Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 22, 1909, Image 1

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    I f0umal
NO. 70.
f United I'rpis I.cnied Wire
Chicago. April 22. It was learned
today that James 13. Patten, who dis
appeared from this city during tho
heat of his battlo In tho wheat pit,
ha fled for his life,
Durng tho past few dayB ho has
rocelTOd many letters convoying
threats of death. Bolltvlng that
thoso throats would be carried out,
his friends tiro said to havo persuad
ed him to loavo the city, and go Into
hiding until tho danger Is past.
Tho crlt'clsms that havo been
heaped upon tho wheat king by tho
pulpit and prosB oro known to hnvo
causod him much worry. Slnco tho
receipt of the threatening letters ho
has been oxtrimoly norvouB, and his
frlonds feared a goneral collapse.
ratten Coming West.
Hutchinson, Kans., April 22.
Jnmos 13. Pntton pnsscd through this
city today on route to Trinidad, Colo.
Ho Btntod that tho object of h's trip
was to oscape tho army of reporters
thnt bus urroundod him during tho
last two weeks.
atten denied tho statement tllat ho
wns making n tour for tho purposo of
investigating tho wheat crop, and
wild ho wns going to tho ranch of a
friend near Trinidad, to rccuporato
from tho Intense strain uudcr which
lio has beon living.
Chicago Wheat Market.
Chicago, III . April 22. After
Wc nro ,now Bhowlnj? n grand a stock of thoso up-to-date goods oh you will find In Portlnnd or nny
other city on tho PncJflc Coast, and nt much Binallor prlcos. Wo don't bother any more about tho com
petl Ion wo are up against In Salem. Whnt wo now wnnt to show you Is thnt we can beat nny price you
can got from the outside cltios on Dress Goods, Silks, Lndlos' SultB, otc.
I'p-to-dato fashlonnl suits,
1909 vory latost stylos and
mntorinls; long coats, silk
lined, and full flnro skirts,
nlso shoath skirts, nil hand
Komely tailored and finished
with the latost Porslan trim
ming hiuI Ottoman silks.
Only the latost shades
Mmwn Price
$9.50, $1 2 50,
$14.50 and up
45c India Stiks -ali
colors. Will
wash like muslin.
Now a rl -
II 25c
opening today at 1.23 Mi, May whoat
rapidly dropped to $1.21, tho low
est level It has reached for several
July wheat oponed at 11.13, and
within 15 minutes dropped to $1.11
It continued to drop until It reached
Soptcmbcr wns quoted nt $1.04
at tho opening,
Tho opening period wns ninrhnC by
considerable selling. Desplto tho ef
forts of brokors, bolloved to bo buy
'ng for Pntten, July whoat continued
to drop. When It reached $1.10 Mi
onormau9 quantities woro unloaded,
prosumnbly by tho Patten broken,
nftor their falluro to kcop up tho
Tradora today declare that Pat
ton's ostimnto of tho visible supply
of whont Is too low, and thnt Wil
son's figures nro more accurate, no
ports Indlcnto that tho vUlblo supply
In tho United 8tnto3 and abroad is
greater than was genornlly supposed.
Momhnssa, April 22. Col Itooso
volt today recolved tho following ca
ble moasngo from King Edward of
"Bid you honrty wolcomo upon your
arrival In British Hnat Africa. Trust
tho expedition will prove onjoyablo
and bo attended by every auccesa "
Now on snlo; tho grandest
model form corsets In Amor
Ica. Wo can show you nny
tylo you nsk for. Wo show
the most complete stock in
this pnrt of the world. Wo
nre solos agents for thoso
corsets. Prico
49c, 65c, 75c,
98c, $1 .25
and up
1909 Newest Shirt Waists
Now on Bale. Whon you come here
looking for Shirt Waists, don't come
with the Impression that what you
will see Is old. You will find no such
goods here. We do too much selling
to havo such goods. It Is only at dead
stores you will find that clasa of
;oods. We show tho daintiest stock
jf fine lingerie shirt waists In Salem,
all handsomely trimmed with fine
medallions, laces and embroideries,
also fine tailor-made waists. Prices
39c, 49c, 65c, 75c, 98c, $1.25,
S1.49 and up
S" v -
-,-i,. ' mmSiS
nrsii7lit lA wht
United Press t,cncl Wire 1
New York, April 22. Tho Hnrrl
man Pnclflcs wcro n vcrltnblo Gibral
tar of strength in the stock market
todny, and tho lienvy blocks of Bhort
hurled at tho market by tho bears
from timo to timo scarcely caiiBod
moro thnn a tremor Union Pnclflc
and Southern Pnclflc roso 2lA
points; Brooklyn, 2; New York Con
trnl, Steel common, L. & N., lMt
Northern Pnclflc, -Smeller and nu-meroit-
othors ono po'nt. Most au
thorities in tho Bpcculntlco nnd In
tho Investment field nro Inclined to
predict Immedlnto further Improve
ment In nil lines of business, and nn
additional ntpltft In tho prico of no
curitlcB. Tho closo was strong.
