Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 23, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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    ."'W liHnf
va ((A A r I
it v'm
Tub Togs
Tho largo Children's ready-made
section has on display n complete
lino ot Children's Wash Suits; tho
Assortment Is tho largest wo'vo
over hnd, and every mother should
stop her "children's clothes wor
ry" by a visit to this department.
(Boo Liberty street Window.)
Weather l'oreciud
Stumer Tonight, and .Saturday.
Ice Ovnni
With frosh strawberries, at '.Inn's
Kino Dam-log
Ily "TwO'lllta" at tho Orand opera
house Tuoidny night. Y. M. C. A.
Chocolate nntl Hon Hone
At Buckingham's Palaco of 8woet.
Rod Cross rhsrmacy. 4-3t(
Oottao Undertaking lnrlor
Cottago nnd Chomeketa sts,; calls
day or night; J. a Sill. Phono 7J1.
PliyMcal Dlrwtor rter
Will give someth'ng now In tho
line o( (lying trapote nets nt tho Y.
M. 0. A- tnlnitrol. Ht Tuesday
Kino Maple mul Ah Wood
For salo, cheap, (or Imraodlato do
Hvory. Apply Krobs llroa., Hush
Ilreyman building. Tolephono Main
114. S-15-tf
Tills Means Dollar
To you. Two of tho greatest Inven
tions ot modern times on ozhlbtUon
In Dorcas Bro Hop Offlco, Greater
mono? mskor lhan telephone. Call
and mhj them; fro demonstration.
Notice to Public
The o'ty ordlaaaae providing that
evory peS attnatod Is tho olty shall
b R$M4. W hIhc to be enforwd
by the oily oalws. and parties hav
ing ) ar ra,e'td t atlend t
th matt at . Ily ordor o(
Chief t !'. 4-19-tf
Try (Mle
For ta nrath. V sale at:
Moyw's barfetf she.
Wator olsar tot
Adolnh's olgar tor.
Dick Madison's.
Taa Spa
Wtllamett HetL
The itounell
special SATURDAY special
i i Children's Trimmed Hats f
; ; 1-4 to 1-2 off 00 aM Ch3aVcns Trinimcd Hals for X
one dav only, Saturday, April 24
II Mrs. P. EL
!! 291 N. Commercial St. Phone STS
Ladles Tailored Suits nt spo-
clnl prices; 34 nnd 3G In. longth
coats, plain goro and pleated
sklrta; fnncy trimmed and plain
Navy llluo Drondoloth, 27 en
$50 vnltios $ui.3v
White Borgos, regular & to r
$2G valuw J)I0.Ut)
Drown Uroadoloth, Mn ftl
$57. GO values JdlMJv
Illnok Uroadoloth. 17 Cft
35 vnluos tflJ.UU
Novolty 8orgo, CM AA
$10.50 vnluo tJllI.VV
And many others.
WlK'ii Tlilmly
(lo to.liui'N for a good lemonade.
Uouglit. Six
Last night a man culled up the Y.
M. C. A. and engaged six tickets for
tho big minstrel nt tho Grand opera
house uoxt Tuesday night.
Krult Tract
Flvo and ton-noro tracts on tho
Orogon Hleotrlc railroad; monthly
Installmouts. See Dorby & Wlllson.
You Will Shut Ik! Sorry
If you buy Saturn proporry now
I Wv lots from JT to 1260 whioh
ytm omh buy for 110 down and $5,
110 or Ms Pr Hionth. llnwor II.
Smith, room t. MeCornnrk Illdg.
Do You K1100
That for ft. $10 or 111 nr month
yon can gtt a lot which will dnublo
In vnluo In Um than a year? Why
Hot buy ono? Homsr It. Smith, room
I. .Mcv3oriiHrk Uldg.
Illg UuyliiK for wili
I have bit) 11 uble to get somo good
lots ahoap and will soil thorn nt a
eorrwtpoHdlHgiy low flguro on oasy
IMyments. Homer II. Smith, room
. McCornaek bullQIng. Phono 98
or lias.
