.mi in i WMUmUnjiu DAILY CAPITAL JOUJtrtAL, 8ALKM, OREGON, FIUDAY, MAY 7, 1000. t1 I IlKV. I. W. WILLIAMSON'S LKTTKIt. Rev. I. W. Williamson, Hunting ton, W. Vn., writes; "Thin Is to cer tify Hint I usoil Foloy's Kldnoy Romctly for norvoua exhaustion and kldnoy troubles and nm freo to say that It will do all that you claim for It." Foloy's Kldnoy Itomody has restored health and strength to .'thousands of woak, run down, peo ple contains no unrmrui drugs and Is plcnsant to tnko. J. 0. Perry. o . The annual public Hchool parade Is a "inado In Salem" ovent. ' Itosoburg will sell $25,000 of stroot paving and bridge bonds. Classified Ads FOIl HALK For Hnlo A lint-class socond-liand buggy, choop. Inquire at Journal office 3-tO-tf FOR BALK -Bplondldly Improved dairy farm; fully equipped. Ap ply W. D. Ollion, 344 Otato. -Will tnko Bomo city proporty, 3-29-lf For Hnlo G-room houso, 8 lots, barn, chlckon park, fruit, and borrlos, good woll, TortnB. J. D. Hog., Twontloth and Loo stroots 4-IJ-lm For Hnlo Cut rosos at Hamilton grcon houso, Yow Park; will be thoro aftornoons only. 4-22-tf .For Hnlo Clicnp 22 ncros In Polk county, overlooking Salem, one nnd ono-hnl. miles southwest, 11 acres In cultivation, 8 ncrcs In grain, 2 acros strawberries nnd fruit troos, homo, barn and poultry housos. Will sell nil or part. P. 8. Hendry, Routo No. 2, Snloni, 4-20-2w For Hnlo Wood eaw outfit comploto, with six honopowor gaBolIno on Kino. Call up 198. Vogot Lumbor Co. G-l-lw Hnnd mid (linden Loam for Hnlo Dollvorod to nny part of tho city for 11.50 n yard. Delivered nt comntorv for boiuo price. 13. C. Miller. Phono 1550. 5-3-lwk For Hlv--Puro brod Colllo pup, i roady to tnko awny. 13. A. mi-I rrancc, l y, tnllog onst of city, on Frank Smith placo, Houto No. (J, box 5. 5-14-lw For Rule Froh mllnli and buttor cow, 0 yours old, pnrt Joroy nnd auornsoy. Inquire 18U, North Fourth utroot. 5-5-3t For Hn!i Home nnd lot on 18th stroot, cloio to rar lino. Knqiilro of a. C. lloltor. 2010 Trndo Btroot. D-O-lw I'r Halt At a bargnln. Ono-half block near Lincoln school. Bovor al cholco lotH In North Snlom, nnd thrmi good lotit on Hnst Stnto stroot. P. h. Fraxlor, 402 Stnto stroot. 6-0- For Bale (Jood all round horHo. In- qulro 183 N. Twonty-flrflt. I'hono 1223. F l.omt. 5-0-31 lor HjiIo llmlroom Hot, mahogany driWMiir. ImIiIo, rookor. Iiml and olinlr. Call In mornliiKit nt 104 Smith Cottnuit htroot. S-0-31 I'Vr Srtlo Thrvti Jarsoy cows. Hn qulro of C. I.. WttAYtir, Liberty. B-C-3t 1X)R RKNT For Rent--3 roouiB, nlcoly and nnwly furnlshod. Kloctrlo llghtH and tnl ophoiiM. Bplondldly equipped tmth nnd toilet, on second floor, call In aftornoons nt 715 Center treut. cornor of CottttKO 4-3-tf WANTII WniitHl Small furin. 10 to 30 noroo. Addrrim wltU prlo, terms and do Borlptlon. h It. Ostrom. 1155 llroHihvay. ShIwhi. l-I-tw Uo4M,tlirM troot. Wnntel At 678 8tt 3-tf-lm Vnntd 21 man, hop yard work. Krubt Hro.. lVi8h-llrytiisn build ing. Phono 131. 