OAIXiX CAPITAL JOURNAL, SAXSM, ORBGON, SATURDAY, ATRIL SM, 1IM. 1 BM Let the Coal Fire Go Out At the first sun- gestionof summer weather let the ranee fire die out. set a New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove in a corner of the kitchen, and at once the family boiling, frying and bak ing may be done with comfort, because the "New Perfection" de livers the heat under the kettle and not about the room. Another convenience of the NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove is its CABINET TOP a feature found in no other oil stove. Presents the appearance of a steel range. Pine for holding dishes for keeping meals hot after they are cooked for warminrr nlates and for icpenlncr tmvola Inn, J.- Mi,l ,n r, . - --"t w. ., .. .i.HUW III three sizes with or without Cabinet Top as desired. At your dealer's or write our nearest agency. LiflL Itt dSaa-w' -if I Wwwm JR&yi Th. hfPkirk Lamn ar..!ssr ing, tewing or tin VnifllrMw atrntir Anntlnnntit No better lamp is made for every hoiachold use. If not at juui ucun i( mne our ncarcti agency. STANDARD OH. COMPANY (Iacorporatcd) n SALEM SHOWS GROWTH THAT IS PHENOMENAL Expenditures for Improvements This Year Will Reach Over a Million and a Half, Besides a Million for Moun tain Water. Grocery and Meat Markets Peoplo residing In North Salorn should apprcclato tho convonlonco of n well established grocery nnd meat market at 740 Highland avo. Old Whcclcr Store This grocery Is equipped with a mil lino of up-to-dato goods, with lowest prlccss possible Phono 19C. fj GIBSON PrOD. Meat Market in Same Building Wo havo Just Installed n largo ico box for sunimor uso. Quality of moat and prices ennnot bo oxcoliod. Wo cortninly dcslro tho pat ronngo of peoplo residing In North Salem. Phono 887. WRIGHT & PRICE, Prop. Salem Special to Orcgonlan. From prosont indications, over fl, 500,000 will bo disbursed in Salem this year ln'bulldlng operations. Last year 33C now houses were built In tho city, nnd from rollnblo reports the number of theso will reach 600 this season. At nn average cost of $000, which Is considered conserva tive, there will bo $1,000,000 dis bursed for building new homes, not Including thousands of dollars that will be expended In remodollng old houses. Somo tlmo this wcok articles of Incorporation will bo filed by n local hotel association and nctlvo work will bo under way shortly on a now hotol to co-.t upward of $100,000. Work will bo started In a fow dayn on a now school building to cost $30,000. En ton hall, tho finest building on the enmpus at W'llamotto Unlvorslty, Is nenrlng completion, nnd whon ready to turn over to tho corporation will havo cost tho donor, A. E. Eaton, of Union, Or., about $50,000. Unfin ished building work at tho state homo for tho feoblo mlndod will call for tho oxpcndlturo of $50,00 this summon Tho donf inuto school will bo given a now location closer to tho city, nnd $40,000 lins been appropri ated for now buildings. Physician's cottages and other buildings nt tho state Insnno asylum will call for tho oxpcndlturo of from $100,000 to $200,000 this season. Jiudgo P. II. D'Arcy will commonco work nt onco on n $30,000 business block on Court street. Tho Salem Fruit Union will close a contract In a fow days for a $5000 warehouso. Tho Southern Pacific has doflnltoly promised to spend sovoral thousands for now donots nnd othor Improve ments at this point. Tho Unltod States National Uank will build a flvo-story Bteel structure on tho cor ner of Stnto and Comuiorclal streets. Tho Knights of Pythias havo pur chased a