kmmJ irtnwirwA9x4wi DAILY OAMTAX JOURNAL 0AJUBM, ORSQON, WBDNE&hAY, APitUj 28, 1000. JL - , Some Base III to. EFalmonHt' WaBglvntK!c6illttla iffplBg up by tho Jpfferio. lads last Monday. Most teams do got bumped when they figure on something easy. -TIiobo Whlto Diamonds wore eoundly thrashed Ia8t Sunday by Hey cr nnd Jorman'g team, but, at that, tho Portland lads desorvo credit far working so hard. Johnson, ono of Portland's most foxy players, must have swatted that ball something horrlblo to mako It tako tho Wright Bros, routo whon Portland took tho closo garao Sun day. Poto I'ligh, ono of Bnlotn'a mo-it Classified Ads FOR HALE For Bale A first-class socond-lmnd buggy, cheap, Inqulro at Journal offlco. 3-16-tf FOR 8ALK Splendidly improvod dairy farm; fully equipped. Ap ply W. I). Qllson, 344 State. Will , tako flomo city proporty. 3-20-tf For Balo G-room houso, 8 lots, bam, chicken park, fruit, and borrlos, good well. Terms. J. D. lloan, Twontloth and Leo stroots 4-0-lm For Hale Out roBca at Hamilton green houso, Yow Park; will be . thoro nftornoons only. 4-22-tf Ftao I)t Two blocks north of tho sUto liouso. Call at 382- North Capital stroot. 1630. . L 4-21-lw ForHnhit Now upright piano; In ubo but a fow months; will soil at bar gain, Inquire I). W. Gibson. 24-w IiVr Hnlo-L-Ono good milch cow. N. O, Jorgchnou, Ono-half mile south of ChomiWa. 4-24-lw For'Balo :Flno frosh JorBtjy cow, 8o'o irHnAimgartnor, closo to Fair I OroundB storo. i-20-3t j I)V)r Hnlo 8ocond-bnnd carriage. Al-J no necond-hnnd dnniblo sot of liar-. nosK, nt Low's Htables, 4-20-lw For Hnlc A good carpet loom. Boo, Jonoph Albrlch, Church Ntruut Hloro noroHH from High School. l-27-:il For Hub For 275, good lot on N. Cottngo struut. Inquire 0C3 N. Winter stroot. Phono D87. "l-27.3t For Sulo (lontle driving horHo, wolghs HOC, young, good travonr. woll bred, nafo for ladles, not nfrnlil cars, autoinobtloHi rubber tired buggy nnd h annum. Call FnHhlon HtnbleM. 1-27-31 FoTHnle 1300-lb., all purposo ImrHo Light iiprlug wagon. Joivoy hoi for, 2 gal. jter tiny, S2C- F. W Camp boll. It. No. '4. liiix fi I II. 4-27-Ut wanticii RoMiicrs Wnnted At 578 Bt'ito strcot. 3-tf-lm Wantl 25 mon, hop yard work. Krobs llr'tm lVush-Ilroyman build ing. Phono 121, 3-lS-tt Wnntrtl -To trndo good houso and halt ncro with scmo fruit, barn and chicken park, In Jacksonville, tho homo town, for unimproved farm land. Will pay ensh for part. II. T Burnett, Jacksonville, Oregon. 1-2-1 mo Wnntod Manager for brunch of Jlce wo wish to locate hero in 8n loin. Address tho Morris Whole sale Uoiiho, Clnclnntl, Ohio. 4-8-lm Wniift'dSnlosiunii to shII hlgh-gnvle numnry jjlouk. Iiuiuiro W. W. Wnllior. Marion County Nursory Co. Phono rs i-rt-U Wmitctl Hxporlouuuil wnttrtttw Wil liiliiuttu Hotel. 4-'26-3t l'XHt 1UWT. For Rout Two light hoiiBO kooplng room, iiiltnblo for two, Qhoup. llranth llotl. Phone 903. 4.24-3t in 1 1 i i i i Ftii- Tttutt - FnruUtittil housekuuplug rtHiiiiH. l.o Court street. Phono 64 4. . . 1-atUt For IteiitrrllousakMplug rooius, jb ground floor. 1528 Awylutu ntQuuo. i-26-at l-r Rent 7-roo.m Iioubo with bno iuoiiL hot und cold water, eluo- trln llghU. Call at 560 N. High street. 