mnMMWtMVSR-t! X. OAH.T CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. ORSGOX, THURSDAY, ATKIL 90, I960. ffllifflllll I !!! fi'-fH Here Is An Opportunity For You Mr. Homeseeker Naj HOME OF GOOD GOODS i2 4f ixiski y r SEtr y " " VS" " v5jS4t n VI BBBBBBBfe ' ' wr i' .. f r rBaaa nn as. I 30 YEARS SALEM , i f 30 YEARS IX SALEM L? SO YEARS IX SALEM 30 YEARS IN SALEM V A i o lip ' Ever day Bargain Day ben ren you skh and con sider the qjaty. is. l O It t o o o o o CtTY HEWS f U O U Q Q O v. 4 Mr & r .I'tfil "ttwwjte Rfet CVxvijk3r .! U sh ar OMM K (M, iBflW MMmI WMMMtTt Jl4 Ore rfcarakusr 4-4-U &tf tI ! C S F4oa Tt & SgaEi 4' IT :c4w i3 t aW A Vi m: . -$ . r ; .r-rs- v L"vvRjrt?j J53 J-SJiWiS 4A i. 'gf 30 YEARS IX SALEM . --- o r "lt 'faT- l .w-v-- - -. 4 jt r- r- r- v-7mtt7 :. "s-i WE'VE been doing police duty in Salem for 30 years guarding the pub lic's interest in merchandising, and in that time this store has been a- known as the leader in styles and values. Merclmndisingls'no experi ment with us. This store is Willamette Valley's largest and best wearing apparel emporium for men. women and children, and our prices are even less for Good Goods than you have been paying for inferior grades elsewhere. Ask your neighbor who sells the best goods at lowest prices ? Every day we hear it said: "When one wants Good Goods you have to go to Meyers" v. 30 YEARS IX SALEM CIRCUS-DAY-SALE OF KIMONAS The kind that are sold at other stores for 50c. On sale today only at- 25c See Court-Street Window. No telephone orders received Ginghams, Calicoes, Percales, Domestics, Overalls, Gloves.. Working Men's Apparel Our successful seifr.g of the above named a$ attracted Hie Ittantion of the country people as well as the city people and now wt tit enjoying t liberal patronaa from both. We invite vour inspection. Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Famous W. B. Reduco Corsets Hart, Schaf fner & Marx Clothes After a Long and Dusty Ride Lattits are reouested to partake of o' liberal tosprtalUy, for we an ar fanfwi ioryouf cofinionoe a large and corrwnodiom rest root etanfcg room, lavatory, public phone, hygienic fitieitd wttv, and stalowjO'. SHOE SECTION ANNEX 30 YEARS IX SALEM 30 YEARS IX SAT.F.M j V XW.&PC. JLSeugy Vou'l ooftsrfttuiaie yourself every tims you speno a $ ere aftar considerir tne quaJilv Maw Uvto rwf MiMMks. TvlwiwH Ma , IN1! a4 Vhnr- Ml jmhI at ste HIM. VM f SwMk lllft . 4-4ii-l VkHtajBtU Hti. Tt Cwa V l Km.- try tW Jamm-. -T-Ji RkH Tnorrow At J J. 16t Mftt. 4Vi mllm from Newport. Oregon, on Taqulaa Br. H cu fc sM wfttewt for of eeitra4IotieB that no wlrtf la Off to ta cttaaM so aatM a oat YmIu Bay Tern actva Mir ptoir. jwaavK rtfcani, to M treos. good -rooaa aoota !4xJ: woodrtU ItxH. root boom 12x16 warkfi l!xl4, s4lt koard barn 40x99; I.OtO.000 fir 1. . aloor ttrta-9r; fir ttafcer awetif neoad growth. JITS. i LEE WILLIAMS Newport, Ore Inquire at Journal Office lia)Ila)tta)t9ieiegiSia?!i!t "When Thlr-tr Go to Zlnn For a good ltaioaad 4 Rcmwnber the FlacN Wlliaoette field. 