DAILY OATlTAIi JOURNAL SALKM, OREGON, TJIUUSDAY, ArRIIi ,J. 1999. iy Overheat Yourself ? E'Much of your summer pleas He depends upon having, a cool Bid comfortable kitchen. Why 5pt be prepared for hot days IlJefore they come. Ask your dealer to show the Mew Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove. It's a ander. , Does the work of your big iMnge in every particular; but llkis this great advantage over it, ifcat it never heats the kitchen. The CABINET TOP U umother feature of the New" Perfection IWick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove Mas a spacious top shelf for holding dishes and for keeping food warm after it is cooked. Also has drop shelves for holding small utensils, and is fitted with racks for towels. No other stove approaches the "New Perfection" in conveni ence, comfort and simplicity. Kfr Made in three sizes. Can be had with or without mfm Cabinet Top. At your dealer's, or write our nearest fi- ri agency. ill' I it TheiSay& Lamp PLEASED WITH jREGON AND APPRECIATES THE VAST BUS INESS OPENINGS K.MIsta Johnslcg, the prise fight of; -caff hit ni hrlrd as Ma'sta' John'- slug, Portland's baseball player, Jim Joffrlcs bad better uso a llttlo cau tion, or a basqbnll bat. If tlioso U. of O. ball players would like to try another gamo In this city, Heyscr and Jermau would bo glad to accommodate thorn. Thoy would sure tacklo something tholr equal, If not their alio. Tho Salem high school toam Is Bomowhat out of tho running. Guess they ran too fast last year. Tho latest thing In colrcs Is tho ' 'pretzol twister." Jut what this Just what this now fanglcd shoot will do, has not been figured out as yet, but, according to reports from those who havo scon it, a battor ha a fit after trying to hit it. filn , I L . V is a center draft lamp of cteat illuminating power. Suitable for livtncr room, ilinlnr room or parlor. Free from all objectionable features a splendid family , lamp. If not with your dealer, write our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) urn Fe. eckerlen Wholesale Family Liquor Store 144.' Commercial St. Phone Ylttl)ll jiigi S SK 1 m It ifl II iff V m Free Delivery 103 m f I (TUB SPRAY YOUR TREES WITH DEPENDABLE BRAND LIME AND SULPHUR SOLUTION You get the best spray on the market. Made by Salem people and guaranteed by Salem people. Guarantee and test tacked on every barrel. Manufactured by the GIDEON STOLZ COMPANY, Salem, Oregon. For sale by the following dealers: TILSON & CO. rLETCHEH IIVRI). I). A. WIIITK A SONS. II. 1 CIIASK. LK HOLD IUIOS. IMM. wi .ll ! I ll I l, Service and Safety Two olomonts of bank work stand out nbovo all othors sorvlco and safety. WLoti wo como to consldor corporations and tho op pression thoy are said to work on tho individual, wo dlscovor that tho bank la distinctive a thing apart. In no possible wny can it corner tho markot. tFor ovon tho nionoy it holds and loans out belongs to tho pooplo and must bo produced on domnnd. It may influenco supply nnd demand through tho granting of credit, but is ltsoir Influoncod by supply. and domnnd, and moroovor by IU own credit Ibsuos. It is peculiarly a sorvnut. Not only is it tho servant of all tho pooplo, but of tho individual your sorvant. Not only Is it a peculiar corporation, but It servos all othor corporations. In serving the Individual, tho ways are so numerous that wo enn briofly charnctorizo thorn ns o neods and wants of men wjio trade. 