rtnv -I A BITHA anTnuATHMAVlMMjMrnHllHaKMHAnPfnH)AT'AMAyJVilMM3 DAILY CAPITAL JOUHNAL. 8ALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY a, 1000. f !. l .AU. it i II 1 ?! THE CAPITAL JOURNAL K. HOI'Itr. ftdltor And Proprietor iD'lf pendent New. pipe lroll to American frinolplc nl -., the I'rfwft-Snd fxtrrtoixonral of All Oregon, ' ' fuWIiliod Kx KkIii Kicopi ShwIhj, lem; Ore. SWIWCIHITION ItATBS. (InrarttMr In Adrsmo.) fldlr, br r-rrler, prrrb...... fl.OO Per month... .Mo IJsllr, by mull, per yer- ... 4 l-er month Me Weeilf, by mult, pot rer ... . '.00 Blx uioolh Oo tfmmfr UmotUmf 'vS3 LABEL itxfc"" A PECULIAR CALF CASE IN KLAMATH Klnmatii Falls, Or., May 3. -Tho accultlat of J Arnnt, charged with tho larceny of a calf from his nolgh bor. 0. 0. Harris, ends ono of tho most unlquo criminal cniico ovor tried In Klamath county. Almoit two years ago Arnnt, who Is a son of V. W. Arnnt, the wuporlntondont of tho Crater Lnko National Park, wwj ennrgrd wim tno moil or. a certain calf. llnrrU Identified tbo animal by a dlmo ho had Inserted In its nock. Ho had suractod that wmo ono was rustling stock, and lusorted tho dlmo us it moans of posltlro Iden tification. Arant wns tried about n year ago, Tho cnm. romiHod In a hung Jury. Clroillt Judge Nolan, who wns then practicing law. wan the chief prose cutor. This time It took moro than n week lo got n Jury and tnko tho By Our Formula Wo produce In Hood's Onrsnpnrllln n mocllolno thrtt hna nn unup proaohott rooord of euros of Scrofula, ecsemn, eruptions, catarrh, rhoomntiftiu, niiciinn, m-rvnusnoM, Hint tired feeling. Iom of appetite, etc. Tlio combination and proHirthuis of tho moro tlinu twenty illffuruiit remedial agents coiitnluiHl In Mood's Haisapiirilln nro known only lo oureolviM, so there can bo no substitute. This medleluo innktu, bunlthy and strong the "Little Holdlers" In y.mr lilmiil, -IImh'o corpow-les lliat light lite cllBiuieo germs eouUiuily attuuklug )mi. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK J, II, Albort, Pros, L M, Ciolsnn, Vico Pros, Jos. II. Albert, Cnshlor SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Pays Interest on Savings Accounts evidence. The Jury was out Just two hours. During tho trial tho calf and Its mother wero Introduced In ovldonco, us was also tho hide of another calf, which tho dofonso clalmod was tbo one belonging to Harris. Tho ani mal had died since the bogllnnlng of tho rase, and Its hlilo had been pro served. The calf with a dlmo In Its nock Is now a 2-year-old stoor, and Is turgor than It tno trior. Tho second calf In tho case wan In troduced by tho dofenso shortly af tor tho arrest of Arant It was found In the pnsturo of another nolghbor named Ilurrell Short. Arant notified Harris that he had found his calf, hut Karri wns so sure that Ids calf hud been stolen by Arant and that ho had not Inserted tho dlmo In tho wrong rnlf that he would not ovon go to examine the calf found by Arnnt Through legal proceduro F. V. Arant. father of young Anint, got iifMtMfMulfm nf linth nnlvitti nnil nl thn plow of tn trial ho had a 2-year-old str and Hit hide of tho dead calf. One cm If hns onused n neighbor hood quarrel that may result In de velopments miioh more sorlous than mere litigation. Since the acquittal of Arant on fight has nlroady occur red. In which several members of tho Arant family nsd iwverul of tho neighbors participated Throats nip on threats hnvo boon mndo. Indica tions are that tho end of tho trouhla Is not yet In sight. The acquittal of Arnnt casts n sus picion on Hnrrls. It gives his ono in 'en u chance lo say that he Insert ed a dime In the neok of