DAILY OATITAli JOURNAL. HALfM, OKECOX, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1000. $ -5 Mi SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. I'lmc Card No. &I Effective Sunday August 10, 1000. Townrd I'ortlund Passenger. Jo. 10 G:I3 u. m .Oregon Kinross No. 18 8:40 a. rti.. .Cottage OroTe raw. No. li! 2:15 p. in.. .Hone burs I'mwcrjRer No. 14 0:13 p. m l'ortlani Express Townrd Porllnnd Freight. No. 222 a p. m Portland Knt Knight No. 220 -10 4011:28 a. to.... Way Freight Toward San Francisco Passenger. S'o. li 11:03 a. n... .Itoicburs TatRenger No. 17 0:4B p. m...Cittage tlrove I'asi. No. 15 0:00 . m California Bipresi No. l.'t 3:31 n. m...San Francisco Exp. Toutml San Francisco Freight. No. 221 2:43 a. in.. .Portland Fast Frt N 22.11 1 :28 a. m Way Freight o OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Time Card Effective- Nov. 15, 1008. Leaves Fer: Portland and Intermediate, local, ft '.40 a.m. Pnrtland-illlliboru ttnd Intermediate, meat a ;od a.m. .Portland and Intermediate, local. 11 :1ft a.m. rortiatui and intermeiilate. local, l :4 Portlund-Tualatln nnd Ulllsbnro, llm ted 3:03 ii. m rnrtland-tllllfboro and Intermediate. Iral 4 :O0 p.m. Portland nnd Intermediate, local. 0:20 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:40 p.m. .Arrives Frem: I'nrtlnnd nnd Intermediate, local. 8:23 a.m. ruruaiiiMiiiiiboro and Intermediate, local .....10:00 a.m. Portlnnd-lllllnboro-Tualatln, lim ited lO'.RO a.m. Pertlnnd nnd Intermediate, local. 1 :U0 p.m. Portlnnd-lllllBboro and Intermediate, local 4 :00 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 3:45 p.m. Portland and Intermedlnte, locnl, 8:20 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 10:40 p.m. That our American ro reals abound li plants which possess tho most valuabli ' modlclnt! virtu is abundantly attested I by scores of t'i? must eminent mcdlca' J writers mi'' tcu-!u- Even tho until torcd In' .us I ad (.Covered tho uoul i ncss oi ir, 7 uitw plants before th' a I vent unit ra llns In'orraa lion, litiiinr J frely to the unite pr tho IntU'r t.. .vulnui ln -Uputloti untl to-day we h- . a rich n-rtmettl of ntos valunblo Am-ilcaii medicinal roots. Cv ' Dr. ricrco bcllete that our American for Mts alnd In mou vahiablo medicinal root, fol tlirrjuw' riont r' :iaie and fal !1 taW If wivy; "lid j.rorsrli InTesUcate tlion:: inrl lu.4fiMv a if thti conviction, lie rx'!.-?-'', .. '-'raalrrarLij UUSAJtSsLX-jii) .Ju. ii.iI-imi.Mmimi riL.. flI&i--. Vj-Lf ungvn.ltrelUn ta-J--r fsut pnii--iL.iiu.i. h Imilf llypr IniVi, atar.hri.lL . mlr ml rryuUtor. and I!. Clanp, 1 1, ,;io ni'dl ) fCcnc. I , sj . In. Or luu . tloh. iorjilrt fiverT tiinciiiMiu nnd even '-idnr and other affections ,i the heart 1 1. id to lt, atratlTe action Tr. reason vhj II curei these and niaur nthit affections, is c!-iriy iown In a llitlv lc.v of cxttacta from tin. tnntlard medical uoi'--which Is mailed frm lo any address bj lr K V. fierce, of ButTiK N. Y , to til Mr.fUc request (or th stni'. C - O Not leu tsarrtloui. In the uncirilluJiK' cure It h corutantlr making of worn in i manj- peculiar aftiftlon. eaknees ind dlureislnff d.r&.--c .m-nts. I Dr. I'lem- ra'iritoi'rcscni tv n is amply nu-i c COLLEGE GIRL WAS VICTIM O. C. T. Co. utonrrfors Pomona nnd Orcgonn Icnvo for Portland Mondny, Wodnos day and Friday nt 10 n. m.; Tuos day, Thursday nnd Saturday nt C n. m. For Corvallis Tuesdny, Thurs day and Saturday about 7 p. m. SI. V. HALDWI.V, Agent. 