Xv s t I DAILY CAPITA!, JOURNAL, flAlufiAi, OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 6, lMt. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. TJmo Card No. 5-1 Effective Sand August 10, 1000. Toward Portland Passenger. S0, J5 6:13 m Oregon Exprcu Z ,n o:lu ... collage uroTc No "P 'in. 12 2:46 D. m...Iloirtiurir l'n.n.ntr.r .Portland Kxpren No. 14 0:13 n. m.. Toward Portland Freight. No. 222 0 p. m Portland Past Freight No. 220 10 :-lo-11:28 o. m....Vay Freight Toward San Francisco Pimscngrr. No. II 11:03 a. ti.. . .ltotcburc TaMenger No. 17 - tl 45 p. tn...CettflEO (JroTf ran. No. IB 0:50 p. m California Express No. 13 3:31 n. in... Han Francisco Exp. Toirnnl Snu Frnuclnco Freight. No. 221 21-13 a. m...rortland Pant Frt. No. 221V 1 1 :28 n. m Way Freight OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Time Card Effective Nov. 15, 1008. Leaves Fer: Portland nnd Intermediate, local. 0 MO a.m. Portland-Ullliboro and Intermediate. local .................. ft TiT am Portland and Intermediate, local. 11:10 a.m. Portland nnd tntcrmeUlnte. local. 1 :40 p.m. Portlund-Tualatin und lllllsboro, lim ited 3:05 p.m. Portland-ttlllahoro and Intermediate, local 4 :i0 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 0:20 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:40 p.m. Arrives Frem: Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:25 a.m. Portlnnd-llllltboro and Intermediate. local .10 :00 a.m. Portlnnd-Illllfthoro-Tualatln, llm Ited . . , 10:50 a.m. Portland nnd Intermediate, local, 1 :00 p.m. Portland-Illllsboro and Intermediate, ll,fll .......... A fA n m Portland nnd Intermediate, local. 5:40 p.m Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:20 p.m Portland and Intermediate, local. 10:40 p.m, "What Do They CuroT Tho abovo ouratlod Is often naked con eernlng Dr Pierce's two lending medl elnos, "Golden Medical Discovery" sad Favorlto Inscription." Tho answer I that "Golden Medical Discovery " Is a most potent alterative ot blood-pur'.flor, and tonic or Invigerate: anil acts ccctally favorably In a cura tlvo wuyupo- all tho mucous lining sur faces, as of the nasal passages, throat urunciiiai itios, siomacn, oowois ar bladd"Dcurr ? a largo percent, of cata rhal caVus v viUvr Jjp disease atTccu tb nasal ps$ait.-, tho tfcsn.it, larynx, bron cbla, stomacAfas catsmtal dyspcpMa bowels (as nuoiwlfirHfco.- bladcier u torus or ofior pvlvlc orgffrr? Kvpti thgJronr .r ul.mf.nufl .tf nff1-" he ' for bar w rici It II DOtt tflff trtllli all.' liufi in !. tv,.L t.,,-i put,ovr ointil women no matter wbn has eaud tho break-down, "FsvuriN Presorifioit'wlll bo found mo'tetlecthi In btitlcttnvr up tho Ktrrngth. regulatln. ' f-Prescription "l adyl- : ulu -sf ;( J 'yn $;; tl ", ' ". !i x Am i. n '.i.i. ! J 1 1 1 1 iitTy nouiig invii-rat GENERAL HAMILTON SHORTAGE Defends Woman of the Under World Who Caused His Downfall DYSPEPSIA 'Ikvlnr tk ti ronr wnnrfnl "PMnrtL" rot mi..,.. .,i. I:..,V.,V.r.1.". "" :!? Homxih ' MirrIt.,JerierCUr.ir.J. utonmors Pomona and Orcgona Icavo for Portlnnd Monday, Wednes day and Friday nt 10 a. m.; Tues day, Thursdny and Snturday at C a. rn. For Corvallis Tucsdny, Thurs day and Saturday about 7 p. m. M. P. HALDWKV, Arfent. tho. wo.uunly fiini'llvns. (ubihiliiK pui and unngliijf about a hcnlthy, vlgorou cuu'imnn oi no vinlo svsiem. A book of particulars wraps each botti' giving tb fermulie m both nieilli'lne niu quoting wint. iir'.x of oirluent met' lcl nuth'iri, Iki- works are consult!' by piiv-'.- ii f all theHchcoIsof pnii-tl-as guides I ;: KrlMiis, ay of each lr groilloiit 1 1 : ' w lito these tnodlclni lha wtjiiN .