l0ttmal -Z3tfJ? "VOlr-XIX. JC -1 DAILY CAPITAL JOl'KNAL, SALKM, OUKGO.V, MONDAY APHIL 11), 1001). Xo. 70. WASHINGTON WILL SOCIALIST HAVE SPEGIAL SESSION! DEFENDS TO CHANGE rORM OP STATE GOVERMENT TO THE CABINET SYSTLM-- GOV ERNOR WOULD APPOINT x NEARLY EVERBODY tlnltca Tress Leased Wire.) in lieu of tho present system of Olymp'a, Wash., April 19, If, us electing utato officers, Govornor Hay a result of tho legislative commlttco's would substltuto tho plan of cabinet Investigation at stato officers tho leg government. In other words, ho IslatAiro Ib called to Olynipla for a would have tho government of tho special session, Governor Hay will, It stato run on tho samo plan as tho nn Is claimed today, ask tho lawmakers to pniw u constitutional amendment to bo voted on at tho next gonoral election which will provldo for tho wiping out of all elective officers, ox copt thoso of govornor and ltoutonant governor. ThlB will not intorforo with olUcos of United States sonatois or representatives in congress. tlonnl government at Washington. Th's would, it la asserted, wlpo out potty pollclcB and niako ono man in stead of half a dozon responsible for tho conduct of tho stato. Whcthor tho aupromo Judge should bo appointed Is a mooted ques tion, but it is likely ovon this will bo advocated by tho govornor. AZTEC INDIAN IS CRUCIFIED United Pre Leaned Vlri 1 Moxlco City, April 10. Word has reached this city of tho death of Tl 'buroio Zumbruno, an Aztec Indian, us tho result of wounds sustained during tho presentation of tho "Passion Play," which forms tho main foaburo of tho yearly colobratlon of Holy Wcok In tho town of Tuxpan. Zambrnno porsonnted Christ in tho presentation of the crucifixion. Mad doned by tho rcllglouB frenzy into according to tho usunl method. Crazed by excitement, thoso iu chargo compiled with tho domnnd. Nails wero procured and Znmbrnno was nailed hand and fcot to tho cross. XawH of tho nlffalr reached tho au thorities, who quickly dUporscd tho mob, and convoyed tho victim to bis homo. Ho died a few hours lator in great agony, lockjaw having rOBultod Tho Tttxpnn Indians nro said to bo tho lust doscondantu of tho onco pow erful Aztecs. About tho lira i roul Hotbnck Hood HIver litis over received Is tho .nn- JAPANESE United Vtet Leaned Wlre.l w Soattle. April 19. There is much discussion and considerable Indigna tion In labor alrclqfl hero todny ho cntiBu of tho stiUfmonln mndo by August GlthnuB, Soclnllst labor enn dtdato for president lust full and tho nominal bond of tho pnrty on tho Pacific coaat, who In n speech at Co lumbia hall last night donounccd tho nntl-Japiincso agitation In tho west, declaring that to kcop out tho Jap anese would hnrm rather than help tho condition of tho working class. Workmen enn secure their freedom, ho dcclnrod, only by economical, In dustrial and political organizations. "Wo hnvo nothing to fear from the Japanese workman," Gllhiiua do- clarod. "Had tho pooplo wlio aro urging this exclusion proposition half us much spirit nn tho Japanoso In California, thoy would havo oarnod tho right to cnll themselves Socialists. "I saw Japnnoso lnborors down thoro pncklng oranges, and a numbor of thorn struck four times In ono day, NAVAL OFFICERS CRITICISE i United l'renn Lensel Wlrcl Philadelphia, April 19. -Naval of ficers uro open in their criticism to dny of ox-President Theodore Hooso volt nnd ex-Socrotnry of tho Navy Nowborry for their nctlon in displac ing old lino officers from control of Ordnance, construction, repairs, equip ment, and steam engineer, and plac ing young oiiglneors In qhnrgs. Admiral Gcorgo W. Molvlllo, ro tired, is among tho foromnut naval authorities to express his dlsplcasuro ut tho oxtraordlnnnry action tnkon during tho closing days of tho last admlnlBtrutlon, IntorcBt In which has be,.! revived by tho discovery Hint at n secret mooting nine naval officers drow up and signed a pamphlet deal ing with tho subject and forwnrdod it to Secretary of tho Navy Moyor, This action Ib now believed to bo un dor investigation at tho navy depart ment. Tho pnmphlot wob suppressed nnd tho offlcorB nro charged with vio lating tho ruloB of tho Borvico do- nublio criticism or YOUNG TURKEY SENDS SULTAMLTIMATUM DEMANDS HIS ABDICATION AND SUR RENDER