centrally located lot nnd nro planning to construct an expen sive lodge house. The Gorman So doty expects to construct a club house with gymnasium nnd thentro. The Salem Canoo Club has stnrtod un actlvo campaign for n now club house on tho rivor front, with ton it's courts nnd facilities for othor out door games. A bill passed by tho rocont regular session of tho legislature carries nn appropriation of $20,000 for tho erec tion of a building for tho treatment of tuberculosis patients, but theso buildings mny not go up until noxt year. Twonty-flvo thouBnnd dollars htt3 been appropriated for now build ings nnd improvements at tho stato fair grounds. John McNnry and Walter Stolz will build n brick busi ness block nt tho corner of Court nnd Liberty. Eugene Eckorlon plnnn a $3r.,000 thrco-Btory brick on Liberty. A branch llro -tntlon has Just been complotod In East Salem, giving tho Capital City throo stations. Approx imately two miles of hard-surfaco paving wMl bo laid during tho sum mor nnd fall. A largo numbor of building ven tures nro now bolng consldorcd, but havo not yot renchod a doflnlto stago of dovelbpmont. In tho past two years real ostato values havo moro than doubled, now peoplo nro con--tnntly arriving, nnd Salem business men nro looking forward to the grontost year In tho history of tho city. &&?, Tito Kitnl You Havo Ahvnys Bought, nml which Iuvs bcoa m uso for over 30 yearn, has homo tho slgnnturo of and linn hcon iimdo under his nor- -V-jjZ- Bonnl Mtporvlsion slnco Its infancy. 'CCCCSi4ft Allmvim mm ImlAPnlvn vnn In flit a. All GounterfoUM, Imitations nml Ju.st-u8-ROOtl"nro but Experiments thai trilto with ami onrituipor tho health of Infants nml Children Expcrlcnco against Exnorlniont. What is CASTORIA Cnstorla i.s a lmrtnlens Rtibstltuto for Castqr Oil Pare goric, Drops a ad Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, IVIorphlno nor othor Narcotic nubstance. ll mro iti its guarantee It destroys Worms and itllnyt Fevorlahness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It vollovoo Toothing1 Trouhles, cures Constipation and flatulency. It assimilates tlto Pood, rcKulatcs tho Stomach and llnwols, irlviuir healthy and natural sloop 'liio Children's- Panacea Tho mother's Prloud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Soars tho Signature of CiVji The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Year. THt OINTAUN OOMMNT, TT MU aTMCT. IW YOHA CITY. Full Bearing Orchard Tracts SIZES TO SUIT PURCHASER Winter Apples and Royal Ann Cherries RICH BOTTOM SOIL 3 MILES NORTH OF SALEM. Enquire of owner at Capital National Bank. THE MARKETS (United I'rm tael WlriO gan rrnnclsco, April 4. "Wheat No. 1 California club, por cental, $2 ?p2,05: California whlto milling, 2.0G?2.10: northern blucatam, J2.17 Vj 2.2G; off nrades wheat, 1.75(u1.8G; reds, $2g2.0G. Ilarloy Feed barloy, $1.60 fl.' 57 Vj; common to fair, $1.40(3)1. 45; browing, at San Francisco, nominal at $1.57KG1.G0; chevalier, $1.55 1.G0, according to quality. EggB I'or dozen, California fresh, including cases, extras, sic; tlrata, 23 'Ac; seconds, 22c; thirds, 20 &c. Uuttor Por pound, Cnllfomla fresh, extras, 21c; firsts, 23c; seconds 22V4c. Now cheoBO I'or pound, California flats, fancy, (c; firsts, 15c; sec onds, 12c; California YoutiK Amorlca, fancy. lCc; firsts, HV6o; Kastorn Oregon flats, fancy, 15c; do Young America, fancy. IO'jC. Potatoes Por contnl, rlvor whites, fancy, $1,504, .CG; Salinas UurbauUs t 2.10; do OroKon. $1.80 2; now potatoes, or pound, 2ic; sweet po taloos. por crnto, $1.CC2. Onions Por cental. Orugon, $2.50; Australian Ilrowns, $4; Toxns Hor nniilns, por crnto, $1.852; now groun, por box, 25CGc Oranges Por box, navels, sizes 80 to 12G(U$1.502; sixes 150 to 21C, $2 ft 2. CO. Iltitte Fancy 26 2Uc Choice ,30c Staro 18S20o OaU. No. 1 Whlto $40.00041.00 Cray 38.00 Potato, nuylng prices, por cwt. .1.2501.85 Swcota, lb 3V43o Fi-mli Fruits. Orangos $1.75(3)1.35 Lomons $1.50 04.00 Qrapes, bbl 0.00 Pears, box 75CP1.00 Apples, box 05 & 2. 