4 ASYLUM AVENUE STORE S Wo sell all kinds of stnplo and J fancy groceries, and mill food. Prompt dollvory. Phono us a trial order to Mnln 2G9. f A. J. EXGLKIJAHT, Prop. J Cor. Statcoman and Asylum Av. eMtHMH0-rfr Arner, 31300 Record 2: 17. Full brothor to Don Dorby, 2:04; Dorbortha, 2:07; Diablo, 2:09 5 Demonlo, 2:11; Ed Lafforty. 2:16, and othors. Dy Chas. Derby, 4907, s!ro of 6 hotter than 2:10, dam Bortha by Alcattra, dam of 4 bottor than 2:10, and flvo othors. Wlnnor of first promlum at Ba lom horso show. For standard stallions Mason of 1909 at Fair Ground and Club Sta bles. Foe, $25.00 for ocason, $35.00 to insure. 0. B. SIMPSON, 4-8-tf Fairground, Oro. A GOOD PLAYER by thuusaiMM I'NffckJSljfsi ImonlaU cim trlbutod byo'rtuful t-aTrerr tlm hae W- curedliyltnLp't 0rrJbftlBaJ5iUidusiaini2 tHiiltglji lrr-.giH.it'-. pryJ-iM .ai'-l rf)i: mrot,.'UVt'V.p.ll-.!'M' niajiii'ii'i'. oTu i after many k-'ut .-nvertiied uuJioiiic. tai pb)lcanhau tMkd 2. 5 2- Both the Rnore mentlonct mwllclnes at wholly mail" tic ftum im lrrirlr"Xtrni.i' oaltTP. ttuHlii-i'ial tmiv Tho pnx't". -pi jlorixl In Hi . maiiufacturo won- -hI.-'i a' with Dr. I'li-f v. and they are cairlinl on ij tklllcd I'liiun'.'ta and phartntclits with n aid of appartius and aidlanciii ii'l.:i deslcncd and built for IMIh purixwn. I '! medicines ar: eitlrelv fme ftum alroliol '' ali other haimrnl. hphli-furmliiir druitu t full list of i''t iimrvdlcnu Is urlutud iv ticli botUe r HUIE WING SANG CO. Big stock, be3t goods, now nt wholesalo prices. Wo mnko up a now lino of ladles' wrappers, white undorwear, klmonas and Valsts. Wo koor all kinds of dross goods nnd Bilks. Gents' nnd indies' furnish ing goods, shoos, hose iimbrollns, ombroldory nnd lncc, skirts, suit ovornlls, trunks, matting, otc. 325 North Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. Collogo Park, Cal., Slay 7. Wear lod by their nll-n'ght man himt for the (lend who brutally attacked MUs itnnnio witnrow, tho nttractlvo 20-year-old .dnughtor of one of tho mo3t prominent fnmlllo In th's communi ty the baud of deputies from tho county shorlft's olllce and young men of this plttce today gnvo over tho rcarch to fresh poasos, who aro scour ing ovory foot of country for mllos around. Tho father and brothers of tho young woman refused to give up tho hunt, nnd nro dotormlncd upon capturing the man who made tho vicious assault. Miss Wlthrow, who Is n formor sin dent of tho Un'vorslty of tho Pacific, was walking from hor homo to Santa Clnra late yesterday. While passing a grain Hold, rho was attacked nntl gngogd with n handkorchlof. SUo was drngged Into tho flold nftor a. dospornto strugglo with her assall nnt. An hour Inter sho stumbled In to hor home, her clothing torn to tnttors nnd Iter face nnd arms pltl tully bruised. Tho sheriff's ofllco in Snn Joso was notified, and a posso organized horo to tnko up tho hunt Evory ablo bod'od man In Hits vitiligo has Jolued tho hunters, who dcclaro they will wreak summary vongennco It the bruto is run to onrth. Sovoral arrests wero mndo by tho deputies, but ovory suBpect easily proved his Innoconce. Owing to tho fnct that Miss Wlthrow Is unnblo to glvo an ndeaimto description of hor assailant, tho only clow upon whlcn the ofllcors hnve to work Is tho hand kerchief with which qho was gagged. FRENCH GOVERNMENT UP AGAINST BIG TRADES ORGANIZATION For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt'o Kidney ind Bladder Pills A Week's Trial For 25c K. C. DWITT A, CO., Chlciuto. Ill J. O. PKllUY. THE STOCK BOOKS For tho NerUt Bantlam Mlnlntr comnnn. ctin .a . v 03 tors. A limited amount of Btock Is now for Bnlo, at tho 1X)WTJQot of Go per share. SAVAGE & HERREN CTSOAIi AGENTS. 