. Ti. iiiUi y7,ar,r..3g-. . aw, nMwui ii mmm A DAILX CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALE31. ORBGON, MONDAY, MAY 3, 1009. WA.ll5V -Ii 4 4 Do It Now. Now Is tho tlmo to got rid of your rheumatism, you can do bo by ap plying Chnmborlnln's Liniment. Nino .cases out of ten aro simply muscular rhoumntlsm duo to cold or dnmp, or chronic rhoumatlsm, nnd ylold to tho vigorous application of this lin iment. Try it You aro cortnln to bo dollghtod with tho quick relief which It affords Sold by all good druggists o Burroughs says Teddy ought to; probably llgo to bo Toddy's expense. half Bhot-rat Classified Ads . FOB HALE For Sale A first-class second-hand buggy, cheap, offlco, Inqulro at Journal 3-10-tf FOR SALIC Splondidly Improved dairy farm; fully oqulppcd. p ply W. B. Ollson, 344 State. Will tako somo city property. 3-20-tf For Snlo 6-room lionso, 8 lots, ban, chicken park, fruit, and borrlos, good wall. Terms. J. B. Hon, Twentieth nnd Leo atroota 4-0-lm For Halo Cut roses at Hamilton groon houso, Yow Park; will bo tho io afternoons only. 4-22-tf For Halo Now upright piano; In uso but n fow jnontliB; will noil at bar gain. Inquire D. W. Gibson 24-w For Bnlu Cheap 22 ncros in Polk county, overlooking Snlom, ono nnd ono-hnlf mlloa Bouthwost, ll ncres In cultivation, 8 ncres In grain, 2 acres strawberries nnd fruit troos, , houio, barn and poultry housos. Will boII nil or pnrt. P. S. Hondry, iioiuo wo. , uniom. i-an-aw For Snlo Wood saw outfit complote, with six ImrHOpowor gnsollno on glno. Call up 198. Vogot Lumbor Co. 5-1-lw For Half Ton tons of good hay. In quire at Olmstond Laud Co. C-l-3t I-OIt HKNT 1 1 For Ileul 3 rooms, nicely nnd newly ' furnished. Eloutrlc lights nnd tol-' nphono; splendidly oqulpped bath ' and toilet, on second floor; cull In nflurnoons nt 715 Contor street, cornor of Cottage. 4-23-tf ' For Bent Hincral furnished rooms. Apply .132 Nun. Jlnm-h st. B-l-3t WANTED llon-rilei-N stroot, Wnntctl At 578 Bt'ito 3-tf-lm Wnn(fl2r, nion, hop yard work. Krobs Bros., Btish-llroyman build ing. Phono 121, 3-15-tf Wniitrtl To trndo good houso nnd half aon with somo fruit, barn nnd chicken pnrk, In Jacksonville, tho homo town, for unimproved farm Intnl. Will pay cash tor pnrt. It T Burnott. Jacksonville, Orogon. I -2 -lino WAiitrtl Manager for branch of llco wo wish to locate horo In Sa turn. Attdross tho Morris Whole snlo Houko, Clnclnntl, Ohio. 4-8-1 m Wnnti-d- Snlosmnu to soil hlgh-grado nursory stouk. Inqulro W. W. Walker, Marlon County Nursery Co. Phono 458 4-22-tf Wnnlwl Good girl for guneral houso work. Enquire of F. H, Shafor, harnesM and snddloa, South Com mercial sreet 4-29-tf MIKOKLliANKOUH Convt-nt Vork Soptlo tank, cement walks and foundations. All work guaranteed. Hnry Rowo. phono 1580. 4-38-lm unuiv. DiiiKaroitY. Cn;"l'rM Vmoii No. lOilft lctl Unlpu No. 1005 of Carpenter aua Jpuiors nf America meet over Sat 4rdy oyouli g a 7:30 p m In Hcsrst hall. 420 8tate streot A W. Iannis. Uec. 8e. Wlntl lHlgf) Nu. IH, K, of P. CaMIe hall In rmn block, cor ner Stato and Liberty tret, Tuesday of each vrook nt 7 -SO n m. Oncar Johnson, C. C; H. U Anderson, K. ot H and S. Modem WiHMlmrn o Ainrrtr Or gon Cedar Camp Nj. S3 4 8. Meet avor Thursday tivanlng at o'clock In Holman ball. A. B Bambor, V. O.l