f r. . - W , , 8 DAILY OAPTTAIj JOURNAL, SALEM. OH BOON. THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1W. I One Thing that Makes Our Store the Real Headquarters for Well Dressed Men Tho Old Roliable Storo 3O0.&M.JZ. O o o OOOOOOOOr CITY NEWS O O O O O O O () o O O o Wcnllicr ForecnM I'nlr tonight unit Friday. liM0ClMllI League grounds tomorrow, nt nt 3 V. rn. Atrnlil (o Lnugli If you nro afraid to laugh, then ntuy uwuy from the Y. M. 0. A. mln ntrol show on April 27. JoIiiimiii ,V Htirgc Art nt tho ftaloin Htonin and Dyo Works, nt 100 South Comniwroliil St . rowdy to proea and nloan tur old , imi.j ... .,,vm nun immii jmii w 111 otolites to look llko now. Clothe oallod for and delivered. Phone BBS Mr. Poller Told the uonventiou of Indian that her dootor said that good coffee prop orly made would not hurt any one. fllie said In buy Folger's Golden dale whole roast, have the grocer grind it or grind It lln-t HoIkiii I'uhIi Oluh The club meets ttili evening itt tho Gontml Cougrogntlonnl oluirch, oorner Nineteenth and Forr) atroela The olub has accomplished more than the most sanguine hopeil for. yet if you will attend regularly will be able to du still more. Pnilt Tracts Five and tnnnxire tracts on tho Oregon Kleatrtc rnllrond; monthly InstnlltnenU. Seo Darby & Wlllson. 4-H-tf Dr. II. 0. Hpley liiitel A button off. hurt night, laughing at Chapter. ICnuw that the thread to good In your clothe or plee slay away (row the minstrel next Tuendny night. Finn Miiulo mill Alt WoimI For sale, cheap, for Immediate de livery. Apply ICrnba llros HhhIi Ilraymnn build lag. Telephone Main 734. J.15-tf Till Mcmii Dntla To you. Two of the greatest Invew tlons of modern times on exhibition in Um-ms lire Hap Qffloo. Greater metier waker than telephone CxM and Me tbew; free demonstration. S-SMf W, T. Itlgtlon, VndertaVw Always progressive, up.to-date Full equipment, largest Mock. 10-31-eod-tf. llet Joke Of HenMHI Those who have heard thqm say that they are the beat of tho season. V. M. t. A. minstrel April 27 That Is niut Tuesday. Notice to PuCllo The o'ty ordUiaaoo provldtug that my po'e ltHated In tho olty shall he palntmlr Is going to be enfrcd by the city offleTalt. and partial hat ing po'es are roqueted to attend to the matter at ease, Uy ordr of Qhlef of l'ollfo. 4.19-tt Trr Oyialrt For the breath. Fur sale ii Meyof-'a barber ahop, Hokerlen'a. Water cigar store.. Ailolnh'a cigar ator, Dick Madison's. ' The Bra Wlllamotto Hotel The Council. Talklngton'o, KTjLM S JCW Za Jr o ffl 7u 'WL iS Merits I j m,,.,,, - Ootlngo Undertaking Parlors Cottngo and Chcmokota sts.; calls duy or night; J. C. Bill. Phono 73i. Itornemlxir Tho Ituguo ground! tomorrow, nt 3 p. in. DnwM' Une now lot Just In. Conm in nud bo convinced If you ennnot do bettor hero than olsowhoro. J. A. Pnttorson, 28G N. Commorclnl street. Your Own Hack mill A cruimdo Is on In Salem for 'donning up your own buck yard." uiH Is the proper thin to do ami everybody nlioii.il do it. it H rather 1 -- -- --- - " ... M miiint on iiiuthndH that the Oor- mens have u proverb about huhmhIul- before your own door, while (ho American Idea goM to the bank yard. Tint Hotel .Situation The hotel situation Is still "upon the kneea of the gods." At present it seems that the parties who bought tha Willamette will Ineorporale for the purHMM or managing the prop erty. Whether It will lie continued aa a hotel when the preeeut lease ex piree or modernise! and uaed for a cheap hotel remains to lie aeon. It la probable the latter course wilt be pursued, but this la only a newspaper guiMw mid the rundors ran guoea at the same price ('oiiiinlshloiinr In Totui County CotumliHiloner J. T. lleok with oame down from Jefferson this warning to look after a few bun I now matter. Mr Dcokwlth has been In vestigating the road conditions In the Seutu Mllla district and reports they are Ih hhmI etiudltlon lth the excep tion of a few miles of road which will need