traraai VOL. XIX. .DAILY CAPITAL JOUIXAIj, SALEM, OHKGON, Tl KSDAY, APRIL 20, 1000. NO. 77. i c V YOUNG TURK ARMY SWELLED TO 60.000 SULTAN SAID TO BE NEGOTIATING FOR ASSISTANCE FROM GERMANY-AWAITING A REPLY ROM THE KAISER Constantinople rumors continue that the sultan of Turkey has abdicated office and is trying to escape from the palace. Smyrna, April 20. Kopasis Effindi, the Turkish Prince of Samos, has been assassinated, according to dispatches re ceived here today. No details of his assassination are given in the messages. ARMOUR DOWNING PATTEN li (By Dysnntius MoschpouloiiB, Staff Correspondent of Unltod Press.) United Press Leased Wire. J Snlonlca, April 20. Tho Young TurkB hope by thoir ontrnnco Into Constantinople they will bo nblo to avert bloodshed. According to thoir presont plans tho Invndors will wait until tnolr numbora are swolled to such proportions Hint thoy will bo ovorwhoimlng nnd thus forco tho sul tan to Biirrondor without rcHlstnnco. Tho loaders consldor It nlmost cor taln that thoro would bo a battlo In tho stroots If a small army wore to ontar tho capital. Fifty men aro now camped within a foy hours' march of tho olty, and at tho rate that additions aro bolng mndo to tho army at prosont, within 48 hourH It will bo C0.000 strong. It Is doomed Impossible for tho sultan to escnpo from tho city bo causo of tho heavy guard tho Invud orH navo thrown about tho palace. Young Turks, nnd ho hold tho offlco until last wcok's uprising. II said today that ho would not resume tho offlco until tho Young Turks aro In comploto control of tho 'government. Edhcm Pasha, tho now minister of war and commnndor of tho gnrrlron, resigned today. It wna arranged to declaro martial law as soon as tho MURDERER WILL BE CAPTURED (United Press Leased Wire.) Chicago, April 20. What waB ap parently a concerted effort to brpalc tho Patton wheat corner was made shortly after tho oponlng of tho pit this morning. lOnormous quantities of wheat woro dumped on tho mar ket, and tho offect was marked Im mediately In tho j-npldly crumbling prlcca. Mny wheat, which had opened at $1.2j, OTOPPCU 10 ?l.2ll Jfe, UIO IOW est flguro recorded slnco tho Bonsu tlonnl advanco. Patton appeared upo ntho floor and personally directed operations. Ills efforts, howovor, caused only a frac tional reaction from tho slump and his falluro to push tho May figures bade to tho oponlng lovol resulted in pandemonium In tho pit. Chicago, April 20. Aftor an excit ing day, which woro hoavlly upon tho nerves of Wheat King Patton, tho boars tnls anornoon throw tho pit Invndors nrrlved. Foreigner woro Into an uproar by a torrimc raid, assured of safoty oven In tlu event which drovo prlcoH down on Mny and RAILROADS BATTLING FOR CROWS NEST PASS HARRIMAN RATE CASES ARE TO HAVE ANOTHER AIRING IN THE COURTS MANY SUMMONED TO PORUAND of fighting. Constantinople April 20. Grand Vlzlor Towflk Pasha Is roportod to havo roBlcncd . his official position today, and Is now Bnld to bo in con ference with tho-nultan regarding uio surronder of Constantinople to tho Young Turks. HoprcsontatlvcB of tho invading army aro roported to bo tt ho pa aco wnltlng for tho sultan to roach a decision. It la loarnod that tho eultan Is ne gotiating for iiBHlstauco from Gor many. It Is bolloved that bo la try ing to Btnvo off tho Invndora, who aro domnndlng his aurrondor, until ho receives n reply from tho knlsor. It will probably bo sovoral daB bo foro ho can honr anything from Dor- lln owing to tho uncertainty of com munication slnco tho prosont troublo commonccd. It beonmo known lato this aftor noon thnt tho sultan was trying to Induce Hllml Pasha to rosnmo tho grand vlzlorahlp, as n token of hla wllllngneB8 to moot tho donuwd? of tho Young Turks. Hllml Pasha Buccecdod Klamll Pasha, having beon nnmed by tho Sultan lias Portland Man. Portland, April 20. CaptalnW. H. Lodbetter, one