' VOL. XIX PAHA' OAl'lTAL JOIUNAL, SALKM, OUEGON, SATURDAY, Al'ltll, 17, 1001). No. 70. -e isMBiMJ in) oiooiiaiwTittfef ifn&nffiTW 1 v '"sy T7.- -?i3rM-----ias& t PASSING OF TURF GAMBLING UKEAT HACK TKAOK AT KMKKY VILLE, OAL., GOES OUT OP HUSI NKSS WITH THE "AMOS" HANDICAP THIS AFTKHNOON BOOKMAKERS FOU MEXICO. HORSEMEN MOURN liaising Thoroughbred.) Receives u Setback Lucky IJnldwln's Dream of tho CirentoM Hiicc Meets in tho World Fades Away nt the Time Uio Old Iloineiiinn Die. United Pre Uancd Wire (By 13. L. Morlnnty.) Los Augolcn, Cnl., April 17. With tho "Adols' hnndlcnp nt Santn Anita pnrk, and tho final rnco at Emoryvlllo, California will any goodbyo to tho turf this sonBon. Stormy, lndood ,hns boon Southern California racing for tho past throo years. Following agitation which re sulted in tho removal of Ascot Pnrk to Santa Anita, turlltcs lmvo boon constantly hnrrnssod with tho cor tnlnty that sooner or lntor thoy would bo oxpolled from tho stnto. Action of tho legislature not long since, decreed that it would bo a I violation of tho law for n porson to I wngor with a bookninkor regarding tho outcome of a horso rnco. ' Lucky" Dnldwln died nlmost slm-, ultnncously with tho passngo of his chorlshcd dream, which had becomo a reality. Dcforo tho old man Jour noyed to tho great boyond ho rcnl ized thnt tho blood of his famous studs must soon drift into more hum bio places than tho oxcltcmcnt of a rnco truck. Indeed, thoso who wcro cognizant of his strong liking for tho turf, do clnro that ho Boomed to lose all in terest in things after ho learned of rnclng'B fnto, From n standpoint of nttondnnco, tho final sonson nt Santa Anita was n succens. Tho crowds scorned to grow In number, and nt all times tho bookies found sufficient coin in tho ring to mako business llvoly. With a possibility ot no racing at all In Now York, this winter wit nessed tho appoarnnco of some fa mous horses nt Snntn Anita, nnd re sultant high-class support. Although charges of "fixed" rnroe lmvo been mndo from tlmo to tlmq, tho judgos nppnrontly lmvo been moro strict thnn usual, ns wns in stanced in tho ruling off of savornl turfmon, and tho not tint; down of JocldoH. This, howovor, wns nocos sarlly dono nftor mlsuhlot hud hcon nccompllshcd. With tho sounding of "tnpa" before tho "Adlots" handicap at Santa Anita this afternoon, "Lucky" Baldwin's dronm passos whoro other dreams lmvo passed, TURKS ORGY OF MURDER HUTCIIEH 2T00 ARMENIAN OHKIS TI ANS YESTEKDA V STUEETS OF ADANA AND MEHISNA HUN HEI) WITH 11LOOD OF PKOPLK MUllDEUEl) ON ACCOUNT OF THEIH ltELICHOLH HEL1EF. SULTAN HELPLESS Orders All Available Troops to Scene of Massacre, Hut Thoy Arc Mutin eer All Asia Minor In Swept by Wave of Religious Fanaticism Almost n "Holy War." children among tho Armonlans with out, mercy, and burned their bodies In flros of tholr homos. Victims wuro struck down In tho Btroots and homos raided by tho blood-thlroty ns snsslus. Womon wore dragged by tho hair from hiding places nnd babes' bodtos split in two with hugo knlvos. It Is reported that several English nnd Gorman residents nro among tho killed nnd wounded but theso dis patches havo not boon confirmed. Tho names of tho two Armenian mis sionaries reported slain nt Adnnn havo not boon learned and tho report of tholr death cannot bo confirmed. JUGGLE WORLD'S BREAD PATTEN HAYS PRICK WAS NOT DUE TO HIS MANIPULATION, HUT THAT THE "LOUD AL MlflHTV" IS TO 11LAME FOU (JIVING THE WOULD A SHOUT SUPPLY. Sultnn Dissolves Parliament. Constantinople, vln Phlllpoppolls, April 17. Tho dissolution of parlia