMI1 IIIIMMIMI 1 II M 1 1 II II II I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I H j-H II II I II II II II II M I M M I 'ill II I II II II II II M II I M I II II I I II I I 1 1 I I M I I I I I I I I I I I CAPITAL SOAP WORKS and :: Angora Rug Company i!" inses, which help oi ' ' I," to retain tholr strength TAN'NIiltH 1 ! ! than omer louses, and ' ' 4" ulnn In nil illrortlnnu lire Capital Witch Haul Croam. t j . . Uiillmllotl amount of hides nnd Wo can grind those for you on " ; Capital Hyrup White Pine & !' l,ollfl- Oronso and tallow want- i the shortest notice. '.'.'.'. ., Kucalyptol Honoy. I,;; will pay hlghtst markot .. .... .. ,.,.. n n - Celestial Cold Cream I price. I ;; CHAS. H. HINGES, D. 0. ; ; ; ; T0RIC LENSES t Whon you neod glasses, try , , Will Kll-tll IIIIU lAUIUIJIIIlUU IUIIU , , ,, our eyos . . longer ' tho vi-: : : ; slon In all directions nro enuul. " ' 1iirrl r'firn rtiti II Tho wlltlo Wonder AihIhoii- I I ,,""' "' l0 Ktwy HI. I no nupposiiory HAUCM. OR. ll M II II MM Nil I I , MMIMI I I III HIM Ml m Refractlnx nnd Manufacturing Optician l'J3 N Commercial Street Cppley's Perfection Baking Powder Known for its quality NEW PROCESS OF SAND PAPERING Inside finish ready for varnish, theroby malnig a groat saving to carpenter and builder In quire at A. M. Hansen's Planing Mill Corner Church and Mill M llll It HI 1 1 Mil I I III I HI- 1 FRANK M. BROWN 145 Front St. i Sash and Door Factory All kinds of Finish. KSTLLTKS FURNISHED I t tin iiiiiii iii i h mn i hi I 11 I HI HI till I II 10 I I I I I ! H 11 I llll I H II II I I I I H III H HIIIIIHIIIIIII HM"HHI I IIMI Mill IIIIIJIII IIIM FOR CLKAX, IIEAITHY XUHSKRV STOCK OF ALL KINDS TIIK OREGON NURSERY CO. LEADS liii. t .uiiiiniiili.iH !!. tfa tll.-n --iii'iiif-- tllirr III M I II I II I II I II I I IIHH I- SALEM HAS GREAT RESULTS TO SHOW IN JWT DEPARTMENT Of Public Schools Effect of Drawing That Was Introduced Less Than a Year Ago Exhibit Going to Seattle Fair iaii8iamnf nc Tho publlo boIiooU of Balom will hnvo an elultorato exhibit at tho Mnika-Ymkon axpoHltlon, to be held nt 8onttl. For two days tho ma larial ban biuin asaomblod at tho high school, ami City Superintend ent J. M. l'owurs hn boon busy with a foroa, wrapping, packing, mount ing, IhIioHhic and boxing tho various upbtthueu. from over CO pr cent of nil tho school chlldroit of this city Tho oxllb't coiiuIhIh of work dono by tho pupils In laiigungo, numb or nnd drawing Tho work In tbo two llrsl nlnswHt was nil on uniform shoots of paper with tho grade, tenchiT and tuuno of tho school and pupil on each ploco of work. Tho showing In tboeo olomontnry brntichod was excellent nnd will comparu favorably with ex hibits from tho beat noliooU In tho country, The Drawing Kxhlblt. A large attendance of parent and vlnltor from nil part of the oily at tended I ho high hoIiooI for toverHl days nnd until Into Imt ulght, In pct'ug the oxhlblU of drnwlug made by tho grndoa from tho rtrat to tho eighth tt consisted of work In paper i-uU'ng. crayon, wntor oolor. tihnrooal and colored Undcapo. Of tli thounml of ploovti of work dono by tho children not oue U eBleil from nnothor picture, or from H text-book All tho drawing are uiiulo from an objtnit fir from life, or from tho imagination utter toiling a Mtory or talking about nu occupation. In wh'ch tho children really havo tnkou part Tho drawing work U all rolntod to life, and to tho child nnd It environment nnd Ub InduBtrlnl llfo. DrawlngB of the prlmrow) or any other llowor nro mndo In tho Hon on of tho llowor. and from ronl flow er nnd their folhigo Tho convon Hon la obMorvod in othor drawings, and from thin combinations for bor dera and dw'giiH nro coniitruotod from both lenf nnd flower. Whllo thoro nro to ho drawing claseoH or ganlxod next year for tho toachors, bo far tho toachora havo dono much of tho work with tho children. A start has hevii mado In clay modeling and this branch will bo tnkou up next yonr In all tho grndoj. Promthl the next Htop will ho Into wood work and uuuiuul training. Tho drawing toaohijr of thu Bahjin public schools la Ooorgo U Schro'bqr, who canio to Halm from tho Chicago Art Insti tute, whfsro ho served for yunrs aa lecturer nnd Instructor, after a thorough course In Romp nnd Parln. nnd thu boHt Ntw York shoolii Uwii no 'IVxt-Ilooka, All the work la dono la tho Salem whoala without texl-boqks, Mr Mchriuer evolving nil hla subjects out f