DAILY OAPITAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATUHDAV, 3IAY 1, 1909. f V ' '. 1 CXtV m i i iS 3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL K. HOKKr Editor ad Proprietor Independent Xewpp DeTottd to Amertca Principle ) the Frsf nl oeretopemont of All Oregon. ratllt Kfery ' Kmsr" !. '"lew. si Hf'itMn it u n lTrtMr III AUMK-I I ' pflr Rr fffst, r . piflr, br - W'Ujtlr, kf malt. - It Ma -i ?, I v " -""" " . .s.w r me , uu yt .. '. dt an S"& IJNION (fbyjLABEl. "Pllj! LITTLE TALKS WITH ' MEN IN OREGON WHO ARE DOING THINGS In Portland the other clay I called on Chas, B. Merrick, In' the Commercial Club Building. Merrick w tho organizer and practically the whole push of the Retail Merchants Association of Oregon, He has a state organization and a state organ. Ho goes into a town and gets the retailers together, has a banquet, and teaches them to become civilized. Ho Instructs them in the gentle art of cutting out de structive competition, and howt o bury the hatchet. The retailor is at bottom a human being, He has a heart and when he is organized it neats in unison even with the man who is his keenest comostitor. So Moirick radiates lots of gonuino good will of the Big Bill Taft stripe. The rolailers in many towns moet once a month at a beofsteak dinner, discuss points of common interest and cuss tho common enemy, who is after all an elusive, disappear ing, unknown quantity. Incidentally, Merrick is one of the'best informed politicians in Oregon. Thore is not a particle of retrogrossive or reactionary, back-track blood in his veins. He fairly tingles with the red corpuscles of progressive policies. . Chas. B. Merrick is a fine type of western business man. , . That means progress along right linos of intelligence, lines of tho least wnsto, least, friction and least resistance. j j I am glad for; one that Wm. B, Aver threw down the . iminllol To tho politicians who aie taking the back track in Portland. He tolls them fearlessly that it is a mistake to put the Re publican party in an attitude of hostility to the primary law. Ayor doos not take to publh speaking, but when lie wiitos a leltor or talks to a committee thore is something doing, Out of a bunch of thiity of tho ablest lawyers and busi noss mon of Portland who ca Tie before the legislature, Ayer made the talk that cut the ice for the state-built railroad proposition. It was the most squaio-toed, clear-cut, incisive businoss llko talk foi the so-called socialistic railroad amendment that was hoard before the house committoo. Aycr's talk carried the amendment before the senate. Ho now hits light out from the shouldor for the direct primary law, ' It shall not be smotherod. it shall have fair play. Tho way to socme paity harmony is for the dominant party to quit waging wai on the pooplo's law, - i What some of the old convention bosses cannot got, through their heads is that Republicans are people, oitizens, first and partisans afterward. Tho professional machine politician is a partisan first, a citizen, a patriot, afterwa.-d. Hoar Ayer: "Lot us have an united party, but United in , upholding tho law, not In destroying it." ' That sounds pretty good fnm a man who is a. business j man, a citizen, neither partisan 01 sentimentalist neither se cessionist not eai fighter. Ami Wm. B. Ayer is a business man in the ssvon figure dnss. He is not a sidewalk abasing ronr-sciiii1 politician. A Portland newspaper tries to cry Mr. Ayer down as one of the little iWes. The trouble with Ayer seems to lie that bis vlows aie en tirety beyond the Portland shop size. That kind of mon are instinotlvoly dreaded by the old Port and mnohino. The principal business of that machino for forty year? has been to magnify pigmias ink) statesmen. Its other chief industry hits uton to keep me-i. of the Ayer culibre out of politics, 't has been successful to the extent of Jlqfefitiffi Pctlanrs in Uiq hands of a mediocre class of orates,! ' The some policy has kept hMtateVWS&n ?tm &eju i ig tl set vices oi its really big men. I once heard a negio revivalist describe the bi;tn of the Savior, h his exordium he 'shoute i: "An darjay de lubly in f vit Jesus in the manger, and nobody present but de horned ox." He eve-i forgot the mother, At the La Grande Development Congress Tod Rlnohart. the county assessor of Union county, mndo one of the best boostor spooches I ovor hoard. It was full or ginger, optimism and tho real wine of en thusiasm. It pictured Union county as the Paradise ot tho pi tlm Hoavon of tho future, Rinehart