rwpairfug before the sum mer baa goue. All the taxpayers ami residents of Skills Mills have sIkhI- flwl their approval of the appolnlmeHt of the new road HuiterlMr. J. T. Hwltk. hho la dolHg excellent work oh the highways la that vicinity. Dr. (itxirgo mul Autiv Dr. J U Qeorge. formerly -tleing uhyvlclaa of thU cltr. anU a graduate of WUIantetle nnlToralt-. taaoMl through this wornlag on ront to Cretfwwll. Iino eonnty. In a nw lnhrnaalonal automobile, which he mrchaiMMl In PortlanU yeotemta). Dr (orw made the trip from Portland o this city thki morning and left here a hm way to khi borne in CreaweH rhe new machine la tf the hlgh nbeeletl runabout style with two enta. Wlun tho I1IIU Went The p Vowing f the city park near be state house brought to light a wnulne wealth of paper, newspapers, 'ettotw, tMteks heaven known what Ml were turned up by the plow. It Is supH)sod that these are the rom tenia of many a little lunch taken vhlle the lunil piayed on Wlllson venue. but when a Journal reort- ..... .,,,. r was on ttls way to the state house way ne enugnt up with an up with an "oiiii.7TMT " ;"rw" ..."' " .: inter" Just opposite the bandstand 'laving nothing tmiro profound to dls u iHHooontly Inquired. "'Whoro do tu eupiKise all those paper oouie rom. ana wuat aro th0'T" "Those, uiW the ald-Uwor. "are the UUW that ! vre lost In the logislatHro.' Ud Xlggvir At Y M. C A. minstrel noxt "uidy. Seilal poilsemen will be ppnlnied. Ther Is Hut One i. A. Patterson doing buslnesi In own. with a general line ot house urnUhng and Uulldo' suppllev vou wist nsd him at 2S6 Norta Com- tuerclal street. Is the fact that we provide for the needs of the young men. These HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES Mrs tnade in such a very Kraut variety of models that we can cater to men of all ages and give them what they want. We find that men seldom grow old in their clothes taste: and the makers of thme Roods seem to have the gift of making styles for Dip man of middle age which are an young looking as he feats; as well as maklg the ultra-fashions which cvory young follow wants. All the fnbrtoB nro nil wool; 1U quite n tinIo.no lot In clothes In those cotton ndultoratlon days This Store is the Home of HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES ?Aj& finnrlc I W wUSijL Sold on Their I Mmvftnnnnita' M ISuMelxiil League grounds P. m. tomorrow, at 3 Musical Skrtcli At Y. M. C. A. minstrel noxt Tuesday night. Don't soo It unloss you have a proscription for laughing. Just Received A new shlpmont of dining and rock Ing chairs nt J. A. Patterson's, No. 2S6 North Cotumorolnl street. I'lnrli Is VMIile James A. Finch was outside of the county Jail yettterday in Portland, be ing a defendan. In a civil suit. He seemed In good aplrlts and apiwruutly tnouglit tilt Mliadow of the gallows wmm very far away. t'ourt II011N4' liwn The coAirl houso lawn today Is linv "ag lt hair cut with n lawn mowor. Tho prevalence of dandelions nuall- flos the lawn to ontor the blonde clues 1. 1 lie the DandelloiiH . Life Is snmowhnt like n dande lion, It Is Bweut nnd beautiful In tho bio Homing stngo, when everything Ib gold colored, but when, n little lator, the gold has given plaoe to whhkers and has turned to gray, nobody wants Xi'H .Votnrle Frank lloberg. M. V. Harrlwm. IW. O Mayor. Win. A. Mnwly. Portland. J u. McCulloeh. I'rlnovlllo; T C. Wheeler. Cottngo dreve: It. II. Smith. Coqullle. ClaudU Wontlerl. MMlfnrd. Will Piny May II The Salem Military band will give Its i rut etinoort at Marion Square tfuuday afternoon. May S. The band has had much urnetleo under the able direr tlon of Mr. SUiudenme)er. and Its first appearaue will, ho doubt, draw a large crowd IIomvin Hern, let Then While the dlspatcbei tmlay are toll lug about the b raking up of the lee on I ake Krte and the rooking of Niagara Palls, here la Oregon the sound of the lawn mower U heard, the cherry hloaaoius ar eprlnkllng the lawns with snow, aople treee are in bloom, and spring with all her gar land 's at home. Coernor Appoint rwilciu Man Itev A Moore, of this city, bus been appointed one of the members of the a eond national peace eoafe ence. which meets at Chicago May 3, t and a W. A. Denton was today ap pointed a member of the National Conference of Cbarlties and Correc tion by Cover nor Benson. The con vention will meot at Iluffalo. N. Y, Ja 9, holding until the ICth. UonunnlKtr The -agn grounds tomorrow. 