-J DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SAIuEM. ORSKJON. MONDAY, MAY 3, 1909. I mr WIMBHHHHWB n. DR. STONE ' S Drug Store The only cash drug store In Ore icon, owes no one, and no one owes It; carries largo stock; Its shelves, counters and show eaten nro loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet artlclos, wines and liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes. Di. Stone Is a regular graduate In med icine, and has had many years of ex perience In the practice. Consulta tions arc free. Prescriptions nre free, and only regular prices for medicine. Dr. Stone can bo tound at his drug storo, Salem, Or., from 7 In the rooming until 9 at nlgbt innnniimnnunni I ASYLUM AVENUE STORE We null nil kinds of staplo and fancy groceries, and mill feed P:mpt delivery. Phone us n 'rial order to Main 2G9 .1. K.VfiLKIIAKT, Prop. Cor Statesman and Asylum Av. tW9lHmiU Arner, 31300 Record 2:17. Full brothor to Ton Derby. 2:04; Dorbortha, 2:07; Diablo, 2:09U; Dcraonio, 2: 11 VI; K.I Lafforty, 2:16, aad -etbors. I)y Chns. Dorby, 4907, sire of 0 better than 2:10, dam Dortha by .Alcattrn, dam of 4 better than 2:10, aad flvo others. Winner of first premium at 8a lew horse show. For standard stCltlons season of 1690 at Fair Ground and Club Sta Mas. Pv-. $16. eo for season, $35.00 to Insur G. n. SIMPSON, 4--tf Fairground, Oro. A GOOD PLAYER U ala' . , 'he IiUUI cal Ids . .-.1 Hj ivn the Mut rrt:i ' Mi.d n.. (hum with tk lai., 11. wild her t'omt la ami ir n.i pril favM-IU Noi Uw tsM b4 oIm. tk flH finish. Uh iMiMttfvl kmrmomy Vtar first rUH win swt b row kMt. w fHJ aXM4C L. F. HAVAQK, 247 CommcrtrU! St. Salem, Or. ft3 t2r ff f 4 rokvtnciAi. ir Grdber Bros. PLUMBING AND GAS PITTING TOW Wjl V"v?w t Will at promt aiiLtaa m . orfrt gTfl J4ir ork j ai mM-ik a4 to k-e .s itW aaltrir uLr4 UK W'll.!. MK PUUhHIl TO til VK jT1WTKe tN tXlVTIWCI r r (VS-U I" ItM AUSM tor a4 ktanl OttMttM Urn- Wator Systems Installed .4 Jrlry Wwer Women Who Wear WolL It ts astonishing how great a change i few years of : it-.hI llfo often make It the apt rin; ,i;i disposition of raanj s'omen. Ths freihtK-s. tho charm, th brilliance .ci-, HfcH the bloom from I "set which .8 mdcly handled. Thi matron If ou. r. . m shadow, a faint eehc e( Uio oknr "i utatrien. There a re iw reasons f -.'. t e'lattgo, Ignors am' nesloct. n. yntin? wowon R,raclet t! i- 'li'. k u ;.. i.item through t ! ehapce which scwes with marriage an 'V-- - 4 ";,- rl.t lodealw: (..i i.i.(. i iiu i..wi Ur.nDS ami woaJ i s wl !h too often cow w'th mar f nrfi-1 nit, 5'.iL(Kid. not unrtioi.tivii:!; it::. viuraUt!roMmi t.ockf-o ' iU .'mtbfMtt awl tk (am ai ' ' "tin. n-!r M thetooersl heeJtS .. " i 'toKrme-1 of tbo L ilt:. - .: tf.r:H;nrccn. so irJy '. -r-T. ry'.ab'. '!,! U. -r Jr. M.4rffwjtt 0fO . n4J to i ' ..t In IMk'vVJ c0tBrTlTrl4j ' tf : r-SlSSS i-.ti-i?. ". It makes wea wnm- an strong. . ,.'