Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 08, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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O. A. C. Military band at the
Grand Opera House next
Tuesday night Is eagerly
looked forward to by the many
friends of the Institution here and
my music lovers in general. Tho
baud Is composed of thirty-one mu
slciaUH and Is under the direction
of Prof. Harry L. Board, onn f the
best directors in tho northwest. Their
repertory Includes tho ory hi ghost
class music, with several solo num
bers. Assisting them will he Mrs.
Genevieve Hauin-Gankliis, soprano, of
Corvnllis, who has besides u hand
some personal appearance, a voice
of unusual range and sweetness. Iter
numbers, which are vailed, will give
tho concert a delightful variety. The
band has recently signed a contract
to appear at the Alnsku-PnclfloYu-kon
exposition, and has already been
advertised ns one of its attractions.
Tho organization Is now on a short
concert tour through tho valloy, mak
ing its first appearance outside its
home town In Albany on Monday
nlght, and from here they will go
to Oregon City, Portland, and will
return by way of the West Side.
Prof. Beard has put In much time
preparatory to this trip, and hh.vh
that tho players are at the highest
standard they have ever reached.
They ployed at the Portland Roeo K'
esta Init year, and have many frlonds
throughout the state. They are as
sured of a full house here and will
bo splendidly entertained during then
Tho marriage or MIh Hcrth
Louise Clough to Mr V. Ilex IIIbIi.u
of 'Portland wn celebrated at th.
home of the bride's parentis. Mr an-'
Mrs. A. M. Clough. 1129 Ilrondw
street. Wednesday evoning
Preceding the ceremony Mr. V
sou Ulshop sang "The Sweett-at 'or
Ever Told." and Mlaa Alice Clou li
slator of the hi Id, played llr ir'
nnd Flowers" hb the wedding ma' 'i
The ceremony was perfoiitu I I i
tho reception room under a woddt
bell featooned with white rlMifn
Huspendlng a white dove. The I ill
onterod on the arm of her f.tth
who gnvo her away, and she w .-
tonded by Miss Horneltta Ashb as
rlng-boaror, and Miss Francos W.ird
ns Mower girl. She jVuh met h
groom and Ilev. . It. Iilahop . '
Portland, grandfather of the gr.vni
who performed the tin cereino
Tho bride's gown was of pi
white inessalliie over white silk ,i'
her only ornaments were i m
blofwoniH. and a rrmceiu of i .
a gift of the Kroom Sh c.mi.d
bouiiiet of bride root and lilt
the-valley Her traveling i t
wu h tan tailored ault. with h
Lovely effects In decorating w
obtained with quanlltlw of m i,l
spring (lowers. In charge of Mis r
J. Cutterlln and Mr I IU
nardl. Culln IIIIuh and terns wtu
used In Hie reception room and h tl
lavender and lllaos in the IIMng
room, and pink carnation In the din
ing mom.
Refreshments were served after i'm
ceremony b Minn MniiHh and Mla
Alice Clough. and Mtw Hazel Hlshop
Mis RobbIo Cooper pieslded a; the'
punch bowl.
Mr. and Mrs. ltlslinp left the tuimo
evening for Portland, where they hud
a home awaiting them. Thoy will
be at h'otne to their riends after
May 15. at HOC East Stark street
Noarly forty gueats wore prosont.
Inoludlng tne following from out of
tewn: Rev. W It Hlshop. air. and
Mrs. David Mulr. Mr. and Mrs. F. J.
Cntterlln. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lan
dou, Mlse Kdna Kngle. Mr. Roy L.
Hryant. Mr. Guy ride. Mr. Denton
Cutterlln. all or Portland, and Mr.
and Mrs. George ilooje, and Kmw
son Hoeye. of Oregon City.
of PuiliHii days Appropriate co-tunu-s
and atage settings will be
used and no pains spared to make It
equal an similar attemp: made by
the pupils of the colloge. The lead
ing characters will be portrayod by
M sg Nellie Casoboor and Chester
Catlow Othors In the caste are Miss
Mjrtle Hannon. Mlsa June Pnity,
Ml Ujrb ra .Durbln. Miss l.oulse
Thompson. Miss Winona Savage.