the dally llfo nud tho equipment lie hiiri In himself, nnd correlated to i he work done In all departments of thu publlo school. Parents nud tonohers thus learn what aro tho nat ural capabilities of tho child The child Ituvlt learns what It can best do. ami the natural bent of the child I followed Into Industrial or any other ll no of art manifestation. Tho Salem schools can probably boast of J VOGET LUMBER & FUEL f uumrMiMi ; IlullderH nud mnnufncturorH of J rough nnd dressed lumber, na j woll as all kinds of mill work. Donlorx In J nriiiDi.va maticuiaij WOOD AND COAIj Houses built and Hold at roa- Honnblo toruiH. Off loo and Vnnl K. Mill and Oak. Phono 1UH. mll''iaslitlBilftisiiaisiliila I rr ; : 7T , , ' j. . .- ? I having tho bOBt oqu'pped drawing teaoher on tho Pnclflc const. Tho district furnishes the paper and cray ons nnd matorlal for doing nil tho work In all the rooms. City Super intendent Powers, whou naked a o tho value of drawing from tho stand point of dlsclpllno nnd tho mornl ef fect upon tho children, snld- "I regard tho educational and disciplinary value of drnwlng os more prnct'cnl and of greater offoct than any work dono In any othor lino of leaching. It gives us moro sat isfaction In tho development of the rh'ld along right lines than any -ingle subject taught. Tho disciplin ary results from drawing nro great est of all. A room full of children mny bo over so noisy or restless, but when thoy get nt their drnwlng thoro Is peace nnd order. It Is tho most valuable feature wo hnvo over Intro duced The exhibit wo nro taking to Seattle U all natural and everyday work What wo nro most if-ouri of It that It has tho merit or actual ab'llty behind It It Is not got up for show, but Is what can be accom pllthed In lees than a year In any public school Our display will com pare with any that can bo shown at eattie for tho length of time wo i have had drawing introduced. I con-, slder Mr Schrwlhor tho groat est oj-, tu'HtloHal acqu'slttoa ever seourod i fix Halem and believe the people op-1 i'f-iatr the work ho Is doing" o - Heavy dumngo was dono by frosts' thU week in I.ano county. i ' I. I li . -- 3tssElljSk2sKT!MB.BBBBiir VarsPI BBiHBBiiiiar yjssswp, tt 1JWTJ ikfTSTi i Mi ! m mm EssbbbbbVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV -'fW JXm. , tffc j-V v: :t l!l:. i. l &lM - w. C; ---iiwg ...,-. " V-sr-- .,. A.. . ivf . T-Zm. . isk f ,.- . . ,if '" A? -& '. HP- :S'V"?V WmnLii'- - avi i nni' T IMilliiTiil m "f 'wWPWirri ' " ffl 4 Modern Bungalow Built With Field Stones. Tho above skotch Is from a drawing and plana mado by Ii. II. Uazoltlno. an architect who has rooms tu tho Murphy block, nnd recently camo to this city from New York, where ho followed his profession for yoaru. Ho was nlso n yonr In Pittsburg, but for some tlmo had boon looking to coming wost to better his honlth A severe collapse from overwork, and reading his own obituary several times In tho Now York papers, decided him for a location on the Pacific const. Mr Hazoltlne was nine yours nt New Ixjn don, Conn., building hundreds of houses nnd many churches In that city and vicinity Mr. Hazoltlne Is an acquisition of some Importance to this elty. aa he is virtually ono among a small list of architects who mny be considered to have a national reputatlou. as he whs the dos.gnor and constructing and super vising architect of pulacos for eastern millionaire costing hundreds of thousand of dollars. Ho bull! imlucos for MoCurdy and firaiiHls, of the Mutual Ufa. and for Sktdmore. ..t? Pennsylvania coal king. Mr. Uuzoltluo Is a modosi and lUMuwunilng goutlomnn who Is thoroughly familiar with the prtictlcul details of construction. He has boon employ d u the slate to make the plans for tiro now residences for Superin tendent Steluer at the State 1 amnio asylum, for th first physician's residence at the usyium, and other com mlsslous have Won given him on important building enterprises in this city He Is to be congratulated, and so Is the city on his coming i Salem to live, where he has bought himself a homo MM There's a Top Rung in Every Ladder Among tho retail lumber yards in Oregon south of Portland ours is easily at the top. By this we mean we have the Largest Stock, the Best Grades, the Fairest Price List, Prompt- est Delivery, and give our customers the best all-round treatment. Spaulding Logging Co. YARD ON FRONT STREET TEAM ENTRANCE ON FERRY STREET 1 t