wuxiTaanxAii tournal, . salhm, orbgox, Friday, aprtu m, io. J Coffee I Just Coffee, but perfect I Coffee. m your grocer will grind It bettor if ground at home not too fino. I RELIC OF PIONEER TIMES PART OF PLOW USED BY PHIL SHERIDAN St NT TO SALEM $25 FOR LETTER A CAN YOU WRI1I0NE The Prize to Be Awarded in a Letter Writing Contest Open to Everyone in Oregon. HH-) The Grand! FURNISHED ROOMS::::: T One block north from bont Inndlng I.nrj;p kltclicn In connection for the use of the guests TERMS KKASONAWjE. Mrs. A. D. Shollenburg Newport, Oregon tf-HHIlHlfrH-ftHI Ita n Top Notch Doer. Great deeds compel regard. Tho world crowns Iti doors. That's why tho American pcoplo havo crowned Dr. King's New Discovery tho King of Throat nnd Lung remedies. Every atomls a health force It kills gorms, and colds and la grlppo vanish. It heals cough-rucked membranes an1 coughing Btops. Soro, Inflamed bronchial tubes and lungs nro cure! nnd hemorrhages cense. Dr. Qoo. More-, Black Jnck, N. C, wrltos "it cured mo of lung trouble pronounced hopolcss by all doctors." 50c, $1.00. Trlnl bottlo freo. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry. . o A 390,000 pound locomotive Is raining wost for heavy work in California. A. G. Mngors yesterday received n rathor interesting relic of Oregorf's nionoor diivs. it being a heavy oak I moldbonrd oi the plow used by Gen ornl Phil Sheridan, nt thnt time a llnntonnnt. nn the Grand Rondo In dian reservation. There were no disc plows in those days, nnd in rnct none of tho fino plows wnlch tho farmors of theso days find necessary, nnd yet do not fully appreciate. inc moldbonrd Is from two to four Inches thick, made of n piece of Oregon onk. It was originally provided with a cutter or front made from n wagon tiro, but this has been lost, nnd only the wood remains. It still has tho wooden plugs by which it was fas toned to tho plow frame nnd is In n fino stnto of preservation. Thnt oiu plow turned the soil In Mm rlv T.0h that not only furnish ed vegetables nnd grain for tho post but undoubtedly turnisneu hub oi provender that In tho hard winters knnt Mm nhoriEinnl'B backbone from getting too familiar with tho covering of his abdomen. Its n far cry from tho old wooden moldbonrd to tho modern gang plow, nnd this old plow used by n youngster In tho American nrmv innc before ho nttnlned fnmo nr wnn tho Hiibloct of poetry becauso ho was "twenty miles away, is sure ly ono of tho tnings wormy oi men tinn nml of helne taken from n prl vnto collection to add to tho wealth of tho big collection or eariy uuys bolng gnthered by the l'loneor abbo elation. o Mon on big salaries who walk ncross tho strcot from public Institu tions to tholr homo, but nro too poor to pave, nro to bo pltiod. OREGON ARTIST IS HONORED AT PARIS MTnltoil ITcm Leased Wlre.1 Astoria, Or., April 23. -John II. Trulllnger, whoio homo was formorly In this city, has been honored by tho Academy of Arts of Paris, which ac cepted ono of his palntlng3, a portrait of his wife. A lettor telling of Artist Trulllng or'B uood fortuuo haB lust been ro- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been used In this stnto for gonorntions. Hundreds of remnrknblo cures havo boon reported during that tlmo nnd thero 1b scarcely a family in which tho romedy hns not been triod with beneficial results. This furnishes tho material for tho lottors to bo writ ten In this contest. Thoro 1b no do mnnd upon tho Imag'nation, every nurratlvo must deal with facts. Tiio Prize. Tho Dr. Williams Medlcino Co., of Schenectady, N. Y will award n prizo of $25.00 for tho host lettor mailed on or boforo April 30. 