Xt I laumal VOL. XIX. DA I 'A' OAI'ITAIj JOIKNAL, SALKM, OKKUON, iTKSIUY, A1MIIL 27, 1000. NO. an. k J I i Mm JSiL I JLIIIllil ppiMlPMiill TURKEY HAS IN A LITTLE Honey hnd mado unfounded stato menta regarding tho relations bo- SULTAN IS IMPRISONED AND HIS FORTiJNE,wHS RUNNING WAY UP IN THE MILLIONS, IS CONFISCATED--LOSES BOTH JOB AND MONEY (Dy BysantliiB MoBchpoulous, Staff and charges tho authorities at Adn Correspondent United Press.) j na with giving arms to tho rioters Constantinople, April 27. Sultnn ' under tho protonso that thoy woro Abdul Hamld was doposud from the to bo used In suppressing tho mat throuo of Turkoy todny and his snere. brother, Mohomld Hcchnd Effondl, i "Early Wednesday while I was nt proclaimed his successor. Abdul Hn- the mnrkot," stntus tho mlsHlonary, mid was removed from tho pnlnco and "1 observed the Armonlnns closing his brother Installed In his stead mid tholr shops and hurrying to their scones of wlldost onthuslasm. The! homos. Upon Investigation I learned fcpremony of onthroncmout of the that thoy hnd boon warned that u now sultnn Is now In progross. mnssaoro wbb Imminent nnd woro pro- An IminoiiBo throng of Young I paring to protect thomsolves as bout TurkB surroundod tho pnlnco whon , thoy could. Mohomld Hcchnd Effondl was pro-; An Armonlnn and u Turk were clnlmcd ruler of Turkoy. Crlos of killed during thnt night nnd the fol "Tho tyrant has fallen! Hall to Uo- lowing day bloodthirsty mobs pnratl chndl" woro honrd on ovory side. ,cd tho streets bearing tho corpses of Tho crowd went wild with delight tho ulaln. Huvolutlonnry olashou oc nnd expressions of confidence In the etirrod throughout the early morning new regime were hoard on overy and by 11 o'clock tho rioting was In uldo. TV deposition of Abdul Haif o S Iod upon toinpy h '" & .ZT.", x..i.,-uiu .Munnmmo-1"., .'.. .1 1. n.t. 1.1.. . I. V I- dau church. Tho assembly took n secret voto upon tho question and decided thnt Abdul Hamld should bo dotnroned. This decision was submit ted to Sholkhulh-Islnni, who Issued n religious edict approving tho action. Took In Abdul. -ondus, April 27. Tift Couutnntl nople correspondent of tho Exchange Tologrnph says: "Sultan Abdul Hamld Is n pris oner In tho pniaco of Choraghan on tlio Straits of Uosphorus. "Last night the loung Turks on torod Yildiz Klosh, arrostod tho mom bora of the household and took Abdul prlsonor, conveying him to Churnghnn whoro ho is closely guarded. " This roport has not been confirm ed by tho other news agendas hero. Sheikh UI-lHiam. who Is tho bond of tho church, bases his dooroo, ap proving tho deposition of Abdul Ha mld, on tho ground that tho sultnn has violated the laws of tho Moalom religion by Inimical acts nnd declnred tnnt thorefore tt Is not nn Irreligious net to dethrone him. Tho secret session of tho assembly began at noon yostordny nnd was continuod today. It was charged that Abdul's supremacy was harmful to the church, and when n voto was taken this chargo wns sustained. As far ns Is known Abdul Hamld may bo under guard In tho pnlnco. Ills fato Is unknown, but It Is cur- tain thnt ho will bo strlppod of his Immense fortune A olvll wur npponrs to be tho probnblo outcome of tho deposition of Abdul. It Is known that despite tho Joyous demonstration at tho pal ace that there is great dissatisfaction In cortnln quarters over tho soleotiou of Hechad nnd trouble Is almost cer tain. Today's action was wholly political in significance. At sunrlso tomor row,' unless something unforosoon happens, a formal religious ceremony will take place and Abdul Hamld will be officially declared deposod. According to custom the proclamation of parliament ndoptod today will bo road and the uew rolgn will date from tomorrow A saluto of 101 guns, officially announcing the enthronement of tho new sultan, was fired at 2 05 p. m. Amontf the member of Abdul Ha inid's household arrested last night was Prince Saba Ed