OF THE LEADERS- EXPECTED THAT OLD ABDUL HAMID WILL RESIGN HIS OFFICE nlcnod to Btlflo roturnlug to work at an advanco of tho donnrtment heads. It is known, a quarter of a cant n box. Those howovor. that tho pamphlot donl bo aro tho kind of pooplo tho American voroly with tho prosont bureau ays Fodorntlon of Lnbor nnd tho DobB torn In tho navy department. Ad- Socialists want to exclude from our ,nirni Melville dofonds tho offlcorB . cinr0d to bo chlolly rosponslblo for snoros. i no icuoriuinii ioiir cry to fool tho lnborora party to exclude Jnps (Ily Santlus Moschpoulous, Stnff Cor respondent of tho United Proas.) United Press Leased Wire 1 Constantinople, April 19. An ul tlmntum embodying tho domnnds nt tho Young Turks, nnd asking for tho peaceable mirrondcr of tho city wu rccolvcd todny by tho Sultan and tho now ministry. Tho Young Turks domnnd tho ro ostnbllahmont of Hllml Pasha's cabi net, tho restoration of their parlia mentary seats to tho Young Turks who woro oxpollod as traltorn by tho odlct of tho now ministry, and tho Biirrondor of tho lenders of tho re volt. Tho leaders whoso surrondor Ib do mnnded lncludo Editor All Klamol, Said Pashn and Ismail Kernel Hoy. Thoso men, with tho Bultnn, nro d) Turks will march on Ylldl Kiosk, tho Sultnn'B pnlnco, nnd domnnd th8 surrondor and abdication of tho Sul tan todny, according to messages re coivod horo today from tho Constan tlnoplo correspondent of tho Hx chnngo Tologrnph. Tho moaaago explains thnt an ad vanco guard of Young TurkB will bo thrown nround Porn and Qnlnta, su burbs of Constantinople, to protoct tho lives of forolgn residents bofoie tho mnln body of tho nrmy marchos against tho pnlnco. up uii' wlio propareu Uio protest mm ,o overthrow of tin Yonnir Turlra. and tho Dobs 0inrod today that thoy wero not guilty nmt tnoir execution has been decrood. of ny Infrnotlon of tho rogulntlons. To iMnrv, oll sultnn. o "I do know, however." uccinrou mo London, April ID. Tho Young lulm irnl. "I mi ino noiious oi uio ru- ., which tho participants had lashod thomsolvos, bo Insisted that ho bo nouncoment that tho Hon nailed, Instead of lashed to tho cross, Is to locate there. Dill Sunday Utt I ILC nHIMOncnO Mrlnir unoriitnrv of the navy, nrobnbly ARE HANGED indorsed by tho former prosldout of; , tho Unltod State, wero tho most ox- Unlled 1'ress Leaned wire. trnordlnnry notlonB oVor known, not Shawnoe, Okln.. April 19. Four only In tho navy of tho United States , men. two sniu to no miiiionniro cuttio urn in m n m " ranchers, woro token from tho coun- o Will Demand Abdication. Philtpoppolts, Dulgarla, April 19. Tho Young Turka nnd Mnccdonlaa troops aro oxpectod to ontor Coustan tlnoplo tonight nnd demand fo 8ul tan's abdication. It If, bollovcd the now ministry will roslgn today, If thoro nppoarn tolio any chanco of tho Yonng Turks meeting with buccosb In their nttnek upon tho city. I Continued on pago 4.) JACOMA WOMAN I FINALLY GETS THERE i We Have Just Received From our New York buyer, Mr. Lackey, of New York, the following new goods:; Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Silk Lace Jackets, New Millinery, New Dress Goods and Silks, Now Silk Coats, Spring Jackets, Novelty Wash Goods, Flowers, Feathers and Foliage, Laces, Embroideries and Dress Trimmings, The Chicago Storo for the newest and lowest prices all the time. You May Think You can buy the same goods else where for the same price, but you cannot do It. Come her first and boo tho quality of tho goods, then go else where and see what you can get for tho same money. We know what we are doing, and we know you cannot beat our prloea on the Pacific Coast 'for the wim elaw of merohandtso. $-1-8 pretty faney lawns In a great variety of stylos, fast colors, and an extra line cloth, yard 4c He Shepherd Plaid wool goods, 36 inohea wide, yard dress 29c 5c, Gc and 7o Valenciennes laces, edges and Insertion to match, Eng Hflh'inade goods, now only, per dozen 25c 25c fast black atooking, seamless and stainless, 500 dozen to select from, now only, pair 10c This is only a few of the wonder ful bargains we have to show you throughout our establishment. New Spring Suits nuy here and get up-to-dato stylos at priaoe as low as our oompetltlors have to pay wholesale price for. We