3-15-tf WnntiMl MiMgr for branch of llso ww wlah to loti Uwr Ih Sa eom. Addi'M the MorrU Vkol Mla Houm, OlHQluatl, Ohio 4-S lw WantiHl A lnHdrNa. Apply t ouc at WllUmnto Bauitaiium. Il-lwk MIHPKLIiANhXtUH 0uHt V.'ork8optlo tank, cement walks nnd foundations. All work guaranteed llary Rowo. Phono 1589. 4-U-lm UHK1P IMUKOTOKY, Ctwptiitt'rM I'moii No. 1005 Local Uulou No 1065 of Carpontors and Joiners of America meet ever Sat urday ttventig a 7:30 p. in In Hearst ball. 430 8tate Street A. W. IVmnl. Ueo. 8. Oh (ml liltf .. hi, k. of i,. Cattle hall lu Puluuu block, cor ner 8lat and Liberty stretiU. Tuesday of each vreek at 7:30 u w, 0rr Jnhnon, O C ; K. ll Audersuu. K ot It abd 8 Modem WHHtnin r? Amrrlrt-Orr-gon Cdar Camp Nj. 5344. Meets every Thursday uveulug at 8 o'clock In Holwaa kail. A. V Bambor, V. a; V. A. Turotr, cUrMotto Mucllhaupt, plumbing, heating Wmmsmwh of WoM Meet every rrl 47 alsM at 7:30. la Uolwaa kali. A, U Wrwy. Q. 0 U, H. ltt CJfk Jm. 1, ', Whooping Cough. This Is a mora dangerous dlseaso than Is genorally presumed. It will bo a surprlso to many to learn that mora deaths result from It than from scarlet lovor. Pneumonia of ten results from It. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been used in many onldomlcs of whoenlni: couch. and always with tho best results. Delbort McKolg of Il&rlan, Iowa, says of It: .iy boy took whoop ing cough when nlno months old. Ho had it in tho winter. I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Homedy wnlch proved good. I cannot roc ommond It too highly." For salo by all good druggists. IIUSINRSS CARDS. sirs. Munaoy Fashionable dress- making. Work dono on short no tlco and rcaBonablo. Phono 934 350 South 17th street. 4-G-lm Livery and Feed Htnbl- Old PoJt- oulco Stables, at 254 Ferry stroot, botwoon Commercial and Front fllroots. Tolupbonu 188. Bomo of tho flnoBt llvorlCB In tho city can bo found hero. Wtstacott & Jonn son, tf CAPITAL HAKIiHS. Prop, nread, cako, pies, nnd all kinds of pastries, cookies, etc. Watch for our wagon. Phono 054. 11-19-tf Wo nro In (ho imirkct for all kinds of poultry and oggB. vo pay tho hlghost cash prices nlwnys. II. Pohlo & 86n, 240 So. Llborty Bt., Salem. 6-3-tf IIUTTKHNUT IIRKAI). It Ib worth moro thnn any othor brond, yot tho prlco Ib no hlghor. For Bale nt your irrocer's. Cnllfor- nln Unkory, Thomas & Cooloy, Prps CutuiiiliiH Ilrort.1 Trnnsfcr Oompnny ah Kiiius oi trnuBror work donn burnlturo nnd pianos bzod reudy for shipment. Prompt sorvlco In our motto. Stand nnd olllco nt 253 South Commorclnl ntreot Phono 31(1. Rosldouco Phono llutlo & Woudcrotli irjno wlnos liquors and cigars. Wo handle tho colobrntod Kollog and Castle whlsklos. Cool nnd refreshing boer constantly on draught. South Commorclnl Btroot 9-8-lyr. llydo llros. Kloctrlc Co. I31ectrlo suppllos nnd flrst-clMa wiring at rcasonublo prlco. Call at our omco for estimates. Phono 451 143 N. Llborty stroot. 1-12-tf Wcnger M Clirrrlngton pianos and organs sold on ousy torms; tolo pnorr 1187; 247 Comn.orcUl Btroot. Salem, Oregon. tf Conrrrtu Work Got my prlcos on slduwulk, curbs, spotlc tanks and comont work of nny kind. All work gunrniitood first claas. M. Ward, 3378 Maplo Avo., Highland Phono 500. May 34-00 G. F. MASON BOX COMPANY, 247 Miller Ht,. South Snlom, manu fncturorH of nil kinds of boxos, orntM nnd fruit dry or nccossorlos. Phono 308. tf Tho South Halcin Meat Markot, ou poslto Dauo's store. Fresh nd on rod meat. Gonoral dellvory Olve It n trial. Huffman & Mar tin, props. 