Arnnt's rnlf for tho purpose of railroading an In niMMMit mnii to the pmiltontlnry, or el e for tao purpose of stealing the rnlf There Is tnlk of bringing a urliiilual action against him. Mine the fight on the street In luHi oily Jay Arnnt has ngnla been plueed HMder arrest, and Is now hold mi a rWarge of aseault nsd battery, o 1,11 tie attacks of litdtReetloH are what bring oa other ailments, such aa arule Indigestion chronic ilya pepala. slid even inure serious -r Htaneitt Illness Kodol Is giiNrsn teed lo ! relief Tr II IihIh Mold lit nil druggist U.S. SUPREME COURT TO DECIDE ON COUNTY ROAD Proceedings for appr-al from the supreme court of Oregon to the su preme court of the United States were started Saturda by the Benedictine Fathers or Alt. Angel In nn old cas against .Marlon county, the papers b ing served on District Attorne Mi Nnry. The case Is of peculiar inter oet Inasmuch aa pending the derision of the supreme court of the state practically all of the road work of Oregon being carried on under the Tuttle act of 1907 was dolayml. it is probable that the same effect will be foil on the appeal to the Unltea States supreme court, ana it is Known here that in several counties road work of this nature will come to a stop Immediately. , Tho Tuttle net. proviueu oy tno teg-luii.tnt-t. or 1007. allows counties to nsftOBi nil proporty within two miles on each side of the proposed Improve ment. The county court here author ized the construction of a road be tween Sllverton and Alt. Angel In UiIb county nnd the IJonodlctlno Fathers of Alt. Angel, who owned property coming under tho Tuttlo net, sued Judge Onlloway declared the ww un constitutional and Btoppod tho Im provement. The state supreme court reversed Gallowny's decision and now the case goes to the supreme trib unal of tho land on n writ of error SANTIAM KNOCKS OUT THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC An nnswer In tho cac of tho State of Oregon, plaintiff, v. tho Southern Pacific Railroad Company has beon lllod with tho county court, In which they state to reconstruct a rallrond bridgo ncrow tho South Snntlnm riv er would be both linprnctlcnblo nnd useless, owing to the continuous change of coiirnos tho rlvos takes at that point necessitating tho con struction of Inmtimornblc dikes nnd channels nnd an enormous exponso of construction In general. Including the repair of the brldgos nftor erect ed. Some time ngo tho nttornoy-genor-nl Hied a mandamus ngnlnst tho rail road company, nnd In tho answer they (the company) deny ovory nllo gatlon In severnl of the paragraphs of the alternate writ of miindninuH and paction theroof Tho nnswor al so contains quotations of tho amount of business trnutneted by tho coin IHtny as follows In tho rospcctlvo towns over tho South Snntlnm branch. Ilalin station. $S44.52; at llerkhnrdt, )30, nnd at Sponcor liKI&.tii). thl business bolng done be tween May. 1 000, nnd December 31, 1000. In countK'tlou with tho above rea son, rental nsd In the nnswor the coin pany object to reconstructing tho bridge. It Is stated thnt tho poople residing between Crnbtreo nnd Tail iiiiiu would not suffer Inconvonlonco to any extent nt the reult of the lino being discontinued. - o louM It (do Tnith? If you spend your money, you're n loafer, If yoH save It, you're a grouoh. If you get It. you're n grnftor. If yon doa't gt It, you're n Imiiii, So what the hull's the iimi? Houston, Texas, News, -o Melfrtdgs. an American department store, bat paralysed London whops. It allows people to go In nnd paw orwr i he goods, whether they buy or noL I Wc Have Just Placed on Our Bargain Tables Three