DAIMF- CAPITA! JOVMTAX TUESDAY, APJIIX 27, 1909. I DOES 'HE' INCLUDE 'SHE'? A CALIFORNIA QUESTION lUnlfed Vrtt LeainI Wire.) Sacramonto, April 27. Tho offlco ot stato superintendent of schools Hyatt Is flooded with anxious com taunlcntlons from women county su perintendents of schools of tho stato Inquiring ns to their status under tab primary laws passed by tho ro- tmt Inplnlnlnro A paragraph In tho law, ovidont ly tho result of an oversight, Btates that a candidate for office must fllo affidnvlt that "ho" Is a quallflod rotor of tho precinct In which "ho" life. Tho mascullno pronoun Is tho cauM of much trepidation among tho school women, and fur thermore, they ask, "How can wo got around 'quallflod oloctorT' " Tho oxlgonclcs of tho situation first wore mado known to tho au thorities In a communication from Classified Ads .. rem HALH rr Bato-A flraUfllasa second-baud buggy, cheap. Inojulro at Journal oflce, 3-16-tt FOIl BAWC Splendidly Improved dairy farm; fully oqulppcd. Ap ply W. D. Qllson, 344 State. Will tako somo city .property. 3-20-tf Fer 8a1o G-room houso, 8 lots, ban, ohlckon park, fruit, and berries? good well. Tormn. J, B.'Hbss,' Twontloth and Lou streets 4-6-lm Ke.8MU.Gut-'rott - at Hawtttoa greon-houso, Yow Parkr will be tb.org nftornoona only. 4-22-tf Fliio.JHi Two blocks north ot tho stato house. Call at 382 North Capital stroot. Pho.no 1030. 4-31-lw For Halo Now upright piano; In uso but u few months; will sell at bar gain. Inquire D. W. Oilman. 24-w IHriln Oo good milch cow. N. C. Jornonoou, Onodinlf tnllo south of Choumwn, 4-24-lw For'Bnlo-FIno fresh Jersey cow. Boo l.t Haumgartnor, clouo to Fair Grounds nlorp. 4-20-31 . For"Bnl Hofond-hftnd cnrrlngo. Al so nuconiMintid donibto nut of liar nps, nt Low's stables. 4-2 0-1 w " "" VAN;ri?n. Iloftrdoni Wnntod At C78 flt'ito troot. 3-tf-lm Wanted 2G men, hop yard work. lCrolm nros., IUish-Uroyman build ing. Phouo 121. 3-lS-tf WaiiUm1-To trado good houso and half aero with somo fruit, barn and chicken park, In Jacksonville, tho homo town, for unimproved farm laud. Will pay cash tor part. It. T llurnott, Jacksonville, Oregon. 4-2-imo Wanted MnniiKur for lira noli of flco wo wish to innate hero In Sa lem. AddrosH tho Morris Whole snlo Houso, Olnolltatl, Ohio. 4-8-1 m WitnttHl SHluiiiiiun to soil hlKh-grHdo lUirxiil-y Btnok. Itiquliu W. W. Walker, Marlon County Nunwy Co. l'hnno 4ti8 txz-tf Wnivtxlr-A pantry girl nt Wlllam ottoilfotel. 434-3t Wiuitnl Hxpurleucod wnltrMM. Wll InmuttQ Hotel. lUO-Ilt loot! lAMt Suit ease on Liberty roud. with ninno b. U Harold wrlttuu on mw. Fludur notify this offlott. l-zMt ImihI -LhiIIwh' (iii mo ODiUulnliin wilu nndtJtwu bnby rliiRs, on hill rwid li tweon Hulom and Aunmrtll it wrd far notlfjlng C. 11. Kalinmak er, Turner. Or. 4-S4-3t VOW. UKNT. lMr,ltnit Two light houso keeping rooms, suitable tor two. ehwp. llraneh Hotl Phone 003. 4-34-31 Fur Ott-FurnlHhiHl houakiHplug rtionm. 4.4 Oourt stroeT I'huuo t4. 1-30-31 lr Hrut-lltUioktMplnK rooms, un imjutut aour. lls.t Aiylum avenuo. 4-zO-St U)lGIt l)lltKXmllY. Carp"11" Union No. HW5 Local Union No, 1005 ot Carpenter and Joiners of America moot over Sat urday evenlt g M 7 30 m. In Hearst hall, 430 HUU Streot A. W. Dennis, Hec. 8v tVutml lAHltff N, m, K. ,ir IV Cattle hall In Knluian block, cor nor Stato and Liberty streots, Tuesday ot each ueex t 7-30 n. m. Oscar Jaunou, C C ; E U Anderson. K. ot R and 8. Modern WhhImuh Amcrlm Orr gon Cedar Camp Hj. 6346, Meet every Thursday uvenlug at 8 o'clock In Holman hall. A. Baiaber, V. O.: P. A. Turser, clerk. We4tc of WorM Meet every Fri day ulaht at 7:30, la Holwan kail. A. L. Harvey, 0, G ; U H. rm. er, Ctrk Jmu !. 