Iloioaiic StH'lety Mivtlnjp
Thoro will bo n meeting of th
board of trustee of tho Humana So
ciety In tho office of the president,
Dr Hynl. oh Monday, April 36. at
S u to . to MiOkldor Imoortnnt bHil
I hom. MoimWom aro urgoU to bo
, lilt HU Toiu;u. Off
j Or Hoart) off. or proUy bad, any
1 wi) Oy ttlo bit k tongue last dlght
, trytac to vofi from laughing at Know
. laHd's Kgv Y M. a A. nVtutrals
iBh& akaMlu.t Hub U&t TiliXilaV
n'skt. Anrtt 2Tlh. i
lfcM SaIu liHliors
Th Mast Salem l)vlpmat
Imikho will wtHH at tho Contral Cos
gnstwUoMal ehuren thU ovoalng. Good 1
spankers will b Hrsent, aad reports j
(root kvrrat eossmlteoi will bo wado.
.BtlHy luurtuwv l
Th StHyvosaHt lit uratMe Co. was
to4ay attHtiui to traNsaet buttaes
Ih Orogon. Ih tb lln ot Ar In Mr- ,
an Tho coat pa HJ' has a oapltal 1
tir)i)s of $73.80. and pa'd the
Mate ft 19 for the privileges of do
ne bHslaoa la Or ton
Fullerton i
Jhm I
I r1 1
VIM;-5 I
I .-r
! 4t)tHmr44Hk j
Tlio Dent ZIna
Candles. A trial will convince you.
Didn't Know
That tho Y. M. C. A. minstrel Is
act for next Tuesday night. That's
what all this April 27th talk has boon
I-'or Halt
Sovon-room cottago with two lots
on northwest cornor of Church nnd
Marlon streets. C. L. Starr, sUto
house. 4-2r.-3t
Sew Notaries
Henry E. Heed, Fred F. Huntress,
W. II. Chnpln, H. K. Dlumounuer, n.
U. Itcoves, -carles A. Llnd of Port
land, were appointed uotnrlos today.
Family Meals Served
Wo innlco a specialty of catering to
tho best family trado. Try our Sun
day dlnncrB. Harnett's Cafe.
Chicken Itnncli Horned
It was reported 'n tho city this
morning that tho chicken ranch of I.
Albert burned last night with aboiut
COO fowls. Tho flro Is reported to
have started In nn incubator.
Marriage Penult
County Clerk Alton Issued the fol
lowing parties marriage licenses this
morning; E. Pelt, aged 38, and
Ednn M. Drown, aged 27. Moth par-
t'oa aro rosldents of Salem.
Lively Fight Last Night
Among tho end mon of tho Y. M.
C. A. minstrel to soo who coutd get
off the best gag. Hear them at tho
Grand opera houco Tuesday.
Hotels Are Husy
Mr. Dcckabncn, who recently re
turned from n trip through northern
California, nays that ho wns struck
more by tho modern hotel facilities
of tho California towns than by any
other ono feature Redding, with a
population of about G000, has flvo
good hotels and all aro doing busi
ness up to their limit.
Hush Street Iti-idgc
City Engineer Pcrrott Is making
nlnns nnd specifications for a now
bridge on Church street, known no
tho Dunn bridge. Tho br'dgo com
mittee nnd Street CommlsVoner Peel
or hnvo condomncd tho. present struc
ture ab unsafe and ordered It closed.
At tho council meeting next Monday
night plans will probably be ready
for a new structuro, that will be
wider than tho present, and havo a
railed walk on tho east sldo for tho
foot jinswngors.
llorwi Wanted Greene
Mrs. "Tlonry O. Mayers hod a nar
row ocano of having a flno hat to
pay for tho other day, when her pot
driving horse started acpfis -tho
street and seemed determined to
overtake a lady with a very nttrac-
tlva o'eoo of head-gear that had a
regular vogetablo gardon on top of It
The horo could not ho stopped, and
ho was about to se'zo a mouthful
when tho lady stepped on a patting
tmt oar. It Is reported that two
oows took after a lady with ono of
tho large cabbage garden style of
bats on In South Salem Saturday.