8afoty appllos to everything conuoctod with this bank. It has physical equipment which Is safe. Its doallngs with depositors de mand Bafo mothods. It makos safo loans. Its wholo mako-up as an organism, with woll proportioned parts, Is safo. And it not only strives to sorvo but strives to bo safe. These two olomonts aro what havo attraotod our splondld list of customers. This bank has succoodod on its morlU. It has suc cr ded through holpfulnoss alono. It offers to you the same sorvloc nnd safety it Is giving to othors. Will you give us the opportune to show" you? UNITED STATES SALEM, NATIONAL OREGON. BANK WflflgH)lil'll ''"''''' 'ltjj ! SALEM BREWERY! ASSOCIATION J. C. Lmnley, n representative In an oxecutlvo ennnctty of tho Interna tional Harvester Co., who has boon qulotly sojourning in this city for sevoral tlnys, was Interviewed last evening by n Journnl reporter, nnd had considerable to say concerning Oregon and Salem. Ills vlows, whllo thoso of a stranger, aro also tho vlows of a trn'ncd obsorvor. and for onco wo are ablo "to see ourselves aB oth ers see us." Asked concerning his Impressions of Snlem, Mr. Lumloy said: "You have a vory pretty and growing city here. That, of . course, I prosumo you havo heard beforo," ho said with a smile, "but I really moan it. "Most state cnpttalB aro given ovor to n sort of dry rot It scorns to bo tholr unlvorsnl fate. Hero, howovor. It soeniw to me thnt tho richness .of the surrounding country nnd tho innrveloMii rap'dlty with which tho largo holdings aro bolng cut up that growth Is bolng forced upon Salem, whether sho will or not. Tho city Is at nbout the right dlstnnco from Port laud to bo the legitimate contor of n lnrgo agricultural community, and I wlh to say right hero that perma nent prosperity and rolldlty can havo no better resource. "Liberality on tho pnrt of locnl merchnitU who do not havo to pay the cxpenso of a Portland establish ment, should offset tho dlfforenco In grofs snlos, and It should bo easy for them to keop tholr trndo In Sa lem, nlwnys. given thoy mnlntntn n liberal policy and up-to-dnto wares. Your prosperous farmer la much more of n connoslotir thnn ho Is crde'ted with bolng. T obsorvo n hoalthy tondoncy to imnrove tho thoroughfnros of tho c'ty. and upon tho ndvontago of thlsl aim mo extension ami rnnuuunn,nca or country roads too much stress can not ho laid. It Is those roads and n network of suburban enr linos that bring tho country trafllc lo tho city which Is IU contor and distributing point. Tho foroslght that laid out tho 2! beautiful expanse of lawns about your public buildings is an oxnmpio of good Judgment too "oldom mot. iTIint on.- featuro will, In time, make Salem noted among coast cities. nrnualntanro tells mo that they usod to Krow hay on thoso plazas for tho lire department liornos. Tho hay may ' havt been useful, but tho delight to , the h'rnngo eye that llos In thoso lawns will ndvortixo you an mllon of i prosn r plrtures nnd printing could not. 1 ' I see also a disposition to inako tho most of the romnrkablo natural menus of boautlfloatlon of tho city. 1 Whore there Is audi u wealth of In 'dlgenniis Horn It Ih tho pnrt of wis-1 do in to employ It. Too many north-1 ' orn cltlos strive for tropical offects, 'nnd the rostilt Is only a painful lm-i ttntlon Your systom is boat nnd 'should ln ptishod to IIh limit. Woll Ikept. tidy and boautlful grounds aro, I a delight und a source of legitimate and honoat prldo. i "Wlint about Oregon? I This Is n marvelous state It doss i not realize Its own richnoss and ' wealth It Is almost unhnrassed by insect petts or dstructlv stormB; it ' noods llttlo In tho way of Irrigation I for the most pnrt; Its soil Is nonpa reil, and IU future U as brltt us tany hedlon or s'mllar area of which I know "Our btixliiBM. of oouno. Is prlnel iallv fast of the iiiountHlns. but sej J do i oiiaiuernuie on tin siue. ana we ' J , f onnlil. r It a growing one. It U for , h purpose of Judging IU Immed'nto HORSES MADE ASSES OF THEMSELVES A tenm ot horsos hitched to tho runnlg gears of a wagon got frlght oned at a passing enr yesterday ovon 'ng and raced up Stnto stroot. Tho driver, who was Bitting on tho roach, fell off nnd hie two frightened nnl mals took tho bits in tholr tooth and were bent upon stringing tho rig all ! ovor tho country, and thoy would probnbly havo succeeded had not a ' long freight train passed up tho road ! nbout tho tlmo they nrrlved at tho In-. terscctlon of Stnto nnd Twolfth i streets, causing thorn to shy Into a ' treo. Tho wouldbo wngon smnshoro woro apparently satisfied after run-J ulng Into tho treo, as they meandered over tho nursory lawn, and began to J crop grass. Tho driver escaped In- Jury, but his dander was cotiBldor-1 nbly rllod on account of tho action of , two undignified horsos. o i III!1 efS .iWl!.KI' TSiPi1' mm l0O-i n Xot mm AtrOIIOIi3rGlt CENT ANSclnl'IclVcrkirallonlbr' slmllallngilicroodamltoula lin (lie Stomachs anJUoTlsof CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. mVWUWMi f VUtjo ' BALLOON MAKES GOOD FLIGHT! (United rrtM VfM VTlr. North AdaniB. Ma s April 29. -Aftor ilvo hours' flight, a balloon In wli'oh A. Holland Forbos and Clifford Hamon nBcondcd horo early today, I landed nt Wnterbury, Conn., accord ing to meftflagoa rccolvcd In North , Adams. Tho arconnuts mnlntnlncd an alii-1 tudo of G00O foot throughout tho niht gina o that outdoor oxorclio Is noodod by thu Amorlcan pooplo. That's all vory woll, but how can pooplo with rhou matlBm follow that advlco? Tho &n Bwor 1 slmplo uro Bal lord's Snow Linlmont and tho rhoumatlsm (Hill go; leaving you as spryjis a colt, Qlvos quick and pormanont rxiltaf from rheumatism, nour'algla, lamo back and ull pains. Promoles DigratlonJChcc tftJ ncss ami Itcst.Coutalns neither OpUmi.Munihtae norMincral ISOTNAUCOTIC. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ., Signature of jvaftXJikSmwxm IbrftotStrd' JbtMtt&fa-.hbttmt Apctfcct Hcmcdy for CoroHf turn . Sour Stonvdi.Dlarrtsa WnVms.Coit-ulslons.Vctnrfr ncssmuILossorSLEEP. FbcSinntc SignaWrt oT NEW YOttK. SKTstviri I i i.-iU.l.'iunlna 'iL?.f!ii uunraniccttiuw"Mni.-'j-jp iiaJtt YY Qf Bi v j uarantccdt Exct Copy of Wrapper In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Mi Cannon tnklng up golf shows that smoking big blnck cigars, nnd falling to rocognlzo congrosiimcn on tho floor of tho houso doca not glvo him Hiifllclont oxorclso. o Tito Cirr Fulf Bearing Orchard Tracts If if la i .SIZES TO SUIT PURCHASER" Winter Apples and Royal Ann Glierries RICH BOTTOM SOIL 3 MILES NORTH OF SALEM. Enquire of owner at Capital National Bank. WftJIlIBIHHf f HHllf lHH lll lf ncrebn: finds It necessary at all tlmus An to koop his muooles nnd Joints sup ple. That Is tho reason that hup dreds of thotn koop a botMo of Bal lard's Snow Linlmont always on nam! A euro euro for rhoumatlsm, outs, nprulns, soro throat, lnmo back, pontrnclod muscles, corns, bunion and all points. Prlco 26c. 50c und $1.00 per bottlo. Bold by all dealers. I! Summer Rates East I! Bpoakor Cannon Is going In for golf. Mnybo ho wants a Carnoglo modal boforo ho retires that Is, of course, providing ho ovor doos. DOCTO 1 '!! ADVISED 1 operatic;! lUIUNtJ Till: KKAKON 11)00 via tho ' Cured by Lydia H.P! nUbuL'.'s' Beer Sold in Carload Lots. Shipments in Kegs or Bot tled Beer to any Point on the Pacific Coast : : : : I Brewing Plant and Offices On Trade St.. In Wholesote District Salem, Oregon j Krowih that I hav bn travellnR ynnMnyt, Cnmniut.-ii iy easy wacaB i utwmuiv wuiiiutuiu I am iensi wun , ,,.,w j,.ltt, M, fur sumo weeks (Iroirnn " Mr Lumloy loft this morning for! Portland, form whM k Jotirnsys to Sjttikane. BASEBALL BATS FROM THE PLATE $mw) mat mf rSQB9WMf CII m B I 2. -I Ji. ' I uni'ri' lily fnxuKui. ii.t In .ii a i' liiutluii ;iiAl ll. HI, vrt. . I r i ii ' ii ii :. &viral Hood intontlond citizens maris bonU prstllotlonB that baso ball would be a gamo of the past rtaortly. Prom the app&araneo of tho D00O fans who attondod the flrct gaiua in Portland, bnsoball is gradu ally booomlng the only game. Truck Htjan. the man who former ly played with Oakland, and who was In tho habit of maMaoroing tho ball, has not brought the fans to their reel this season. (loorge Keeton threw his arm out when the Palnnount