Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 26, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Liberal Reduc
tion for the
week on
If you are wondering what
to wear this Spring our Suit
Department can soon sottlo
the mooted question for you
ns nil of our suits nro fash
ioned after the correct mod
ols for Spring.
T h o effective designs,
grncoful linos, clevor trim
mings, unrivaled fit nnd
skillful tailoring ennblo ub
to assure you if your pur
chase Is made In our Suit
Liberal reductions for this
The Prevailing Style Ideas This
Season in
Is correctly roflected In our dlsplny of Lndlea' Neckwonr.
Can wo descrlbo the 1!kj croatlons? Dainty, noat, pretty
or beautiful aro applicable to those that somehow remind you
of tho Spring blossoms. Whllo tho tnltoiod offeots aro so
strictly tailored ur to be almost mannish.
So handsomely or duintll) trimmed, mid so wU made at such
roasonablo prlcoe that spending any time at homo making un
derwear these bright days is absolute foolishness. There are
pretty skirts, corset covers, drawers, chemise, nnd eomblned
suits, made of the most tin ruble muillii or of the daintiest of
materials trimmed with embroidery or lace and Insertion
Prices 25c to $10 per Garment
The Volume of Our Trade
Has Increased Four Fold
In the Inst nvo years, nnd our stock is large enough for a room
two aud one-half times tho slzo of the one wo nro occupying, but
as long as we cannot secure thai spnee, we give you tho benefit
of the lossened expense nnd
You Will Always find the Best
Values Here
The very fairest pricing in nil of Salem lias been nnd will be found
nt this holpml store. Our Spring Block Is as smnrt ns u whip,
nnd ns woll rounded ns a wheel, it expresses the latest ldons of
fashion so strictly that our customers aro satisfied that
Trunks, Trunks, Yes and More Trunks
. A very Inrgo shipment Just received direct from Now Jorsoy.
Those trunks hnve heavy brass bumpers, brass corners and nro woll
braced and strapped, with mauy or few compartments to suit tho
demnnd. They vnry in slzo from tho steamer trunk to ono largo
enough to bo cnllod n family triune.
PRICES FROM $2.50 TO $25
Also New Suit Cases
A largo assortment of theso enme with tho trunks. Tho mnko of
these Suit Cnses Is excellent and nil hnvo n pleasing nppenranco.
Tney cannot fnll to interest those anticipating trips this Summer.
Hesldos the neat straw suit cases for ladles, thoro nro lent bar bound
cases with leitthci corners, patent locks nnd bolts, othore of cow
hide leather nnd alligator grips
Prices $1.25 to $12.00 The Best $5.00 Cow Hide
Suit Cases On the Market Here
Such an Array of Handsome
Dress Goods
Such a complotu showing that any store on the Pacific Coast
might woll bci proud of it. Tho lutost colon nnd weaves nil aro
here: plonslng soft plain effects provnll ns tho position of honor
In fashion's domain this year and in theso shndes lies a cortnln
rlahuoss hard to descrlbo. Hut whatever your dress goods demands
are wo will bo nblo to please you from our large nnd choice nssort-mont
-ssaaaaar Jr -ssaaar
Spring to
the Fore
Our Gathering of
Mien's Suits
For Spring will onnblo you to look ns woll ns tho best drcssod men from
Now York. Theso suits hnvo mat grnco nnd good form, dnsh nnd dis
tinction, stylo nnd symmetry which tho very best tntlorlng, nnd only that,
confers. Tho Spring mouots nro far, fnr ahead in stylo nnd finish of any
thing wo hnvo ovor displayed, nnd that's spooking volumes.
Prices $8.00 to $30.00
The Joy of the Boy
.deponds largely on how bo's drossod. Newest Now lork inodols nro no
sombled in our Spring stock.
JiiHt like fnthor'n suits, for big boys, nnd dninty conceptions boflttlng
thoir years for ltttlo boys.
Everyone Kuhn-mndo Bulta, by specialty boya' tailors, who nro mnstor
Hti uCh l& v Vrd. vJov V'M
v vl-kKi'-m Am, "" .asr mF Mwm
JZ. ---?- &L-mmr
The Best Overalls
In the World at Stockton's
Many niun who want strong Overalls, the NO-IUP. NO-THAU kind,
will rejoice nt this announcement They are hero. Just that kind, nnd
poeltlvoly tho largest now stock of them that wiih ovor brought to Salem.
The Best in the World; We Believe It, and
You Will When You Wear Them
Tho Salem Hoard of Trade, the
Business Men's League and the most
of the business men have eoneludod
that It will be best sot to undertake
to cojebrate the "Glorious Fourth,"
nu has been done time Immemorial
luo reason given is that, only a week
Inter, Saloin't Cherry Fair, with a
three-days' program, takos place, and
coming so close together it is thought
beat not to have anything In tho way
of n public celobration.