Din. tho deposed sultan's neDhow. Ho Is charged with active participation in tho re bellion wlilch temporarily overthrew the constitutionalists' government. and w 11 undoubtedly bo severely treated. Ail the women of the sul tan's unrein have been taken from the palace and sent to various places throughout the country. Massage- received here today state that soldiers at Erzoruru, In northwestern Asia Minor, have ar rested SO of their officer and sent them to Treclzon. The dispatches dp not state whether the officers or soldiers were reactionaries. Corji-jj Everywhere. (Ilnltrd Vtn Lad Wire.) Lo&dcm, April 27 Corpses eoaltftred throughout the city Adana. eanltal of tre Province are of of Adana. n Aatlc Turkey, and it la Impotelble to estimate the number si dead as the result of the massa cre of Christiana there, according to a dlspatoh received here today from Her. Herbert Adams Gibbons, a missionary. Her Mr Glbons graphically do- trlbi the ffrst five days of rlotinp, I SIGHT CIVIL WAR OVER HER FREEDOM ,iuu awing o N"-Acconipnnlod by William Chun - Mold Hecrotnry of tho Y. .M. O wot to tho telegraph office tt 1 DiMiitmiti .iA lll.lal. ...,. .V 1l.. to summon tlio Uritlsh consul. Tho streets wore lltornlly covorod with dead bodies nnd wo witnessed hor rlblo scenes. "Wo were nimble to communlcnto with tho consul because tho rlotors hud cut tho wlros. "Major Daughorty-Wyllo, Uritlsh vloe consul nt Merslnn, m among the Injured nnd his wounds arp consid ered sorlous. Ho wns shot whllo commanding tho Vail supply troops at the railroad station. The troops woro engaged In tho task of prevent ing villagers from tho surrounding country from coming to AdniM to participate In the mamacre." Sultnn Is All In. Constantinople, April 27. Do sortod bv nil his suite oxcont a fow slaves, Abdul Hamld, dopoiod sultan of Turkoy, wns found by Macedonian soldiers todny lying unconscious on tho floor of tho Inst chamber of his harem. Tho pniaco servants Hod at tho ap proach of tho soldiers, who woro compelled to forco opon door after door until thoy reached tho harom. Whon tho soldiers ontorod tho pal nco thoy sent word to tho ox-sultan domnndlnR him to meet them in n conference. Ho rofusod this nnd tho BUIUIU1B DUiiUIItlUUU llll? IUIHCU. . ! r!""l!,ci"lb7ih,olHERRIN IS NOT A aco on tho shore of DosphoruB, Itumors nro thick throughout the city that he died aftor his arrival at tho palace, but theso roporto were discredited this ovenlng. Tho onthronomont of Sultan ne. chnd waB consummated in Scraske- rut 6iunro at 7:20 o'olock thli oven- Ing. Ho s woro alloglanco to tho con stitution nnd wns greetod with nn ovation Choor followed oheor and pandemonium relgnod for several m'nutes. After the ceremony he was es corted to Ylldlz Kiosk nt tho head of a file of Young TurkB soldiers Hechad will bear tho tltlo of Mo- hemmed V. The city wont wild with enthusl a m when the coromony of enthrone ment wns announced. Flags wore ra'ed and the streets which recent- 'y wore flljsd with doad bodies, woro trod by a merry throng today. The Stamboul troops had diffi culty In keep'ng tho stroot s clear whllo Hechad pasted through, them. Tho new sultan was Invested with a green mantle stripped from his de posed brothor. l Ahmed Rlra Bey will probably be grand vizier under Mohemraed V, whllo It 's expected that Rasaat Pa sha will be minister of foreign af fairs, and Ililral Pasha, former grand vizier, minister of the In terior. JOHNS WILL LEAD THE TRACK TEAM I'nltnl lm Ud Wire. Qerkeloy. Cal.. April 27 Herbert Johns of San Franolico, holder of the Intercollegiate record of 24 4-5 seconds In the low hurdles, will lead the University or California traok team next season. Johns was the HBaaitnous choice of the men of the squad, no other eandldat being in the field- In add tlon f being a point win ner In the varsity mtvts of the last I HU BV4UBVMM aUHUI n a iuquiuci I of the 1908 and 1909 football teams