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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1909)
OMWJON, TUESDAY, HAY 4, 1000. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. IIOFKH, Editor and Proprietor Independent Newipapar OsYoted to American Principle and .-, Uio rrotrcM rniil Horoloiiement or All Oreeon. v - iw I W ! I II I I MM II i fubllihod Brcry Kvenliig Kxcept fiumlay, Culera, Ore. 'WfJgCIUlTION RATK8. (InrarUblr In AdTanw.) Dill', by wrier, per year W.O) Per month.-. Dally, by mall, pr year 4.00 I'cr month.... Wookly, by mall, per tear- .. '.J Six month i0o Jtxs UNIONlftqLA CXVilV LITTLE TALKS WITH MEN IN OREGON WHO ARE DOING THINGS The federal grand jury has indicted Wm. Hanloy of Burns for illegal fencing of public lands, His trial will como off some time during May at Portland, It will be another addition to the judicial reform farces en acted in Oregon. Mr, Hanloy organized a company and his company bought a largo tract of tno Glonn-French lands, Somo of those lands aro fencod and somo are not, Hanloy and his company havo novor fenced an acre of land nor even kept up the fences they bought with the land, In tho meantime Wm, Hanloy Is doing things to opon up Central Oregon, Ho is ono of tho principal promoters of tho movement for a railroad from Boise to Coos Bay. That movement Includos tho fight for tho district built rail road, an application of an old principle to a new disease railroad strangulltis, Wm, Hanloy's cloar businoss brain concoivod the idon of tho district principle applied to building railroads. Whon tho bill to croato port districts to improve water tran portation was boing considered by tho Dovolopment Congross no askod tho quostlon "Why not a law to create railroad dis tricts?" If it is constitutional to croato a district to provldo hotter waterways, why is it not just as lawful to creato the dis trict to improvo land transportation? If a district can tax itsolf for Its own benefit to improvo a watorway, why not to improvo a highway? Constitutional lawyers aro funny animals that a plain man like Bill Hanloy can't understand. It Is not unconstilutloal to tax tho people to build tho port ago railroads on tho Columbia to rollovo tho oastom Wash ington grain growors, It is not unconstitutional tc appropriate nionoy to build an automobile road to Crater Lake. It is not unconstitutional to build locks and canal at Ore gon City, prosont thorn to a corporation) and thon holp tho gonoral govommont buy thorn back, It Is not unconstitutional to buy right-of-way from a rail road company for a canal at the falls of the Columbia. It is not unconstitutional to onact tho Oregon water codo to croato irrigation districts that will build canals and rosor vohs by taxing tho lands and issuing bonds and exercise eminent domain. But boforo you can croato a railroad district law you must amend tho Oregon constitution 1 Tho constitution provldod for only throo supreme judges. . Tho pooplo votod down an nmondmont to provide fivo supromo judgos, But tho legislature expands the constitution and enacts fivo judges. To croato offlcos tho constitution can bo wrenched and violatod, Sofl-oxpansivo officialism complncontly fills tho positions forhiddon by tho constitution, Great is the constitutional lavyycr. Idaho enacts tho district-built railroad law and the Hnnloy idon is spreading over two states. Wm, I anloy and his ft lends may orgnniio n district for contial Oiogon without waiting for the consent of the con stitutional lawyers. Watch the Hanley iclea grow. Tho live man on Coos Bay are starting to build n rnil luml to Roseburg without waiting for the constitutional Inw yots, Tho noxt Dovolopment Con ri ess will bo hold at Burns, tho homo of Wm. Hanloy, 100 miles from a railroad. Tho Oiagon-ldaho Dovolopment Congioss will go on with its campaign of doing things for a groatoi Orogon, in the meantime watch tho district-built railroad idea grow. I llko to call (ittonlion to tta mon who aro doing things In Orogon. So much noods doing and dsvotopmont is aid. an urgont necessity, it is a pity To waste space on politios