4-ao-st IjOUQK directory. Crjx""rw Union No. ttMia Locl Union No. 10B5 of Carpenters and Jolnont of America meet ever Sat urday erenli g it 7:30 p. m. In Hearst hall. 430 Btate Street A. W. Douuls, Bee, Bit Ctntrtil Lodge N". Il, K. of V. Cattle hall lu r'almau block, ear ner State and Liberty streets, Tuesday of each eok at 7-30 d. m. Oscar jonnson, u. c; K. u Anderson. K. ot H and 8. MHleni WtHHlmrn I AinfriM Ore gon Cedar Camp Nj. 5246. Meet every Thursday vvenlng at o'clock In Holinau hall, A. K Bkiber. V, C; A. Turaer, cler. sHH"iTuf WoW Meet every Frl. day nlrtt at 1M9, U Holraan sail. A. L, Htrvey, aOiUH. mrt r, Clerk Uu. If. . ardent fane, saw tho game In Port li'iid last euflOay Pete, If a dlack skiitb, with fin, arm like a piece of steel, but Bays be backs up when It comes to batting a baseball over tho Portland fence. Poto also said e though of holloring when J6hason did tho stunt, but didn't boo any use, whon his volco sounded like a mcro snueak. Portland on top, with something easy on tap all this week. j i 2-0 favor of Portland yesterday. Oh, that's fair nuf. Iloro Is whore tho Pacific CoaBtors stand: Portland 030 BUSINESS CARDS. Mrs. Munscy -Fnshlonoblo dress making, Work dono on short no tice and reasonable. Phono 034 350 South 17th stroot. 4-G-lm Uvery nnd Food Htnbl'-s Old offlco Stables, at 254 Ferry Btroot, botwoon Commercial and Front ntrcots. Totopbone JS8. Borne of tho finest livorlcs in tho city can bo found hero. Wstacott & John eon. tf CAPITAL RAKERS. Prop, Dread, cako, pics, and all kinds of pnBtrlos, cookloa, otc. Wntch for our wngon. Phono 054. 11-10-tf Tio Klkhend 8al6oii Crouch & Nena Props. (Successors to W. II. An dorson) 1C3 Commercial St. Liq uors und clears of tho best brands. 3-19-3mo HUTT1CRNUT IIRKAD. It Is worth inoro than any other broad, yet tho prlco Is no hlghor. For Hnlo at your grocor'n. Califor nia, Bakory, Thomas & Cooloy, Prps CiiinniliiH llroH.' Tnuisfer Company- All kinds of trans for work dono furniture nnd pianos boxed-ready for shipment. Prompt torvlco Is our motto. Stand und olllco at 2G3 South Commercial strcot Phono 210. lluHidoncu Phone llutto .Vi Wendorodi Flno wines, liquors nnd cigars. Wo handle tho colobrnted ICollog and Cnstlo whiskies. Cool and rofreohlng boor constantly on draught. South Commorclnl street 0-3-lyr. Hydo HroM. Etvctrle Co. Hlectric supplies and first-clans wiring at reasonable prices. Call at our offlco for estimates. Phono 451 . 143 N. Liberty stroot. 1-12-tf WMigortt Cliorringtoii Plnnos and orgnns sold on onsy tonus; tolo piion" 1187; 247 Stroot, 8nIom. Oregon tf Conrrfio Work Got my prices on sldownlk, curbs, spotlc tanks nnd cvmont work of any kind. All work gunrnuteod first clns. M. Ward, 2378 Maple Ave , Highland. Phono 500. May 24-00 G. F. MASON BOX COMPANY, 247 Miller Ht(, South Salem, iniinu fneturerH of all kinds of boxoH, orntoM and fruit dryer uccoHHorlos. PJiono 3U8 tf Tho South Knlcm Meat Market, ou poslto Dnuo'B store. Froah nd cured meat. Gonoral dollvory Olvo It n trial. Huflman &. Mar tin, props, 3-3-tf SALK.M WATER COMPANY. OFFICE CITY IIAMj. For water servloo apply at offlco. Bills payable monthly In ndvnnco. .Mitrloyii Omnty lhudo)imut nnd fNillfvUon Agency Help fur nlshod fre to nmployers. prompt attOHtlou given to collections. Of lle room 4. over Hush bunk. 4-26-2W New Harbor Shop WUh to Wiy to lh puoplo mat 1 havo opened u barber shop at lull 7 Asylum avenue and will KUHrantuo hII flrat-elnsw work, and willeit a share of your patron age. Nydiie) M. Uunb. 4-27-lw TON8ORIAI1. Stnntoit .Si KcIiuU'n Plucw 37R Court street, for up-to-dnto work. Baths, cigars and tobacco. First class Hhiuor In annnectlnn. All work n spcolulty Call on us. 4-1-tf II. O. .Meyer .M Co rTho best nnd Inrg twt shop