Specialties Will Ho Great
At Y M. C. A. mln-trol show. At
the Grand next Tuesday night. "Two
Ills." the famous smg and dance ar
tlM; St. Helen, clog nnd bono spe
cialist: Carter, flying trapeze pr
'orntor; Knloy and Chnplor. character
ketch artlsH; "Mandolin Triplets."
with fancy turns on tho strings; a
musical comedy skvtch that has nev
ar beon produced 'n tho West. A
laugh-maker that leavos no place for
n breath. It will make your laugh
last, and never lot up. If you go,
wear your big su't. and If you are one
f thoto noc-shakri when you
laugh, bo sure to wwtr a tuufflor on
that organ Don't try to eat any
candy during the program, for fear
ot choking during a long fit of laugh
tor Too Much Flour In the Dread
As tfc write of wheat goac up
broad also rises- The bakers la the
Mtorn cltlsw ntt In morn yeast, and
while the s4e of the loaf U the same
they sell wore air ThU reealhi a
Jolly the horse editor attrMHg oa a
baker Ih Hood Rtver several year
Ue. whose breaa was of the "sinker"
kind, bread mat. like Toae?. JtMt
gre and waa never raised The
bore editor told hint he "put too
Htttrk HOr la hi bread." and to this
day that baker hae eever deciphered
hat Joke, bet ho sllt wears a wrin
kle between hH ayes.
light Hep On
. ust there will be a decrease In
the hoe crop that year see almost
eertala A wber of yards have
twee, dug Mp. and the eold wea'her
dM soHte damage. While the rede-,
Uoa ata not be groat. It t conceded I
the vtetd will be wader average. Hst-,
era brewers, to some extent, are boy- i
eotttag urego hops oa aceoent of i
the fctroatc .oca! option sentlmeot In j
the sate, which of eourse harts their :
wstaese. While this Is not a eea
eerted movement, still they will btty
la California or Wasatagto. other
thing betas ual.
New School of llcallnfi
Dr 11 a Staae ot Daveaport. la..
has located la this eity sad h oJtl
res at 4. i and 6. D'Arey buMdlag He
s 'he sole represeotsttve of 'he aew
school of treaiaVesit for all dteeaees
o medldae Is etvea. bet h ire -meet
cuoeteta of worklkg oa the spin
and aervee. to relieve them sad dt
reeling meaul cerreoU to help the
rare. This sctestre wee dcmred
la li by Dr D Ek Palmer of Dav-
jeaport la no ws able to rare
leeatae. rheemarsew mseiles or a ay
form o. dteese. "If I cent stop
a ease of lyphoed fever Iw 4S ker
the exocaee wilt W m hinj " ss Dr
Soe la the nt? bat "S week Dr
Moae has already a number of pa
f United Prrts Leased Wire.
San Francisco, April 23. To ob
tain from ex-Supervisor James L.
Gnllaghor a detailed history of tho
mmunlty contract betweenthc bood
llng supervisors and tho graft prose
cution was the apparent object of tho
dtitenso in today's session of the Cal
houn trial.
Under tho guidance of A. A. Moore
of tho defense, tho former chairman
of the supervisorial board recited tho
history of tho negotiations between
the prosecution and tho boodlera.
The evident attempt of Mooro to
lead the Jury to believe that Gnlla
gher endeavored to reach an Immunl
ty understand ng with tho prosecu
tion, upon hearing of tho Immunity
Suporv'sor Doxton had been prom
ised, wns frustrated by Honey's ob
Despite Moores' statement that
such nn admission on tho part of
tho witness would havo Important
bearing on tho case, Judgo Lawlor
sustained Honey's objection, and tho
dofenso abandoned tho attempt.