of two Americana men tioned In rccont dispatches from Constantinople as being ono In which Sultan Abdul Humid places explicit faith and upon whom ho depends for protection In caso attempt la mndo upon hla life, la a Portland man. Up til about two yearB ago ho charge of tho local branch hydro graphic offlco in tho custom houso building and resigned that position to enter tho Turkish navy undof his nnrnonal friend. Cnntnln Hticknm. the other American roforrod to in tho Constantinople dlspntchoa. Captain Lcdbottor was ono of tho moat popular membora of tho Univer sity club nnd line a largo number of friends hero who, oapeclnUv because of hla being In tho navy and aid do camp to tho sultan, will watch tho outcomo of tno troublo with doepoat Interest. In a lottor to a frlond hero about two weeks ago Captain Lcdbottor In dicated that troublo was browing and that Interesting events might follow. Murdered Turkish Prince. Princo KopnsBlfl liffondl was tho rulor of Samos, a Orcok Island off tho const of Asia Minor. Ho has beon preparing tho annual trlbuto to bo mild ovor to tho sultan and was main taining a honvy garrison. Ho novor was popular Blnco ins appointment by Abdul Hninld 12 yen re ago. Tho report of hla assassination did not causo grent 8iirprlso In view of tho gonorni atnto of affalrn. Jnlv whoat 2 ccntfl. Bending May to S1.23V4 and.July to $i.i:a. i The bears continued to unload enormous quantities from all dlree tloiiH and May wont down again, roachlng $1.22 under tho demon stration of tho market. Patton had boon buying all morn ing nnd up to noon had uucceodod In holding tho pit steady under tho heavy soiling, but ho wan unable to hold tho situation in hand all day. May wheat closed at $1.24 14, aftor having recovered Bomowhnt, follow ing a final wild drlvo by tho bcarB. A nathotlc featuro of tho day's trading was uio visit of an aged wo man to PattonB oinco. nor ocb filled w.. team aa alio -said: ' My son has lost all his savings, $(5000, in tho pit. nnd you aro re sponsible for it. Wo nfo ruined! I havo como to nak you to roturn tho monoy." Patton Bald that ho waa not ro sponaiiiio for her aon'a Iobscs nnd thnt It would bo Impossible for him to help hor. Hosts of poraonB trlod to reach Patton, Booking help on tho ground thnt his manipulation of tho market had caused their ruin United Plena hoHKcd Wire) San Francisco, April 20. Tho po lice of thlB city nro confldont today thnt Pletro Tortortoo, alleged mur doror of Hrnglo Vllardo, will bo brought to Justlco after having boon nt lnrgo for moro thnn four yonrs. Tho clow which Is bollevod will lend to hla capture waa .unearthed by De toctlvo Prank Esoln, In tho Latin quartor of San FrnncNco. Tho tnurdor of Vllardo occurred Anrii r mon. In this city. Tho mur- doror, bolloved by tho police to bo Tortorlco, dlsmomborcd tho body and ca."'-led it In n ack to a spnrsoly sot tled Boctlon of tho city. Tho crlmo was traced to Tortorlco, but ho hnd disappeared from tho city. Allogod to bo an acoompllco, Tor tortco'a wlfo waa Indicted, but, upon fn'.luic of. hor health In prison, Bho wai pormlttod to depart for Now Orloana, and tho dotoctlvom of that nllif rnnnestnri to lCOO!) llOr UlldOr KHir- volllanco, In tho hopo that Bho might unconsciously furnlflh n cluo ns to tho whereabouts of hor husband. inrl tlmn nco tho woman dis appeared from Now Orleans and tho soarca was aimmnmuu. . ... ,lnm ..,,, nnv nlirnr.Mn A wock ago Dotoctlvo r.soin, wniio ' " about hladutloi In the Lntln qunrrir, I waB apprised thnt a woman living In Another llnrrlnuiii Shaken,.. Filbert Btroot, had received n lottor Jortlnud. Or., April 20. Tho from Mr Tortorlco. According to ' searchlight of Investigation (a again tho letter,' which waa mnlled In Chi- to bo turned on 13. II. Harrlmnn'B cflgo. alio waa doslrous of returning merger of tho Southorn Paclllc and to San Franclnco