1909, from tho state of Orogon on tho aub Ject, "Why I Recommend Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills." Tho Conditions. Tho euro or bonoflt from tho use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills dCBcribod in tho lottor may bo In tho writor's own chbo or ono that has como under his or her porsounl observation. Moro than ono euro may bo de scribed in tho lottor. so long as ovory statement mado is ttvrnlly truo. Tho lettor Bhould bo no longer than is necessary to rolato tho bono flt obtnlnod from Jho romody In tho enso doscrlbod. " Each lottor must bo signed by tho writer with his or hor nnmo and full nddross of tho person whoso euro Id doscrlbcd. THEST WILL, DE STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL nnd will not bo mndo public. Lottors containing ad dresses tha: ennnot bo vorlflcd will not bo considered In awarding tho prlzo. Tho wrltor of each lottor must stnto tho nnmo nnd dnto of tho pn- por In which ho or she saw tho nn nounccmont of this competition. Fino writing will not win tho prlzo unlets you havo a good caso to describe. Tho Btrcnglh of tho roc ommondatlon nnd not tho stylo ot tho letter will bo tho bnsls of tho award. Your lottor muBt boar a postmark of not Inter than April 30, 1909. Do THE MARKETS I United rresi Leased Wire. Snn Francisco, April 22 Wheat No. 1 California club, per cental, $2 02.05; California whlto milling, $2.05 2.10; northern blucstom, $2.17 2.25; off grades wheat, $1.75u,l.S5; reds, $202.05. Darloy Feed barley, $1.5O0$1. 57; common to fair, $1.4001.45; brovlnr. nt San Francisco, nominal at $1.57 01. GO; chovnllcr, $1.55 1.G0, according to quality. Eggs Per dozen, California fresh, Including cases, extras, 24c; firsts, 23 c; seconds, 22c; thirds, 20 c. Duttor Per pound. Cnllfornln fresh, extras, 24c; firsts, 23c; seconds 22 c. Now cheese Por pound, California flats, fancy. 6Ac: firsts. 15c; sec onds, 13c; California Young America, rnncy, ice; firsts, nc; unsiorn Oregon flats, fancy. 15c; dii Young America, fancy. 1GC. Potatoes Por contnl, rlvor whites, fancy, $1.50 .G5; Salinas Uurbanks $2 (If 2.10: do Orogon, $1.8002; now potatoes, nor pound, 2c: swcot po tatoes, per crnto, $1.G5 02. Onions Por cental, Orogon, $2.50; Australian Drowns, $4; Toxan Ber mudas, por crnto, $1.8502; now green, pr box, 200 05c, Oranges Por box, nnvols, sizes 80 to 12G0$1.5O02; sixes 150 to 21G, $202.50. i J PORTLAND MARKKT8. Wheat Track Price. Club $1.20lb 1.25 niuoatom f 1.271b 1.30 Turkey Red $1.16 Valley $1.1G .... Floar. PatontB $0.05 Straights 5.10 Exports- 4.70 Valloy G.30 Graham. 1 sack 5. GO Wholo wheat 5.80 Ryo 6.60 Feed $34035 liny. Wlllnmotto vnl ordinary. . . .$141G Eastern Orogon, fancy.... 170 19 Alfalfa 140 14.60 Clovor 11 Checfio. F. C. Twins 17c F. C. Trlplots 17c Young Amorlcn 18c Cream brick 20c Swiss block 20o Llmborgor 18020c Miltfltuffs. llran $2C.G0 Middling, 33.00 Shorts, city 38.000 30.00 Chop 20.000 25,00 Rolled Darloy .... 34.000 35.00 Egg. Select Orogon 22c023c Eastern 16c02Oo Tlio Kind. Toa Havo Alwnya Bought, nud -which lirts boon In uso for over 30 years, 1ms boruo tho aignnturo of nml hns uooiiinnuounuor Ins por- lyj- soiml Htiporvlttlon einco its infancy. t-CtrCCAtAi Allow o nun to tlccolvoVOU ill tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations mid 4JtiHtns-rood' nro font Experiments that trlilo with ami omlmiiror tlio health of InlUnts iiud Cltlhlron Kxporlonco ngtilust Exporltuonfc. What is CASTORIA Caatorla is a lmrmlcss sulistltuto for Cantor OH, Pare porlo, Drops mid Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains noi'Ui-c Opium, Morphlno nor other Nhrcotlo Hitbstanco. lte iitfo is its guarantee It destroys Worms and nllrvH T'nvorlHhnoHS. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It roiloToa Toothing1 Troublos, euros Constipation and Flatnlrncy It assimilates tlio Pood, reRUlates thtf Stomach and Bowels, glviuir healthy and natural sloop. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GKNUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the Signature of (&&& f-cuc&vU ffrn 1 lie KM You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. YWi OtNTAUft OOMHHV. TT MUIfc ttKT, 1lVO IT. kllllV DUO juwv uvvn i - II4IM niiriitlip .- ,,.. colved horo. It says that tho painting ""YU uu,,uw"', " .'r"' ".' ' has been given a prominent ninco in "' -. , ' V"" ""' tho Paris union. DtwwaAil HfnnlM. not dolny. but It you know ot a cure hoch. fnncr 9A01Oo .. . x. V.. 1 11. - I ---- -fc--"- write yonir icitor ruw. uoBervo wiu Thoro U moro building going on nt Snloin thin time of tho yonr thnn ovor hoforo In tho history of th town. o News from Near By There's considerable talk out in the suburbs about those articles in EVERY BODY'S MAGAZINE showing how not to get stuck in a " margin " stock deal. They say the stories in this number are fine, and it's the greatest " shopping-by-mail" advertising number published yet. Try it. For m1o by nil denlors. BASE HITS BY JOCK in huulB If Portland can hold Uiob two mon, Gurrott and Grnnoy. thnt big rujc will ha on tholr side of tho fence at tlio oncl oi ma go. "A stitch In tlmo invos nlno," Is Mnnngors Hoysor nnd Jormnn's mot to, nftar bolnir nonrly rubbed up onco by tho Kalrmount club, nnd they now havo some dopondnbl articles undor t cover. Cnioy's bunch In the Northwott lungmo refustd to set down ontlroly for the Sotittio team, nnu inay nn "gettln" a hump" on In fine time now. Go It. Cnsoy, renumber your elders aro not sure uf sott'ag tae'h In tho Ponnant, and Portland geU Nw.'iil peevish when there Is nothing to holler about. Address nil lottors as follews: Lottor Contest Dopt,, Dr. WllllnmB Medlcino Co., Schenectady, N. Y. o Ilewjiro of Ointments for tlutt Contnltt Mercury, as mercury will surety dostroy tho senso of smell and completely do range tho wholo system whon ontor tug it through tho mucous surfacoi. Such articles nhould novcr bo mo J oxcept on protections from roputnblo Hogs, ordlnnry 8 0 Do Plcnlo 10c Hokb lnru 80Oo iVoal, extra 10 'Voal, ordinary 8 00c Voal. heavy Kc j Mutton, fancy G0 7c - .Cottage roll Ho Catarrh i nronkfast 17 Vi 0 21c I uog. snort cioar, omoKca xjc i Ditto, onsmokod 12 Clour hacks, smoked.... iac Shoulders Ho Poultry. ChlfkuiiH, mixed 1GMi017c lions, fancy 10017 Wo Itoontors, old 100110 Cranberries, Howo's vnrlo- ty, bbl 18.00 lluttor and Krrh, Itctufll. E,,go Creamery butter Choose, pound o Two now school houses nro con tracted for at Eugene. Ilrollors 25o phyilclnns, ns tho dnmago they will Drosod. poultry, lo lb. hlghor. do It teu-fold to tho good you i Ducks 20022 Wo n....ll.l. .Inrlvn frnm fhnm Tlnll'n , ", "" vu- Catarrh Curo, manutactAirod by F J. Amer, 31300 Record 2:17. Full brother to Don Dorby, 2:04; Derbartha, 2:07yi; Diablo, 3:00; Domonlo, 2:11; Ed Lafferty, 2:16, and others. Ily Chas. Dorby, 4007, slro of G hotter thnn 2:10, dam Dortha by Alcnttrn, dam of 4 bottor than 2:10, and flvo othora. Wlpnor of first pomlum at 8 loin lioroo show. For standard stallions oonaon of 1000 nt Pair around nnd Club Btn bios. Foe, $25.00 for nonson, $35.00 to lusuro. a. n. SIMPSON, 4-8-tf Fairground, Ore. A FAIR PRF0RMER May produco really oxcollont muaio if unro in tho choice of nn Instrument hns boon oxorolsod. You do not have to bo nn oxpurt to soloct musical In struments horo. Our collection Is so high alnsH thnt you couldn't plok out n poor ono If you tried. Ask nny good musician you know. I. V. HAVAOK, 217 Coinntorclal Ht. Hftlcm, Or. