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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1909)
I DAILY CAPITAL JOUKNAL. RALWM, ORHGON, FRIDAY, APRIL M, 1MW. s & SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Time Card No. 54 Effective Sunday Angnst 10, 1000. Toward Portland Passenger. No. 10 5:13 a. m....... Oregon Express No. 18 8:40 a. m... Cottage Grove rats. No. 12 2:45 p. m...Itottburs I'aRstnser No. 14 0:13 p. m Portland Express Toward Portland Freight. No. 2220 p. m Portland Fast Freight No. 22010:40-11:28 a. m....Vay Freight Toward San Francisco Passenger. No. 11 11:03 a. ci....Itoeburg; Passenger No. 17 0:45 p. m... Cottage Grove 1'ass. No. 15 0:50 p. m California Express No. 13 3:31 a. m...San Francliico Exp. Towartl San Francisco Freight. No. 221 2:43 a. m... Portland Fast Frt. No. 223 1 1:28 a. m War Freight OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Time Card Kffcctlvo Nov. 15, 1008. Leaves Fer: Portland and Intermediate, local. 0:40 a.m. l'ortlnnd Illllsboro and Intermediate, local 8:55 a.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 11:15 a.m. Portland and Intermediate, lecal. 1:40 p.m. Portland-Tualatin and lllUnboro, lim ited 3:05 p.m. I'ortlnnd-IIIIIsboro and Intermediate, local 4 :00 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 0:20 p.m. Portland aud Intermediate, local. 8:40 p.m. Arrives Frem: Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:25 a.m. Portland-IIIIIttoro and Intermediate, local 10:00 a.m. Portland-IllllBboro-Tualatln, lim ited 10:50 a.m. Psrtland and Intermediate, local. 1:00 p.m. Portland-Hlllsboro and Intermediate, local ...................... 4 :00 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 5:45 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:20 p.m. 1'ortland and Intermediate, local. 10:40 p.m. O. C. T. Co. Utoamors Pomona and Orogona Icavo for Portland aionaay, Wednes day and Friday nt 10 n. m.; Tues day, Thursday and Saturday nt 6 a. m. For Corvallls TucBdny, Thurs day and Saturday about 7 p. m. M. 1. BALDWIN, Agent. Marshflold hns a club of onglnoors. Salem has almost enough of thorn to 'organlzo a club. OA;U'TOHIA. B..r.tb. ' d J0" "ai11 Al LOW RATES TO OREGON DAILY During March and April From all parUt of tho East, via Union Pacific Oregon Short Line The Oregon Railroad & Navl gation Co, Southern Pacific $33 from Chicago $30.50 from St. Louis $25 from Omaha 25 from Kansas Citv Correnpondlngly low from all other points. TO THE PUBLIC Write letters to everybody you know (n tho tuiflt and toll thorn about these low colonist rates. Send thorn liter aturo about Oregon, or send their adduces to up and wo will do It In this way you can bo a great help In the growth and progress of your stuto YOU CAN PREPAY FARES for nn- ono from any placo If you who to. Doposlt tho necessary amount with our local agent and he will itruph ticket promptly. Inquire or agents or write to W.M.- McMURRAY (ii'imral Passenger Agont Tli. r.on R. It. & Navigation Co. So.. hm Pacific Co. (lines in Ore.) PORTLAND, OREGON V- V WATT? 0A0S 23) S. COMMtRCUL ST e -ism Grabcr Bros. . PLUMBING AND GAS PITTING Will give prompt attention to i jntors. guarantee our work flv aaUfactioa and to be a the sanitary standard. WILL HB PLIUSKI) TO CIIVB TUIATKS OX CO.VTIUOTS m agents for the Alamo. and Ideal Oasollae En- gtNS. Water Systems Installed on Liberty Street, back &vr Jeuelry Store. vtitw jfnf Y$0 Words of Pntiae For the several ingredients ot whlck Dr. Plcrco's medicines