Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 19, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    ii.ji.iatc:jBSBawBBBS?sra9at 1
K. IIOFKr Editor and Proprietor
iuuepenaeni riewipspcr irerown k ratnam rnacipic ana .,
the Prone ul DeTclopcment of All Orecon. I Vt '
PubllihM Brcrx Krenlnu Bzoept Similar, e!cm, Ore.
(IrtTarUtilr In Ai1tdco.)
Dtlly, by carrier, per year fi.W Per
IHIlr, by mail, pet ye'- .... . Per
Weekly, by mall, pot yer..... ... '.CO Six
u n ion
Tho first game of tho season played
by tho now Hnlnm Indepondont bull
team wnB pulled off yoatordny uftor
noon on tho Asylum ball ground with
tho Fulnnount club of South Salem,
tho Indopondont tonm gathering tho
Fnlrtiiotitit ladH In by n Hcoro of C to
2, but not until nftor nlno Intorostlng
innings had boon played.
Tho Indopondontn wore tho first to
mark up tho Hcoro book with acoros.
In tho third Inning tho IndopondontH
got noxt to l'ltchor iCooton's clovor
twlntorn uud touched him up for throo
hltH, whloh iiIho brought In throo runs.
Tho Fnlrmount boys were iinnblo to
eolvo Pltohor Jeriuuu for tho Indo
nondontn until tho fifth Inning, whon
thuy found thin wily throwor'H curves
for ono hit nnd ono run,
Tho independent team whh orodltod
with nolhlug up to tho eighth In
ning, whun Roberts and Cnnoy onoh
took a good Htondy wnlloii at tho
hldu and sent It oul both tltiioa to tho
garden. This good hitting, howovor,
did not bring thoui much, an tho
FalrtnountH won determined not to
lot tho Independent aggregation put
It over thorn and thoy were held down
to two scores.
In tho last hair of tho ninth things
would have boon much different hail
not Fielder Ott for the ludopendontn
tnado a beautiful running catch of
what would have been a disastrous
fly ball for tho Independents. Ono
run had been recorded lu favor of
tho Falrmounta, three mon wore on
boseii nnd ono out, HasmiiRsen hit a
(llBltrd 1'rna l.fanH Wire.)
llerkeley. ll.. April 1U 'Blaming
man for the folly of modern wonu-n'.
nttlte, Mm. Je.IiwtloH l'tdxotto. NMdst
ant profuMMir of economic at the Uni
versity of CHllfornla. and six of the
brightest woman students In her claim
reported today that at UmmI $1000 a
year Is necoeaary to drotw a woman
douently. IwiiiurH Hhodn, a Japniuwie
male student In the olaae. leturiied a
minority ropoil fixing $110 um the
maximum to be spent for feminine
Minn Pelxotto's rinse has been In
vestigating the aubject of the cost of
living In the groat mldille eluwt for
some time. Tholr figure wuro com
putod 'on the baslH of a family of
throo "offlulunt" persona. The young
women's estimates, summarlied, fol fel fol
eow: NtHJwmury Inoome for three. $6000.
Dwelling, palatial.
Food fur throe, $101)11.
Olothlug for woman. $1000.
Olouilug for man. $100.
Ilata for woman. 7l.
MlKeellnueoua. preaumably what Is
Bhnda'e ultimate, wlileh follow,
has led to some speculation a to the
iillowaniiu given Mrs. Oliulyw llmery
Aoki by her Japanese husbatul. Ititro
"To SQcuro indopondoncoi"
snys Snmuol Smllos, "tho
prnotlco of simple economy
Is nil Hint is nuGossnry,"
Think of It Qontonimont
nnd plonty mny bo Imd
for what just slmpto ecun
omy. A snvlims nocount with us
will oncouragQ you to 00011
Capita! National
tiSmfcl ji... aiiMiMiMmMMBamaaBBalaaailaaaaaaiaaaaalBaalBBaaaaaaBBaaa
' i A tv-tT
mu) la b e l
s ST
fly out to tho Inflold and put out, and
tho next man up, Dauo, boosted tho
ball out whoro It looked llko It would
bo a oloan, nuro hit, but Ott, tho
Independents' fiiBt little loft Holder,
managed to get his hands on It, spoil
ing Fall-mount's further chances to
tlo tho score.
AD. It. 111. I'O. A. E.