( ia') hestowod on tb. inveral iw ''Mciits utt-rlng Into Docto Plerco's iihhI ' !v iuh writers shoul have niir u n, m any nuiuiiut t non pnf"-'. I- '.- . monlali, beenua inch nifii i.i v . lor tho guidance o their mod km lir.-uin-n and know whuroo tinry spou. Iloth niiillr'itei are non-alcoholic nr socrot. ami 'ii.iaiii no harmful ht formlngdf iieing composed of giv--extracts of HrooUof native, Ainmi medicinal fo-ist plants Thoy aro tr old by den it In tueillclno. You car' ftlmril frt nraitit na a aulitf tiit tnw wv . v a- auviikutu lll 1II theso medlulnits of known compodlln any secret nustrum. Dr. Pierrot Pllote. small, ugRr-rnnUv easy to take ax candy, rcgulato and li vlgorato stomach. Ilvor and bowels. ASYLUM AVENUE STORE? Wo sell nil kinds of staplo and fancy KrocorloH, und mill feqd. Prompt dollvory. Phono ur n trial order to Main 2G0. A. .7. KXRIiKIIAItT, Prop. Cor. Statesman and Asylum Av. rVff Tt,fW Arner, 31300 Record 2:17. Full brothor to Don Dorby, 2:0; Dorbortha, 2:07; Diablo, U:09U; Dembnlo, 2:11 Vi; Ed Lafforty, 2:1C, and othors. Dy Cbao. Dorby, 4D07, Biro of 0 bottor than 2:10, dam JJortha by Alcattra, dam of 4 bottor than 2:10, and flvo othors. Wlnnor of first premium at Ba lom horso show. For standard stallions season of 1009 at Fair Ground and Club Sta bles. Fee, $25,00 for neason, $3C.O0 to insure O. B. SIMPSON, 4-8-tf Fairground, Ore. A GOOD PLAYER flUIE WING SANG CO. Dig stock, host goods, now nt wholosalo pricos. Wo mako up a now lino of ladlos' wrappors, whlto underwear, klmonaB and waists. Wo koop all kinds of dress goods nnd silks. Gouts and -mdlos furnish ing goods, shoos, hoso. umbrollns. ombroldory nnd lace, skirts, suits overalls, trunks, mnttlng, etc. 3215 North Commercial St., Salem, Orogon. Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Wovon Wlro Fonclng, Hop Wlro, Barb Wlro, Poultry Netting, Shingles, Mal thold Roofing P & B Ready Roofing. Scroon Doors and nd Justlblo Window Scroons. AH At Lowest Prices. Mill (mtmm-dP CHAS. D. MULLIGAN 250 Court Mt Phono 121 (United 1'rMs Leoseil Wlrc.l Olvmtlln. Wnnll.. Afnv fi H'nrmni. Adjutnnt-Gonornl OrtU Hamilton, of tho Washington National Guard, has boen placod undor $10,000 bonds on tho chargo of larceny by ombozzlo mont of tho military funds of tho stato, nnd today la endeavoring to secure bondsmen, having vpont tho night In ,ii locnl hotel under guard of a doputy shorlff. Tho jtqeusod man U In tologrnphlc comtttunlca- tlOn With hlfl ffltlinr nmt nlhn rnln. tlVOS In Kastorn Drnirnn nn,l l la bollcvod that ho will oxporlenco no uiiiiuiiuy m ouiauing bondsmon. It Is belloved that Hamllton'B fath er, who Is a wealthy and highly ro- "iieciuu c-uzen or whitman county, will make full restitution to tho stato of tho dlfforonco between Hamilton's bond and thu total amount of his al leged thefts from tho state. Tho grand total of tho peculations of Gonornl Hamilton,, so far aa thoy hnvo boon discovered to dnto. aro said to aggrogato $4G,70O. in reply to a direct questlpn todny as to how much ho hod ombozzlcd, Hamilton roplled that ho did not know, but thought H might nmount to $10,000. Tho dlscrneoil m'lltnrv r.ni,n. nn duros his predlcnmont with tho ut mot oqunnlm'ty and Indlfforonco, but ho stuotly defend his "nfunlty," Mrs. Hnzol Mooro, of Soattlo, against every Imputation. Whllo Mrs. Mooro pofwoBso, automobllos. pianos and dlainondi, which may havo boon pur chased w'th the money fraudulently "cured from the stnte. without Hnm ItoitB tostlmony thnt ho bought them With thn nltiiffml tni.n ...i tho state can tnko no action to riH covor. Mennwhllo tho National Surety Company hold to bo llnblo In tho TV,01 .l.?0'?00' w,,,c, lB nmount of Ilamllton'g bond ns ndjutant-gon-oral, GoilOrnl ITnmlttnn ..i il. ohnrgo of tho funeral of the lato Govornor Co-grovo. Ho was cducat- j. , ,. . hj ,sJr Tho Dowels worn fiK CANCYCATrunTIC S THE STOCK BOOKS For tno Nortk Santlam Mining company, are still vpm, tm kH vostors. A limited nmount of Btock Id now for salo, nt tho LOWTI5GH f Be por aharo. SAVAGE & HERREIM FIBOAIi AGKNTS. 