135 R. OOMMKHCIAL ST. Salem Fence Works Hoadquartors for Wovon Wiro Foncing, Hop WIro, Bnrb Wiro, Poultry Nottlng, Shingles, Sldl thold Hoofing P & B Ready Roofing. Screen Doors and ad Justlblo Window Screens. All At LoweKt Prices. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN 2fl0 Court ht Phono lttl MEALS 15c Call and try thorn. Moali lCc Board por wook I2.7G, aU) fur nished rooms vory reasonable. AT THE Salem Restaurant 819 COUIIT BTIIKKT. Is nlwnH partliular about tho musi cal instriuiK-nt used But even the most critical mn find no fault with the Instruments Mid here. Come In and try your special favorite. Not Ike tone and voIhw. th flue finish, tho bMKtlful harmony. Your first vlalt will not b your last, wo feel confidant. L. I'. HAVACB, UI7 Commercial St. Salem, Or. piiirESI W Xtin,Ctmn Knur tot (nrwutllnmiiu, I a JktYH lHUJdt TO fill, ) 'R-niPiMlflluiu. &H '.'I'"!"1' w ' ltkouii4l,UUpu4( g .(. .i ..,.4 -twni rv nrdnidUlM id in i,atem bu Oi 5. C. S'- PhoB H Main. 147 N. High st C, W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs and Livery. All Rigs Modern Rubbor Tire. 2X) S. COUUIRC1AL sr Grabcr Bros. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Fire Proof FP Fool Proof Will give prompt attention to all orders, guarantee our work to give satisfaction and to bo up to the sanitary standard. WE WILL I1K PLEASED TO GIVE ESTIMATES O.V CONTRACTS We are agents for tho Alamo. Victor and Ideal Gasoline En gines Water Systems Installed Shop on Liberty Street, back of Ilarr'k Jcvtdry Store. In considering making your own light, or cooking, why not consider the P P Qua Machine and Slub bers Light. Will sell and install this machine and guarantee It to give 100 per cent more light for the same money than electricity or city gas. Let me figure with you, estimates furnished. Call at my shop and see the lights and stoves In operation. I also carry I'VIIO DENATURED ALCOHOL utJlitie.. Safe economi cal, odorleaa, A. L. FRASER Paris, May 7. Tho Fronch govern ment today nccorftcd tho .gaugo uf battlo thrown down by Its omployos, who hnve organized a trado union, In dollunco of the law. Proceedings to dlssolvo tho union were commoucoil, untl tho nnii'ouncoment mndo thnt all of the leaders of tho movement would bo criminally proitoctitvd. This prompt action on tho part of tho gov ernment may prevent n revolution, or It may preclpltnto one. Tho or ganization .of the union which glvos tho postal, tologrnph and tolophono omployos tho right to strike, followed nu attempt on tho part of an om ployos' cummlttoo to boo Premier Clemoncenti. Tho premier pleaded Illness, and refused to sco the dolo gntlon, which wnntod to present him a complnlnt that tho govornmont was not living up to Its ngreomont, mndo whoti the rocont Btrlko was doolnred off. All Franco Is excited and roallzcs that n crisis Is at hand. PR0SPECTSG00D FOR REUNION OF THE SHAW FAMILY Snnta Barbara. Cal., May 7. Al though Mrs. Nottlo R Shaw, wife of Junius F. Shaw, the Iloston traction magnate and state senntor, lost hor petition for a writ of hnbous corpus to socuro tho roloano of hor sou, 11 yonra old, Eldrldgo Shaw, from tho custody of tho local chief of police, yet the lad and his .mothor will Journey onstward togothor probably today. Accompanying thorn will bo II. F. Eldrldgo. father of Mrs. Shaw and grandfather of tho hoy, who Is In a way a tomporary trustee of the court to see that tho little follow Is delivered to his ,athur In Huston. Louis Fields. the family bailor. who assisted the local detective and shaw'a private agent to Identify Mrs. Shnw here when tlioy wero traced to Saiita Barbara, returned to lloaton yesiorday- i.. Keno Marble, formerly Shaw's rhaffeur. with