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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1909)
WWWIHIHIliWWIMIlWIl nTP"l -.'4 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OKKGON, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1009. loVttttfBiHWfrtHp-nawifc. - ItKV. I. W. WILLIAMSON'S LKTTKR. Rov. I. W. WilllomBon, Hunting ton, W. Va., writes: "This is to cor tify that I used Foley's Kidney Itomody lor norvous oxhaustlon and kidney troublo and am free to nay that It will do all that you claim for it." FoIoy'B Kidney Itomcdy has restored health and strongth to thousands of weak, run down peo ple. Contnlns no harmful drugs find In plonsnnt to take, J. 0. Perry, i . o Tho annual nubile school parade is a "made In Salem" ovont. Itosoburg will soil $25,000 of siroot paving ana nnago nonas. Classified Ads . FOB HA LIC Pot Bnlo A Ant-class second-hand buggy, cheap, ofllco. Inquire at Journal 8-10-tf FOK SALIC Splendidly improved dairy farm; fully equipped. Ap ply W. D. Ollson, 344 Btato. Will tako somo city proporty. 3-29-tf For Halo fl-room houso, 8 lots, bara, cblckon park, fruit, and borrlos, good well. Terms. J. II, Hosa, Twonlloth and Loo stroota 4-G-lm For Halo Cut roses at Hamilton groon house, Yew Park; will bo there afternoons only. 4-22-tf For Halo Cheap 22 acres In Polk county, overlooking Salem, ono nnd ono-lini: m'los southwost, 11 ncros In cultivation, 8 acres In grain, 2 acres strawberries and fruit troos, houio, barn nnd poultry housos. Will soil nil or part. P. S. Hondry, Route No. 2, Salem, 4-20-2w Hand and (Jimlon Loam for Halo Delivered to any part of tho olty for $ 1 .GO n yard. Delivered nt comotery for mima price. E. C. Miller. Phono 15G0. R-3-lwk For Halo Puro bred Colllo pups, roatly to tako away. 115. A. (.u rrancn, 1 mllos cant of city, on Frank Smith placo, Itouto No. 0, box C. G-14-lw For Hnlv Krosh milch nnd butter ' cow, (i yours old, part Jerisoy and Ouornsoy. inqulro 1811, North! Fourth Btroot. 5-G-3t For Half Houso and lot on 18th stroot, cloo to car lino. Enoulro of Q. C. Holler, 2010 Trado stroot. G-O-lw' I For Hl At a barga'n. Ono-hnlfl block near Lincoln school. 8ovor- al choice lots In North Salem, nnd thrtti good lota on East Stnto street. P, L. Fraxlor, -102 Slato stroot. 5-0- For Knlo Good all round horso. In qulro 163 N. Twoiity-rirst Phono 1223. F. Loose. R-0-3t For Holi llodrooin sot, mahogany drimnor, tablet, rneker. btnl and chair. Call In mornings nt 104 ftmith CottHKt) ntroot. 6-G-St For Halo Three Jorsoy cowb. Hn qnlro of C. L. Weaver, Liberty. 6-0-31 For Halo Clnwiv 4 -room houiw, barn nnd two loU. plenty of fruit. Ha qulr at 164 Front atrwot cornttr of Columbia. 6-7-1 w WANTKD WnuttHl Small Urm. 10 to 30 aoros. Addrtsa with prlco, tonus and do aorlptlon. 1. It. Ottrom. 1166 Broadway, Salem. 6-3-lw IloiU'iloni Wanted At 678 Btite troot. S-tf-lm WwiiKM 36 men, hop yard work. Krebi Bros., IUiMhHryman build ing. I'Iioiih 131. J-U-tf WkiiIihI MtHNHtM fr utmmk at pM wi wlttlt to lou br Im Ah Iwh. Addjw th MorrU Wlwl Ml HetMW. OIimIhnU, Oklo. l- la Uliuilthl A laumlrwt Apply at at wiumat Imaurmtu -4-iwk IiOSl Ittsl Atattt lhM WMka ago, pr BMHMbty at larmH' rl Itam or h MrMM. M' riUI watrk wttk ftMur d IU nhatttlHlH p4H atUMkd. IhUImU "II. C. W" ttrVMl u watek. HtkWHid If rimrntl lo JfwriMl ff1. 