Miss Uerlha Gross. Miss Alma Watt,
and Messrs Clarke Uelkntip. Perry
Rolglemnn. William Schmidt and Al
fred Schramm.
Airs. George A Scln-elber enter
tained fourteen young people ;t her
home last Friday evening for her
daughter Margaret. In honor of her
birthday. The time wus passed wlih
old-fashioned game;, and afterwards
rofroshmonts wore served. Mrsi
SchrellH-r entertained a party of ten
liifornmlh phuIu Inst night In eele
bratlon of her son Armlu's birthday.
The College Widow" will be pre
sented at the University of Oregon
uj ine senior rires as the annua
A score of unsunl articles of tlmc-
- ly Interest to all people who lovo tho
5 iidotri ite to be found in tho May
mi., her of Relocation which Is now
on news stands.
Recreation makes one claim fur
distinction, which Is certainly war
. .u.od by the current laaue. Its r
tlc and jiii urea ihere nre 12S
Hi i' repioduc'iotis fiotu photographs
I In the Max number arc from the
pons and cameras or men who huvo
"been there." Recreation Is nlwaya
Klille. full of lutereat and always
I trustworthy.
i Emerson Hough, author of the fa
mous novel. "61-10 or Fight," nnd
ur.e of th beat prac.lcnl sportsmen,
contribute an Intensely Intoros'Uuti
micle entitled "The Native of tho
North Woods." HoIIIh Ilurgess, the
world-famed yachtsman, gives In
structions for 'go. ting acquainted"
with a small yacht.
There are twenty other Instructive
and Interesting articles In this May
number covering the Hold of outdoor
recreatien: fishing, shouting, bnlt
raatlng, canooltig, uutotuoblllng, ken
nel, etc.. etc.. which will strongly ap
peal to sportsmen. I ho cover of Re
creation Is one of tho most auccoas
fill In colors of the season's produc
tion nnd alone Is worth tho price of
the magazine.
olnas plaj- tuultrht.
young people h-vc
lc".d v in h i
- - c
Ditrdr Is . i l:n
leanu! w't? C P
and P. W K-ni lr
A nu m bur of
Panned .i h-
ii d vel ipinen'
HiU-h preildent.
The May Century has llctlon a
plenty the last chapters of Alice
Hognn Rice's novel. "Mr. Opp." nnd
ftorloa In which humor In tho domi
nant note by Mar lloutou Vorso,
Adeline Knapp and W. Albert lllek-in.tit-
-but leading putco la given to
Thotutw Nelson Page's story, "The
Old Plantors." a tale of a quaint old
hoatelr) In , Virginia, and or the
.ur Int old arlstocrnta who played
boat, and of the guests who came
.;nil went
a wide range of matters much In
.h" public mind Is covered In the
r lnihr. William M Ivlns, chalr
nr .i or the New York charter com-?!-
1t:i. la a papci on PuhlR Sor-
vice CommlBslons," commonts on aaWaaaWaaaWaWaaaaaaaaWIIWaaBaa
Frodorlc W. Whitrldgo's paper on
wa?s"cinAthonMaVcriontuw chdi- jtf Skin of Beautv Is a Jov Fbrev .
tinn Drlnton gives critical ostlnmto " ,"-" "
or the two great Spanish pnlntorsi
wnooo work is being shown In this
country, Sorolln and Zuloaga; "Tho
i.ow Dnsls of Work for tho llllnd"
Is discussed by Samuel II. Dlshep: !
uantoi Gregory Mason has recorded
a conversation on mtialc with Osslp
Oabrllowltsch, and Cnrdtnnl Gibbons
nnd Prof Edward Alsworth Ross
hnve much of Intorost to say on
America's Increasing dlvorco rato and
Its algnificance.