., (mratn w:li. Ii.rvl rnts on lab. -- , -n m aleulit I n harmful bab t. r-:.ng urugs. Madi wholly of tbf4 n-,',- Aniitl.aii, int-"-Inal root! rott I ''ly n- uwi'-i'fHW ' leading tv eal aut'iorlt.r of all tf.u -Aral rho !. of prat!ce for tho euro o woman's pcfullnr ailtncnW. For nur'ir nuuliors.or fr those I oVm iown In w . ih ' ) 100 In-.) .1 ntb o children, a If for I'.n erprctant i ut to pruparo ti. i syhteni f r tho ce .1 urui baby and r. l; ltd advent oay a-n almost twin:. . thero is no medicine mil W good ax "lavorlto PreerliUlon. p can do no harm In any condition of t) lyttom. ItUamrwt potent Invleoratl. : tonic and slreriifthemng nervine nice j adapted to woman's delicate system by a physician of Jareo experience In thotreii. tnont of woman's peculiar ailments. Dr. Plerco may Ihj consulted by lettn rte of chnrcn. Address Dr. H. V. Plre nvallds' ilotAl aid Surulcal Inttltuti Uuffalo. N Y HUIE WING SANG CO. Dig stock, host goods, now nt wholesalo prices. Wo mako up a new lino of Indies' wrappers, whlto underwonr, kimonns nnd wnlsls. We keep all kinds of dross goods and sIlkB. Qonts' nnd indies' furnish ing goods, shoos, hoso, umbrellas, ombrotdery nnd lncc, skirts, suits overalls, trunks, matting, etc. 32G North Commorclnt St.. Salem, Orogon. Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven Wire Fencing, Hop Wire, Barb Wire. Poultry Netting. Shingles. Mnl thold Hoofing P ft U Iloudy Hoofing. Screon Doors nnd ad justlbln Window Soreens. All At lowest Prices. CHAS. I). MULLIGAN 10 Court tit Phone V2t MFALS 15c Call and try them. Meals lCc Hoard per week 12.76, alsi fur nished rooms very reasonable. AT THE Salem Restaurant SH9 COUltT 8THKOT imimiflWilwrROttHmttE PILLS. M l4M.OTi SKtuWI A tmiiiujiiiifiii.iik -. kM4 iii.i MinowloM ni u m ,4 t u rror..eio , t. Uau.n.. r. I - if. 5 Jem bv Or 5. C S- PhooeHMain 117 N High at C, W. YAfNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cans and !. very All Itlgs Modern Kubber Tire FP Fire Fool Proof Proof Is considering laaklBg yr an )UhL er fookiBf. why nt eaj(4r tbe r P Gas Maattts and 8tub brs UgJat WW 111 as4 MStiSlt thU 8M4l)IM. a4 caa)U H to t l mtu attw tct tmr tU tm Houef ikaa wnrtatty 4r aHy k LX m aVsarv tt ymm MUSMkM farUtd Call at sar the a4 mi it Ucbu 'as4 imim a 4trt& I aia carry I'VIUI liKXATl'UUli AUIJIIOL nilUlkv. Kafr nwtotaU raJ. c-irtr. A. L FRASER OREGON IDAHO CONO SS Ww'wr. Idaho. May 1 With n aplendlii bnnquwt. sorvwl by the W!s er ComtHtrelal Club, the nitwtlng of the Orgohlnuo Drlopment con greaa cUr tonight In one of tho most sljtnlllcnnt ?swtons held in tho ! nwrai life of the organization. Cov ers wero laid for 200. nnd visitors from out of town occupied practical ly every place. The closing business sosslon wan occupied with the election of ottlcer. the choosing of tho placo of the noxt meet Inn. nnd tlstonlng to nddrems by Governor Brady and Colonol C. K. S Wood, of Portland. The odlcor chosou for the coming terms are: Preeldon, E. Hofor, of Snlom; vlco-presldent. for Idaho. Ed gar M. llolgho, Welsor. nocrotnry. for Idaho, Hollly Atkinson. Ilolso; vico pres'dent. for Orogon. J. R. Itlncka by. Ontario; secretary, for Orogon, Edmund C. Olltnor. Pertland: exec; utlve lOtnmlttoe, William Hanley, llurui; David Wllwm, Ontario; "L. J. Simpson. North Uond, W. arlmes, Mnrshneld; J. N. Toal. Portland; Max Mayflold, Ilolso; Henry Sens tncken. Marshfleld. HolliHMult lbiilly XetHletl. "The stato of Idaho needs n rall rond to connect the north nnd south halves of the state, nnd