3:39. ::-st A m Tliow Beantifal Oil Paintings At L. r. Josae's were painted br a Preach artist. Call and see them. It Isn't a Xor Bby I la W P. Smith's boae that aakes him to Oodaatured his wife is as Jiag FolRer's Golden Gate Coffee her gror grlads lc W. T. lUgdoo. Uodertahrr Alwajra progresaJTe. ap-to-date Pall eqalpmeat. largest stock. .The Capital SumnxT Xormal Opeai oa Moadar, Mar 3. aad cs tiaa aatll the Au4 xaatlaaUB. Ciaeforad la all hraaches for state ttad eoaatr papers. S4aocra phjraad typewrltlac. Addrev J. J. Kraps. Salem. Or. 4--t Vow Ii the Time To thiak aboat a aew aaraoH. tVhea roa do. also thlak of Shafer. who carries the best Mae of haraesa aa dMddlex la the ettr. Doable aad a?le baraess of rtrr style, alto harae aaade to order Soath Coat aerrial street. Had Ha 1U V "Dad Gter has left rh eitr aad xoae to CaUforala for a rtrft it has Wa soae tlaae slace Dad" has taka a little Jaaat orer the ooaatrr. bat owtax to the aaaajr vre ta tlao aloac the tout aad soaae flrM clas steal h axwaeios loeateo la saort rerr Hty It U BM probable be will : kwt la the taarft T Marriajre Llceas- Two atore saarrta Hoaasss wore !ad this BMraar by Coaatx Clerk A'Va. oae to Braver O Boardsler ad 1. of Salesa. aad Ada, B Io ier. xf4 IS. of Saloaa. aad oae to Roebrt L Oewald a 4 aad Allee A Racker afd 21. both of Saleas. OOOOOOOOOOn O PCRCnWAI UCWTinn n 0 O O O O O o o n i Miss Anea Bix. of Albany, Is Tiilt 1 lag frieads here for a few days. She I will heave for Seattle shortly to visit relatives during the Seattle exposi tion. Roy Miles went to Portland last . alght to transact business for a few days. Mrs. Fred Heyser is in Portland vtsltlag frieads and relative. Dlok Mason, of Eogene, Is in the city looklag after business matters for a short time. Mrs. Maaael Kemp retarned to her boom la Eureka. Cat., last night, af-te- a aioath's vs t with her sister, . Mrs. Jos. P. Haan. Mlat Bageoa Arliagton went to ' Portlaad thh morning on the Elec tric, to spead a week visiting friends Harrlsoa Youag aad wife, of Oraau Paa left for Portlaad today after a brief visit with friends here. Ralph Wllke has returped from a weeks' bas'ne.g visit in Portland. Iraa Parker went to Portland to day, after visiting a short time. Petor Montgomery, of Champoeg, was traasaetlag business here yes terday. Peter says. those big rain drop which fell recently looked like dollars to htm aad his neighbors. Geocgo J. Mackie, of Portland, Is traasaetlag bala$ here for a few days. niEI). WILSOX At the home of her broth r. Rev Fields, at 1412 Commer cial street. Thursday. April 2 ISO. Anna Fields Witeoa The resnaln wilt be shipped Port Aageleg tomorrow morning Norwich Union Fire Insurance Company Frank Meredith, Resident Agent Room 13. Ladd & Bash. Baat Build tag Bthr AtMttiei A plat ha beea aled with the roaatr dork eroattec a aow addMoa t Salesa. callod Satesa Hotghfcs. lo cated oath of tats cty. aear the Cttv VVrw cotaotory. McOllchrtst Bros. i- the ortctaal chritteaers of the aew addltioa. aad tktir arettr boate 1 taads ta oste comer of the pJktt MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bath's Bask. SaJem, Oi PIANO TUNING IATELLUS L. WOODS, talag. polishiag. repalrlsg. Phe6S The Sheplxnl of the Hill Th Sbea&ecd of the HIUs" was at the Oraad xl?ht. Mfcu Laura HXattetsra aaiaty crara! aad aa actres. Oae or tw othort did oaw soeelWat work. bat. u for the bats ace. ta farthor they oa back Is the hilas. aad the hwgec ihey ttiy there, the teas oSeatrtv 'bey wOt fre 'o peoaie who Uk a good play Th -bepherd saoald stick to Us hilts. Ladl-' AtwstlM Xothnag satrpaoMi oU palatlaci 'or baUrytac tW hosae A iae dW pay xt L. r. Jocse't- l lxxM. IlacbiH. IUctuM Wtl'AaMcao aaaaVtaaaorrow. at S O O O O O OOOOOOOO NEW TODAY O t O O O O O O O O For Ront 3 rooau. aicely aad aew.v I iaraao. Biectrlc Ugfcu aad t toleadldlv eoaitMMKl bath tOl'.. OB IrtrfrtBii (Imp fm'.l m umwwu u id . eater Kreet, corner of Cottage. 