There is a graphic account of Ed
ward Ueocher Hronaon of "lllg Qamo
In East Afrlcn." bnscd on facts nnd
Incidents of tho wrlter'B oxporlonco
while a guest of Mr. William North
rup McMillan, tho young American
who is preparing to entertain ox
President Roosuvolt at Jnja farm,
near Nairobi, tho contor of the big
game country of Drttlsh East Af
rica. not tho least Interesting and I m
portnnt nrJcle of the number Is tho
narrative of how, In less than six
years, 3S8.U00 American farmers
hnvo ptt.tod up stakes in "the states"
and moved to free homestonds In tho
Canadian Northwest. Thnt story Is
told In "Tho Last Trek to the Last
Northwest," by Agnos 0. Lnut, au
thor or "Tho Conquest or tho Groat
Northwest," who has travoled
through all tho territory of which
sue writes.
" I
: JSSo Bii flkli imIi ! nihil n f
vjSN VWi twvanraov tmaaav fkvkm va i
w inBn iwQmdi.jM
5 U(UUfKTValfSAft"Ti
iMmi irawTjwtt. . mnu 8
2tvifli -irft'-,-iP,,w li
4kTiH -- Tl CVm -- . pl
Oriental Cream
It is the dutjr of overr woman to presorrs her
beauty, and even Uio most bowiUfal must protecA
Uiolr ootnnlexioo. A faultlesa complexion, street,
pure, and wholteoma is totnothing erery woeaui
tlcslrtM and which can be nadll y obtained by osinir
well known preparation haa boon highly rocom
mendod by plirtici&ns, actiMses, tingors, and
women of fuhfon for over half a century. It
renders the skin like the softness of velvet, leav
ing it clear and pearly white.
Skin Diseases, relieves irritation, soothes nnd In
vigorates the skin, beautifies and Improves th
complexion and cannot be surpassod whon pr
paring for evoning attire.
FERD: T. HOPKINS, Proprietor, 37 Great Jones Street, New York
No. 6
MUTT MTU 'it '1 1 ilftMiCMiaaiig iwiyBtri-" ' t "MBSBBsmtiMMsIbI
Ililr ' H v ?3IlSp-'' I aHHaasaH
H't, 4Kje 'BB flalLaaaaaaaaaH
aaaaViaH 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaH
ooHMfcLH aaHHmaHaaasaBaV
HHvl 'aalaHHaaaaaaH
faaBnKnB BSiaaHaBaH
fiaaHnH W aFaaaaaH
aasHsMalaBa ' 'Cwaalaaaaaaal
aaaHBaaeU"3' alaaUFSaaaaaaaasaH
asTaHLSF-v "4sV aasTsTsTarsHssVsYsTsTsTsTsTsiassVsTsTsTsTsH
aasmBaWt ' 9 vayiaaiaaaVaVBaaamaaVaaaMaBaS
K WJaVLIHtBafafflafafaaaafsal
saaaaaaaaaBiaaSSswBaaaaaaaaaMPirywTnr v,iji7ju. jTrtSXKA --i2sHHHal
ossBssssMaBBBBrlS8l'f i S- '' A-S V
aaaaaaaaaaHBi9SSaWRS!VriA f ZIKBU' (BHaW
Tho May SU Nicholas brings tho
first chnptors of an important new
scrlnl feature, for tho oldor girls and
boys, In Chnrlos li. Cnffln'a "Tho
Story of Dutch Painting." The au
thor explntns thnt tho talo or how
tho Dutchman or tho seventeenth cen
tury developed a now school or point
ing Is n part of tho atory or tho lives
and fortunes of tho Dutch people
and so the story begins with n brief
description of tho struggle by which
tho soparato provinces beonmo united
Into a single nation, nnd or how dur
ing tho struggle by which tho Bopn
rato provinces beenmo united the peo
ple also round tlmo to ndvanco thorn-'
hoIvob in tho arts or iionco, Including
that or painting. Lnter chapters will '
I Jell what tho principal nrtlstH nccom
' pllshed In portraiture, In lnndscapo, ,
anu hi uio representation or tne in
door and outdoor ltfo or tho peoplo,
and will aim to uinKo tho narrative
or Dutch pnlntlng Illustrate hoiiio
principles that may bo or use In tho
study or painting Konornllv. Ronro-
ductloiiH or famous paintings by rep
resentative artists add to tho vnluo
miii interest or "the Htory."
