Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 07, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Worth up to $45.00
$1 2.85
IE M t
Mi il
tel '
6tJL jt ij
Thoy hto broken slzos loft from our Monday, Tuesday and Wednes
day tfftlo. Beautiful gowns of tho sort that you want for street or after
noon wor. Thoy aro In solid colors or fancy patterns, some are mad
plain .others nro made with fnncy yoke of rich Inoo or trimmed with
braid, buttons, straps, pleats, tucks, ate , Hmplro or Princess effects.
Thoro Is every one of tho good, wanted shudos. Although thcro Is not a
complete rango of slzos, the nssortmont is large enough to Justify you
to come and inaKo a soluetlon of stylo followers and thoso who seek
hotter than ordinary bargains. Shnro In this suporh special offering
VnluoM up to $15, today at tho low price of
$1 2.85
Tho largo hllk Hcctlon, main floor, offers to
Friday and Saturday nhpppers a romarkablo valuo
giving In plain and fancy Messallno Silks, Jilack,
whlto, ami nil colors in solid or fancy pattorns.
regular 1.36 and (1.00 values, Friday and Sat
urday only, spoclal
89c yard
Summery Silk Waists
Huducod 20 per cent. This season's mast de
sirable colors In plain and fancy taffeta tailored
waists; the trimmings are buttons, straps, tucks,
ploatlngs, etc. In the assortment aro most every
slzo; nil good desirable models. Values up to 18. CO
reduced 8nttirdn only
20 per cent
in Salem
o o
U () () ( ()
( () M l O O
Weather Forecast
Fulr tonight, wllli light front. Mat
unlay fair.
') jo't'nnneil vs. IiHiiIJc
O t) (
O'Conucll . Ln.Hnllo
At tho Grand tonight,
nt 8:30 o'alouk.
Ho Hasn't Out lloi iin
Win. 'D. Haywood; hoar
Commercial llnll. April 10.
him nt
Gov. flooding
Bnld that Win. 1). Haywood should
nevHr leave Idaho allvo. Ho did, how
over; he will bo In Salem April 10
at Commerolal Hall Don't fall lo
henr him
TVn lVr Out Discount
On May water hills paid beforo tho
10th of tho month. 6-4-61
At the Grand tonight
nt 8:30 o'clock
Had to let Haywood leave Idaho
allvo. Ho VIII be in Salem nt Com
mercial Hail April 10.
I'M 7h tho Tim" of Yir
To buy summer duetors. Call on
F. 13. Slinfor for them. Host lino of
harnoflu In city. F. 13. Shafor, 187
South Commercial stroot. 6-5-oodtf
Wlllltlll lit OlHX
Largo acreagu to subdivide for col
onization. Btato location, proportion
cleared and price of tract. Rush. Ad
dress "Denver." enro Journal, Sa
lem. Oregon. B-7-tf
Ton For Cent Discount
On May water bills paid beforo tho
O'Connell n. IjiuSnllr
At tho Grand toulglit.
at 8: .10 o'clock.
Ottngo Undertaking Parloi
Cottaro and Chemokota its.; calls
day or night; J. C. Bill. Phono 7Si.
Cttocolatea and lion Hone
At Buckingham's Palace of Sweets.
Hod Gross Pharmacy. 4-S-tf
Fruit Tract
Fivo and ten-uare traoU on the
Ore mm Hleelrlc railroad; monthly
Installments. 8ee Derby ft Wlllspn.
Ton Por lnt Discount
On .May water hills paid kfre the
lfttk of Ute wunth S-t-t
Fnifikikloiial Wrestling
At the Grand ojer bone tonight
Q0mumU ve Mfeilto. MprtUM-Ihwt-
Aberwukr v. Anwli. i:te
e'ttoefc TtoM't mlw ti
We Wave mi extra lot of ekleketw
te twsm fur mt Sunday 41h
r, 1. 1. Pnnrlnuto, tk jgtale
lUmt ami wurtoetusuM.