In ordor to provo that the testi
mony given by Gallagher In tho pres
ent trial was at vnr'anco with his af
fidavit, mado shortly after tho ex
posure of the former supervlaorn,
Mooro requested permission to in
troduce ns ovldencc tho document
containing tho niffdavlts of tho for
mer board.
Mooro declared that in theso affi
davits tho supervisors stated that
they had dono no wrong, nnd thnt
they wcro not guilty of crimes against
the people. His object In introduc
ing this, no snld, was to contrast tho
nl.idavlt of Gallnghor with his testi
mony in tho present trial that ho and
other members of tho board of super
visors had accctcd bribes. Tho tech
nical objections offered by the prose
cution wero overruled by tho court
nnu the document Introduced.
Grange Meeting
The rcgulnr monthly meeting of
Salem Grange will bo held tomorrow,
Saturday, nt 10:30 a. m. In Hurst
hall on Stnto street. A flno program
has been arranged nnd It promlsos to
be a very interesting meeting.
Meredith Indorses It
Normnn Hnckott, who appears
hero tonight In ''Clnssinatvs," Is ono
of tho very best portraycrs of charac
ters who over appeared pn tho coast.
An actor of flue presence, ot sympa
thetic dlsp'osftlon, ho hns succeeded
In following Chas. Rondo's Idea of
"Put your elf In his placo." So con-
lldent Is Mr. Meredith ot Mr. Hack-1
etts ability, that ho authorized a
Journal reporter to say that ho. per
sonally guaranteed "a fine play, per
fectly played."
A Pointer on Hop
As a po'nter ns to what the hop
Industry menns to Orogon, horo la a
little straw showing how the wind
blows. There wm sent from Snlom
this morning by hop dealors, to one
growor, $20,000. This money will
nil be oxpondod In labor and materi
al, and does not cover the amount
that will have to bo -ent to cover ex
penses of picking, baling, etc.. whloh
will probably double the amount of
money advanced.
Mixing the Winders
Krom tho peculiar sounds which
come through tho receivers down at
the wireless station there Is anothor
spark working In this olty or In the
near vicinity. Operator Tuel cannot
make out any exaot conversation from
tho unknown oponttor. but occasion-,
ally thero comes a faint Induction
with resemblance ot a portion of tho
continental code, but so brief noth
ing can bo made out of It. This new
station cannot In any way conflict
with tho station hero, howovor. un
less a large voltage Is put In. action
tho sending spark
Hi I lot t Moves Ills SltO
N. D. Elliott, the all round print
er, alderman, anything that Is all
right. Is moving hi- printing presses
and stock fr-m the room adjoining
the Journal composing rooms, on the
second floor, down sta'rt. so a to
be alongside of The Journal office.
He has bad the room formerly occu-
p ed as pros ing parlors, etc, reniod
eled and reoanered. and will have
one of the neatest Job offices in the j
Mty. as oor as he geu his plant in Junction way Paul Wwd.
place. "Nate" U not only a good i Barns L. D. Cotter and family,
printer, hot a good oauHdlmau. and Fresno Dr. G. 11. Allison ad wife,
a good maa at the same time. i Newberg Will Ralefcan. Jerry
o 'Thompson and wife.
SKNATK DAISES ' D..as D It. Hansen.
DUTIKO OX SPIRITS j Portland J. M. Brown. B. C. Da-
OF SEVERAL KINDS' vis. W. F. Lewis, W. Foeter. E.
I Pick el and wife. W J Uartmonta.
Washngtoa April 13 The senate U Carson and wife. Geo Dyrle,
today agreed to laerea e the tariff on vW LS5hrd,M ,? DfU8hrt
spirits, cordial and champagnes. The'8,, Bri5kSR "d "-, .,C c
acrease wa adopted without com Muason. A B- Moore and family
meat. Ths action was recommended '
by the senate committee which A million fruit trees were planted
pasted on the tariff bill in Jackson county tnls year
You Want Oxfords
That have snap and quality. We are better qualified now to supply your wants
than evar before. The best makers' best, our only standard. Ankle strap pumps te:
laolas and misses in the ..ost popular shades and styles. We have the largest line of
atWetlc shoos in the city, .'or men and boys, in tan, bl&cK and olive.