123 S. COMMERCIAL ST. Pllllinl lal.l.l.l IVk.. m. n . UbHi intin0 uuut Mnia'uuo. J'H IHUIIBf Ulli K Sim .n. h'mid)'CoCliloiioorN,Y, jgi mm SALE, TEH MILLION BOXES I MEALS 15c Cull and try them. Meals 16a Board por wook $2.76, alsi fur nished rooms very reasonable. AT THE Salem Restaurant Is always particular about the musl oal Inatrunu'iu us.-d But even the most critical can find no fault with j the instruments sold here Come In and try your apeoU! fararit. Note the tone and volume, the fine finish, the beautiful harmony. Your first visit will not be your hutt. we feel eonfldont. I.. V. SAVAGK, 217 Coinmcrclnl St. Salem, Or. 80 COURT STRKRT, m A But, Cm Si itUttrmMtmHtwmiMM. H MVf I INuH TO rAU. '" S-m Biwlrl tuiu. .'t, -',"' fMt Baaicnpui .... ,.-, ., K itJmi 4JVLUUI iaul ft ir Sipm bv Di 5, C. S Phoifb 44 Main. 147 N. High at, I u nt Portland, and In woll-known to tho pooplo of Orogon. s"nl,V0:, Wn"h- Mny At tho Hotel Ilutlor Annex lodnv ra ifn.,.i Monro, tho woman for tho lovo of Whom Adllllnnt.ntannrnl r-M. n.. llton Is Raid to owe his downfall, aa slstod by hor iiorm maid, Is making propnratlons for a trip to Callforn'ai with hor 9-yoar-old ilaughtor, Mar Knrot. She will bogln hor Journoy on Ir'day of this wook, It Is Bald. Mrs. Moore refuse to boo nows pnpor men, but ovor tho tolophono "1)0 Olltertnlns ronorlnri with n no,i I , 4I .-,... . ...... ,. .iihuv MwmiBi mo proas, unu states hor In tention to "mnke 'om swent" for the Btorlee publ'shod about her record. o Real Iblnto TnuiHacllOiw. i. , ..I,r-WB ,0 Sftrnh n- Savage, lot 1. blk 17. Salem. w d, $10. B. M. and J. D. D'namoro to II. H. 8m.lt!1' '5te l to 10 b,k Simpson's ndd to Salem. w d, $2000. Sophronn Chnso to II. P. Clmso. Jota 0 ud 10. blk 3, Knglowood ndd to Sa om. v ii. mno O. A. Nowsome to' II. H. and B. F. Dormnri. Innd In South Salem, w d. Mary S, Jonoa to P. E. Bauer, land In Mnr'nn county, w d, $1. B- A. Jonas, at uv in ir.... How'a This? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ro wan! for nm rain nt r.inl. 11..1 cannot be cured by HnlPa Catarrh Curo. F, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Wo, tho undorslgncd, havo known F. J, Cheney for tho last IB yoars, and boliuvo him porfoctly honorablo In nil business transactions, nnd fi nancially ablo to carry out any obli gations matlo bv hla firm. WAT.niN .......... z' "::---- -- !, iviiMrtw MARVIN, Wholosalo uruggisis, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is takon Intor- nawy, acting dlroctly (upon tho blood and upon mucuous surfacos of tho sj'Btom. Testimonials sent froo. Prlco, 76c por bottlo. Sold by all Druggists. Toko Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. o Mayor Rodgers of Salem has asked th county court to plow up and Im- PrOVO tho COUrt IiOURA Inwn. fn trot rid of tho dandelion. It will cost $3000. o Forced Into Kxlle. Wm. Upchuroh of Glon Oak, Okla., was an oxllo from homo. Mountnln air, ho thought, would euro a fright ful lung-raoklng cough thnt hod ilo uod all romodlm for two yoars. Af ter six months ho returnod, douth dogging his HtopB. 