aro composea, s bIt n by teadort in alt tho several scaook oi medlclno, should havo far mora wlght than any amount ot non-professional tes timonials. Dr. Plcrco's Favorite Prescrip tion has the nADos or iiosESTT on everj bottlo-wrapper, In a full list of all Its in gredients printed lu plain English. If you aro an invalid woman and suffex from frequent headache, backache, gnaw lngdlstr& In stomach, periodical paint, dlsagreafible, catarrhal, pelvic drain, dragfflifedown distress in lower abdomen or polvjs, perhaps dark spots or speck dancjg beforo tho eyes, faint spells and klnd&d symptoms caused by femalo weak oess.otythr derangement of tho feminine organs, W can not do better than take Dr. PIcreK Favorite Prescription. Tho l)i'Ual, surgeon's knife aud opera ting tally may bo avoided by tho tlmrlj use of Vf'avorlta Prescription" In sue!) cases. Thereby the qnnnslom rxamjn fttlntmum ij truatn.ynt ot tho family physician can h"ayoMpd and a thoromtl caiirse ol S'lcisstul trcitmcnt cnrriH o ii Injiii- mrivaryv)i ,l,ru' tp"l':., "r'avoni Prescription " Is composed of the very best native medicinal roots known to medical science for the euro of woman's peculiar ailments, contains no alcohol and nc harmful or habit-forming drugs. Do not expect too much from 'FavorlU Prescription; "It will not perform mlra clcs ; It will not dlsolve or cure tumors No medicine will. It will do as much tc establish vigorous health In most weak ncsscs and ailments peculiarly Incident to women as any medicine can. It must be given a fair chance by perseverance In lt use for a reasonnble length of time, yni rjm't nffpnl in iirropt wwt nog. trtim ni a -iihnimn fnr '' rrr""1!' " Kunw.n roinpMUmy. , . Kick women aro Invited to consult Dr. Plorce,by letter, free. All correspond enco Is guarded as sacredly secrot ant womanly confidences aro, protected bi professional privacy. Address Dr. U. V Pierce. Uuffalo.N. V. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets tho bcsl laiatlvo and regulator of tho boweli They Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Ooo a laxative; two or three I eathartlc. Kasy to take as candy. BDIE WING SANG CO. Big stock, host goods, now nt wholcsalo prices. Wo mako up a now lino of ladles' wrnppors, whlto undorwear, kimonns and waists. Wo koop all kinds of dress goods nnd silks. Cents' nnd males' furnish ing goods, shoos, hoso, umbrellas, ombroldory nnd lace, skirts, suits overalls, trunks, matting, otc. 325 North Commercial St., Salem, Orogon. Salem Fence Works Iloadquartors for Wovon Wlro Fonclng, Hop Wiro, Barb Wiro, Poultry Netting, Shingles, Mai thold Roofing P & B Roady Roofing. Screen Doors and ad justlblo Window Scroons. All At lowest Prices. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN 230 Court tit Phono ISM MFALS 15c Call and try thorn. Meals lGc Board por wook 12.75, ali- fur nlBhod rooms very reasonable AT TUB Salem Restaurant 8110 COURT 8TRKKT. U.nnflM.wraacHFEMLE MMMlUVm SPILLS. A Stn, bmn Etuir f,r Irrruan IIimhiimi. a miii iieN to rait. ri w.i ad, i s.u.. ! MljMtWl. r l.l M4 Una Mlrttl.Ukt Mil b . ' -, ivi. i, ji prw. I. IM H UNI1tOMC0ietC0..oT4. LPl0.T.r. jsEsssssmmammmmmmmm t Id in Saem bv Or 5. C. S Phono 44 Main. 147 N. High st, C. W.YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs and Livery. All Riga Modern Rubber Tiro. FP Fire Proof Fool Proof In considering making your own Jlght, or cooking, why not consider the F. P. Gas Machine and Stub- ben. Light Will soil and install this machine and