3-3-tf MALUM WATKIt COMPANY. OI'KIOK CITY HALL. For water Borvloo apply nt office IIIIU payablo monthly In advance Marina County Hinploiuoiit noil CNjitivtliMi Agoiicy Holp fur- uiud tTi to employors. Prompt Mttwatlou glvwa to rollootlons. Of- 'lie room 4. ovr Hush bank. 4-30-2W Dr. II. S. Stono, 1. O.. Chlnprctor. Spin ami nervo spoolnllBt. Hoowt 4, (. 0. IVArey building. PkoH Main S7. Salem, Orogon. 4-2S-H TONSOIUAL. Now lliirbur Shop Wish to my to tho HMpl (Mat I Imvo optmod a barlwr iliop at i6T Asylum nvnnuo a Mil will KuarautM all ftrst-olnsa work, and wiltelt n shuro of your patron- Sydney M.. Uunb. 4-37-2w Staiitmi .S Schuli'd Plarxv 375 Court HtrH)t. for up-to-dato work. Ilaths. clunra nnd tobacco. First olnss shiner In connection. AH work a speolalty Call on us. 4-1-tt It. . Movr Ai C Tho best and larg eat shop lu tho city. 8lx first-class barbera Only rlrat-clnsa bootblack In city, porcelain baths und evory thlug pertalulng to a first-class shop. Also oarry a full lino of olgura nnd tobacco and barbers' supplies. 103 Commercial stroot, next door to Stateamau oftlco. 4-6-tf PLUMHKRs TIuh. M, tiarr Plumbing, hot - 'o and steam heating aud Unman. l4 Commercial street. Phou Main 193. 0-1-1r M. J. lYUrl .Plumbing, steam and gas titling. Successor to Knox 4 Murpby, 336 Commercial slrot 8 fitting; price reasonable, work guaranteed i phou 373. estimate furnished 1066 Cketnvketa St 1-17U TAC0MA BOASTS OF FOUR-LEGGED CHICKEN Tacorna, Wash., May 7. Mrs. Rosetourg, of 5425 South J. street, cortalnly Ib entitled to tho prize at tho next chicken show. Whllo tho exports are breeding for slzo, laying qualities nnd "points," Mrs. Roe- I ourg has accomplished somothlng that none of tho rest have equaled. A chlckon with four logs has been hatched In her poultry van! thin wook. Tflnt is going somo. Think of coming to tho tablo with a roost fowl with four "drumstlckr" and four second joints. Mrs. Roseburg Is untitled to tho CUD If ho pjlrt mnUn this breed Btlck In futuro generations of poultry. sale"of "Willamette" hotel perfected The salo of tho Wlllnmotto Hotel, announced somo tlrao ago, has boon lold up for somo tlmo. but Is now completed. It sooms that. In ordor to perrect tho tltlo It required tho s'gimturo of two of tho heirs of tuu T'ltoti oBtnto. A wlro to Mr. Thomp son this morning snyB thoso rlg-in- tures novo ut-on secured, and the salo is now nn accomplished fact. As scon a i tho papors arrived tho formal transfor- will bo made, nnd, no doubt, following this, plans for remodeling tho building will bo porfected, nnd, as Boon as posfllblo tho work will bo commenced. Thoro aro othor pio JoctB In this connection that promiso ruich for Snlo.m's bottormont, that will mntorlnllzo In n fow days. - o-- - - Oregon strawberries will booh bo In tho mnrkot Tho Ice cream Is nl roady rlpo REAL NOTICE! t AM. rilANHHH of copy tnr Ileal j?lnlc Ada mint 1m In The Journal Offlco liy 0 o'clock tho cronlng beforo tho ilnjr on which the ml Ih to nppenr. I" Farms All sizes nnd prlcos. Call for lnrgo printed Hat. City proporty of nil descriptions. See ub boforo buying for bnrgnlnii. OLMHTKI) LAND CO. tl7:i Htnto Street. LOOK AT TIIKHK IIAIUULVH. 