It Is tlmo the people woro getting nbout bulld 'ng It." was the declaration of Gov ernor Brady, In his address botore the congress this nfternoon. "We have waited all too long al ready for prlvnto Intorosts to move. The discussion of stnto division is brought nbout nlmost sololy by tho lack of transKirtatlon. nnd so long as we ly idly by and nllow conditions to exist we can expect no rollof." Colonel C K S. Wood spoke on the rn'lrond situation, showing tho Imperative need of action now, nnd proving conclusively that nothing but transportation will bring nbout tho devolopmont of Control Oregon. His addroMi occupied over nn hwir. A spec'nl train this nfternoon brought 100 citizens of Mlilvalo to attend the eongross In addition to large excursions from Ontario. Vnlo nnd other points. Sunday morning a peclal trnln of eight cars will leave for an uxour kIoh to Council. Cambridge and Ev ergreen About 200 will go. nccom Itan'tHl by a large number of mom brs of the local cnmmorclal cluub. The return will be made in tho ov enlng The next a'nii f the oongress will be held at Buras. July I and 2. seatTlTbankman" is found guilty IfnltMl 'rM Iaw4 Wlr I SMitle. Wn-h . May 1. Aftr de- iliMtratlnic for nine hours, the Jury Jn thf rase of It. F Parkhumt. former I natiaiant eauhter or the First Nation, al ItHHk. ckHrgml with mlMro)rlat lag $60,000 of the iiutdtNtlon'a mon ey. Saturday morning nMnraed a vr ilrt of guilty. The penalty for the ofTeuae 1 1 Imprisonment In tho peni tentiary fur not more than IV or Ism than flvi years. The verdict finds the defendant guilt) on II of the 16 counts re maining of the orig'tiNl Indrotment. They include raise enjrios on tho hooks or the bank, m'sapproprlatlon of ftiifcl ami embezzlement Sontittce wan deferred for 10 days, Pending a motion for a new trial The fact that a ahoriaut. 4uia,i at the bank was UUeovered an July JO. last, and Parkhurst's arrit fol lowed I'nahle to obtain the $12,000 ball demanded, he na remained a i.'is.nwr at the connt) jail slnoe he a taken Into custody FISHING BOAT HAS BATTLE WITH STORM I t'allml IYtm Ut4 Wira I Vanenwr, C. May 3--Dashed belftleM alwnt In the mh that mnmi along I e IlrltUh CIhhM nm two daya a no. ike Ruitl fishing Ikm a rant. ftrmriy a . nlletl 8(miw rv- enttor. can eonMjr that ihr luck saved her ... ts wew anehorMl In ftajcttok )r orr Vanc4HivN- with her taltafeatt brakwi In the terrific uU, nt tl. da. the Oram was MHghi of Norit Qne.n Cnartotie Islands After two bourn' LaiillbK wlit. t. . .. .. i lullthart broke and ih mil r! ran bMore the wind toward (Ih hor th totaad The fMilag m-Jmhumtt Jaitwra saw her MMghi Mim ,4MMr lo nmeue Aftw hard work a tet Mne was Uknn atoard and h4j J emUwr towl M k toiler IUtt Wajr Altar the acocM had wa ssded th nmmw PHM4WM Kalrtot. took Im Oram to to arrtctog la VaMovr ihU iswrMng Tho Mlvas will V vry heavy toe tit Ocm imr bvm vr 1 mull ml ku,y. Wat a hoard aad U a rahiaM mmI ivimrtm are hz Made to p fm Mtoton to laod hr arieo a FISH IS GLAD THEY LEFT THE BUILDING Al tOSNO lM Boor u iko ctooirg waoo Morrtt 4c Howe sswm was to a rMr sow mlrrat salaod ro iraawr lU Hoioi WMUaaotlc kite a aoadc r -i a tutl-iMl vt ohm m4 a kol kt4l toIO.e I tor mmU4- c 