Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 21, 1909, Image 1

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( Hail
Sal fauraal
llnllnl PrX
No 78.
m m IffiPffl
-- tf 3-7.1 Inl Inllnllnllnlln) lfeS Win l (hi n
(Dy Bysnntlua Moschopoulous, Stall
Corroipondent of tho United
Oonstnntlnoplc, April 21. Tho
massacro of the Christians by tho fa
natical Mohammedan hordes was ro
nowed with redoubled fury n a largo
portion of Asln Minor today, accord
ing to dispatches rccolvod hero.
Dotnlls of tho butchery aro mcagro
Dorlln, April 21. Tho Young
Turks' ndvnnco agalntt Copistantl
noplo was resumed today. Advlcoa
hero ray tho lnvndoru woro plainly
viBlblo from tho outskirts of tho cap
Hal. They aro expected to ontor tho
city within n fow hours.
London, April 21. Confidential In
formation from war ofllco sources to
day ays that tho Sultan of Turkoy
has reached an agreement with tho
Young Turks whoroby ho Is to bo al
lowed to retain throne, but will bo
shorn of overy vctlgo of power.
According to tho terms of tho ngreo
mont n comm'ttoo of Young TurkB
will bo tho ronl rulers of Turkoy In
tho futuro They will bo so com
pletely In control that a rcact'onnry
movement llko tho prosont will bo Im
po-nlblo horenftor.
Wo arc now showing an grand n stock of these up-to-dnto goods as you will find In Portland or any
other city on the Pacific Const, nnd at much smaller prices. Wo don't bother any more about the co in
put I. Ion we are up against In Salem. What we now want to show you Is that we can bent any price you
can get from the outside cities on Dross Goods. SIlkH, ladles' Suit, etc.
lTp-to-dnta fnshlonnl suits,
1909 very lutost stylos nnd
materials; long coats, silk
lined, and full flnro skirts,
also sheath Bklrts, all hand
so in oly tnllorod and flnlshod
with tho lutost Persian trim
ming and Ottoman silks.
Only the lntest shades
shown Price
$9.50, $12.50,
$14.50 and up
Uc India Stlks la
all colors. Will
wash like muslin.
Now a yard
Gttardi havo been landed at Con
stantinople from tho foreign warships
In tho harbor, and ovory precaution
Is being mado to protect tho foreign
population. Tho leaders of tho Young
Turks havo sent word that this pro
caution Is (unnecessary, as they will
eo that no harm befalls tho foreign
ers. It Is expected that martial law will
be proclaimed at Constantinople this
nftornoon. aftor a mooting of tho cab
lnot is hold.
Ant'och and DurcdJIk, In tho prov
Inco of Aloppo, and DnmasctiB In
Syria, nro tho centers of tho now out
rages. Tho fow troops Btatlonod In
Aloppo nro poworlre-i to protect ttho
Chrlst'ans from tho fanatics, who
aro conducting a reign of terror moro
horrlblo thnn any Inaugurated recont-
Entlro vlllngcs havo boon do
nnd women and children mercllossly
tortured to donth. Tho foreign pop
ulation I- Hoeing to tho consulates
for protection,
Tho Dr'tlsh cruiser Dlnnna ' has
landod a strong forco at Aloxnndrot
ta, and the arrival of Admiral Howo,
commnndor of tho fleet on routo to
tho scene from Malta, Is momentarily
(Continued on pngo 8.)
Now on sale; tho grandest
model form corsets In Amer
ica. We can show you any
stylo you ask for. Wo show
tho most complete stook In
this part of the world. Wo
are stiles agents for thoso
corsets Prlco
49c, 65c, 75c,
98c, $1 .25
and up
1909 Newest Shirt Waists
Now on 8alo. When you come here
looking for Shirt Waists, don't come
with the impression that what you
will see Is old. You will find no such
goods hero. We do too much selling
to have suth goods. It Is only at doad
stores you will find that olass of
goods. We show tho dalntiost stock
of fine lingerie shirt waists In Salem,
all handsomely trimmed with fine
medallions, laces and embroideries,
also fine tailor-made waists. Prices
39c, 49c, 65c, 75c, 98c, $1 .25,
SI. 49 and up
t United Press I.pnucd Wire.)