roasted the mossbacks, It seems the Willamette valley has no monopoly. To discover that fact you have to get out over this great commonwealth. Tod was telling of the wonderful work of the Development Congress in bringing the boosters together, Then he got off as su6lime a booster remark as was ever uttered. "Where two or three are gathered together," said Tod, "you know we are told in the Good Book, there is always someone present that's worth while." It was the brightest eem of the whole congress, ELEANOR FRANCES HOUSEHOLD LETTER WEDDING PRESENTS AND PRETTY FURNISHINGS NBW YOItK. April 24. So man novo! and pretty things are shown In tho shops this spring that It In difficult to make a selection for wed ding presents or household furnish ings, i orttinately or otherwise most people have a price; limit In such pur chases that does away with. some of tho omburrafifimont of choosing, but oven at very modest figure thorp arc lovoly things to be hnd. Novel limpM and Sluulcv. If tho house la supplied with elec tricity thore are particularly fascin ating lampH with the umbrella shades, closod at tho top, that are poMlble with this llliirnlnnnt. Dain tily colored glass that looks like rock crystal with natural Slowork em bedded In It. la one form ahowu. Very now lamp and candle shades are made of fine square mushed curtain Incu In pun white put on plain over tho white frame, which la Drat cov ered with thin whltv muslin. Very Hinall white ball fringe finishes thoae alludes at the bottom. They are ver prett for a wedding gift or to grace the wedding breakfast or supper. Lampa with crystal pend ant like those on tho old time Illr nndoles are quaint and attractive and a high brass porch lamp with 'Its ouudloa protected by engraved gist's globi-H of an oblong form are vory latest novelty Good Blood Moryis good honlth, and Hood's Shrsapnrllln has an unapproachod record no a blood-purlflor. It effects Its wonderful cures, notl simply becmife it contains snrsnpnrilln but becaueo it combines the utmost remedial values of more than -I) different ingredients Then1 Is no run! substitute ! for It. If urged to buy unv preparation Boitl to be "lust ns good" you may bo Biire it is interior, costs loss to muke, ami view tne uenior a larger jirotlt i..: i termor II.mjU hrMMMlHii tUr lu uMl IWiyl.l r M MH4la uWrti kuvwti HaruMt CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK J, H, Albert, Pros, E, Mi Croisan, Vice Pros, Jos, H, Albert, Cashier SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Pays Interest on Savings Accounts Svw .Jardinieres. Flower holders or Jardinieres were never nefn In so many different forms as this spring shows. For the table cut glass with silver linings la popular while crystal baskots deli cately ongrnved vie with those of china for Ilowor and bonbon holdora. For growing plants there ale wlckor stands made of the regulation chair scml patterned cane, iind Tory artis tic receptacles of ivory colored plas ter, of concrete with sculptured fig ures. Kiiumclcd oo(i and Wicker. Wlckor furniture enamelled In soft lilac or gray, with cushions of (lower printed cretonne Its selected by people who like prettlness com bined with comfort and durability, and the Mine demand finds Crcx the softly toned grass carpet that blonds harmoniously with any color scheme an ideal floor covering. It stands tho most trying wear and comes cut bright, clean and sanitary, and la unrivaled for porch or veranda use since a wetting rather Improves than Injures It. Old Thne Vues Itevlved. It Is wonderful what modern methods have done with old time weaves and styles, ltag carpei In Its present colors Is pretty enough for any use. and the old time cane seats and bucks are a veritable craze, used with the most expensive frumos, as well as with enamelled wood. A settle lu white enamel had tho seat upholstered In cretonne In rose pat tern. The back was In cane In the natural color and the price $C7. In many Instances the cane is gilded as was the ease In a miniature Kcnnol for a pet dog. An oblong box with frame of wood and sides of ciuio Imported from Franco and cost ing $20. Cretonne and (iobelln Nets, Cretonnes are more popular than lust year. If that Is possible, and the Hugllsh fashion of having the slip coverings for furniture made or dainty Dowered chintzes Instead of plain or striped linen has taken root here to the great Improvement of summer Interiors The new Gobelin curtains of dark colored net In attractive patterns are selling well and curtains of plain