6-7-3t MISOKLia.NKtHlH Ooiixut Work Septic tank, comont walks and foundations. All work guaranteed Uary How, Phone 1B89. 4-33-lm 1-oiKin DiitKorxmv. QariK'iitvi litln No. IOiWV Local Union No. 1066 ot Carpenton ana Joiners of America meet ever Sat urday evenlt g M 7:30 p. m In Hearst hall. 430 State Street A W IVuinU. Ho. 8hi. Cvtitral IhIuo i in, . of l . Cattle hall In Puluiau block, cor ner State and Liberty itrtt Tuoaday of each cok at 7:30 n ui. Ooar John mi -f O ; K. U Audorton. K ot tt and a tMOTMHMMMMBMMMMMHa MMMMBMRMMM Mokra WHHliucn c Ainrrlc Ore gon Cdar Camp Nj. 6346. Meet every Thursday vveatng at i o'clock In Holwaa halt. A. mbor. V. a; F. A Turatr, tUtK. WtHMlmett of WorM Meet ttry KtU y nUht tt 7 30, In Uolwa kill. A. Ik lUrrr, ablUH. rUk r, ChKV Mk. If. 'M. Whooping Cough. This Is a moro dangerouB dIsaso than is generally presumed. It will bo a surprlso to many to learn that moro deaths result from it than from Bcarlet lover. Pnoumonla of ten results from it. Chamberlain's uu'ZLlZr' " L."" rr..V. man, uiMuu.u.v.o u. """'"; ""?," and awajr. w"h tho bMt roauIU. Dolbort MeKolg ot Harlan, Iowa, sayB of It: y boy took whoop- ns cough when n no months old. Ho had It In tho winter. I got a boltlo of Chamborlain's Cough Remedy wnicn provou goou. i cannot rec- ommond It too highly." For salo by " u,uKb,nin. DU8INKS8 CARDS. 1 Mrs. Munncy Fashlonablo dress making. Work dono on short no tlco nnd reasonable Phono 934 35G South 17th stroot. 4-G-lm LIvity nnd Fred BtabPn Old PoJt ofllco Stables, nt 254 Ferry ntroot, between Commorclnl and Front stroota. Tolophone 188. Somo of tho flnoot liveries In tho city can hn found horo. Wstncott & Joun son. tf CAPITAL DAKK!tS. Prop. Dread, cako, pics, and all kinds of pastries, cookies, otc. , Watch for our wngon. Phono 054. 11-10-tf ; , , . II Wo nrp in the mnrkrl for all kinds of poultry nnd eggs. Wo pny tho hlghoflt cash prices always. II, Pohlo & Son, 240 So. Liberty at., Salem. C-3-tt IIUTTICKNUT IJUEAI). It 1b worth moro than any othor broad, yet tho prlco Is no higher. For sale at your grocer's. Califor nia Ilakory, Thomas & Cooloy, PrpH Cummlim IJrtw.' Trnnsfor Company All kinds of transfer work done Furniture nnd planot bxed ready for shlpmunt. Prompt orvlco Is our motto. Stand and odlco nt 2G3 South Commercial streot Phono 310. Uosldonce Phone Htitto .l WdiilfrotU Flno wluos liquors nnd clgarH. Wo hnndle tho colobratod Kollog and Castle whlsklos. Cool and refreshing boor constantly on draught. South t Commorclnl stroot 9-3-lyr. Hydo Bros. Kltvtric Co. Electric supplloB and flrst-claaa wiring nt reasonnuio prices. Call at our olllco for osttmatos. Phono 461 143 N. Liberty streot. 