SATURDAY'S JOURNAL FULL OF GOOD THINGS ABOUT SALEM AND ORGEON GOES TO ALL BOARD OF TRADE INQUIRIES. SPLENDID CIRCULATION FOR ADVERTISERS I f 0umal VOL. XIX. DAPjY OAPITAIj .lOlltW!., MliKM, OIIKUOV, TIIUltSDAY, MAY 0, 1909. NO. 01. i t FIRST MODERN STEEL BUILDING WILL BE ERECTED IN SALEM GONTRACT CLOSED TODAY BY UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK FOR FIVE STORY BUSINESS BLQCK AT CORNER OF STATE AND COM. STREETS. Tho Capital Journal Is able to giro tbo first r.uthorlzod unnouncomont that tbo United States National Bank of this city has decided to oroct an 1100,000 modern stool flvo-etory banking and ofllco building on tho corner of Stato and Commercial otroots. Tho miccosaful bidders nro tbo Northwestern Bridge Company. Portland, which Is putting up somo of tho finest stool structures in that city Tho building will bo flvo stories, C5x 100 foot 05 foot on Commercial street, with tho bank on tho corner, and a vory flno storo room noxt to it. Tho four uppor Btorles will bo all modern ofllco rooms, with doublo olovntors, steam heat and hot and cold wator, and a first-class fire proof building of steel, brick and con croto Tho plans adopted wore pre pared by Architect Prod R. Lcgg. of this city This will bo Salem's flrBt modorn building, nnd, whllo not a Pky-scrnpor, It will bo tho first stop toward converting this city Into a metropolitan community. Stato strcot will havo bltullthlc pavomont, nnd tho proporty will bo tho flnost A Price-Cutting Sale In now in full blast at the Chicago Store for the next ten days only Before we start moving Into our new store. Money Is easier to move than goods, so herds a chance for you to buy this season's newest and latest merchandise at SACRIFICE PRICES The prices on the following goods will be whittled down to the lowest possible notch. Remember all goods shown are 1909 latest and best. Dress Goods and Dress Silks, Ladies' Suits and Coats, Duck Suits, Princess Silk Suits, Millinery, Shirt Waists, Wash Dress Goods, Hosiery and Underwear, Lace Cyrtains, Hand Bags, Kid Gloves, Shoes, Parasols, Embroideries. Ribbons and Laces, Muslin Underwear, Bed Spreads, Tapestry, and hundreds of other articles. Remember Ten Days of the Greatest Bargain-Giving Salem Ever Witnessed We Now Do the Biggest Dry Goods Business In Salem je,' e; business property In tho city. This step of enterprise on tho part of tho United Stntes National will bo thor oughly nppreclatod by tho pcoplo of tho Capital City, nnd will bo a Bourco of great prldo to tho city, And will ooost all values of business propor ty. Construction Is to commonCo Im niodlatcly. A CHICAGO MAN DOES SHOOTING Voru Cruz. Mexico, May C. Hnrold Sanborn or Chicago, who participated In n fight yesterday In wnlch six mon nnd one women were' killed on tho Ln Tlendn plantation, is In tho hos pital nt Acnyun dangerously wound ed. During tho fight Sanborn was shot through tho neck. According to reports of tho fight, It Is Haiti that tho woman who wnH ....led, Rtnbbod Vlnconto tisplnosn; u prominent cnttlo man, nnd that as Ksplnona fell Sanborn Bhot tho girl. Tho others killed met death in n molco that followed. Powerful ua&fMJwl-t- MM I OPIUM SMUGGLING ON A LARGE SCALE (United Tress Lcmx-tt Wlra.l San Frnnclsco, May G. Plain clothos men and offlcora of tho secret Borvlco today nro following every avallablo clow in nn effort to round up local representatives of an inter national gang of opium smugglers, whoso proposed oxtonslvo oporattons wore mndo known to tho officials by Chlneso merchants of this city. Lion tenants J. C. Stono, 11. O. Hush and V. A. Hnrrlgan nro In command of a forco of officers who aro patrollng tho water front with ordors to solzo the contraband shipments that nro ex pected to nrrlvo. Whon tho law prohibiting tho Im portation of opium for smoking be enmo off .ctlvo jn April, It was known thnt 400,000 worth of tho poppy product had boon stored by Chlnoio brokors. VTlh this largo quantity In tho city, It Is thought that tho smug glers expected to cntch tho customs otllcors unawares and solro tho op l.ortun'ty to bundlo largo shipments Into tho city Illegally. Their planB nrro wild to havo boon divulged by Chlnoso merchants, who feared that tho wholosnlo entry would bo effec tive In lower tho value of tho opium