10 BAMjY OAWTAIi JOUHrtAL, 8ALMt, OH BOON, SATURDAY, APRIL , If. , A FABLE ABOUT THE UNGRATEFUL CRAB-APPLE Wfoon tno Gnrdon of Eden was mado It was lit full fruitage, tho np plon woro ccrtnlnly rlpo, nnd If no, other fruits tniiNl hnvo boon, accord lag to aoason, In tho narao condition. Now It happened Hint tho crab applo, wJiobo 'frultn woro acrid, bit tor, unpnlntnblo, and all tlint, com plained bitterly of Its fnto. For you sco In thoso dnyB tho trees ah woll as tho HiiakcH could talk. Tho poor llttlo crnb-npplo tree, Judging by Itfl surrounding, had it right to find fault. It had neither the slzo nor majesty of the oak. the bocch, tho elm, nor tho lordly height of the plno and fir. It wns n dwarf In tho forest, and Its fruit was so hlttor nnd unpatatablo that both Adam and Hro turned roiu It In disgust. Hut while It complained of tho hard fnto that had befallen It, tho Spirit of KjL&&STi&($ JnL&S FOR SALE Fer Halo A first-class second-hand baggy, cheap. Inquire at Jouraal eflw. 8-16-tt JK)H HALIC Splendidly Improved dairy farm; fully equipped. Ap ply W. B. CHIson, 344 gtate. Will take some city property. 3-29-tf Tot Bale 6-room house, 8 lots, barn, chicken park, fruit, aad berries, food well. Terms. J, II. Hoas, Twnntloth nnd Loo stroota 4-6-lm Kor Halo Gut rosea lit Hamilton croon house, Yow Park; will bo there nfternoons only. 4-22-tf Fr Salo Jorsoy cow; four years old; four gallons of milk pur day, Call at 448 South 10th stroot. 4-22-3t Team for Halo Inaulro C. M. Lock wood. No, 214 ' N, Commorclnl stroot. 4-22-3t For Hale First-class, nocoiuMinnil biifjiry, cheap. Address "M.," onro Journal. For Halo 8-room houno, 2 lots, wind mill, barn, all kinds of fruit; ohonp. Addrora "S, II.," oirn Jour aal, 4 17-lw Fw Salo Two good fresh cows, cheap, If taken at onco. Phono Farmers 234. Bert C. Clearwater. 4-3J-3t Mho IiOt Two blocks north of tho State houno. Call at 382 North Capital stroot. Phqno 1630. 4-IMw For Halo Ono thousand now hjlck, for fR per 1000. Knqtilro of A. M. Uaiison. 4-Sl-St WANTKU Hoarder Wnntol At 578 Bt'ito street. 8-tMm Wnntoil as mon, bop yard work. Krobs Bros.. lUmh-Hreymsn build ing. Phono 1SI. 3.15-tt Wanted To trade good house and ba( aor with somo fruit, barn and chicken park, in Jacksonville, tho homo town, for unimproved farm land. Will pay cash (or pnrt. It. T llurnott, Jacksonville.. Orogon. 4-3-1 nut Wnll Manager for brntioh of flco wo wish to looato hero In Ha ,m. Address tho MorrU Whole sale IIoiibo, Clnoluntl, Ohio. 4-8-lm WnntiHl -Man and wife to work on farm near Albany. Half of pro vUlnus; $45 pur month. Inquire at this ofttco. 4-S-3t Wnutsl - Balusumii to soil htxh-Krade nursery stook. InqulrH V. W. WnlKor. Marlon County Nursery Go. Phono US 4 tS-tf FOUND. iuud Drawing of olty lots. Own. er oau have same by paying for this ad. 4-21-31 Found A pooVx't diary. Ownr enti havo same by paying for this ad. Call at Journal o!Um, 4-iS-at Omat Work Soptlo tank, ctmiont walks and foundations. All work guaranteed Hary Itowe. Phono 1689. 4-sa-liu UmCiW DIHKOTOUY. 0ftn Union No. l(XUt Local Union No. 106 of Carpouier ana Jolnors of America mt srer Bat unlay evenlig M 7:30 p. in. In Hearst hall, 490 State Street A. W. IVtunla. ec 8c ORtntl Ug N, m, K. of P. Cattle hall In Pman block, cor ner State ami Liberty trt, Tyesday of each week at 7-30 n tn. Oscar Johtuou. 0, C ; R. U Audersou. K. of H and S MtHlettt WHHlmott ? Autertm Ore gon Cedar Camp Nj 5344. Mi-4t every Thursday vvnlng at 8 o'clock In Holmsn hall. A. 1 Bamber, Y. C t A Turntr, clrk. WtKHlmon f Vrld Met every Frl. day night at ? 