DAILY OAPITAIj JOURNAL, SALEM, ORMGON, MONDA1 ArilLL 10, 10. A DISCOHOL CURES LIQUOR HABIT New medical preparation In liquid and powder forms. The only known remedy for Alcohol diseases. Can be given with coffee, tea, cocoa or milk without patient' Knowledge. FREE FREE SUCCESS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED COO rACKAUES OF TltlH YAtlABLE ittiUlClSV TO BE OlYEX AWAY FREE A Speclnllst has latelj discovered A new medicine for the cure of the drink habit. Do you wish a package? If jou hnTe In your family a loving husband, father, brother or son, who Is siring you trouble, or making lire miserable, for you, and whom you wish to be cured from this disease, do not hesitate a moment, but act at ouce. Alcohol has this victim In his clutches ami the unfortunate one Is not able to escape htm. DISCOHOL has cured thousands and will cure any one belonging to you. Write to us at once, before It Is too late. It Is guaranteed harm less and Its effects are positive. If you wish free treatment and further Instruc tions, fill out coupon below and mall to us. Don't hesitate, as the SOU packages will soon be given away and each further package will cost $1. NOW you can secure one I'KKE. Cut out this Coupon. Rend It today. Sent In plain wrapper. Coupon or free Drtnk-llabtt Omit. Name ... Address Mall thlo Coupon to . THE nr.MKPY ASSOCIATION. 02 East 131st St.. New York. N. Y. U. OF 0. DEFEATS SALEM HIGH ti Coffee The kind that makes the break fast -real Coffee through and through always the same. Your procer will prind It bettor if ground at homo not too flno. hat wns tho score? S to 2 in fnv of tho full-grown students of tho Uni versity of Oregon. Nevertheless, tho frame wns one of Interest and somo Al hall was played by both tho Salem High school team and the visitors from up tho country. In tho ilrsc Inning the locnl lads took tho Hold and had it not been for some hcivy hitting on tho part of tho visitors, thoy would havo passed up tholr first chnnco with no scoro, but one run was squcozod 'In at tho last moment. Tho High i School lads toqk a turn nt tho bat then, and notlthstnnding Hurd's big roundhouso curves, tho llttlo lads landed on him for ono run, tying wiv nuuru lur uiu ursi ruuiiu. i When U. of O. came to bat In the 1 first hall' of the second things began to look somewhat cloudy for Salem. The University aggregation run In three scores, but net as tho result I of the High School pitcher's throwing Ashenfelter turned them ovor somo- 1 thing hard to solve, and on a few oc- ! easlons the vlsitorti mot with the strnlglit ones and sent through first an decond too hot for tho Salem lads to handle. The Salem team In their half of t.ie Inning hit Hurd In groat style, but could not mnko tho circle for a run. Not until tho sixth inning had been started did tho scoro keeper .got buB Tho visitors made a spurt which would havo beon tho final burst of tho gaiuo had not tho High School boys clnciicd down on them nnd Asntenfclter whipped thorn out of business auer two runs had been made. Tho local team then took a turn and cuascd a man around for a score, but no more. Tho eighth and ninth innings was slim in runs. Eugene playors ran two in nt this juncture of tho con test, but Salem wns not represented in tho scoro making, and final results were 8 to 2. What lost tho gamo for tlio Salem High school was the lucky meets tho Eugene team mado with boiuo of Pitcher A8honfelterR twisters, nl thcniRh tho Salem twlrlor hold his end of tho gamo down splondldly dur ing tno nine. Innings, nnd did not loso his head at any time. Ho is mak ing n first closs tosser and with good helpers will bo nblo to glvo tho best of them a hard run. With the exception of n little hard Ijck, Salem High Bchool played n good gamo. Kaiser, on first, was up and traveling all tho time and a