'M, Hettle Dwyer, sirpcriateBdeHt .of the schools , of Lake co.uaty. vanagjtBa past two awt' mpftinienmew. ya has received7 letter from nearl ey ory ono of tho 23 women superinten dents of tho stato. It Is a strango situation," eald Hyatt, "but I think tfaoro will b a way to oolvo tho difficulty. Tflo;iaw pormlts women to hold educational offices and I do not think this ori dent oversight will forco Incumbents out of offlco, or provont women from Having tnoir names piacea on tno tickotn. If notning eiso is possioio, I shall lay tho quostlon beforo tho attorney-general." SURGEONS DID AVERY GOOD JOB (United Press leaned WIre.1 8nn Francisco, April 27. Eugene Mooro, son of a capltnllst of I'lnln flold, .m, J., who shot himself through BUSINKS8 CARDS. Mrs. Munscy Fashlonablo dress making. Work dono on short no tice and reasonable Phono 934 350 South 17th strcoL 4-6-lm Livery nnd Feed Btabl Old Pojt olllco Stables, nt 254 Ferry stroot, botwoon Commercial and Front streets, Toluphonu 188. Somo of tho finest llvorlcs Inff-ho city can bo found horo. Wtstacott & Joun son. tf ' GAPITAIi RAKERS. Prop. Dread, cako, pies, ahd all kinds of pnstrloo, cooklofi, oto. Watch for our wagon. Phono 08 4. 11-HMf The Klklicnd Saloon Crouch & Noas Props. (Successors to W. It. An derson) 103 Commercial St. Liq uors and cigars of tho host brands. 3-l-3mo IIUTTKRNUT URKAI). It Is worth moro tlinn nny othor broad, yet tho prlco Is no higher. For salo nt your grocor's. Califor nia Dnkory, Thomas & Cooloy, Prps (Tiiiniiilns IlrtM.' Trunnfer Company All kinds of transfer work dono urnlturo nnd pianos b.)xod ready for shlpiuont. Prompt sorvlco U our motto. Stand and otllco nt 2D3 South Commorclal strcot Phono 210. Uosldenco Phono llutto At Wendoroth Flno wlnos. liquors nnd cigars. Wo handle tho colobrntod Kollog and Cnstlo whlsklos. Cool and refreshing box constantly on draught. South Commorclal stroot 9-3-1 yr. llydo Ilros. Klcctiic Co. Klectrlo supplies and flrst-clasH wiring at rcnsonnblo prices. Call at our olllco for ostlmntos. Phono 461 143 N. Llborty stroot. 1-12-tf Wenger Ai Cfierrlngton Pianos nnd orgnns sold on onsy tonus; tole pnoiK 1187; 247 Commercial Street. Salem, Orogon tf Conert'ta Work Got my prlcos on sldownlk, curbs, spotlc tanks nnd cement work of any kind. All work guaranteed first class, M. Ward, 2378 Mnplo Ave . Highland. Phono COO. Mny 34-00 G. F. MASON BOX COMPANY, 247 Miller fit., South Salem. mnutt facturora of nil kinds of boxes, erutim and fruit dryer accessories. Phouo 308. tf Tho South KmIoiii Meat Market, ou poslto Dauo's storo. Froah nd ourod mont, Gonoral dollvory Glv It n trial. HufTman & Mar tin, props. 3-3-tt HAMtM WATER COMPANY. Ol'FIGK CITY HAW,. For watr sorvlco npply nt offleo. Hills imyablo monthly In ndviuie. Mivrlnyn Omnty Huiployiuout nml tllivtlii Airoiti'y Help fur nished frvo to employors. Prompt ntuuMnn kIwii to collootlons. Ot Hc riMtin 4. ovr Hush bank. 4-26-Sw TONHOR1.M,. Stmitou & Hfhula'N Plnco 375 Court street, for up-to-dnto work, llaths, cIkhts and tobacco. First olass shlner In cuuneutluu. All work u Hpiclalty. Call on us. 4-1-tf H. G. Mejor . C Tho best and Inrg est shop In tho cltv six llrst-elass Iwrbors Only llrst-olnss bootblack In city, porcelain baths and every thing purtalnlng to a flrst-clnts shop Also carry n full lino ot olKura ami tobacco and barbers' suiuillos. 