30. In Holmsn hall. A. L, Har?ey, a 0 ; U It. ntea t Clerk. Jam, It, M. Spring breathed on its leaves and whlspored through Its branches "Walt!" And bobold, when tho snows had gono nnd Spring breathed again on nil tho things that grow from tho earth; lol tho crab-apple, acrid and sour, and dwarfed, sent out Its doll- cata blooms and tho Qoddcss of Spring caroused her nnd kissed nnd breathed upon her, and clothed her In beauty, and tho porfumo was tho sweetest and most dollcato, and tho beauty of hor whlto robes surpassed that of all tho trees of tho forost. Tho bees wooed hor, tho butterflies hovered over hor blossoms, tho hum' mlng birds found delight In hor, nnd her frugrnnco went out to bless nnd sootho nnd delight mnn, and beaut, nnd bird, nnd to tnnko nil tho othor trees ashamed of their own short comings. And tho treo that found fnult with tho Good God who created hor, In timo, God's tlmo, was tho onvy of her trlbo and tho dollght of UU8INHSS CARDS. Mrs. Munscy Fnshlonablo dress making. Work dono on short no tlco and roasonnblo. Phono 034 3C0 South 17th stroot. 4-0-lm Livery nad Fowl HUUsV Old PoJt office Stables, at 254 Ferry stroot, betwoon Commorclal and Front streets. Telephone 188. Some of the finest liveries In the city cas be found hor. Wistacott & Jons son. tf CAPITAL IIAKKHS. Prop. Broad, enko, pies, and all kinds of pan tries, cookies, oto. Watch for our wagon, Phono 054. 11-18-tf Tlio Klklicad Saloon Grouch & Nena Props, (Successors to W. R. An derson) 163 Commercial 8L Liq uors and cigars of tho bust brands. 3-19-3mo BUTTKUNUT 1IRKAI). It Is worth more than any othor bread, yet tho price Is no hlghor. Kor snlo at your grocor's. Califor nia Bnkory, Thomas & Cooloy, Prpa Ctimnilns Broff.' Tratvtfrr Ooiapuny All kinds of transfer work dono Mimlturo and pianos b.)xod roady for shlpmont. Prompt sorvlco Is our motto. Stand and offlco at 263 South Commorclal street Phonn 210. Rusldonco Phone llittto V Wvndorotli Fluo wines, liquors and cigars. Wo handle tho colobrated Kollog nnd Cnstlo whlikles. Cool nnd refroahlng boor constantly on draught. South Commorclal stroot 0-3-lyr. Ilydo Bros, Kfcctrlo Co. Klectrlc supplies and Orst-clasa wiring at roasonnblo prices. Call at our olllco for estimates. Phono 461 145 N. Liberty stroot. 1-12-tt Wenger A Cttcrrlngton Pianos and organs sold on easy terms; toio pnoif 1187; 247 Comniorci.il Street. Sslum, Oregon tf Conm-to Work Out my prlcos on sldowhlk, curbs, spotlc tanks and cotuont work of any kind. ' All work guaranteed first class. M. Ward, 2378 Maplo Avo , lUghlnud. Phono 669 May 24-09 G. F. MASON BOX COMPANY, 2 47 Miller st,, South Snlem, niiuui fouturtirs of all kinds of boxes, o rut oh and fruit dryer accessories. Phono 3U8. tf Thn South Hnlcm Meat Market, ou poalto Dauo's store. Vteah ii cured meat. General delivery (live It n trial. Huffman ft Mar tin, props. 3-3-tf UtAittoii A Kchttla'uplnco 376 Court street, for up to dato work Baths, cigars nud tobneco. First clas shlnsr In connection. All work peclnlly call on us. UllKAT UAHOAINS In Koooud-hund goods. Wo keep most ovorythlug. will sell as ohonp as anyone, and somo thluga cheap er. Highest prleo paid for ueonnd huiul goods. Mra. Llszlo V. Orlt (uh. Prop.. 486 at st. 4-.