1-12-tf Wengcr iV Cltorrlngton Planoc nnd organs sold on easy torms; tolo-pnon- 1187; 247 Commercial Stroot. Salem, Orogon. tf Coucn'to Work Got my prlcos on sldowulk, curbs, Mpotlc tanks nnd comont work ot any kind. All work gunrantood first class. M. Ward, 2378 Maple Ave., Highland Phono 660. May 24-09 G. F. MASON BOX COMPANY, 247 Miller at,, South Salem, manu facturers of nil klnda of boxes, uratm and fruit dryer nccessorlos. Phono 308 tf Tho South Knlem Meat Markot, on poslto Dauo's store. Fresh ind oured moat. Genoral dollvory Give It a trial. Huffman & Mar tin, props, 3-3-tf SALKM WATUIt COMPANY. OFFICU CITY HALL. For water iwrvlco apply nt office, llltw paywliln monthly In advance. Marlon County Hinplomont foltiviloii Agfiiey Help and fur- iilhd free to employers. Prompt alUatloH glvun to collections. Ot ic room 4, over Bush bank. 4 -36-2 w Dr. II. 8, Stone, D.'O., Chiropractor. SUh aiitl nerve specialist. Rooms 4, I. 6. D'Aray bulldlag. tkoN Mala S7. Salem, Oregon. 4-28-tf 'IXLNSOHlATi. Now llarlmr Hho Wish to say to th people mat I have opened a barber akop at i u 1 1 7 Asylum avenue and will guarantee all flret-olaae work, and solicit a share of your patron age. Sydney M. Umb. 4-27-w Htntitou M SchtiU'a Plact 375 Court street, for up-to-date work. Baths, cigars and tobacco. First class shiner In connection. All work a specialty Call on us. 4-1-tf II. Q. Meyer .V Co Tho beat and larg ' eel shon In tho oltv. Six nmt-claiui barbers. Onlv nrat-elaaa bootblack . In city, porcelain hatha and every-1 thing pertaining to a tlwt-clasa katt II.a A...b. . .t1l llsi.i. . I1UI. riu V1IJ IUII II14W U I nlaitra anl rnKnn nml httpiutrtf i auppllea. 163 Commercial strwt, next door to Statesman office, 4-6-tt - - Tho,. t. lurr Plumbing, hot 'a-1 and steam heatln and tlnntmc. 164 Commercial street. Phone Main 103. $-1-1 r M, a, IVUrl Plurubtng, steam and gas fitting Successor to Knox 4 Murphy, 33 Commercial street Otto Muellhaupt, plumbing, heating, gaa fitting, prlcos reasonable; work guaranteed. osUmatce furnished, phono 373 106 Ckwuokcta St 3-17U NON-POLITICAL JUDGE TO BE NAMED UP NORTH (I'nltcd 1'reM Leaned Wire. ' Washington, May 8. John A. "ncKIorord or Tacoma, Wash., Is said t0 haVo nn oxcoIont chnnco ' ot bo. , nomlnatC(1 by rreBdont Taft as tho fl0Cond fo(lorn, Jud of th w orn ,,lgtrlct of tho fltnt0 of Washlng- . b Kvorv lnmilpr nf , nnPT,ainui doi8KaUon tmm WaTHngtou oxcopt- lng 8onator Vlm ,,H8 dor88d Shack- joford for the high honor. The prov ident Is reported to lmvo Inquired i Intn Mm ntiutirioaf Inno nf Mm Ufd . jlngton man and Is .laid to bo satis fied with tho Information ho ob tained. I As none of tho Washington delo- j gatlon Indorsed Shackloford prior to wio u mo me prosiuum mauo inquir ies concerning his qualifications his nppolntmont, If inndo, would bo non polltlcal. IMI'ltOVKMIiXTH IX OHKOOX FOHKST ItKSKHYKS Six hundred thousand dollars will bo spont during tut fiscal yenr 1908 19uu for tho construotlon of roadH, trails, tolophono linos and other per manent Improvomonts on tho national forcsta. Congress has appropriated tho same amount for this purpose during tlio Hscal year of 1009-1910, Much of this money will bo spent la Orogon. o Oregon strawberries will Boon bo in tho market. Tho Ice cream Is nl- rondy rlpo. --.