103 Commorulul street, next door to titnteatnan omct 4-a-tt. PLUMiHSlin TIo,M,WlUrr-i-puMB"RViho ' and stsain heatlag, and" ttnuinit, 104 Commre.laU street Phonr Mala, 193 M-1r Mj. Pvtsel Plumbtns, steamj.and k ntUurf. Suoods&ar to .Knox Murphy. 320 Commercial itrtt Otto MmdlUnupU pluntblnc. heating, rus fittlnK: prlcM rasonnblo. work guaranteed: estlmatca furnished phono 373, 1000 Chemeketa St 3-17U MlKCKliltANIfcHM CVuuut V,ork Sptla tank, cement walks and foundations. All work guaranteed- Hary Rowo, Phone loss 4-33-im tho oyo In tWdeii utlto fcs'rJrWcarfiJg'-' uay, w auvo at tho university oC Cali fornia hospital today after ono of tho most remarkable surgical opera tions In medical history. According to Dr. Harold Drunn, who performed tho operation, Mooro will llvo but will never regain his sight. Tho bplict which tho man fired ontored tho right tomplo and crashed through tho oyobnll. lodging in the sonsltlvo brain tnombrnnce behind the noBo. To porform the operation It was necessary to remove mo rlchl eyeball and probe for tho bullet bo- hlnd tho nnsnl cavity. After tho lead was removed It was necessary to extract moro than 30 Hmnll splinters of bone that hnd boon forced Into the brain. A silver plate was Insortod to replaces tho shattered' SBindr.7rcTf We wound. Dr. Drunn and his assistants stato that tho wondorful operation Is unique In surgical history. o . Hnndn nnd Sore Nipples, Kodol given tho stomach a chanco to regain Its lost strength and health, and aftor a ltttlo while you need not tako Kodol longer, but tako It whl',9 you do need It and It It falls to bu flt you your money will bo refunded Sold by all druggists. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tha Kind You m Always BMgM Dears tho yft &hjna'.u.o ef Cjfaa. V Farms All sfzes nnd prlcos. Cull for largo printed list. City property of nil descriptions. See un beforo buying for Largnlns. OLMSTED LAND CO. !J7rt Nfnto Street. REAL ESTATE. :.'o. 23 20 noros lino land, good luiuso and barn, other outbuild ing; 3 ncre In orchard; 2 good wells; 4 in Ik from Salem. Price $1,250 .Nil. 128 12 acres IV miles north- ast rrom Salem, all In cultiva tion; 'U-noro In burrlos, G-room house, 100 nwtortod fruit troos, 14 young Hoynl Anno chorry trees, 1 horno. 2 hnruuss, 1 buggy, 1 light hack, 2 cows; all farm Implo muuti go with the plnce. Prlco $3,000. No. 7310 ncrco, jot 3, Capital Ad dition to Frultlnnd, G-rooin box houso, good collnr nnd well, bnrn 30x50, shed 14x40; 400 bushels of fruit picked from 3 ncroh Ut season; thlj place Is woll tiled. Prlco $3000, No. 101 20 acres, nil In cultivation, 3 acres orchard, good 5-room houso nnd bnrn, 2 wells ot water, uoar school and olvurcb; sell for $3400 or trade for city property, terms. No. 34 5-room house, lot 50x130, on 13th streot. Price $S00; term SAYAGB .V HEKHEN, 134 South Commercial Street. FARM KINDS. We have some exctptlonall nood vaiuw in ii). iu, no. hiu! 100 aero tracts that will stand the clusedt Investigation. JO Act.. lhwittlful 20 aero fruit troet. Llborty; iur itMw ihm nair what the ad jtitnlng land van bo bought for. 110 Acre. Nice 20 nertJ tract, $05 pur rn. 15 aerws In crop. Utlaupit timber and pasture, a rwl snap. UO Acrr. HtMiutKul suburban homo, 20 ucmi. all mid or cultivation. 