guarantee It to give 100 per cent more light for the same money than electrloity or city gaa. Let me figure with you, estimates furnished. Call at ray shop and see the lights and stoves In operation. I also carry PVItO DKXATUIlRr) LOOHOL utllltluft.. Safe economi cal, odorless. A. I, FRASER STREET PAVING BEGINS SALEM IS STARTING WORK ON STREET IMPROVEMENTS Salem began paving Its streots again today. Somu tlino ago tho Wnrron Construction Co. begnn piling crushed rock nt points of ndvantngo, nnd having enough on hnnd to pavo four blocks, began actlvo work this morning. Tho big roller had steam up nt 7 o'clock, tho Portland Railway, Light nnd Power Co. had a gang at work putting Its track on grade and preparing for doing its part of tho work. Tho first wont will bo done on Liberty street, botwecn Stnto and Court, and probably after that tho block botween trout nnd Commer cial will bo taken In hand, completing tho work on Stnto street from Front to Twelfth. Tho construction com pany wllL push tho work as rapidly as poB8lblo nnd within tho next month or six weeks nt least four blocks will bo completed. Tho ma terial has all been assembled nnd It Is only n question of lnbor. CROPS BADLY IN NEED OF RAIN Brother Denis, tho woathor mau, ioiuIb out tho good news "showers tonight nnd Saturday." Ono of Ore gon's nlco warm rains would como In very handy to tho farmer Just at pros ont, and a warm ra'n would not harm tho poach or applo blossoms. Tho spring grain Is ip fnr enough now to bo bonoflttod by rain, and tho gar don truck will bo much cnrllor this Beason with tho help of tho rain. Harvey Walker, ono of Marlon county's, most successful fanners, has a crop of Hprlng wheat which camo up In ono week's tlmo after planting. nnd, from present Ind'catlons, tho crop is go'ng to bo n bumpor. J, J. Cutter, n lato arrival from tho EaBt. and an experienced fnrmor, has n mlgnlflcont cron of snrlnir wheat now about ono Inch up. Mr. Cuttor'o piaco is located a few mllos south on tho river road. Ho formerly owned uo acrcj or farming land noar Ells worth, Kansas, but. aftor mnklntr n. slghtseolng trip through Orogon. ho roturned homo, disposed of his hold- ng nnd moved West, and ho ox poets to Bhow his Eastorn friends now to rnrm In penco nnd comfort. WILL REDUCE RATES ON FRUIT AND WOOL Tho railroad commission has cnllod upon tho Orogon Short Lino Railroad Company for a roducatlon In wool ratos from Huntington. Ontnrlo. Vnlo nnd other points on Its lino In tho stnto of Oregon to Now York, Bos ton, Philadelphia, Chlcngo and othor eastern nolntfl rninmnn llinrnwllli This Ih u formal notlco from tho com mission as provldod by law, nnd If roasnnnblo rmltintlnnn nrn nrvt by tho railroad company at an early uiuu, uiu commission win nio a com plaint with tho Intorstato commerce commission asking for a reduction. Notlco wnB also glvon tho Northorn Pacific railway, Astoria and Columbln River rnllrnnri. Rnnlinnn ii,...ii,....i and Soattlo railway. Oregon Short i-ino, urogon itaiirond and Navigation Company nnd Southern Pacific that tho Increase In tho oastbound trans continental rats offcctlvo January 1, 1909, Is consldorod unreasonable and linlllBt. nnd n rnniinut la mn.lo !... tho old ratos or thoso In effect prior io jnnuary J, iuuu, uo relnstatod. If tho .request of tho commission is not compiled with n complaint will bo filed with tho Intorstato commerce commission nt an early dato. Tho lattor affects fruit shlpmonts from valley points to uio oast. This Is tho start of