-------. REAL NOTICE! A u. CIIANdHH of cunr ftr ltl Katnlw A(I tnunl be In The Journal Offlro Itf A o clock the prtliltitf btturt the itny on which th ml In to nppenr. T Farms All sizes nnd prices. Call for largo prlntod list. City proporty of nil descriptions. Boo us boforo buying for bnrgulns. OLMSTED LAND CO. 7 Stnto Street. LOOK AT THESE BAHOAINH. 05 nores, good 0-room Iiouru with hot nnd cold wntor, bath, windmill; 2 barns; wntor piped to barns nnd lawn; hi sight of Salem; 10 ncros fine prunes In boarlng, 0 ncros of young prunes. 7 norim fine apple orchard. Just boglnnlng to bear. 3 aoroa young Hoyal Ann cherries; all extra fine laud, all kinds small fruits: beat homo, within " iiiIIim Salem; a auap; Investigate. 43 aoroH. 2 good houaoa. 20 aorott flno apple orchard, 14 nores Juut in good bearing. G acres young Baldwins, 2 acres flno young poach trees; will soil all " part; n snap; on good road; In sight of Salem. New house and 3 Iota, all In fruit, on cur lino, only $760. 10 and 20 aero tracts. $100 per aura. Flno lots on installments. Housos to rent or sell In all parta ot Sa lem. If you want anything, see A. ('. SMITH Ai CO., &VJ State St. IIOM18 8KKKHUS. Why Pny Bent? Houe and vacant lots sold on la atallmeut; $60 down, balaaee $7 per, moNin. jusi iiae rem. win miy koute ami three lots; prlee $76S. BiMititlfuI Buupilow. i New, mo4er and up to-daie buaga low. I rooms, pantry, balk, wash stand, to'let, wwr, cklHH eloeets. elotkea eloeet, wool lift. Uaeeweat. elecirie Hskt Ux4ur. phoae, Ir fact every tklag up to date Priee $tM Vacant Tota. Two lota on State itreet for two daya oaly; pr'ee $610: snap. Some close Ih -aeaat lots la North, Bast and Sovtk Saw n, It), ilO-Aetv Tnicta. 10 aerea. 16 acres in crop, balanco paatHre ami oak timber; price for a few day $61 per acre worth $ie Pnu, I Ftwe dairy farm. 360 a ere, half un der oHltlvallan. halnnco tlmbor aad pAObure, modora kHtkllags, aprlHg water, erop and Iraplo iHMMte; prlee only $10,000, well worth $16,000. ,thcr loum awoe. one of the finest farms In Waldo Hills, btggeet saap In ; wtllametto valley; price for A uliMrt Iuia tiA Hrtr Alm -"" ..-. re . -. l-SxrlirtlUyfH- ' ' i" Ve a specialty ot exchanging WMlamotte valley farms for Port- I Income property. List with ' us. Aw tkUg n roal oat.K .call on DKCHTKL A M1NTON. Boomt 7-S Bayne Bldg. J ait omiu oi uaiem. ur. THK IOXO-HKWITT UK.LTY . t)Ml.XY HfM 1-Utatc Agtvntit. Fnu oid City l'ropcrty Right treatment to all Boom 3 Bayne Building Phone 735 Salem, Or Kills Her Foo of 20 Years. "Tho most merciless enemy I had for 20 years," declares Mrs. James Duncan of HnyneBvllle, Mo., "was Dyspepsia. I suffered intensely of tor eating or drinking and could scarcely sleep. Aner many remedies had failed and several doctors gave mo up i tried Electric Bitters, which cured mo completely. Now I can oat anything. I am 70 years did and am overjoyed to get my health and strength back again." For Indiges tion. Loss of Appetite, Kidney Trou blo, La mo Back, Fomale Complaints, Its unequnlod. Only 00c at