DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8AUB4, OIUKKM, TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1009. t 200 Dozen Linen Napkins Just .received n shipment of linen suftlolent to supply nil de nnndB, either the large ones of the hotels ar th particular demnnds of n family. Notions Galore Received direct from Now York. Very ornamental hat pins. Ex treme novelties In belt buckles. Darrcttcs In all shades and styles. Psycho holders. Back combs. Hair ornaments. Collar Pins a very handsomo assortment. Tailored Duttons buttons made to order. Beauty Pins from 10c to GOc. Leather Bags, 25c to $5.00. Toilet articles. i INDIA LINON From 7 I -2c up B-RU-SA THE ONLY LAWFUL PILE CURE Becauso It docs not contain narcotics, mercury, cocaine, lead or any poisonous drugs. Becauso B-RU-SA CURES PILES. U. S. Dispensatory rocommonds every Ingredlont of E-RU-SA. Drug laws make "falso or mis leading otntomonta" a crlmo. Thoroforo tho salo of all othor or Injurious narcotic pllo medicines Is Illegal, bocauBO they affect mo brain and spinal marrow, produco constipation and no vor euro. All rollnblo, up-to-dato druggists of highest standing soli nnd Indorso E-RU-SA, namely In Salem, DR. STONE'S DRUG STORE, O. W. PUTNAM & CO.. RINQO & GRADER, RED CROSS PHARMACY, and CAPITAL DRUG STORE. W. H. Coo'.ey. Do It Now. j, Now Is tho tlmo to got rid of your ' rhoumntlBin. You can do so by ap plying Chamberlain's Llntmont. Nino canes out of ten aro simply muscular rheumatism duo to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, and yield to tho vigorous application of this lin iment. Try It. You nro certain to bo delighted with tho quick rollof which it affords. Sold by all good druggists. o Tho women of tho country nro up In arms against tho proposed tariff; not becauso tho tariff systom of tax ation is wrong In principle, but bo eauso It la proposed to Incrcaoo tho tariff on gloves and stockings. is a pretty hard thing to accom plish when you're bluo, bilious and out of aorta. There Is a Huro euro for all kinds of stomach nnd liver complaints constipation and dys' popsla. Ballard's Ilerblno is mild, yet absolutely cffectlvo in all cases. Price 60 cents per bottle Sold by all Dealers. CALICOES From 5c up Little attacks of Indigestion nro what bring on othor ailment, such as acute Indlgcutlon, chronic dys popsla, and oven more serious per nutrient illness. Kodol Is guaran teed to give rollof. Try It today. Sold by all druggists. Wonder If wirolcss telegraphy 1b tho forerunner of wireless politics? If you desire a door complexion take Foley's Orlno Laxative for con stipation nnd liver trouble as It will stimulate these organs nnd thor oughly cioanso your system, which Is what everyone needs In tho spring In order to feel well. J. C. Perry, o Wonder If an African Jungle will stir up Roosevelt as that book, "Tne Junglo" did n few years ago. o Heartburn, sour risings, belching, dull, heavy feeling nnd such things are all caused by indigestion. Ko dol stops them by digesting all tho food you eat. Sold by all drug gists. THE f I LUJJJJlJlllTl 1 II I-1. H M f I 1 1 MM JJMLLLM TTf We have just received another carload of the famous MALLEABLE RANGES made at SOUTH BEND. This makes the second carload of these ranges received this yoar. This mnge is without doubt'THE PEER OF ALL MALLEABLE RANGES." Woichs more" in the same size than any other range on the market. Don't be inveigled into buying a malleable range that you know nothing about, buy the one that has always made good, the SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE. We