imn M mvVMmmm!BMBm&K'imr''''3BZ!!!B? ZZ7maiivuh. if Jine'iiii iramr--' 'TJ DAIIjY OAPITAIj JOURNAL, SA1SM, ORBGON, WKDNBSDAY, A11UL 21, 1909. U r m f- i ft. ALL INSURANCE COMPANIES MUST PU&1ISHSTATEMENT SHOWING RESOURCES LIABILITIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES, STA I EMENTS MUST BE PUBLISHED IN FOUR NEWSPAPERS IN THE STATE CALHOUN GRAFTING TRIAL B. A. ltozer, InHiiranct commlsslon ' or, Is Bending out notlooB today to tlio Inmirnnco companies doing busi ness in tlio ttnto, calling tholr atton tlon to r lie 'act Hint, under tlio lnw, thoy must publish fltntomonts of tholr rosourcoa In four newFpapirs In ilia stnto. The tiprtioii of the law reads: "immodlntoly upo.i filing this an nual statement with tlio iniuranco commissioner eynry flro, mnrlno, flro nnd marina, life, accident, plato glass, burglary and steam holler InBiirniU company, frnternnl Insurance com panlos, iiuraty companlos, and nil oth or Insurnnco oompanlus, corporntlona or irsorlntlom doing business In tlio stnto of Orogon, hnll publish onco each your In (1) one nownpaper of gonorat circulation In tho stnto cap Hnl, (2) In that city whoro such cor poration linn 'Ih principal placo of hiiBlnniH In Oregon, (3) In ono city wut of tli 8 Coast Ilango of mountains and (4) lu one city oast of tho Cao cado range of mountains, a full synop Mb of Its annual stnlomont, showing tho condition of He businois, nnd sot ting firth it resources, rabllltlea and responsibilities." Tho uttornoy-genornl holds that, as the law Ron Into effect on February 24, 1900. nnd tho annual statements nr required to bo published on March 1 of each year, that companies must mnke n stntomont of tholr busl tum beglnnlg Mnrch 1, 1908. Tho commissioner point out tho fact that theio HtntotnrnU should hnvo boon published March 1, but as that could not hnvo boon dono on tho short uot'co glvon, thoy should bo pub lished at once, and tho affidavits of tho publlshori of tho newspapers should bo at onco filed with tho In iuranco commlsolonor. that tho counsel for the defense does not start It again." "I am not concerned with who starts It," answered tho Judge, "but I Insist mat It cease." voll," said Honoy, turning away, "with all duo respect to tho court, 1 Intend to protect tho rightn of the people. If tho counsel for tho de fense continues to make running comments to the jury, I shall answer him If I hnvo to go to Jnll for It " SUPERIOR ARMAMENT BUBBLE RUDELY SHATTERED IN A SPEECH BY i ANDREW CARNE GIE AT PEAGE CONEERENGE UiiIImI 1'rMM UumhI Wlrs New York, April 1. Claiming that the supposd protection from war, fiirnlthed hy superior aritih inont Ik k bubble that ha ln ax plodtd by the recent trend of event, Andrew CSriugle. president -of the Poaee SoeM'y of the olty ol New York In' hi speech delivered Ht (lie nnminl uiMtlni of the society lodnyt do olnred that never befori In this gen eration ha the peM of the word bMH ho aerloualy thienloned as to day. "1'reeli cloud have arleen on the k-ortaoH," he said. "' hare been assured that an overpowering army and nary ! the aheap Insurant of nations, ami that 'It you wlah peace prepare for war.' Never were na tions tire buny today Ih the hone- GRAND OPERA HOUSE JOHN I COItlMt.W, .Mgr. lo task of becoming too powerful to be attacked, Th's fact has brought nations faco to face with tho truth that Incrcnaod nrmnmont of ono moan Increased nrmnmont of othors. Riv alry Is Intcn'Iflod, nnd dnngorB of wnr grontor than over boforo. Tho suppoBod pan neon U torn to frag ments, nnd whatever solution wo mny find of the war spectnclo now ap pearing boforo us today cannot bo through Increased armaments," As an oxnmplo, Carneglo roforred to conditions In tho early days of Cnllfornln, whon the v'gllnnco com mlttoo win successful In evolving lnw nnd order where Individual authority and nrmwl protection had failed mis erably. Conlfimlng. he said- "One of tho many valid objections to tho polio of armament la that every Incronso of naval and military power Is In tho nature of a rhallenirH to another pow er, and fears and jealousies nro arouiod." Referring to, tho recent activities of the naval oltlres of I9nglnnd and Germany. Carnegie said: "llrltidnnd Uermany are the prin cipal contestants. Kucli unttou Im ports much of her national food. She ueeds. then fore, a net sufficient to rireveut lmiorts la cast or wnr. With it a small radius these two groat lleets will operate The main topic of ll eas-tlon on every