Rut this Mny ntiiniier or St. Nicho
las Is Jolly as well an entertainingly
Instructive, with, acemlncly. moro
than Its iiBiinl quota or short stories,
Jolly rhymes nnd merry pictures.
I Old Folks
P -T-l I . f II I . , I,
, J J ncra nra micr.:y ipy people ucyontl miuclla ago
' who lioll't eilffcr Lt times, or nil thr- limi. citli llirir
l.cr or kidneys. Natural.
The liunan nmcliincry ii beginning lo slow down
ftoin ihc venr n-d l.-r tf years ol use nnd often
cbutr. It's got I ? I'nvo naaldlnncc to keep it moving
prcpft'y per'' .!-' tlio liver.
Yen can Y n. sy namo one of your old friends yrlio
I asp'l cne of the following treubles:
- - M
V '
- , i u! joAio.1, (lypepcM ,
sour AomncS, . li k lieadachr, backaclia.
Udncy ircub!-;, thiumalum nnd generally r a down sytteni.
Bad Liver Caches li
lt is at tlio bottom of every ono of lb .o troubles. It Iwconios
inadive (conilipnliou and bowel trcubla f ow), Throws o(f poison
and bile (b'liousnrss, eiclc licadnche, etc., i . " -w). I'itU cs'.r.t work
on the kidneys (often causing Diabetes nnd I'.-.I.t". DUtsc) U '
acid gels into the blood (rheumatism foi. v). Cuia the liver a: 1
you'll cure the cause. Cure thu cause and you'll cure the trouble.
The leading nrtlclo In Tho Outing
'Magazine for May Is entitled "Tho
Hporf of Plying." by Maximilian Fos
ter The nrtlclo la a cloar explana
tion of mechaiilual wrinkles which
have resulted In man's practical con
quest of the air. hr Woods Hutch
inson's nrtlclo on "Malaria" will bo
i read with Intorost by everybody. Dil
lon Wallace continues Ills rasolnatlng
story or travel In Mexico In tho feat
ure entitled "Tho Peon and tho
Land ' Other articles are: "Tho
Rattle With tho Rims." bv l i
Powell, a timely nrtlclo on farming.
i no .Men who Operate tho Rail
roads." by Hdwurd Iliinearfnril: nnd
Miss Agnoe c. Laut'B department, n,,,,,,.;, "
flllf N'nllnnnl llnrll.... 1I01I0III.
cures all troubles arising from disordered liver kidneys Uwelsor stomaeh.
Better Than Pills For Liver Ills
Got a 25c Box
ipinil lung to., . I Itlggn, Niilriu. Oregon.
f.ru' (hveliuiil nnd UN Son.
by Telephone " Wkeleton Almost
RoueliHB Soutn iitlo;" "Cutting a
i liamiul Tlirough Ruck Rlvur
mo llaskot Willow In-
Tho sluiri inri. i.V .i "UBiry. uio. i no Aiiiiuour Meelian-
nro Htrong and worth whiln nn.i inru ,0 Hirtint)nt Iiiih eleven splendid
n rollow 4hnnin,,T,,,"Jnao,Uarr! i'"10'"" , '"",". the ono on
iMii-oB Mulford. "C,ms"ahl0 Lylhl. KatlnlL,,,,,,",l,,M b0,nK ",uo,,,,,f
N W M P." by Ralph I). Kerr i ,ntorJ,nK
I a fllory or tho Nortiiwoat mounted i ' v"w,, hV ,)n Hly
.police, nnd "Dad tiovnn," by 0. L. ' In tho Woman a Home Companion
bdholm, u atory or tho Arliorm tor April la uogtm a atlrrltig now
I "0H''' I novel by Cyrus Townsond Drndy, on-
i I titled "HiinrtH n nil llm llluliwnv
When the 8nn Franolsco oarth- Tho vnrloua Instalments of tho atory
The College of urntory or Wil
lamette university. Saru Rrown-Sav-
age. dean, will prottent "Anne or Old
Salem" as their cIksw play thla yoar
It la under the direction of Mlsa
Halle Adams, aattiataru Inatructor
tho college, and will b put on at the'ieallv
Mr .lease Lynch William, author
of P.lncetou Siorlee," etc. and a
very do e personal friend af Mr.
