Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 06, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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.xacanw , iMUKmzz:
London, Mny C--Protests from
tho wonlthy and mlddlo clawto of
Uritflh society against tlio nlmoat ao
clnllBtlc provlnlon of tho 1008-1010
budget, recently preflMited to the
houso of commons by Chancollor of
tho Exchequer David Lloyd-Goorgo,
aro loud and persistent. Tho groat
additional bunion of taxntlon, which
will ho nocoiwltntod by tho adoption
of tho budget, falls upon thoeo weal
thy and mlddlo clanse, wIiobo pro
tests aro rolnforcod by the denuncia
tion of tho conservative that Iih
Hums donoto a Hiirrendor to tuo uc
mand of tho radical and tho labor
party, tormud by their opponent tho
Tho provision that havo caused
tho grcatoBt outcry from Hiobo af
fected are:
Btato aid for u ohemo for Instir
anco against Iom or employment
Btnlo aid of labor oxchnngCB for
tho aid of the unemployed.
atnto n'd of iiKrlcultiirnl and for
oiitry project.
Inoroasod lax on Income ovor
InoronHwl taxntlon of dutlo and
logaole, saloon license and luxur
ies. Tax on mining roynllle, undevel
oped urban land and mineral wealth)
and a ntnmp tax on real ontato and
ntock exchange trnmactlon.
While tho budnet would Increase
greatly the taxo of the wealthy
class, llio greatest volume of protest
rlaoit from tho mlddlo class, which I
affected by liquor, tobacco and Blml
lnr propoxod lovle.
One provision, howovor, that ap
pear to haw met with general ap
preciation. U the tax on mining roy
alties nnd oil oily realty, tho vnluo
of which has Inureaaed hccaiiBo of
tho ftincnriicd Inoromont reuniting
from Improvoment upou adjacent
property If tho budget Is endorsed,
the English peopl owlll And thorn
nolvm under n tax Imposition a groat
a that In effoct In Minos of war. Tho
IncrciiM'd burdon undoubtedly will
roault In n protest that may effect a
curtailment or naval expenditure!),
tho dUnstrou result of which al
ready apparent.
H. 10. Iyon, one of Hood River'
pioneer fruit grower. I In tho oily
today. When Tho Journal reporter
first know him ho wan wrcntllng with
oodl I n moth, 8n Jo scale, tho tax
collector or almost any old thing
that came along and most of thorn
wore taking a fall out of him. It
looked different, or rather ho did, to
day a he slowed up down nt tho
Hoard of Trade rmuus. Instead of
tho old blue overall and ploasant
smile twit lined to comprise his ward
robe, ho was "droMiHl up, tailored
iimd anil dnndy." 1IU pants were
creased, his clothe tit him: ho had
a watch that eost $100 nnd a ohaln
that cost half a muoh mure. nnd.
what Jolted Tim Journal man. who
used to too HI m chasing over the
plowvd ground, his shoo were
blanked. More than this, ho had his
mnthnr-bi-'ftw with him and a. ulece
of ntiolil 1", who could make vn
Salem Klrls Jt mil nnd take hoUm.
Now. tho moral to all this U thnt the
Hood Ulver fruit made this haNgo,
and he. realising what the WlllaiH
uttu vftll&y can do In tho fruit Lit, hi
down kwre w'th the idea or putting
tswe of bis Horn! Ulver mo Into
Willamette illey orrkurd
H'wJlwl lrM lx.fO Wire
QaklMlld, Mu e -The dtMtt-r
of fBnr liutMun skeletons W vorkHtH
uHgHKOd In excnvutlng for a bualuem
btoo Tcln the heart of the cltj l the
bAHBO of wucU minmont and teH
IntlHU bare todaj. Two skeletal,
lying side by side. wer found two
feet beneath the level of the uirtxH
Further search reveal! two others
-- That (ho owner of one of the skel
eton wet with a violet death Is at
tested by a Jagged nolo near the
frout qi the skull. The bones ap
parently are those of an adult male,
and are In a remarkable state of
WhotW tho bone ro those of the
vluUiiHt of km umlUwwveml ijiunlwrwr
Is the quswtleH the autharttie are
trying to decide.
Is tho ouly tH description for the
man or woman who Is crippled with
rheumatism Just a tow rheumatic
twinge may be the forerunner of
n sever attack stop tho trouble at
thf start with Ballard' Snow Lini
ment. Cures tu rheumatism and
ul imlu Prlco S6c. 50c and tl 00
Bold by all doalort.
