DAILY CAPITAL JOUItaAL, BALKIu, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1000. NO ODORS You Need a Refrigerator rtVJts It .' ,1 I HUNDREDS OF BLOCKS STREET IMPROVEMENTS ARE DEMANDED AND NOT A YARD OF DIRT MOVING CITY HAS NO EQUIPMENT AND CONTRACTORS ARE NOT PREPARED Hundreds of. blocks of streets nro asked to bo Improved. Tho city Las nlmor.t no contracting firms to do tho work. Vory small equipment to car ry on tho operations. That Is tho situation In tho Cap ital City that perplexes tho street department, Petitions nro In for hundreds of blocks of street Improve ment. In South Salem, North Snlom, nnd Bust Snlom tho unlvorsal cry Is, wo want tho streets graded, gravel ed, of finished with crushed rock. All kinds of specifications nro asked for. Tho street commlttco Is swampod with applications for work to bo done, Tlioro Is hut ono rock crush lnp plnnt oporatcd by tho Gonoral Contracting Company, that Is haul ing In crushed rock with a fow teams for tho bltullthlc contracts. Thoro In ono gravol contracting com pany furnishing unscrooncd gravol. Tho situation Is not favorable to get ting must street work do no. Thoro Is said to bo a gravol trust under whloh all tho available gravol sup plier nro monopolized. Tho city linn not paid for work dono on two streets in North Salem, and tho contractors nro vory much dlhsntlsllud, and sny thoy do not wnnt nny moro city work iindor tho presont systom. Tlut City's Kqulpmoiir. Kor street work tho city has ono rovoislblo road machine, nnd has ac sopted a bid for a gravol bargo thnt Is to bring gravol from Mlnto's Is land, but as to tho lognl right of tho city to sccuro gravol for contractors that Is called In question. What Is STORY OF STAYTON ROBBERS LOST THEIR NERVE BUT MADE GOOD GET AWAY A Moutlotimn down from Stsyton Inst night say theie was u lively tlmo In Htnyton when the attempted bunk robbery was made there Wed nesday. It suoiiitf that when tho rob hers entered the Imnk V. u. l'reree. cashier or the bank, wn sitting down with hie feet on tho table reading a newspaper. Ills brother was standing behind the counter, and Mltm Harold, nn employe, wum nt her desk. Hand out the monoy," said one of the men, ouiphmIiIiik his remark by pointing h big atullMg" Ht I FrQru. Tliet lentleHWH's feet were already himh the table, bet ho luanwiKhl the bull movement b putting up hie hmiuIh when required to do ho "Come lit gentlemen uud help )OHrlve, lil Kreree ihiMuk hi cilger nnd holding the uMpur h had been reading up hi the sir Mtinmnim Don't Forget Wo have everything in new and second-hand furniture stoves, etc We pay the highest price for high-class second hand goods. O. L. McPeek rhoc 1233 needed badly Is a power screen that I tilll 4n1A llm unmninii flvar crrnvnl and soparato it Into nbout four grades, tako out tho sand and dirt, and then it would bo pretty fair ma rolled subwny, with n twolvo-ton roll bnn strcots. That Is bolng dono at Eugene, UoUo and other places. Hut so long aa tho grnvol contractors can soil unscrooncd river gravol for stroct work thay will do It. And whon thnt Is put on a street right It will mako n fair ntroot. Street Roller Xmled. For tho purposo of making streets that will stand traffic, tho spcclflca (tons on rcsldonco strocts called for rolled subway, with a twolco-ton roll er. Tho rond roller Is nn Indispen sable factor. Tho potltlon from North nnd South Snlom call for rolled stroots, No contrnctor nt Snlom owhb a ntroot rollor. Most cltlos to got work dono aro roqulrcd to havo a troot rollor. This city cannot get Its stroetn built without buying ono. Thon tho city would own a gravol supply, a bargo to bring It ovor, a road machine and a road rollor, Thon tho city would bo In a position to builds troets. Tho rond rollor will pull tho road machine Two men and n road tnnchlno will grndo a mile of stroot In a day. That Is, thoy sny can do It. So far