Loe, h s 3 0 0 3 11
Tlmtn, o C 0 0 8 2 1
Danlois. cf 4 0 0 1 0 1
Miller, 3b 3 0 0 6 1 0
Wont. 2b I 0 2 2 2 0
Zorol, rf S 2 1 0 0 0
UasmuHseu, lb.. 1 0 0 G 1 0
Dauo. If I 0 0 0 0 1
Itcoton, i I 0 2 1 3 0
Total 31 2 S 20 10 4
HhIoiii ludapBiidontM
AH. It. II). I'O. A. E.
Hoborts, lb ..... 6 1 3 11 0 1
Casey, hh 3 2 2 0 I 1
Hoyser, 4 0 1 8 0 1
Humphreys, 3b.. 3 1 0 2 0 1
Ott, If 4 0 0 3 0 1
Jones, 2b 1 0 0 3 I 1
Ithodos, of 3 0 0 0 0 2
Jormun, 4 0 0 0 2 0
Melrlng, r f .4 1 2 0 0 0
Total 31 5 8 27 10 8
Score by liming.
Falrmount ..00001000 12
Hits 0 1001100 25
Salem Ind....O 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 G
Hits 10302001 18
Is tho Japanese Htudont's estimate of
the cost of living of n family In mod
erate clrauiustauoeu:
Noceesary Income for throo, $1800
Dwelling (cost to buy), $3fiOO
Foml for three. $G00.
Clothing for woman, $110.
Clothing for man. $110.
Hats lor woman, $10.
Svt all that remains.
Female member of the clnea were
loud lu their denunciation of the men,
whom they blame for the ox trove
Kane of the fair Hex.
"What are the women to do?" they
nsMtMl. "Tuw men a desire la that
luelr wIvmi drwen aa well aa their
neliihbora. and that coats money.
They go shopping with them and
encourage them to buy extravagant
goods, then throw up tholr hands lu
horror when the bills come In."
Hegluulg today the Portland Hall
way, Light and Power Compnny ex
tended Its present package freight
service to Oregon City and Interme
diate stations on Sellwood and Ore
gon v Ity divisions Tralllc Manager
Hunt of tho company has requested
permission to Inaugurate his service
on abort notice, and Saturday the
llallroad Commission telegraphel the
desired permission.
The Ioa1 homestead of tho llroth
rhood of American Yeomon havo so
eiired tho sorvlco of Mr. Harry
DuUobs, late of tho lloaton Lyric
Opera Oo . for tho production of tho
beautiful chorus opora, Chimes of
Normandy, which will bo given un
der their ausploe aomo tlmo In My.
Mr. DuKoss has had a wldo experi
ence In this line of work, nnd tho
IHiblle U nRsiircil a high-class ontor
tnlnment. The production will bo entirely of
local talent, and a number of tho host
slugent of Salem hnve already prom
led tholr nss'atanco ami support. Mr.
DiiKom will bo assiatcd by Mr. llart
lett. a gentleman who has had much
experience In managing tiff airs of
tuU kind, and will work togother
with the members of tho local socie
ty lu making this tho event of tho
season Further announcenwuU will
Ue wade from tlmo to tlmo In tho vol.
mimhh of this paper
Uehearsals will 6tart at once, and
the member of the order would llko
to ha any who are Interested In
M kind or work lend tholr assist
ance m making thU tholr first effort
Ik this direction a htg auccviis,
o- .
The Hctl-ltot-k of Sucvta
lies In a keu. clear brain, backed
by tudomltable will and resistless eu
orgy. Such powr coruoa from .&
Wloadld health that Dr. King's New
Ufa IMlls Impart. They vltaJlio v.
ery organ, and build up brain aad
bly. J. A. Harmon. LUomore, V.
Va.. wrltea: "Thoy aro th beat pills
.1 aver usd." 3 do at J. O, Perry's.
Clothing Firm Gircs Prizes.
An invitation Is given to Oregon
University students to compete for
the prize essays by Hart, Bchaff
ner & Marx to encourngo the study
of liimiiivsq subjects.
Tho competition for 1909 is now
undor way and will ond the
coming Juno. Subjects for 1910
h.tvn lust honn mnTrmtiwl hi' thn rnnt.
jmltteo, ns follews:
Tbo effect of labor unions on In
ternational trado.
The best menin of raising the
the wages of the unskilled.
A comparison botweon tho theory
nnd the actual practice of protection
ism In the United States.
A scheme for an Ideal monetary
system for tho Unltod States.
The true relation of the central
government to trust.
How much of J. S. Mills' economic
systom survives?
A central bank as a factor in a
financial crisis.
Tho contestants arc divided Into
two clansee,
Clnss A includes any American
without restrict ion x.