3 p in at Indian War VetTn Attention, veterans of the Indian .,. , . ... ... ,,, ,.. ,,ar AHU "nu oi mo uivh vnr. mi uiuini ui inn n. a IV., nan ail latereeted In doing honor to old sol dier Wm II. Cae. Comnany D. Seeoad regiment Oregon Miuntwl Volunteers, Indian War Veteran, re- "F. uMaa for hi services, and eommitted to the Oregon hospital for tne insane, from the Oregon sokliers bow. April 3. 199 died at ta bo. ultal April x Sedgwlek 1'nt. No It. G A. It . having refused burial In ibe'r Mtdrer circle to any but Otvll War voiorans. hla bur al wtl take plaee at the hospital burial t ground tu t ea t of the I e Mission ) cemetery tomorrow ( Friday I at 5 o'clock p. ta. IxH us all torn out and bury bw with honor tu a s 'dtr of Rm country wta M lloblruon chaplain of pot MILLIONAIRE'S SON FIRED FATAL BULLET San Francisco. April 22. With n bullet tired with hi8 own hand still embedded In his brain, Eugene M ore, son of the late millionaire, Davis Moore, of Plainfield. X. J.. Is still aMve at the Affiliated Colleges Hn pital in tim city. With the exception ot the annarent loss ot LL sight, and the ncrvoufj which is to convene in the First Con shock wh c.h naturally followed tholgregational church Wednesday even wound, bit condition is olote to nor-flng. April 28. and will continue nml tt l stated tndav that hn hn1 JihrONKh the 2tll and 30 til This a fair chance for reeovory. The physician are eon Iderlng an p'tempt to remove the bullet, and an operation may be undertaken tomor row Troubles with hie wife, who was fnrntrly Mies Elma Stewart, ot Plain field, and financial dlRloult es, are said to hare caused Moore to attempt o ud his life. Mrs. Moore returned to Plainfleli a year ago, and since that time her hu band has been liv ing under tho name of M. Carter. o TEN THOUSAND IS REPAID FOR HUNDRED Grass Valley. Cal., April 22. Captain S H. Dille, a plonoer resi dent of this city, is rejoicing today ovfr the news that a loan of (COO madp 50 yoars ago Is to bo repaid one hundred fold. In t..p eariy days of California, Dllle and William Jostor of San Francisco wore partners In several mining ventures In this vicinity. After saving $C00 jester determined to try his fortunes in now Holds, and de parted for the onst nftor securing the loan of an additional $600 from Dllle During tnc years that hnvo inter vened, tho men have corresponded, but the loan was never repnld. Yes terday Dlllo receive notice through n lcg.il firm thnt his former partnor was dead. Jester,. according to the Information rocelvod, had gone to Ar gentine republic, whore he had pros pered A clause in his will provided for the payment of $10,000 for each $ton of Dllle's original loan, o Snloiii Hotel Arrivals. Portland It. C. Hnllberg. Miss Crawford, vv". W. Cox. D. J. Mc Konsle. J. t. Perry. N. O. Jensen. F T. Griffith. G. Gondell, A. It. Newell. V. Patterson nnd wife, lion II. I.luk. Cedar Hnplds, la. M. M. Hunter. HoIhu L. Houston, I. K. Hawk. Sonttle F. U. Sutton. J. 11. Dar ling. O. G. Gruon. I.os Angolos F. V. Taylor. Medford A. H. Iteemes. Hay City, Or. Fred A. Moore. Charley Slmural. Ilutto Clarence Dall and wife. Hoseburg M. A. Crawford and wife Spokamt John I). Arlington AI McCoHibs, J. M. Metehen. Dallas M. and Mrs. K. F. Kirk laud, Wm. Htigneeton. Newberg II. 11. Maekey. rails -uy Hyrd Holmes. uaKeraiield Mr. and Mrs. Robert Olteu. - Hoquiam, Wash. N. J. Kenworthy and wifo. Omaha Joe. A. Uagleyand family lxmg Roach, Or. Tom It. Stone. C. J. lluek. Maker City Jacob Turner nnd wife. Astoria R. IS. Conroy, Sm lluell. Dnfur Mr. and Mrs. George lin ker. Alfred linker. r SottiitliiHly I. led You should hear next TueMlay night minstrel. Cannier sing it at Y. M. 0. A. Tmo Fine Canf - Watt Shlpp received today two line Morris ennoee, nnd thoy nro to bo speed ly snapped up by members of the Salem Canoe Club. Chocolate untl Don lions At lluaklngham's Palaco ot Swoots. Red Cross Pharmacy. 