lu tho cltv Six tlrst-olnsa barbers Onfy flrst-olnsa bootblack In city, porcelain baths nnd evory thlug pertolnlugto u flrst-elnsa shop- Also carry u full lino of cigum and tobacco, aud barbers' supplies, te: Commercial street. next door to Statesman omen. 4-6-tf Pl.UMMKUa Tiieo. ,m. iiwrr Plumbing, tun and steam heating and tlnnjntf, 164 Commercial street. Phone Main 183. -llr M. j, Petscl Plumbing, steam and ga fitting Successor to Knox 4 Murphy, 83 CommorcUl street Otto Muellhaupt, plumbing, heating, gtia fitting: prices reasonable, work guaranteed, estimated furnished, phone 373. 1066 Chemeketa St. 3-17tf MJMCKLIANOU8 CVttM-Mt V.'ork 8ptlc tank, cemoat wrlks and foundations. All work guaranteed Hary Rowe. 'Phone 168J 4-33-lra San Francisco C07 Los.Aagoles 5,19 Sacramento 600 Vernon 385 Otkland 375 ARNOLD SAYS HE IS NOT HINDOO OR VOODOO United Press Leased Wire. Tncomn, April 28. Uov. Benjamin Logan, who earns his livelihood by conducting ovnngellstlc meetings In various parts of this city, Is hold In tho county Jail today awaiting n hear ing on tho charge of assaulting 11-yonr-old Margaret Hosonfcld. who lias lived in tho Lognn homo for sev eral tnonths. Tho Logan family Is In pltlablo cir cumstances. Tho prisoner hlmsolf Is a victim of tuberculosis and Mrs. Lo gnn Is also vary III nnd accounted be yond medical aid. The child who will net as complaining witness In tho enso was taken from n children's homo several months ago and was to havo beon ndoptcd by tho accused man. -o- Tlie Ctrcw ncreun: finds It necessary at nil tlmue to kcop his munclcs and Joints sup plo. That is tho reason that hun dreds of them keep n bottle of Bal lard's Snow LInlmont always cm hand. A euro euro for rheumatism, cuts, sprains, Roro throat, lame back, contracted muscles, corns, bunion and nil points. Prlco 25c, 50c aal 11.00 por bottlo. Sold by nil dcalors. o Whon n girl falls In lovo with n loafer, wo usually And him tho fdlo of hor honrt. NOTICE! AM, CIIANUCS of copr fr Heal KmntB Attn muHt be In The Journnl Office hy (i o'clock the prenlng before tlit ilny ou which the oil I to appear. r Farms All sizes und prices. Cnll for largo printed lint. City proporty of nil descriptions. See us before buying for bargains. OLMSTHD LAND CO. 'A Ktntc Street. LOOK ATTHKSK HAIKJAINS. G5 ncim good !-rouui houso with hot audcold water, bath, windmill; 2 barns; water piped to baniH and lawn; lu sight of Saluin; 10 noros fine pruiiiw In bearing, 0 ncros of young prune. 7 ucrea flue apple orchard. Just liHglnniug to hour, 3 nuroti young Itoynl Ann cbenlim: tiU, extra fine laud, nil kinds sniall fruits; btHft heme: within 5 mllos Salem; 11 snap; Investigate. 43 nerue, 2 good houses. 20 aeroH (no apple orchard. 1 1 acres Just lu good bearing. 1! acre young rialdwlns. 3 aeree fine young peach trow; will sell all or part, a simp; ou good road; In eight of Salem. Now house and 3 lota, all In fruit, ou ear lino, only $750. 10 and 20 acre tracts. 100 per aero. Fine Iota on Installments. Housus to runt or cell in all parts of Sa lem. If you want anything, suo A. ('. SMITH .V CO., Ml! State St. HAROAI.NS. HAHCAINS. HAIKJAINS. New iHOlloru a-room house, woll built. Itnntry, bath, toilet, sewer, wood lift, large porch, wired for else trlelt, nn a une corner lot Price for a few days. $1300, woll worth $b0U. Look this up. Sevun-Hooiu llou, $t)50, Siwp. $TB0 will buy 5-riHim homo. 3 lot. $100 down, balance on tlmo to suit. , 91M)00. Modern 9-nioin hoiike. kwell torn tlon. 91N(H). Good 7-ronm haue, bath, toilet, sop tc Bower, hot und cold water, gas, barn, plonly of fruit, graded stroot. Price $KS00. Call at 1129 North Cottage or my agents, nechtel & Mlnton. Fruit Tracts. Nice 5-ucro tract Improwd. snap, $1500. !i Acres, Well lmprtHl, f 10(H). 