have sold this roat range for six years' and the sale of same"s increasing rapidly. Insist on having lb. MALLEABU I made aSOUTH BEND, minrameed 10 t. r 177 w;. p .K'lfi"- KIDNAPING OF ANNA M00NEY IS RECALLED United Trcsa Leased Wire. San Frnnclsco, May 4. Tho search for Annie Moonoy, who 26 years ago dropped from sight nt a family plcnlo at Belmont, wns ronowed today with ouo less loving searcher. Tho burlnl In this city yesterday of Allco Moonoy slBtor of the lost woman, marked tho closing of another chajrtor In n kid naping case that for a quarter of a century has created Interest second only to that caused by the disappear ance of Charllo Ross. In 1S83, four years boforc tho birth of Allco Moonoy, Httlo Annlo Mooney. three years, of ago, disap peared nt tho Belmont picnic. Through the succeeding years tho search for her has nevor boon aban doned by the father, mother and oth er members of tho Moonoy family. Alice Mooney, who was burled yes terday, devoted tho greater part of her 22 years to tho search for tho 8lstr sho had never Been, and today the remaining members of the fam ily have rcnewou tholr apparently hopeless efforts. Sovcn brothers nnd sisters remain to prosccuto tho tire less search. THREATENS TO KILL JUDGE GALLOWAY It'ultHl Promt Leaned Wlre.l TILLAMOOK, May 4. Quito a sensation wob caused when Judgo Galloway took his scat on tho bonch yesterday morning nnd mndo tho statement he ..ad boon informed by a reliable citizen that his llfo had been threatened nnd thnt ho was not to live to pass scutenco upon a cor taln defendant who hnd been found guilty nt this torm of circuit court. He said It wns n deplorable stnto of affairs when a Judgo was threatened with assassination and that it was tho first tlmo ho hnd boon threatened In private or public llfo. It Is generally thought it Ib some bootlogger who hns been miming tho alleged throats, .i.torney S. S. Johnson, who caused n scene In circuit court Saturday while intoxicated, insulted tho court nnd then tisocl vlio langungo ovor tho telephone to Shuriif Cronshnw about tho judge, apologized to tho court and was fined 20. SEATTLE WARNED NOT TO ROB ITS GUESTS (United l'ren I.eaied Wire. Seattle. May 4. J. J. Hlttlngor, chief special agent of tho war de partment, who Is In Seattlo to ar range the department's oxhlblt In the government building at tho A.-Y.-P. exposition, hns sounded a note of wnrnlng to tho ownors of Seattlo res tnurants nnd lodging houson regard ing rates. He declares that tho suc cess of tho fair rests on tho business methods of tho ownors of restaurants and lodging houses, and that If thoy try to hold up tho visitors, tho fair will be u failure. Mr. Hlttingor hns represented tho war department nt 10 expositions nnd Is In n position to talk Intelligently on tho mnttor. Ho says that early visitors to tho fair If mulcted by tho hotol and restau rant keepers, "go homo nnd toll their friends about It and toll thorn tf Htny nwny. When that hupponn It apells ruin for an oxposltlon, ho assorts. OLD MAN FOUND DEAD IN THE STREET lUiilii-.) I'rtM Iated Wire) San Francisco, .May 4. With five cents in his pockot and a araull bundle of clothes lying by his ldo, Joseph Hunter, about 7D years of age, was found dead In Mission streot at nn early hour today, 11 lg namo was learned by means of a paper In his pockot. It Is thought ho was ejected from somo lodging home, and died In tho street of ex posure. SOUTH BEND vou uoin uy urn iw-iuiy a..u M $WW& TKSbuCXV COMMISSION THINKS NAVY IS ALL RIGHT London. May 4. It is reported hero today that thero