10th of tho month
Tried for Hi Mfo-
Wh I). llaywaod
QtMnmeretal Hall
i(M-H I.
Him at
Fine Maple, ami ,h Wood
Fur aula, cheap, for Immediate de
livery. Apply ICreba Bros., Rush
Urnyiaau building. Telanhuno Main
lit. I-lB-tf
ThU Mn Dollanv
To you. Two of tho grctt Invtu
tlont of modern times on exhibition
In Dorcas Ilros Hod Offlco, Qratr
money makor than telephone. Call
aud seo them; fr demoaslratloa.
f iimiiiK
Capital Commission
Co. !!
1 1
tN7 B. IVm'l St.
Doggy llulibor Tlrv
Wo have' the best rubor tires In tho
markvt. Absolutely guaranteed.
Frtcea tho best, Ira JorgoiiBou, 160
High street. 6-6-lw
(IosIhk Out HaH
Thursday and Friday afternoons
all my rugs will bo closed out re
gardlens of Gout, at 106 South Com
merolal struct. 6-6-31
Do Von Want
ti hw a roul live "undorifrahle ell
Iztiii?" Hoar Dill Haywood at Com
mercial Mall April 10.
OiimtU at Do ()fflc
To get Mat rtMerved for the wreet
II ag match Uinlght betweou O'lNta
Mil ami LSalle Don't nthm seetRg
tkwee men la aetlou. Prellwleary
mmt eetweea Abernathy and Aradt
at $ u'ekx-k.
Tea I'ur ttnt llsiuiit
Oh May wtitw bill paid before tke
lta f tke month. 5-t-t
Try Cr)tnlet
Fer the breath. For sale at:
Meyer's barber shop.
Water' elgar store.
Adolnh'a elgar tore.'
Dlok Madison's.
Tho Spa.
Willamette Hotel
The Council.
The Court.
Noilro to luMlo
"The Cottage Undertaking Tar-
lor' liavo a new process of em
balming without the uso of lntru
mttiite or nwit Mat Ions of body by the
chemical process of absorption. The
Cottage Uudertak'ng Parlors also
furnishes a An? black broadcloth or
auy colored plush caskvt, Including
nice burial robe, frcw use of private
chapel, hoarso, embalming, and one
carriage for the mourners, and fur
thermore up-to-date service, all for
$75. making a saving of from $30
to $30. under other funeral direc
tor' price. We mean to do a
above stated, and aro here to back
up our prom'ae. We still have
cheaper caskets If wanted, black
eloth casket, (ncludlng burial robe
tr use of hearse and embalming
ai low as $45 00 Our place and
method of doing business is up to
date and we don't hesitate to say
(bat our placo Is the most up to
date oil the Pacific, coast, barring
none "Cottage Undertaking Par
lors." j5 N Cottage. trt Phone
7J4. 4-J7-1 o
UMiMielt Syh
that Haywood Is no undesirable
citizen. Hoc him nt Commurolnl Hall
April 10.
t'hiiUi'Nt lliilhllng Lot
On easiest tortus. Homer II.
Smith, Itoom 6, McGornnok building.
Phone 96. 6-7-tf
You m'l Da Hotter
lits from $b0 to $200 on pay
ments of $6 to $15 per mouth. Homer
11. Smith. Doom 6. MeCornack Illdg.
I none !t). 6-7-tf
Notarlc NiiiiuhI TtMbiy
Ilerunrd C. Sits, Lakovlow; J. O.
Fowllft, Bhanlko; B. B. Romlg, O.