Union Pnclflc closed nt 188;
Southern Pacific, 120; Reading,
140; Stcol common, 53; Now York,
Central, 130 Hi J Bmoltcr, 08.
Chicago, April 22. A furious boar
drlvo just botoro the closing hour to
dny cnuscd a drop In all wheat. All
c'osod at bottom prices for tho day,
May hav'ng dropped to $1.11. July
to $1.09 nnd Septombor to $1.02
London, April 22. Stecks: Ad
vanced, Anc. , Acp. .
Now York, April 22. Bnr silver
today Is quoted at Gl cents.
To Dethrone Sultan.
(United 1'rrM I.cairl Wire.
Constantinople , April 22. The
loader i of parliament nnd tho ofll
cors of tho Mncedlnn nrmy, nt n
couforonco outside tho city this ov
enlng definitely decided to dothrono
Sultan Abdul Ilnmld.
We show a wonderfully strong
lino of Ladles', Misses' and Chil
dren's Hosiery in cotton, lisle and
silk. Wo carry only tho beat wear
ing brands. A trial will convlnco
C.iildrttn'H, wlr. 10c, li!Jic, Jffc
up. Ladle', pulr, 10c, 12 Uc,
1.1c, 115c up.
1000 yards of
p r o 1 1 y, fancy
Lawns worth
8 l-3c a yd., now
only, yard
? 7
Hi 9m )
Mm jmm m
t United I'rcM t.iiMl Wlr 1
Chicngo, 111., April 22.DustIn Far
num. tho nig young nctor, who bo
camo famouB as tho "Vlrglnlnn,"
called Howard Gould n plain coward
today whon ho appeared to glvo his
deposition in the Gould dtvorco enso.
Oould named Farnum In his chargon
against Kathorlno ClommonB-Qould,
IiIb actress wife.
"Somo ono should smnsh Howard
Gould In tho fnco. If It woro not
for the fnct that I might annlhllato
him, I would do it myself," said Far
nutii boforo giving his testimony. Ho
looked llko ho wns entirely cnpablo
of luind's a "hnymakor," nB ho con cen
tinued: "Any man who makes such chnrges
ngalntt a woman ns aro made by this
Gould porson Is a despicable coward.
I met Mrs. Gould nbout tj'ght yearn
in New York. Sho nnd othor promi
nent women nuked mo to tnko part In
n charity affair. I played n short
'kotrh with MIbb Mny Itobson. Aflor
Mint I met Mm. Gou'd nccldontaTV
nt dlfforont times. I novor wnB nlono
with hor In my llfo.
"That automobllo trip mentioned
by Gould was nn harmless as anything
In tho world. Tlioro woro four wo
men bcB'dea mysolf nnd tho chnuf
'our In tho pnrly. I accepted tho In
vltntlon because I lovo automobll
Ing. "Wo wont from Phllndolphla to
Atlantic City, nnd I onloyed tho
rlp. At Atlantic City Mrs. Oould
wns taken III, nnd was contlnod to her
room. Ilut this Illness wan not tho
roBitlt of 'boozo.' ns ho doclarrd. Wo
did not hnvo n slnglo dr'nk of Intox
cntlng liquor on thnt trip.
"f mot Mra, Gould ngnln In Con
necticut, whon I wn plnylng In "Tho
Vlrglnlnn " I nttonded'n dinner par
tv at whloh ho was prcsont, wllh
four or flvo others I don't remem
ber whothor wo hnd nnythlng to dr'nk
or not. It 1h not lunusunl for wo
men to tnko n drink of wlno nt a
dinner pnrty, nnd Mrs. Gould nnd tho
othor women might hnvo hnd n num
bor of drinks for nil I know.
"I novor wns Infntuntod with Mrs.
Oould. n i I mn sure hIio was not
with mo.
"Why. sho wns nn nctrofts whon I
vn n boy. I was nttondlng tho Mans
arhusetts Instltuto of Technology
whon I first snw hor on tho tngo. It
! silly and absurd that our nnmos
should bo connootod In this dlvorco
aso "
Farnum inld h's denonltlou would
bo n donlal of every charge
Farnum later npponrod before Spo
clal Jommlsslnner IShlo today mid
mndo n complete sworn Htntement of
tho history of his ncqunlntnuco with
Mrs. Gould.
tin udmittnd that on ono oocnKlon
I lie took lunoheon with Mrs. Gould nt
ner npartmontB in tlio Hotel llogls.