4-3-tf i fsSBSKSUn SJJSBBMSJISle.. 3sssVSW BBSEKBJBBSIi& fBslBSBnP - ' '.ifa .BSBBBsV KsssmBSBW iw; W fEsSSBMBSSSSST wPjr J w "i SBBBBK-BSr B . f 'I assssssssssa bbb u fi SBBBBBBBBBBBBay' 'L A ' kj SBBSSSSSSSSSSr 4. 89 jc 41 BBSSSaV fir N'orinau llAckett, Wio lnMiits tho ( Ltvis Dmuui "CbuiKiiMie,' (rami 1-Yitlay Mght. ' 1 1 n 1. Impossible It is Impossible to be well, simply Impossible, if the bowel are constipated. Waste products, poisonous substances, nititt be removed from the body at leist once each day, or there will In trouble. Ask your doctor abM t Aver's IMls, 1 . 'v l.xt.u- all vegetable. He knows why tlutd rt1 1 t ' . -" - - -TUT an STATE SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION NEXT WEEK Salem people will bo Interested to know thnt what will probably bo the most Important If not the largest re ligious convention to be held In this state this year will meet In Salem next week. This is the twenty-fourth I annual convention of tho Oregon State Sunday School Association, convention Is made up of delegates frtm Sunday schools of the various denominations and Is undenomina tional, or lnter-denoinlnational in character. About sixty speakers have places on the program, and the list Includes seeral of national reputa tion. A large number of delegates is expected, and the local churches are making arrangement for their accommodation. This convention will be preceded by the Marlon County Sunday School convention, which meets at the Chris tian church Wednesday, April 28, in the forenoon and afternoon. Several of the speakers from abroad who are to be hore for the stnto convention will be present at the county conven tion and have places on tho ptogrnin. Tho U. S. Government In its "Puro Food Law" does not "Indorso" or "gunranteo" any preparation, ub som cmanufacturcrs In their adver tisement! would mako It appear. In the caso of medicines tho law pro vider that certain drugs shall bo men tloncd on tho labels, if thoy aro in gredients of tho propnrat'ons. Ely's Cream Dalm tho woll-known family remedy for cold In tho head, hay fever and nasal catarrh, doesn't con tain a slnglo injurious drug, bo tho mnkcrs havo simply to wrlto tho fact that it complies with all tho re quirements of tho law. MAYOR RECONSIDERS RUSH RESIGNATION Belllnghnm, Wn h April 22. Rather than sign an ordlnanco per m'tting tho playing of pokor and other card gamos, on tho basis that the loser buy cigars for tho crowd, Mayor Elder, of Lndon, lait Mondny handed his written resignation to tho council. "Tho document wns tabled. Now tho mayor has changed his mind nnd today ho Btnted ho would withdraw the ro Ignatlon. veto tho ordlnnnco and fight tho council on tho measure The mayor says ho was expected to Mgn any bin pnsied by tho council, nnd roslgned on that account. o About $75,000 lease monoy Is to bo paid the Umatilla Indians in 30 days. o . A KNOCKER Is a man who can't see good In nn ponoa or thing. It's a hnblt causeJ by a d'sordered liver If you And that you aro boglnning to seo thing. through bluo spectaclos, treat your liver to n good cleaning nut process with Dallard's Herblno. A sure cure for constipation, dyspepsia, Indigos tlon, sick headacbo, biliousness, ail llvor, stomach nnd bowel trouble-;. Sold by all dealers. New Incorporations. Articles of incorporation filed in the office of the secretary of state April . ns ioIIews: Yamhill Mining-Power & Light Co.. principal office Sheridan; capital stock, $20,000; Incorporators. O. G. Bushman. Katie Bushman and Sam Bushman. Cnnby Canal Realty Company, principal offlco. Cnnby; capital stook. $5000: Incorporators, J. s. Sullivan. O. ,N. MeGrogor nnd W. B Moore. Mountain Irrlgution Company, principal Onlco. Portland, onnltnl stock, $10,000; Incorporators. Claude K. llloks, R. Sharwlek nnd J. R. IC. i Irvin. at h to be Weill mSLSMSSSS llll !! 