In their poBsosslon. It is thought by tho officers thnt the gang of smugglers had Its hoad quartor In China, and Is roprosontod by agents fii this city nnd ln tho Eastern states. Colloctor of tho Port Fred S. Stratton, Survoyor Elmor F. Woodward and tho othor government olllclals at this port aro determined to apprehend tho oporators horo, and have Inld tholr plans carefully. With tho load furnished them by tho mer chants, tho ofllcorB aro of tho opinion thnt, In nddltlon to stopping tho in tondod Influx of tho contraband pro duct, thoy will bo successful In run n'ng to onrth tho Individuals connect ed with tho plot In this city nnd In the East. WaNliiiigton Kdllor Decline. Washington, May C K. C. Hughes whom tuo president offered tho fod prnl Judgoshlp of tho westorn district of Washington, today declined the position. Wo are hero to show .you and to prove to you tuat we can give you values that will tnako you and all your friends solid cus to in era of our store Watch us grow FIGHTING TO BREAK RACE LAWS l United I'rcss Leased Wl'e.1 Sun Frnnclsco, May C. Tho llttlo town of Madorn In tho San Joaquin valley Is to bo tho scono of tho at tempt of tho rnco track followers to I secure a test of tho OtlB-Walkor nntl , betting law passed by tho Into state I legislature, according to persistent I rumors here today. Thnt the famutiH I coursing park nt Madura ngnln will j bo filled with devotees of tho chase, I nnd thnt if n test caso follows, tho ' racing lrntornlty will flock to tho attack of tho now statute, Ib tho word that Iwh beou passed about by those who nro supposed to ho on tho limldo of the confidential clrclo. Soon after tho pnssngo of tho antl gambllng bill It was planned to re open the lugleslde coursing park in this city. This plan camo to naught, as did several othor bc nemos to bo euro a test It Is said today thnt plans to open the Madera park aro almost perferted. It Is rumored that former Judge Carroll Cook, with Homy Ach, lias been retained by those concerned to care for tho lognl ond of any proceedings arising from the proposed attempt. HE FLEW THROUGH THE AIR WITH THE GREATEST OF EASE (United Press Leased Wire. Home, May 5. Llcmtcnant Cnldor nra, ouu of Wilbur Wright's aeron autic pupils, had both shouldors dis located hero today whon ho foil, with his Instructor's onroplnno, from n height of 100 fcot. Ho was rou dorod. unconscfllous by tho fall, and WM renin vod to n hospital. ' Cnlderara was making a flight in Wilbur Wrlght'H macblno whon tho accident occurred. Whon ho had ut talned n height of 100 fcot tho motor ntopped, and beforo ho could got It Btorted a caln. tho noroplane fell. Aftor Ire rognlnod consciousness nt tho hospital. Caldorarn stated thnt he had n suddon nttack of vertigo, and Instluctlvoly clutched tho lovor. Ho rcm?mbors nothing of his torrlblo drop to tho earth. According to phy slclaihj In charge, ho ntnnds nn ex cellent chnnco of recovory. Caldor arn assumed nil responsibility of tho nee'ddnt, nnd claims that tho mech anism of the aoroplane was not at fault. .WITNESSES TELL ABOUT KIDNAPING 0FJDIT0R OLDER San Francisco. Ma U. Fremont Olilor. mlltor of tlin RviiiiIiil' IlullnMii j was placed on the witness stand to , dny In tho trial of Luther Urown, wiiu'i ui uiu uuiau iiiuinuya uuiuui- Ivo bureau, who Is accused of kid naping him. Older told tho story of tho nllegod kidnaping. lie said that ho was ar rested by Drown, Potter Asho and two constables from Los AngeloH, who had a warrant, Issued In that clt). charging him with criminal li bel. Ills efforts to got tho constables to take him beforo a court where ho could bo admitted to ball, ho said, woro futllo nnd ho was placed in an automobile and taken to Itedwood City against his will. Ho chnrgod that one of tho ronstuhloe, whoso nnmo ho did not know, placed a re volver at Ills sldu ami thnmtimml t shoot if he mndo an outcry. Attorney Hurt SchleiMilnger .repro sentlng tho defense, incurred tho dls plensuio of the court this morning b Interrupting Assistant District At torney Wllllum Hoff Cook whllo ho was mulling his opening statement. Judge Mnhon took hchlosslngor to tusk and ordered him to bo silent. Cook win reviewing the Inoldouts of tho niiegcd kidnaping and told of the journey made from Itedwood City SOUth toward I.OM AtlL'iiliiK Until,. a. singer objected on tho ground that Homing or mis trip wns mentioned in iii0 inmcimom DEFENSE IN THE CAPTAIN HAINS TRIAL Flushing. I. I . May .