Now York, April 21. Outsldo of
Handing nnd a fow other specialties,
tho stock market for tho greater por
tion of today's session was weak nnd
heavy. During tho morning tho bulls
mado no effort. They allowed tho
mnrkot to tnko enro of Itsolf nnd
this gavo tiu bears n chnnco which
thoy didn't neglect to nccopt.
Undor their soiling pressuro prlcos
readily yloldcd nnd by tho midday
hour tho leading securities showed
losses rang'ng from n Bhort fraction
to a largo fraction ovor a point. Tho
mnrkot thou beenmo comparatively
dull, prices hanging around tho low
points. Short covering during tho
Into afternoon caused n rally that car
rlod prlcos In some instnnces bnck to
yoBtordny's closing figures.
Union Pacific closed 180; South
ern Pacific, 110: Northern Pn
clilc, 144 Vi; Heading, MC; St.
Paul, 149; Stool, common, 52;
Copper, 70 ft.
Llvorpool May wheat oponed 8s
10y4tl; closed 8b 10 Mid.
(United Press I.onmsl Kite
Honolulu, April 21, Tho gover
nor has under conMdorntton today n
mensuro known as tho "leposy law,"
which has passed third reading, and
now awaits Ills signature
Tho moaouro has tho support of
Home of tho lending men in tho son-
nto. It permits nnyono to troat lop
rosy, nithmn nnd tuberculosis when
rogulnr phyolclnns havo dccldod a
case is hopoloss.
Wo show a wonderfully strong
lino of Ladles', .Misses' and Chil
dren's Hosiery In ootton. lislo and
silk. We carry only the best wear
ing brands. A trial will convince
Children's, pair, 10c, I'-Mic Iftc
up. Ladle', pair, 10c, It! He,
l.Sc, 'JZc up.
1000 yards of
uretty. fancy
Iiwbs - worth
8 l-3e a yd . sow
only, yard
nil i kAH
0pjl?tH -t& -"
tl'nltcd Progs Lcnxcil Wire. I
Vancouver, 11. I ., April 21. For
tho first time since tno Canadian fish
ery cruiser service hnB attempted to
Intorfero with alleged American hali
but pouching In northorn Urltlsh Co
lumbia wntors, tho Dominion govern
ment cruiser Kestrol has ougnged In
a1 real notion with her big Uordoufoldt
mnchlno gun.
Pour rounds wero fired at tho So-
atlo halibut fishing Btonmer Charles
i.ovi woouuury uetoro nor captain
would surrender. Artor tho sails on
his vessel hud been riddled with bul
lets, however, Cnptnlu Sinclair gavo
up and his vessel was taken In tow,
arriving horo ttils morning.
Tho exciting Incident occurred Inst
Sunday ns tho American raced full
spood from tho west const of Van
couver iBlnud nnd pointed out to sea
In nn effort to escnpo with tho Ca
nadian cruiser in hot pursuit.
Cnptnlu Nowcomt) of tho Kestrel
says tho Woodbury wns caught fish
ing between ICitst and west Haycock
islnnds, 10 miles from Capo Scott,
clearly within tho throo-mllo limit.
Three oi tho rounds fired wero
merely directed to call attention to
tho command to hoavo to, which hnd
Issued from tho Kestrol to tho Ameri
can schooner. Hut tho Inst sorles of
shots meant business. Tho gun wns
pointed nt the fishing boat, which was
then nt n dlstauco of only n couplo of
hundred yards, nnd still mnklng for
tho open son us rapidly as wind nnd
hor guiollno engines would tuko her.
Tho bullets woro nlmod high: one rip-
pod off tho mainsail of tho schooner
nnd two other knocked splinters off
tho mainmast.