F. A. Turner, clor; .WHHlHct of World Meet overy Krl. day night at 7:30. in Holtnan ball A. L, Harvey, C. C ; U H. Fletch er. Glory Jan. 10. '01. BoWltt's Kidney and Bladder Pin quickly rolluvo backache, weak back, palua In tho groin, rheuma tism. et. Send your name to K C DoWItt & Co . Chloago. for fre trial tnur Sold by till UruggUts. Head lluot In Poadletnn Tribune rt'ad: "Mercury took a drop on Sun day." And mo thought all tho time Pendleton was a dry town. ltaWlU'a Klduuv and Bladder Pills aro antUeptlo and lellevo pain quick ly. Inslat upon DtiWItt'a. So nd your name to K. C. IKtWKt & Co.. Chica go, for n fivo trial box Sold by nil druggists. A Happy Father Is soon turned to a sad ono if ho has to walk tho floor overy night with a crying baby. McOgo'b Baby Elixir will mako -o child well soothe Its nerves, induco healthy, normal slumbor. Dest for disor dered bowols and sour stomach all toothing babies need It. Pleas ant to tako, suro and snfc, contains conts nor bottle dold by all Denlors. It is an old saying that figures can not Ho, but when it comes to tho fom- Inino waist lino they can certainly 1 keep us guessing, BUSINESS CARDS. Mrs. Mousey Fashlonablo dross- making. Work dono on short no tlco and rcnsonnblo. Phono 934 3G0 South 17th streot. 4-6-lm Lhr-ry nnd Fi'cil NfiiM- Old PoJt offlco Stables, nt 2C4 Forry stroot. betweon Commercial and Kronl stroots. Telephone 188. Somo o( tho finest liveries In tho city call bo found hero. Wstncott & John son, tf OAPITAIi BAKERS. Prop. Bread, cake, pies, and nil kinds of pastries, cookies, etc. Wntch for our wagon. Phono 064. 11-10-tf 'J'lio Elkhcnd Saloon Crouch & Nena Props. (Successors to W. II. An- dorBon) 1C3 Commorclal St. LIq uorB nnd clgarB of tho host brnndB. 3-10-3mo BUTTERNUT IJHKAI). It Is worth moro than any othor broad, yot Iho prlco Is no hlghor. For snlo at your grocor'B. Califor nia Bakory, Thomas & Cooloy, PrpB Ctimmlns nrtM.' Transfer Company All kinds of transfer work dono r-urnlttiro nnd pianos bxcd rendy for shipment Prompt jorvlco Is our motto Stand and offlco at 253 South Commorclal streot Phono 210. Residence Phone llutlo At Wfiidcioth Kino wines llquorn nnd clgnrs. We handle tho colobrntod Kollog and Castle whiskies. Cool nnd refreshing botr constantly on drnught South Commorclal streot 9-3-lyr. llyilo Bros. E!tctrlc Co. Electric suppllos nnd lirst-class wiring at reasonnblo prices. Call nt our offlco for estimates. Phono 451 143 N. Llborty stroot. 1-12-tf Wonger V Cherriugton Ptnnos and nrgnns Hold on onsy tormn; tole pnon 1187; 247 Conuiiorct.il Stroot, Snlom, Orogon tf foiirrvio Work Got my prices ou sldownlk, curbs, spetlc tanks and commit work of any kind. All work guaranteed llrst class. M. Ward, 2378 Mnplo Ave, Illghlnnd Phono 5G0. Mny 24-09 G. F. MASON BOX COMPANY, 217 Miller st,, South Snlem, innuti fitoturerH of nil kinds of boxes. orntoH mid fruit dryor nccotwnrloH. Phono 3U8 tf Tho South rhileiu Moat Market, oo poslto Dauo's store. Fresh nd cured mont. Qonoral delivery (live It n trial. Huffman & Mir tin, props. 3-3-tf HALEM WATER COMPANV. OFFICE OITV HALL. For water norvlco apply nt offlco. Bills payable monthly In ndvnnco. Lvrloyn Ooituty Employment and Oollivtloii Agetu'y Help fur nished freo to employers. Prompt attention given to collections. Of fle rtKim 4. ovor Bush bonk. 4-26-2w Dr. H, S. Stone, 1, O., Clilropmctor. -Splno nnd norvo specialist. Rooms 4, 5, 0, D'Arcy building. Phono Main 87. Salem, Oregon. 