good many putouts wcro credited to him. Farmer, on second, covered good ground, but was a victim of an off day yestorday nnd mado quite n bunch of errors. Itobcrts at short nnd Kay on third rlaycd ball proper. Those two youngsters are artists nnd played tholr positions in bottor worm than did tho trigone players nt short and third. Tho nigh School catch er, although permitting of few of the visitors to pass to second by drop plug that ball, stopped Ashcufcltor's twisters admirably, and ovorythlng considered, ho played a fair game. Tho High bclioot b outfield took oaro of the gamo in that section with credit nnd got under all nosslblo rhnncps coming tholr way, Fred Heyser umpired tho contest to tho satisfaction of nil. RECORD GAME OF 21 INNINGS Soattlo, Wnsh., April 19. Twont-ty-ono InnlgR Is tho record longth of a gamo sot by two amatour basoball teams in Soattlo yontorday afternoon. Tho Webster team boat a tenm com posed of soldiers from Fort CaBoy. In tho 1st Inning a doublo and two singles drove over ono run, tho lono tally of tho long contest, and the Webster boys wero tho victors. Each pitcher allowed eight hits nnd struck out 21 men. Tho batteries wero Agnow and Me Man us for tho Fort Casoy Team and Dyrd and Clark for tho Webster team . o i JIM CORBETT TALKS OF JACK JOHNSON Now York, April 19. After prom ising Jim Corbett that ho would match him with Jack Johnson on Thanksgiving day, in tho ovont that tho black champion Is not uofentt-d by Stanley Kctchcl Octobor 12, Jamos W. Coflroth, tho San Francisco fight promotor, Is on his way homo today. Corbctt Is satisfied that ho will got a ch&nro nt Johnson, as ho does not bollovo Ketchol will be ablo to dis pone of the big fellow. Corbottt ad mits Kotchol's clovornoss, but de clares tho whito boy Is not largo onough to defeat tho negro. "I bollovo that 1 can bent John son, declared Corbett today. "This Is no advertising scheme I am In earnest and am ready to provo it Ib not hot nlr, It I can get into tho ring with Johnson. "I must fight soon or not nt nil, I realize that I am getting old, and must hurry. But I am Just as fast now as I ovor wns, and I bollovo thnt I can show Johnson thnt I still havo somothlng of punch loft." CITY COUNCIL MEETS TONIGHT Milom city council meets tonight with Important matters on tho car pet. Tho South Commercial Btrcot bridge will ho up for acceptance. Tho bridge committee will roport In favor of a nqw bridge on Hush street. Tno street committee will probably roport In favor of a Btoam road roller and u roe i. crushing plant. The North Mill crook ditch ques tion will bo up for settlement. o After suftorlng for two weeks from n sovoro attnek of In grlppo, Mrs. ClaiiB Sprocklos, widow of tho mil lionaire Bugar king, nt San Francisco, Is reported to bo bottor today. Tho Kind You Hnvo Always Bought, ami which has boon iu uso mr ovor iu years, juts borno tho Blgimturo of - nnu una ucomntulo timlcr his por ffljfr'J1., sonnl supervision sinco Its lnftincy. All Gouutcrfoita, Imitations mul" Just-n8gootl"nro but Experiments thnt triilo with nnd cnthuifrcr tho health of Xnfnnts nnd Children Expovlenco ngnlnst Experiment, What is CASTORIA Cnstnr!n In r, harmless substltuto for Castor Oil, Pnro Korlc, Di," ...l Soothing- Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains '.rU:.' Opium, Morphine nor othor Nnrcotio mtusUuicc. Its njre Is its runrnutco. It destroys "Worms and ullny.i J-'-'vcrlslmcHS. It cures Dlurrliojn nnd "Wind Colic." It relloves Teething" Troubles, cures Constipation nnd -Flnltth'iu'y. It nsslmllntes tho Food, regulates tho ttimueh and Rowels, riving healthy nnd natural sloop. Tho Children's iMnacea Tho Blether's JLYleiul. UENURNBS CASTORIA ALWAYS Uoars tho Signnturo of dyfyu The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TM CINTAUn OOMpNT, TT MUM.Y