and contro versy. Two mon aro doing tilings to transform Baker county, Jacobs and Almlrol camo out from tho oast tvvo years ago. Thoy aro said to bo Intorostad In tha oxtonsfon of the Eap'o Valley railroad, They aro working on a pro'ect to irrigate 25,000 to 30, 000 acres of tho Upper Powdir valley. A railroad and Irrigation aro tho parents of Highost Pros perity, Irrigation insures sure crops and sure dividends. THE CRAZY FREAK OF A DRUNKEN MAN Monterey, Cal., May 4. Accused of murdcrlnp Ed. Watklns In cold blood. MnniiQl Kanlnsoua Is under ar rant todny. Tin- prisoner Is nllogpd to have committed the murder be-1 cauHo ho saw Watkltm buy a drink of whiskey after tho bartender had re-1 fused hi hi ono. Eflptnopti was Intoxicated yesterday ' aftornoon, when ho ontered a saloon and nttemiitod to purchao a drink. Tho bartondor bollovod tho would-be customor had onough liquor already, ami rofiufved to sell him more. A fow moments lM-r Vatkln . ntered tho saloon and ordered a drink. After : BorvlnR him. the bartondor rotircd to tho roar of tho place. Hearing a shot ho returned and found Watklns lying dead with a bullet holo la the back of Ills head. A rovolvcr with , ono ompty chambor was found In E plnoia's pocket. Ab far as can bo learned, no words1 passed between Esplnosa and Wat kliM boforo the shooting. ALICE NEILSOITWILL SING IN NEW vORK Now York. May 4. Humors that Allco NIoIhuu Is to nppear during tho coming season with tho Metropolis tan Grand Opora Company wero con- j flrmod today. Miss Ntolson will ap-i poar at tho Boton opora houso and In this city. Miss Frances Alda and i other oporatlc singers of noto also havo boon nnnounccd ns members of tho Metropolitan company for tho coming season. THE nlNU OF CURES DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR COUGHS and COLDS AND ALL THROAT and LUNG DISEASES PREVENTS PNEUMONIA and CONSUMPTION 11 Two years ago a severe cold settled on my lungs and so completely prostrated me that I was unable to work and scarcely ablo to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and alter using one bottle I went back to work, as well as I ever was." W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tcnn. PRICE 60c 'AND $1.00 fc. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY J. C. I'EKKY. The railroad insures a sure market and sure profits under Big Bill Taft prosperity. These Baker county boosters will not only extend the Eagle Valley railroad, but will expend half a million dollars on ditches and reservoirs, The govommont has withdrawn the lands in the Upper Powder valley from entry under the Carey act. Tho Jacobs and Almirel syndicate will put this tract, 14 to 20 miles from Baker City, under water, Thoy havo purchased a big ranch in the Thief valley for a reservoir site. They will take 30,000 acres bench land worth nothing in tho sage brush and make it worth from $100 to $200 an acre. Doing tilings! Doing thingsl! Doing thingslll - Creating wealth, coining money, out of the elements, drawing checks on soil, water, climate! But it takes a combination of men, brains, faith, cour age, to do these things, When irrigated that land will produce all kinds of crops and the finest winter apples. This tract of land is elovated 2500 to 3000 feet, or about 600 feet lower than Baker City, There are now 8,000 to 10,000 acres under irrigation on tho Lower Powder, The conflicting water riglrts can now be adjusted under the new Oregon water code. Thus wise legislation becomes the handmaid of tho men who aro doing things in Oregon, $1.00 White Lawn Waists $1.00 Large assortment. Long sleeves, open front or open back, nicely embroidered. $2.50 Net Waist, very pretty HOMH OUItlO KOH KCZKMA. Oil of Wlntcrgrccii, Thymol, Glycer ine, Ktc, Ifxl iui n Simple Wnsli. It really sooma etrango that so many people miffor year In nnd yotfr out with ocrornn, when It Is no long or a Boorot tunt oil of wlutorgron mixed with thymol and glycorlne. etc., makes n wash that Is bound to euro. Old, osbtlnato cases, It Is true, cannot bo cured In a fow days, but thero Is absolutely no surforcr from cozuma who