whom Mrs. Shaw Is alleged to have eloped and with whom she lived here for a year under thu name of Mrs. Marble, has dis appeared. It Is Intimated that the Suawa and II. P. Kldrldne, who la a millionaire brewer of Portsmouth. X. II.. will confer upon nlana for a nulet separation without further publicity and will eomu to a compromise eon corning thu disposition of the boy This eonferonee probably will be held at Boston as soon as the Slyiws and Eldrldgo arrive. it If you desire a oltar comnlazlon tako Foley's Orlno laxative for con stipation and liver trouble as It will stlmulato those organs and thor oughly oioanse your system, whlah is what everyone needs in tho spring in ordor to fool well. J. C. Perry. llow'8 This? Wo offor Ono Hundred Dollars Ro wnrd for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Wo, tho umlorslgncd, hnvo known F, J. Cheney for tho lnat 1C years, and boliovo htm porfoctly honornblo In all buslnosB transactions, and fi nancially ablo to carry out any obli gations mndo by his firm. WALDIN, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholosnlo uruggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken inter- nnlly, acting directly lunon tho blood and upon mucuous surfaces of tho syatom. Tostununlnls sont froo. rrlco, 7Cc por bottlo. Sold by all Druggists. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con- stlpntlon. o Some Roseburg girl will have a chance to blush at botng ohoien Strawberry Quoou of that metropo lis of Douglas county. ' Tor-ed Into Extlo. Win. Upchurch of Glen Oak, Okla., was an oxilo from homo. Mountain air, ha thought, would euro a fright ful lung-racking cough that had do ited all romodtos for two years. Af tur six months ho returned, donth dogging his Btops. "Thou I bognn to iibo Dr. King's Now Discovery," ho writes, "nnd nftor tuning six bottles I urn as well as over." It saves thou sands yearly from dosporato lung dlsoasos. Inralllblo for Coughs and Colds. It dlapols Hoarsenoss and Sore Thront, Cures Grip, Bronchi tis, Hemorrhages, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough. GOo nnd $1.00, trial bottlo froo, guaranteed by J. C. Perry. o Tho Capital Journal bollovcs In buying things mndo in Salem, In- I READY TAILORED CLOTHES FOR WELL DRESSED MEN. vr lO) S frffi "7 Sl. niAs i yL i j i is w "- t f.tizmL suiyw PRICE RANGE 2D TO 40 eluding real estate o A CARD TIiIh Is to cortlfy that all drug gists aro authorized to refund your money if Foley's Honoy nnd Tar falls to curo your cough or cold. It stops thu oottgii, heals tho lungH ami prevents pneumonia nnd con lumptlon. Contains no opiates. Tho gontilno is In a yellow package. J. 0. Perry. o Saturday's Journal will bo tho ono to got your real estate ad Into. It gooa to all Hoard of Trado corio spoudouts. o DoWltts Cnrbollzod Witch Hazel alvo Is good for cuts, burns and bruises nnd Is ospoolnlly good for pllos. Rofuso substitutes. Sold by all druggists. is Shoes For Summer Everything you could wlBh for pumps, low shoes nnd oxfords, In pat ent, cntf, tans, oxblood nnd canvas. All contain stylo nt d wearing ability. Host prlcoa. J. Vogt Brainy Women 'J?tW ' f Aro those who win haro us launder their waists, dollcato llngorlo, oto. Our fncllltlcu nro thoso of tho best for tho porfoct handling of this chnractor of work. Our holp Is thoroughly oxporloncod, nnd much moro Bkllfull thnn most holp you can Hocuro to como to your homo or to "tako out." A trial will mako you n cllont of ours, Salem "Laundry Co. Tclephono 4M. 111(1-1(10 H. Liberty Ht. itestis .