3 nurm bettr lug fruit, woll fencod. gtwd 5-room hnuKq, and birn; snap. $3400 well worth $4000 1(1 Arrs XlHAil 40 acres plowed uud In crop sprlug wuior pipea io nouae uud uru. for a few das. $1SOO IM Acrv Wnldo RUN. CO acrw woll Improved, beautiful wanto lima. 5000: look this up IU, Acr $;tt ht Acrv. In bvMutlful Waldo Hills t.Vt Airvj 70 Hr Acrv. Howell Prairie oV Hllko fur SiiImIIi Ulikii 121 acrtw. ory best of soil, closo to Mtiem, 1100 pr ar. worth $200 J75 Acr. Klpe for BHltdlvteloii. $125 ur aore will bring $359 when Iu small traets. ltfautlfiil lUlry lin, :uiO Acn 9tO,tHH. Halt under cultivation Houses and vacant lots sold on In stallments. Small pajment down For anything In real txstate cu to RKCRTKL M1YTON Rooms 7 S llayne Ride 341 State St Atfw, M Urn BBmkI TftC Wt iWUSZf TiWBn? m GM m&JiB &Qtm7jr Y rlrrp A a a final In or culir.. ?a Vi'uBf umj sore nipples and . chapped haiida Charaborlaln's Salvo is most exesf lont. It allays the pain of a burn almost Instantly and' unless' the In Jury Is very severo, heals' tho part without leaving a scar. Prlco 25 cents For sale by all good drug gists, Ho who pursues two rabbits will succeed In catching neither. o Wo often wonder how any person can bo persuaded Into taking any thing but Foloy's Honey nnd Tar for coughs, colds and lung trouble Do Mt. b f00,Cd lnto accepting "own ninno or uiucr suusuiuica. xno gen ulno contains no harmful drugs and is In a yellow package. For sale by J. C. Perry. o Mainour county wool pool Bold at 20 cents. o , Mr. F. Q. Frltts, Onconta, N. Y., wrlteJ: "My Httlo girl was greatly benofltted by taking Foloy's Orlno Laxttlvo, and I think It Is tho best remedy 'for constipation and liver trouble." Foloy'o Orlno Laxative s best for women and children, as It Is mjld, pleasant and effective, and is a splondld spring medlclno, as It demises tho system and clears tha comploxlon. For sale by J. C. Perrr. Odd as it may seem, thrco tongues are required In hitching n span of horses to a wagon. -j ii IU'iuitifiul 50 acros, 4 iuIIcb from city, nn vxcollnnt homo. Splondfd loca tion, with lots of stock, houso, 3 springs, good buildings, woll foncud Iu 3 fluids. A flno grnln fnrm to trado for Salem or Marlon county proporty. Joo Dnndy fnrm In Palouso county. Wash., 500 ncres, 275 In fall wheat, 35 acres In oats, 30 acres Iu flno orchard, winter apples, and good buildings, good wntor, woll fenced; trndo for Salem or Marlon county lnnd. A line houo nnd lot In Pasadonn, Cal., I blocks from main or busi ness part of city, to trndo for Sa lem proporty. Household goods, stock of Implements and every thing. All kinds of proporty for salo or trndo. If you want anything nlco mil nsd hwo mo for your wants. R. R. RYAN, Comer of Commorclal nnd Contor Street. LOOK AT THESE RARGAINS. 05 acros. good 9-ioom houso with hot nnd cold water. Iinth. windmill; 2 barns; water piped to bnrns and lawn, in sight of Salem; 10 aoros flaw prunes Iu bearing, 0 acros of oung pruned. 7 ncros flno npplo orchard. Just beginning to benr. 3 aoreo young Hoynl Ann cherries; all ttxlm flno lnnd; nil kinds small frulw. best homo; within 5 mllos Saluiii; a snap; invostlgato. 13 ncros. 2 good houses, 20 acres flno npplo orchard. 14 acriwjustln good lumrlUK. 0 aorw young Unldwlns. 