ship will he their Ntlatlv power anil the co'nra quonce of batfle Under such condi tions a itieie spark would be sutltclent fio preclptato trouble betweeu sailors of the two Hr.'ts. who might meet on hor- Thu might arise nn Inter nations! eonipllcat'on. To ue nations,, -oomi or later I mere must ie a lengue or Panes, imbniclng the most ad fenced nn- tiitiu America Is pre-eminently the , Hinmtfo of peace. One cannot hut In dulge tlu hope that our PreeiileHt, In due time, may find a way without be ing Intrusive to exert his vast lullu enre for peace, to call Uie attention of the two disturbing power that our country hin a right to speak. "Meanwhile. It U the duty of our members to urge In nud out of see in n that Inttlug peace la to be oh inliiod only througu an International l.t'tuue of P.-ece. ftnally to he per f'Hw lit an international supremo oiirt PltlhAY, APUII. m. Tlio llmtimtlc ICteitt of the Huaton ItilfM Miiit) 'rvaini- Norman Mackett III Win. ('. lle.Mttlf ami Miu-gaift Tiinihiill'k Umtt AmeHveii I'U) "CLASSMATES" Same iiwgnlftr-tu iiruducttuH that plautl one Mil Itl j-ti- at tllf llHtlll TluKtm, New YoiU. iMtUMiri $l..Mi. J.i. ;.v, ."Uh-. StHit Nile I' i Ida), 'I a, in. A BAPTIST ELDER Xlostoroil to lloalth by Vlnol "I waa run tlown mkI week (row In dlgeatluu ael general eJoMlity. also suf fered from tertigo. I saw u eod Uver pretMrattoa eellett Vtaot ndvttrttaed uatt deat4eU to gtte It a trial, and the re sult were meet cruttfjlHg. After Uk. lug two bottle I rttlHt my troHgth and am now feeling unusually - well." Henry CunnlHtsham, Klder lisp tlst Church. Klugstou, N. a Yluol Is not a patent medicine but a preparation computed of the medtclusl eleuwnts of cods' livers, com blued with a tonic Iron nud wine. Vlnol creates a hearty appetite, tone up the organ of digestion and makes rich, red blood, lu this natural manner, Vlnol creates strength for the run-down, over worked ahd debilitated, and for deli cate children and old people. For chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis Vluol la unexcelled. All such persons In this vicinity are asked to try Vlnol on our offer to re fund their uicuey It It fall to give st ttf&clloa. O. W. POTMAN CO. FIFTH WARD WANTS STREETS AND SEWERS The IVsotopment l.gue of the Klfth Waid ttift last nlgbt. and wa aildres erf by Mayor Itodgers. who "iMike along the line of street Im provement, newer anil the fair ground boulevard. Tfto mayor et-pree-ett th- opinion that tho old fair around road which cut directly tluitiiah th blooki In a straight line i the fair around, was the most mailable route It stews the old county road In only 80 feet wide, and It la prop tl to have tk's made ?.' feel, the property owner giving 7H feet on each aide of the road, maklux It 75 toot, Thi property owner on the plot ted ground were generally favorable U the proposition, though tho road, cutting diagonally through tho prop erties, make it expensive. Thoy are much In the same fix as those own ing acre pr.ip.rt. for. while wlU'ng t donate the land, the) feel that the street iMtmrovoHHMit te too much for them, and It Is proposed that tho city pay for this work Tho roadbed Is rolld. and requires only a surface coating to put It n good shape. The league passed a resolution In dorsing the prniioeeil sower sytom, and asking the e'ty to adopt and car ry out the proponed sower system There will bo a big political meet ing at Cauhv next SatHnlav afternoon at v.hteh Count)' Judge Dlntlck will diecnee the roads problem, county revenue, sohoote and othor matters It Is HHderetood that Grant 1). Dlm lek t' one of tho toromost asplranta for tho next governorship, and a great deal of Interest attaches to hie uttor ano,. o Tho Japanese naval squadron Is to arrive at San Francisco May 1. (United 1'reM Leaned Wire. San Francisco, April 21. Wrangling between the attorneys for tho prosecution and dofonso charac terized today's proceedings in tho Ciiiiiouu trial. Clashes botween Spe cial Prosocutor Francis J. Honey and counsel for tho defense, A. A. Moore, becume bo froquont that thoy callod fortli a rubuKu from tho bench. For the dofense Moore nseumed chargo of the cross-examination of former Chnlrmnn of tho Hoard of Su pervisors James L. Gallagher. Ho elicited from tho witnoss nn account of his political career boforo his con nection with the supervisorial board, and aHcertalnod that Gnllnghor was worth Trom $7000 to $10,000 prior to his election. In nn apparent