Clervlflad. has written a nympatheilo e tead of adjectives nnd descriptions
sketch of the later ear of the late' bU qtilet. pereiiHaive humor, his
x-jiresldem. whleh will be uufcllabed wjual'y nrlang ahyiua-, h'a g'ft
l hi. month by Me ar, Dodd. Mead , 'or friendship. hU teudornoaa with
Hd Company. ; hlldrcri. hU roughnosa with fakirs
beldom bus a Rtoal hh wko hK I in t hla iilaln rn.,,.,1 l,,i,w. ,iv it
retired f rot an active life eome Into, will g re a new ooticontlon of thla
llsM'as m VslK'quako nnd flro deatrovi.il thnt ,.,.rt urn to hn llliiHtnito.l l.v V n Vi.
-. ..... v., I,, nuiuii uio uiunese poji- "" uuvuroim ur. iirnuy is n typi-
u -athy aid good tnstel "latlori woro housed, thoro was loat cully itronuou American. In addl
r who happened nlao to ?Mo. of too niost Interesting ounrtera tlon to writing popular nnd auccoas-
av t.c n h friend and nelgbor or I ? w vlclnlty of tho Golden Onto In ful novels and lecturing ho la u
h- fo mar nrosident in rotlroinent.il ,, May w?bor of tho Ilohomlan Mr. flltant mlnlstor of tho gospel. Ho
.., r "u" "" nrticio on " recenuy ovuomo rector or li largo
The New Chinatown In ban Fran- lrlh In Kiiiisuu City. Mo.
Cisco." In which ho tolls or tho Mon-
houses and. inciuentally ho r for I ''''''"''l lHUmlllll
tuurs. Collego men and othora In-
tnrlyll.il Im ..!.. ...f... .. ... ... 4
.w.v,uu ,,, uuiTunmr nro win nnu
muoh to mnuso thorn In "Familiar
rarna or the Yaln Vm.iiiv . ej
a v
t )iil. dlfferunt from a dry analysis
en the nue bhad, or n eulogistic bloc
rai hy m the other." It h a portrait
f the man h m elf, rather than th
au'a.ir's opinion of his characteris
tic, prewired so far ns poselblo by
wee of aiteodotoi and Incidents
Tuesday, May 1 1
Ry the
0. A. C. JHiliiary Baud
Assisted by
Genevieve Baum-Gasktns
Tho bcht iniiHlcitl event of tlio acoAon
I'rlrea fiOc. 3Ce. 2 Co. Heat salo
at box offlr Tuoaduy at 0 a.