- -Tho de fense in tho trial o Captain Peter C. Ilalns ucoused of the murder of Wil liam K Annlu. rnxtitil nt I -in nVli.fb- tlllS afternoon fiftor liitrniliinlfiir .- pert testimony to prove that tho de fendant wm Insane at the time of the killing. Dr Maiison. Mho testified yester day that llains was insane when ho killed Annls, was cross-examined by tho prosecution today His testi mony remained unshaken. Dr. Arthur C. IJrush. qualifying as an export, corroborated Malison's te. tlinony At th conclusion of his cross-examination recess was taken. Dr Jarrett was first witness for tho state in rebuttal -o- i ttojtl on Kill Inland. I Vancouver, w C. May C Now brought by the steamship Marama, which arrived hero today, of mining excitement over rich gold and copper lodo mines discovered in tho FIJI group, where a number of mining engineers were awaiting tho Issuance of a proclamation openlnr tke dis trict to mining right. STATE STOVE WORKS WILL HAVE TO BE REBUILT THAT IS THE ONLY THING TO BE DONE UNDER STATE LAWS- HAVE NO AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH ANY OTHER INDUSTRY What will tho board of public building commissioners do with tho burned plant at tho otaUi prlsonT This Is n quoBtlon which tho board itself has not nnsworod, nnd that may cause tho monition) considerable worry boforo thif do anwor It. Tho ilrst question Ib "does tho Btato want to coutlnuo tho stove foundry, or put up a plant to carry on tho foundry buslncBdT" Tho second quostlon nrlsos, "can tho stato bonrd, under tho law, do nuythlng oxcopt robulld tho foundry?" Tho burning of tho plant has loft nearly 300 of tho pris oners out of n Job. Temporarily, they will bo employed in donning up the debris, tho aftermath of tho fire. Aftor that, what? The board has not mot yot, but, whon It doos, whnt cau it do? Tho direction of tho law Is plain. It can rebuild, but can It do anything else? Plainly not, Tho followUig Is n reminio of tho law under which tho bonrd acts, and Ib solf-oxplannlory: The. general laws of tho Btato for 1003 makos tho following provisions for the "repairing or replacement of public buildings dostroyod by firo." ROBBERS TUNNEL UNDER BAY CITY San Francisco, May C. Discovery of a. network of tunnels loading from a vanoant store bulldlpg at 1070 D'Farrell struot today rovoalod n (dot to loot tho vaults of tho Swiss Amorl onn Ilnnk. tho Faro Jewelry Com pany nnd the Orent Western Loan Company. Tho tunnels woro found after n watchman had d'scovored n pllo ot sand In tho rear room of tho vacnnt storo. A hole had boon nut through Mio Moor and a main tunnel run with in ten feet of the bank's vaults. Hrauch tunnels led to tho buildings occupied by tho Jewelry and loan companion. Work on Uio tunnels had ovidontly boon nbandnnod for lovoral day, from tho appoarnnco of tho oarth takou from them. Tho watchmnu who mndo tho dlscovory wns put on duty In tho vicinity of tho bank nbout n week ago, and It Is belloved that notion led the rnbbors to bollovo tholr plot hud been discovered, mid to tnkq Illght. PAINT UP OR ELSE C0NFESST0 WRINKLES The .jiileui Mhne store on State street bait Immii for two days painting up Its front, in order to do so. it hud to put up notices marked "Paint " Now there uro many build ings along Couimernlal and somu of the olh&T liuslnewt streets that need painting Nn one appreciates UiIh as uiticli as a woman, because a blumud fool limn doer not reallzu that ho Is In new I of reialrs, while a woman does. Now the city needs paint. Hu lom cannot afford to drift into the obiR of the old abandoned unsturn towns. Wih must keep In stylo or go out of It It's up to you gentle men who own the buildings Paint up of stand for the wrinkle KILLED PARAMOUR AT WIFE'S HASHERY Oakland. On I . May 0 -Harry it. Shattuok was shot and sorlously wounded by August Couisans early today. CouuaiiB uccurcd Shattuck of breaking up his home. Knrly to day he went to his wife's restaurant, the "Sllvor Moon," and lay In wait for his Intended victim Boon after ward Bhattuck appeared, and Cous tuns 'tired twice, both bullet pene trating his broast. Cousins was arrested and is