nothing hn been dono by tho city, hut mako surveys and drlvo grndo stakes. Tho tlmo has como to go to work It any strcots aro to bo built this yoar. Streot work Is absolutoly at a standstill. Tho city owning tho rond machine, tho gravul supply, nnd tho rond rollor Tho pollto Invitation was not ac cepted, as tho would-be robbers Muomed to bo frightened nt tho sud dun dlsappuarunco of I'oto Fruros un der tho counter. Tho uncertainty as to whnt ho was doing seomud to mp sot (hair pinna, for In a moment 0119 l.f ,1...... uu I.I ...n I...., I......... . . of this." an opinion the other at onco I m-iiiiiimi in urn uitmiirtiiiiH, tmnur Miss Harold or l'ete I'rere. preesed the burglar sunn, with which the InuliioMi houses are connected, ami I .mi frvm1 Mini until muii lit. iww ,,r II,. low... rumiiii -J once The rubber dstihtKl out of the bunk the musks still on thlr fsces, NN,i their kuiw In their Imnds. ran down tho nmlu street south, one block, thence wt h block, and t tills miltit Hiirvnr llrnil n ahnr ni them, but only hit the door of (lit I ten's store. The robbers then rn south Hiiother block to the Umwni HHwmlll. and then turned Most, run- ? ulug about four blocks before turn-' lug urhIu south Into the thick brush ' along the SniUIriu flvor. ' In the TnoMiiwhllo, (! lover, who drives the Turner stage, uho was uuhltohlug his hursoM, Jumped on a horse, us soon as he eauld get a gun ' and, with Kdltor Connolly, of the Stnyton Mull, who had also procured a home, started In pursuit, Con nelly tiring n shot at thorn Just bo fore the robbers left the rod T)i nuswerwl Couuelly's shot with th rev or four pistol bullets that wvut slug lux over their pursuers' heads, and then took to tho brush. The) were ' followed for H mile or more. I. tit the dens undergrowth fallen timber laud uneven ground were In their fa- l-MM-4 WftV 170 S. Commercial St. would be In a position to do stroct work on Its own account. In fact, thoro Is not much uso in tho city furnishing all tho machinery and equipment and thon turning It over to private contractors to mako tho monoy out of tho abutting property owners who want streets built. A Moiv Vigorous Policy Tho streot dopnrtment must bc oomo mighty 'hctlvo If thoro nro to bo mllos of strcots graded bofDrc tho dry souson comos on, whon all such work will bo dono only nt great oxponso nnd vory unsatisfactory. In tho no.xt two months nil tho street grading must bo dono thnt Is dono boforo fall. Tho Fair Craunds bou lovard should haw boon planned and all under construction boforo this tlino. Indications nro tlioro will bo no bonlovnrd built. A llttlo tlnkor- lug may bo dono on tho old Fair Oround road. Tho first thing tho city ncods Is tho stonm road rollor. Noxt a supply of matorlal thnt will por mlt mllos of streets to bo finished. Tho city has nolthor n crushed rock nor a gravol supply. Tho city hnB no rond rollor, Thoro must bo no tion and action at onco If anything Is to bo dono to moot tho demnnds of tho pooplo for Improved streets. The city government Is awny behind tho pooplo In equipment or mator'al to work with. I'rlvnto capital will not go Into gravol and scrcons nor Into rock crushers nor road rollers What Is to bo dono? Tho petitions for stroot Improvements aro piling up and beyond publishing advortlsc monts and making city surveys tho city Is doing nothing, vor, nnd thoy mndo good their os enpo. Since their disappearance nt hut point absolutoly nothing lino bcon hoard of thorn, though many rumors have boon given currency. O" , t)Nj A "A Ir (Conttnuod from Page I. May ('! i' Turkey. VImihr. April 1 0 A veritable c,v war ln Turkey u lreUlctMl .n ?ovMBmnt circles today. The opln- lon wn vunt "f wir lAany Tiirkl-h province, would Bem, lU,d tl,nt "lKorlnB powora would tiegm "grnmrnK inutwrimi- ,mtol' ,,U of lho territory that Is pos gtlle to annox. Have You Seen BISHOP'S READY 1 . ... v r. oU . . awl . ?'fc - r -. Si lh&s2m I I xlr'J m v 4 SALEM Jl iO 'An no mixing OF FOOD FLAVORS place side by side butter and fish and fowl, vegetables and 9 V"L ing them become tainted. If food preservation is worth anything at all if you would guard the health of the family you will investigate the great Automatic . It's a positive menace to health if foods are placed ' in a refrigerator where the system of circulation and refrigeration is not perfect. You take no chance at all when you use an Automatic. You arb certainly welcome to step in. We'd like to show you the different, exclusive features of this wonderful refrigerator. QjMflXfltt, V It Is reported hero thnt Alblna has established n rovolutlonnry govern ment and that rebellions havo boon Btnrted at other placos. Thcso re ports havo not boon confirmed. Declare War on Christian. Constantinople April 1C Sixty Armenians, a Gorman and an Inter preter at tho IJrltlBh conBiilnto woro killed today at Adaun, a city of 24, 000 population In ABln Minor, by fanatical Mohammedans, who have declnrod war on tho Christians, Tho Mohammodnu uprising Is bolitfVod to be tho nwult of tho revolt nt Con stantinople. It Is bellovod that Gor- many and Kngland will Intorfore In behalf of the Christians as a rult of tho assassination of their sub- J. , Many houses a Adana wen. pi aged and burned during the out- nroHK inero w rimuiuiiuuu umnj of the lighting which began wter dny. and which was orroueouslv re IN TAILORED $10 to Our spring line of suits, recently arrived, is mak ing a tremendous hit with those who have seen them. It's but right that they should. The patterns are simply great. Beautiful fabrics backed up with quality. The tailoring is the best, and prices are especially attractive. WOOLEN MILL Inspect the great line that we have gathered for the 1 909 season NO NEED COVERING THE MILK AND BUTTER. Because of the Automatic system of circulation and refrigeration you can place all kinds of food in your refrigerator, and the odors will not CANNOT mix. . Those who have used the old style refrigerators will agree that it must be pretty nice to be able to bananas, milk and cantaloupe, cheese and sauer kraut, fresh meats in fact, ANY kind of foods without hav ported to hnvo taken plnco at Mnr slnu. Tho war Is rapidly spreading throughout Asia Minor. COUNTY OFFICIALS WERE "STUNG" ll'nltfil l'romi I.cnswl Wlre.l San Itafuol, Cal,, April 1C. Coun ty ofllolalB and employes In tho court homo today nro making liberal ap plications of soothing lotions follow ing tho Invasion of tho sovoral o Alcoa by a swarm of bees yostorday after noon. After clearing tho court houso of Its ocoupants, tho busy insects mndo tboir way Into nearby offices and storos. Stuto Sonator E, D. Mar tlnolll was driven from his office whon tho boos took possession. Many officials and clerks woro severely stung. DoWltt's Llttlo Early Rlsors, gentlo, easy, pleasant, llttlo llvor pills. Bold by nil druggists. the New Styles ALWAYS SWEET Its n Top Notch Door. Groat docdB compel regard. Tho world crowns Its doors. That's why tho American pcoplo havo crowned Dr. King's Now DIscovory tho King: of Throat and Lung romodlcs. Evory ntomls a health torco. It kills germs, and colds andjln grlppo vanish. It heals cough-racked membranes nn-t coughing stops. Soro, Inflamed bronchial tubos nnd lungs aro curol nnd hemorrhages censo. Dr. Goo. Moro, Dlack Jack, N. C, writes "it curod mo of lung trouble, pronouncod hopeless by all doctors." 50c, $1.00. Trial bottlo free. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry. Some women seem to think that If every woman would braco up nnd bo a man tho world would bo nil right. OASTOrtXA. Bunti ? m MW ' w " "n mm RljeMfitTtrA ""d -""' y . m& tuZ'y SUITS $35 STORE LjL 1 if f n vjijMjji-f i'ii" , I Til -CS-JaJ C&sflfi A iJUtatiii8iiis.if ! tiftaii mm 'vl v , 4a8Sef4WW mrWn .WtoTWftHfaS. "-- .. ...iii. -.-