the commission's fight against tho recent Incrouso in oast bound ratos. AUTO GOING THROUGH NEW YORK TO SEATTLE Green River, Wyo.. Anrll 23. Tho big pathfinder automobile, running wuih ocw lorn to aeattlo is a week lato, owing to bad roads, but this tlmo. It s expeeted, win be mado up betworn Granger, Wyo., and Pocatel lo, Idaho, as tho roads for that dis tance are known to bo In good condi tion Tho pathfinder arrived In Green River yesterday, o People past middle life usually have come kidney or bladder disorder that taps the vitality, which U natur ally lower In old age. Foley's Kid ney Remedy corrects urinary trou bles, stimulates the kidneys, and re stores strength and vigor. It cure uric add troubles by strengthening the kdneys o they will strain out the uric acid that settles In the mu. elei and Jo'nta causing rheumatism For sale by J. 0. Perry. Taeoua bowhr have arraaged a telegraphic bottling contact for May R lw wwb prlarlpal northwestern cltios BmhO lwLUYtonAlnnBa For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use De Witt's Kidney and Bl&dder Pills A Week's Trial For 25c K. O. DWZTT it CO.. Chlcmxo, XIL J. C. PKRItY. NOTICK. To N. W. Harris & Company ot Chi cago, nnd to Whom It May Con corn: Notlco Is horoby glvon that I, T M. Dimmlck, County Troasuror of Coos County, will within thirty days from tho dato of this notlco redeem nnd pay school bonds Numbers 11, 13 nnd 13, issued by School District No 9, Coos County, Orogon, and dated May 1st, 1805. Tho said bonds will bo paid at tho "Banking House of tho Now York Security nnd Trust Company In the City nnd State ot Now York, tho said bonds to bo ro duemod bolng for the sum ot rite hundred dollars each. No Interest will bo allowed aftor May 1st, 1009. Dated at Coqulllo City, Coos Coun ty, Orogon, this 25th day of March, 1009. T. M. DIMMICK, County Treasurer ot Coos County, Orogon. 3-27-lmo It Is nil right for tho Domocrnts to demand an Incomo tax. But It takes Republican good times to on nhlo tho pooplo to havo Incomes to tax. o Money Cornea Ih Ilaacbea to A. A. Chlsholm, ot Troadwell, N. Y now. Ills reason Is well worth readlng: , "For a ling time I suffered from indigestion, torpid liver, consti pation norvousnosa, and general de bility," ho wrltos. "I couldn't sleep, hnd no appotlto, nor ambition, grew woaltor ovory day in nptto ot all med ical treatment. Thon used Electric my old-tlmo health and vigor. Now I can attond to business every day. It's a wonderful modlclno." Infal- liblo for Stomach, Llvor, Kldnoys, Ulood and Norves. DOo at J. C. Per ry's. o Rov. Father Moran, of Albany, has gono to tuko charge ot tho Catholic church at Marshflold. o Rheumatism. Moro than nlno out ot ovory tao cases of rhoumatlsm ot tho muscles, duo to cold or damp, or chroalo rheumatism. In such casoa no Inter nal treatment Is required. Tho frt application of Chamberlain' Llni moncla all that Is needed, and It ti corta'.n to giro quick rollof. aire It a trial and soo for yourself how quickly it rollovos tho pain and tor nosp. Tho modlclnos usually glvon lu tc-nally for rheumatism aro potsos oua or vory strong medicines. They nro worso than usoIom In case ot chronic and muscular rhwmatltm For salo by all good drugglsU. o National loaguo games postponed In eastern cities today on account of cold woathor. 