15 aores highly Improved; a rare bargain. $4650 20 acres tine fruit land $65 per acry Funus, 100 acres, fruit or grain land, ou good road, $100 per acre, adjoining land hold at $200 per acre 360 aeree tlno dairy farm. $10,000 For farms any s'io. large or small tracts, rail on us. We can please you. Vacant lots In all parts of the clty We make a specialty of city and country property. HKCKTKL Ji MINTON, Rooms 7-S Dayne DIdg. 341 State St Salem, Or As a healing salve tor burns, sores, sore nipples and chapped hands Chamberlain's Salvo Is most excel lent. It allays tho pain of a burn I nlmoat Instantly, and unless the In 'jury Is very severe, heals tho part without leaving a scar. Prlco 25 cents For rale by, nil good drug gists. Farmer Jones was as pleased as Piunch whon ho heard his son was being tnugbt fencing at college, but whon ho saw tho small Instruments used in the Instruction his pleasure gavo wny to disgust o Wo often wondor how any person lean bo persuaded Into taking any thing but Folcy'B Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung trouble Do not bo fooled Into accepting "own mako" or other substitutes. Tho gon- ulno contains no harmful drugs and Is In a yollow package. For sale i by J. C. Perry. o "By their fruits ye shall kniw thorn," but what about a treo with a dozen different variotios of grafts? o Mr. F. O. Frltta, Oneonta, N. Y , writer: "My llttlo girl was greatly benefitted by taking Foley's Orlno Lax'tlvo, and I think It Is tho best romedy for constipntion and liver trouble" Foloy'o Orlno Laxatlvo is best for women and children, aa It Is mild, pleasant and offectlvo, and ii a splondld spring medlcino, aa It clcanws tho system and clears the complexion. For Balo by J. O. Perry Uonutlfiul 50 acres, 4 miles from city, uu excellent homo. Splondld loca tion, with lot3 ot stock, houso, 3 springs, good buildings, well fenced In 3 Holds. A ftno grnln fnrm to trndo for Snlom or Mnrlon county proporty. Joo Uaudy fnrm lu Palouso county, Wash., GOO acres, 276 In fall wheat, 36 acres In oats, 30 acros lu lino orchard, winter apples, and good buildings, good water, well fonced; trndo for Salem or Marion comity land. A- line hoii-io nnd lot In Pasadena, Cul., 4 blocks from main or bus! nest part of city, to trnde for Sa lem proporty. Hoiiiohold goods, stock of Implements nnd ovory thlng. All kinds of property for snlo or trade. If you want anything nlco call nnd boo me for your wants. R. II. RYAN, Corner of Commorclnl nnd Center StreoU. RKAIi ESTATB. o. 23 20 nores flue land, good hoiuo and bam. other outbuild ings; 3 ncron In orchard; 2 good woIIb; 4 mlloH from Snlom. Prlco $1,250 No. 12812 acres 4 mllos north east from Snlom. nil In cultiva cultiva teon: , -Ucru 111 linrr'nu il.pnnm house, 100 assorted frult'troos, 14 I uhiir mijiti Aims cnorry trees, 1 horse, 2 harnoss, l buggy, l light hack, 2 eows; nil farm Imple ment 1 go with tho place. Prlco $3,600. No. 73 10 ncros, lot 5, Capital Ad dition to Frultland, 6-room box houso, good cellar and well, barn 30x5G, shod 14x40; 400 bushels of fruit picked from 2 acres last sonson; thU placo Is well tiled, Prlco $3000. No. 101 20 acros. all In cultivation, 3 acres orchard, good 5-room houso nnd barn. 2 wolls of water, nenr school and church; soil for $3400 or trade for city proporty, terms. No. 34 5-room house, lot 50x1 op, on 13th street. Prlco $800; terms SAVAOK A IIKRREN, 134 South Commercial Streot. A SPLENDID BARGAIN The Tllmon Ford farm of 320 acres, on Lake Lablsb. five mllos north; 10-room houso, two barns, each 80x40. 