oar. eh perfectly natwrai and int'mato nfton niaundcrat wd personage, and
Maylreat.'ori with hla fellewmen aa Mr. I -o ti-w a ooe that as an Int'mate1
r of tleyelauj did t I'rlaeetsn. He had ' friend rf marked roadlnir th mh . "i '
tho oollegv. and will iw put on nt the'ieall a g n us for f ltndhlu In the ran almixt hear the old man's voice." 1 1? ,no1",Vu,H,n a
Grand Open. House June 1 The m 't d..f:o,.,rf t ims.-if ni the Anv future biographer may rely 0,cw ,,,ch urM "
atory of the plav deals with the daa nrJ-naM r f n r ' te f.. b, upon thV morda In tnta lumo I S.?wa,,ByB ,n ,ne
or wltchcrart In Old Salem and the r,.'r)n n...- l ,, ' nr fr" private record, adi The "tor,M aro "l
characters depict the aurdv people 'i . , .- .' 'rk.h r- - "rd' ? -von" Irw- .uTctloI- I Und"rd- n"kBK
MUnV 'W raaraH WJisaal BOp9 IT ZaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
ssssssssssMfassflaaaaaaaaisaaBBtLK ' slv n Jtm AsBaaaasr sut tjasaaBnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai
BssssSsMSalsaaBaBaHyf :' V .tt iKla1HBMUsBBEzI!9sssssV
aaaaaaaaaaaaQHsBaaaasaHaaaaMb)? y wSVHMBS SBwrH
pSHPisRHEsCtrtBftiB f3p v JKwB
KfiHmLi -NlHB 'fdsaaaaaaaaalBaaaaaaai
'iHmls' fiijissHsHaaVaPaVHsLrv SkK T "VasssslasBH
FnsaaaavSlaaaasaaraBr .aaaVHaBaaBaaaaaV- ''H
aaaawatf TFtflaHBES i" WbaaV 'jWir't'i T " ' Saaaaaal I
SLw mSm&3BBmM ' T" -JlBaaai I
II. . t , Mllitifjr lUiid ti tjipoir at '! . c t ilea ' I-y II,
best or tho aorlea of colloge urtlolea
that has yot appeared. Those who
contemplate a trip abroad should
road tho qulto bohoinlan study of
Parisian llfo "In a French Care."
and the railroad nrtlclo called "Tho
Iron Horse Abroad " In "A Moro
Matter or Detail." attention la callod
to tne uiousand and one minor artl-i..
considered neceaaary '
staging or plays.1;
to their usual high '
tins nnrnliur n Ji
mugttzlne or extraordinary Intoruat. J
Popular MechanlcN foi Slav
The May numbor contains 1D3 ar-;3i
., mm ,;, Hiuairaiions, cover-It
i ik wmo rauge or subject, and
aM)K the several uch aareguards
, are deaerlbed Huenttufni nviaiii.,.
land lit ereullon or mllltMiy alrehlp't
mtoio iiHu iiiuue iiiiperarive special
typea of guna fr cchh bating aerial
i craft In warfare, mining conditions
warrant training corn of men for
' reaeue work In cuso wr dlaaator. tho
1 tramp, cat on the etty for a nlght'a
I Mgmg. must submit -to vacclnatlou
and sanitary requirement for the
sake or humanity at large Unique
among the illuatrai na In the May
number are tlum or Wilbur
I Wright and King Alphonto seated In
he Wright aeroplane, aand sculpture
Jon a California beaen. high logging
jtreU n Oregon, horirt- made of cav
alry equipment. ,00 ix.mid fish
caught with light Urkle a aubma
!rls of the Civil war. whale towed
j upon beach by atreet car. and others
i Athletes will be Interested In a
Mhemn being trl6d in Mneimwi i.v
. which football playera. wrestlers, etc , Z
are aumuiaicii by lireathlnir oireen
, Per dozon, 35c
Thi is an oxcoptionally Reed ipocial.
Tho boat in tho mnrkol
iattuoai Aiporagus, Radishes, Young Onions, Pio Plant,
Greens, Cabbago.
- . Pickles and Olives
Wq curry all tho best lino of theso goods in tho city. T
Imported Swiss, Cream Brick, Limburgor, Full Cream
Gorman Breakfast, Tillamook.
Teas and Coffees
Thoro aro other Teas and Coffoos on tho market, but t
we will guarantee that there are none equal to tho $
Juat be.ore the lest of aklll Othor "'" J,nM' nivm. 101 i
tMay feamrwrare: Train Dlspatehlnif fatillltiMIfftilliiajtilt8tJt