Then Cnptnlu Sinclair raised his
hands lntpkon' of surrender. At tho,
' sumo m(ju&iu' tho fcecond gnu of tho
Kestrol was swung 'ucrosa hor dock to
got Into rango oi tho fishing boat.
I lnimi'dliJjh tho engines of tho Vood
.bury wore stopped nnd hor sails, gash
led by ballots, wero hauled down.
Kven then the American captain
would not willingly surrender. Ho do
Icllned to tie a hawser aboard his m
jsel, but a 'few miliums later an offi
cer and three men from tho Kestrel
boarded him and took charge-
Soattto. April 21. At the offices of
the Standard Pish Company, which
concern owns and operates tho
scnoouer Charles Luvl Woodbury, ro
poitod solzed by tho Dominion cruis
er Kestrel for alleged pouching In
llritlsh Columbia halibut waters, It
was stated today that a reprosoutu
i live of the company Is now at Vuu
icouvei milking a thorough Investi
gation of tho solzuro of tho Wood
bury. Upon tho receipt from him of all
i the Information bearing on tho ease
1 tho owners of tho vessel wU miiko
i such representations to tho statu de
partment at Washington as tho case
I ma warrant.
' Tho Woodbury loft port on hor
Inst cruise a ween ago. She was pur
chased In San Francisco two years
ago mid equipped for halibut fishing.
The vossel is 100 tons net, 90 feet
In length nnd was built on the At
lantic OOHSt.
i Washington. April 21. Whon
Mrs. Albert Clifford Harney wroto
"About Thfbas" Wathlngton society
opened Its eyes when she painted a
canvas which was accopted with
thanks by the Paris salon, It bostlrrod
't elf; when she wrote n popular
playlet for the smar; sot, that ex
clualvo coterie remarkod "did you
ovor?" and today It Is gasping In nf
. foctod horror bocnuso Mrs. Harney
1 arranged a "La Salomo," tho seduc
tive datico, for tho oatortalnment of
litr friends. When the society play
lot was written for Washington so
' cloty, Itt ottonslble author was
Madame Clifford, or Paris. Boc'oty,
, bocauso It has nothing elso to do,
, buslod It'olf In wondorlng who
Mndarno Clifford, of Paris could be,
who freely donated hor play for Its
use. It was not until tho opening
night that tho Identity of Madamo
Clifford was revealed, whon Mrs. Har
noy Orientally arrayed In a suit of
";xar-Salomo" and astonlshod tho
natives still more.
Vallejo. Cal.. April 21. Tho Pa
c He fleet w'll roinaln m those waters
until May 10, according to word re-.
oslved at Mare Inland navy yard to--lay
The fleet'' delay In Us depar
ture for the north due to the
banned Itinerary of the Jaeantwe
a'B(ne soadrnn, which will not
reach San Francisco until May 1. Tho
cruiser California expects to reach
on Tbunday ad he othpr h p
n the fleet wl foll)w as quick as
'arget practice at Maglaiena bay I
"omnletcd All of the sblpi will Mil
for tho north at the samo timo.
Washington, April 21. K. II. Hnr
rlmnn may build his proposed rail
road tlnough Deschutes canyon and
central Oregon, but no ttmo must ho
lost In launching the project.
This Is tho substance of a ruling
just made by Screuiry of tho Interior
Ilnlllngor, and It will cnuso much re
joicing among tho farmers who now
carry their products tunny miles to
market with horses. Soorotury Hal
linger says that 'permission to build
tho rond Is given undor tho strict
understanding that work must bogln
Ho Intimated (hat railroad rights
are not to bo acquired ns thoy havo
been In tho past to be hold Indefi
nitely, under n "dog In tho iuiingor"
policy, merely to prevent other com
panies from using tho right of way.
Not only will ho grant a right-of-way
to tho Unrrlmaii railroad, but to
thy Urogon trunk line as well and
part of tho distance through tho can
yon both roads will bo obllgod to
uso tho snmo track. Thin nrrnuge
mont bus heou agreed to by repre
sentatives of both roads. .