05 ncros, good 0-rooui houso with hot and cold water, bath, windmill; 2 burns; wnter piped to ImriiH nnd lawn; In sight or Salem; 10 ncros flno prunes In bonrlng, 0 ncros of young prunes, 7 uorea flno npplo orchard, Just beginning to bonr. 3 acros young Koyul Ann cherrlos; all extra flno laud; nil kinds small fruits; host homo; within C miles Salem; h snap; luvostlgato. 43 acroH, 2 good Iiouhoh. 20 noroH flno npplo orchard. II aeros just In good bearing. 0 ncros young Haldwlna. 2 norus flno young poaoh troos; will sell all or pnrt; n snap; ou good read: In sight of Salem. Now house nnd 3 lota, all In fruit, on car lino, only $750. . 10 and 20 uoro tructa. $100 per aero. Mno lota on InHtnllmonts. Houses to runt or soli lu nil parts of Sn lom. If you wHitt anything, soo A. t SMITH AJ CO., 1!.VJ Stnto St. HOMK SKHKHltM. Why Pay Hunt? House and vneaiit lots sold on la illunnt'i; $60 down, balance $7 per month. Just like rent, will buy nous and ture lota; prlo $750. lllMllltlftll ItllllglllOW. New. modem nnd up-to-date bunga low, g rooms, pantry, bath, wnsh taud. toMai, towvr. china rloMts. rlotUM elotot. wowl lift. bauint. eltctrlp light IUtur. nhoaa. In fact vry tklag up to dai. Prlc 11800. Ynrnnt Lots. i ho iota oh iai ttret for two days .. epiy: pr'ee ifiOO: sHan. Som clow In vacant lots la North. Bast :; and South Salem. fl, tt), UO-Aciv Tracts. ' JO arrM. 16 acre la eron. balnnpo patture and oak timber; prloe for atfew days $05 pr .rre orth j FaniLN. Fine dairy farm. SCO acroa. half un- J der rulth'atlon. tmlanee timber i i and paaVMre. modoru bulldlnRS, spring wator. orop and tmplo- J J moms; price only no. quo, wen worth tis.nnn Another Fnrm. x 320 ncrea. one of the finest farms In tho Waldo Hills, biggest snap In ;; me wiuamotie valley; price for a hort tlniK $40 per acrv .1W..K. ,(- r tnKv n uyvviaiy ui oxcnanging WMIametto valley farms tor Port- 'and Incomo property. List with II 9 llouMM for Hent. AuMhlng in real estate, call on HKCIITKI. M1NTON, ltoomt 7-S Hayne llldft 341 State St. Salem. Or. THK LONtMIKWlTT HKAI.TV COMPANY ltU INtnte Auvnth. r'artn and City Pnprtv. ItiKQt trratment to all. Room 3 iiayuo Hulldlng Phone 725 8alem. Or Kills Her Foe of SO Years. "Tho most merciless enomy I bad for 20 years," declares Mrs. James Duncan of Hayncsvllle, Mo., "was Dyspepsia. I suffered lntcnsoly af ter eating or drinking and could scarcely sleep. Anor many remedies had failed and several doctors gave me up i tried Electric Dltters, which cured mo completely. Now I can ent anything. I am 70 years old and am ovorjoyed to got my health nnd strength bnck again." For Indiges tion, Loss of Appotlte, Kidney Trou ble, Lamo Rack, Femalo Complaints. Its unoqualcd. Only 