Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 17, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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1. No female shall bo om-
wiWin any manufacturing, mn-
mai or mercantile esiauusu
t$laundry, hotel or restanrant,
Ir telegraph or telephone o3tabllsh-
K&t, laundry, hotel or reeturant,
asportation oompany in this state
hore than ten hours during any day
if more than sixty hours in one week.
the hours of work may bo so ar-
,'aaeed as to permit the employment
W jksnalos at any time so that thoy
u not work moro tnnn ten nours
turtsg tho twenty-four hours of one
jt'iection 2. Every employer in any
waHUiacturing, mecnamcai or mer
'eaatilo establishment, laundry, ho
tel or restaurant, or other establish
Classified Ads
nm sale
FeVSalc Good oak barrols at $1.00
each. See I. Daumgartner, noar
Fairgrounds store. 4-10-3t
For Sale Half-breed Jersey cow,
fresh; extra good milker. 771 N.
Commercial street. 4-lG-3t
For Kale A few moro fresh cowb.
Call nt 1195 South 12th street.
Phono 1171. 4-16-3t
r.ur- Sale A first-class secondhand
VVuggy, cheap. Inquire at Jounal
RMt SAM-: Splendidly Improved
da ry farm; fully equipped. Ap
ply W II Gllson 344 8tato. Will
take 8OI110 city property. 3-29-' f
For Hnlc C-rooin house, 8 lots, ban,
chUlten pit 1 U. fruit, and bcrrlot,
good well Terms. J. D. Hos,
Twentieth tmd Lee streuts
For Sale 2-yonr-old pneor, sired by
Red Seal, dnm by Qoronio, 2d dam
Allan Jr., 3d dam Ilnmblotonlan
10; woll broko. Wm. Tnrplcy, Sa
iom Stcnin Laundry. 4-14-lw
Fer Salt Ten in, now harness and
spring wngou for $110. DonulH
& Hughes, 19G Commercial
street. . 4-16-3t
Vttr Suit Flrnt-clnss, sccond-hnnd
Vuggy, cheap. AddrosH "M.," care
Butlers Wanted At 578 Bt-tto
streot. 3-tf-lm
Wanted 25 mon, hop yard work.
Krobi Bros., B-ush-Brcyraan build
ing. Phono 121. 8-15-tf
Wanted To trado good homo and
half acre with soroo fruit, barn
and chicken park, In Jacksonville,
tho homo town, for unimproved
farm land. Will pay cash tor
part. R. T. BURNETT,
4-2-lm Jacksonville, Ore.
Wanted- -Mnnagor for branch of
flco wo wish to locnto horo In Sa
lem Address tho Morris Wholo
salo HouBO, Clnclnatl, Ohio. j
Wanted Houso of Five or six rooms
on Oak or South Twolfth street.
Will -uy or rent. F. C. Chap-
nan. Imperial turnlturo Co.
CL-J., ...u. . ,.
Tsr jvchv r urniauuu ruuius si itvi
Mill street, west of Electric depot
Inquire at address montloned.
rht-o. .M. ttiwT Plumbing, bov '
E aii'1 stoam huattUK and llnniarf.
. ' 164 Commercial struet. Phone
jtJMaln Ufi. 9-1-1r
jSK J. Pftzel Plumbing, steam and ,
gus fitting. Succesnor to Knox 4
.Marnby. 226 Commercial street J
'Oho .Muflllinupt, plumbing, heating, ,
Zfiaa fitting; prices reasonable; work
guaranteed, estimates furnished.
;pbone 373. 10C6 Chemeketa St
3-1 7tf
'fariM-iitiTs I'liion No. KMW Local
I'nlon No. 1065 of Carpenters and
' j Joiners of America meet ever Sat-
''.'isrHiiv pvonli r l.( 7'3fl ti m In
tJliearst ball. 420 State Street
A W Dnuls Rec Sr.