J. C. Perry's. o The Cor vail Is Gazette Is issuing a da'ly paper. It is a groat advertUo- ment for tho IIvo city at tho head of navigation. o . DoWltfn ttldnnv nnd ntnn,i Pn.s quhkly rollovo backache, weak bnck, pulns In tho groin, rheumn tlsm, otc. Bend your nnmo to E. C. DoWItt & Co., Chicago, for freo trial box. Sold by all druggists. Xotico to Uie Public. If you want a raarblo or granite monumont, cnll at our Bhop In City View Comotory. Wo can savo you monoy. Tho ISlaesing Qranlto Co. J. D. BOHANNON, Mgr. 4-7-lrao CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. Ttio Kind You Wm Always Dwglit jf iLaf-yy. G6CC6lt4 Henri tho t.tfn. ESTATE NEWS unxoonoVtCho1no.nftnd0 non, wiui lots or stock, House, 3 i spring, good buildings, well fonced i In 3 Holds. A ftno grain farm to trado for Salem or Marlon county proporty. Joo Dandy farm In Palouso county, Wash., CG0 acres, 276 In fall wheat, 36 acres In oats, 30 acres In lino orchard, wlntor apples, and good buildings, good wntor, well fonced; trndo for Salem or Marlon county land. A lino houo nnd lot In Pasadona, Cnl., 4 blocks from main or busi ness pnrt of olty, to trade for Sa eom proporty. Household goods, Btook of Implements nnd ovory thlng. All kinds of proporty for salo or trado. If you want anything ntco call and seo mo for your wants. It. It. IIVAN, Cornor of Commorclnl and Contor Stroota. ItKAL E8TATK. No. 2320 ncros flno land, good house and barn, othor outbuild ings; 3 aoros In orchard; 2 good1 wells; 4 miles from Salem. Prlco $4,260 No. 128- 12 acres 4 Vj mllos north east from Salem, all In cultiva tion. -acre In borrlos, G-room house. 100 assorted fruit treos, 14 young Hoyal Anne cherry trees, 1 home, 2 hnrnoss, 1 buggy, 1 light hack. 2 cows; all farm Imple ments go with tho place. Prlco $3. COO. No. 73 10 acres, lot 0, Capital Ad dition to Frultland, 6-room box house, good cellar and jvell, barn 30x66, shed 14x40; 400 bushels ot fruit picked from 2 acros Ust seasou; thj place Is woll tiled. Price $3000. No, 101 20 acres, all In cultivation. 3 acres orchard, good 6-room house and barn, 2 wells of water, near sohool and ohmroh; soli for $3490 or trade tor olty proporty, terms. No. 34 6-room houso. lot 60x160, on 13th street Price $S80; teraia , S.VVAOi: & HKKBKN, 134 South Commercial Street. I r a tvi t t rk L Town Lots City Property Farm Lands ii WE CAN SELL THEM jj List your property with us. would get satisfactory resulu and dead. nor do we sleep much. We m-II Alborta Land Buyers' Club 3U Com'! Street, Y. M. C. 0. J. HULL . . Biliousness osd Constipation. For veara I was troubled with bil iousness and constipation, which made Ufa miserable for me. My ap- notlto failed me. I lost my usual force and vitality. Pepsin prepara tions and cathartics only mado mat ters worse. I do not know whero I tried Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. The tablets relievo tho 111 feeling at once, strengthen tho dlgcstivo functions, purify tho Htomach, liver nnd blood, helping tho system to do Its work naturally. Mrs. Ilosa Potts. Birmingham, Ala. Theso tablets arc for