120 nores under cultivation, flno fir timber on tho remainder. Oregon Eleotrlc railway runs through tho farm. Immedi ate possession given. Tonus. $23,000. half cash Tnl8 is the grentes bargain wo havo over offered. Land on all sides ot the Tllmon Ford farm is soiling readily at more thau twice what wo aro asking for this splendid farm Land U largely the bottom of an old lake and tho richest land known. This region Is especially adapted to peaches. Is n fortune in this for sorao one wno will buy It and out It up Into small tracts. Nearly enough timber on the place to pay for It. Don't miss an opportunity like this they oome but soldom. Wo can suit you in farm or city property No trouble to show the goods MEYER & BELLE LAND CO. , 4-H at StrwU A KNOOKKR Is a man who can't see good In an person or thing. It's a habit caused by a disordered liver If you find that you aro beginning to sea things through bluo spectacles, treat your liver to a good cleaning out process with Ballard's Herblne. A sure cure for constipation, dyspepsia, Indiges tion, cick headache, biliousness, all liver, stomach and bowol trouble. Sold by all dealers. Mon who spend all they mako of ton don't mako all they spend. Tho world grows no wiser very fast. There 'm the snme premium for tho faker and the bunco artist that there was in tho Garden of Eden PI8lIItIlllIIlt- I ASYLUM AVENUE STORE ? 2 Wo sell all kinds of staple and J fancy grocorles, nnd mill feed, Prompt delivery. Phono us n 2 ' A. J. ENGLEI1ART, Prop. J Cor. Statesman nnd Asylum Av. iiiieiiiifriaiBi HOLLID rEr.'C flocky Mountain Tea Nugguts A Buy Medlolm fct Bmy Feosle. Brtnft QoMec Health on.! aN Vljor. A unerlflo f rCinitlulli. tr-ijN'ln. I.lvf- inil Kiilnt'v Tmulilr. rinijili-i. IV iii". tintiiit ;-lwl, I, ul li.o.Ht. Miir'sii Howl, Iti'iuliicl i .nil I Mel- it v It ti o', M-.-'itl iiu Ton In tnli I form ' r-n1 ' l T C'i"i. itni tnifcl" by l i.-lMfnt Hi' r-i-fr t, Mit.iii .. UHs. "OLDN MU'.CSTS F0 SALLOW PEOPLE GOOD RUYS. I iium 111 iitvurvivw 1 111 h. uuu, 91UU up to 300, on easy terms. $350 for lots on 17th strcot, on car lino. $850 buys a flno S-room modern homo, 4 blocks from business part of town. $700', new 4-room hbuse. $50 por ncro for n choice 122-acro farm In fruit section, 4 miles south; a 'Bnap' $C5 por acre, 107-acre dnlry or stock rnuoh, well Improved, In Ankony Dottom. $100 por ncro for n flno SO-acro farm woll Improved, 3 mllos west of Salem, on good road. Houses for ront. H. A. Johnson & Co. MURPHY RLE. SALKM. ORB. Newport Lots FOR SALE $50 to $300 choice locations Double In vnluo each year. Easy torms nnd most doslrablo location. No whoro In tho stnto of Oregon is proporty Increasing ns fast In value as In Newport. For full Information cnll or wrlto. C.E. SHEFFIELD Newport, Oregon. Only Two Lots left on 19th st.; 4 lota 17th and State at.; lota In Highland Addition, $150 and $200. Soo mo before you buy. E. LUPTON. 