Lots of Ladies' Dress Goods The first lot consists of plain and novelty weaves in black, navy, brown, tan, green and red, Former prices $1,25, $1,40, $1,45, $1,50, and $1,60. Your choice now for $1 .00 per yard The second lot includes a very large as'sortment of staple and novelty colors in plain and fancy weaves, Former prices 90c, 95c, $1,00, $1,10 and $1,15, Your choice now for 75c per yard The third lot includes 50c and 60c dress coods, now 35c per vard, We've never shown better values on our bargain tables, and this is just the proper sea- I bun iui inib uiass ui goons, you Know inai we never misrepresent euner prices c quality, Come early before the choicest patterns are sold, ifrjW 3i3Kb ."i''.- . .'.! Why not enjoy these warm &$C1ffi-&Cf afternoons and evenings Wf -w VVjtIto fobV3i IV mW ffiK$9&S?r;.J-r. n( 1 JriSPDRsrr-VSS WI .-V'MT Hlif TWIbHS: I.ii .Jll. "WiL- brAt'W WVlsiiw VL tk -syr "V i wsASr w -. jtx35ri TzSa mb in, ii.iiaMr.Ti , r iBii bS -fztjfir- " 'M$M '.j'a- a resting in one of these com fortable hammocks we're selling at such reasonable prices. Our new spring ship ment arrived last week. CUT N? Li We Undersell "Regular Stores" on Everything for the Whole Family a IIIIIoiimk'sh and Constipation. For years I waa. troubled with bil iousness and constipation, which made life miserable for mo. Aly ap petite failed me I lost my usual force and vitality. 1'epsln prepara tions and cathartics only made mat tors worse I do not know whore I should hnvo been today had I not tried Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. The tablets relieve the III feeling at once, strengthen the digestive functions, purify the Htoiuach. liver and blood, helping lint systum to do Its work naturally. Mrs. Itosa I'oli. Birmingham. Ala. Those Sublets are for sale by all good druggists. o They say love laugh at locksmiths, but b'gamlsta tell a different tale. Bts Dw Ens Yn mw Alwo 6agM If all pntont medicine ad wore true the undortnkers would hnvo to go out of business. o DeWltts Cnrbollzod Witch Hazol Salvo Is good for outs, burns nnd bruises and la especially good for plies. Ituhiso substitutes. Sold by nil druggists. -o- Llke bad paintings, many laws are not worth framing. Heartburn, sour risings, bolchlng. (bull, heavy fooling nnd such things are all caused by Indlgostlon. Ko dol stops them by digesting all the food you eat. Sold by all druggists. Hoys Will He Uoyx and are always getting scratches, cuts, sprains, bruises, bumps, burns, or soalds. Don't neglect such things thoy may result serious If you do Apply Iinllard's Snow Llnlmont ac cording to directions right nwny and It will relievo tho pain nnd houl tho trouble. Prlco 21c. 60c and It. 00. Soul .. nil Dealers. Some of tho smaller fry made speerhea at Chicago, and Taft g cabi net is for peace, but the government saw nothing If you will rend tho dispatches you will note thnt Taft did not attend tho Chicago peace conference CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Etaigkt Par tho tit:iu ura am& L Jl rll C i3 SAT FM'S NFW STORE Mill HEKD13RSOM lp-u( Ltoicl Coits inery Hait Goods Tallow Goods Everything in Up-to-Date Merchandise at the Very Lowest Prices. The ladies of Snlem and vicinity are invited to visit FRAKES'. Price our goods and compare them with the prices elsewhere. You will find FRAKES a big money-saving place to shop. g Just Received A Large Shipment of IVtessaline Silk Gowns One piece, all colons. Silk Ptticoats in all colori. If It Comes From FRARES' It's Correct We Buy Combings and Cut Hair. ?i S3 NORTH COMMERCIAL JHIWiiiMslM MilaWsUaW MISS M. D EVANS SALEM MGR. PHONE 342 - 1 i r xi