which met Stanford- HENEY RUNS ANOTHER BIG FOUR-FLUSH ! f United Press I.fneea Wlre.1 I San FrnncUco, April 27. Todny'a I session In tho Cnlhoun trial wna bristling with oplthot and Innuendo on tho pnrt of the opposing counsel. I "I don't pay any attention to tho i harking cura," was Honoy's start ling nnswor to tho chargo ox At torney llylngton for tho defense that Ington, his volco choking with rngo, "but I ntn not a trnlllng dog." At this Juncturo Judgo Lawlor do mnnded order, and n lull In tho vor hnl storm followed. In nn attempt to Justify h'B reply to Dylngton's chnrge, Honoy said to tho court, "I will return In like kind If I go to Jail for It. I ninko this statomont In nil duo respect to your honor, but I stood Mint sort of thing from jlon ry Ach for four months, and now, so help mo Clod, I won't pormltmy chnrncter to bo assailed again with out t roplylng." Tho first question put to Gnlln Klior by Honoy todny precipitated & storm of objection nnd countor ob jection that consumed moro than nn hour. The dofonso filed objection to the nrcoptnnco of testimony con corning tho rolntlons botweon Galla gher nnd tho boodllng honrd prior to Cnlhoun's nllogcd connection wltr the supervisors. "Wo wnnt to show tho actual stato of affairs existing nt that time," was Ileney's reason for attempting to In troduce tho ovldonco. Tho dofonse lms showed but tho npparont stato of affairs. It Is a mattor of public knowlodgo thnt Ituef, at ono tlmo, mot tho supervisors overy Sunday at rruoc Jt&dccldo upon what nctlon JT'Ti1' ' -taken In rognrd to cer tain affairs." Judgo Lawlor ruled In favor of tho dofenso, nnd tho testimony ro tating to this period wns ordored stricken out. WANTS HER DUCATS AND HER DAUGHTER fUnltrd I'ren leased Wire.) Tacoma, April 27. Evidently do slrous of Joining hor soldier lover h private In one of the Washington garrisons, Olgn J. Nelson, 17 onrs old, stol o$ 110 of hor mother's money last night, packed all hor belongings into n suit case and disappeared, ac cording to n roport mado to tho po lice dopnrtmont this morning. Tho monoy represented three yours' savings of her mother. Mrs. Funnlo Xolson. who manages a rooming I house nt 007 Tacoma avenue .Miss olgn met n young soldlor dur- ing tho otiQnmpment nt Amorlonu Lake Inst summor nnd fell lu lovo with him. Tho affection was mutual nnd aftor tho troops had returned to their bnrrncks tho girl corresponded regularly with hor lovor. Dotectivos woro put on tho case this morning nnd barracks whoro sol diers are stationed have boon notified to keep u close lookout for him lu Ian offort to find tho missing girl VIC OF LOVE 1'nltrd I'rww I.Miod WIth. Los Angolos. Cnl.. April 27. It Is business, not lovo, coyly nnd cau- .tlously admits W. F. Horrln. uonanil counsel for the Southern Pacific, that onngs him to this olty. Tho taciturn and sedato attorney in whoso hands Is the management of the Ilarrlman system In tho wast, denied emphati cally a San Francisco rumor that he Is to marry a Miss or Mrs. Hoblnson. who was a close friend of his late wlfo. The report Is absurd." declared Horrln Just before his private oar. In which his offlco Is situated, moved from the train shed "There is ab solutely no ground for It. Any othor woman might Just as well have been named. I am not to marry the per son named or any other person." SCOTT OPPOSES ANY CHANGE IN TARIFF Hulled I're Iaiwl Vlr Washington. April 27. Senator bcott of West Virginia made a speech opposing changes In tho oxlsting rates on coal, lumber. Iron, steel, hides, wool, oil and pottery. Ho declared that as a stand-patter he was supported by the West Vir ginia legislature In protesting against the now schedule, cutting the rate on lumber In half, he said that thoro would bo nothing loft for the lumber men to do but cut the wages of their employes. COOPER'S APPEAL IS DENIED I United 1'rw loed Wire. I Naihvllle, Tenn.. April 27 Judge Haste today denied