4-38-tf TONSOUIAIi. New Harbor Shop Wish to say to tho peoplo tnat I hnvo oponed n bnrbor shop at uG7 Asylum nvcnuo nnd will guarnntee nil flrst-claaa work, and solicit n shnro of your patron ng Sydney M. Lamb. 4-27-3w Slniitou & SchuU's Place 376 Court street, for up-to-dato work. Baths, cigar nnd tobacco. First class shiner In connection. All work a specialty Call on us. 4-1-tf II. O. Meyer & Co Tho bat nnd lnrg eat shop In tho city. Six nrst-clau barbers Only tlrst-clasa bootblack In city, porcelain baths and every thing pertaining to a Ant-class shop. Alto carry a full lino ot clgara and tobacco and harbors' supplies. 163 Commercial street, next door to Statesman office, 6- PLUM.BK1US riieo. M, liarr Plurubtng, hok ami steam heating and tlntiia 164 Commercial stret. Phmn Main 192. 9-1-lr M. J. I"eticl- -Plumbing, steam and ga Ottlng Successor to Knox 4 Murphy, 236 Commercial street Otto Muellhaupt, pluiublHg hoatmg gas fitting price reasonable, work guaranteed estimates furnUhed phono 373 1066 Chcmketa St 3-17U THE AUTO GOT IN ITSJDEADLY WORK t'tiltcd l'res Lnscl Wire 1 San Francisco, May 3. Former Stato Senator Plunkett nnd six com panions wore seriously Injured, somo probably fatally, when tho autuomo bllo In which they were driving was wrecked on tho great hfidiwav on tho bench onrly todny. Plunkett sustained sovero bruises about tin- head and Internal Injuries. Mrs Mildred Sorbcs has n lintllv sprained ankle and bruises about tho body. Miss Alice Collins was badly bruised, and Ib In a serious condi tion. L. B. Percival. chauffeur. I In- Jurod Internally, and mny not recov er. K Miller Is thought to have a frncture of fho skull, and has sovoro scalp lacoratlons. William Lyons Is snoring irom a fractured shoulder blado and a badly wrenched neck. David Becker has sovoro Bcalp woundH nnd internal injuries. Tho party was driving through tho park nnd attempted to turn Into tho gront highway at a fair rato of speed. Tho machine skidded and up sot, hurling tho occupnntB to tho ground. Tho Injured woro hurried to tho Pnrk Emergency Hospital, whoro tho condition of rMs. Sorbcs, LyonB and miner is sniu to do very sorlous. o . Library Statement for April, 1000. Number using reading roem: Dally averago ioo Now membcrB 54 Totnl membership 3379 Purchased 19 O'fts 104 Number of lenns: Uookh . . . Periodicals ...3473 171 Totnl . . . . am 1 No, volumos In library ...82C3 -o DoWltfa Little Early Risers, tho fnmoiiH llttlo llvor pills, smnll, gon tlo and sure. Sold by nil druggists REAL NOTICE! AM. niAN(li:S of cony for Ileul ISstnte Ada mint lie In The Jotirmil Offlrr liy 0 o'clock the i-Ti'tilnc bfforn the ilny on which thf. nil la to np'nr. X arms All bIzoh nnd prices. Call for largo printed list. City property of all descriptions. See us before buying for Imrgnlns. OLMSTEB LAND CO. Sla Stnto Ntrevt. LOOK AT THESE IIAHCSAIXK. 05 aero, good 0-rooni house with hot and cold water, hath, windmill; 2 barns, water piped to barns and lawn: In sight of Salem, 10 aerus fine prunes In bearing, G acros of young prune) 7 acres fine npplo orehnid, Just beginning to boar, 3 acres young Roynl Ann chorrlea; nil oxtra fine land, all kinds Htunll fruits: boat homo; within 5 miles Salem; a snap; Investigate 43 auros, 2 good houses, 20 aurcti fine apple orchard. 