Galloway, Okas. J. V. Schnablo, Port
laud. Hill Haywood
Will answer tho Question that 1)111
Taft passed up to God. Hear him nt
Commercial Hall April 10
Depot for Vale
The railroad commission has been
Informed by tho Southern Pacific
Itallroad Company that a doot will
be constructed at Vale. Or.. Just as
soon as a sultablu site can bo pur
chased. The structure will be ade
quate and serviceable and sufficient
ground will be purahuswl In order
that no cougostlou will be ouused at
preeeHt or In the future when tho
town grows larger
Suleili WonmnN CIuIh
The Salem Woman's elub will hold
Its regular imiathly meeting oh Sat
urday. May 8. at :J0 o'eloek at the
reatdewee of Mrs. C S. Hamilton. 190
FHtwt Street. Mrs. Taueeh vttl ad
drees the eiub oh the "Metamortiho
eta of derma Ufe " Mabel Itubert
soh. seeretary. by K D Itaymond.
eerreiary nro tern
The lutud IliijeiV Clul
A how real estate firm, the Lami
liuyers' Club. opHel Us doors fttr
bMslasM bere May I at 311 North
OommwHitt street. In the Y. M C. A.
MtlldlHK. The eomitHHy sells all
kinds of farm ami city ureiterty ami
maktM a specialty of southern Al
berta wheat land. The eompMHy Is
sending a party of people to M.eorta
Hxt Thursday., the 13th. aud any
body IntertMted In the Bjtuthern Al
berto eountry should see them be
foro the parly leave.
YhwU Waut twiui
Chief of Pollco Glbt)H has two
wheals at his office which have ap
parently been deserted by their or
iginal owners, as ihe night police
found them In front of Salem busi
ness houses, where the) had been
standlug for thrt days and more.
One Is a lady's hool and the other
a gentleman's.
Jap HeturtM"l Hon
tho Japanese who hlrtsl a horse
anu buggy from the Fashion stablos
last Tuoaday returnetl the rig this
morning In good Bhaje He ex
plained his reasons for remaining
twa so long by saying buslnecM was
terribly rushing with hlu at present
and that he had not slept tor two
nights. The horso appeared to bo
In good condition, however, and there
being no damage to the outfit. Mr
Yannke. proprietor of the stables.
accepted the rent tor th thre days
use as a settlement
Mr John L. Schuylcmnn of Port
land is nt the Cottage hotel and will
bo In tho city for two weeks rep
resenting tho Clark Wireless Tele
graph and Telephono Company of
Detroit, Mich., whore this company
has headquarters. This company is
mnnnged by some of the most promi
nent business men, whose standing
can be ascertained at any bank or
financial institution of Detroit. The
Clark company hns n capital of $2,
500,000. Stock ono dollar par value.
Ships nro being equipped nt the
rate of four or llvo n week, and sev
eral hundred sets of instruments
have been sold to tho government
and to cxporlmontnl schools and for
eign governments.
The tologrnph and telephone and
other patontB employed by the Clark
Company aro of the most suporlor
kind, and gunranteo transmissions
perfectly for 400 to 1000 miles In
all klndB of weather. Their stations
have tho best and most efficient
cqulpmont In tho world, and the mar
vels of wireless transmission hnvo
only just begun, and will be tho con
stant source of Burprlso, suro to rev
olutionize trnnsmtHRlon of messages
by land nnd soa, and every day com
ing Into grcnter commercial use. A
number of compotent mon arc want
ed by Mr. Schuylcmnn to handle this
Fii-hIi California Strawberries
At Irvln's grocery tomorrow morn
ing Phono GG.
A Fliio A ii to
Simpson nnd tho Scott brothers
have one of tho finest nutomoblles In
the country.
The Drawing Kxhlhlt
of the Salem high school which are
to be sent to tho A.-Y-P. exposition
will bo on oxhlnltlon to tho public
nt the Salem high school all day to
morrow PmfoHidniinl WrvMlIng
At tho Grand opera house tonight
O'Couuoll vs. .LaSullc. Fast prelim
inary, Abernathy vs. Arndt. 8:30
o'clock Don't miss It.
Hiipivme Court Dusy
The members of tho supreme court
will have n busy time of it when
they return from tholr work's stay
In Pendleton, where they are hold
ing couit Among tho numerous
cases now on fllo and duo for con
sideration are several murder en rot.
Those will probably bo Included with
the first business on hand.
Fresh California .Straw berries
At Irvln's grocery tomorrow morn
ing. Phone tilt.