effort to improse tho Jury with the assistance given by tho United Railroads Immodlntoly aftor the flro and during tho work of rehabilitation, Mooro addressed n series of questions to tho witness. An objection by Honuy was sustnlued by tho court, nnd that lino of question ing was abandoned. Gnllngher testified that in Mny, 1900, tho peoplo of tho city woro lu favor of granting to tho company n franchise for n ovorhoad trolley. Ho stated that he considered tho grant ing of such a franchise advisable, iib did tho majority of tho board, nnd that ho would hnvo voted for it with out tho payment of bribe money. Ac cording to his statement, tho bonrd would hnvo granted tho frnnohlso May II had not Huof's objections In terfered. At this point tho wordy battlo of tho counsols was ronowod. Inter rupting tho livoly oxohnugo of re marks, Judgo Lnwlor said: "I heartily wish that counsel would cease this wrangling." "I suggoet, ' replied Ileuey, "that j endeavor to provo that much of tho If the court please, your honor see I bribery nllogod to havo been accoin- Jlcnvon Land Frauds. YVaehlngtonVAprll 2 1 .Woodford Harlan, former chief of tho special division of tho government land of fice, took the stand today in the trial of John A. Douson of San Francisco for alleged governmont land frauds Harlan unblushingly testified of the details of the sale to Uenson of se crets of the office. Ho stated that he nail furnished to Denson advance tracings of sovoral forest reserves in 1899 In return for which Uenson sent $200 in a letter' addressed to It. I. Smith, Taitomn Park, Md. "I next saw Benson," said Harlan, "three yonrs Inter nt tho Now Wil-' lard In this city. I told him." he, continued, "that I had certain infor mation regarding tho now Arizona reserve thnt wns worth $P00. Ho wanted me to donl with nn agent, but I said 'Nothing doing.' He thon of fered to send me $200 to show that lif wns al-tlng In good faith. I told 111 in I was hard up and neoded tho money now. Ho told me to go to his room and look In tho bed. This I did, and found $G0, which I took. Later he sont mo $100 from Son r ranclsco for other Information." The witness then rotated that he had also glvon Uenson tips regard ing tho proposed government Inves tigation of his firm, for which Ben son sont him $500 in stnllmonts, ad dressed to "Smith, Takoma Park." During tho long period of ques tioning that Gallagher waa forcod to onduro at tho hand of Mooro, tho counsel for tho dofonso mado a statemont that may contain a sugges tion of tho lino wh'oh Is to bo fol lowed by tho dofonso. "Wo would show," said Moore, "that tho suporvlBors, Immodlntoly upon assuming olllco, Instituted an organized plan to get money, extort ing money from whomovor thoy could." It lo thought that the dofonso will 'H vH . TssW wH WIWaaBsTsTe'sBSBWsw KwQJ nssV M5ril Irate frfflP! The most highly refined and healthful of baking powders. Its constant use in almost every American household, its sales all over the world, attest its wonderful popularity and usefulness. COLONEL ROOSEVELT LANDED IN AFRICA Mombassa, April 21 .The steamer Admiral, bearing ex President Roosevelt's party, was sighted from here at noon and is expected to dock within an hour. Colonel Roosevelt will remain here until tomorrow, when he will take up his quarters at the ranch of Sir Alfred Pease on Athi river. pllshcd was tho result of tho solici tation of tho supervisors, rather thnn tho cflorts of thoso who desired spo clal privileges. REDUCES RAfES ON U.P. TACKLES SALEM CAR LINE sj ' is sswsWian'SM iisBjsssiMiiiiaBesiiiiHi 1 1 nn aiiiii i " Af -. t SsFK rf - erf Tho railroad commission, of Its own motion, somo tlmo ago, took up tho mutter of freight ratos botwoon Port land nnd Goble on tlio Northorn Pa cific linos. Tho dlstnnco Is about 4G m'le, It being tho only pleco of N. P. trnck In tho stnto. Tho commis sion found that the rates on freight clnsslflod as 1, 2 and 3 woro oxco3- slve, tholr decision also applying o way points, and a reduction lu theo classes, running from BILLIE WHITLA'S SUPPOSED CAPTURER Mercer, Pn April 21. Reports covering tho past life of Mrs. J. H. Boylo, undor arrest In connection with tho k dnnplng of Bllllo Whltla, at Sharon, woro placed In tho hands of District Attorney Llnlngor, of Mor cor county today by Superintendent Scaufller, of a prlvato detective agen cy, who has boon conducting a prl vato investigation, ScauHlcr stntOB in his roport that tho woman wns tho