the application of Colonel Duncan Cooper and his son ItobiB. convicted of the murder of Ex-Senator Carronck, for a new trial. The Coopers' attorneys announcod that they would appeal the case to the uprcme court. ARRESTED FOR SWIPING HIS OWNJJTTLE WIFE Tailed Press 1, costs I Wire 1 Palo Alto. Cnl., April 27 Because lip attempted to spirit his 17-yenr-old wife away from the home of her pur onts In this city. IC Tetoe of San Francisco Is threatened with arrest for alleged nssault upon the young womnn's mother, Mrs. D. W. Corn ing. Tetee wns mnrrled n month ago In Snn Francisco to MIbs Annie Com ing. The objections of her parents to the match were Instrumental In so curing her return to her homo. Last night Tetco Is said to hnve driven to the Corning homo In a closed carriage and persuaded thu girl to return to him. As tho couplo wore nbout to lenvo Mrs. Corning dis covered the plot nnd by her screnms attracted tho neighborhood. To loo Is said to huvo Covered Mrs. Coming's mou .i with his hand, and upon this net tho charge of assault may bo based. Mls8 Corning, according to her parents. Is Just 17 yearn of ago. Sho Insists that she Is 20. Money com ing to hor Is en Id to bo tho cause of much of hor marital unhnpplnoss. ESTACADA IS JJPJN THE AIR (United Press Leased Wire Oregon City, Or., April 27. Tho municipal affairs of Estacada, n town near horo, nro lu n muiMled stato todny, duo partly to tho fact that Mayor Hoylmau and tho flvo councllmon comprising tho board of nldormon nro restrained hv nn nr - dpr of court from acting in their f tho largo safe in which tho pro ofllclal capacity until Judicial nctlon . cIoiib Btones nro kopt, nttomptod to Is takon In tho mattor. explain to Smith, but tho mrfi was Troulilo of long standing botwoen ' "ont upon hnvlng tho diamonds, two polltlcnl factious of tlio city, Nougobauor worked for sovornl mln ono bended by Hoylman and tho "ton over tho combination trying to olhor by J. W. Hood, formorly may- '"Port tho Bnfe, mnlnly to satisfy tho or. recolvod a climax yestordny whon hold-up mnn, as ho -know nothing A. N. Johnson, who was recently of tho lock's Bocrets, nnd whon hla ousted from hl position ns record- efforts, woro rowardod with nothing er by Iloylmnn nnd tho conincllmon, Smith told him to got tho dlamonda nlthough ho had boon rogularly "t of tho window Nougobauor elected, carried tho fight hoforo wont to tho window and was JuBt Judgo Mcllrldo of tho circuit court. ' tho aU of picking up a troy of Tho court Issued a writ of review iV.w0,B wlIon tho proprietor, Charles at JohnBon'H requoBt, dlroctlng tho Ulngos, s,fepped In the door. Smith, mayor nnd lha mombora of tho coun- I'on 1u'rhm tho door open, whirled oil to npponr hoforo It on May 8 nnd nn,,1 "tuck tho gun In Hinges fnco explnln tholr nctlon In romovlng tho Hn'lm5; "throw up your hands, too," recorder. '"it Hliwn. who iitlll had n hold on In tho meantlmo Mayor Hoylman fio door knob, turned nbout nnd and tfio flvo nldormon nro restrained """''"Oil wit of tho ston. on tho stroot. by the nmo order from spandlmr hiiUliiK tho door nfler him nnd any of tho city funds or holding tho wh B lc' fr h'IP- tlio monnllmo ofllcos, pending a decision In tho 8H" ran out of the storo down ruiH.. It wns only rocontly thnt a Commercial "trwt. As Hlngos on mo recall petition dlroctod against tho Hiimo officials was placod lu clrcu latlon, hut tho stntus of It Is In doubt. ATTORNEY MARRlii HIS PRETTY CLIENT Waited l're Leaned Wire Pasadena. Cal., April 27. Tho most beautiful tight In tho career of Hurry Hlckotts, n young Chlongo business man, boguu when ho elected to defend tho beautiful Mary Una Stokes, accused of forgery, and today his former client Is Mrs. Harry Hlck otts, following their marriage yes terday afternoon nt tho offlco of the Logul Aid secretary lu Los Angeles. Miss Stokes, who Is u native of Michigan, was arrested last Septem ber on u ohurgo of forging