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contalus no mercury, and Is takon internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system, la buying hall's Catarrh Cure bo sure you get tho senulne. It is taken In tornally and made In Toledo, Ohlc, by P. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonial free. Sold by Druggists. Price 75c p bottlo. Tnko Hall's Family Pills for con tlpat.')n. o ' Kennejy'c Laxatlvo Cough Syrup :r free from all opiates and It cures '.he What has become of those Kugene i coi,j oy KOntly moving tho bowols. It cll7 TBia laqwiry na uun niiMiitly made by Salem faaa. McCormlek has never started any flutter. Fnncy 25 02'Jc Cholco 30c Staro 18030c! Oats. No. 1 Whlto $40. 00041. 00i Gray 38.00 ' I'ntMtoee, I Buying prices, por cwl. .1.25 01.35 Swoets, lb 26 03o Presli Fruit. Oranges $1.7501.35 Lemons $1.5004.00 Grapos, bbl 9.00 Pours, box. ........ . .7501.00 Apples, box 06 02.50 Hannnas, pound O5 0.O5V6 Onions, por cwt $1.25 01.50 Inil IUtnll Market. ,-Jils eepoclally recommended for chl'-jWhoat, por bu $1.20 Ja' I .. -. . ..... i.. . a .. I RnHtorn Orcen l.CJ Turkoya 20o Drossfd 20023c dren, ns It tastes nearly as good as McCormicK tins never sinriuu unj ; -, " ..J' Bran, per sack .9 thing yet he couldn't finish, and thuj maple suga.. Wo soli and recommend q. Back. .!!. .$1.3601.6 Salem Independents will havo a, n. Sold by all druggists. Boiled hurley 40.0 i-HHHCt to play them uoiore long. , That young Asheafelter chap who ..TT eiar ,J l '.0 ,mn rn"",1,."i.: , ,!,, ,v.a Ikall tnr ha Salem HIkU W,H "lwri wiv sinninir yunuy, u I son ondi. Bight good mon behind i nrojccl , him and a fair shake by the umpiro t will start things his way. .96 5 Boiled hurley 40.00 Wheat, per bu $1.0601. 10 Lorn! WIioIckoIu Mnrkt't. Wheat, por bu.. . $1.05 01.00 OaU, per bu .65 Flour, hard wheat. .. . 6.96 Flour, Valloy 5.2006.40 DISCOHOL for knowledge. CURES LIQUOR HABIT fe, tei, cocoa or milk without pHtlrnt'a New medical preparntlon In liquid and powder forme. The only known rrintdr Alcohol dleeasea. Can be siren with cor FPFF SUCCESS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED POPF I ILL BOO I'AUKMIKH Of TIIIH YMMAHhll LL i ita.s ur.moiNH to nn oivhn away - A Hpcclallet haa lately dlacoTered a new medicine for the cure of the lrluk habit. lo you wleh a packaged If you have In your family a I"!'' huebautl, father, brother or eon, who la gWIng you trouble, or niaklutt lira uiUerable fur you, and whom you wleh to be cured from tbla dliraio. do not hmltate n moiprnt, but act at once. Alcohol haa tlila victim In hU clutchm and the unfortunate one le not able lo vecape him. DIHCOIIOI. haa cured tliouaaiuU and will cure any one i..i.....ii,u .ui ivri tn ua at aiire. ttttntm it ! inn lat. It la guaranteed harm Ihi and Ita effecta are noaltUe. If you wleh free treatment and. further Inetruc lieu It la guaranteed ilmm. fill out coudou be ow and mal to UK. Dou'l li)-ltate. ae tlie dihi pacaagea will eoon be given away and each further package will coat II NOW you can aecure one I'llKH. Cut out thla Coupon. Hend It today Ment in piaiu wrapper Coupon for frte Drink-llublt I'urv. Name Addrtsa Mall tbla Coupon to TIIK HrlJIKDY AHHOl'IATION. 