DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALBM, ORBGON, FJUWAY, MAY 7, 1009. ;BlsvlAftc $1.00 White Lawn Waists $1.00 Large assortment. Long sleeves, open front or open back, nicety embroidered. $2.50 Net Waist, very pretty 25c Dainty Corset Covers 25c MILLINERY Just received a large assortment of sample Dress Hats, no two alike. Prices one-third less than regular. Artificial flowers and foliage; nice variety to select from. Also plenty of dress shapes. Expert trimmers to look after your wants. New Parasols just received. A great variety of shapes White Parasols, values up to $1.50, now 75c Rostein & Greenbaum 240-246 Commercial Street HMBHIHHHMHHai E-RU-SA THE ONLY LAWFUL PILE CURE Becauso It does not contain narcotics, morcury, cocalno, load or any poisonous drugs. Becauso E-RU-SA CUKES PILES. U. 8. DIsponsatorj rocommonds ovory lugrcdlont of E-ltU-SA. Drug laws mnko "fnlso or mis leading statoraonts" a crlnio. Thoroforo tho salo of nil other or Injurious narcotic pllo medicines Is Illegal, bocatiBo thoy affect mo brain and spinal mnrrow, produco constipation and novor euro. All rollnblo, up-to-date druggists of highest standing soil and lndorso E-RU-SA, nnrooly In Salem DR. STONE'S DRUG STORE, O. W. PUTNAM & CO.. RINQO & GRADER RED CROSS PHARMACY, and OAP1 TAL DRUG STORE. W. II. Coo!ey. GREAT SALE OF SEATS FOR MATCH T0NI6HT OPERA HOUSE WILL BE PACKED TO SEE WRESTLING BOUT PULLED OFF-BETTING IS MOSTLY ON O'CONNELL -BUT NO ODOS According to roports coming from Eugene, that city Is with La Sallo to tho finish, as thoy think ho will win tho contest without a doubt. Portland fans nro talcing tho oposlto vlow of tho matter, and nro boosting 'OCon noll at ovory point of tho match. Good crowds nro oxpectod from both Eugene end Portland, and thero will probably bo hundreds of Interested fans wltnoss tho contest, coming from nearby towns horo. Dan Sullivan, who in claimant of more or Iocs notoriety as a profes sional wrestler, has failed to moot any agreement oftored by Eddlo O'Connoll, and It Is evident from Ills speech In this city regarding his un successful efforts to arrange n match with O'Connoll, that ho is somewhat Inclined to shy at tho llttlo man, as It has boon frequently reported Into ly that O'Connoll tins ottered Sulli van all kinds of good lnducomonts to meet him, but x,n -"'used or cogi tated Home way of eluding furthor arrangements for a bout. In Bplto of tho fact that Joo La Salle, tho wrcstlor from Eugene, out weighs Eddlo O'Connoll, tho gritty llttlo lightweight champion, Salem fans aro right on tho bet that tho mnn from tho Multnomah Athlotlc Club will pin tho big- 118-poundor to tho stago in a fair and squnro wrcstlo tonight. Wrestler O'Connoll has suro- Change-Hands Sale GREAT SACRIFICE SALE AT THE CUT-PRICE SHOE STORE Having bought out the large shoe stock of Steeves & Bruner at;263 Commercial street, we are going to slaugh ter prices on shoes to rush off the stock. We will put up our entire line of Spring and Summer footwear, all up-to-date goods, and there will be no reservations at cut prices, Save money on the smallest purchase for any member of the family. AN ELEGANT OXFORD all leathers alls" This is one J& ' 'BallllllllM m y :bbbbbbbbbbbbbbi wMSKm jyyBim AmWtomTk? Amc mcit Oxfords in tans, oxbloods, patent leather and gun metals, Just the thing for nobby young men, Regular $4,00 to $5,00 val ues, cut price $2 Shoes for young men, up-to-date lasts, patent leathers and gun metals; in lace or bluctier cuts, Regular $5,00 values on sale at $2.89 Ladies' patent leath- a STYLISH TIE er Pumps, one strap with bow; regular values $2,50, salo price $1-22- LADIES' OXFORDS, all at cut prices fcaBi' TL J- I l A ' J aaainiy , lOUCmo dress PRICE Misses' and Children's Tan Scuffers, in all sizes, regular price $1.75, cut price sale at 99c Misses' and Children's Shoes, button or lace, In glazed kid, regular price $1.50, cut price sale 79c A LEADER FOR BOYS Boys' Satin Calf, up-to-date lasts, sold everywhere at $1,50 to $1.75, on sale at the Cut Price Shoe Store, ,89c These are only sample prices, but we have thousands of others in just the same cut price proportions too numer ous to mention, but that will surprise you. Remember the PlaceNo. 