1mm wfco tU jrwlltr aito4 mi rrtMwaor Vo kas not tW ttsku ( U inoy wti ktodl, rr W r'mtvirr a w'll UW C roots pt t.ui t $m d utf to t Incog 'sankfc! I oil ikor dM For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use OeWitt's Kidney nd Bladder PUla A Week's Trial For 25c R. C. DWITT CO.. Chlcnao. IP J. C. PKllUV. How'm This? We offer Ono Hundred Uollnrs Ho- ward mr any casu of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CllENKY &. CO., Toledo. Ohio. Wo, tho undersigned, hnvo known V. J. Cheney for tho Inst ID years, and belluvo hltu porfectly honorublo' In nil busluosu trnusuctlons, nnd u nnnclally able to carry out any obli gations mndo by his firm. WALDIN, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholosnlo Druggists, Toledo, O. ' Hull' Catarrh Cum is takou Inter nally, acting directly. mpon tho blood nnd upon mucuous surfaces of tho syntom. Testimonials sent frco. Prlco, 76a pur bottle. 8old by all Druggtsto. Tnko Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. o Qlrls would not make good wlro lon telegraph oporntors becnuso thoy would bo thinking more about Mar cel wnvea than Marconi wavos. o A UAItl) Ihls Is to certify that all drug KlslM are authorized to refund your money If Foley's llouoy and Tar falls to euro your oough or cold It h(om thu oougii. hools the lungs and prevents pneumonia nnd un ttmption. Contains no opiates. Tho genuine is In a jollow pnuknge J C Perry o Tbe ftnur mills or tho United States represent flxvd Invostmenta of about $300,000,000. - o The Itml of tin World should It come tomorrow would llud fully 1-3 of the peoplu sutTorlng with rheuniHtlsm of either slight or serious nature. Nobody need Httffor wltu rhoiiiuHtlsm for llullnrd's Snow Muitnent ilrlvoa awny tho trouble. rellovwM the pain lustuutly uml ,hHVH the ttsor as w nnd supple as a two-year-old. Sold b nil Dealera. o Turkey has more ngud people In proportion to tier population than tiny other Huropoan ootuitry. I'orcrtr Into Itxlle. Win. Upehiuch of Glen Oak, Okla . was an exile from home Mountain air, he thought, would nirt h fright ful lung-racking rough that had tie fled all remedlea for tno ywara. Af ter six montha he ratiirued. death dogging his stops Then I began to use Dr. King's New DUoovory," he writes, "and after tauug six bottles I am as well as ever " It saves thou aaHiU yearly from desperate lung uIsmum4 Infallible for Coughs and Colds. It dispels lloarseuma and Sore Throat. Cures Grip. Ilninohl tls, Hemorrhages. Asthma, Group, Whooping Cough lie and f 1 00, trial bottle free, guaranteed by J. C Perry 0 . ..... Tuberculosis germ nan sustain tbe greatest oold and ausoumb only at UC dogreea below zero. o .. WltHCK la the only lit deserlptlon fur tho man or woman who U crippled with rheumatism Jnst a few rheumatic twinges may be the forerunner of a severe altaok stop the trouble at the start with Hallard'e Hmjw jn. meHt. CHt turn rheNmatlaiH and II mIh Prtoe It, lie and l 09. Sole! by all dealers ' o Qrdlaary eornaobi are worth 16 eenU por 80 pounds In India. They re ground to a eoarvi meal, mixed with molssso) and uel as a rood ror cattle HKV. I. W. WIIJ.IAJIHO.VH i,rnrnit. Hm I W WtllMMMOH HuntlHg- ton. W Va wrltM