Rn-ntral lAHluc .No, 18, K. of P. .
p Cattle hall In Polman block, cor
ner State and Liberty street
Tuesday of earn .reek at 7-30. li
nt Oscar Johntou. C. C: E. D
Auderson. K. of R and S.
Modern Woodmen e America Ore
gon Cedar Camp Nj. 5246. Meet
every Thursday evening at &
o'clock in Holman ball. A. E
Damber, V. C; F. A. Turner, clert.
W Hodmen of World Meet every Fri
day night at 7-30. In Holman hall
A L. Harvey. C. C : L. H. Flat, a
er. Clerk Jan. 10. '0.
ment employing any female, shall
provldo suitable seats for all female
employes, and shall permit them to
use such seats when thoy are not en
gaged In the active duties of tholr
Section 3. Any employer who
shall require any female to work
In any of tho places mentioned in sec
tion 1 moro than tho number of
hours provldod for in this act during
any day of twenty-four hours or who
shall fa'l, neglect or refuBO to so ar-
l rango tho work of females in his
j employ so that they shall not work
I moro thnn tho number of hours pro
j vhled for in this net during nny day
of 24 hours, or who Bhall fail, neg
lect or rcfuso to provido auit-
abuo seats, ns provided in Sec
tlon 2 of this act, or who shall per
mit or Buffor any overseer, superin
tendent, or other ngent of any such
Mrs. Muiiscy Fashionable dress
making. Work done on short no
tlco and reasonable. Phono 934
350 South 17th streoL 4-6-lm
Livery and Feed Stable Old Poat
olilcc Stables, at 254 Ferry streot
between Commercial nnd Front
streets. Telephone 188. Some j
the llnest liveries In tho city can
be found hero. Wstacott A Jouo
ion u
439 Court streot, D. J. Switzor,
prop. Bread, cake, pics and all kinds
of pastries, cookies, etc. Watch for
our wagon. Phono 954. 11-19-tf
The Ellclicnil Saloon Crouch & Neas
Props. (Successors to W. II. An
demon) 1C3 Commercial St. Lit
uois and cigars of tho best brands.
it Is worth moro than any other
oi?ad, yot tho prlco 1b no higher.
I'or salo at your grocors.
TlioinnH Ji Cooiey, Props.
Cummins Ilron.' Transfer Company
All kinds of transfer work donit
furniture and pianos b xcd rcudy
for shipment. Prompt servico U
our motto. Stand and olllco at
263 South Commercial street
Phonn 210. Itosldenco phone
Iluttu & Wtfudcrotli Flno wlnos
liquors nnd clgara. ' We handle
tho celebrated ICcllog and Castle
whiskies. Cool and refreshing boor
constantly on din light. Soutn '
Commercial ftroet 9-3-lyr. j
Hyde Hros. Klcctrlc Co. Electric '
supplies and first-class wiring at
reasonable prices. Call at our I
otneo for ostlmatoi. Phono 451
143 N. Llborty street. 1-12-tf
VVengiT Ai ClierriiiKton Planoi nnd
organs sold on eary terms; tolo
paoor 11S7; 247 Comn.crci,il
Street. Bnlom, Orugon tf
t'mirrvie Work Get my prices on
sldowulk, curbs, potlc tanks and
ccnieut work of nny kind. All
work guaranteed first clas. M.
Ward. 2378 Maplo Ave, HlghlanJ
Phone 569. May 24-09
O. F. MASON n()X CO.
247 Miller St., Soiith Salem, manu
facturer of all kinds of boxes, crates
aud fruit dryer accessories, Pbon
I0K i
The South Salem Moat Market. 00
poslto Daue's store. Fresh Aid
cured meat. General delivery
Give it a trial. Huffman & Mar
tin, props. 3-3-tf
Stuntou ji Scliulr'splnce 375 Court
street, for up to date work Baths,
cigars and tobacco. First clas
sh'ner In connection. All work
specially call on us.
Great Ilargalns.