salo by all good , druggists. o I Cottage Grove will have a three-' da'8' celebration of tho Fourth. " ' a bcaiacu isoys mincks. horrlflod his grandmother, m., Who I Ma,r.,a T?y!or u0f No,V0' ?y" writes that, when all thought ho would die, Ducklon's Arnica Salvo wholly cured him. Infalllblo for Durns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns, Wounds, Drulses, Cures Fcvor Sores, Bolls, oAin Eruptions, Chilblains, Chnpped Hands. Soon routs Piles. 25c at J. C. Perry's. Chlldron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O ASTO R I A MCt.U3r..- - Jocky Mountain Taa fijq5s Aim-")'!, f i iV"-w , : - ,n i,,. n1 KI..p Tri'il ! I' f , -i . ti'iput UltHl H ul llrrnil. Ml in " - tbtll'li) ni'l U.x-k.i. Ii ll'ulc -ky M -irt ,.i, tistlnta) ltouurr.u lint.i C.mrANv, ?fnll i Wik. n KI.."p Tri'il ! I' t. , -i , ti'iput nOLDEN NUGGETS F0 SALLOW PEOPLE Valley Farms and Qnlnm Dnnnnnfw 160 ncroe lino fruit or grain land, nil In cultivation, S-room houso, good wntor, 4 mllos from good town, half mllo from railroad, $10 por acre, half cash, balance torms to suit. 20 ncros cholco fruit land In Liberty orchard district, 1 mllos from good school, church and gonoral mor chnndlso storo, on macadam road; $100 por ncro. 40 acros In Polk county, 2V4 mllos from Salem, woll Improved, 6-room homo, 15 acres In orchard, at $200 por acre stock and fnrm Imple ments go with placo. $1000 buys a now 4-roora cottago, 2 foot cement foundation, 1 block from car, cIobo to school. 6-room houso, closots and pantry, 6- tool comont uasomont, soworago, 2 blocks from car lino, lot 75x250 foot, flno garden, fruit trees and 200 8trawborry plants. Price $1200. House and lot in Yow Park, 2-story, 7 rooms, bath and closets, 1 block from car, cloo to school, lot 76x 160 feet, for $1800, If takon coon. LAND HUYKItS' CLUB. Y. M. C. 311 N. Com. St. A. Building. Salem, Or. Union Land Co. Newport, Oregon. Population and property valuo treb ling every year. Tho next 3 years Is tho time roflsonably-prlaed lots can bo purohasod. LOTS AND DlOGKS FOB SALK IN ALL PABTS OF TIIK CITY. If required, buildings erected on any property sold. Correspondence 'solicited. J. A. OLSON, Mgr. Newport, Oregon. t 17 r. t ii JL l j JL- ;; Make us your sole agents It you ,:!For Information inquire at Journal get them qulokly Whrat IiuiU We are not A. Building, Salem, Oregon CLEM LEWIS SAM CASTO FAMOUS II0R8E TIIAINKR. Is now located at Canby Oregon, tho beat winter quarters in the North wost for training and developing young horses. Sam haa room for a low moro prospects, olthor for tfte road or track and would llko .o ' communicate with anybody wishing ., . . .i-j Mr u : tuolr horse trained. Mr. Casto la ' conceded to bo tho best colt maa tho West and his success on tho the Snlora track boars out thlB statement. Torms reasonable nnd satisfaction guaranteed. Address SAM CASTKO, Cnnby, Oregon. CHICHESTER S PILLS LZr. . TIIBIIIAMn.MHIItAMl. A 1 1 iii.rirr.H.TEn n t r .1 . if ( '""JWHCRF. I Gold Dust Flour M,1 by THE 8YDXEY POW. j KI COMPANY', Sidney, 0- ( go, . Made for family use. j' ' Ask