Class IJ Indues only thoto who. at
tho time of compoting, uro undor
grnuatea of any American collage.
A first prize of $600 and a second
prlzo of $100 are offered for tho best
studies presented by Clans A; a first
prize of $S00 and a second prize of
$200 are offered for the beat studl a
presented by Claaa I).
Any momber of Class 13, however,
may compete for (lie prizes of Class
Mon or women who have not had
a college training aro eligible to com
pote undor Class C, to which n prlzo
01 $500 Ib offered for tho best ossay,
and for which tho following sbjects
are suggested:
Tho most practlcnl schomc of bo
ginning tho reduction of tho tariff. ,
Tho valuo of government statistics
of wngos In tho Inst ton yours. j
Opportunities for oxntnlning our
trado with South America.
Tho organization of tho statistical
work of tho United SUitos.
Publicity and form of trust ac
1110 wlnnlg oseays will bo pub
lished In book form nt tho discretion
of the committee, which, in addi
tion to professor Lnughlin, of Chi
cago Unlvorslty, consists of Profes
sor J. Ii. Clark, Columbia Unlvorslty, I
rrofossor lloiiry C. AdnniB, Univer
sity of Michigan; Horace Wright,.
Ksq., Now York City, and Edwin I
Ony, Harvard Unlvorslty. Tho pa
pers are to bo handed In by Juno,"
ICodol for DysnopBla and Indigestion
takon occasionally will Boon rolloro'
you of all tho slmplo stomach all-1
menu that you now havo, but which
may bo moro serious later. Sold br
all druggists.
By Lydia E. Wiiklnm's
Vegetable CompoLMul
llaiiNtoWi). Ky. ' I m-:i -n ' ft. m J
I'erat Ion and otli"rfuialtrouUlt"f"r
.1 huiK tune. I '
tra hwl fulled '.
.Ipnif. Ljd'.i ::
!M,.kli:iin'a Vet i
bl l'niiiMtuii'( was
ret'oi:iut'iu..a. i..r.
I VtidiHl U try!!
It iiuvdny trou!i
nnd ;,;(! no well
un.l Iniiiy. so tint'
I eaiuloail inyuvtii
work." .Mra. J
k:-ii Haul. Hards
town. Kv.
Another Woiiuui Ciirnl.
Chrlatluuu, Teim. ' 1 auileiwl from
the worst form of female trouble mj
that at Uniis I thought I iwihl t
Hve. Hiul iu nerve wrrv In a dreadi il
,-o.ul'tlii!i. Lydia K Ilnk'iain'a Vt-f
mill t'oiiipoinid rifivil in- m-1
me ftel like a dlff rtnt woman l.v u t
V.. llukhaiit'a Veaji'tatd l'ompoinl 11
worth lu welRhl In rU to awi' 1 "
nollHMl" Ihn. )Iui W'lMi'l H.I- l h
If )hii Ih Umit to that ouMiillekit rum
of women who anitar from om- i--;.n
of ft-nule ills, don't lii-Hil.iti- to try
I.ytlti K llnkhum's Yi"wUle Com
1uiiimI. iiwde fiom root ami hi-rua.
Fur thirty year tWs faiuoii- reitiy
-i.u Um the standard for all form- oi
vimU? iiIm. and luw cured thousumls l
HOiueu who have lni troubled Hii
mh !i iiUnieutaasdikpUicemeiiU. rlli. 1.1
iiuitti, uUerntiiui. inlltiutuwtioii. ir-
1 if krltii'H. lacKHche. atnl nervoun
f"K'l VtltMl.
If )nii want sprHnl nilvlco rlto
"ml. ..M- i'.niviiiuu.l.Ann.lns.
it U itt- ai'il .HvaiS tiuloful.
Arner, 31300
Record 3:17. Full brother to
Don Derby, 3:04 U, Derbcrtha,
3:0734; Diablo, 3:09 U; Demonlo,
3:11 V5 Ed LaSerty, 3:164. and
By Chas. Derby, 4907, slro of 6
bettor than 3:10, dam Bertha by
Aloattra, dam of 4 better than 3:10,
and flvo others.
Winner of first premium at Sa
lem horse show.