In second-hand goods. We keep mojt
everyth'ng; will sell as cheap as any
ono, and some things cheaper. High
est prlco paid for second-hand goods.
4-G-3w Prop., 486 State.
For water servlco ap,ily at offlc
Dills payable monthly In advanr
Stanton & SclutU's Place 375 Court
street, for up-to-date work. Datbs,
cigars and tobacco. FJrat class
shiner in connection. Ail work a
speolalty. Call on us. 4-1-tf
II. G. Meyer & Co -The bost and larg
est shop in the city. Six first-class
barbers. Only first-class bootblack
in city, porcelain baths and every
thing pertaining to a firat-clasa 1
shop. Also carry a full line of
cigars and tobacco and barbers'
supplies. 162 Commercial street,
next door to Statesman office.
Ist Largo belt buckle between
Chemawa and Salem. Finder kind,
ly leave same at Hotel Willamette.
Lost Saturday. April 10, a leather
handbag, contaln'ng ateel glasses,
rimmfd, and key, between State
t. and Turner road. Reward If
returned to Journal Office. 4-14-St
jomployer to violate any of tho
I provisions of this act, shall bo
It-illtfv rt n mlaitrniflnnnp nn,1
upon conviction thoroof shall b
fined for each offonco not less than
2G nor moro than $100..
(Chapter 200, Lawb di. 1907;
Chapter 138, Laws of 1909.)
This law goes Into effect Thurs
day, May 22.
Dont's" When You IIav0 Ujo Grip.
Don't kiss tho children.
Don't delay going to bed.
Don't attempt to walk tho attack
Don't tako n cold or even a hot
Don't uso alcoholic stimulants.
Don't oat a heavy moal.
Don't associato with the family.
Don't forget to tako Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy.
Don't let your bowols becomo con
stipated. Don't leave your bed until tho
worst is over, nor vonturo out until
fully recovered.
Do th's and tho grip Is shorn of
nearly all its terrors. Grip novor
results in pnoumonla when Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy is used. For
salo by all druggists.
Evory notice how, when, onco In a
lifetime, you borrow n half-dollar
from your wife for enr faro, sho
throws It up to you that you'ro "al
ways taking away from her tho mon
ey you've give her?"
AM, ClIANOKH of copr fr Ileal
IXntf Ail nitmt le In The Journal
Offico lijr r o'clock the ercnliiR before
the ilny on which the ml U to nppenr.
T Farms
All filzea nnd prices. Call for
largo printed list. City property of
nil descriptions. Sou us beforo
buying for bargains,
!S7U Statu Street.
No. 94' 47 acres, 1V4 ncros in orch
ard, 18 acres in cultivation, bat
anco in pnsturor now 4-room houso
and barn, timber will out 400 cords
Prlco $3200.
No. 73 10 acres, lot 5, Capital Ad
dition to Frultland, C-room box
houso, good collar and well, barn
30x56, shed 14x40; 400 bushels
of fruit picked from 2 acrob last
Benson; thij placo Is well tiled.
Prlco $3000.
No. 101 20 acres, all In cultivation,
3 acros orchard, good C-room
houso and barn, 2 wolla of water,
near school and church; sell for
$3400 or trado for city property,
No. 34 5-room house, lot 50x150,
on 13th street Prlco $800; terms
134 South Commercial Street.
Home of Our rieclal Itnrgalnn.
200-uoro dairy ranch; now 7-room
house, two barns; 160 In cultiva
tion, part in crop, balanco tlmbor,
orchard and pasture; on good road
two and n half miles from It. R.
town; only $58 per acre; good
terms. Fine houBO. A snap.
Good 11 -room houso, fine grounds,
120x120, four blocks from capital.
Ilargaln for a few days.
New modern 7-room houso close in,
We have some of the best Insldo resi
dence lots in tho city, inly a fow
left; also some lots on Installment.
We have boiiio flno acreage property
for $100 per aare; close In; a snap.
We have some very fine fruit farms,
also timber lands, and somo finely
improved 6 and 10 acre tracts.
