r-gri JE'iMiil.'.i 'J s-:w.-i.;UKW3r,tFflCMSV,.JS. DAILY CAPITAL JOUItaAL, SALEM, ORKGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1000. II REFUSES TO SIGN BILLS GOVERNOR GILLETTE THINKS "IT IS GRAFT buortunonto. April 29 Whllo Gov ernor Gillot refused to hIrii iiHHuinbly bill 223, by which a Judge could ro vlow tho testimony of u grand Jury and set nsldo Indlctmonts nt hlB pleas uro, with tho last baton of npprovod bills wnlcn reached the rnpltol at inldnli;lit, JuBt In time for filing with tho secretary of state, wore Wheolnri's bills numbers 221 and 222 by which the proceeding of grand Juries shall bo reported by an official stenograph er and a copy of mo full proceeding dolivoro dto the Indicted defonduut upon arraignment. That tho gover nor's purpose in signing those bills was to glvo what ho consldors a nquuror deal to tho defendant ns tho direct outgrowth of tho San Fran cIbco' graft cases, was tno statement of (llllott'H prlvnto socrotnry, E. C. Cooper, today. Cooper stated that thoro had bcon a great deal of protest against bill 223 and tho governor did not sign it for tho reason thnt ho belloved it would open tho wny to further tech nical errors in criminal canus, ns It would bo up to tho Judgo to rule on the sufficiency of ovidenco nnd ha would bn given solo authority to up hold or dismiss tho Indictment. Itegardlng tho other bills by which tho defendant tuny secure a full in flight into tho procoodlngs of tho grand Jury which indicted him, upon arraignment, Hecrotnry Coopor stat ed: Thoso bills wero tho outgrowth of tho San Francisco graft cases. In tho past the district attorney has been present nt nil times nt grand Jury sessions nnd ho has boon under no obligation of secrecy. Ho can glvo and mnko public tho testimony when ever he wants to. Ho can glvo away nil tho secrets of thd grand Jury. Tho result Is that a" district attorney when ho deems It desirable to the ends of tho prosecution, can give out such procccdlngsas might servo to lnflamo tho public mind. "And while thoso socrets may be givon out, tho defendant has no jnoans of knowing or finding out what actually occurred in tho grand Jury room. If tho statements given out wero fnlso tho dofendnnt would have no moans of proving it or as certaining its correctness." I 'rank DrniHvr, Illblo Lecturer. Of Brooklyn, N. Y., will deliver two lectures nt W. C. T. U. hall, cor nor of Commercial and Ferry stroets, Friday, April 30, at 7:45 p. m. Sub ject: "Why Jobub Comes Again," and again Sunday, May 2, at 7:45 p. in. Subject: "Whon and How Josub Comoa again " Undenominational. Seats free No collection. DESERTERS GET OTHERS TO ENLIST San Francisco, April 29. George Lubentbnl, said to bo a desorter from the United States navy with a long prison record, is in Jail here today charged with impersonating a United States naval officer in n unlquo swin dling schomo in San Jose. Lubonthal le said to have gone to San Jose, accompanied by an assist ant, clad In tho uniforms of naval recruiting officers. Ho rented n handsome office nnd unfurled thn American flag from the building. i rom tins omce the operations or the pair wero conducted. Advertise ments for naval rocrults brought many nnswors und a local physician was employed to examine tho appli cants. When thoso recruits were passed monl tickets woro issued to them In tho most approved govern ment form, payments being made by check on the Mnro Island paynmstei. Merchants of Snn Joso woro In duced to pay cash commissions for extensive ordors upon the ropreuuti tlon thnt Lubonthal was a nuvul pur chasing ngont. His correspondence was conducted