Oregon people who nro now horo
seom convinced thnt the -prospect Is
nxcellent for tlin construction of tho
tffitiil Ifl llm Hunt. flltllrA V
...,,.4 ... ...V ..V... .... ,
Portland. April 2 l.Orbgori rnll
roud men nro fodnj flaying a hide-nnd-Book
mime Uh aijhp joint servers,
who nre.frylng';riilpM them to In
suro their premmru us wlluossos In
tho hearing lirimKht by (he govern
ment tn dissolve tho mentor of the
Southern Pacific and Union Pnojflo
railroads. ' Proceedings will begin
horo May 3.
Although the servers were success
ful In several Instance yesterday,
there wore many railroad officials
who dodged them. Y. N. Kollook,
district freight and imssoiiKer agent
of (he Pennsylvania Hues, was one of
them. When an officer with a biiiii
mons cslled at his nffloo he liwrnod
that Kollook had suddenly left for
Hun Francisco. A. C. Bhelduu, gen
eral agent for tho Hurllngton road,
Is also holng sought.
W. C. Mcllrlde, gouoral sgont fur
tho Hlo (Iraude; II. M. Adams, gun
oral freight and passenger agent for
tho Spokane. Portland nnd Seattle
rond. and Y. M. Wnrren of tho Wnr
ron Packing Company havo boon sum
fPnllrri PrfM !.! Wlr.l
Chicago, April 21. Scores of
young men from nil parts of tho city,
most of them membors of tho Motho
dlst HpUcopal church, are bo-loglng
tho Ilov. Janifs W. Howe seorotnry
or ml'slons or the church, for pros
pootusoa sad pacifications concern
ing hit announcement that a wunlthy
widow is seeking a man. Dr. Howe
's niixhus to Hod the right applicant,
for he not only wants to ploaio tho
lady, but he also wliios to add a
1200 co m in I s-lon promUod lur to tho
church fund. If he Is miocesstul.
Dr. Howe had completed a succesi
fill oannmlKR for the raising of evor
al thousand dollars for the ahuroh on
Satnnlay. when he was approached
by the woman In tho cac, who snld:
"Dr. Howe, It seems 0 easy for you
to get money, I wish you would got
me a man."
The e'ergyman asked hor If sho
wore In earnest, and on receiving nn
assurance from hor that sho was, tho
n I n" ter readily promised to fulfill
the ml-Blon. The womun then prom
ised him n return a donation of $200
to tho church.
Dr. IJ. D. Vaughn, pastor of tho
Hnl-'esd street church. Is acting as
mlddlemnn, and all applicants aro ho
lng referred to him for Investigation,
so that the minister may bo a-surod
or tho s'nrerlty of the applicants. Tho
reverend gentleman refused to glvo
ho Identity or the lady.
IPnlu! Vtnt lA Wlro.)
Host on. Masv, April 21. Word
"ornes today from the bedside of tbo
'lev. K wood Wo'costor. rector of
tmanuel clnireh thnt the fundor of
'h Kmaniibt movement Is apnlylng
'he method which he has advocated
'o rornbai bis own IIIowb.
Worcester ha suffered a collapse
rom overwork and will ho compelled
a g ve up his work and take a coin.
Mo rest fjr six mouths. I
It hnn been iinnoiiiicnil MmJ Hm
government iiittorneys will uso In tho
present enso tho snmo tactics that
wero employed In tho dissolution pro
coodlnca brought nirnliint ihn Nnrlli.
oru Securities Company, which result
ed In u victory for tho government.
Cnlcngo, April 21. Thnt tho rival
Hill nnd St. Paul rond Interests nro
locking horns In what promises to
bo ono of tho most blttor territorial
fights In tho railroad history of tho
country, Is nttestod by additional evi
dence thnt Is public prnporty horo to
day. According to n current report horo,
tho St. Paul Is the aggressor In tho
latest move. It Is stated thnt tho St.