'Thou I bogan to use Dr. King's Now Dlscovory," ho wrltos, "and nftor ta..lng six bottles I am as woll ns ovor." It nnvos thou sands ytnirly from dosporato lung dlsotisoti. Infalllblo for Coughs nnd Cold. It dlspols HonrRonosn and Sore Throat, Cures Orlp, llrouohl tls, Ilomorrhngos, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough. 60o nnd $1.00, trial bottlo froo. uunrnntood liv .1 C. Perry. o Tho 11 rat hand onnnnrr nf lm nnn. HOll wns VOrv llllinh nnnninlntml. mm. I large orowiU snuntorod on tho lawns auu saw tuo iuii moon coino up. o A CARD 'fhls Is to certify thnt all drug glstjt are nuthorlzod to refund your money ir i-oioya iionoy and Tar falls to Oliro VOIir cmiifli nr nnlil It stops tho ooiigu, IiouIh tho lungs auu preveuiM puuumonia and con sumption. Contnlna no oplatos. The genuine In in h yellow pnokngo. J. C. Perry. READY TAILORED CLOTHES FOR WELL DRESSED MEM. r 0?Mfl rfTT.. hflW IS 1 JSJ L VJ v nni-r- $ 20 TO c "711 1jfAM7i,iy'- RANGE 40 Shoes For Summer Everything you could wish for pumps, low shoos and oxfords, In pat ent, enlf, tana, oxblood nnd canvas. All contnln stylo ui d w6arlng ability. Dost pricos. J. Vogt Brainy Women Tho Marlon County Modloal Socie ty jiiiKtB at Salem Saturday ovonlng and will oonoUido tho Inst mwtlng thin spring with a banquot. o DoWlttn Carbollzod Witch Hazol Salvo Is good for outs, burna and bruises ami Is ospooially good for pllos. HofiiHo substltut08. Sold by all druggists. Aro thoso who will hnro us laiihder tholr waists, dollcato llngerlo, oto. Our fncllltloB aro thoso ot tho best for tho porfect handling of this ohnraotor ot work. Our holp Is thoroughly oxporloncod, nnd much mora skllfull than most holp you can securo to como to your homo or to "toko out." A trial will tnnko you a client of ours. ibtsw m I KlU m c 'K C&ii Salem Co. Laundry Telephone 25. liltMlKI H. Liberty Ht. i.tV THE BEST ROAST THE FAMILY EVER HAD Can be obtained from our prlmo, ton- dor anil Juloy Hoof, Mutton or Pork. All our munts are soleotud from tho choicest, and prepared for tho tnblo to suit tho demands of thu fnstldlous. Our prices nro lower or qi nllty than you can find at any plnco In Salem. E. C. CROSS & SON Photfb 44 Main. 147 N. High st, C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs and Livery. All Rigs Modern Rubbor Tiro. Gouley. 1.29 aoros In Marlon county, w d. CC0. .ii. a. nnd j. cralg to M. II. (Jul bortson. 10-11 acres In north portion f Jamea DavldBon' d I e. w d, $200. A- I). Wnlfh in ir ii at. iftoo ' Nob l,,n R'1'1 ,0 Um- W d" K M. Crol-an to It. W. Allea. loU .!? WUi.lp la " M- OroUwn Fruit Farw No. 1, w d. $100. iJ'ftt Crn t 0orae O'Brien, $1J . eltjr of SaTew. w d, Tho roslunatlnn nf Plmwi rinioi. . rooolvor of Gllbort Broe., has boon aoooptod by Judgo Burnott, and omo ono olao will bo appolntod. o . . i J3rv22- ' yrM yZ &MV7Z? V W 3 S. COMMERCIAL ST "C lJ mm J rOOi - --- - - n-c I I nc Li - iiuui h rrooi I JMyn Will Ho BoyH and nru always getting scratches, euts. siirulns. briilsuu. iniini.u )...r,.u or aoulds. Don't neglect such things un- may result serious if you do Alllilv Ballard'a 8imw I. Inln .. ..n. cording to dlreotlons right away and it will relievo the pain and heal the trouble. Prloe lie l in- n.i ti nn Sold . all Dealers. o If It to not advertlHkl In The Cap. IUI Joursal. hew will you find out about It? Mniunm-nniiiunmmmf unnunnu WILLIAMJDAVIDSON f STOCKS and BONDS J WILLAMICTTK HOTKL, HALKM, Or, I tun advise you on no stocks or IkiiiiU noIiI or on tho market. Money secured for promotion purpose, patent", iiiauufnctiirliig In iIiiNtrles, largo land deals, etc. Call mill see me. Wanted, n few competent men and women, References required. Graber Bros. PLUMBING AND GAS f ITTING Will give prompt attention to an oraers, guarantee our work to give