263, on West Side Commercial St, Between Court and Chemeketa. We handle shoes only, but on a 'large scale and all at Cut Prices. Come early and get your pick and fit, I Salem' Only Cut-Price Shoe Store M. BLOOM, Prop., Sale Now On ly won tho ndmiratlon of tho Salem onthus'nsts, notwithstanding thoy linvo ncvor hnd tho opportunity of Booing him net on tho mnt, nnd thoy linvo good fu'th in his ability. O'Con noil fully ronllzoH that ho must glvo La Snllo 40 pounds tho best of tho match, but ho Is conlldont that ho can throw tho Kroncli-Canadlan. Ln Snllo, however. Is just as suro of win nlng tho bunt, although ho dooa not oxpect to put his opponent down with out n fierce struggle. Tho bout La Snllo had with Eddlo O'Connoll In I2u gone rocontly, whon thoy strnlnad .'or 2 hours and 15 minutes without KaBfefc Kr XSBBBBSBBBfefc- jSBr SllllHBaillllB ssUBsfisw sflflsallH HHBfKyvYvAssaaiBBBBBBBBE olthor being pinned wiib n good dem onstrnt'on of tho two contestants strength and omlurunco. This bout wns called off at 12 o'clook, nnd to night thero must bo n fall, nnd tho wro tlors luivo decided to put no tlmo limit on tho bout. It U almost un established fact now that tho sport of wrestling has coino to Ralem to stay, as bouts aro being arrangod for dates In this city betweon wrostlors all over tho state. Tho mnnagors and' promoters of tho sport aro making efforts to Induco Krniik Gotch to glvo an exhibition bout noro In tho nour future, and It Is posslblo Bnloin funs will bo nc bomniodutod by the big wrostlor. - , ,- Tlio illg llcid 1h of two kinds -onrlt nnd tho big baud tliHt uomtMt from u sluk headache. Dixwt your homl over fool like a gourd and your brain fool louse nnd r? You can euro It In no time by acting on your liver with lUlUrd'H Ilorblne. Isn't It worth trying for the absolute hiu! 'certain renef you'll get? Sold by nil Dealers. - o Mill for Worn!. Kealel bldn will be received by the d rectors of School District No. 3-1. of 8a I em, Oregon, at the olllco of the district olerk, In the Murphy block, until' thu 16th day of May, 1'JO'J, nt G p. m. Hlds to be aponod nt togular meet iik of board at the high school build Ing at 7:3 p. in. of sftld date, for oord wood for the dlfferont school buildings, as follews: Knat school 00 cords second growth fir, 10 ash. I'ark CO cords second-growth fir, 10 cords ash. Lincoln to cords second-growth fir, 10 cords ash. High S0 oords second-growth fir Qrnnt SO oord a second-growth fir, 10 cords ash. , Now school -10 cords second growth fir. Ten per cunt cortlfled check to ac company all bids. Hoard reserrw tho right to reject any or-all bids. If. A. JOHNSON. JR., 5-6-Std District Olerk. A Happy Father Is soon turned to a sad one If he has to walk tho floor every night with a crying baby. McGco's Ilaby Elixir will mako -o child well soothe Its nerves, Induco healthy, normal slumber. Uest for disor dered bowels and sour stomach all teething babies need it. Pleas ant to take, sure and safe, contains cents er bottl uold by all Dealers. GHIIalrvn Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O ASTO Rl A 6S Tlio Kind You lfovo Always Bought, mul which has boon