1 o Object to Strong Medicine. Mnny people object to taking th strong medicines usually prescribed by physicians for rheumatism. There Is no need of internal treatment la any case of muscular or chronic rheu matism, and moro than olno of of every ten cases of the disease a -a of ono or tho other of these varlotles. Whon there Is no fever and I'ttlo (if any) swelling, you may know that It Is only nocessitry to apply Qhamber taln'fl Liniment freely to got qut relief. Try It. For sale by all gooJ druggists. Tho State Agricultural College military band Is to make a concert tour of tho larger Wlllnmatto valley towns. Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indigestion taken occasionally will soon rollere you of all tho simple stomach all menu that you now have, but wh ch may be more serious later. Sold b all druggists. o . ftrint ("l1lu-Hf rxM'lor v L. M. If V M Ma medlrltiM whlrb wi'l rtrr mi, known dlirase. Ho makes a prtai ty of, aud guarantees to cure Catarrh Asthma, Lhnk Th ot. Ktiiiuiauii Debility. Stomach. I.lvr Kldne? Troubles; also any blBokii1 swqllen surenens, broken limb Smallpox; Epidemic; all bind ol Bolls, Lost Manhood, Female U'.ak ness, Hernli Troubles and Paralysis ConsulUt'on free. Care of Ylck Bo Tong Co., Chinese drugs and herbs THE STOCK BOOKS For tho North Santlara Mining company, aro atlll p Mr to veetors. A limited amount of stock Is now for salo, nt tho 1X)W PlQlCH of Go por share. SAVAGE & HERREN FISCAL AGKNTS. 123 8. OOMMKHOIAL ST. READY TAILORED FOR WELL DRESSED MEN, to itif 120 Aro thoso who will haro tin lnundor tholr waists, dollcato llngorlo, oto. Our facilities aro thoso of tho best for tho porfoct handling of this charactor of work, Our help Is thoroughly oxporlonced, nnd much moro skllfull than most holp you can seouro to como to your homo or to "tnko out." A trial will mako you u client of ours. Salem 'Laundry Co. Telephone ilfl. tliu-ltiu H. Liberty Ht. ynmc . i Wuft Htm xxms M 'Ml 1 1 anHmti8f njMf f iaMfntfiis)miiaiaajiis)M WrailaillHlalHmlt I !! f ! WILLIAM, STOCKS WILLAMKTTK HOTKL, HALRM, Or. I enn udvlc you on any stockH or bond old or on Iho market. Money secured for promotion, purpowK, pntentN, innnufucturliig in. diiNtrlex, larg Innil dfiH, vie, Call nnd liu. Wand'd, a Itcfrrciitt'M nwiuln-d. Portland's Popular Fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service In city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m. Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern Hostlery I 'ho metropolis of the Northwest. ANNfX. IS NOW OPEN Our capacity has been doubled and our free bus will hereafter meet trains No, 6, and train No. 12, limited, Oiegon Flectiic that arrive in Portland at 10:55 a. m, U'Vi !" M. C. DICKINSON, Manager Trie OREGON ""'"s CLOTHES PRICE RANGE IjfAffyn w 2Q TO $ 40 Spring Shoes I hnvo n full lino of spring shoes, Man's, Ladles' and Children's, Uu and blacks. All good shoes that will glvo satisfaction. I am aura you will bo woll ploasod with my lino of footwear. Soo my stock be foro you buy olsowhoro. JACOB VOGT. 345 Stnto Stroot. f fnmmif i i ! Nothing Better on ho Market GOODS BEARING THIS MARK ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED WHEN SOLD BY THE Salem Hardware Company J Com'- SC. Phone 172 THE BEST ROAST THE FAMILY EVER HAD Can bo obtained from our nrlmn. ten dor and Juicy Boef, Mutton or Pork, All our moats aro uolcctod from the cholcbst, and proparod fur tho table to suit tho domnuds of thu fnstldloua. Our pricos tiro lowor for qt allty than you can find at any placo In Salem. E. C. CROSS & SON DAVIDSON and BONDS I fmv comp-(fiit melt mid wonirii. Hilfj f ' lti.r Phone inn a-VH Suite Br, 161 High Hi., upstairs, Salem, Or.