CromN at llo Office
To got sontB reserved for the wrest
ling match tonlgth between O'Con
uell aud LaSnllo. Don't miss seeing
these men In action. Preliminary
bout between Abernathy and Arndt
at 8:30 o'clock.
An April Fool Story
Ask Chcrrlngion to tell you that
story nbout IiIb April fool oxporloncc.
Ho says he doosn't play tricks any
Did lliilldlng In tho Way
As soon ns nrrangomonts can bo
mado for removing tho old Red Cross
drug store building, corner of Com
mercial and Stnto streets, work on
tho new llvo-story building will bo
tHIifrllf !llllf il'''irflttj
Here Is An Opportunity
For You Mr. flomeseeker
160 acros, 4& miles from Newport, Orogon, on Yaqulna
Dny. It oaii bo said without foar of contradiction that no
where In Oregon Is tho climate so mild as on Ynqulna Day.
Ton noros under plow, young orchard, 40 to 50 trees, good
G-room house 24x30; woodshed 12x14, root houso 12x16,
warohouBe 12x14, split board barn 40x50; 3,000,000 fir,
1,000,000 alder timber;, fir timber mostly second growth;
Newport, Ore.
Inquire at Journal Office
John McN'nry went to Portland on
a business trip this morning.
Mrs. S. T. Durdlck left today for
Collins' Hot 8prlngs, to spend sovcr
al wcoko.
Mr, and Mrs. F. N. Woods, who
hnvo been spending the wlntor In
Southorn Cnllfornln, stoppd off hero
today ot visit tholr ntcco, Mrs. Chas.
K, Knowlnnd, on their way to Nome,
Mrs. C. I. Drlvor, of Albany, loft
for Portland and Soattlo thts morn
ing nftor visiting hor parents, Captain
and Mrs. D. C. Howard.
Miss Kvn Holts, of Pilot Rock,
Bastorn Orogon, loft for her homo
today, nftor visiting Mrs, G. A. Back.
Miss Marl. C. Tlrehm, who lectured
at tho First Prcsbytorlan church lat
n'ght, loft for Portland this morn
ing. W. W. Williams, of Myrtlo Point,
and Mis Blanche Mills, of Wiscon
sin, hnvo been gtiosti this wook of
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. T, Vnndocar, of this
John L. Schuylcman, of Portland,
Is In the city for n week, represent
ing tho Clnrk Wlroloss Tologrnph and
Totephono Company.
MllosSnmpion returned to Port
Inud this morning nftor n short busi
ness v'slt bore.
Attornoy J. J. Pench returned to
Kiigouo Innt night nftor n brief busi
ness visit In this city.
Carl Hopf, of Corvallls, formorly
a Salem boy, Is in tho city visiting
friends nnd transacting business.
G. C. Smith left Inst night for
Roseburg, whoro ho will remain tho
balance ot tho woek with his brothor,
Alex., formorly of Salem, who Is se
riously 111.
D. F. Harrison, of Dallas, was In
the city yostordny attending to bus!
noss matters and visiting friends for
n few hours.
Hoy Illakvley has roturned to lilt
homo at Gntos. Ore., after n business
v'slt horo.
Norwich Union Fire
Insurance Company
Frank Meredith, Resident Agent
Room 13, Ladd Bush, Bank
To Whom It May Concern
Notice Is hereby given that tho
name and manner of doing business
of tho company known ns Wm Brown
& Co, located at 120 Commercial iisii- ta aiki
street, Salem, Oregon, Is soon to bo I MJNl!Y I II LOAN
M,..n.,.t.l l.v !.. hiiUM-iinrnllnn nt H.A I ' ' - fc-V mi 1
company Kinder the namo of "Wm.
Brown & Co., Incorporated," tho in
corporators and owners of tho stock
u bo Wm. Brown. Clifford V.
Brown nnd S. Kills Purvlno All per
sons having business with tho com
pany will take heed accordingly.
i Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Oi
untng, polishing, repairing Ph'o608
Seattle Market.