Now York Ho said that Mrs. Gould
contemplated going on tho stngo nnd
wanted to hnvo n buslnoss talk with
him Ho said that n Miss Bulls also
was to bo present but thnt ho was
unnblu to koop tho appointment Ho
bald thnt thoy dlHeussod purely busl
ii ess matters during tho luncheon.
Farnum stated i.iat tho luncheon
at tho St. flogls npartmontH lasted an
hour nnd a half and said that Mrs.
(iould'fl maid was present all tho
H said ho next snw Mr. Gould Ht
a Imix party at a New York theatre
and sold the jmrty hnd supper at a
rafo aftor tho performance. II ro
uted the Incidents of an auto trip,
when tho machine broke down and he
returned to town with Mrs. Gould
He denied that when ho wh up
posed to he in Chicago with Or Mo-
ran that ho was at the St. Itegls with
Mis Oould.
FHrnum repeated his assertion that
he was never alone with Mrs. Gould.
He told of tholr meetings In Phila
delphia, but said thoy wore always
In parties, nnd never alone together
Attorney Delancoy Nlcoll, repre
senting tho millionaire husband, ask-
od "Were you over guilty of n
l proper conduct with Mrs. Gould?"
"No. sir, not In any shape, manner
, of form Mrs. Gould always was very
, pleasant but sho always conductod
herself with extreme dignity."
I He denied over having embraced
1 hor and assorted that she had never
j embraced hltn. whon asked by Attor
ney Nlcoll, Farnum declared that ho
always addressed her as "Mrs. Gould"
and that sho invariably called him
i 'Mr Farnum.
The lineup for Salem High tomor
row will be- Phillips, catcher; Ash
nfelter or Smith, pitcher; Maorylng,
"-l base. Iloberts, u-cond bae; Kay,
hortstu; Fanner, third bae:
IKrause. left field; West ley or Robin
son. right field. Kirk center field
Ieianiora win buou uuai cruwi ioi
Seattle regatta.
t United PrrM Leased Wire.
Vlonnn, April 22. Tho Young
Turks nro preparing to nttnek tho
Sultan'B pnlaco, according to prlvato
advices received fron Constnntl
noplo today.
At tho last moment, tho Informa
tion snys, tho proposed agreement
between tho Sultan nnd tho Invaders
wns nullified.
It Is understood that tho Sultan
rerolvcd assurances of support from
Germany, which led htm to mnko n
bold stnnd.
Reports through othor sources nro
conlllct'ng, and It Is dllllcult to ob
tain nccurato Information on ac
count of confusion in tho telogrnph
olllcoi. it Is hard to toll what sort
of consorship moisagos from tho vi
cinity of Constantinople hnvo under
go no.
Sollu, April 22. A dotachmont ot
Young Turks crowed tho Sen of Mnr
morn today, and Is occupying lio
Asiatic sldo of Constnnt'noplo, thus
completing tho Investment of tho city
It would not bo Impplblo for
tho Sultan to eacnpo nnd Join tho
loynllsts In Aslntlo Turkey, nt) It hnn
boon suppo-cd ho planned to do.
Thoro Is a growing fooling of un
rest nmong tho Invaders, nnd 't seoms
certnln thnt thoy will not accept n
compromise. Unless nottlomont Is
renchod vory soon, It 1b probnblo
that nn atttnek will ho mndo on tho
Ylldlsh pnlnco.
Bmyrnn, April 22. Informntlott!
todni imllcntOH thnt yostordny's os
timnto of 10,000 dead ub tho rosult
of the masHncros In AhIii Minor wiih
fnr too lov.
Somo flgureri show n pmbnblllty
Now York. April 22 Mrs. IMIth
Lea Chnso John -on, California un
til or om, u uunblo to prodlct her fu
turo mutlal stntun. In court yostor
day sho totlllwl that sho Is po'sussed
of two living liiiBbnnds. Sho hnn
brought suit for divorce from her
first husband, Captain Arthur W,
Chaso, of tho United Stntoi nrmy,
and is now Involved in the Hti't which
tho recond husband. Professor Knns
Johnson, hns brought for un nnnuT
moot of his mnrrlago to hor,
In 100-1 Captain Clino, tho first
husband, was dotalled to sorvlco In
tho Philippines Shortly nftrr n re
port ronchod hln wlfo that ho had
boon killed.
A year ago sho mat Profosor IOnos
Johnson, a musician of -omo roputn
tlon horo, nnd they woro mnrr'od.
Cnptnln Chase's return to tho United
States wns followed by tho two suits
no wpendlng.
Mm Inhiuon's home Is In Califor
nia STTo Is tho daughter of n ra
ti red United State- nrmy oaptnln, nnd
a nleoe of Preston Lea, former gov
ernor of Dolnwnro.