-3w SAMiM WATKU COMIWNY. OFFICK CITY HAI.U For water service apply at offlee. Bins pajublo monthly In ndvance. TON80KIAU Ktatttou A Kchuls'a Viae 375 Court street, for up-to-date work. Baths, cigars and tobacco. First class shiner In connection. All work a specialty Call on us, 4-1-tf H. O. Moyvr A Oh The best and larg tst shop In tho city Six first-clsas barbers. Only first-class bootblack In olty. porcelain baths and every thing pertaining to a first-claw shop. AIko carry a full Hue of cigars and tobacco and barbers' supplies, 163 Commercial street, next door to Statesman offlco. 4-6-tf rt.UMKKHs Theo. M, ltarr Plumbing, hoi and steam heating and tinning, 184 Commercial street. Phone Main 183 9-1-1r M. J. lVtiel Plumbing, steam and gas fitting. Succetior to Kuos 4 Murphy, 338 Commercial sireot Otto Muellhaupt, plumbing, heating, gas fitting, price reasonable; work guaranteed, estimates furnished phone 373 1068 Caeaisketa St 3-lTtt everything animate. There is a moral to this story but, woll, llko tho complaining crap-npple, you muBt wait, and find It out for yourself. Easier?! IlaAoball. United I'rem f,cncd Wire. Now York April 23. The Washington-New York Araorlcan league gamo touay wbb postponed becauso of rain. Philadelphia, April 23. Tho BoBton-PhlladoIphIa National league gamo postponed on account of rain. Brooklyn, N. Y., April 23. Tho Brooklyn-New York National lenguo gamo Today was posponcd on account of rain, o "California Hnlfcln Day." California Invltcn nit thn worlri in ont California raisins on April 30 ovory dny, or that matter, but par ticularly on April 30 wnicri has boon ndded to tho calendar of festival oc casions as n dny of rojolclng. Eat California raisins on "California Rai sin Day," April 3. 4-21-28. Snlom ha n liumnno socloty, and It la doing good work. Mr. F. O. Frltta, Oneonta, N. Y writer: "My llttlo girl was greatly bonoflttod by taking Foley'a Orlno Lnxltlvo, nnd I think it Is tho best roraody for constipation and liver troublo." Foley's Orlno Laxative Is boat for womon and children, as It Is mild, ploasant and offective, and Is a splondld spring raedlclno, as It cleansos tho system and clears tho coraploxlon. For salo by J. C. Perry. ISM, ' ' ', i i i... NOTICE! AI.I, (MIANUICH of cony f.r Itetl Katate Ada mint be In Hie Journal Offlr by 5 o'clock the emilng before the day on which tbo ad la to appear. All slzos and prices, Cnll for largo printed list. City proporty of nil descriptions. See us before buying for bargains. OIiMSTKD LAND CO. :i7;t State Street. REAL ESTATE. No. 04 47 acres, 1 acros In orch ard, 18 acres In cultivation, bal nnco In pasture, now 4-roora house and barn, timber will out 400 cords Price $3200. No. 7310 acree, lot 5, Capital Ad dition to Fruttland, 8 -room box houso, good cellar and well, barn 30x68, shed 14x40; 400 bushels of fruit picked from 2 acrei. last season; thlj placo la well tiled. Prlco 13000. No. 10120 acros, all In cultivation, 3 acres orchard, good 5-room houso and barn, 3 wells of water, near sohool and church; sell tor $3400 or trado tor city property; tormi. No. 34 5-room houso, lot 50x150, on 13th street. Prlco $800; terms SAVAOK A 11EUREN, 134 South Commercial Street. LOOK AT THH.SE IIAIUJAINS. 61 neres. good 9-room house with hot and cold water, bath, windmill; 2 barus, water piped to barns and lawn; In sight of Salem; 10 acres flue prunes In bearing, 6 acres of uung prunes. 7 acre flue apple orchard, just beginning to bear. 3 acre young Royal Ann cherrlea; all extra fine land, all kinds small fruits; best homo, within 5 miles Salem, a snap; Investigate. 