on paper that In said to have been official statlonory. At his hotel nnd In other plncos ho cash ed checks on tho United Stnlou treas ury for various amounts. Tho amount ho secured in Snn Jose is said to bo 15000. Sunday ho disappeared nnd an investigation started. At n late hour last night Lubon thal was urrested In n Pacific strcot dlvo by Detective Thomas Ilurko of tho local police and Doputy Sheriff MUlhall of Snn Jobo. Investigation of his record revealed tho fact that un der the tintno of 1-red Smith ho was sontenced to Folsom for n burglary committed in itlvorslde, nnd thnt ho served tlmo In tho Snntn Clara county Jnll for obtaining money under false pretention. Ho desertod from tho U. S. S. In dependence, having been nsslgned to thnt vessol April 1. Tho dny boforo his enlistment no Is said to have boon released from prison at Greeley, Colo, When arrested lie bad In his posses sion two spurious treasury checks. To one of theso, for $2040, tho sig nature of Pnwnnstor Ilalph Wilson of Mare Island hnd been forged. Tho other bore the forged nnmo of Pay master f.lllott, and demanded $3708 'New Incorporations. Articles of incorporation were filed in the office of Frank W. Denson, secretary of state, April 28, ns fol fel fol eows: M Senudcrs & m., Inc., principal office Albany; capital stock, $20, 000; Incorporators, M. Senders, A. G. Sender's and Adolph Senders. The Cream Store, principal office Portland, cnpltnl stock, $50,000; In corporators, G. M. Drown, A. F. Dick- ford nnd J. H. Joyce. Eastern Oregon Light nnd Power Company, principal office Daker City; capital stock, $1,500,0.0; Incorporat ors. Hay Nye, F. A. Harmon nnd John L Hand. Harney Vulloy O.l nnd Gns Com pHii, principal office Hums; capital stock. $2,000,000; Incorporators, J. C. Turney, Homor Denmun and M. Valerius. Waltham Investment Company, principal offlco Portland; capital stock, $10,000; Incorporators, Ed ward Cooklnghnm, S. U. Linthlcum and Walter Mnckay. o KennoJy'B Laxatlvo Cough Syrup is freo from all opiates and it cures :hn cold by gently moving tho bowels. It 's especially recommended for chl1 dren, as It tastes nearly as good ns maple sugn.. Wo soil and recommeud it. Sold by nil druggists. N0RRIS & R0WE SHOWS ARE HERE Shrieking bis rollicking roundelay, a monster mnrcncu through tho town; Ho woko tho enchoes, disturbed tho poaco and shouted dcflnnco to tho pollco; Ho frightened tho horses, annoyed tho dogs, and oven tho nutos trom- blcd. Hut tho youngsters rejoiced at the din ho mado and followed his wny with glee, As youngstors have done since In Hamelln town, another plpor of high renown Crontod havoc across the soa, so latter-day chlldron are wont to bo unirnuceu uy tno singing cnl-I-o-pe, SYNOPSIS OF TUE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE ' ORFGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION, a mutual fire insurance assocla Uon. of McMInnvme, in the state of Oregon, on the 31st day of December, 1908, made to tho Insurance Commissioner of the state of Oregon pur suant to law: . ' A9SETS. Stocks nnd bonds owned ? JS'nnn"! Vnlue of real estate and mortgages 12,000.00 Loans on bonds and mortgages no"0?? Cash on hand and in banks . .. 4J.OSi.od Promulms In course of collection nnu in ,rtnnn.. transmission 12'?22'22 Amount of nil other assets j.iou.uu Total admitted assets LIABILITIES. Gross amount of losses roported nnd unpaid $ 2,000.00 Amount of unearned premiums on outstand ing risks nono Amount of an o.ner liabilities "one Total liabilities Amount of cash recoivod with applications INCOME. for insurance during the year $ 50,711. 