the nnma of MIsh Harriet .vuns to a JR0 chock. Hiokets, who had it Blight nctiiiulnt nnca with Miss Stokes, was lu Sun Francisco nt the time and ohiiim to I'asadoiiH upon Hearing of the girl's trouble. BABY KILLED BY AN AUTO FIEND Il'nllwl 1'rww l.aNl Wire.) San Fruuclsoo, April 27 Two ) ear-old Arthur Mucker was killed and his mother badly bruised today when thoy wero run down by an au tomobile drlvon by Frod Urown. Thu ahuffeur Is undor arrest. Mrs. Kuokor was carrying hor babe across Market street at Sixth when tho maahlue carao dashing along. The woman became confused and topped directly In frout of the car which knocked her down and ran ovor tho child. Patrolman Hansen took Drown Into oustody and placing tho mother and hor dying child In the automo bile, rushed them to tho Central Kmergoncy Hospital Tho babe died a few minutes after tholr arrival. The father of the child Is Oodfroy Hucker. a cement worker employed at tho Palace hotel. just blindfoTds and backsj0 the wall (United ITpm Uaed Wire.) Durango. Mexico, April 27. Twenty-five summary executions by federal troept sent to restore order following the religious riots at Vo lardena, Mexico, together with seven deaths during the rioting lndlcato the total number of fatalities Ac cording to offic'al reports Issued to day Forty persons arcused of .partici pating in tho rioting are awaiting tr'al A. J. SMITH MAKES BOLD ATTEMPT TO H0LD OP STORE CHARLES H. HINGES, THE JEWELER, RE TURNING FROM LUNCH FINDS MAN WITH GUN ASKING HIS CLERK TO TURN OVER VALUABLES Tho most daring, attempt nt hold up over occurring In thin olty wns mado shortly utter 12 o'clock today when A. .1. Smith, of this city, walked Into tho Ohns. Hinges Jowol ry storo on Commercial stroot, stuck n rovolvor In tho fnco of Karl Nou gobaucr, tho clork, nnd Bald: "Dy Clod, I want your monoy." Nougo bauor promptly hnnded out tho cnalf drnwor and tho hold-up man re moved tho contents, amounting to $30, to his pockots, nnd then do--! mnuded thnt tho clork got him tho diamonds out of tho nnfo. Noukc- 1 bailor, not knowing tho combination ""l " J"" 11 '" " "" niirr nun nun iiiriiiii wiu riirnnr ilk tho old Hod Cross corner on Com morclnl and Htnte, Hod down to tho alloy running north through tho blook. As ho dnBhod out, P. II. Wll holm, who runs tho Southorn Pa cific switch engine, and K E. Tay lor, n mining mnn, woro passing on tholr way back from lunch nt tho Cottagn hotel. Thoy startod aftor tho floolng robbor and caught up SHOWED HE WAS NOT A PORTLAND ROBBER I failed I'rew I.eiued Wire Portland. Or. April 27. A kind - hearted highwayman who refused to take tho watches belonging to his vlotlms because thoy woro working men. Is tho object of u aonrctt be ing mnde today by tho local pollen. Wearing a mask nnd armed with a rovolvor, tho robbor boardod a St. John stroot car lato last night and commanded Motormnn W. Tin ker and Conductor J. Gnmbul, who were alone on the oar. to throw up their timid He took from tho con ductor f R. declaring nt the tlmu that the street car company and not Gnm bul would bo the losor. "I'll not take your watches be en uso you are hard working men," ho said as he stopped from tho car mid disappeared lu the dnrknoss. WILL TRY T0LIFT SUNKEN OIL BARGE I Untied I'm LeaMri Wire. I Paolflc Grove, Cal., April 27. An attempt will bo made today to lift the oil bargo Hodorlck Dhu from her perilous position on tho rocks and deep sand at Moss Ileaoh, four miles from bore, whero she grounded yes terday. Tho Dhu Is listing to the west, but otherwise her position Is un changed. Tho sea Is running low and water Is entering but two com partments. Tho revenue cutter McCulloiugh arrived at tho scone early today and the tug Navigator Is on her way hero. The vessels will make a com bined offort to Host tho stranded barge. SEASTN'S UNION MAY GO ON STRIKE (fulled I'reM Ued Wire,) Chicago, III . April 27 A strike of the Seamen's union