43 acres. S good houses. SO acres tine apple orehard, 1 4 acres Just In good bearing. 6 acres young Baldwins, 2 acre fine young peach trees; Mill sell all or part: a snap, on good road. In sight of Salem. New house and 3 lots, all In fruit, on oar line, outy $750. 10 and 30 acre tracts. $100 per acre. Kino lots on Installments. Houses to rout or sell In all parts of Sa lem. If )h wunt anything, see. A. l SMITH ,-e OO.. U.-U! Stale St. Owty Two Lot left oa 15th st.; 4 lota 17th and State st.; loU In Highland Addition, $150 cad $200. See me before you buy K. LUVTOX. 1873 State St, 4-2-Ih For Kidney trouole, iBSBamatloa of of the bladder, rheumatism, and rhoumatlo pains, sot De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They act prompt ly and aro sure. Sold by all druggists. I Thn itv Hlsiterrflnrt lit thn flrnt nntl saloon league trial at Dallas against J. R. Cooper, of Independence. Foley's Honey and Tar Is a safe guard against serious results from spring colds, which lnflaino tho lung and develop Into pneumonia. Avoid countorfolts by Insisting upon hav ing tho gonulno Foley's Honey and Tar, which contains no harmful drugs. For sale by J. C. Perry. Malheur county wool pool sold at o Best Treatment for Colds. "Most ordinary colds will yield to tho simplest treatment," says tho Chicago Trlbuno, "modoratlvo laxa tives, hoi, foot baths, a frco porspl ratlon and an avoldanco of oxnosure to cold and wot aftor treatment " Whllo this treatment Is simple, it re quires considerable troublo, and the ono adopting It must remain In door? for a day or two, or a fresh cold Ib almost suro to bo contracted, and in many Instances pneumosla follows. Is it not bottor to pin your faith to an old .citable preparation like Chamborlaln's Cough Remedy, that la famous for Its cures of colds an can always bo depended uponT Far ealo by all good druggists. FOR SALE. G3 acres, 8 mllos south of Salem, all In cultivation, no buildings, $46 por aero. 10 acros, good houso and barn, all klnda of fruit and 26 acres of lino timber, $6000. Two 10-acro tracts north of city, fair holdings, nil kinds of fruit, $2000 each. Small houso with sovon lots, north of city, $1200. 12 lots, houso, stablo, wagon ehod, good woll, horso, cow, 60 hons, lino hon houso, all garden tools, ?zuuu. SCHULTZ & BARTLETT. 4-13-tf 490 Stato Street. REAL ESTATE $4500 Fine suburban home, 10 acres, l ullo oast of penitentiary. $1600 96 foot on Stato street, BOtitn front. $2500 Good 8-room houso, on Church, between Center and Che- mekata, lot 44x165. $2500 20 acros, good houso and barn, li miles from steel bridge In Polk county. $1000 Elegant lot on Court street. $3000 Elegant 8-room house, fine barn and woodshed, lot 93x174, all now and modern. MEYER & BELLE LAND CO. J07 Slate, near Dreamland i t mum mi, OOD BUYS. Lots In Rtvervlow Park add, $100 up to $300. on oaiy terms. $350 tor lots o nl7th street, on car lino. $SS0 buys a fine S-room modern home, 4 blocks from business part of town. $700. new 4room house. $50 per acre for a choice 122-ncre farm lu fruit seotlon", 4 miles fouth; a snap. $65 per acre. 107-acre dairy or stock ranch, wvll Improved, In Ankeny Bottom. $100 per aero for a fluo S0-acre farm well improved, 3 miles west of Salem, on good road. Houses for rent. H. A. Johnson & Co. MURPHY HLK. BXLKM. ORE. The germ oJ shee, worms, grnb-lu-head. etc, are likely to be abund ant on pdsturee which have been giv en to sheep one yar or more. CASTOR! A Tor