Union Pncillo railroad, by tho Intor- Thn Chlcniio nnd Now OrloniiB po- Htato commerce commlaalon, thin tlmo n. ,n tinnn fupiilnliod with n Hat "i poriiniui. of placoa frcanontod by tho pnlr, and United Press Leased Wire. Portlnnd Or., April 20. Tho glo of moro thnn passing Intoroat In railroad ctrelos Is bolng wngod today botweon tho Croat Northern nnd Clil cago, Mllwniukoe & Pugat Sound rail roads for ponocsslon of tho beat routo through tho ennyon on to North Fork nbovo Coram to tho Crowe Nont coal Holds. Nolthor company la sparing any oxpeiiBo to gain Its end, nnd it Is es timated that today fully 250 tnon nro omployod by both compnulca, nnd thin forco will bo nugmontod dally from now on until olthor sldo wins. Tho light hr.u becomu bo Intonso thnt tho Great Northorn, In order to ro Inforco Its nrmy of dirt throwors working Its way to tho canyon, called oft n numbor of tnon building a lino south from Somors and Bont them to tho contested territory. Nowo of a pltchod bnttlo would not bi rocolvcd tho Benrch hafl boon rpnowod. Tho police nro nlso In j380"Blon of other facts thnt thoy bollovo nsBiiros tho success of their quest. Malla Plotters, nrnddock, Pa., April 20. Roborto ond N'clola nlglleotta, bolloved to bo ntombora of tho Mnlln, aro nouovou Tho hearing will opon on Mny 3 boforo a roforoo of tho fed oral court, nnd nlrondy scores of wltnosaea have boon served with aubpoonaa, slgnod by Chief Juatlco Fuller, of tho United States mipremo court. It la said that O. A. Sovornnco, who lu tho commls slon'fl attorney, will represent the govornmont nt tho Inquiry. Ho acted in thnt capacity at a similar hoarlajg hold In Portlnnd in January, 1007. Ono of tho most Important witness es will bo Thomas McCuskor, former ly connected with tho tratllo depart ment of tho Southorn Pacific In Port lnnd. Ho gnvo much valuable Infor mation for tho Intorstnto cotnmorco commliflton at tho fortnor hearing. Ho has boon nerved with a nubpoona. Dotoctlvo McIConcle, of tho dopart meut of jtiHtlco, has beon In Portlnnd nnd vicinity boiuo tlmo gathering or Idonco socrotly for tho commlaalon, and yostorday ho was Joined by Attor noy uueateil, who win, it la under stood, neilst Attorney Sovoranco. A Biiutll nrmy of witnesses from various parts of Orogon will bo ok hand to bo examined on tho stand. Among thorn, It h Bald, will bo J. P. O'llrlou, gonorni mnnagor of tho Hnr rlmnn linos lu this locality, nnd prom luont railroad mon conuocted with rondo In thin vicinity. Tho commis sion hna not mndo public tho full Hat of wltnonaea. SEATTLE WOMEN MADE HEROIC FIGHT Seattlo, Wash.. April 0. Tho wo mon of tho Florence Urlttonton I f n.tii. MM.. Inilnii ...v.. .1 I .1 . , It .. m... todnv to bo conflnod In tho Pltt-buig ., , , ,..... , ". .. ,,. Jail na a result of ono of tho most ,10ro0 ,lght wh)ch thoy nmdo UBU,ut Bonsntlonal blnckmolllng plots ovor .., vHri!nv whinli i. tin, tlmn threatened tho destruction of tho Ut Idlng. IiiBtoud or -fainting and screnmlng when tho llio was dlscov- thlB city, n nn effort to 'noko . ilm lhon MlVM ,nto aa'impromptu iiro give up hhi money. Tho vlctln of , . .losnorntoly fought tho rim'tn nnrth In tills BtntO. It la aald that tho Hlgllcotta broth era for duys havo boon torturing Job. dim otta. 1 10 woaitirOBi naiinn 01 HENEYJS RED-HOT namu of (ho Old Snddlobnck moun tnin In the Snnta Ana nniKO to Mount REPLY TO ROGERS .dodjoskn ! Not only as a memorial to tho tragedienne would tho ohango bo ap propriate but nlso bccntiBO nt tho baso of tho mountain is tne aannago can was Modjoaka'a mountain home for many yonrs. o- (United Press Leased Wire 1 San Francisco. April 20. Tho re sumption of proceedings in tno yai- U t)0 non,iWIltor8 0f wnich la hount trlnl thl morning wai marked altuuto1 t,l0 fore8t 0f Ardon. which by a fcpinien oiasn ueiwuou diji" Prosecutor Frnnola J, Honey nnd Earl RogorB. counsol