Housos to rent
Only Two Lota left on 19th st; 4
lota 17th and State St.; lotj In
Highland Addition, $150 and $200.
See me before you buy.
1673 Stat St. 4-J-lm
We often wonder how any person
can bo persuaded Into taking any
thing but Foloy's Honey and Tar for
toughs, coldB and lung troublo. Du
not bo fooled into nccoptlng "own
make" or other substitutes. Tho gon
ulno contains no harmful drugs and
is in a yellow package. For salo
by J. G. Perry.
You may safely lay about 10 to 1
on it thnt tho wife who keeps a pret
ty sorvnnt girl In a flat isn't bo very
crazy over her husband.
Foloy'c Honey and Tar la a safe
guard against serious results from
spring colds, which inflamo tho lung
and dovelop Into pneumonia. Avoid
counterfeits by Insisting upon hav
ing tho gonuino Foley's Honey and
Tar, which contains no harmful
drugs. For salo by J. C. Perry.
It is hard to distinguish botween
friond nnd foe beforo tho battlo and
after it still moro so.
Poonjo past middle lifo usually
havo somo kidney or bladder dlsordor
that saps "tho vitality, which Is natur
ally lowor In old age. Foloy's Kid
ney Remedy corrects urinary trou
bles, stlmulntco tho kldnoyB, and re
stores strength nnd vigor. It ourea
uric acid troubles by strengthening
tho kidneys so thoy will strain out
tho uric acid that Bottles In tho mus
cles and Jo'nta causing rhoutnntUm.
For salo by J. C. Perry.
Cl ueitm, 1 inilua ironi Salem, now
houso and barn, good wuIIb, boiiio
fruit, 8 cows, 2 liolfurs, 1 wagon,
ono hack, hoiiio timber, river bot
tom land JG000.
160 ncroH, 4 iiiuea from Salem, 0
room I10UK0, good bam, largo
Hpring, lOii acres In cultivation,
balance In timber, good woil $70
per auro.
300 acres, good 1ioubo,2 barns, fam
ily orchard, plenty of water, 2G0
acres under plow, good bargain
$47 per aero.
30 acres or good timber $2400.
And all kinds of 0 ami 10-aaru
tracts. See
4-13-tf 490 Stato Streot.
$4500 Fino suburban homo, xO
acres, 1 alio oast of ponltontlary.
$1600 96 foot on Stato streot, south
$2500 Good 8-room houso, on
Church, betwoon Centor nnd Che-
mekata, lot 44x165,
$2C00 20 acres, good houso and
barn, 1 Vi miles from stool bridge
In Polk county.
$1600 Elegant lot on Court street.
$3000 Elegant 8-room houso, flno
barn and woodshed, lot 93x174,
all now and modorn,
I 107 Stale, near Dituinlnnd
Phone H57
If you wnnt anything In tho roal
ostato lino call on us, and you
will be convlnood that we havo a
lino list of property to seloot from
Country propurty in all sections
of the surrounding country, loca
tion and nlzo to suit.
See our list or city proporty. Rulld
Ing lots and rosldonco proporty
that will moot your approval.
Ilargalns In good business proper
ties. j Call at our office for prlco and do
' sarlptlonB of properties.
j If you want to sell list with us for
j results.
H. A. Johnson & Co.
I No matter how careless u house
keeper a woman may bo, slip nover
lets any dust collect upon her vounl
For I&frmta as GUUrwa,
Ids m Ym KiYt Atwqs ItifiM
Taru tho
Saavure of '
V . SLTf-AoT
l'Monti Uken throuch Mutm A Co. reclM
tjwfdi notice without churao. In tho
Scientific jftittricati
A hnrtomtf lltimtMloJ wrtklr. Iai ft 'Ir
rulntlim i'f nnr rlemillo Imirnnl, Term. $3 a
jpun four nionttit, ft. Bold bj alt tiawiOrnlor.