Seattle, May 7. Eggs, local ranch
por dozen, 28c, fresh eastorn, 26c,
Oregon, 26 27c.
Cheese Wisconsin twins, pound,
1919c; cream brick, 21c; wheel
Swiss, 18c; California checso, 17 (J
17 Vtc; llmburgor, 16c; now Tilla
mook, 1819c.
Onions Oregon, 3c lb.; grcon, 30
(0)350 doz.; Australian, l54c;
now Toxns, $2 por crate; Fanno on
lonB, 3c pound.
Potatoes Local, $34 038 ton, or
$1.00 di 1.G5 cwt.; luklma, $35 40
ton, or l.?5fc- cwt.. Early Roso
seed potatoes, ft (8 4.25 ton; Califor
nia new potatoes, 3(&4c lb.; sweet
potatoes, $ t crato.
acreoncd"grnvol Bhould go on ovory
.troot that Is improved in Salem this
year The unscroonod rlvor grnvol
will not mako n decent city stroot.
Whon the city gets that road roller
and a grnvel screen thoro will bo a
chance to got somo suburban strcots.
Crushed rock Is too slow and too
high, nnd too ovorythlng to got ro-
Itst or Stolen Sovoral weeks ago,
a Bnoll blcyclo, two or thrco years
old; steel rims. Roturn to Jour
nal olllce for reword. 4-3-tf
You can got what you want Whoro?
nt tho World Lunch Room. Wo
don't give, but we soil to nil that
has 5 or 10c G-4-3t
Snap If taken ..-'fore Juno 1 57
acroB. 30 in Italian prunes, 3 In Po
ntes, 5 in winter apples, 2 In Eng
lish walnuts, 3 years old; 3 In
Royal Ann cnorrles and Bnrtlott
pears; flno gnrdon; good houso, 2
barns and fruit dryor; $10,500, if
sold quick. Six miles from city.
Meyer & Bell Lnnd Co., 347 Stnto
stroot. Phono 857. 5-4-tf
Wnnted At onco,
tngo Hotel.
waitress nt Cot-5.5-3t
WuiiUhI ut Onco Largo ncroago to
subdlvldo for colonization. State
location, proportion cleared and
prlco for tract Rush. Addross
"Donvor," enro Journal, Salem.
Oregon. 6-7-tf
Lost About threo weeks ago, pre
sumably at Furmors' Feod Barn or
on street, ladles' gold watch with
flour do Us chatelaln pin nttachod.
Initials "B. C. W" engraved on
watch Rowurd If roturned to
Journal office 5-7-3t
For Sale CIhuv 4-room house, barn
and two lots, plenty ot fruit. En
quire nt 154 Front street cornor of
Columbia 5-7-lw
Mine Mlua Parker, ot Portland, Is
vlilt'ng her many friends n Salem
T. J Holbrook. of Stayton, was ,
looking after buslneis matter here
Iu Albuny you have to belong to a t
ojub to have regular drinks Kach
member has a looker with beer aad
a Jug. He glvea a Jap fivo cents and
i has the booze served to him. That
Is noble and square for n free-born ;
American. Yet It Is only ono ot tho
frauds practiced Iu alleged dry towns i
o j
Little attacks of ludlgestlou aro ,
what bring on other ailments, such
as acute Indigestion, chronic dys-!
popsla. ' and oven more serious per
manent Illness. Kodol Is guaran
teed to give relief Try It today
Sold by all druggists
Grand Opera House, Salem. Oregon, Friday, May 7
World'a Champion at 146 lbs Instructor M. A. A. C
Initructor Eugene Athletic Club.
PRICES l.SO, 91.00, noc.
when you buy your Spring Footwear. Our late Spring orders are now arriving and
contain styles and lasts carried by us exclusively. We have as large and sleet an as
sortment of misoss and infants' Spring footwear as will be found in the city.
Our repair work will please you,.
Salem Shoe Store
G. W, EYRE, Prop.