4-JJ-lt Twenty Years RrHrtrocc Paint eg aad paper haBglag Have a floe Umo of 1S wall papers. Wi sabsait Mtaplos aad asake low -tisaaw oa yoar work at aay rm Horaco YT. Saa'th, palater and dec orator PbosM : sts North High stroec l-2-t 1 Have yea mm ta boaacaral otl ' ilattapt at L T Jome's: If tot a!l 1 at oac. a tawy are r,,kf Sl Cao"ce cheat hay. ball oae 113. Taraor Oregoe. 4-2-Jf I 9M-aBuaaBBanarr' j Ucc r Public Tke Corcop raaawtakftag Pat- lor bav4 a aow pt i u is ad oat barsauhg wttaoaa tkt ax at ttkMra sats or BMsrhnasan tt hodg- by the easBeaJ proaeis ad aaoacataaa. The Cartage radrtaka Partecs also ?&raja a aa- Mack broadcloth r aaj colored phasa aaatec rajdadta.g I k wtwm m i ,w. w of prrvave Huad A Kick pin Owaer can have saaie by paytavg for thls r.v ttco a Joaraal ooce. 4 -2 9-1 1 bape. boaru a .arrtaao for ta Saute Tjao Uiniuin at be vaaaaraoaaac raraars waaa a aanaa fas naaafc than taaqr aaftH as oanaa lav o t hoaaso aad m- aatBaaVac. aaaosaiK a M.aac of Mwoaatof faaawad. BataefM Aa Apyic aad em., laarrajps V . aaTWaTaaBV JsW ? lh- aM mi Saipaasw 21. ad aur Suwraav aad St. i.e. T4 .. Aaba3btB'C" 4-ri-x. a jm oat aT0& Mom axotan . . m. w Sboapc PabeW aa. o somomc aaw nnimi asonadtii i that Of a b)bm aa tshf&Maa ) rr te satauasd at A rtrV shcOl Hap Ofie. cir H ilaai L H aaoac no be eciorced mW thax tstsataai: Caa f th aory oScaaat. aad parts iax- y tr. a w nB wc lm uxens aa r peaan'se. txc gsanc u wm -!' Chl of PoUcc order oi nag orrtaao for th anoaraora. aad rar- tbsranari aa-os-dttae tarsia all far JT asaklasc a Mtag of froat $S to toaV. aaaW othor Jaaaral durea- Wo asaaa ta do at aca hoto to book W safll have w -TiiBtad rtath otwiwos. -asNitaaa ba.lal rr aas at boaw) aad a Im u lN Oar doaas tweaasa a aa to cat boattni to sax taa or pane it ta aaaat am an daao oo ta PaoaW casr aarrtsar aaa "?"" r P. aara. aaa x r i-n-l VBtJOood girl for geral aottc work ila.alre of P S. Shafer haracM aad saddKft Soath Com nsorctal scoot 4-29-tf ltusxy t Trtubv For Ughc spring lt Chaaiikotia street 4-2-3t Far Slc rtxiip jj acros ta PoTk oaaty. avortoaktac SaWsn oa k-l ooo-aaJf BB'lea soothwoM. l - ta eaiUvattaa. S aceos 'm graii 2 era atrabcrriK aad trait trv bMic bars aad pooJtry hoc--wi:i sM all or pan. p s. Hn1 Ho.Me u t. SalOSB. . 4-JS-Jw l' - Bbecp ahcartac a. P-wa. harrowt.. aow rorrtara aew stoeo. beditimaf sea b-v.- : -aoataasls of tbiagi Xvoot of ta ben ooaiitj aad as gf.i aew ai fcmMi - --- I- t aad, Costrad DMtaaaa. 44T S ' 4-JP-? ) t e a i a ft o UKH-r- rW Sale Sowral aooM at Sam. aaut sarai bvaak at -mi '-. DR. H. S. STtWiE. D. C. J oal Bak to4 WanitM . bub M j, (jm, u3 wert: aboat saaall pMce Good po Mloa to rtjbt ataa. A F H ' 2Ji Nrtk Tweat cth strcc" - n. , 42: - (Mr aad Nrre fctak4 ! ; ; ivm -ae it itry ItaMdtej; I ( PlMtac U ST aVa. tr ; . . . 9 fi i ii !! imt