2 ueres flno young penoh treos; will sell all or part: a snap: on good rod. Iu sluht Of Sulam New houso anil 3 lots, all In fruit, on our uno, only J 760. 10 and 20 aero traots. $100 per acre. Flue loU on Installments. Housofi - to rent or iwll In pll part of Sa lem. If you want a ay thing, see A. ( SMITH .M CO., -na stato st. Tho gorm of shoo,, worms, grub-In-head, oto , nro likely to bo abund ant ou pasiurtv which have been giv en to sheep ono ar or more A SPLENDID BARGAIN The Tllmon Ford farm of 220 aeres. on Lake Lablsh. five miles nerth: 10-room house, two barns each SOxlo 10 acres under cultivation flue fir tlrabor on the romalnder. Oregon Bleolrlc railway runs through the farm Immedl nto possum given Terms. $23,000. half cash ,. . . the sreatost bargain we have ever offored Land on all sldos of the Tllmon Ford farm Is selling readily nt moro than twlc what we are asking for this splendid farm Land Is largely tho bottom of an old lake and the richest land known This reglflR is especially adapted to paohs There Is a fortune in this for some one wno will buy It and nt It hh tatu small tracts. Nearly enough Mmbr like this they eomo bat seldom MEYER & BELLE LAND CO. I:l7 Suu Strwt. A KNOOKKR Is 'a man wlid can't see good' In an person or thing. It's a habit caused by a disordered liver. It you find that you are beginning to see things through blue spectacles, treat your liver to a good cleaning out process with Ballard's Herblno. A suro cure for constipation, dyspepsia, indigos tlon, sick headache, biliousness, all liver, stomach and bowel trouble. Sold by all dealers. Men who spend all they mako of ton don't make all they spend. The world grows no wiser very fnst. There Is the same premium for tho faker and the bunco artist that thero was In tho Garden of Eden nnifmnttnimn T ASYLUM AVENUE STORE SI Wo sell all kinds of stnplo nnd fancy groceries, and mill feed. Prompt delivery. Phono un n trial ordor to Main 2G9. A. J. ENGLEllART, Prop. Cor. Statesman and Asylum Ay. fiock'J . MttinHtot ii fu$ A flarf llwifllj.d'fyj noY 1 A wnrclf- f f r .t.xtfn,' ! f. i I "till V ' .' I'l I ,IH II i. Iii " I IIIIKHI HI ' IjC'I i - I . I ! Hi' ,f i Mill DlU'K li Hi It i i, ' V I II I i I It .. I form "" i 'i, . . ii - i. ilutUiirr.u I' : i i i. , t ., v . ; . , rtOLDEN ;.'. i5t: ?i)H KALI hi PEI)hI. GOOD RUVS. Lots in Ulvervlew Park nddt $100 up to $300, on easy terms. $350 for lots on 17th stroot, on car lino. $850 buys a line S-room modern iioiho, i oiocics irom uusineea pari of town, v $700, now 4-room house. $50 per aero for a cholco 122-acroj iiirtn lu fruit section, 4 miles youth; a snap. $05 por ncre, 107-noro dairy or stook ranch, woll Improved, In Ankony Ilottom. $100 per acre for a flue SO-acro farm woll Improved, 3 miles west 'if Sulem, oh good road. Hoiiros for rout. H. A. Johnson & Co. MURPHY HLK. SALEM, ORE. Union Land Co. Newport, Oregon. Population and property vnluo treb ling ovory year. Tho no-t 3 years Is tho time roasonably-prtced Iota can bo purchased. ' LOTS AND DLOCKS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. If required, buildings ercctod on any proporty sold. Correspondence sellalted. J. A. OLSON, Mgr. Newport, Oregon, Only Two Lota loft on 19th st.; 4 lota 17th and State st.; lotj In Highland Addition. $150 and $200. Soo me beforo you buy. E. LINTON. 