03 Amount of cash received from assessments levied 49,431,13 Amount of cash recolved from all other souroos 0,192.41 Totnl Income ' EXTENDI i UltKS. Amount paid for losses during the year.... $ 79,953.25 Amount paid officers and directors nnd of- flco holp 10,458.40 Amount of all other expenditures si, 247.51 Total expenditures BUSINESS IN OREGO. I-OU THK lliAll. Amount of proporty nt risk December 31st, 1907 $27,G78,943.00 Amount of risks added during tho yenr 11,872,743.00 Amount of risks cancelled, withdrawn or terminated during tho year 8,707,547.00 Not amount of risks by tho Company December 31st, 190S 30,784,139.00 Largest amount of Insurance carried on any one risk 4,000.00 B. F. RHODES, Pros. W. C. HAGERTY, Sec. $ 150,636,35 2,000.00 I $ 112,335.17 99,059.10 Tho auctioneer knocks down ut most overythlng ho touches, and yet nobody Bccms to mind it. o- rinWItf'o Pnrinlln,l Wltth 11-. t Snlvo is erpoclally good for piles. I 8ould by all druggists. ' Tho Rcd-Rock of Success During tho spring every ono would bo bonoflttod by taking Foloy's Kid ney Remedy. It furnishes a needed tonic td tho kidneys aftor tho extra strain of wintor, nnd it purifies thi blood by stimulating tho kldnoys, and , causing thorn to eliminate tho Impurl. t'oB from it. Foloy's Kidney Remody I imparts now Ilfo and vigor. Plwu ont to taka. For oalo by J. C. Perry Pcoplo past middle llfo usually havo somo kldnoy or bladder disorder that saps tho vitality, which is natur ally lower In old age. Foley's Kld noy Remedy corrects urinary trou bles, stimulates tho kldnoys, and re stores strength and vigor. It cures uric acid troubles by strengthening tho k'dnoys so thoy will strain out tho uric acid that Bottles In tho mus cles nnd Jo'nts causing rhoumatlsm. For salo by J. C. Perry. People who nro carried away on a wave of vnthuslnsm usually hnvo to wnlk back dry shod. Westward, the Course of Empire Takes Its Way So Sang the Wise Prophets of Early Days-Again We Repeat the Warning WEST SALEM, HO! ! W Let Us Briefly Describe This New Western Country )t T Ok I Z$k W LIoh Just ncross the river within 1000 5 Js JL Zm JL JL JL (imt ot "l0 Htoul ur,(,Ku' A crushed irknltn wnlk unil mnk rnml liwul frmn tho approach of tho bridge to the center of tho town Several hundred people already reside in this picturesque town, forming a small municipality with lt usual goiiorai merchandise Btoro and school house .Many beautiful residence lme been built In WEST SALEM, with well kept lawns nnd enro fullv attended gardens The streets are high and dry and built of solid formution. From WEST SALEM tho view of the Capital City Is unexcelled from any local polut of vuntugu. At Its foot lies tho "Beau tiful Wlaiuett" Itlver. On the banks nro tall shade trees giving rest to tno weary and a oovo In tho embankment permits boating. Telephone service the same iim you got In Salem has long boon Installed In WEST SALHM. Arrangements are now praotloally oloHml for a U 1-hour oleulrlo light service to bo Installed Immediately. In W108T bALHM there are ho bllml. no oyolonu. no drought, no ehlntt bugs, grasshoppers, locusts, oodllu moth, or iiiloiottwt. Startling evidence cuClots everywhere that WHST SALHM has been loeatod upon h part of the lost OAKUmX OF HUHN. An Ideal home site, ease of accessibility, beauti ftilb lam out and prosperous. W'SV SALHM foruiM a combination which Is bound to renult In rapid growth, offering h good opening fir small trades. FltOM AN INDUSTRIAL STANDPOINT. WHtfT SALKM Is hoIdlHg her owh. Already the work of building the Salem. Falls City ami wtr railroad has nnigreel to wlthlii two miles of her limits. When