1673 State St. 4-2-lra Phone 837 1 1 1 1 1 i It SAM CASTO FAMOUS HORSE TRAINER. Is now located at Canby Oregon, tho boat winter quarters in the North west for training and developing young horses. Sam has room for k few more prospects, cither for tan road or track and would Hko .o communlcato with nnybody wlsblfa their horse trained. Mr. Casto r conceded to bo tho best colt man tho West and his success on tho the Salem track bears out this statement. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Address SAM CASTRO, Cnuby, Oregon. CHICHESTER S PILLS -v tim: iu.jto.Ni iti:M. A y-' I!!ImI AMiorI)rncjllf A Ai'S . .,.'.,,,,"vl-!r'l: ni.irIi,n,rilrniirtV il V i . ' ' '. ' ' " " ' V i?l " -l) ' "lit, r ilnr '-' -mir V I - rr - I , 'lo.Trit'i -U i II" ' r S.l ' -'Rr Gold Dust Flour lU(o by THE SYDNEY FOW KF COMPANY, Pld.iov. Or ro. . Made for fnmlly use. ' Auk your grocer for it. Hraa nnd shorts ahvuyn on liurul4 j P. B. WALLACE, Agt. LINCOLN COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE Sovon nnd one-half acres of upland bordering on doop M'ntor slough, on Ynaulna Day; nil good Innd. Prlco $450. Forty ncres, half way botwoon Now port, Or., nnd Toledo, Or., on coun ty road; ono nnd n half ncros cloar ed with shanty on It; conBtdernblo bottom land; good nldor nnd vino mnplo on land. Prlco $700. Good lovol lot on South Dcach oppo- v slto Newport, Or. prlco $7C. Lot 9, block 4G, at Seal Rocks, Or.; flno vlow of ocean, good lovol lot. Prlco $100. Sovonty-elght ncros nonr Plonoor, Or., nil alongside R. It. track; botwoon sovon nnd eight ncros ot bottom land on It Is clonred; forty good boaring npplo troes; good stono quarry on Innd nonr It. R. Prlco $1800- Two-nere oystor bed nt Oyetor City, an Yauqlna Ray; with this goes half ncro upland lots, Prlco $500. Ton-rQpm houso, 30x40 foot In slzo nnd ..block of Innd, on Nye Crcok nnd Olsonvlllo Bldownlk; houso is in fino condition; good woodshed nnd good water; this Is a fino prop osition (or a summor boarding nnd rooming houso, ns woll ns a per manent home. Prlco $3300. .1. O. OLSS.ON, .Newport, Or. Inquire nt Journal Olllco. CHOICE RANCHES AND TIM BER LANDS IN LINCOLN COUNTY. ISO nores, 4 miles from Newport, 4, or Toledo, on main county road, 40 acres levol, 30 ncres under plow, bottom land, sandy upland, back soil, 10 ncros timber, 130 acros pasture. Now houso, 14x24, ol 14x24, 7 rooms, two barns, 4 Ox 40 nnd 38x50, woodshed 14x24, 4 horses, 2$ head sheep, 22 head cattlo. 9 milk cows, 4 heifers, 9 stoors, with all far mlmplomonts, wngon. buckboard, etc. Prlco 6500. 160 acros of timber In tho SUetz reservation, uoar the coast, cstl atod ns follews: 3,000,000 feet homtock, 2,000,000 spruce, 2. Ooo.OOO cedar, all of No. 1 qual ity, nt $4400. 160 acres of timber, one-half mile from tno SUetz rlvor, estimated as follows; 6,000,000 spruco, 1,- 000,000 homlbcl;; $5000. 160 aores timber on the SUetz, near coast, 10 miles from Newport, es timated us follows; 4,000,000 hemlock, 2,000,000 Bpruce, 2. 000.000 cedar; $4500. li-.i acres 4 Vs miles from Newport. r 10 acres under plow, young or- " ohard 40 to 50 trees, good 6-room houso 24x30. rroodshed 12x14, root house 12x16. warehouse 12x 14. spilt board barn 40x50, 3, 000.000 fir. 1,000,000 alder tim ber, fir timber viostly second growth. $2750. 160 acres unimproved land, 5 miles from Newpert: partly covered with timber. No. 1 fruit and grazing land. $1300. L W. WILLIAMS, Newport, Or. For Information Inquire at Journal office. Notice to the Public If you want a marble or granite monument, call .at. our shop In City View Cemetery, t We can save, you money. Tho Blaesing Granite Co. 4-7-lmo