rather heavy sorlm with embroidered borders in color lu braided designs are uleo attracting favorable niton lion. HnglNli Set. ' Tim hot tor grade brands of Eng lish fipodownro are being used by many housekeepers who rormorly conllued tneir selections to French chlnn. The lattor is so fragile nud the iKHwlalntt have made such won derful Improu'tnont In form, texture and finish that they are nice enough fur mi) use however fastidious the requirements KU2ANOH FRANCKS P&tThfs Stove in Your Kitchen fFfT. It is wonderfully convenient to do kitchen work on a stoe that's ready at the instant wanted, and out of the way the moment you're done. Such a stove is the New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove. By using it you avoid the continuous overpowering har of a cudl fire and cook with comfort, even in dog das 'the MEW PERFECTION Wide BSae Flarae Oil Cook-Stove is so ronfrurtd that It docs not add perceptibly to imp heat of a room. Itdirt-rsfroniall other oil stoves in its substantial t.ii.ic.i i vjr, wiihsrnrlf for warming platesancl Kecjinj: cookco ioou hot. and drop shelves for holilin vnall cooKing utcnsils. Has every convenience, cm n to pars tor .... ... fit . nr. towels. I lueesizes. Withorwitnontv. aomct top. If not with your dealer, write our n--i rest ajjency. Tl" !&$& Lamp '?"' family me safe, con- Ytiiient.pconomiral, and pleat light giver If not with youf dealer, vtiiic our nearest agency. Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) xQBJETf i ll tl MIEHi I fll ! iO l !! !HHffi 9 SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Beer Sold in Carload Lots. Shipments in Kegs or Bot tled Beer to any Point on the Pacific Coast X i f Full Bearing Orchard Tracts SIZES TO SUIT PURCHASER Winter Apples and Royal Ann Cherries RICH BOTTOM SOIL 3 MiLES NORTH OF SALEM. Enquire of owner at Capital National Bank. mmmvmmmmmmmmmmmmmriukimummmmmmmmmmm RrAwinrr Ptatil nttA ftffifAC 1 On Trade St., In Wholesolc District Salem, Oregon 1 rV NEW MEATMARKET I have oponud n ment market at 1609 Asylum avonuo; come here to stay; hnvo large refrigerator, and, nm in position to sell the bet qunllty ot meats, including delivery In nny. part of thS city, ami at nrl&N to tnot all competition. , Cll and got prices Phone 854 S.W. B. Temple rrwHumm Service and Safety Two elements of bank v.ork etnud out above all othors service nixl uifft WI.pu e come to consider cororHtlons and the op itrMMion th-y ait wild to work on tho individual, we dlscovor that ih (ink U distinctive a thing apart. In no posaiblo way can It corner tk market For dvah the money It holds and loans out llniia to ttM MOl and must be produeod on demand. It way lriHar auHly aad demand through th granting of credit, but m tjtli tnikiiMtowl ly supply and dwmatul. a morwver bv its ohm emltt Iwhm It is pvoullarU' a sarvast Not only is It the srvaiit oX all the people, but of the Individual juur burvaaL Not .mlt la It Dm;uliar eorporatlon. but It server all other corpora tUn la arvlH tb tudlvUlHal tk ) r HMvrvoi tkal w mu brtwfly rbr..iis laatu as wtl ! waou of hmb wko trad Sabtv .ii(diM to r)tklp eoHatfcted wtUt tkls bask It ass physical muIiummmi whUh Is safo. Its tloallMS wttk 4MM4tors de mand Beta methods- It makei le Un Ita wh !o mnk -up as an orxanlaat. with wall proport:fne4 arta. Is aafe. And a Hot only strive lu srvt bat strives to be l- tbae two eleHiaatB are what ksv at racted nr apbMdld Hot v( iut.c".r This bank has sucvtMNled on Its wortta. It has au r ded tbrouik kalptulnesa aloav It offors to yon the same service nd mM) It U giving to otho Will you give us the opportunity to "show" on UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK SU.UM. OUKCON. v'fTiwifr3;.Yrr,',;:wt',"' ?T2,rv'L ' ' "1'' "' 'v" j " iatiw H.Wfcf,.M i.if'IH'l ma)mHfHBtSlHflttaj S)-HH--t--Ki'-Kfi-H-H9-M-tHi i C. t. LliBOLD & CO. 1144 Slate Street GENERAL MERCHANDISERS We would like to say lo the people in Fast Salem 1 1 at we can sell groceries .hardware and drus ju t a little cheaper than the down ton storey We have ft complete line of fitelv upto -date, goo cb. carefully se'acted, AUo a feed store . Ho.1130. ?rd we defy any niorchaiit to give you better del'v- y sevlce. V'e own 133 ink of property covered by bulld- .igs. including our stores, from which we are re- d .ncome, and while we are in a position to 7 ' cieap & other merolmnts our expenses are : nstderably lowen vi a tiial order will convince you of what we say 1 to 'ces, quality of goods and delivery, t PHONE 145. ,v -. lllll)liailKisjffflf H )