Some one ha written, a laborious
article entitled "Why Jew Come to
America." The real answer that
they do o because Anerlc wont go
to ties., flf
United I'rcss Lcatd Wlre.1 ,
San Frnnclfico, May r. Declaring
that ho expected to how thnt mon
connected with tho dofceso of Patrick
Calhoun had conspired to lmpllcnto
tho lato ox-Supcrvlsor Lonorgan In a
fako attack upon n woman In order
to discredit hi testimony In tho first
trlel of Tlroy L. Ford, Hpoclal Prose
cutor Frnncl J. Honey todny created
a Kenantlon In tho court room whoro
the Calhoun bribery case I being
We expect to show," said lienor,
that Karl Itogors, nttorney for tho
defondnnt, Unltod HnllrondH Dotoctivo
Iiihr llrown, and n dotectlvo named
Dorland conspired to take Lonorgan
to a road houae In company with two
women brought horo from Los Ango
la by Itogor for tho purpose. Wo
fxpect to show that thoy planned to
get Lonorgnn into a room with ono
of tliH women, nnd lator charge him
with iiBHHtilt. Till was planned to
discredit Lonorgan' tostlmonv nnd
character. Wo also will try to provo
Cnitioun'H connection with tho plot."
Honey's statement was n leault of
the objection or the defensf to hi
(liictlon to Witness William M. Ab
bott, chief nttornoy ror tho United
Itallroiids, regarding his rotations
wljh Dorland. Tho court (mentioned
tho bearing or tho nllogod rolntlou
upon tho present case nnd tho Jury
was sent from tho room while tho
special prosecutor Hinted his object
in addressing the query
Htorm or objections from tho
defense arose whon Honey resumed
his seat. With dlfriculty Judge Law
tor silenced tho wildly excited attor
neys and aiinouured thnt he would
wiuinold tho-ruling on the objection
until ho hnd consulted the records.
ItogerH Issued n swooping nnd om
phalic donlnl of the grave charges
made by Henev and demnndpd that
tho statement h assigned fin mis
l United I'rtM Lotted Wire)
Bnnfn llurbnrn, Cal , Jlay C. De
termined to uso ovory weapon of tho
law to rocovor her child rrom tho
custody of the locnl pollco, Mr. N'ot
tlo 13, Shaw, tho wife of James F.
Shaw, rjoatou railway man and Btato
senator, nldod by her father, H. F.
lSldrldgo, a mllllonnlro browor of
Portsmouth, N. IL, todny sat In con
Htiltntlon with tholr attorney ovor tho
tuition corpus proceedings which
wore sot to come nip thlo nftcrnoon.
Attorney Henley Ilooth, representing
tho motllOr of tho boy, declared that
every effort would bo mado to pro
veut Shaw from regaining tho child,
and that ISIdrldgo had nnnouncod
that no oxponsa would be spared to
light tho mnttor out In tho courts.
Tho nttornoyB ror Shaw woro rotl
cent, but It was rumored that an un
durstnudlng will bo reached whereby
the lad will bo with his fnttior at cer
tain porlods, nnd with his mother
the balanco of the time.
Doth Mr. Shaw and her father,
who arrived last night from Los An
geles, remained in soclunlon at tho
Hotel Potter today, and denied them
selves to nil callers, oxceptlng their
w iMniHmwif iit i w
Tho burning of tho plant at tho
penitentiary bos brought out some
stories from tho old-tlmors, and
some oth r stories about tho Are. It
scorns that many of tho old-timer vol
unteer Aro department got mixed up
In that fire. Gub Strang, who was
ono of the leaders of tho old Tiger
company, 1 now employed at tho asy
lum, and has boon for 20 ycarB. Ous
lino taken on flesh Blnco tho old dayu,
but when tho alarm of flro was giv
en ho rushod like an old war horso
to answer tho sound of tho buglo. Ho
litirrloj out tho nsylum hoso cars, and
started thorn with a rush for t)p pen
but that bay window of his handi
capped him, and ho couldn't keop up.
Ho got there, just tho samo, but a
trlflo lato, something ho never did in
tho old Tiger days, when tho "Tigers"
and "Capitals" wero fighting ono an
other, a well as fires, and every Indi
vidual waB on honor. Ed. Pugh, an
other old-timer as at tho flro. Tho
old T gor company UBOd to havo Its
house on Stato street, west of the
Uonrd of Trndo rooms, and nt evory
flro that happoned In tho early days
some ono would vnll "Tlnr " Af V.n
pon flro when "Cub" showed up somo
one yelled "Tlgor," nnd tho way tho
boyB worked after that was a cau-
Tho Asylum forco certainly did
good work, and Ous can glvo himself
credit for some of tho enthusiasm.