14 aoreH Just In good bearing, 0 acros ouug Baldwins. 2 aoros flno young ixmoh trees; will soil till or pnrt. a snap; on good read: In alght of Snlem. Now houso and 3 lota, nil In fruit, on ear lino, only $750. 10 nnd 20 aero tracts, f 100 pur aero. Flno lots on Installments. Houses to rout or sell In all parts of Sa lem. If you want anything, see A. C. SMITH CO., trv.1 State SI. BARGAINS. IIAHOAINS. BARGAINS. New modern 6-room houso, well built, pnntry, bath, tollot, sower, wood lift, lnrg porch, wired for elec tricity, on a line cornor lot. Price for a few days. la00, woll worth $2500 Look this up. Seien-Hooin Hon', ljso.10, Snap. 1750 will buy 6-room houo, 3 lot. $100 down, balance on tlmo to su't. , Bargains in Farms. Sixty aoros. 30 acres cleared, 6 acres of cholo apples, 10-year old trees, picked 1200 boxes last year, fruit dryer coit $1200; balance ot land In timber and pasture; 3 good wells j " nnd fences: 6-room houso. barn and,a ouiuuiia ng. near jcaerson rrtce only $6000 Cnll on owner, C D. I.oonoy. Jefferson or my agents. IU'chtel Mlnton. Iltn' Another One. 320 acrea of nne land, halt under cultivation, balanco nne timber and pasture Estimated 5000 cords nf wood In tree, on good road near, school This Is one ot the b'ggest off on In the valley Price $40 pr acre All adjoining land held at $100 per acre real miap, prlco put way down to sell quick to ettlo up an estate. If you want the big gest i nap 'n the. valley don't over-! look this bargain, and act quick I Call on us today and will show! proporty freo For 5. 10. 20-acre fruit tracts seo na. i' can exchange your proporty &U: la ractoruy. Fur Rent -New hou e. 6 rooms. $3 itKfilrKT. . rivvw I i Rooms 7.S Ravna niila- 341 StateQt. 8lem. Or. KILLED FIVE LIONS THEN TOOK A REST (flitted Press Leased Wire Nairobi, May 3. Having killed five llous and numerous smaller game, tho Roosevelt party rested yes terday at Waml, and today resumed the hunt, tho object of tho chaso be ing a giraffe, The skins of tho Horn killed by tho party aro bolng sont to Mombassa for brought on by exposure to cold or treatment at a plant established damp, and are quickly cured by np fiere for that purpose. iplig tnis liniment freely and mus- Colonel Rooievolt will remain in saging ihe affected parts. Soreness the Mnu hills and adjacent country , of the muscles. vhe ..er Induced by until May 14, On that date ho will start for Nlarobi, reaching hero May 15. After romalnlng hore two or three days tho party will proceed to Sotlk. Four hundred warriors nnd Kik tiyu chiefs dnncod the war dance fin the Roosevelt party at Fort Hall- am Mombers of the party were present with tho war rogalla of the 1 hlofs, and Roosovolt was glvon three shcop, a bull and a wild ostrich. In roturn tho ex-prosident gavo each nntlce n plcco of Bllvor. o if you doslre n clfnr complexion lake Foioy'B Orlno Luxativs for con stipation and liver trouble ns it will stimulate those organs and thor oughly cionnso your system, which Is what evoryone needs In tho spring In order to feol woll. J. C Perry o Smokers always want a match, and old mnlds and widows want to mako ono. -o- A Scalded Boy's Shrieks. Iiorrlfled his grnndmothcr, Mrs. 1 Maria Taylor, of Nobo, Ky., who writ os that, when all bought ho woiiiu uie, uucKicn s Arnica siuvo wholly cured him. Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns, Wounds, BrutsoB, Cures Fovor Soros. Bolls. anil! Emotions. Chllliiulns. Hiimnrwl ' j Hands. Soon routB Piles. 2Gc nt J .1. i'. I'orry b. 1 o It has como to pass that nobody exhibits mi'ch Interest when Rocke feller hands loss than $1,000,000 to tho UnlvorsUy of Chicago. ESTATE NEWS Ilonut fml 50 acre, I mlUs from city. nn oxcouont Home, spiondid Ioca- ti.ni ... i i, i, , ,.i, i,.. o tlon, with lot i of stock, houso, 3 lir llir.. irnnil hnllillni'ii. woll fnnAo,t sprlngx, good buildings, woll foacod In 3 Holds. A flno grain farm to ' trndo for Snlom or Marlon county ' property. j Joo Dundy fnrm In PalotiBO county, Wnsh., 5C0 ncres, 275 In fall' whrut, 35 ncres In oats, 30 acres In lino orchard, wintor apples, and , goon braidings, good wntor, woll foncod; trndo for Salem or Marlon county Innd. A lino hou o nnd lot n Pnadenn, Cnl., I blocks from mnln or busl nosa pnrt of city, to trndo for Sa lem proporty. Household goods, stock of implements nnd ovory thlng. All kinds of property for snlo or trail. If you wunt nnythlug nlco cnll nnd seo mo for your wants. It. It. It VAN, Corner of Commorclal and Center Stroots. HEAL ESTATE. .Jo. 23 20 ncres flno Innd, good hou nnd barn, othor outbuild ings; 3 norea in orchard; 2 good wells; 4 mllos front Snlom. Prlco $4,260 No 128- 12 ncros 4 mllos north mat from Snlom, nil In cultiva tion; 3i-ncro in berr'es, 6-room house, 100 assorted fru't troos, 14 young Roynl Anno chorry trooa, 1 bore. 2 harness, 1 buggy, l light hncU, 2 cows; nil fnrm Imple ment i go with tho plnce. Price $3,600. No. 7310 acres. lot B, Capital Ad dition to Frultlnnd, 6-room box house, good cellar nnd well, barn 30x56, shed 14x40: 400 bushels of fruit picked from 2 ncres last season; thlj place Is well tiled. Prlco $3000. No. 10120 ncros. all In cultivation, 3 acres orchard, good 5-room houso nnd barn. 2 wells of water, near school and church; soil for $3400 or trado for city proporty, . terms. No. 34 5-room houso. lot 50x150. on 13th street. Price $800; tonus SAVAOE HERREN, 134 South Commercial Street. Only Two Lots left on 19th st.; 4 lota 17th and State st.; loU 'n Highland Addition, $150 and $200. See mo before you buy E. MJITON. 1673 Stato St. 4-2-lm THIS WEEK ONLY-MUST SELL FINEST FRUIT FAR.1l 37 acres In bearing Royal Anns. English walnuts and prunes. Only 2 miles from the city Tho best buy In th valley Are you Interested? Get our prlco and terms. $ooo 9 acres uudr cultivation, splendid honse, with 6 !rg rooms, extra wll unlit, all plastered with -wood fl ow Ood barn. 24x built rustic style, painted. Im nroements worth the money, l mllos from nostoftlc You will have to hurry Far seep Ih real tMtat In elty or country property sw MEYER & BELLE LAND CO. 1.17 StAte Stmt. Chamberlain's Liniment. This is a new preparation and a good one. especially valuable t as a cure -r chronic nna muscular rheumatism, and for 1110 relief from pain which It affords in acute in- ilnmmator) rheumntlsm i uose who ..ne used a have Invariably spoken of It In the highest