MUNN I Co.3j :oa4r '-New York
Wo soli all kinds of stnplo and
T fancy grocorles, nnd mill feed.
Prompt delivery. Phone ua a
trial order to Main 209.
J A. .1. KNGIiKHAItT, Prop.
Cor. Stntcnman and Asylum At.
tocky Mountain Tea Nugno
A IlaiT Mwlloln fut Daiy I'eorU.
Briagf QolJen Ilcahh roJ Unwel Vigor
A Kpccillo frrClinotlpntlon, tiilletvllon. l.lv
tut Kltliioy TrontiltM. rlinplf. IVoiun, Impim
lliKxt. Unit llnnlli BlunRlnli llonoln, IIpiuIhoI
.ml llitcknrlM. It's ltooky Moiintnlii Trn In tiib
'"t form. X eonl n (hit. (lrn.:lno tmuH b)
.U.LLiertrt Vnva Cuiipany, MitOltoti, WIh.
Seven nnd ono-hnlf acres of upland
bordering on deop wntor slough on
Yunitlnn Day; all good land. Prlco
Forty acres, half way between Now-'
port, Or., and Toledo, Or., on coun
ty road; 0110 and a half acres clear
ed with shnnty on It; considerable
bottom land; good alder and vino
maplo on land. Prlco $700. '
Good level lot on South Roach oppo
site Newport, Or. prlco $75.
Lot 9, block 40, at Seal HocUh, Or.;
flno view of ocean, good lovol lot
Prlco $100.
Soveuty-elght iioich near Plonuur, Or.,
all nlongHldo 11. R. track; botween
Hovon and eight aoroa of bottom
land on It In cleared; forty good
bearing npplo trees; good stouo
tiuarry on land noar R. R. Prlco
Two-noro oyBtor bod at Oyster City,
on Yniinlna Hay; with this goes
half aero upland lots. Prlco $500.
Ton-room houso, 30x40 feot In bIzq
and block or land, on Nye Creek
and Olwuivlllo Hide walk; Iioiibo In
In flno condition; good woodshed
nnd good water. iIiIh Is a flno prop
osition for a Hiimmor boarding mid
rooming houso, iih well ns a per
manent homo, Prlco $3300.
.1. O. OLKKON, Newport, Or.
liuiiho at Itiiiriial Olllre.
180 noroH. 4 inlltm from- Newport,
or Toledo, on main county road,
40 acroB lovol, 30 acres under
plow, bottom land, Handy upland,
black soil. 10 aoros tlmbor, 130
aarou pasture- Now Iioiimo, 14x24,
el 14x24, 7 rooms, two burns, lOx
40 and 3SxG0, woodshed 14x24, 4
liorHttti, 28 head shoop, 22 head
cattle. 9 milk oows, I halforH. 9
stuurK, with all fur iiilmplumuutH,
wagon, buekboHrd, eto. Prluu
160 acres of timber In tho Hlletz
reservation, near (ha coast, o ti
nted ns follews: 3,000,000 feet
hemlock, 2.000,000 spruao, '-',-000,000
cedar, all of No. 1 qual
ity, at $1400.
160 acres of timber, one-half mile
from tn Bllutz river, estimated um
follews: 6.000,000 spruce, 1,-
000,000 homlook; $5000.
160 norm tlmbor on tho Hlletz, noar
coast, 10 in Hum from Newport, es
timated us follews: 4.000,000
hemlock, 2.000,000 spruce. 2,
000,000 cedar; $4500.
16 acres Kxh miles from Newport,
10 acres under plow, young or
chard 40 to 50 trees, good C-room
house 24x30, noodshod 12x14,
root house 12x16, warehouse 12x
14, split board barn 40x50, 3,
000,000 fir, 1,000,000 alder Um
ber, fir tlmbor 'uostly second
growth, $2750.
160 nores unimproved land, 5 miles
from Newport, partly covered with
tlmbor; No. 1 fruit and grazing
land. $1300.