ment, the first stop In tho sultan's plan to regain his despotic powers Is bollovod to bo Imminent today. It la learned thnt tho Sultnn has I ' boon urged not to attompt this moro Hl.clvllirJ, wNon SIVH Tllwro In unui conuuioas nro inuru buiuuu. PRICES ARE FIRM Whothcr ho will hood this ndvlco is n mnttor ot conjocturo. Tho only thing that can provont tho dissolu tion of parllnmont now ia tho succoss of tho Young TwrkB, Tho Sultan's brother, Mohammed lloohnd, will bo proclalmod Sultan If tho Young Turks succoed in ovor- Roch- Plenty of Wheat, ltut Patten Sncurlugly Hays Ho (Jets Ills In formation l'rom Country Post matters and That His Own Htnto ments Aro Correct. I United rrcw Lraied Wir.j Contitnutlnoplo, April 177. Twon ty-flvo hundred Christians havo boon throwing tho presont rcglmo ..!.. I., i.. n.n urn. in... n.onnn n nA In llltnrntlv Innllnrx mill In In rum .u w iu,.uu. .- -- -"'; "",:, ,7 "-,, over th( amount which can bo equal Adnnn nnd Moralna. according to tho ploto oympatny with tho Young .,,,., " ' "--uu'"ii " " iy commanded, hns prnctlcnlly dls- latost roports rocolved horo todny. Turks. ...,. , . n.. ... ,. ...., Tho massacres are spreading to oth,r j According to roports received hero , " n ,v , v B w. in I lT. ? i i. "-v. ' thli city, tho grent Europonn mnrkot all Asia Minor. A largo part of Aa- nud Major Doufehty-Wyllo, tho Hrlt- ,'.,. ,,,,. .,, lutt vinn.nnnan1 nt Mnralnn wnrn iumvw viiw ,w4 sm limited I'rrwi l.eiucd Wlro.1 Liverpool, April 17. Tho world's wheat margin, or tho vlsthlo supply No woman ovor yot moved Into n furnished houso that sho didn't "And It n porfect hog pon." una hnu boon burned and tho fnna tlco nro npplylug the torch ovory whoro. Sconos of horror aro described nt both Adnnn and Morslna. Tho fan- Moralna, woro wounded during tho rioting, thnt tho ncroago ot Europo hns boon greatly reduced on account of bad i weather nnd market men prodlct that fought tho proseut ndvanco In whoat prices, nro in Wall streot, I under rtand," snld Patton. "Public opinion glvos thoso moa tho credit ot having a great doal ot iniluenco at Washington. The pr ont agitation ngnluat speculating la grnln futures Is comlug from Wash ington. Enough snld. "Am I to blnmo for tho rlso In tho prlco of wheat or is tho Lord Al mighty? Thoro Is a scarcity cf wheat duo to wunlher conditions nnd nn dthoso conditions aro cortalnly boyond by control. Tho rulor ot the Unlvorso doos control thoso condi tions. So who sont up tho prlco of whont? It wnsu't Jim Patton." ijsrai Wc Have Just Received From our New York buyer, Mr, Lackey, of New York, the following new goods:: Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Silk Lace Jackets, New Millinery, New Dress Goods and Silks, New Silk Coats, Spring Jackets, Novelty Wash Goods, Flowers, Feathers and Foliage, Laces, Embroideries and Dress Trimmings, The Chicago Store for tho newest and lowest prices all the time. Mim1vt. tt lllirli nniMnl. constnntinonio. Anrii i7.nonorni 'onorraouB prices will provnll In wheat ntlcal Moslems slow man, women and Ioit Fund, assistant minister of war q,,y (,oc,nro tuy 0XPccl BC0 b":oai ,..n,irthn now bureau, Edhom Pasha. l)OComo n,most n U,XMry ,n Englnnd HHHHHHHHIC . woa murdered last night, according and on tho continent. Jamou A. Pat- to Udw mddo public todny. "" ""' UWI1 oru,lur w" "" No pnrtloultirs of tho crlmo enn ,,od, ,w'th Jliv,n eornodod wheat, H bo lonrned. but it is supposed thnt ho cr0(I'tuI w,th b0Ofl ,n )r'c ,0 was Blnlu by soldlors who woro op- n coHn,n oxtont' but w,thout h,,n' posed to tho appointment of