over used this simple wash und did not And Immediately that wonderfully ooothlnK. calm, cool sensation that comos when the Itch U taken away. Instantly upon applying n fow drops of the wanh the romody takos offset, tho itch 1 ! allayed. There Is no nood of export Himt -the patlont knows at onee. Instead of trying to Mmpound the II at wlntorgreen. thymol, clycorino I etc.. In tho right proportions our- wlvttrt wo are using n prescription whleh Is universally found tho mot ffMtlvo. It s known as the D I). D. Preaorlntlan. or Oil of Wlntergroeu Compound. It Is mado by the D D. D. Co., of Chisago, and our long -parlance with this romedy has given us great oxporlenoo In Its merits Th Capital Drug Co. How many are giving tho sacrlflco of fools that thoy may bo thought wise. 25c Dainty Corset Covers 25c MILLINERY Just received a large assortment of sample Dress Hats, no two alike. Prices one-third less than regular. Artificial flowers and foliage; nice variety to select from. Also plenty of dress shapes. Expert trimmers to look after your wants. New Parasols just received. A great variety of shapes White Parasols, values up to $1.50, now 75c Rostein & Greenbaum 240-246 Commercial Street " pHMaaiaiiaiataiiaaiaiaiaataialaiaiaiaia !! DoWlttu CnrholUod Witch llnzol Salvo Is good for outs, burns and brulstw nnd Is ospoclully good for plloH. Ilofuso substltutom Sold by all druggists. Iff I W ISTVIV ,1111 i i ilThe Grand! FURNISHED ROOMS::::: r One block north from boat landing T l-org klirbcn In ctentlH fur th THIt.MS UKASOXAW.K. Mrs. A. I). Shollenburg Ncuporl, Urctjon tH-S-l Young (JlrU Arc Victims uf heodaoho. as wull a o)lr wiv wwh, but all gtt qulek rllf and trumil chtv (ntw Dr. King's Xw Uf nlw. the worlds nmt riM tar akk and Hrvus t)adch Tatty Mk Dure blood, and imng HrviM uX build hm your health Try lJtRi. Ste it J P l'rr I SALEM BREWERY I I ASSOCIATION Beer Sold in Carload Lots. Shipments in Kegs or Bot tled Beer to any Point on the Pacific Coast : : : : Brewing Plant and Offices i SMf ftttffffc j BAYVIEW Rooming House I J On Trade St.. in Wholcsole District Salem, Oregon J CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK J. H, Albert, Pres, E. Mi Croisnn, Vice Pres. Jos, H. Albert, Cashier SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Pays Interest on Savings Accounts One and oHu-hulf blocks south of kHMt kuidtRK oh MhIh street ItoytU Uctaurttnt in conmclioii MRS. O.E. CARTER, Prop. NBWPOUT ORE ftTi f Wltf ItlVIVI'Wlw T VTV TVTf ia4f a-HHHi i NKWIHiUT SOIA WOHKS. Hutuufueiurt) and cam a Miwtdete IIh of soda atr fouBtaln syrups and other al ihou UijhIiIs. Ilav th UobI ad latwt ImprovAd wachlaary Hl ottr weodn ar kanwn and msh1 for their purity, which maVM thm a prime favorite W ar lt a HMliioN to sutly t)M Roodi ia aay (iuantitt to tho trade d KuaraBttfo ut- UfttCtlOH 1IAUl)I.(i t OlLMKIt, lri. ! im r S !! ! nnnnnnnni ataxia nnmil DISCOHOL CURES LIQUOR HABIT Nw tndUt prparattsa In llnuld bdJ pewtlrr furs. Tbt onlj kno-n remnlj (r Ateb4 lt. Can t (Ito with nl(e. te. mt or mils without vUtaV KWVtCliT- FREE SUCCESS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED FREE J f iCkJMk UF TUIS VALUABLE UMIHVJS TO UK GIVES AWAY fltt!! - Su'lt J akwTMd a new medicine for th cure at the drink fcaWt. IK ru Uh a Farkarr jreU ha? In jrour family loTlne ouibanJ. father. bntar r two. h U kt!bc Jan trwWe. or maklnc life tutterabU for you, and wbm ym wlih l W rared from tela dUeaae. do not healtau a uiomeut. but act at oe. AIcvImI ha thU Tletlm ta hU ciutebes and the unfortunata one I not able ti eaeap hlct lISCOIIOI. baa rarnl tlteuaanda and will eur any one lietanslns ta jrou. Write ta at at . before It ta too late. It U guaranteed harui ' Jl ttKt are poaltlTe. if j wUh free treatment and further Inatrue tUM. ftlt oH eoupoa bJw and mail ta u. Don't healtate. aa the 00 package wMI aoon l, clvf away and cb further package will coat !. NOW you can Mr FltBK. CM out thl Cuanaa. Rnd It todar. Rent In main wratiwr Coapaa or re DrinkltalU Curt. Nam Jiddreoa Malt thla Coupon to THE RtlUKDY A8SOCUT1QN OS Bait 131tt 8U New Tork. N. T 4 i . & u 1 r.v Hi