daughter of Wil liam and Kate Fnrquar McDormott. Mrs. McDormott died recently In Chicago, He said thai tho prisoner's truo nnmo was Anna McDormott. but Is mado I 8ue llIuJ acquired tho following nllas m 10teOB: JIrs' rnnk Yorko, Holon 20 por cont. ' lorKtf iieien rarger, .Mrs. rrnnit A. The commission hns alBO taken up, I l.,Hr. "l'" conaugui, ait, n. u. on It . own mot'on, tho mnttor of tho1 n"0" and Mrs. Jones. Tho do Portland Railway, Light & Power i tectlve said that .she acqulrel all of Co.. which operates tho street linos ' HlMf. mm(? W11? thrco ycars from here. The matter being Investigated ' time she left hor patents' homo. Is the matter or running enrs out " " i " sy s uio wo South Commerclnl street In Solom asl"1"8. crlmnnl history, and states far a Its nresont lines oxtond. or to "? cmim mai sue tins ricti ana the rock quarry, had May ICth. A hearing will bo Inllueatlal friends Is untruo. o- STORMS SWEEP OVER MIDDLE WEST STATES J ot there's something wrong with Its ' I! U.r'L "-f.r:'"e ' -. air. It McGoe's Baby M of Pound n Week, at least, Is what a young bnby ought to gain in wolght. Dooa yomrs? If A PORTION OF THE CASCADE COURT. The Pahuv oT Urlnial KxhlblU furtus one uf the twelve Hiatiimoth dls pn buildings first rompletwd b the Alaska-Yukoa-Paclnc KxpoeltloH lie lines are In pleasing contrast to the Agricultural aail Manufaeturert t.'ilH'::iK. with which they are group!, and their posltloa overlooks the .o7ttM..l formal gardens nnd water display of the Cascades and Qeyaer Hasln. Tho fxhlblt placed within the walls of the Oriental building consti tutes on- ot the moat gorgeous displays of Far Kaetern art and tnnnu faetureU trtlcles ever ahlppMl front the Orient, and Is bewildering In beauty and extent. Not a country of Asia hi without representation, and treasure "' old modern art. never before permitted to leave the lands in which they were created, will he seen for the It ret time In the land ot the Occident. The matter of arrangement of the Oriental exhibit has been plated in the hands uf ttu' moet rumpetent and artistic men t oonimand and its display will be worthy of the magnificent collection. About the Oriental building are gathered the great bulhllaga housing the United Stales exhibit and the Alaska. Hawaiian and Philippine dis plays. One of the largest bandstands Is within (lose distance, and front Its doors the inont noted musical oiganlsatlona of the world will be heard dally. 1 Clew etoriiM are sweeping over Indiana, Illinois and Western Pennsylvania i his afternoon, nnd it It reported that 1 sev ral persons have been killed, dl- though these rumors have not been verified. , The storm U exceptionally severe here and several houses have been I demolished. A number of perons have been taken to the hospitals hero i suffering from Injuries caused by tho ; storms, but no deaths have been re- ported in the city. communication with outside points has been disrupted by the storm, and, although the reports df damage are being recrlvwl from all parts of the stricken district, they are meagre and lack details. o Ifillxlr and It will begin gaining at ones. Cures stomach and bowol troubles, aids d'geejon, stops fret fulness, good for teething babies. Price ISe and 60c. Sold by all dealers. PltUburg motormen and conduct ors have voted to go on strike. that outdoor exercise Is nsodod by the American people. That's all very well, hut how ean peoplo with rheu matism follow that advice? Tho un wer l simple u.e Bollard's Snow 1 Liniment and the rheumatism f M eo; leaving you as spry as a colt. I Better streets means better reel- slsfeusuka Ttatfat toallonaaji ! 'more employment of skilled labor. QUm qulck Bnd Prmnnont r-al'if better plumbing, bettet furnaces and fr"m rheumatsm, neuralgia, lame better sewers. back and all pains. iraaT3Mnra3mreginwiTi.'yiltrtH Special Prices On Clov.r . i-d U.ul. .md Wli. r t'h ) ml l.imd Plaster Tillson & Company tea SMBBBeBSJBJEBSJBV OMjeWkeflCSES. rffTsT-lsV-W.JssTsfei "'" """ "w ' '"" " ,1"" " iisis i iii ,,M . .,,. ,n i stfsanasnsMabe VOUNG Men's Clothes are so fanciful this Spring that there's the danger of overstepping good taste. There's a sure way of keeping on the safe side find this label BISHOPS READY TAILORED CLOTHES It warrants much more than good making and good fabricsit's an ear mark of good judgement. ' PRICES $10 TO $35 Salem Woolen Mill Store . f AIUiiaiiuii r -AgSrVas. vv : - rii ri Mi ,v immmmmmmmLmmamm ""iniilTUlT" T"