Edhom Krn,n raon ,)0,,0,v0' lho Pr,c0 w,ou d iiH minister of war. Tho soldiers had ,mvo Bno nonr,y M h,ffh M !t ,fl roauosted tho appointment of Nazm now" Pnshn to the post. Vloun, Aprl 17. The young Turk forco, principally tho army corps, You May Think You run buy tho same goods else where for the samo price, but you cannot do It. Come here first nnd see the quality of the Roods, then go olse where and see what you can get for the mine money. We know what we are doing, and we know you cannot beat our prices ou the Pacific Coast for the same claae of merchandlso. i-l- pretty fancy lawns In a great variety of style. fst colors, and nn extra tine sloth, yard 4c 4So Shepherd Plnld wool goodtt, I! I nohe wide, yard dross 29c io, Co and 7c Valonolonnos laces, odges and insurtlou to match, English-made goods, now only, per dozen 25c 25o fast black stocking, Beamless and stainless, 500 dozen to select from, now only, pair 10c This is oaly a few of tho wonder ful bargalBa we have to show you throughout our establishment. KM'retry WIIkou'h Statement. ifniiHd pre UMfd Wlrt.1 Wnshlncton. n. a. Anrll 17 Hm. nro roportod to bo converging at ' rfttftry W,0I, lo(lny ,,, a uliat,roant Tchataldjo. 18 mllos north of Con stantlnoplo. roplylng to tho whont mon who con trndiotod tho vornctty of hla roprt New Spring Suits Buy hero and got up-to-date stj'los at prices as low as our oompotltiors havo to pay wholesale prlaes for. Wo havo tho shrewdest buyer In New York on our staff Bonding us suits all tho time. Wo aro keeping him busy, wo aro selling suits so fast. Thero Is no use in your trying to boat our prices. You can buy a handsome suit here just as cheap as you can buy it In Now York or Qhlcago. Smart buy ers all say so. Just think of Jtl Suits like tho sample out long coats, silk lined, nowest materials and null flare skirts, now selling for $9.50, $12.40, $I.;.90 and up ) A W3M7 5 n III ! Mil iffwh W 11 i1 It Is rumored that tho Bulgarian on tll0 whont Btntion. said: troopH havo alrondy crossed tho fron-j .'Ht)nrtB of tha (i0)artmont ,n,u. tier In roadlnosa to soizo Mncodonla. onto thnl thon) woro i3(0oo,000 Ahmed Itlza, former president of ,ji1bUoib of wJl0ftt on hnnU Mnrch If tho Turkish parliament, has ostab- unliable statisticians ostlmnted tho lUhod hlmBolf nt Snlonlcn as abso- H1,,,,y nt ft,,out 4(0oo,000 bushole lutoly ns has tho Sultnn nt Constan- Um. Thoro woro 31,000,d00 bush tltH)plo. Ho is tho gu'dlng gonlus oli moro ot whont r0(luc0,, In tho ot tuu yorung Turk campaign. mill yonr than r0vlously, m It Is Itumor UnwiillriiM-d. ovldont thnt tho scarcity ot whont London, April 17. Communion-' not lll0 Qt Ule pro8ont ab. tlon with tho Ilrltlsh embassy at Con- normal prloos." stantlnoplo todny fnllod to obtain ( n, doolaro.l' thnt tho departments further detalU of tho masenore nt reports were rooelvod from fnrmera Auona. Tiie reported murder or wibn .i.ni,i unnw ,,. ai,-.,i-. t, Ainurloiin mlwilonnrlaM nrit nlun ...i..i.. .,,.- . - nn inn, mm, unconfirmed. S'tHO Onlttrn Troupe to Htiio, Conetantlnople, April 17. The Sultan Iiuh orderil all of hie uvulU able troojHJ to proceed to Adanu and Mernlnn and repulse the rebellion there at any cot. PITIFFUL CASE 0 f' RAILROAD ENGINEER ICIUC lifo Best Sans Silks PcrbaH only.. 2c M ar seri j MiifflbU immm. - - S- n -l. k) WOiSI: TKTTFU s ; u;o v W(S: 5c White Pcari Buttons Per Doz . 