02 Kt mut Ht.. New York. N Y iMlli feod. shorts. DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only cash drug store In Ore- J sea. owe bo one, and no one owe it; carries large stock; its shelves. . counters and show cases are loaded , with drugs, medicines, "notions, toilet ; articles, wines and liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes. Di. Stone is a regular graduate in med icine, and has had many year ot ex- j perience in the practice. Consul U-' tlona are free. Prescriptions are only regular prices ror Dr. Stone can be toand Poor obi Kd Kennedy. Portland's first baseman, had bad luck In Wed-j ' unsdoy's gamo, and Portland lost the' j game Kennedy dropped a snoot from Ol-on, permitting Wheeler, frr 'the Angels to scamper over the pan. There wasn't a fan in Portland to jk'ck at Kennedy, howover, as Port ' land's first baseman Is the steadiest . man In the buslnose, and mlahapB of this kind don't happen to him but once or twice a year. I Ches. Boweu, Salem's soutnpaw, wa' cred'ted with 12 strike outs in Dallas this season in one game. He has been signed p by the Salem In dependent team. Tho South Salem Falrraount club will play with the Jefferson balllBU next Sunday. From the form both j toaros have been playing in so far ! this oa on. It Is anyone's game until played. a .. w- .& I .. .1 IiaaI oral In free and only regular pnca ior imre uuirun .uiwu. iretj, iuu u a ,gao . ,i.k. nn tnn nt th nlle medicine. Dr. Stone can be louna - -- 'anuk league this at his drug store, Salem. Or., from year wth a rcntape of f33 New 7 in the tternlnj: until 9 at night yoik, w u$xt with 667 VINOL CURES CHRONIC COUMS.ISiii fflTr." ... IU nnnunlllTin Hops. 1908 Crop uumi amu unununnia Aftor Other Homodios Fail "1 have been troubled with a chronic cold and bronchitis for a long tune and have tried many remedies without finding relief. Through the kind sug eestlon of a friend 1 tried Vlnol, and after taking four bottles, am entirely cured." A. II. Wilde, 733-8th Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. & McDonald, 147 W. Congress St. Paul, Minn., writes: "I con traded a severe cold last winter and thought I would never get rid of it I tried Vlnol as a last resort, and it baa completely cured me." Vlnol combines two world-famed tools, the healing, medicinal proper ties of cod liver oil ana tonic Iron, de ltcletMly palatable and agreeable to the weakest tioaiaeh. For this reason. Visa U unexeellfd as a strength Lu I4er for otd people, delicate cbil ct. . weak and run-down persons, af iw hlcknoeg and for Chronic Coujh. Colds and Bronchitis. O. W. PUTMAN CO. Hops, 1907 orop Chlttam bark . , . Wool, coarse . . Wool, medium . Mohair Hay, cheat Hay. clover .... Potatoes, bushel 700.80 Apples, bush"! . 6001.00 Prunes, per lb........ 10.4 Prnnos. per lb 1 0 4 33.30 30.00 .10 .203 .203i, .18 .20 .23 13.00 12.89 ARRH A Reliable Remedy Ely's Cnwulali It quick I; abee. Cie Relief at Oece. ItcIeauM, soothes, Utal and protects the diravrd uetn. brane rtaultinc from CaUrrb and drives away a Cold in the Hed quickly. 1U.IIV CtTUrR stores the Kenars of sim iCeVbll Taate d Kuiell. Fullalz50cU.,atDrag gUt or by mail In liquid form, 75 cnts. Elv UrotUrs. W Waxreo HUiaU New York. Shoes For Summer Hvorythlug you could wish for pumps, low shoes and oxfords. In pat ent, oulf, tans, oxblood and eanvas. All contain stylo and wearing ability. Bust pride. J. Vogt f I8taiitiaiitiiili'it isniHfii r ccrA"V Vi-sIID 1-017170 XXITM DEPENDABLE BRAND LIME AND SULPHUR SOLUTION You get the best spray on the market. Made by Salem ; ; people ana guaranteed oy aaiem pcopiu. uuu mihco n and test tacked on every barrel. Manufactured by the ; ; GIDEON STUu: UUMJ'ANT. 5aiem, ureuon. For salo by tho following dealers: TlliiOn CO. VUrtCHKH BYKI. D. A. WHITK A SONS. H. V. CWA8K. i.k imr.D hhoci. MBiaHlsltlltltlfl1rliri1f1t"','l""llilllll