Ii&ata &&4 CUlirs. Ha KM Yh tin Ahtip bsrX I u r-r the vtaof &&$ 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE Traoc Marks DCSIQNS CnnvfliaMTB &C Anron tending ikeleh nJj ilefCTlntlon my qnlcklr icruin our opinion free whether tn Inrentlon It probblf ptenUbl. Commonlc- ent free. OWet sncr JoricnrinumM. I'stenir taken throuih Jlunn Co. recelri tytclal notke, without charge. In ths Scientific American. A bnliomelr lllnntrnlKl weeklr. T.ret elr eolation of nr tclenllBa lourna . Terrni, M eri fou fiUNN jeftri iournioniH,ti. duiuujwi iiB.,uwwh IllVlltlll) f H W ..." . -- f. Pn 3BiBrodWi,KRirV Ynrk llrancb Office. hiVBL. WMhlDxtou, D.C. I ASYLUM AVENUE STORE?! i Wo Bell all kinds of staplo and J J x fancy groceries, and mill feed. ; ; Prompt dollvory. Phono us a . trial order to Main 269. ' ; A. J. ENGLEBART, Prop. T Cor. Statesman and Asylum Av. i s ;; IMllHf lHs) hollis rcrT ftocky Mountain Tea PJuggois A Bqij Uedldna foi Baty Pfopln. Brtsgr OoUsn llsilth and ?.'". tl 7'cr A Htvclllo f rCinniij-rtHoii. In tiT0-tl''t. I.tw ml KMnoy TioiiMn I'l'iipli-o V. "mi. litipui Hlowl Ili-f (Irciith i'linttlith lloivi-K l'iwli"'H tud llHrlvnilh), Ii Hooky M jiiiiuini IVa In lnl fi-t form. entH , Imt ien Inn mii' by MoLLinrKH D'U'n fmtpAvr, Mml, m, Wlx. r.OLDEN KUGOETS FOU SALLOW PEOPLE FARM LANDS. Wo hnvo somo exceptionally good values in 20, 40, 80, nnd 160 aero tracts that will stand the closest Investigation. 20 Acres. Beautiful 20 ncro fruit tract, Liberty; prlco less than half what tho ad joining land can ho bought for. 20 Arrvs. Nlco 20 ncro tract, $GC por ncro, 16 ucroH In crop, balance timber nnd pasture; n real snap. 20 Acres. Beautiful suburban home, 20 acres, nil under cultivation, 3 acros hear ing fruit, woll fenced, good 6-room house, nnd barn, snap; $3400, woll worth $4000. to Acreii SIHOO. 40 ncrefi plowed and In crop, spring water piped to houso and barn; for n few days, $1800. OO Acres Waldo Hills. 60 acros woll Improved, bonutlful Wnldo Hills, $5000; look this up. IIO Acres- 9JM per Acre. In benutlful Waldo Hills. 15JI Acres $70 per Acre. Howell Prairie. Now Ripe for Subdivision. 121 acres, very best of soli, closo to Snlom, $100 por acre, worth $200. J,75 Acres. Rlpo for subdivision, $125 por ncro; will bring $250 when In smnll tracts. Beautiful Dairy Farm, JWO Acres 810,000. Half under cultivation. Houses and vacant lots sold on In stallments. Smnll payment down. For anything In real estate, go to BECHTKL A: MIXTOX Rooms 7-8, Bayne Bldg , 341 State St. CHOICE RANCHES AND TIM BER LANDS IN LINCOLN COUNTY. ISO acres, 4 miles from Newport, or Toledo, on main county road, 40 acres level, 30 acres under plow, bottom land, sandy upland, black soil, 10 acros timber. 130 acres pasture. Now house, 14x24, el 14x24, 7 rooms, two barns, 4 Ox 40 and 38x50, woodshed 14x24, 4 horses, US head sheep, 22 head cattle, 9 milk cows. 4 heifers, 9 steers, with all far mimplements, wagon, buckboard. etc. Prlco $500. 160 acres of timber in tho Slletz reservation, near the coast, estl ated as follews: 3,000.000 feet hemlock, 2,000.000 spruce, 2. 000,000 cedar, all of No. 1 qua! ity. at $4400. 160 acres of timber, one-half mllo from the Slletz river, estimated as follows; 6,000.000 spruce. 1.- 000.000 hemlock; $5000. 160 acrs Umber on the Sllets, near coast, 10 miles from Newport, es timated as follews: 4.000,000 hemlock, 2.000.000 spruce, 2. 000.000 cedar; $4500. 