For standard stallions seaion of
1909 at Fair Ground and Club' Sta
ble. Fee. !5.00 for sason, $35.00 to
Insure. G. B. SIMPSON,
48-U Falrc round. Or. I
I 1
r n
Get one before you have your new Spring dress Made, then you'll have a stylish figure for
the Seattle Fair.
t H
m I KS9. nA
8 mWmW
aaaaaaau lk . LsaaaV
saaaaH W-X-H
aaaaaaaaaar ' .i -flaaaaaaaal
Evorv thing for tho whole family at prices that credit stores can't
I t'uiif.l l'rMt l.ntMKl Wire
Nevada City, Cal.. April 17. -Nwb
reached here today of a phe
nomenal atrtko mado la tho 10-to-l
mine near this oity a fow days ago.
It Is reported that minors working
on the 260-foot level unoarthod a
led go of almost puro gold and that
sinco tho llnd $200,000 has bcou tak
on out.
According to word thnt has como
to this to this city, thoro Is ovory In
dication that tho ledgo is an excep
tionally largo ono and will yield
ihnny thousands of dollars.
Miners In this vicinity aro excited
ovor tho discovery. Tho lC-to-1
mine Is owned by E. H. Wilson, and
sovoral several frlonds.
DoWltt'a Carbollted Witch Hate!
Salvo Is especially good for piles.
Sould by all druggists.
Monuments For Memorial Day
Salem Granite and Marble Works
23! Liberty Street
We're now showing all the latest models in
Aren't you roady for that muslin un
dearwear yet? Wo enn cortalnly
please you because our assortment is
c tnp'eto and the ralues are
iii'rh ' than !.n year.
bo Curtains Wo
m.jt.s New Lnco
(lie lost values in tho city
UEDSPREADS, plain, hommed nnd
fringed at remarkably low prices.
GLOVES nlwaj's romaln soft
nnd pliable nnd thoy outwoar
any other lonthor on tho mar
we show arc finished in the
best possible stylo nnd our
prices nro based on tho spot
cash plan.
z? .so?
tfrS'S1X24s iDZ4S&
Salem should become a workshop
city of the Golden West. Tho North
Mill creek water powor should bo sold
to some ono who will use the power
or the ditch should be closod up. Who
ever buys It should not only dovolop
It but furnish sites for manufacturing
plants on easy terms. That valuable
proporty has stood too long Idle. It
Is a dlagraco to a wldewnko progres
sive community.
Frightful Fnto Averted.
"I would havo been a cripple far
life from a torrlblo cut on my knoo
cap," writes Frank DIsborry, KoUl-
1 her, Minn., "without Bucklon's Arni
ca Salvo, which soon cured mo." in
fallible for wounds, cuts and bruises,
It soon cures Burns, Scalds, Old
Sores, Bolls, Skin Eruptions. World's
best for piles. Be at J. C. Perry's.
Bwritli ,1IMYWHJW Atari Bat
To induce early buying of work to bo set before May 30, I will,
until April 'IK, quoto SPECIALLY REDUCED PRICES on any Mouu
inont. Marker or Tablet In my large and solect stock of native and
Imported granite and marble. Tho choicest mnorlal, host workman
ship and artistic design. Especial attention to lettering. Wo aro equip,
pgd with the latest electric tools, enabling us to do deeper and smooth
r lettering than oun be done by hand.
All monuments sot on solid oonerete foundations.
We kaaw how to dp strictly high-grade work, and do It,
We do not nay oommissloii to agents, osmotsry superintendents qr
Dthajpi. Henow. oan uud do supply more a ad Wetter work In this
trinity for the money than outside firms or other ruprosontativos.
Our offer of speolal prloe for work bought by April 24 Is bona fide
Hd row eHitot afford to miss tke opportunity.
aWKWaBatUfflBafc'yiVvW Vfi3 rfTi m
fhew Ltr.i' XT...-L .t.rT7L'nut. 1
As a hoallng salve for burns, sore,
soro nipplos and chapped hands
Chamberlain's Salvo Is most oxcal
lont. It allays tho pain of a bfirn
almost Instantly, and unless tho In
Jury Is vory sovoro, heals tho part
without leaving a scar. Prlco 25
oents For salo by all good drug
gists. Tho noxt country that Undo Sam
should tnko In tow and touch a llttlo
manners nnd deconcy Is tho old sore
spot of civilization en Hod Turkey.
Is a man who can't seo good In any
person or thing. It's a habit caused
by a disordered liver. If you find
that you aro beginning to seo things
through bluo spoctaclos, treat your
liver to a good cleaning out proces
with Ballard's Horblne. A sure cure
for constipation, dyspopsla, Indiges
tion, sick headache, biliousness, all
liver, stomach and bowel trouble,-!.
Sold by all dealers.
W. MARTIN, Prop.
Jg cm b t H gpffl