lads played Jet fer on last Sunday, and wan com lulled to, turn the ball over to Daue. Shows some good bonost work on KfHoa't- part, and Daue kept the box Ir repute for the balance of tho "" .... .... tiitwl ffinlM trrtm rriftti flTwl liMrluf Heyser and Jerraan on their succets . . curlim the worst forms of ii ffling.SrtSr.k SSfikS" ' 'e St taelfo 5 du;bSm8,u kL! ?lyW,Vff?!tofo'amitl0' "broicf tumors, irrfgu. bo rwt the fir t and only aggregotlon ianUeMriodIc pains, backacle. Uar at winners on a Salem diamond, and i,,,..,!,....,', iir,J Hniiirv inAuu. playwl the saion out. . th.n audrierrousnrostratioii. Itcosts but a trifle to try It. and the result lias been worth millions to many tor eur. My . ' Mill Um v a i Jippt aw mi i niuklmm's c ll- ('Dlllpt II. I . ll J tin now m 1 .ui J U Mfll Uiilllrtli." J KMIIA l'HM't l. ! ll UllIT )HTIllI(ll AOl(('(l. (iii a'u. III. -"I want woiikii ti. ni'W hat tlwt wonderful mm.' n.t l.di4 II. llnkhain's VegeUblc ( in iMiir.ii has ituiiu for mm Tho of H Ui diK-trs in Chieago twid I n l dif if I did not have an oporation. .ma I never thought of freeing a well da, again. I Iwila small tumor and fciiml troubles so tliat I suifered day hm) night. A frlitud recoiiimeiMlwl J.)ilu K. Ilnkharn'u Vegetablw L'omci.til, ami it made mo a woll woman." hi rs Ai.vkna Hi'kkmko, 11 Itngdoi) ht., t hUago. III. rinklam's vegetable Com. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. KUO.M HAM!M 'To OMAHA and return $61,6,5. To KANSAS CITY and return $61,65 To ST, LOUIS and return $69,15 To CHICAGO and rotun $74,15 and to othor prlnolpnl oIUob in tho Must, Middle West und South. Corruspondlngly low faros, OX HAliK JUNK B, Sis JUIjY a, 11; AIK1UHT II, la' To DENVER and return $56,05 On Halo May 17, July J August II Going tmnslt limit 10 days from dBte of snio, final rolurii limit Ootober 31st. These ticket present some vory utlruotlvo features In tho way of stopover privilege and oholao of routes; thoruhy onnbllng pnssou gers to make side trips to many Intorestlug polntH on roulo. Homing on the return trip through California may be had nt nj alight advance over the ratea quoted. Pull particulars, sleeping oar reservations und tlokols will bo fur nished by any Soutjiorn Pacific local agent, or McMUIUtAY, cn-rl riuuiongor Agi'iit, Portland, Oregon, VM. !S iutiiieiiiiti hH-f iiicago, II J.ydla K. f'huBv" farpv wan In tha eamO I with the same lengthy pair of legs , Sunday The nrt tlmo up ne awai-t 0 jring womeju DISCOHOL CURES LIQUOR HABIT New medical prtbaratloo In ll'juld and wiwiiir forma. Tlit only known rwedr AICOUOI QIMIKi. -mu V uir " .-., -, fur knowlMJi. eocoa or ullk without patlrnt a FDFF SUCCESS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED PDCP f 1 I JMrfl I'WmUKH Of TlllH VM.VAIU.tt I IVLL i im.1. utnioisr. ru im uiviss away vuhh A HixaUAit baa lattlr dUaarertd s utw uedlelot for tii ture of ilia drink uablt. IX) run wlah a Darkaitai If iou bava lu your family loluf butnl, or luaiiuc in utiaciBUK . tuii wiiD a Dariaitai ii iuu ut f.k.a ..iTw . K.n urli.. la tflvlritf Vf.il fri.uhi. I u', -I. t. '.. 1 ir.l ir.n tlila f1lajaaji ,11 llfit haallalfl A UlttlliaUt. bill act at oat. Altubct bai tbU rlrllui In bla clutcbta aod It uofurtuoita una la not ablt to Mtai blti. lilKCOIIOI. baa cured tbuuaamla and will eur- any ona Ulonslnc to roe. Wrlta to ua at auc. before it la too late. It la suarapttcd barm leaa and lu effecta are poaltlee. If you wUU free treatment and f urllier Inntrue tiona. fill out tuaima below and mull to ua. Iou't bealute, aa (be 500 paekatea will aoon be Vlren away and eacb Mrtber package will oat It. NOW you can aecura one KliKK. Cut out Ibla Couimju. Hend It today. Bent in plain wrapper. Ooufioa lor xt Drink-Haiti Ourt. Nam Addreaa...... Mall tbta Coupon ta TUB UEUKIy AHHOCIATION 82 Kaat lUlat Ht New York. N V I jw t ! intaif nnn f unuumi iia leu io uau lur a iwouajjci. i