This being the case,' Tho Journal
suggests that It would bo a nice thing
for Salem to Join some of her neigh
boring towns in celebrating the day,
showing her patriotism and her good
will towards her neighbors at tho
same time. It Is probable that either
Eugene or Albany will celebrate, or
perhaps both, and it would be a nice
thing for Salemltes to go visiting, get
more clo ely acquainted with her
neighbors, and so be In better shaVie
for a general movement In aid of the
whole Willamette valley and the
i An me rosuit 01 going 10 jenorson
jwltli m crippled team, the South Sa
, it-iii Fnlrmoiint club was defonted by
, the Jefferson ball towers by a score
of 9 to 1 , the one run Salem made be
, lug made on an error of tho Jefferson
team. In the fourth Inning Pitcher
: Keeton got a "Charley Horse" In his
i whip arm. nnd a forced to retlro,
and Blmer Dauo took his position.
j Although Dane held h end of th.
i game up in good shape, tho Fat-
1 mount boys were absolutely unnblo
, lo give him support, and the gam
was practleally "busted" to ploaes in
the seventh inning, whon Jefferson
cored four men. Smith and Looney
twirled for Jefferson, and did a
splendid Job of it apparently. Smith
' struck out eight men In seven Innings.
Philadelphia. April 26. "Mike"
i Powers, catcher for tho Philadelphia
Amoricans, died at a hospital hore to
day. Powers recently underwent an
operation, and for several days It ha
been known that there was little hope
of his recovery.
Powers was one of tho most prom
, Inent members of the Philadelphia
team, and his death has cast a gloom
ovr local Bportlng circles.
girl's eyes and trust to his lips to
take i are of the mouth bo woll,
there is no comment
The hniid-pnlnted china by Miss
Gardner and Mrs. Shirley wan very
Iwautlful. and tho wholo display n
revolution as to tho amount of artistic
talent there is In Snlom.
Tho window display adjoining,
mndo by Mr. George Fox. wus also it
work of art nnd attracted much attention
Tho Jury disagreed in tho first antl
Hnloou loaguo trial at Dallas against
J. It. Coopo-, of Independence,
I Iambi mill Bora Nipples,
Have only one doctor just one
No sense in running from one doctor to another! Select the best
one. then stand by him. No sense in trying this thing, that thing,
for your cough. Carefully, de'iberately select the best cough
medicine, then take it. Stick to tt. Ask your doctor about Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral for throat and Itng troubles.
J f Ay
Special Prices
Oh t'lovr beed Barley nnd l .. Ch"p and I-and Plaster
Tillson & Company
The art exhibit of the students of
Miss Margaret QUI displayed lu the
windows of Iluren & Hamilton on
Court stret has drawn more atten
ttoH and attracted a larger crowd
than anything of the kind ever shown
in Salem. All day Saturday tho side
walk In front of tho big plute plass
windows umh crowded with Salem s
leauUful women, all enthusiastic In
thoir admiration nnd praUo nf tin
work. Thu horse editor dooi not pro
tond to the floor artistic seutlmont.
but he eau toll whon either a picture
or a horse has hair on its fetlocks,
and Judged by his standard, the dis
play was all in (ho thoroughbred
It would be imposslblo for ono not
up lu technique" to pass an Intelli
gent criticism upon thu relative morlt
of a display llko that, where the only
criterion is us to the measure of ex
cellence. Every ono forms an opin
ion according to taste. To the horse
I editor the cartoon "A Suffragetto
HusbartJ" appealed the most strongly,
not on account of homo associations,
but as a work of art wheroln the
' faces are so expressive, so porfect
that they hurt. The expression on
(the old man's face would make a
goxrnment pack mule go out lu the
bush and shed tears.
The still life pictures also appealed
to him more than the "Gibson aud
othcx girls " Some, Indeed most of
thie work Is excellent, and yet. If an
Inartistic mortal might be permitted
to rrltlelxe be would say that the
H'eatest weakness in any of these
pretty female faees Is the mouths
However a fftrl's mouth should be as
Mark Twain says of hash, the sub
x- f thing hoped for but never
t-r. V. T.oit should look below a
Malheur county wool pool sold nt
20 cents,
Kodol given tho stomach a chanco to
regain Its lout strength and health,
nnd after a llttlo while you uood nol
tnke Kodol longor, but tako It while
you do need It and If It falls to bant
lit you your money will bo refunded
Hold by all druggist.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George McAllister of
Albany aro vlHltlug friends hore.
During tho spring evory ono would
bo bononttod by taking Koloy'o Kid
ney Remedy. It furnishes a noodod
tonlo to tho kidneys nftor tho extra
itrnln of winter, and it purines lb
blood by stimulating tho kidneys, and
causing thorn to ollmlnato tho Impuri
ties from It. Foley's Kidney Homed?
Imparts now life and vigor. Pleas
ant to takd. For sale by J. O. Perry
.El J
' - i -n A J
I Ms ) Z)J)
If You Ever Try One,
You Will Surely Buy One.
, &
L. U. J O S S E . Court Street