16 "acres 4H mllea from Newport, 10 acres under plow, young or chard 40 to 50 trees, good 6-room house 24x30. woodshed 12x14 root house 12x16. warehouse 12x' 14. split board barn 40x50. 3 000.000 fir. 1.000,000 alder tim ber, fir timber stly second growth. $2750 160 aorea unimproved land. 5 miles from Newport, partly oorered wjia timber; No. I fnilt aid grazing land: $1360. s L. W. WIL LIAMS Wmimn.4 n ir!itariBrVi,:rw; ".: l!jjTBa SAM CASTO FAMOUS HORSE TRAINE31. Is now located at Canby Oregea, tho beat winter quarters in the North wost for training and dovolopln young horses. Sam has room for a few moro prospects, either for tan road or track and would like .o communicate with anybody wishing their horse trained. Mr. Casto U conceded to bo tho best colt maa lx tho West and his success on tho the Salem trnck bears out this statement. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Address SAM CASTRO, Canby, Orcgosu CHICHESTER S PILLS &r- THE lIAMONI IIRAND. A tiiii-(iil:o'rnun ! nrl I '' i.h. fs& 'f-t 1( AITlllfllMl fwwmt Gold Dast Flotir M.MI" by TnB SYDNEY POW EF C05n?ANY, Sidney, Ore gon. Made for family aso. Ask yonr grocer for It. Bran nnd shorts always on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. Newport Lots FOR SALE $50 to $300 CHOICE LOCATIONS Double In vnluo oach yoar. EaBy terms and most dosirablo location. No whero In tho stato of Oroson ' la proporty Increasing as fast In valuo as In Newport. For full Information call or write. C.E. SHEFFIELD Newport, Oregon. LINCOLN COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE Sovon and ono-hnlf acres of upland bordorlng on deep wator slough on Yaquina Bay; all good land. Prlco $460. Forty acres, half way botweon Now port, Or., nnd Toledo, Or., on coun ty road; ono and n half acres clear ed with shanty on It; considerable bottom land; good alder and vino maple on land. Prlco $700. Good lovol lot on South Beach oppo site Newport. Or. prlco $78. Lot 9, block 46, at Soal Rocks, Or.; flno view of ocean, good lovel lot. Prlco $100, Sovonty-olght ncres noar Pioneer, Or., nil alongside R. R. track; botweon seven nnd eight acres of bottom land on It is clenred; forty good bearing applo troes; good stono quarry on land near R. R. Price $1800. Two-ncro oystor bed at Oyster City, "u minima uay; wun mis goes half acre unland lntn ph tenn Ten-room houso, 30x40 feet In size una uiock or land, on Nye Creok and Olsonvlllo sidewalk; houso Is In flno condition, good woodshed and good water; this Is a flno prop, osltlon for a summor boarding and rooming house, as well as a per manent home. Price $3300. J. O. OLSKO.V, Newport, Or. Inquire at Journal Ofllce. As a healing salvo for burns, sores. soro hippies and chapped haadi Chamberlain's Salve Is most excel lent. It allays tho naln of m. hun almost Instantly, and unless the la. jury is very severe, heals the part wunout leaving a scar. Prlee 28 cents For salo by all good drug gists. DoWltt's Carbollzed Wlteh Hasal Salve Is especially good for pile. Sould by all druggists. Lanw county has bought a gravel Pit near Cottage Orove. (laajkisasaBftsststfMwiMiMiMisMNiimiMhsssaaAsViMinkjiiiim Notice to Hit Public. If you want a marble or granite monument, call at our shop In City View Oeraetory. Wo can save you money. Tho Blaoslng Granite Co. J D BOHANNON. Mgr. 4 -7-1 mo OAS79.iiiA. ? mwmm XVTiT L,atltl Au your 1'ruitfUl for Ai f, li'ia hl.rhr.cri DUmniid Tlrnnd tx-rV3 , Jlrl Ho HI- RIUwo. T IO SSfc VlS T n K1 nlfirr llnvnr-pR V 'L ft J'rii;r"UA &jrXtKn office. t tX