Is a division of opinion among tho members of tho secret naval commission that hna boon Investigating tho charges brought by Admiral Beresford thnt tllO British llnw la In nn InnfflMnnt condition, and unprepared for war. On reliable authority It is learned', nowover, mat. mo nnmtigs or tho com mission prove tho charges to bo uu wnrranto ! Borosford's charged created con sternation In naval circles, and, at; a result, tho commission of exports was named to Inspect tho vessels of tho royal navy. Its roports Is ongor ly awaited. SACRAMENTO TEAM LOSES GOOD MEN Pacramento, Cnl., May 4. Out fielder Bobby McIIalo, for many yenrs a prominent flguro in ConBt League circles, and Pitcher Lilly nro no longer mombors of tho Sncrnmon tn team. They wore rolcased last n'jht y Mnniwe Du ban.. Adams, loaned to the Sin rs by tho Onk land club, has returned. Tho cut In tho ranks of tho Sena tors makes It evident that young Znmlock has been mooting tho ball wltu ii vongonnco. nnd It Is Intimated that when Third Bnseman Jnnslng vels bnck Into tho gnnu at d Charllo Doil; goes back to tno outfield ono of tho lepulnrs will occupy a spot on I he -icnoh whlh tho henvy h'ttlng Znmlock fills his formor berth. RICH PREACHER GAVE PROPERTY T0 CHURCH Ix)R Alleles, May 4. Broadway Christian church today owna tho val unble property on which Its building Is situated, and, In addition, prop erties on wh'ch nro located four branch missions. Tho prnporty In tho gift of tho orgnnlzor of tho cliurch, tho millionaire morchnnt-pronchor, II. F. Coulter. Coultor organizod tho Brondwny church In tho onrly days of Los Ango los, and for 15 yenrH Itn pastor, with out Mlnry. Ho Is tho proprietor of tho Immense Coulter Dry Goods Hwtso In this city. Tho proporty deeded to tho church Ii snld to bo worth nearly $200,000. ' ' o DoWltt's Kidney nnd Blnddor Pills nro antiseptic and rcllovo pain quick ly. Insist upon DoWltt's. Send your name to E C. DoWItt & Co., Chlcn go, for a free trial box. Sold by all druggists. WILL SHIP WHEAT - FROM PACIFIC PORTS Winnipeg. Mnn.. May 4. TlTo grain crop of Alberta nnd Saskntch- owan will bo shipped to Eruropo vln Vancouver, B. C, hereafter, Instead of through portu on tho Atlantic son board, according to a decision mndo by tho Canadian Pacific railroad to day, when It was sottled thnt this policy oliould bo pursued. This moans tho shipment of bo tweon 50,000,000 and 75,000,000 bushels of grnln ovor tho Rocky Mountains ench year Part of this grain will ho sent ncross tho Isthmus of Pnnnmn and the rost around Capo Horn. Mnnltoba'H 1 00,000,000-bmfhnl crop will roach Europe via Montreal and Now York as heretofore. STOPS FALLING HAIR Ayer't lUk Vigor Is composed of sulphur, glycerin, qulnln, sodium clilorld, capsi cum, sage, alcohol, water, and perfume. Not a single injurious Ingredient In this list. Ask your doctor If this Is not so. Follow hU advice, A hair food, a hair tonic, a hair dressing. Promptly checks falling hair. Completely destroys all dandruff. DOES NOT COLOR THE HAIR .1 r TB (VmrtNT 1 Wfst'f, MM MALI JR art k ..... f.'ft h , c)r' THEY ALj- WANT TO GET THE DOG'S COLLAR tfnlted Press Leased Wire.) San Francisco, May 4. Anxious members of tho social elect aro busljy prosecuting n Ben re h of dog hospitals nnd municipal pounds of tho bay cities In a lingering hope of coming fnco to faco with Mrs. Charles D. Alexander's pedigreed Boston torrler "Hazolwood." A dozon amateur sleuths and, It Is hinted, n couple of gumshod representatives of the local police, aro browsing about pawnshops endeavoring to ina n trace of a dog necklnco