Seattle Markets.
(United l'roflg Lrased W'i.)
Seattle, Wnsh., May 6. Butter,
Washington creamery, firsts, 27c;
ranch, 23c; renovated, 24 026c;
California, 2Cc; Oregon, 2Cc.
Eggs Local ranch, 28c; fresh
Eantorn, 20c; Oregon, 2G27c.
CIicobo "Wisconsin twins, 19g
10 Mc; cream brick. 21c; wheel
Swiss, 18c; California, 1718c;
llmburgor, 10; now Tillamook, 18'A
Many wonk, nervous women havo
boon restored to health by Foloy'
Kidney Komcdy as It stimulates tho
kldneya so thoy will ollmlnnto tho
waste matter from tho blood. Im
purities dopross tho nerves, causing
nervous oxlmnntlon nud other nil
inonts. Cnmnunco todny and you
will Boon bo well. Pleasant to take
J. C Perry,
Cluingo of Street Grades.
Notlco Is ltoreby given that tho
common council of tho city of Salem,
Orogon, dooms It oxpodlont to chango
and propoBoa to chango tho grado on
Saginaw street at tbo Intersection of
Miller street, and tho grado on Com
mercial street at tho Intersection of
Miller strcot, nnd tho grado on High
Htroot nt tho Intersection of Miller
street, In nccordnnco with tho re
port of tho city's onglnoor, filed In
tho ofllco of tho city recorder tho fid
dny of May, 1000.
Dato of tho first publication of this
notlco May , 1000. By ordor of tho
common couaell.
G 1-1 It City Rccordor.
United Prroa Leased Wire.
Victoria. I). C, May C. H. M. S.
Algorlno Is In port horo after a long
crulso along tho coast of ContrnI and
South America. Calls woro mado nt
an tho principal' ports and tho offi
cers were dined and otherwise enter
tained at ovory place nt which they
Before coming north tho vessel
made somo surveys nt Lobitos, Ln
cruz and. Talara bay. At tho last
mentioned placo 10 land hnd ad
vanced 100 ynrds Into mo sea since
the Inst Hiirvey wnp mado 15 years
ago. Tho roHuIt of tho survey will
be that Lloyofl will kJvo n much low-"
or rate of Insurance to the tank
steamers calling thoro for oil.
If tho county court really wantu to
get rid of "dandy lions," why not
glvo Roosevelt nnd Kormlt a hunch?
Special Notice! j
W. D. HAYWOOD, the kidnaped inoor icaaor oi ui t'i "
wns Imprisoned in the Idaho penitentiary nnd who tho mlneowners
of Colorado and Idaho were determined to hang if possible, ana
who Roosevelt declared was guilty of all tho crimes charged, but
who was declared innocent by a Jury of nolo, fearless citizens or.
tho stato of Idaho, though ho was held in prison for more than
a year, wilt speak In Salem May 10th. at 8 p. m , In Commercial
K. J. LEWIS of Portland will speak In Commercial Halt Sun
day, tho 9th, at 2 p. m. Every one welcome
inIWH)lH)llIBIiHH illllll
FINEST I'KUIT FAItM 37 acres In bonrlng Royal Anns,
English walnuts and prunes. Only 2 & mllos from tho city. Tho
best buy In tho vnlloy. Are .you Interested? Get our prlco
nnd terms.
gUOOO 9 ncros under cultivation, splendid house.'wlth C large
rooms, extra welt built, all plastored with wood fiber. Good
barn, 21x36, built rustic Btylo, painted. Improvements worth
tho money; 1 Ms milon from poatofflco. You will havo to hurry.
For snaps In renl estate In city or country property sec
For a Regular , (
ii 25c Dinner at 20c !!
J J Tliey can't la iM-nt.
;; McfilLCHRIST & SON:!