L. W. WILLIAMS, Newport, Or.
For Information inquire at Journal
Notice to tltt Public.
If you want a marble or granite
monument, call at our shop In City
Vlow Oemotery. We can save you
money. Tho Dlaevfng Oranlte Co.
"3bijHt Tnot MAmts
'rWswlf Designs
Ant one ismtlng "ketch nnd At crlpllnn mT
qnlcktr ctlaln oiir opinion fr) whMlier n
Intuition It probblr PMroUbte riiiniHnl(.
Is now located at Canby Oregon,
tho boat wintor quarters In tho North
wost for training nnd developing
young horses. Sam has room for a
few moro prospects, either for la
road or track and would like .
communlcnto with anybody wishing
their horse trained. Mr. Casio Ir
conceded to bo tho best colt man U
tho West nnd his success on tho the
Salem track bcara out this statemoat.
Terms reasonable nnd satisfaction
guaranteed. Address
SAM CASTRO, Oanby, Oregon.
tlHV kP WaMW
Kpn-ft.t. AtkMi'iri.)iO:puTr.RK
;ni n rv npf.r.KTS rvFoywiERE
Gold Dust Flout
KU COMPANY, Sidney, Oro
goi . Mndo for family bso.
Ask our grocer for It. Uran
nnd shortft ahrnyi1 on hand.
Newport Lots
$50 to $300
choice Locations
Double In value each year. Easy
tonus and most doHlrnhlo location,
No whero In tho stnto of Orogon
In proporty Increasing as fast In value
iih In Newport For full Information
call or write.
Newport, Oregon.
For Constipation
Mr. L, II. Fnrnhnm, a promlneHt
drugget of Spirit Lake, Iowa, aaya;
"Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
luhluts 11 ro certainly tho beat thlua;
nn tho market for coantlpatioa."
01 vo thus tablots a trial. You arc
certain to find them ngrooable and
Iiliiamuit In uffoot. - Prlco 26 oeats,
riaiiiplgs free, For solo by all good
Wo know 1111 abnormally riibpIcIoub
married woman who !iornolf ties her
hiishand'a ties n certain way In tho
morning bo that she can sou If thoy
are tlod In tho same way when ho
eo im homo In tho evening.
Mr. F. O. Frltts, Oneonta, N. Y.,
wr'toj; "My llttlo girl was greatly
bHiientted by taking Foloy's Orlao
Ux tlvo, and I think It In tho boat
iHinedy for constipation and liver
troublo." Foloy'u Orlno Laxative i
bast for women and children, as It
Is mild, pleasant and otfectlvo, and H
a Hplend'd spring medicine, aa It
cleans the system and clears tke
complexion. For salo by J. 0. Perry.
One of the most pltlaoie objocts
In tho world is tho porson who
doosn't feol bettor nftor dinner.
llt'Mt Treatment for Colda.
"Most ordinary colds will yield to
the simplest treatment," says tke
Chlaago Tribune, "moderatlva laxa
t'vos, ho. foot baths, a free perspi
ration and an avoidance of exposure
to cold and wet aftor treatment,"
While this troatmout Is simple, It re
(in res considerable trouble, and tho
one sdoptlug It must remain In door.
for a day or two, or a freak cold Is
a'most suro to be contracted, aad In
many Instances pnoumonla follows.
13 It not bettor to pin your faltk to
an old .ellablo preparation llke
Cliainbei Iain's Cough Remedy, thai
Is famous for Its cures of colds ad
ean always bo dependod uponT For
sale by all good druggists.
Sitting on a youung man's katf
sn't a poilttyu sign that he can sup
port tho girl forovor.
iHdlrl Ak roar Drasrlat for a
-Kl4bfw.fr1i IIUmn HrandV
rill. In llnl tn.l tJnM ,tilllW
ttttn. tMlrvl ltb lllin RlUva. f
TaLa mm ntkw. tlHV kP wbmw V
V Ja