--v m K - 1 NKeM 'fL i wfNTJ' THE BEST ROAST THE FAMILY EVER HAD Can be obtained from our prima, ton dor and Juicy Hoof, Mutton or Pork. All our mentB nro soleotod from tho cholcost, and prepared for tho table to suit tho demands of thu fastidious. Our prlcoH aro lowor for qi allty than you can find at any placo In Salem. E. C. CROSS & SON Notlru to ContrnctorH. Rids will be received for the con struction of a two-room school house at Hayoavlllo. district No. 99. Marloa county. Plans and specifications may be seen at tho office of F. A. Legg. arch'tect. or at the homo of L T Reynolds. The successful bidder will be required to give bond for the intlsfaotory fulfilling of the con tract. The directors reserve the right to reject any or all bldy. Rids will be opened May 15. L. T. REYNOLDS. Clerk District No. 99. Salem. R. F. D. No. 9 S-6-3t o If you want to feel well, look woll and be well, take Foley's Kidney Remedy It tones ud the kidneys and bladder, purlflee the blood and restores health and strength Pleas ant to take and contains no harmful drusi Why not commence today? With a wrostllng match It will bo hard to gut such sports as Mayor Hodgurs. Aldermon Elliott and Pros. nail to attend tho council mooting tonight, o Hoya Will Do Roys and aro always gottlng soratchos, cuts, sprains, bruises, bumps, burnt or scalds. Don't neglect such things they mny result serious If you do Apply Dallard'H Snow Liniment ac cording to directions right away untl it will relieve tho pain and heat tho trouble. Price 26o, 60c and 11.00. Bold -. all Dealers. r .. We aro all wulllng for the blushes to eomu on the oneeks of the Oregon strawberry. The Mml of llio World should It oome tomorrow would find fully 1-8 of tho people suffering with rheumatism of Ither slight or serious nature. Nobody need suffer wltu rheumatism for Dullard's Snow Liniment drives away tho trouble, relievos tho pain Instantly and leaves the user as woll and supplo as a two-year-old. Sold by nil Dealers. r4FM tWILLIAMIDAVIDSON I STOCKS and BONDS I WILLAMETTE HOTEL, HALEM, Or, I ran advise you uu tiny Mockn or ImiiuIm sold or on tltu innrket. Money secured for promotion purpoNON, patents, iiiiitiufrtctiirlng In dustries, largo land deals, etc, Cull nnd see mo. Wanted, it few competent men untl women. References required. in! a: hi ! f ! f iii lemmmnu m J E. ECKERLEN Wholesale Family Liquor Store 144. Commercial St. Phone Free Delivery at 1 1 Throe Maxwell cars wore sold Pendleton the past week, o .. DuWitt'a Little Early Risers, tho famous little liver pills, small, gen tle and sure. Sold by all drugglsU o ... - Great Ciirnt-Mt Doctor L. M. HUM (Uk 'medicine which will cure au known dUrase. He makes a special I ty or. and guarantees to cure Catarrb Astbroa, Lung, Throat, Rheumatism Debility, Stomach, Liver. Kidney Troubles; also any blackened u. i Mrollen soreness, broken t limbs; 8mallpox; Epidemic; all hinds of Dolls, Lout Manhood, Female Weak ness, Hernis Troubles and Paralysis Consultation free. Care of Ylck Bo Tong Co., Chlrmse drugs and herbs. 163 Hlah 8t . upstairs. Ralrm. Or 103 1 Portland, Popular Fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON GHIIfirn Cry F9R FLETCHER'S CA8TORIA Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining servico In city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m. Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern Hostlery In the metropolis of, the Northwest. ANNEX IS NOW OPEN Our capacity has been doubled and our free bus'will hereafter meet trains No. 6, and train No. 12, limited, Oregon Electric that arrive in Portland at 10:55 a. m. and 4:55 p. m. M. C DICKINSON, Manager THC'ORCGON IMS J C Perry. i amfJV Pit ft