2c DaiiiIa ltr...l. .... m m . I utoiuo, ,,nu., irii ii. tossing I fovorlshly on a cot at tho Kmurgeu-1 cy iiospuai, jamos J. Junior, an en gineer who was crushod beneath his own locomotlvo In tho Northern Pa-I clflc yards ytordny. Is Igoorun of, fact that for tho balanoo of his I ho will bo obliged to make his wa without either of his arms. Tur ner haa not yet boen told that thoy I havo boon amputated. Ho knows that ho Is badly Injured, hut ho l not sure that his arms aro gone wuui is ioo manor wyii my hands?" ho moaned twelvo hours after hit anna had been ground off under his engine, from tho cab of which be had fallen. i "They hre bten hurt some," re plied I)r Greene, the ho pllal sur geon. The doetor did not havo tho heart tg tell the big strong engineer of his terrible Injury. Tbeyr not out off, aro thoy?" be asked Dr. Orono walked away and two nunwe proceeded to mako the en gineer as com for tub Jo tut pos Ible, They could not toll him tho truth; I Patton Hyn "It'H God," i Chicago, April 17. Intimating that the aicJUUIon for legislation pre- venting- corners on eommodltlee is the ! raault of a Wall streot "null" at Waehlngton. Jamee A. Patton. tho wheat plunger, today guve cut a scathing Interview. "The big shorts, tho mon who look lho bir s'de of the market and Supply -ami Demand Only, (Untlfd ITmh titnird Wlrcl Chlcngo, April 17. Supply and de mnnd nnd not tho manipulation gov ornod tho courno ot tho world's wheat market today, tho advnnco bolng gen eral In all contora. Todny's mnrkot shows advanced prices and ovory traction ot those ndvnucon wna fought by tho shorts or bears, twt an thoro was llttlo ao tunl wheat to bo hnd, tho market closed with ono of tho boot gal no ot rocont nosslonfl. Thoro was a clos ing guln ot 1 cont In tho May nnd Boptombur nnd 1 conts n bushel In tho July. Docombor optlona ondod tho day with a fraction to Its credit. That Liverpool did not como for ward with n sharp drop In price wns tho mirprlso ot tho trndo nnd this caused eomo runs to covor ovor big shorts and nt tho opening horo this morning thoro wns nn ndvanco In the May ot to 1 cents a bushel over last night's clone. Abroad tho lond wns vory much ex cited nnd tho closing nt Liverpool was d to li& above yoetorday, Patton supported tho July option to Home oxtont today and this brought out tho hoaylcst volumo of Saturday trndlng, tho July option hns ovor ox porlonccd. Ooptombor nnd Dccombor woro both vory notlvo. hut thoro was only a small amount of bfuslnoss la May. o LuinlHT Irlrr Will Advance. (Unlttd PrfM Uaiifd Wlrcl Vancouver. JJ, C, April 17 Lunj bor prices, which have boon stiffen ing owing to an increasing demand from tho Canadian Northwost, will bo ndvnr.cod shortly ns n result of a conforonco of tho mombors of the Ilrltlsh Columbia lumbor nnd shln glo mnuufocturors association, hold In Vancouver yostorday. A mombor of tho nsnoclntlon stated today thnt It would bo only n short tlmo before n movo In thnt direction Is mado. "At tho prosont tlmo thoro s no rigid bnso price," snld tho lumber man, "but It In generally accoptod thnt I0 for rough lumbor Is thp rule. This Is altogether too low to permit of a profit and an advnnco must como," ' "O" in Uiilgiirlit, lmloMimkmt, Constantinople, April 17. Turkey Wday formally reoogulzed the Indo peiiileuue of llulgarla. o- OOOQQQOQPQO O Pacific Coftt ruigiic. O Yefltorday'H llesultn. O KuuramouUi 7. Portland 0 O Lm AnglM I. San Franelsoo 0, O Vernon if Oakland 0 O O ( () () o O O O O O O O d O o t) o Attention, Farmers N0WH fc-K-X" UNDERl Will you "fib- ablo to find a bottfti variety of farming im- plemonts at as low prtco as lit'if. The quality of ev erything hundlod by us is way up, while tho piico is way down. S. A. Manning 2 1 0 State St Salem, Or.