50 i Dananav, pound O5 0.OGM Onions, por cwt $1.25fPl.G0 I lcnl Itrtnll Mnrkrt. i Wheat, por bit $1.20 I rcastoru Orcgn 1.0? 'Hran, por sack .95 (Shorts, por sack $1.35 01.55 Hollod barloy 40.00 'Wheat, por bu $1.0501.10 J Iiocnl WliolOmlo Market. jWhoat, por bu.. . $1.05 01.00 i Oat-, por bu .55 , Flour, hard wLoat. .. . 5.05 rinur Vnllnu K. inifMt In , . aw... , 1...I ....... UilVW'ilU : CranborrlcB, Howo'a Tsrle- ty, bbl IS. 90 I Ilnttrr And Kkki ItotHfl. ,BuKO ! Creamory buttor St Choose, pound J NEW MEATMARKET s I havo oponed a meat markot at 1009 Asylum nvonuo; come hero to stay; havo large refrigerator, and am In nouKlon to hoII tho best quality of meats, Including delivery in any part of tho city, and at prlcos to meat all competition. Gall nud got prices. Phone 854 S. W. B. Temple Partnership Dissolved Mr. H, P, Chase wishes to give notice to the public that he has purchased the interest of his former part ner, Mr. J. N. Skaife, of the old firm of Chase & Skalfe, Mr. Chase will continue the business as heretofore. Spray, Windmill Power and Hand Pumps For all kinds of work. Spray ,garden, lawn and suc tion hose. The best and cheapest Fairbanks engines and lawn sprinklers, metal and wood tanks, Get some of our Graphalastic Paint for old or new tin roofs. Guaranteed for six years. H. P. CHASE FOIITLAND MAItKKTS. Wheat Track I'rlcw. Club $1.201b 1.25 Dluostom $1.27lb 1.30 Turkoy Red ...$1.15 Valloy $1.16 .... Flour. Patents $0.05 Straights 5.10 Gxnorte 4.70 Valley C.30 Graham. 1 Vi Back 5.60 Whole wheat : 5.80 Ityo 5.60 Foed $34 035 liar. Willamette val ord'nary. .. .$14016 Eastern Oregon, fancy.... 170 10 Alfalfa 14 0 14.60 'Clover 11 dices. P. C. Twlna 17tfc P. C. Trlplots 17ttc Young Amorlca 18 He I Cream br'ck 20c ' Swiss block 20c Llmborger .....18020c MIlUtuJTs. II ran $26.60 Middling 33.00 Shorts, city 28.000 30.00 Chop 20.000 25.00 Rolled Ilarloy .... 34.000 36.00 RgK. Select Oregon 22c02Jc Eastern 16c0JOc Pressed MenU. Mill food, shorts Mill food. brnn. . Hops, 1008 crop. Hops, 1907 crop Ciuttnm bark Wool, course Wool, medium Mohnlr . . 33.30 30.00 .10 .203 .203Vi .18- .20 .23 13.00 12.00 Two now school houses nro con tracted for nt Eugene. Arner, 31300 Record 2:17. Full brother to ! bon Dorby, 2:04)4; Derbertba, 2:07; Diablo, 2:00 Vi; Dcmonlo, 2:11; Btl LaSerty, 2:16, aad others. ny Chan. Dorby, 4007, utro of 6 bettor than 2:10, dam Ilortha by Alcattrn, dam of 4 hotter than 2:10, 'and five othors. Wlnnor of first premium at 8a lom horso show. Por standard stallions oeason of 1000 at Fair Ground and Club Sta bles, Foe, $26.00 for season, $35.00 to Insure a. I). SIMPSON, 4-8tf Fairground, Oro. A FAIR PRF0RMER Mny produce really oxcollont music If care In tho choice of nn limtrnmont has been exorcised. You do not have to bo nu oxport to soleot musical In struments hero. Our collection la an high clans that you couldn't pick out n poor ono It you tried. Ask nny good musician you know. I j. !'