TKIIT, "WH VOUH OIT. Tho Intellectual rovlval prodlctod In Orogon to nrrlvo soon aftor tho ad journment of tho loglslaturo la overdue. At Hugono tho paving plant will work all bu minor. Womon nro holplng mako arata Pass beautiful by planting trow. I i 9 i 9 f i9mi-mi9vemtimmmmB m f-f hw I i I I i 1 9 1 1 8HW-wtif4HH uiiiiiiiiff iiifiimiiiiii,r AFTER EASTER SALE i Nowhere in Salem are your fashion needs so zealously catered to as at t T7"P A lPTQ IT JLV, JrTL JL. J-i J Just now these departments are at their best with broad, comprehensive 4and alluring stocks of NEW SPRING GOODS. For this weekwe present a series of convincing arguments proving our pre-eminence in STYLE, QUALITY AND PRICE Full Line of New Waists and Voile Skirts on Exhibition Next Week Suits Beautiful man tailored models in the latest styles. Full range of colors and new shades and no two alike at 1-3 off Millinery Every hat fresh and dainty and the styles so varied and fetching that among them you cannot fail to find one which exactly suits you at 1 -3 off Hair Goods Frakes' hair goods are recognized as the best, because they are best. Everything this week at 1 -3 off "If It Comes from Frakes' It's Correct" What We Say We DoWe Do Do! Tho FrnkCH Company dooHn't advortlHo "bargains" and thou at 10 o'clock of tho morning of salo conroBH that "Wo aro Just out of that lino," Whon wo ndvortlso bargains wu havo onough to supply our customers. IlecaiiBO wo havo a stock, not u fow tatters nnd remnants loft from a dozen Honfton of overbuying. Tho kooiIh aro now goods IIiIh year's idylon, froah from tho market centers of tho world ami thoy aro being sold in Halem at Ichh than Portland prlcos. When a Man Hollers Probably He Is Hurt Womon know bargains, that's why tho Krnkos jftoro In crowded those days. Uomembor thin, when you road curtain near adH of llrniH that aro hooting boonuHU tholr niiHtom Ih taken away by superior hnrKalun of fered by tho FrakoH Company. Do You Pay Enough Taxes? If you do probably you aro not oupeclally inloroHtvd In puyliiK " merchant's taxes by buying from him for inoro than you will havo to pay olsowhoro. Tho only roason why wo ask you to patronize us Is that wo havo tho goods for loss money nnd hotter goods for tho mi mo money, Thai's all tho reason any merchant can glvo that's worth while men Honing. Salem Beautiful. Salem Ih already ono of tho most beautiful gems in Orognn'a orown; probubly you will not groatly enhance Its beauty by paying moro for your millinery or suits than thoy nro worth, Whenever ypu find n man crying in tho coror and begging for mercy Doonuso ho was "hero first." or boonuMo ho pays taxes (which you cnti bet Isn't his fault) or booaiiHo he happens to bo a neighbor of yours, you can hot that ho Is up against competition that is too strong for him and hu Is playing to tho galleries und shouting for mercy baoaiiHO ho can't answor tho price argument. Business Is Business. And living moroly that you will buy where you oan .got tho bust goods for-the least inoiiuy and you won't pay much attention to tho nativity or tho ago or religion or tho tnxpaylng ability of tho man who does tho selling. A morohunt Is not u brother, or a frland. or i neighbor, or a good fallow ho 1b moroly tho ngont hotvooii tho Jobber and tho consumer; tho agent that can gut the best goods for tho loast money makes the mouoy and satisfies his trade Thnt is what tho Krnkos Company on It hss for being In business, thatls doing, that's the only roas is tho only inducement it offers you to trade in its place of biibliume, The Hot Air Epoch In Advertising Has Passed. 333 Commercial St., Salem, Or. FRAKES 9 409 Washington St., Portland Miss M. D. Evans, Manager Salem Branch "BUSY PEOPLE ARE NEVER BUSY BODIES" sUfllilSIllillll''''l''rm'a'imll"llalaMIIMIt'll'ail'''"1''ll''M lSiMlHllWHMfWW Wlllll