Our repair man always at your seaice,
The Place We Fit J
Salem Shoe Store
Gold Donch, Or., April 23. Thou
sands of salmon will pass up tho
Rogue river unmolested thla season,
as far as tho Hume Industry is con
cerned. If the present misunderstand
ing among tho heirs of tho Into It. D.
Hume s estate Is not adjusted.
Already tho death of the man who
contributed one-sixth of tho taxes In
Curry county has resulted In the sus
pension of publication of the Wcddcr
burn Radium, the closing of tho
doors ot tho principal hotel, both of
which belonged to Hume, nnd tho re
duction of work to a minimum at tho
storo and on tho Humo ranch, which
comprises thousands of acres of Curry
county's richest land. Should tho
nlmon Industry uo discontinued many
people would bo deprived ot a means
of subsistence; tho business section
ot southern Oregon will bo robbed of
Its most lucrative source of incomo;
and tho financial condition of the
county will be placed in a precarious
Mrs. It. D, Humo was named as
sole administratrix of tho estate. A
brother, Mr. Duncan, Is acting ns
manager. Tho property was divided,
according to the terms of tho will,
nmong sovernl heirs. Tho present
controversy, which threntens to par
alyze tho Hume salmon Industry, was
precipitated when Mrs. Hume of
fered to conduct the fishing and can
nery business if the other heirs
would consent to shnro any loss, as
they would tho profits. They rcfuso
to shoulder tho "loss part of tho
proposition, nnd thus tho matter
At tho present Mrs. Humo Is In Snn
r'ranclsco. Sho Is expected to re
turn to Gold Roach within n fow
days, when definite action will bo
taken regarding the salmon Industry,
(Continued from pagu 1.)
yesterday's ond, while December was
H cent lower, nt $1.00;.
Liverpool opened at IM to Hi
lower and clocd unchanged to half
under yosterdny.
Weakness developed In the market
at the opcn'ng, and prices at ono
time during tho early trade wuro car
rlod about a cent below yesterday's
cloic, but this was recovered at a
later hour with short covering.
Argontino shipments Wheat 2,
936 OuO bushel; corn, 1.837,000
bushels. "v
Whont. ,No. 2 rod, $1.30
l.t04; No. 3 red, $1.30? tf 1.33:
No. 2 hard. $r.20-4 1.30; No. 3
hard, $i.l5-Uei.24-4; No. 1 North
orn spring TT.S Hi 1.2 G&; No. 2
northern. $1.1994 91.24 i; No. 3
spring. $l.l7?i1.244.
Itenl Hstute Transfer.
K. L. Sabln et ux. to F Nifler.
lot S. block oJ. In town of Silverton,
warranty deed, $10.
t. overly ot. ux. to Chas. Krtolt,
SO acres In township C south, range
1 west, warranty deed. $7000.
G. W. IMchtor to m. Rlchter. lots
land 5 In block "D." In Simpson
addition to salem. warranty deed, $1.
E. L. and H. P. Allen to Emma O.
Lang, land In township 6 south, range
2 west, warranty deed, $1.
C. A. nnd L. R. Gray to Jennie G.
Kyle, part of block 1 In Roberts addi
tion to Salem, warranty deed. $1.
H. G. and b. M. McGee to E. Pins.
..9 acres In section 6, township 7
south, ran go 2 east, warranty deed,
Hotel Arrivals.
Taooma Mrs. Alice Kranoos Don
aldson. R. D. Murphy. Dick A. Anon,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvtn W. Morse.
Bay City Richard Wollman.
Canby-Mr. and Mrs. William Min
er. Jake Unapt.
Cottage Grove Thomas Nichols.