for tho defend- anShortly nftor beginning tho ro- FIVE MILLION orow examination of ox-Suporvlsor THEATRE SYNDICATE Fred Nloho'as. Roger itntod that ho ncHinc i imuiuh i u had learned that tho w'tnea had ...i o VaDi.iini nt thn nirnflnterfl' Portland. Or.. April 20. J. J. WVI Tll nn iiwatiivM. w . - i - , ... Kinlnn f San Franolsco, for nine Biiuuun, wiw, wu iw ouuuuu, years tho illabollcnl nlot today lloa in a hoa pltnl with plecoa of hla oara and noso out off, and deop wounda Inll'ctcd In hla chost. nnt'iinttn hnd vloldod to tlio treat- wheat mom o fhlH porecutora, who woro at tho bank to recolvo tno monoy uioy donmnded whon tho police mndo thoir ..ppoarnnco. Tho mon woro captured aftor a runnlg bnttlo In tho Btrooto, nnd takon to Plttaburg to prevent aummary Juatlco being denlt by tho oxoltod Italian ro-ddonts of this city. Chicago, April 20. Was Armour tho dlroctor-gonoral of tho bear cllquo during tho past few dnya, and d'd ho lend tho forcoa mat temporarily unsoatcd Patten from bin throno today? Patton mndo ovory offort to forco tho raiding bonra back Into cover, but to no avail, for tho market closed around tho low point for tho day, af tor making futllo attompta to forco a recovery. Tho closo waa 1 to 2 lowor thnn yesterday. That Armour la boblnd tho bonr cllquo la Hie opinion of oven tho bull loadors thomsolvos. Tho provision k'ng has not beon saying much tnoao ! day, and tho trade fs thoroforo of, ivui,inf.tnn Anrli 20. On tho i tho opinion thnt ho la about to spring rtoor tll0 gonato today Sonntor Bomo borzoi iiuriinnu. ins uww i gtono, of Mluflourl, doelnrod ttint tno broaklng fortnor ,,cornors,, In whoat Iintonnl nonor i,,i i,0Pn nlodgod to sot many 'tailors" on his twill this ev0ntually onnblf tho Phlllpplnoi to mornig. nnu uoiore uio ona oi me sua- (H,,ni,lh nn 'ndopendent government slon ovoryon seomod to hnve,,,., nm.i ,, nrnnieed clau o of o- SENATOR ST0N ASKS FREE TRADE hla brlgado, and desperately fought tho ilro with buckota of water until tliolr small forco waa strengthened by tho residents of tho community at Dun Inp. MIbh Mao Kouuou first located tho Ilro and gnvo tho alarm. A gardener ou tho grounds secured a ladder and by chopping a holo lu tho roof reached tho Boat of tho b'.aro. A bucket brigade, made up of women and girls, soon had a constat stream of water upon tho Haines, by passing buckota and other utensils llllod with water up tho laddor. lleforo the department from Hill man City had arrived on tho hcoiio. tho women hud tho Ilro, which cauuod damage of $000, undor control. WORKINGTtP"" SECURE PARDON HiiIihI l'fM, nm1 Wlr nwltchod from tho bull to tho hear ! tn0 ttrff tU I'mltlng the amount of ! San FrnuoUof), ApHl 20. Dnugn ldo. ' phillnnlno sui-nr to b hroiiKht Into torn of the Confederacy are working Foro'gn markets wero of a boarlsh . tjl(s oountry fr0tt of duty, and pro- today In an effort to secuie tho par- dhp(ltlon today, and the bull wero 1)0( ftll amendment tirovidlng nbfto- don of Alexander H. Cnrnott, h vot- queoj!Od roal hard"durlng thoaosalon. hltB tr09 trade coupled with a doo trail of the Southern army In tho o iinration thnt nt the end of 16 years Civil War. who la sorvlng 16 years brother. la tho head uf tho theatrical or Lane Is to succeed himself "This faot daos not coincide with prodiic'ng concern, U In Port'and to- the -tntoment of Mr. Hanoy that tno uay mspoounK ni iur Minim, wltue-w la of a low dogroo of montal-' v'hlch ho says he will build nt onco. tv Rocera romarked. j "I havo threo altca la view for The objection to this statement I Portland." mid Mr. Shubert. "Any ,..mi. luiont niitrin) Attorney of tho threo la largo enough to pro-1 John O'Gara sought to Intorpose. was I vido a bu'ldlng pace for a very hand InteNtute Commerce Commission- Flllplnoa should Klven Indo- penaence. interrupted by Heney. "Wo object," shouted the prosecu tor, "on