ThU Is io cer tify that usd Foley's Kidney Kemdy tor nervons oihawittoa and kidaoy trwHole and m ftrx to asy that ii w do all Wt you claim for It Fblor's Kidney IteMedy has rotort4 hwilih and afrongth. t Ihooaandc of weak -run down peo ple. OootolfM no hcrwfnl droits and ts k4omM to take J C Perry J- t. l( V M u. akeidtoia tthirii t'l tmir u toa dUasc Ha mk r4 mi. aoj garintoo4 to coc Cstarrl boto UttKg Throat. kaistUtn 'ivot-Hf nuNNooli Ur. KWav rooblff also sar Mack H- hC(h rk4Mk Hmki 4aMoos M44toW. all kiad4 V Kai T.V - f4 l'a'r oso 14 1 oo tttht Cr f Ylck Hi ' ft, ra,a4- 4-(i sod It k Hi - ' K4 -m it. THE STOCK BOOKS For tbe North Bautiam Mining voBtore. A limited nmouut of stock Is of 5c per share. SAVAGE K1HOAL HRTCTi3SC?Sir"3MinS5aaWSKV ' mrMr v. -.- "RMWB inihWItCU FOF? WELL DRESSED MEN. 'actof fT&aAK I 2 QJW i I sbk.&hi- mktfit twr.h&st wi irnw ;JMmpmutTri,ua.Z L 120 Are ihiMM Hho will hnvn us launder j their waists, dolloato llngerln, etc Our faellitles are those of the host ror the porfeat handling or this character of work. Our help la thoroughly oxporloncod, and mtioh more skllftill than most help. "you can seouro to Mine to your home or to "lake out" A trial will make you n oliettt o( ours. Salem "Laundry Co. Tiliiiioite 'M. lilH-lOfl N. I.ltxrty Kt. i WILLIAMiDAVIDSON II STOCKS anc BONDS i WILLAMKTTU HOTKIi, HAMiil, Or I rait adil you on auiy aUeks or Iniods wild or ou the market. Mwir) mciimhI ror proiiMilloii pnrp4M', pift-ii. Htdiiofsriurliu '" lulrlf. large land drU, etc. ( nil nnd f in. Wanted, a few jiiiH(eut nirn aiul wotutu, Itrfi rif- rrqulrrd. o4ofts IHIKHHICIIHH iHMHHlHllf HH1 Portland's Popular Fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON Ou' alMokellof Grill finest dining service In olty, with Hawnlian orchestra from 6 to 12 p. m Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modirn Hostiery in the mctropol s of the Northwest, ANNEX IS NOW OPEN . j; acity has been doubled and our froo bus will i fta'tur ineot trains No. 8, and train Nt 12, i'iinini, O'fv tUtcuic that arrive In PortlmMj at i0: a m u bf p. rn. M. C DICKINSON, Mnnogcr TME'OHfGON company, uro still ep H U now for s!o. at th 1.0W riUCH &HERREN AOHNTB. I s tnniRHCIAT. T. ,. u VikVinbtl price: range: TO 40 Shoes For Summer Everything you could wish ror pumps, low shoos nnd oxfords, In pat ent, calf, tans, oxhlood and cnuvas, All contain stylo n I wonrlng ability, Host prices. ' ML. AT.Vt.tv ". fjAttf"' r YQgt b, Nething: Better on the Market GOODS BEARING VhIS MARK ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED WHEN SOLD BY THE Salem Hardware Company Com' S.. Phone' 1172 t IHE BEST ROAST THE FAMILY EVER HAD Oun be ublaltietl from nur prime, ton dor and Jiilo Iltxif. Mut'on or Pork, All our moats ate soluuled from ttm choicest, and prepared ror tho labia to suit the aotttntids of Uw (aitldioun, Our prliics are lower or u allly tlimtl you' can find at any place lu Hslwui E. C. CROSS & SON lf OtOfi XZIi, JL . y V I t4int011 1 CA. Jlf 'X' CS 3nc!atwc afg iA yits X&m W soo speaks ssSssji .fjes4txiv - 4hai tac UfAut it ia Valid or to &vom and toe yviXoM (4. aax PttOHO IM M ftteto ftC t mmmmmmwmmmmmmmikiurijuitiH-f. , . fgf num&A st& tsmt