50c at J. C. Perry's. o Tho CorvalllB Gazette Is Issuing a aaiiy pnpor. it is a great advertise ment for the llvo city at tho head of navigation. Bladder DoWltt's Kltlnnv nn,l Pins quickly rollovo bnckacho, weak back, pains In tho groin, rheumn tism, etc. sond your name to E. C. DoWItt & Co., Chlcngo, for freo trial box. Sold by all druggists. Notice to Uie Public. If you want a mnrblo or granite monumont. call nt our nhnn In r.itv VIow Oomotory. Wo can save you nullum. iuu uiaosiug uranito uo. J. D. DOHANNON, Mgr. 4-7-lao CASTOR (A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought t- ,rrt tho Eri i !- t tf Uc&i: ESTATE NEWS Du.VtlnBoJa?iffi:W Valley Farms and tlon, with lots of stock, houso, 3 ' springs, good buildings, woll fenced I hi j uoiub. A fino grain farm to trado for Salem or Marlon county proporty. Joo Dandy farm In Pnlouso county, Wash., 5G0 acres, 275 In fall wheat, 3G acros In oats, 30 acres In flno orchard, wlntor apples, and good buildings, good wntor, woll foncodj trndo for Salem or Marlon county Innd. A lino houso nnd lot In Pasndona, Cal., 1 blocks from main or busi ness part of city, to trndo for Sa-1 loin proporty. Household goods, stock of , Implements nnd ovory- thlng. All kinds of property for salo or trndo. If you want anything nlco cnll and boo mo for your wants. H. H. UYAN, Corner of Commercial and Conter Stroots. HKAL ESTATE. No. 23 20 ncres lino lnnd, good houso nnd barn, othor outbuild ings; 3 noros In orchnrd; 2 good wolls; 4 mlloB from Snlom. Prlco $4,250 No. 128 12 ncros 4 miles north east from Snlom, nil In cultiva tion; a4-noro In borrlos, G-room houso, 100 nssortod fruit troos, 14 young Itoynl Anno chorry troes, 1 horso, 2 hnrnoss, 1 buggy, 1 light hnck, 2 cows; all farm Implo montu go with tho placo, Prlco $3,000. No. 73 10 acres, lot 5, Capital Ad dition to Frultland, C-roora box i houso, good collar and woll, barn 30x50, shed 14x40; 400 bushels of fruit picked from 2 ncret. last season; thU placo la woll tiled. Price $3000. No. 101 20 acres, all In cultivation, 3 acres orchard, good G-room houso and barn, 3 wells of water, near sohool and church; sell for $3400 or trndo for city proporty, terms. JNo. 34- 6-room houso. lot 50x150. on Uth trttt Price $800; terms SAVAOK A HEUHKN. 134 South Commercial Street. . - - - 'M - t - Hstailiatil4tltt4t)t4t4Hl WANTED!!! ,- v j TOWTl LotS City Property Farm Lands j WE CAN SELL THEM ;: I L List your property with us .... woum got satisfactory results and dead, nor do wo sleep much. We kH .llUrtu Land Buyers' Club 1; 311 Com'l Street. Y. M. C. 0. J. HULL tf)'HmTifrTiriTtH'ti mnittt i tttti ttitj mii lajj , . Biliousness and Constipation. For years I was troubled with bll iousnera and constipation, which made llfo mlscrablo for me. My np notltn fnllnil mn. I Innt mv nntinl force and vitality. Pepsin prepara tlons and cathartics only made mat- W08t f0r training and developing tors worse. I do not know whero II . 1M Cn, , - . .... l.