iu uso for over 30 yearn, litis borno tho slgnaturo of nlul Iins liccmitiuloimilur his por- tjP-s-). Honnl Hiiporvlshm slneo ita Infancy. f-CCCCriM A Hit w mt mtnlitilfwnlvn vitu In thin All Counterfeits, Imitations nntl'lTust-U8-roml,,nro bufc Experiments that trillo Avltl: and uiulnnrer tho health of InfHnts and Clilhlrou Uxporlonco UKHliiHt lixporhnont. What I CASTORIA Ciistorlu la a harmless substltuto for Castor Oil, Pnro irorle, Drupu .d Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It voutalus noitluT Opium, Morphlno nor other Nareotlo nubtr-:or. It.-i nno Is Its guarantee It destroys 'Worms nnd nl'ayj IVvcinhiiess. It cures Dlarrhajn and Wind Colic. It roll.ivou Teething Troubles, cures CouHtlpatlon mul riatulcucy. It assimilates tho Pood, regulates tho Stomneh mid Ilmvels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Prleud. GENUBNE CASTORIA ALWAYS Soars tho Signature of C&Lstyffi&CtM. The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 5a wnnmnnniinnnnniiitinnnnim i it- ; ; Mechanic' Tools, Sharpies Separators; ! ! ;; Heath and Milligan Paints, Ornwood ; Spray, Frfcticnless Metal, Builders';; Hardware !! ;; Salem Hardware Co. i itwunmt !!! nmmmiisis iiai iHfrf-hf K3HM Special Prices On Clover hood, Hnrloy nnd Whent Chop nnd hnnd Plnstor Tillson & Company b ijtiiiaif ftmfofaf ! ''! ! Summer Rates East OUUINO Till: HKAHON 1O0I) via tlin SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO, I'llO.M HALIC.M To OMAHA and roturn $61,65 To KANSAS CITY and roturn $61,65 To ST, LOUIS and roturn J $69,15 To CHICAGO and rotun $74,15 and to other prluolpnl altloa In tho Hunt, Middle West and Houth. GorroHpoiidliiKly low fares, ON HAM JU,VK a, ; JUhV U, il; AUOU8T 11, fi To DENVER nnd roturn i $56,65 On Knlii .May 17, July 1, AiikhhI 11 OqIiik transit limit 10 days from date of sale, flnnl roturn limit Ootober 21st. These tloketa urosont some very attrnotlvo featuros In tho way of stopover privileges and choice of route; thereby enabling pnsson Kers to make sldo trips to many InturoatlnK points un route. Itoutlnc on tho roturn trip through California may bo had nt A slight advanco over tho ratos quoted. Kull particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will .bo f jr nlshod by any Bouthorn Pacific local agont, or YVM. McMUUUAV, Gtntral PusseiiKer AkhI, I'ortluiul, Ort'Kon. fltif f f lftlf sf !! millIM DISCOHOL CURES LIQUOR HABIT New mtdical prtpsrslloa In liquid sad powdvr furtas. Tb uljr known rmly for Alcohol dlMtMs. Can (iTtn with collet, its, cocoa or ullk without istltaV OOWItl(. FREE SUCCESS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED FREE COO I'AOKAUHH tilt T1I1H VALUAIIl.U URUIOINB TO UH QIYBS AWAY ritUU A MptcUAit baa lauly dlacortrtd a nw utdlclns for tbt cure of lb dries habit- Do jou wUb a barkattl If you bat in jour (amllr s lotluc buaband, fathtr, brothtr or aoo, who U striate you trouble, or tuaklag Ufa uUcrabU for you, and wbotn you wUb to ! curtd from ihla dlacuM. do nut braltata a mointot, but act at ooca. Alcohol baa Ihla Tlctlm in bla clutcbta sod lb uoforlunat ooa U not abl to tacaa hln. DIACOIIOI, baa curtd tbouaanda and will curt any oaa bdonaloe to too. Writ to in at tat, hutota It U lao lata. It la suarautel barot Im and Its tfftcta ara poaltlra. If you wtab frea trtatmtnl and furtbtr loatrac tan to lions, fill out coupon btlow and ma I atcura on KltKK. Cut out tbla Coupon. will soon I siraa away and each further package will coat f. HOW you can Don't btaltata. aa tbe aoo packaxta Ktnd It today. Htnt In plain wrapper. Oovpon for frt UrUk-UMt Vrt. ,, Name AddftM ..,, , IMIIMMItMIIHtWItl. Uall thU Coupon to TIIM UiiiKUt AHHOCIATION. A3 Kait ISIat Kt., Kew York, N T