tho ground that It ii with out foundation of truth or iacf.. I will ray. however, that tho wltnesB la no match fir the trained legal mind of Mr. Rogers; that he la no match for a lawyer who endeavors to rah lead tho witness by tho misconstruc tion of word." Rogora' Immediate objection to the statement by Heney waa supported by Judge Lawlor. Heney immed'atoly announced that ho withdrew It. "You had better do bo." Hung back Rogers. "It Is hard to deal with a roan who has behind him what you have." "You can meet me," Heney re plied warmly, "when the people are not behind me." NAME MOUNTAIN AFTER AN ACTRESS Santa Ana. Cal.. Anrll 20. As a tribute to the genius of Madame Hel ena Modjeska, wie famous Polish American actress, who died at her home near hero two weeka ago. and gome theatre ono adequate to the slzo and growing Importance of the olty. I can't prom'so to have the new hoiro completed and lu readlnea for the fall season of 1909, but It will bo ready before 1910. I have not yet decided how much monoy we can PUGILIST JEFFERIES . TO RE-ENTER RING (I'nllwl Pre 1um Wire-1 New York. April 20. Jim Jeffrlea apend on It, but It will not be any-1 has dee'drd to re-enter tho ring. Ho thing cheap, yon can bo euro of that." He aald he would build It for the Shuberts, because they wWiod to own their own houses over the Pa cific coast. The company, he 'aid. will spend $5,000,000 'n l'tlMIni; boutos from Denver west to the coaat. TAFT DEMANDS A CLEAN JUDICIARY Washington. April 20 E. G. Hughes of Seattlo, who has been of fered the Washington federal Judge ship, has been notified by President Taft that If he accepts the position J he must first ceaso to bo Identified witn any corporation wuu wnicn ne may be connected. The president declared that Mr. Hughes must dispose of all block he mleht hold In a bit: comnanr. Includ- It la salar Is mine to flebt aealn Jackson or anybody else, who ha& tho norvo to meot him. He will make the announcement tonight lu regulation official form, and all thoeo who have been talking -o boisterously about what th?y would do If they had a chanco at Jeff, will havo an opportunity to roako good. "Immediately after the exhlblt'on tonight, I will iinounce to the audi ence that I havo decided to re-enter the ring and defend my title to the heavyweight champlonihlp against any man." aald Jeffrlea today. !'If Jack Johnson li forttinato enough to beat Ketcbel la October, I wl'l meet h'm before any club offer ug tho most monoy. I bare come to the conclusion that I am getting back Into my previous form, and this Is so sionsibte for my maing this Ws-ment 1 will be ready to tight In ten In lorlnc token of her memory, mem bers of the Ebell club and their I Ins the Post-Intelllgencer friends todav aro nrenarlne a petition ' that these ondltlons make the ac-1 months or a year to the government for changing thelceptance of the position Improbable-' Various clubs are expected to be gin h'ddlng for tho first Joffrloa fight, and It U probable that tho competi tion will bo lively. Continuing, Jeff said: "Slnco I loft tho coast I havo been l Indulging In light exorcise to got my wind back. I have boon aurprl cd at tho cauo w'th which I have gono through tho pacm I dropped 20 pounds and havo replaced tho weight with substantial mirc'es. "My old speed and strength aro re turning and I feel so good that I havo decided 1 might as well declaro my b If now a at any time. "I'exuect to go easy on the train ing until a couplo of months before tho fight. I will keep steadily at tho line of work that strengthens my wind. That's what I need most. "I H11 have th punch, and all that goos with It. but I Intend also to hnvo the w'nd. and all that nan bo desired , o that my frlondi will havo nothing to fear as to tho re- wilt. At the close of hla prevent theat rical engagement, Jeff will go on a for tho kllllHg of