-i tj . young horses. Sam naa room for a should have been today had I not 6 ... tried Chamberlain's Stomach nnd'w nv?ro prospects, olthor for Ui Liver Tablets. Tho tablets relievo road or track nnd would llko -.0 t StJfiU' "ZTJ&l I communicate with anybody wisnlns Btomnch, liver and blood, helping .C... w .Hw. w, ,....,? fcMV tno system to do Its work naturally. Mrs. Rosa Potts, Birmingham. Ala. These tablets nro for salo by all goodr . wcsl ana a 8 ' druggists. Salem track bears i druggists. o Cottage Grove will have n threo dn'8' colebrntlon of the Fourth. A Scalded Hoy's Shrieks. norr,flu1 his grandmother, Mrs. Mn.r,a T.a'Ior' f Nebo, Ky., who - . wr,t.? thnt- whon nI1 thought ho ' nuum dlo. Ducklcn's Arnica Snlvn wholly cured him. Infallible for uurns, ycnids, Cuts, Corns, Wounds, Drulses, Cures Fovor Sores. Dolls. oAin Eruptions, Chilblains, Chnpped Hands. Soon routs Piles. 25c nt J. C. Perry's. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O ASTO R I A locky Mountain ion Nino's A Dair M4irla fei Eajr Xt Bnnjt 9ol.iii iKilth niid .'sr'vi-ii V nor. a f'ii(li f r Citulltvillnii iD'tiro-tln, I.,i. r Kin ner Tr nl.tt. ri npl.-n Vr.-nix. Iinpiii HI'kmI. liuil llniilt. Sluc'di liO'i'i,, Unacti yi'i llnrkiii'ln Ii'nlloalcy M-'iitiilti lVn lu tab- Ii.-k luiin --u n mix i.i ii. .iii? ninni uy UuLUsren Dun. ('..himsv, Madlvn. Wl. I nOLDEN NUGUETS F0H SALL0V PEOPLE Salem Property 150 ncros Mno fruit or grain land, nil In cultivation, G-room houso, good wntor, 4 mllos from good town, hnlf mllo from rnllroad, $40 por ncre, hnlf cash, balance torms to suit. 20 ncros choice fruit land In Llborty orchnrd district, 1 miles from good school, church and Ronornl mor- chnmllso storo, on macadam road; iuu por ncro. 40 acros In Polk county, 2V mlloB from Salem, woll Improvod, G-room houso, 1G ncres in orchard, at $200 por ncro stock nnd fnrm imple ments go with placo. $1000 buys a now 4-room cottago, 2 foot cement foundation, 1 block from car, close to school, 5-room houso, closots nnd pantry, C foot comont basomont,' soworago, 2 blocks from car lino, lot 75x250 foot, lino garden, fruit treos and 200 strawberry plants. Prlco $1200. House .nnd lot In Yow Park, 2-story, 7 rooms, bath and closots, 1 block from car, clo-o to school, lot 75x 150 foet, for $1800, If takon booii. LAND IIUYKHS' CLUIL Y. M. C. A. Building. 311 N. Com. St. Salem, Or. Newport Lots FOR. SALE $50 to $300 CHOICE LOCATIONS Double In value oaoh yur. Easy tonus and most doslrablo location. No where In tho stnto of Orogon Is proporty Increasing as fast In vnlue as In Newport. For full Information call or write. C.E. SHEFFIELD Vow port, Orogon. X" Mako us your solo agents if you . get them quickly. We are not J j Wheat Laud A. Building, Salem, Oregon i:!,Vrn0ef.'l,rrrMd."?i"i CLEM LEWIS SAM CASTO FAMOUS HORSE TRAINER, Is now located at Canby Oregon, - ! the beat winter quarters In the North I their horso trained. Mr. Casto Is conceded to be tho best colt man a tho West and his success on tho the Salem track bears out this statement. I Torms reasonable and satisfaction - l eimrnntol. Address. SAM OASTRO. Cnnby. Orccon. . CHICHESTER S PILLS rt. .THE IHAMO.NI IIIIAM). a Vn 5 I'- " """ T "' -our V l fc if ' "'M ' ' !" I'l . f4 Ov h .' ' r ' 'MW Gold Dast Flotii1 M.ulo by THK SYDXKT POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Oro goi'. Mndo for family uhc. Ask our grocer for It. nrau nnd sliorts nlwnys on hnnd. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. LINCOLN COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE Savon and one-unit acres of upland bordorlng on doop wntor slough on Ynqulna Day; all good lnnd. Prlco $150. Forty acres, holf wny botweon Now port, Or., und Toledo, Or., on coun ty road; ono and, a half acros clear ed with shanty on It; considerable bottom land; good aldor and vino maplo on lnnd. Prlco $700. Good lovol lot ou South Doach oppo site Newport, Or. prlco $7E. Lot 9, block 40, nt Scnl nocks, Or.; flno vlow of ocean, good lovol lot. Prlco $100. Sovonty-olght acres near Pioneer, Or., nil ulongsldo It. It. track; botwoon sovon nnd olght ncros of bottom land on it Is clenrod; forty good bearing npplo troes; good stono qunrry on lnnd near It. H. Prlco $1800. Two-acro oyster bod at Oyster City, on Ynuqlnn Day; with this goes half aero uplnnd lots. Prlco $500, Ton-room houso, 30x40 foot In slzo nnd block of lnnd, on Nye Creek nnd Olsonvlllo sldownlk; houBO Ib In flno condition; good woodshod nnd good water; this Is a flno prop osition for a suminor boarding nnd rooming houso, ns woll ns a por mnnont homo. Prlco $3300. .1. O. OIjSSO.V, Newport, Or. Inqulro nt Journal Olllco. CHOICE RANCHES AND TIM BER LANDS IN LINCOLN COUNTY. 180 ncros, 4 miles from Newport, or Toledo, on main county road, 40 ucrcs lovol, 30 acres under plow, bottom Innd, sandy upland, black soil, 10 acros tlmbor, 130 acres pasture. Now house, 14x24, el 14x24, 7 roqms, two bnrns, 40x 40 nnd 38x50, woodshed 14x24, 4 horsos. 28 head snoop, 22 hoad enttlo. 9 milk cows. 4 holfors, 9 steors, with all far mlmploments, wagon, buokboard, otc. Prlco woo. y.O aoras of tlmbor In tho Siletz reservation, nenr the coast, ostl atetl as follews: 3,000,000 foot hemlock. 2.000.000 spruce. 2. OimI.OOO oedar. all of No. 1 qual ity, at $4400. 160 acre of timber, one-half mile from the Siletz river, estimated ns follews: 6,000.000 spruce. 1.- 000,000 hemlock; $5000. 160 acres timber on tho Sllotz, no.r coast. 10 mllos from Newport, es timated as follews: 4.000,000 hemlock, 2.000,000 spruce, 2, 000.000 cedar: $4500. ilBo acres 4 miles from Newport. iv ncres unuor piow, young or chard 40 to 50 treos. good 6-room houso 24x30. "oodshed 12x14, root house 12x16, warehouse 12x 14. split board barn 40x50, 3, 000.000 fir. 1.000,000 alder tim ber, fir timber "loatly second erewth: S37RO t160 acres unimproved land, 5 miles irom Newport; partly covered with timber: No. 1 fruit nnd entrlm- land; $1300. W. WILLIAMS, Newport, Or. For Information Inquire at Journal orace. Only Two Lota left on 19th St.; 4 iota 17th and State St.; lot in Highland Addition, $150 and $200. See me before you buy. E. LUPTON. 1673 State St. 4-2-lra SNAP. J facing on county road for bujld n ,Q8. located one-half mile fro ra'lroad atatlon; $6000 MHYER A BELIZE LAND CO 47 SUte Street. T