have the shrawdoet buyer In New York on our staff sending us suits all tho time. Wo aro keeping him busy, wo aro telling suits so fast. Thoro la no uso in your trying to beat our prices. You can buy a handsome suit here Just aa oheap as you can buy it In New York or Chicago. Smart buy era all say so. Just think of It! Sulta like the sample out long coats, silk lined, neweat materials and flull flare skirts, now selling for $9.59, $12.46, $i;.90 and up fe3 - United 1'renn Leaned Wire.) Tneomn, April 11). The Htrnngo chain of ovonlH that Bopnrutod MIhh Martha Christian nnd Alvln It. Lolt mnn of this city almost nt tho altar, todny aro ut nn ond. Two woeks niter bin mysterious disappearance on the day set for his woddlng. Lohmnn returned to rlnlm his bride. Thoy woro married In this city last ovonlug. A week after Lohman dlHnppoarod ho communlratod with MIhh Christian from Sacramento, telling n tain of throats or doath If ho persisted In his lutontlon to make her his wlfo, nnd ordorlng him to loavo tho city. Ho bollovcd that tho throats oaino from disappointed rlvnlB. Monoy sent by IiIh fathor In Klgln, III , ronehod Lohman In Siicrnmouto Friday, and ho hastened to this olty to claim his bride, who bolluvod In Iilm douplto his supposed desertion. HAINS MURDER TRIAL IS ATTRACTING ATTENTION (United l'renn Leaned Wlrr-1 Flushing. L. I.. April 19. Many tnloHiunn wore examined ut tho open 1'iu: of tho trial of Captain Potor Con 'over Ilalns on tho chargo of murder ing William IS. Anuls. whom ho shot HUU HiilttU HI (lie uiijniuo mum uiui, last summer, when the court today began Its efforts to obtain a Jury. All who woro questioned offered ALDRIGH DEFENDS TARIFF BILL Best Sans Silks PerbaM only.. 2c "Man i ut - -i i irm-rn nn1 innay 5c Whkc Pcari Buttons 2c Per Doz. ( United l'rrH Lruaed Wire Washliigtoii, April IU. In speak ing on tho Honnto tariff bill Seuutor Aldrlch this afternoon declared thnt tho appropriations by congress In tho Inst your show nn "unprecedented ox travagiuiuu." nnd iiHsurted that thoy couliThuvo buou reduoed $50,000,000 without Impairing the efficiency of tho government machinery. "In tho work of making tho neces sary reduction of oxpundlturea and reforming tho methods of appropria tions, to which tho senate Is pledged, I inn authorised to Hay that we have tho earnest support and co-operation of tho president anil tho adminis tration," declarsd Aldrlch. The senator estimated that tho rev enue for 1'J 10 from the senate tariff bill, hutted on tho Importations in 1007. would bo 1310.000,000. Ho said additional rovamiuti, because of tho restrictions on undervaluations, uro oxnectud to amount to $5,000,- 000. Ho estimated thnt tho sonato bill would nrliig a totnl Increase of $13,000,000. Aldrlch said the proponed two per cent Panama bonds would not bring par value In tho market. Il rooom mundad that the Inter! be made exousoH and raauootod that they be tbree ner rent. lie diiiiomiI the Im- dlsqualifled. The expeetatluu that poaltlon of an Income or un luherl- tl.rf trial will be of long aurnuon , tnuoe tax and otlmr spolal taxee as makea it very difficult to find per oils willing to serve. The xreat publicity given the ante and the wide dlscuwilon during the tilal of tho cnptulna brother. T. Jen kins Ilalus. who was awiulttwl of simplicity, has caused nlmost every ono In this county to form nn opinion. RACING IN THE SOUTH HARD HIT Santa Anita, Cal.. April 10. The hugo grand staud at Santa Anita race truck today stands silent and empty, whilo tho jo who made the racing gamo In Southern California aro chatting to got away. Their do parturo I prevented, however, by lack of cars for tramportatlon, and scores of horses are eating up profits at an alarming rate, with oats at $1.10 a bushel and hay coating $17 a ton. Three hunr4 horse are on their way to different parta of the country, but there still remains some 600 accrB for which transportation la lacking. Bargains are being driven at the track, and many ownera aro letting thoroughbreds go at a sacrifice. Others In the racing game havo been hit hard, and the pawnshops of the city are doing a thriving bus'ne?. in sadlei, blankets, field glasses and the like. Mexican horsemen hare made pur chases that tempted thorn. One man