Chicago. April 22. That Armour
was at l lie helm of the hear opera
tions which resulted In the iiDHOHt
lnj( of James A Patten Unlay tlmre
soems ll'tle room for doubt nt this
time. The msrket closed to cent
a bushel under yesterday
The provision king's forces were
alert today and the selling f hoth
May nnd July wheat was shown on
a very extensive scale. The market
began to ag from tho first quotation
and ruached the low level Just prior
to tho closing
It wns the most serious deellno of
tho present season ut Liverpool today
and wenknoas ut other foreign war
ds that gavo to this pit the weakest
tono und most serious break slnoe
Pntton atwiimed control of tho bull
movement In the May option, result
ing In the highest price In years be
ing reached
To forco Liverpool 1 it 2 V4d low-
Tomorrow, April 23. Game called 3:30 p. m.
Admission 25c: Grandstand free
. ,
thnt tho numbor of victims may bo
uenror 20,000 than 10,000.
Disorders hnvo Incronsod and the
butchory nnd horrible maltreatment
of dofonBuloHB victims Is ropnrtod
from n number ot dlfforont points.
Honogndo Boldlora nnd Mohammo
dnn priests who hnvo fled from Con
tnntlnoplo nro ravaging tho coun
try, nnd no one Is into.
It BConiB Impossible to chock tho
outrngca until tho situation nt Con
stantlnoplo Is nottlod, nnd somo defi
nite form of government is estab
lished. Smyrna, April 22. Mcssngos from
Ayns my that rioters broke Into the
Jull thoro today nnd rolcned 400 pris
oners. Pillaging, rioting, robbory,
nrnan and murder la gonornl, nnd tho
town 1b under n reign ot terror.
At Tnrus G0O0 nro homolenH, nnd
not Icbs than 200 hnvo boon murdurod
by tho r lotors. Mnro thnn 2D0
hones hnvo boon burnod nt that
ICIrtkan, southeast of Aloxandrot
tn, hns hna boon utterly dostroyod by
11 ro.
Smyrna, April 22. Flvo American
women nro In dnuger of being mur
durod or tortiurod by tho Armonlnn
fatuities nt Hndjln.
Miss Lnmbort. ono of tho mission
nrles, sont n telogrnm today saying
thnt tho town wn? filled with tho
rioter nnd thnt thoy were threatening
tho llvos of nil forolguorn.
Thoro nro n number of missionaries
at Ilndt'n, hut they hnvo no moans ot
vVII thy. surrounding Y'llngos hare
boon burned, and n largo port of Hnd
jln Is now mi tiro.
Yostofdny'i riots nt Alleppn woro
repented tndny with Increased fury.
or nftor opening several hIiiuIoh higher
took somoMiing extraordinary In tho
way of Hows. The ItiiHalan crop Is
said to show tho best
Chicago. April 22 Insane from
rumorn follow ng n quarrel n week
ngo when his wire loft him, Harry L.
Summers, 10 years old, tndny wont
It tho home of his motliur-ln-Iaw,
whoro he foiuud his unhappy spouse
nnd Mint nnd killed hor.
Tholr little daughter, Gladys, who
ran screaming toward him, whon sho
saw hor mother fall, was ehot down
by tho mud father.
Then tho mnti II red upon his moth-
er-ln-lnw, who rushod Into tho room.
With tho fourth shill of his ro
volvor ho sont a bullot through his
own bond nnd fell dead beside tho
body of h's wlfo.
Tho llttlu girl, who Is 10 yearn
old. Is probably fatally Injured. Mra.
AunnTMoKonxlo, tho mother-in-law Is
serlnufly hurt, but will proVibly r
ejvor. Mo in mors wns employed as n nlqkol
Pinter. It Is supposed that ho irkud
his wife to return to him, und when
ho refused carried out his threat to
kill her and li'iiiself.
liiHiirmu-o Inquiry t'p In Wiislilngton
Olymplu. April Kit. Fur Is likely
o fly In the legislative Insuranue in
veatlatlou wlieu Noerotary of tjtnto
Sum NlehnU take stlio stnnd.
HtHto InsiirniicH Comtulsslouer
Sohlvoly this mornjii- endeavored to
'ce the entire blame for the crltl
"Ihiiih of his office on Nlohols, wiylng
thnt every, move ho had made had
been upon Nichols' ordor. and that
half or nil the moneys eol looted hnd
boon turned over to Nichols.
Kchlvely seld that ho was glad
tho now law Imd beon passed nnd
that he hud fnvoiod It so thnt abso
lutely no longer would ho huvo to
suffor tho entire blumo for simply
following out tho order of his su
perior. Whon Nichols Is oallod to the stand
to oxpluln Hohlvely'a chnrges. It Is ox-
poctod that somo sousatluunl testi
mony will result
r T t"T?l