Proprietors ;
w'llbur Wright's Aoroplnno
His First Girl
No Fool LIko an Old Fool
A Bolnted Meal
DESCRIPTIVE SONG "I'm In Lovo With tho Man In tho Moon"
Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Gibson will glvo selections on the piano-
harp, the only Instrument of its kind on the Pacific Coast.
ff ! ifff iai)iie ! iw mim
Untie. Mont , Mny il. -PnconsclouH
and frightfully lirulmid from kicks
huh blows, W. II. Watson He In a
local hospital today In a precarious
condition duo to an nlterohtlon with
crowd or rurrioiiH thnt Insulted un
automobile party or which ho una a
John ltorktU. nrMliUnt or t tit Ra
fii Mining Company and a promi
nent milling man of the norths eat,
mtoiiipniwl by hi wlfo and (Mtrty
or frioud. was riding through th
iihu lu an Niitomobllu last night
wlifii oittf or a group or young moil
hurlwl m ll wiilthwt at the olcuimnta
or tU car Hen llarklu loft the
car. lulvNilIng to Ihp tho race or tho
Ituultlug outh. h wns attnukud and
Uir arriMitwl .v few mliiuttta later
tMlituii. mun-Iii-Ihw of Mr Berkln,
h found iiucoiikcIoiih on tho stttpti
of HMirby building It I suppoMd
that lw un follow wt and was t-lekU
ilttlutl PrOM l.enctl Wire.)
Pnrllnud. May 0. UichI bovltrs
uly itniuouucrttl thw telegraphic
tMiAltug touriiHiueut Just elotud. with
Ik l)Hver timmHtH'.the winner. ik
HWMt hovim Riid'tfiigagitig eontMt In
whjcb thy had evr participate!
In all thoro woro ulpo iiltltrti'rp
inih1 In th toiirnabiunt. The
IHr bowlr dropped a total of
196 1 plus and Spokane wa noxt with
Jjai with SS2C plus SaU UtkH
lowk ihlnl ploo. and 'Soattlo took
foHrtk prti. having knocked dawn
SkOk Tit fight for tlfth place was
i km, but Vaneouvor. R- C-. koltutl
It with xTGO plus, winning with tUr
Khm Mhd of Portland. Tho hlKhwtt
dividual sbor wn that of Croix of
Stiokmie. who wxirvnl u totwl of s
Hvil ltato 11".
Th dHl to tk property bOHght
Ui Catlu & L'hh from Gertrude a.
lnwRsdalv for a ooiuldttrat'on of
IS t$. 800. o hown In the deed, waa
riled today with the osunty recorder.
Tkw dcrlptlon of the properly
ko irRafrrHl the eait 50 fot of
lot No . knon as the Gray build
lug and the south 33 H fH of lot
No, 3
Other dOiM riled wore a follew:
Win MrGllohrlst. Jr.. to Nellie 0.
Rnldwlu. lot 9. block 3. Salem
Helhlt add to Salem, w d. $300.
TvR, Kay. ux to 8rn V. GaU
brith. 55 acre la i, r 1 J.
piinm i . Hi i ' 'J. JJ "' ' . J" " " -
llif)- yi - rnwi, Vfi 'labni-i?! i ir-ir-w-i r-i "5 I" I'll )lll
Mm . -V v's V. wHnrnnrin - trct
RI.OOMKR'8 ADDITION to the Olty of Newport, Oregon, la now on the market for tho flrat time. The tract, is located about half way between"
Ny Urook and Newport. and oonalstsof some 30 lots, on too rising ground directly above the ocean. Each lot Is but a few steps from the
kfth and a ooutinaud a vlow of tho ocean or surf for miles north and south. To the north can be seen Jump Off Joe and tne Ynqulna Head
Light. To the touth the entrance to Yaqulna Bay and the Llfesavlng Station The property Is about a flvo-ralnuto walk from the boat landing
In JWv wrt. It reached liy a new six-toot board walk, which runs In a straight line fj-om tho Ocean Houso Hotel In a northwest direction to the
kill, .This Is now tna moat popular walk 1n Newport on account of Its beautiful surroundings, and magnificent view of the Pad fie when the end Is
NMhed nt MLOQMHR'S ADDITION. .Here before tin? observer the ocean and the leach stretoh for miles and mile.
You could not find a more I More ting location to spend your summer than around this boautiful bay. whloh is conceded by those who know, to
bo the raot beautiful summer resort. NATURALLY, of any on the Pacific coast, barring nqna. Hunting and ftfthing aj-e unoxeehed, and the many
plac ot Interest 'oloce to Newport, such as- the Lighthouse. Otter Rock. Soal Rock, ete.. ainke It an Ideal plane to own a summer hqme.
You will se that BLOOM KR ADDITION U right on the oeean. and yet has the great advantage ot being olasa to the, bay and town, with no steep
hills to climb to reach It. Thebeaoh In front ot tho property is good for bathing and the gathering of rok oysters, Mr. Bloomer has already built
two beautiful cottage on thean lota for his own personal uso. Mr Bloome Is a Seattle man. and (steads to make this the most popular addition to
Newport , & J j . ,
1 iW f?Vvti1i Fur further Information enquire at