terms 1 of praise Lame uacic, lame snoui ! dar nnu stiff uecK are duo to rhou- , niatiBtii of the muscles, usually violent exercise or Injury, is allayed b this Uniineht rot uru bj an good druggists. o Ken a legless man can run into debt and can run through a bank ac count. o . Honrsotiess, bronchitis and other throat trottblos are quickly cured by Foley s Honey and Tnr ns It 1 soothes and heals tho lnflumod throat and bronchial tubes nnd tho 1 most obstinate cough disnppoars I Insist upon having the genuine Fo ley's Honey and Tar Perry. TnDE Marks DcsiQNS CopvniaHTO Ac. Anron lending ikcteh and dticrlpllon may qiilcklr umliln our opinion freo whethor n lliTOIHion II pronnoif i)ienini. r 1 1. fli1it ,aticr fnr,nrurlnir DAtflntM ciirronndentii. Iiniiiiuuu I'nteiila taken Ihroush jtunn jtAfo. reotlre tpttlal nottci, without ennrao. In th Scientific Jlnicilcnit Ahndiomlrlllutrtm1 wklr. Irat rtr. ralatlnti lit nnf icleittao journal, Tormi, 13 imrt four moiitbi.Ol. BuM brail nawHlMlera. MUNN & Co.30111'""' New York lirauch onica. (SffiL. Waihlomon, I). O. PEACH LAND. .-, fi. ,- . .. ,,, ,,, 5 1 iioo tor u oo-ncro tractor ricii uot- .... .. . n ,. . ,, . l0MI 8nlM. '?n.m "Oil, llltllO OlJ gateway to Snlom, on Wnllnco road one-fourth mllu from Snlom stool brldgo In Polk county. The prop orty Is ronlly worth twice tho prlco nsked. For peaches, grapos, small fruits nnd garden truck no bottor soil cnu bo found. Part of plnco Is Ideal walnut jind chorry soil. Two small dwellings, large burn .and good outbuildings on place. Tho person taking advantage of this opportunity can. within it very fow yearn, become Independent for tho rest of his tlityn. On sale for a fow days. Call on us for pnrtlcu Inrs. We are always plonsed to show our proporty. Several bargains in both city and country property. H. A. Johnson & Co. MURPIIV BLK. SALEM, ORE. Newport Lots FOR SALE $50 to $300 choice locations Double In value enen your. Eas torms umi most doslrnblo location No whore In tho stato of Oregon la proporty Increasing ns fast in value as In Newport. r"or full Information call or write. CE. SHEFFIELD Newport, Oregon. Kills Her Fov of 20 Vcur. "The most merciless onomy I had for 20 years." declares Mrs. James Duuottn of Hu.Miosvllle. Mo., "was Dyapopsla 1 suffered Intensely nf tor eating or driuklng and could scarcely sleep. Auor many remedies had failed and several doctors gave mo up i tried Electric Blttors, which cured me complete!. Now I can oat nn thing 1 am 70 years old and am overjoyed to get my hoalth and strong h back again " For Indiges tion. Loss of Appetite. Kidney Trou ble. Lame Back Femalo Complaints. Its unequnled Only 50c at J C Perry's Phone H.17 Btnthi Ham Always BeogH wiAiii 60 YEARS' 0HEXPEniENCE I SAM CASTO FAMOUS 'HORSE TRAINER. Is now located at Cnnby Oregon, tho boat winter quarters in the Nortb west for training and developing young horses. Sam has room for a few moro prospects, either for Uw road or track and would llko o communicnto with anybody wishing their horBO trained. Mr. Casto in conceded to be tho best colt man tho West and his success on tho tho Salem track bear out this statement Torms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Address SAM CASTRO, Cnnby, Oregon. RHIGHESTER.S PILLS "1-4T" . " I'l JI 1 1161 'Ml, m Gold Dust Flout rLn'" by THE SVDNKY l'OW. EI COMPANY, Sidney. Orf ro. . Made for family use Ask your grocer for It. Bran nnd shorts always on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. C-IOLLfS ' u ' locJty IVIounlaiii i 2 ,'j A lion Uoiltelu f. .1. 