ihU road is ootopleled WIC8T SALKM will be tho terminus of a twonty-flvo-mlle railroad leading from Falls City, through Dallas to WttST SALKM. Rills City has a population of about 1S00. Tho wage ro.i Is about $50,000 per week. LumbwlHg U the principal Industry Falls Clly taw u oontlguous tor ritor of BIN TOWNSHIPS. eoututulUK over SHVHN BILLION FWKT OF MAltKKTAlL.rt TIMBKlt. Tho output of thla ItumeHM iHditatry wi reach W8T SALHM when the railroad Is completed .which Is under contract to bo flnUhw! about June or July, .his ywr. At VST SALWM the now railroad will build a iwiwenger depot In the town. North of tho town tho eompany will rooi switching yards, re pair shop, and terminal fntdltlea. Not only tho hmmno uilumo of busluess offored from timber re soumm b.lt heavy shipnumtH form Ulakroall and Derry of hops, frv.lt. llvestook. merehandise. ew.. will well the tldo of trafflo wn1hic to WHST SALHM uy hundreds of thousands of pounds of freight. ANN- 10US READER! Tho era of gonulno prosperity for WEST SALcM Is certainly at hand. Read tho hnndwrltlng on tho commorclnl wnll! Stop, look uml llstcnl THE W.KU8 BROS. INVEa...riNT CO.. with u watchful oye, has seized upon this hanging plum, plucked tho ripe fruit and nre mw rondy to place this rloh investment, upon tho market Marketing WEST SALfJM will combine pleasure with profit. YOU ARE OFFERED FIRST CHOICE OF YOUR OWN SELECTION of over ninety (90) lota in WEST SALKM nnd one hundred and nlnety-fivo (195) lots In WATERS ADDITION adjoining WEST SALEM on tho west. Botween WATEIth' ADD1WN and tho hills adjacont to the town Ho twenty-fivo (25) ncros, out into small tracts ranging from 1.38 to 3.22 acres. The Waters Bros. U.vcti.u-ut Co. has but ONE P.,.N. Thoy are the originators of the low install inont plan m M,cco.fully carried ont Miuth of Sulo.n. hor. nearly riftpon litmtlrctl acres have been cut into fho-acro tnicts iuiU wild out in phenonionally short time. WEST SALEM shall share tho same plan of low installment. Ilore tho m.rklngmuii, tlu. More clerk, tho homo builder, the investor can M-euro Ideal lots on low installment payment. Easy payments make It posslnle for iieoplo of moilemte means to build .or tlieiUM.Uos a homo. Tho terms are the miiio as usiml on all Waters Bros Invest moot Co.'s .amis: $. doun and !$ per month, 1. .out Interest, you to pay the taxes Wo are m.dys an. you? Buy mm. Plek out the hes,. All lots soil for tho .amo price. No dis tinction, home are larger than others. The corner lots Ko for the smo ,lce as Inside lots The roll- AWIHTuS. W,U W"' M,,,,,U lMlf " llh,CU f M,l",, f ,IU,S,, lm',' ,UUl H,,l,IU f"r b,cks of WATERS TO 10IWVIM, CLlCRIiS AND WOKKIXCMIKN! Ilm is tho chance of lifetime to secure a home f.,r joursehes Boy on tl.o low installment plan ut of your ungos ,my for a home. Where else can you get the same termsV Remember ,o pay no huerest on deferrtsl pay,UWs. If you miss a iwy ,..o..t your home half ,l, for lll not Im taken from ou ,ul sold , other ,stles. SO UF 1)1' U, TT WI1lTIIL,:U;,l SAI' ,f ,h, lu"n" M,wvt' t suit ,.. call at our offl-e oVer the Lndd Ji Bush Bank uml wo will arrnngo terms to suit your coinenloiico. Tho Waters Bros, lutnuu.t Co. aro tho originators of tho low Installment ,. Wo 0d in up building. Our record south of Salem souks for our success iu this Hue. Wo will erect a now office building at WEST SALRM within u few Ili !.... . ..... hand to show ,o oer tho pnm,ls,.s. In the meantime call or address: ' ' "" W,H B WATERS BROS. INVESTME COMP 1 j Ntgg3 i ROOMS 16 AND 17, OVER LADD & BUSH BANK TELEPHONE MAIN 16 SALEM, OREGON aaSSHMiH zsnxstasnr . t