1073 State St. 4-2-lra Phone 8,17 i . SAM CAST 6! FAMOUS HORSE TRAINER. la now located at Canby Oregon, tho beet winter quarters in the North west for training and developing young horses. Sam has room .for a, few moro prospects, olthor for to road or track and would like , .o communlcato with anybody wishing their horoo trained. Mr. Casta h conceded to bo tho best colt man 1 the West and his success on tho tha Salem track bears out this statement. Terms rcasonablo and satisfaction guaranteed. Address SAM CASTRO, Canby, Oregon. CHICHESTER S PILLS pSJy?Cv "" " ' 'I " '"ll m-talH V iTI Vy .'' ' oi. r llitrpr.,nr V I . ,p S" - i rs A' ' - . .nhi- Gold Dust Flow Um" by TIIK SYDNEY POW KP COMPANY, Sidney, Onv ro . Mndo for family use. 1 Ask our frroccr'for it. Bran mid shorts always1 'on hand. I i - P. B. WALLAeErAgt. LINCOLN COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE Suvon nnd ono-hnlf acres of upland bordorlng on deop wntor slough on Ynqulnn Hay; all good lnnd. Prlco Korty ,;crMi hnIf wny botwcon Now. port, or., and Toledo, Or., on coun ty road; ono and a hnlf acres cloar- od with shanty on It; considerable bottom land; gcod nldor and vino mania on land. Prlcn s7nn. Good lovol lot on South nonch oppo- suo jsowport, or. prlco $7B. Lot 9, block 40, at Seal Rocks, Or.; flno vlow of ocean, good lovol lot. Prlco $100. Sovonty-olght ncros noar Ploneor, Or., nil alongsldo It. R. trnck; botwoon soven nnd eight ncres of bottom land on It Is clonrcd; forty good bearing npplo troca; good stono quarry on lnnd near R. R. Prlco $1800. Two-acro oyBtor bod nt Oystor City, on Ynuqlnn Day; with this goos half aero upland lots. Prlco $500. Ton-room houso, 30x40 foot in slzo nnd block of land, on Nye Crook nnd Olsonvlllo sldownlk; Iioubo la in fino condition; good woodshed nnd good wntor; this 1b a fino prop osition for a summer boarding nnd rooming houso, ns woll as n per manent homo, Prlco $3300. .1. O. OLSSON, Newport, Or. Inquire nt Journal Olllcc. CHOICE RANCHES AND TIM BER LANDS IN LINCOLN COUNTY. 180 acres, 4 miles from Newport, or Toledo, on main county road, 40 acres lovol, 30 noros under plow, bottom laud, sandy upland, black soil, 10 noros timber, 130 acres pasture Now houso, 14x34, ol 14x24, 7 rooms, two barns, 4 Ox 40 ami 38x50, woodshed 14x34, 4 , horses, 28 head sheep, 22 head cattle, 9 milk cows, 4 heifers, 9 steers, with nil fur mlmplements, wagon, buckboard, etc. Prlco 105UO. 100 acres of timber In the Slletz reservation, uoar tho coast, est! ated as follews: 3,000,000 feet hemlock, 2.000,000 spruce. 2. Ouo.OOO cedar, nil of No. 1 qual ity, at $4400. 1C0 acres of timber, one-half mllo from tno Sllots river, estimated as follews: 0.000.000 snruco. 1.- 000.000 homlocK; $5000. mo acres timber on tho Slletx, near coast, 10 miles from Newport, es timated as follews: 4.000,000 hemlock, 2,000,000 spruce, 2. 000.000 cedar; $4500. lto acros 4 miles from Newport. iu acres unaer plow, young or- chard 40 to 50 trees, good 0-ropm houso 24x30, "-oodsned - 13x11, root houso 12x10, warehouse 12x 14. spflf board barn 40x50. 3, 000.000 fir, 1,000,000 alder Um ber, fir timber mostly second , growth. $2750. '1C0 aores unimproved lnnd. 5 miles from Newpert: partly covered with timber: No. l fruit and grating land. $1300. It. W. WILLIAMS, Newport, Or. . for Information Inquire at Journal offleu. i NoUco to Uio Public If you want a marble or granite monument, call at our shop In City view Cemetery. Wo can save you monoy. The Blaealng Granlto Co. J D. BOHANNON. Mgr. 4-T-lm J "ft