our grocer for It. Hratt nnd sliorts nhvnyn on hand. ' P. B. WALLACE, Agt. LINCOLN COUNTY PROPERTY ! rJi bALt ' Qnvnll and 1 1 naraa rf unlnnrl bordering ou doop wntor slough on Ynqulna Bay; all good land. Prlco $450. Forty acres, half way botweon Now port, Or., nnd Toledo, Or., on coun ty road; ono nnd n half acres clear ed with shanty on It; considerable bottom land; good nldor and vino maplo on land. Prlco $700. Good lovol lot on South Bench oppo Bito Newport, Or. prlco $76. Lot D, block 4G, nt Seal Rocks, Or.; flno view of ocean, good lovol lot. Prlco $100. Sovonty-etght acres noar Ploncor, Or., nil alongside R. R. track; bctwoon soviin nnd olght acros of bottom land on It Is elenrod; forty good boarlng npplo troes; good stono qunrry on land noar It. R. Prlco $1800. Two-ncre oyster bod at Oystor City, on Ynuqlnn Bay; with this goes half acre upland lots. Prlco $500. Ton-room houso, 30x40 foot In slzo nnd block ot land, on Nye Crook nnd Olsonvllle sidewalk; houso Is In fino condition; good woodshed and good wator; this is a flno prop osition for n Biimmor boarding and rooming houso, ns well as a per manent homo. Prlco $3300. J. O. OLSSO.V, Newport, Or. Inquire at Journal Olllco. CHOICE RANCHES AND TIM BER LANDS IN LINCOLN COUNTY. 180 acros. 4 miles from Newport, or Toledo, on main county rond, 40 acros levol, 30 acros under plow, bottom land, sandy upland, black soil, 10 acros tlmbor, 130 aoros pasturo. Now houso, 14x24, el 14x24, 7 rooms, two barns. 4 Ox 40 and 38x50, woodshod 14x24, 4 horses, 28 head sheep. 22 hoad oaUle. 9 milk cows. 4 heifers, 9 steers, with all far mlmplementa, wagon, buokboard. etc. Price U606. 110 aerea of Umber in tho Stlotz reservation, near the coast, ostl uted a follews: 3,000.000 foot hemlock. 2.900.000 spruce, 2. 006,000 oedar. all of No. 1 qual ity, at $4400. 160 aere of timber, one-half mile from tne Slletz river, estimated as follews: 6.000.000 spruce, 1.- 000.000 hemlook; $5000. 160 acres tlmbor on tho SIloU, near coast. 10 miles from Newport, es timated as follews: 4.900.000 hemlock, 2.000.000 spruoe, 2. 000.000 oedar; $4500. 160 acres 4V miles from Newport. 10 acres under plow, young or chard 40 to 50 trees, good G-room house 24x30. -oodshed 12x14, root houso 12x16, warehouse 12x. 14. split board barn 40x50, 3, 00.000 fir. 1.000,000 alder tim ber, fir timber nostly second growth; $2750. 160 aorea unimproved land, 5 miles from Newport; partly covered with timber. No. 1 fruit and grazing land $1300 L W. WILLIAMS, Newport. Or. office. SNAP. 40 acres, nearly all beaver dam land. 5 acres planted to onlo&s; 5 acre faelng on county road for build ings; located one-half mile from ra'lroad station; $6000. MKYKK BELLE LAND CO., 437 State Street. Little attacks ot Indigestion are what bring on other ailments, such as aeuto Indigestion, chronic dys pepsia, and evea more serious per manent iiinosa, Kodol u guaran A &VjO Mli-Irt IMnmoreiTntmnlA'VX fi.WSA I'lll. m Itrd tr.J UolJ tnHllkV m tm ' t r uin i j mtt wmtm urn r r . I If , ' - Tteod to give relief Try It today h tt4Hf 4loH'at'''' i50 br u druggists