7 H . A fi ittc ' rt'uiifi f. ii I. ii 11 I' Ii 1. ) Ti 'Hit.- r ''ii - iV.vmt, iiuni' l I H I M I ll 41 I I' llf t I..I lii a It cj ?. nun ii ic . 111 11b' 't form, h.1 cent n Imt tli-n inn timilt by ItuLLisrKH Kian Cidipanv, Maitwm, Win. flOLDEN rJUGOETf. F0II SALLOW PEOPLE LINCOLN COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE Sovon nnd ono-hnlf ncres of upland bordorlng on dcop wntor slough ou Ynqulnu Bay; nil good land. Prlco $450. Forty ncres, hnlf way botweon Now- port, Or,, nnd Toledo, Or., on coun ty rond; ono nnd n hnlf ncreB clear ed with shanty on it; considerable bottom Innd; gcod nldor nnd vino mnplo ou Innd. Prlco $700. Good lovol lot ou South Bench oppo fllto Newport, Or. prlco $75. Lot 9, block 16, nt Seal Rocks, Or.; flno view of ocenn, good lovol lot. Prlco $100. Sovonty-olght ncreB nonr Pioncor, Or., nil alongside R. R. track; betweon sovon nnd olght ncres of bottom land on It is clonrcd; forty good bearing npplo trcos; good stono qunrry on hind nenr R. II. Prlco $1800. Two-ucro oyster bod nt Oystor City, ou Ynuqlnn Buy; with thin goes hnlf aero upland lots. Prlco $500. Ton-room houso, 30x40 feot In size nnd block of Innd, on Nye Creek nnd Olsonvlllo sldownlk; houso Is In flno condition; good woodshed nnd good wnter; this Is n flno prop osition for n summor boarding nnd rooming house, ns woll nB a per mrnont homo. Prlco $3300. .1. (). OUSSON, Newport, Or. Inquire nt Journal Olllco. CHOICE RANCHES AND TIM BER LANDS IN LINCOLN COUNTY. ISO ncres. 4 miles from Newport, or Toledo, on main county road, 40 acres level, 30 ncres undor plow, bottom land, sandy upland, blnck soil, 10 acres timber, 130 nareB pasture. Now houso, 14x24, ol 14x24, 7 rooms, two barns, 4 Ox 40 nnd 38x50, woodshed 14x24, 4 horses, 28 head shcop, 22 hoad cattle. 9 milk cows, 4 heltors, 9 steers, with all far mlmplements, wagon, buckboard, etc. Price W500. 160 acres of timber In tho Slletz reservation, near tho coast, estl ated as follews: 3,000,000 feet hemlock, 2,000,000 spruce, 2. 000,000 cedar, all of No. 1 qual ity, nt $4400. 160 acres of timber, one-hnlf mllu from tne Slletz river, estimated na follows; 6,000,000 spruce, 1.- 000,000 hemlock; $5000. 160 acres timber on tho Slletz, near coast, 10 miles from Newport. es timated as follews: 4.000,000 hemlock, 2.000.000 spruce. 3. 000.000 cedar; $4500. 160 acres miles from Newport. 10 acres under plow, young or chard 40 to 50 trees, good 6-room house 24x30. woodshed 12x14. root house 12x16. warehouse 12x 14, split board barn 40x50 3. 000.000 fir. 1.000,000 alder tim ber, fir timber mostly second growth. $2750. 160 acres unimproved land. 5 miles from Newport; partly covered with timber: No. 1 fruit and grazing land. $1300. L. W. WILLIAMS, Newport, Or. For information inquire at Journal office. Notice to trie Public. If you want a marble or gran e monument, call at our ahop In City View Cemetery. We can save you money. The Blacking Granite Co J, D. BOHANNON, Mgr. (Mm 1 V-tfl J.h,l-li:r'illainI7li,.,IiA i; "5 . n U