Independence Mr. and Mrs. Albert
D. CttaalRgham. koss Paber.
Drain Fred McWIlllama. Miss
Daisy Miller.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Rush, of Eu
reka, Cal arrived In tho city thla
afternoon to visit tho different places
of Interest. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rush hnvo
disposed of their property In Califor
nia, and nro now seeking a now loca
t'on. Mr. Rush Is nn insurance man.
F. O. Neal left last night for Roso
burg, whero he will look after busi
ness mntteri for a short tlmo.
Mr. and Mrs. Nnthnn Huffman havo
gon0 to Seattle to vls't with relatives
for tho next few raonthB.
Clifford Smith hnB returned from
nn oxtendrd visit In Cnllfornln towns
Mr, Smith sayB that old Salem looks
like fulrylnnd compared wlth-somo
of the places In California, and, for
business, Salem has got tho cities be
low ent'rcly shut wit. In every town
along tho road thero nro hundreds of
Greeks and Moxlcnns who work nt
common labor for a mere living. Mr.
Smith commented on tho climate in
tho southern locality ns being jnuch
too hot for a rcspectablo Salem citi
zen to live In.
Mrs. Victor Derry returned to her
homo In Portland lnsf night, nfter a
weok's visit In this city.
Attorney R. A. Renmos, of Med
ford, was In tho city yesterday trans
acting biiBlncsB.
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. O. Thompson, of
Klamath Falls, wero In tho city yca
torday vls'tlng with friends for a fow
hours, after which they went to Port
land to vl-lt relatives for tho ro
ma'ndcr of tho week.
Hal J. Meyers, of Independence,
was a business visitor horo yester
day. Mrs. Grant Corby nnd brother,
Walter Mlnler, wont to Silverton this
morning to visit their sister, Mrs.
Ella Heinz.
Mr-. H. II. Newell went to Portland
last night.
A. H. Hlmhnw, traveling freight
aent for tho Southern Pacific Com
pany, Is In tho city on business.
Mrs. Sherman MMes, of Portland,
Is the j;ucst of Miss Callsta Mforo
for 'ovcral days.
Prof. Arthur von Josson was a
passenger to Portland this morning.
Dr. R. II. Hall returned this morn
ing from a visit to friends in Trail.
Johnny George is horo from Mar-
qunm, visiting lib mother, Mrs. Brad
ley. Ncw Incorporations.
""Artlclos of Incorporation woro filed
In tho offlco of Frnnk W. Benson,
secretary of stato, April 22, as fol fel fol
eows: Consolation Mining Company, prin
cipal offlco Portland; capital stock,
$250,000; Incorporators, Judson D.
Webster, George F. Scott nnd H. S.
Roso City Laundry Company, prin
cipal offlco Portland; cnpltal stock,
$15,000; Incorporators, Ausby K.
Bishop, Inox Luckey nnd Roscoo P.
Pacific .orthwost Timber Com
pany, principal offlco. Portland;
capital stock, $100,000; Incorporators
J. L. Fonroy, II. D. Foaroy nnd II. A.
Tho Majostlc Roofing Compnuy.
principal offlco. Pertlnnd: oapltal
stock. $5000; Incorporators. F. H.
Patton, S. S. Patten and M. A. Vin
son. Saturday's Journal will bo a boost
er number nnd a largo odltlon will
go to all who havo written tho Board
of Trade th's week,
Norwich Union Fire
Insurance Company
Frank Meredith, Resident Agent
Room 13, Ladd & Bush, Bank
Over Ladd A Bush's Bank, Salem, Oi
unlng. polishing, repairing. Ph'e608
O O O O O (I O O O O
dlrl Wanted General bouse.work.
tine home. Phone 127 or 10T8
evening. 4-23-3t
For Rent 3 rooms, nicely and uewly
furnished Blectrle lights and tel
ephone, splendidly equipped bath
and toilet, on second floor; oall
In afternoons at 115 '"enter street,
corner of Cottage l S3-St
For Sale ltrge sewing machine and
table run by electric motor, for
saleiheap 196 S. Coml 4-23-3t
G. W. EYRE, Prop. I