held "n det'nue pending the outcome ot Bhattuck's injuries. o- - SAW.MM.I, UUKNK , VV AT VANCOUVKH Vancouver. II C Mn.v 6 --The North Paeiru Lumber Company's mill at llariutl. eight miles from Vancouver, Is a mass of ruins today ts the result of a fire which broke jut shortly before mldulgktand was icon beyond control A Canadian Pftcillc tralo consisting of 11 cars, caught tiro wnd only re wore saved "Section 1. In enso o loss or dam ago to any public building of this Btato, or nny of tho lnttltutloM thereof; educational or othorwlso, by lire, or in ens? of tho loss or dam- ago by flro of apparatus, fixtures, ap pllnuco or furnlturo of any such build lug tho Uoard of Public Uulldlng Commissioners, consisting of tho gov ernor, socrotni) of stato nnd stats treasurer, is hereby authorized and empower. h1, upon tho application of tho proper authorities in chnrgo ot Biich building, etc., allowing tho na ture character and amount of loss, to authorlro tho immediate recon struction, rebuilding, repairing or replacing of Biieh building, apparatus, otc. Vml tho socrctnry ot Btato is au thorized to draw cortlllcatos of in debtedness In any sum jiot greater than (ho nmount allowed by Mid board, which shall bear lognl Inter est, but no nmount greater than tho actual loss shall. bo allowed." It wlll'bo noon from this that tke bonrd Is tup against it It must eith er robulld tho foundry, or do noth In, uiiloss tho legal branch ot the government can find a loophole for dodging tho statute It Is believed five enra woro loaded with general freight. Tho dry kilns were saved us well aa tho lumber yard, but tho damage amounts to nbout 125,000. Tho mill wns quo of tho largest on the const and hud u dnlly cut of 100.000 feet. Tho telephone and telegraph wires )woro burned down but tho great glare or the sky warned tho Vancou ver brigade nnd apparatus wan sunt out early till mnornlng on flatcars MORE MOURNERS AT PORTLAND FOR MRSJWEL M00RE lUnltrd l'rrw Ust Wlre.1 Portland . May 0. Mrs. Hazel Monro, Inamorata of OrtlB Hamilton, deposed adjutant general of Wash ington, patron of tho guy life against whom his downfall Is charged, spout several da)H In Portland In February mid cut quite u swath In certain circles. More than one muuihor of the guy sot of Portland remembers the visit of Mrs. Moore to tho city, und there aro many to testify to tho lure of her brown tinted eyes. Bho on in o at a time who nthe snow lay deo pupou the ground und oil gaged for horseif n handsome suite of rooms at the Hotel Oregon. Pretty of face, handsome of figure witty of tongue, beautifully gowned, slio soon cuptlvated ell the I in pros Mlmmble men with whom she ouino In contact and sent Into the hearts of tne women h dtcidd flutter of (invy. During the few days which Mrs. Mooru runmlnwl In Portland, tdio gave horseif up entirely to pleasure Mrs. Moore had several women friends In Portland, one' of whom Is now in ln AiigtiJetj. and to ilium she seemed the personification of till that was to be envied To those women who did not know her well she was u young widow, very wealthy and glftud Ith beauty and all tho urls and tnlontu. All this was whllo she was at tho Motel Oregon under the name of Mrs. Huzel Moore, hut those who nay thoy knew her. failed to learn that from the Oregon she moved to the Imperial hotel, there to register live and grow moro populur uudci the name of Mrs. Ortls Hamilton. Hut (o the few women and men who knew hor well, Mrs. Moore didn't attempt to assuiuu the pose of the wealthy widow. To them the storj of hor life was known, thoy were acquainted with no facts of her mar rlago at H. and how somu years lator she became a victim of tho paoo that Kins. Bho fraiialy told people she was going to carry Hamilton, that he was a "good .fellow" as good fellows go -uo mudo no secret fit the elroum stances surrounding the meeting or of the, fact that he had a wife. Ills position was imurlng to hor, for she bad' social asp. lutu of the most pronounced character Bho told sev eral jteople In Portland that murrlagu wiwi oil" wouiu nveuru lur iiur iiiu position she wanted In society And upou the subject of her brown oye there are numbers of gay young renown to testify It wa stlie subtle wystery of those flashing orbs that drew them to her as It did Hamilton