. HAVAaiS, 217 Commercial Ht. Hnlem, Or. Hogs, faacy . . Hoga, ordinary Picnic Hoga lare . , . Veal, extra . . . Veal, ordinary Veal, heavy . . Mutton, fancy Cottage roll . Dreakfast . . . Reg. abort clear, smoked Ditto, uaamoked Clear backa, smoked... Shouldera 8V4 01OC 8 9 e 10c 84290 18 80Se He $9 7c lie 17021e 13c 12o 13c lie Poultry. Chickens, mixed 16 W 017c Hens, fancy l17V4c Rooftera, old 10011c Broilers 26c Dresed. poultry, le lb. higher. Ducks 20033 V4c Geese, live .10011c Turkeys , 30c Dreed 20023c Hay, cheat Hay, clover Potatoes, buihol 70 0. SO Apples, bushel 5001.00 prunes, por lb 10,4 Prunoa, por lb 104 Ilctvuro of Ointment for Catarrh that Contain Mercury. a mercury will surety dostroy Xhy senso of smel! and complotoly do rango the whole system when enter ing it through tho mucous aurfacei. Such articles chould novor be used except on proxclptlons from roputabl physicians, as the damage they will do it ton-fold to the good you .mi possibly derlvo from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contain no mercury, and Is takon internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfacea of the system, la buying hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It la taken In ternally and made In Toledo, Ohic, by P. J. Cheney Co. Testimonials frco. Sold by Druggists. Price 76c per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pllla for con itlpatlon. o Importations of precious atones at Now York for March this year waa $3,333,408, aa against $389,356 for tho same month last year The flnan clal depression is gradually wearing off, and we are In danger of anothor prosperity boom. DISCOHOL CUR LIQ.U0R HABIT New me1lcal preparation In liquid aud powder forma. 'J'tia only known remedy for Alcohol dlieaaca. Can N glveu with coffee, tea, cooa or milk without patient's Knowledge, FREE SUCCESS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED FREE coo vac K Ail r. a or tuih vaiaaiii.ii llHIUUlSH TO UB OlYUN AWAY MHI! A Hpeclallat has lately dUcofered new medicine for the euro of the drink habit. Do you wUh package? If you havo In your family n loving huaband, father, brother or eon, who la giving you trouble, or making lire mUvrable for you. and whom you with tu be cured from thla dlaeaae. do not hraltate n moment, but act at once. Alcohol hai thla victim III his clutches and the unfortunate one la not able to re cape bin DIHCOIIOI, haa cured thoueamla and will cure any one belonging tu you. Write tu ua at enre, before It U ton late It la guaranteed harm leaa and Ita effects are positive. If you wlatt free treatment ana further Initruc tloin. fill out coupon below and mall tn ua. Dou't (imitate, aa the BOO packagrs will noon be glveu away and each further package 'will coat II. NOW you cau aecure one KltKK. Cut out thla Coupon. Hend It today Hent In plain wrupper Coupon for free Drink-Habit Vurt. Name Addreaa, Mali tbla Couoon to TIIH llHMKOV AKHOCIATION, 02 ICatt 131st Ht . New York. N V Health Demands that the bowels be kept regu lar. Neglect means sickness. Sluggish bowels are quickly regulated by Beecham's Pills 5U EverywW. la fce 10c aaJ U. J? Shoes For Summer Kyurythlug you could wish fot pumps, low shoos 'and oxfords, in pat jut, oh If, tans, oxblood ami uuuvas. All contain stylo and wearing ability. Host prcu. J. Vogt s wimunmimwivpiuiiiMtMnt SPRAY YOUR TREES WITH DEPENDABLE BRAND UME AND SULPHUR SOLUTION You get the best spray on the market. Made by Satem people and guaranteed by Sakm people. Guarantee and test tacked on every barrel; Manufactured by the GIDEON STOLZ COMPANY. Salem, Oreoon. For salo by the following dealorss TUMOJl A CO. FLXTCMKK HYKD. I). A. WH1TK A HONH. II. 1'. CIIANK. l.K HOLD RKOtJ. feillfllflflf flrm I ltrtlel !! Ml i Ml