satisfaction and to be up 10 me sanitary standard. WE WILL UK PLKA8E1) TO GIVE estimates nv rovricArmi We are acents for the Alamo. Victor and Ideal Gasoline En gines Water Systems Installed Slton on I.llxrtv Htrrt-t. back of UarVs Jewelry Store. In considering making your own light, or cooking, why not consider tho F. P. Oaa Machine and 8tub bers Light. Will sell and Install this machine and guarantee It to give 100 per cent more light for tho same money than electricity or city gas. Let me figure with you, eatlmatea furnished. Call at my shop and see the lights and stoves In operation. I also carry PVRO DENATURE!) ALCOHOL utilities. Safe economi cal, odorless. A. I. FRASER Notice to Coutnietoro. Bids Will lia raealvAil for ti... ..in struction of a two-room sehool house at Hayeavllle. dletrlet No. 99. Mario. county. Plant Had apeelllcatlous mav l nun ni tl... -in .... . I in ' arc,h.,ct' r nt the home of L. ,.. . yno,(U- The ucoeesful bidder will be required to give bond for the atlsfaetpry fuinillng of the eon tract. The d'rsotorj reserve the right to rejoot any or nil l.i.iu m.ia ...m .,. opened May 18. ' L, T. RKYN'ni.ns. ri.. 0,ork 'trlot No. 90. Salem. R. p. d. No. 9. 8-0-31 o .. C?'"1 on Nitir.lleer Jag. Pendleton. Or in.. r n from tho pfft tumn.t.. .... beor Jag. ArTliur Ulng, a well-known 1 iul ?. Ponl'eton. attempted to ono his life yesterday afternoon by I!nF "trychn,ne- Tuo "ottle was snatched from bis hand, but not un- nan taxen enough to render blm UHcoRscfouj. The prorapt arriv al of a physician probably saved hU II 10. thoueh h ! ptin in .... ous condition. " ,"r" 'llie Hud of tho World should It oiiine tomorrow would find fully 1-3 of the people suffering with rheumatism of ither slight or serious nature. Nobody need mjffer win, rheuiHtttlem for Ballard's Hnow i.iiiimeni urivea away the trouble, relieves the pain Instantly and loaves tho user aa well and supple h h two.year-old. Sold by nil wwiiqrs. o It le oxpeotod $2,800,000 will bo et Mlde by aongress for tho Celllo onnai. o. rViWItfs Little Early Risers, the famous little liver pills, small, gen tie and sure. Sold by all druggists O" . ECKERLEN Wholesale Family Liquor Store ssaassssssassKsssssEaaaaaBssssssssBsssssssss 144- Commercial St, Free Delivery Phono 103 FfceM JM State SC If ifii not advertl-ed in The Cap Hal Journal, f hardly worth while 'Q If you want to feel well. look well and be well, take Foley's Kidney Remedy It innu .... , v.i .' and bladder, ijurines the blood and restores health and strength Pleas ant to take and contains no harmful druK Why not commence today J C Perry, (JMnil Clihit-M. Doctor L. M. HUM Ma medlclnw which m.ni ,..,. an. kcou dlsrase. Be makes a spnciai ty f. nud guarantees to cure Catarrh Aitbms, Lung, Throat, Rheumatlim Oiblllty, St.iraach. Liver. Kldnei Troubles; also any blackened oi j twollen sorenets, broken Umbi: Srnsllpoi. Epidemic; all Jtlnd ol ! Holls. Lott Manhood, Female Weak ae, Hernu Troubles and Paralysis Consultation free. Care of Y4ek Be Tong Co., ChmM drug and herb I6 High Bt., uptulrs. Halfra. Or Portland, Popular Fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON 9tr! 1H Ui tW ton Ufj Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service in city, with Havaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m. Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern Hostlery in the metropolis of the Northwest. ANNEX IS NOW OPEN Our capacity has been doubled and our free bus will hereafter meet trains No, 6, and train No. l2rlimitod, Oregen Electric that arrivo in Portland at 10:55 a. m. and 4:55 p. m. M. C. DKKINSON, Manager THC;OREGON I