Major MeCUing In the apartments of Mrs. LI I lie Jlltoh cook Colt) In the Palace Hotel ,o'ght ytwrn ago. The Judge and somo of the Jurora boforo whom Qarnett wnt tried havw Hlgmd a petition for hla pardon. Cnrnett was confined lu tho county Jail at the time of the oarthquako nnd lira threo yours ago. Whon tho iirUonera wore belug taken from tho jiill ho noticed hl commitment In the wardon'B dosk, nnd took It out with h'm. It wua tho only docurnont saved from tho Ilro. DRUNKEN HUSBAND DRIVES WOMAN MAD PATRICK MADDEN WILL NOW SMILE Paupor Rldos From Almshouse .iruan Automobile. "" l'"ISSS San Francisco, April 20. Aftor bo lug nn liimatn of tho city and county nlmshotiHU for ID years, Patrick Mad den, nc yearn of ago, wiin today grant ed $5000 from tho estnto of n do ceased brotnor-ln-law, John Arrow smith. When Maddon waa apprlsod of hla good fortune by Superior Judge Thomas (Irahnni, ho wiih nuked what ho Intutided to do with hla monoy. "Why. Judge." ho said. "I'm going to hnvo a niiiIIo oaciiHlonally with It. Do you know that I haven't had a hiiiIIo for Id yearaT" And ho loft tho court with hla faco wroathod lu million of an uumlatako ablo varloty. Madden la arranging today to havo nn automobile carry him from tho niuishoiiso to tho now headquarterh ho haa engaged. WOMAN KIDNAPER WASJDENTIFIED Sharon, Pa., April 20. Mrs. Jnmea II. Iloyltt, undor nrrost, ncauscd of eompllolty In tho kidnaping of IlTlllo Whltln, waa prnotlonlly Idontlllod to day by II. C. Dyer, an nttornoy of St. liOiiln and hla wlfo, ns llio'r fortnor houoomald. Clara Stratton, who dla- puared Hlmultaiieoiialy with Jowoli valued nt $0000. It la roporuul that tho do-orlptlon of Clara Stratton. given to tho police over tho teloptmie ut tho time of hor diimppoarauot, by Mrs. Dyor. nllloa with that of the prisoner. (I'tillrd I'reM fussed Wire.) Seattle, Wah., April 20. A coro nor'a Jury, which hold an Inquest on tho death of Mrs. Honry Kalera, whoso body waa fonnd last Friday morning ou the railroad track1 at Stuck, rendered a vordict today that tho woman had met hor death by be ing run down by a Northern Pacific train, while ho was temporarily In-anno. The Jury attached no blame to Henry Kalein, tho dead woman's hua band, hi brother, John, nnd h's nephew, who have born held In tho county Jail pending tho Investigation Into tho woman's death. The threo prlroaers have been released. To tlmany was Introduced to tthow that Henry Kalern and hla wlfo had frequently quarreled, but their diffi culties re- tod In tho eenoral Intern long hunting trip, which Is one of hla noranco of Kalern ,and were not of a methods of training. I sir ou nature LOST HIS LIFE TO SAVE TRAIN Halllughnm. April 20. To save the southbound Keattle accommodation train of tho Ureal Northern from dnrnllinuiit and a bad wreck. John Chrlstlunson. a track repairer, this morning mudo a dtrsporHto endeavor to drag a frightened loam of linrsoa from tho track to a place of safety Tho team whh killed by tho locomo tive uric) Chrlstlniison Buffered Injur ies which will result In hla douth. He provonted tho engine from striking tho buggy nnd saved the train from derailment on a rooky embankment. Chrlstlanson la now lying at St Joseph's hospital conscious but un able to speak because of his terrible Injuries. Thor eln little oliaueo of his arvlvlng. o . Crude Petroleum Hy-Product. Loi Angolea. Cal., April 20. A million doPar company, orgnnizod for tho purpura of manufacturing 49 by-products of California crude oil. U mnk'ug preparations today to eroct a rennery. The now company, whleh la known at the lutornntloiial Oil Refilling Company, will locate Its plant at Tlrnard Junction, on tho Inner harbor at Ban Pedro. According to presont plana tho com pany will not antagonize voated ln torosta. tho entlro output golug to Japan and Hawaii. The pr nclpal stockholders aro Los Angeles men