appears Im minent today It wns unofficially stated by officers of the union that the members had voted to strike rather than accept the terms of the Lake Carrier ' association with him near tho ond of tho alley back of tho Chicago storo. Smith turned upon thorn and pullod a giun, hut hla pursuors wore bo closo to him that It wns wronchoa out of his hand boforo ho could uso It, and ho was ovorpoworod. What craiy Idoa over moved tho mnn .to ninko tho attempt nt robbory In midday on Hnloiu's main stroot will novor bo known, for It suro was a crnzy froak. Karl Nougobauor gives tho fol lowing explicit account of tho hold nip: "I wns Bolting down behind tho counter working on somo watches and honrlng soineono opon tho door nnd wnlk in, I nnturnlly thought It wns n customor nnd got up to wait on him, hut you can lmnglno my siirprlso whon I wns confronted by nn Individual holding u vory danger oiib looking rovolvor uncomfortably near my noao. Tho first words ho said was "Ily aod, I want your monoy." nnd owing to my complote Biirprlso, T somowhnt hesitated, which made him Impatient, I guess, nnd ho mild "No foollshnons now," nnd I then handed ovor tho cola. Ho thon told mo to got him tho dia monds, mid when I walked hack to tho snfe he followed closo by the counter. uu-lHr other side, of counw, nnd held thnt wicked llttto gnin with in n fow Inches of my bond. Aftor I had mado a fow efforts to opon the box In which tho diamonds wore kopt, and fulled. I thought suro tho man would shoot whon I told him I couldn't opon It na his finger shook mi tho trlggor nnd ho hnd a bad look In his eye. IIo appeared satisfied, however, that I could not get Into tho snfe, and told mo to got tho dlamoiidn, which I did, and wuh Just In tho net of handing him a box when Mr. Hinges opened the door, putting n stop to his gun play." Ghnrloy Hlngos alio gavo a good descrlptnn e: tho nttomptod hold-up, and said thnt whon tho robbor stuck ho gun up to Ills wnlstbnnd, ho thought n good slzod artlllory piece had been (lashed on him. BALUNGER RUNS UP AGAINST ROOSEVELT (failed I'reM Leased Wire. 1 Washington. April 2 1. Secretary jot tho Interior llnlltnger today Issued it statement defending IiIh recent seemingly anti-consorvatiou notions. Thu statement oxpnmxod tho secro tury's enthusiasm ovor tho polloy of conservation of the natural resources. IlnlllngoV's utntoinotit wits Issued after ho had been lu conference with Pres ident Tuft. It is understood that tho president Intimated to the secretary that ho was displeased with tlio trend or affairs in the laud offlco. Hecunt reopening of largo tracts of public land has brought down ariiiolsiu upon Halllugor, who has neon accused of undoing tho work (tint President Koowvelt uuoomplUh ed In thu way of conservation. WHAT THE RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS DO Somo time ugo the railroad com mission Informed the Southern Pa cific company that tholr trains hud bean thu source of considerable hin drance to the traffic of wiikoiih by standing over the crossing on State and Twelfth streets, and tho railroad company answered tho complaint to dny. Thoy say they have attended to tho mattor mid that trains will bo kept clear o, the streets hereafter In answer to tho railroad commis sion's lottor In regard to transconti nental rales mid charges made ef fective by tho transcontinental freight bureau east bound tnrlffs. tho O. It & N. company state they ylll not com ply wth thu late figures at present The commliMlon will probably take tho matter up with tho Interstate commerce commission. Carey & Kerr, attorneys for the Northern Pacific nil. road. Astoria and Columbia Hlvor rlalroad mid the Spokane, Portland and Seattle road, asks the commis sion to send them statements regard ing the new rules and charges of thu transcontinental freight bureau nnd eastbouud tariffs Albany talks of having a big amusement part with a street car Use.