which ho proudly wore when ho disappeared two days ago. Tho hnndsomo canine was glvon to ...rs. Alexander by Miss Jouulo Crock er, owner of tho fnmuos missing Crocker, ponrla. A collar sot with pearls and bearing tho dog's name was a second gift. Sunday Mrs. Alexander nnd a com pany of frlomlB Journeyed to Mulr's woods for n plcnlo. In n playful mood somo honrtles mombor of tho party tossed an orange, from a dls tance of about 60 yards, nnd tho or ange projocted Itsolf upon tho dolt cato aural nppondngo of Hazolwood. Hazolwood disappeared down tho trail, llonco the Bonrch that Is al ready two dayn old. CliAitRo of Street (3 ratio. Xotlco la hereby glvon thnt tho common council of tho city of Salem, Oregon, dooms It oxpodlont to chnrwo and proposes to chango tho grndo on Saginaw street at tho intersection of Miller streot, and tho grado on Com mercial stroot at tho Intersection of Milter stroot, and tho grado on High stroot nt the Intersection of MUlor street, In nccordnnco with tho ro- port of tho clty'a onglneor, fllod In tho ofllco of tho city rccordor the 3d day of May, 1009. Dnto of tho first publication of this notlco Mny 4f 1009. y order of tho common couhcI!. W, A. MOORE8, 5-4-1 It city Rocordor. O ' DoWltt's Kldnoy nnd Blnddor Pius quickly relievo backacho, weak back, pains In tho groin, ' rheuma tism, etc. Send your namo to E. C. DoWItt &. Co., Chicago, for froo trial box. Sold by nil druggists. -o- "Tho world looks dlfforont' to a mnn whou ho Is drunk." Yes, nnd tho mnn looks dlfforont, too. CALHOUN TRIAL GROWS INTERESTING (United Press Leased Wlre.l "" San Frnnclsco, May 4. Attempts on tho part of tno defonso to Impeach tho witnesses brought by tho prose cution In tho Calhoun brlbory trial woro rosumed today when formor Supervisor Max Mnmlock was called to tho Hinud. During Mnmlock'n tes timony Karl Rogers, who took up tho bunion of tho dofotiHo, periodically arose t(f allege it dlfforonco In tho testimony of tho witness and tho transcript of his ntatemontB during tho grand Jury Investigation While on tho stand Mamlook ac knowledged thnt ho hnd rocelvod 12000 In currency for his voto upon tho trolley franchise. Tho money, ho snld. came from Gallagher, who took It from a doposlt box. Ho stated that ho had boon glvon to understand that thoro would ho J 4000 In tho trolley donl. In reply to a question, Mnmlock admitted thnt had Gallaghor Instruct ed him to voto against tho frnnchlso ho would have oboyed tho Instruc tion. ml ij r ,-vm' i 31 i l A Skin ut teaut? Is a Joy fame Ds. t. raix MURAors mwki CftGAM OK NA6IAI ICAUTIFIER Rtmorca Tan, rtmp'K. FrMa, . Hub. and Kiln DImum. Mom l ai rtciit, ana trttj Diamim nn bwatr, and Mr flea detection. It hu atood tht tt of ft) jnn, ant la to tannla taaoUtotxiuralt la fronftlf mid.. AerapinoeounKt. flt of alraUat namt. Vt. I A. Sajta aalil to ladf of Ih haul ton ( tMlfnOt At job ladlea UI u then. 1 reeuramtnil r -.:- ." in.MH.ti. nBM.t &. Ida Iraat harmful of all lha akin pttwallo". Kor aala Vjt all dnlU aJ fancy Sood D.alara In lha UalUrt BUtaa, Canada and Enropt. ttMT.WfflllS, Prof, W tod J Sired. New Toil Nervous People And tlHttP nffllctcd with lieitrt venkne mny now Imvc no four o( the dentnl clinlr. ItlJAl) WHAT MttH. IIANI.KY SAYS: 1 hnd 1U teeth extracted at the Itrtrvnrd IVntlM' without the lenst nln. nnd highly reennunriid them. MltH. llAM.r.Y. l'rremont Station. Whalebone Plate;$I0 .t (lital ItUcovtrp, the AVie Whultbont I'hitr, which Ik ...v llRhteet and strongett net known , iIock not roTrr the root o( the inoiith . hlle corn off the cob; guaranteed to yourn suiimk- wi: iMtAM.nNm: thh wontiD. We will forfeit (1UUO to any charitable Inatltutlon for the ilcntlxt who ran make a phite for IA in good n we make for 10. lO Year Guarantee Ootd frown, extra heavy .15.00 Kull Het Teeth twhnluoone H. U. W.)