paid $5 for a horse easily worth $600 because one of the animal's legs was bad and would cause a laying up of several weeks. Two other , worth $1000, wero Durebaied for $200, and alnillar gales aro reported. "uiijiiat and unnfteeaeary.' He pleaded that the bill be given a trial before reporting to apvelul taxation Aldrlch declared that tho fact that there will be approximately four mil lion more people In tho United Stntea nl 1010 than there were In 1008 will cause a natural liicrouho In Importa tions and revenues. Ho i1d thnt ua the result of tho depression of busi ness nine the autumn of 1907 of goods now nro low. Ho predicted that the era of prosperity whloh sturtud March 1 will continue, "with the enactment of wise legislation." Mo calculated tnat by Junu 1 there win bo an available treasury surplus, over the necessary working balance, of $94,000,000 Including $74,000,000 which tho treasury la entitled to re ceive for reimbursement for Panama canal expenditures Ho declared thut by tho end of the fiscal year of 1910 there will bo a surplus of ?49,00O, 000. In making this estimate ho said thut he assumed that canal bonds would be sold at Intervals to reim burse the treasury And that thoy now aro available for that purpose. Ho said further legislation, however, la necessary to secure this result nnd assorted that It will be necessary to change the cnaracter of tho bonds which may be Issued. (HVgon Hah the Good . While tho weather records of tin Ca"t aro showing snow, frost and all kinds of things objectionable to rbe farmer, here the cherry bloaioins aro covering the lawna with "snow " Tho apple trees are In bloom, the lawn mowers are busy, and tho cows are t wading kne deep In grasa. CALHOUN TRIAL 15 PROCEEDING United l'reaa Leaned Wlrcl Sail Fruiialsco, April 19. During tho continuance of ills crosH-oxamlnu-tlon in tho Calhoun trial this morn ing ox-Suporvlsor Fred Nicholas whoso vote for nn ovorhond trolloy franchise Calhoun ts allegud to havo bought for M0U' . related tho ovuntn that led to his election to tho hood ling board. Under the questioning of Assistant Dlstrlot Attorney John O'Ourn Nicho las testified that ho wont to Abo Kuuf and secured his nomination. Ho brazenly desarlbed his part in tho graft transactions of thut board, toll ing of bribes ho said ho received from the prlzo fight ring whloh ho said woro offered In the hope of semiring tho passago of an oluutlu prlzu fight ordinance. Questioned further by tho assistant district attorney tho wUiiosn recalled having testltiad In tho police court that thoro was a general understand ing ninnng tho mumbura of tho board thut all "lily inalterH" wliloh should come, before Hie hoard should bo ta bled unions those Interested In their passago "chiiio through wtj the coin." NIcIiqIrh' further teetlmuuy was A recital of the operation of the Pa clflo and llouiw ielplion companies during their efforts to secure frail ohlsua In 1000. During the examination of Nlchu las, ut tliu requust of A. A. Moore uounsul for Calhoun, who had dlffl culty In hottrln the repliea of the witnees, Judge Lnwlor ordered the table around whloh the attorneys wars grouped, niovttd closer to the wltniHM Htuiid Aaslsted by tho court bailiff, Henw) moved the table to tho place where It stood when he wus shot by Morris Haas. He thou took tho soat he occupied when the would bo murdurur'u utillut laid lilin low. O'Oara next took up the charge mado by the defense that the convlc tlon of ox-Hupurvlsor Coffey for pur Jury was being used to oompol Nloho las to testify for tho ututo. o AERIAL EXPERIMENT FARM ON COAST It'nllrd I'roM Leaned Wire) San Fruucisco. April 19. That Ban Francisco will bo tho center of trial ex por'ments In tho Unltod Statoa la tho opinion of Hoy Knabonshuo, the aeronaut. Knabon-huo has shipped hli big nlrshjp, with t ho balloon "United Btatea," owued by Dick Ferris, of this city, where he tntenda to make flights during the spring month. "Callforn'n- la the best possible field for experiments," -aid Knabeu shue today. "I know of about 20 Kastern enthusiasts who are planning o como to tho coat to begin opera tions doling the summer " Knabeushue will make hh flights fnra Kant 8an Mateo, where rpeclal -rounds are being constructed for him.