1 nsi . . SI. O o o Mr. and Mrs A. D. Test nnd Mrs. II. Koll of Mitchell. S. D.. loft for ther home today nfter visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snrrlll for a few days. They have been wintering In Cali fornia. Mrs Edward Martin returned to Portland yesterday afternoon after a. visit with her sister. Mrs. Ralph Olover, In this city. Mrs. II. II Newell returned from a short visit with Miss Goodrich at Chemawa yesterday. Fred Hill, n local plumber, haB gone to Portland to work for a fow Vr)kl Miss Gladyx Richie left this morn ing for Seattle, where she will re main during the summer month- with hor sister, Mrs. Harold B. Cole. Dave IlatfMd, of Eugene, h in the city transacting businew and visiting frlonds. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Willis re turned to the'r homo in Orogon City n t night, nfter a brief visit with frlonds here. Tom Smith loft on tho Eloctric last nljht for Portlnnd. Clnlr Davidson, of Sllvorton, was In tho city yo-torday, looking nfter business mattors. John Turner, of Woodlyurn, was transacting business hore yester day. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. J. Korc. of Port lnnd, arc In the city visiting for a 'cw dnys. Mr. and Mrs. Kore aro new arrivals from the Ea"t, nnd nro looking for n place to locate. J, H. Deavls returned to Independ ence last night, after a business trip hero. Mrs. Frank Walt has returned to her homo In this city, nfter a weeks' visit with friends and relatives In Ro-eburg. R. R. Long has gono to Portland o trnnsnet btrlnoss for tho remaind er of tho weok. MIst E'ln McGee, of Portland, is visiting Miss Ruth Colllpnn. on South Liber v street, for a few days. Hnrry Noble hai returned to hla home in GrnntB Pas, aftor n week's visit with. Salem fr'ends nnd rela tives. Sheriff J. M. Grant of Polk county wns In the city todav looking aftor bup matters In the Interont of his off Ire Married. DROWN-REITZ At the bride's pnr onts' home. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ilrown, on the Garden road, Wednesday. April 21. 190S. Mls Ednn E. Ilrown to Mr. Elmer Rellz. Rov. H. T. Dabcock performing the coromnny before relatives of tho young people. They will mako tholr home on Mr. Reltx's farm near Salem. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Company Frank Meredith. Resident Agent Room 13, Ladd & Rush, Bank Building. MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush's Bank Salem Or PIANO TUNING liUTEMiUS li. WOODS. unlng. polishing, ropalrlng Ph'etiOS OOOOOOOOO PERSONAL MENTION OOOOOOOOO O O O () O O O O O O o NEW TODAY o o o o o () O O () o ror Mile Sovernl housosTn" Salem, and farm lands at a bargain. Cap ital National Bnnk 6-1-eod Wnntel Mttn and wife to work on fnrm noar Albany. Half of pro vlslans; $46 por month. Inquire at this, ollloe. 4-22-3t Ten m fcm. SjiIi. wood. No. street. -Inquire C. M. Lock- 214 N. Commercial 4-22-St Wunteil Salesman to sell high-grade nursery stock. Inquire W. W. Walker. Marlon County Nursery to Phone 45S l-22-tf lW Mi,wcnt roses at Hamilton green house. Yew Pnrk; will be there afternoons only. Mis Ber tha Hawk. 4-22-tf For S.1I0 Jersey cow; faur years old; four gallons of m'lk per day Call at 4 IS South lflth streot. 4-22-3t (Vnunt Work Septic tank, cement walks and foundations. All work guaranteed Hary Rowe Phone " 4-22-lm Pund lMK?kt illnrv Dunai nnn have same by paying for this ad. 1 all at Journal office. 4-22-3t 55 BARGAIN Lot 70xM0 on Winter Street, near Oak NK.XT10 J. . ALiumrs. HHSIDHNOII Apply to Meyer & Belle Land Co. Instate St. Phone 857 -' 4