..8.00 llrldite Work, per tooth, bet guld. .. ,10.00 While frowns , f 4.00 Teeth lle-enatneled (3,00 (lo.il nilllik'x fi.oo And not exceeding .(2.00 lloxt Silver Killings tO.00 I'lfitlmim nillng (1.00 Teeth I'lcnned f 0.30 ti'htii i:nt.wrnu WITHOUT JM.V I'm Whrn Olhrr Work it Ordered lly our new system of painless dentistry, lined by us alone. Our success Is due to tht high grade work done by our expert, gentla inanly operators. Harvard Painless Dentists Corner Park nnd Washington Sis., oyer llojal llakery l.argeit and best equipped DCntal eitah. lUhnunt In the world ; '.'O offlrci) In Unltot biiih tipen rtuuiiiiy. u to i. uany until u. if Jou want to feel well, look well nnd bo well, take Foloy'H Kidney llemedy. It toncH up tho kldnoys and bladder, purines tho blood nnd restores health nnd strength. Picas ant to take nnd contains no harmful dniKH. Why not commeuco todnyT J. O. Perry. o Unfaltering faith In tho auceew of your endeavors Is a good thing to cultlvato at tills coavon. o- Many weak, nervous women havo boon restored to health by Foley's Kldnoy Homedy ns it stlmulntos the klduoyn no they will ollmlnnto tho waste mnttor from the blood. Im purities depress tu uorves, causing uervous exhaustion nnd other nil iiientH. Commence today and you will soon bo well. Pleasant to take J. C. Perry. limbormuii scorn to forgot that It U not thomsolvcs, but forosts thnt uocd protection. YOU NKVKIt CAN TKhh Just oxnetly tho ciiuko ofyour rhou matlsm, but you know you havo It. Do you know that Mallard's .now Miilmont will euro It? relieves tho pain reducoH tho swelling and Urn bora tho joints mid muscles so thnt you will bo ns active and well nn you over were. Price 2G, GOc and 11.00. Bold by all Dealers. Tho farmers of farmers nro al ready harvesting next fall's crops, nnd they aro dnndlcs. -o A Iluppy Father Ih soon turned to a sad ono 'If ha tins to wnlk tho floor every night with u crying lot by. McCWu (laby Elixir will make ..o ahlld well sootho its norvoD. Iniluee henlthy, normal slumber. Il8t for disor dered bowels and Hour stomach all toothing babltw iihwI It. I'lons nnt to take, a ii re hiiiI mtu. aontnins uouta per bottle U by nil Dealors. 1- li Un't worth whllt to try to mnko two worrlo terow wkr ous trrow before Cliumhtirlnlii'h Miiluient, This Ih it now prttimmtion nnd it good one it it MiMN-iiilly valuablo ns a euro .jr chronic ami iuunjiilur rheumatism, nnd for tn rulluf from pain which it affoidi In ttoutu In tlammatory rhtuntiitiam. Thoso who .avo iiNod it hMV Invuriitbly spoken of it In tht- IiIhIiumI terms of pruldu. Kamii buck, Tniuti hIioiiI dur an. i stiff iiuck r tint to rheu matism of tht mutnfli, tiHUUlly brought on by tuptmr to onld or damp, and hi quickly curwi by np lllng thin llHlmttnt frajuly and iiii SHglng Hi afftrCtw! iistrto, KoraHtWN of tht) iiiiiMcltttf, wttatwr Indiieiw by violent wxurolM or Injury, Ih llyl by thU llnlniatHi. Fur m Wy nil good druggists. Tom h the txrlff rock and tho watim of nIflliitM (Mid forth abundantly , o .i - . WJtKCK Is the only fit duawrlpllou for the limn or woman who Is crippled with rhetmwtltm Just h ftw rhwimatla twinges may tw the fornrunnor of a severo attack- -Ntop thtt trouble at tno start with Mallard a Hnow I.lul mont Cures tne rheumatism nnd all pain. Prlco 25i 60c und 1.00 ijold by all dealers 3JN J-N A KM