Paul Is surveying n lino from Pnrgo,
N. D., In tho direction of Winnipeg.
Sovorul surveying parties nro known
to havo boon fitted nut horo nnd dis
patched west over tho St. Paul rond.
This nown has followed close upon
the announcement thnt tho St. Paul
Is Invading tho Hill stronghold In tho
Crow's Nest puss territory In HrltlBfe
Columbia. . .. , .
The Hod river vnlloy. thrmiKh
which tho now survey Is belnj: rondo
from Fargo, Is generally known ns
"ulH's bread hnsaot," and tho action
of the St. Paul In extending Ha stir
voyn through this region Is regarded
ns n sure sign of tho approach of the
anticipated conflict, between tho two
great liitorofltn. " ' '
Los Angeles, April 21. Chnrgcs
that K. II. Ilurrimiin. II. 10. Hunting-
I ton, (Jenornl Harrison Gray Otis, pub
Usheror the AfpMin; H. T. JJnrl. ruifo
JlshCr of the IlLreas, and! other loci))
TjIWllstH uro uiemhoig of iMnyiullciuo ,
wniou unii puruiitirqu iiiiiii. tnai win
prevent tho completion of tho ?20,
000,000 Owen's river, aoiiueduct pro
ject uro being Investigated today by
tho city attorney.
The char wero mndo to tho city
con noil by Hie Detuorrnllo luagtte.
Tho Owen's river project Is nn Im
inoiiRo iindfli-taklug with tho nbjerr of
supplying tho olty with water mid
power. The Democrat lo lungtio ehnr.'ci
that tho uyndloato inuntlrinocl has pur
oliRsed land which will out otf tho
city's right-of-way nnd plnoo tho pro
ject at tho mercy of the capitalists.
City officials declare that tho right-of-way
remains unclouded hut tho
miittor will bo probed.
M'nltrd I'rpu l.rnicil Wire.)
Wnsh'ngton. April 21. Dlsoui
slon of what women can do In tho
great movements whlah nro occupy
Ing public nttonilnti win the principal
feature o' the sewlon or the Daugh
ters or the American Itevolutlon ja
day. A great deal or Interest at
tache' to Hie sp'troHchlng election of
otlloers, nnd there wa morn or less
vmrry amou the p'ospeotlve onndl
dales who are trying to lino up
vol on.
Cli'rf Forfster PliU'lmt dallvorod
an nil drees on the couuirvatlnn of
natural re nurres. He told the wo
men that they could he'p the inovo
ment by wlucatlng their elillilron to
'h'ulc rightly along these line. Ho
so Id that they could extend riirthor
aid by pleading with the congresv
mon from Iholr dltrlcta to support
the movemont.
Child labor was another subject
dlsou ed at length.
A number of Hevoliitlonnry Wtr
rol'os wor- exhibited, and furnished
food for (lUcirwton.
(Poltrd I'ffM Ifd Wlrcl
Copenhagen. Aoril 21. Uravlng
the anger and dltnnprobnt on w'h
whioh their alllanoo l viewed by tho
reigning fnmllla- or Oermnny and
D'ntnark. who see In It aa Impolitic
match. Prlnco Herald or Denmark,
and Prlnooa Helono or aiuoknberg,
today nro quietly prepur'ng to wed In
o'd Olucksherg castle on F'enibo-g
Fjord. Hohleewlg. Neither Herald's
a rents, th- DaHlsh king nnd qtieoa,
nor tho bHde's uncle and aunt the
(Wman ouiueror and empre, coun
'Manoe the marr'aae, or will be proa
ent at the eerinoHv
Prlaco II raid will ht attended by
only ono royal personage, the brother
l the Ian- King Clirl tlan. Prlnco
Hans After the waning lh ciuelo
vl1' I've near roDenhageu Denmark
"I Oormany have boon at outs since
1804, and no thor wished tho match.