Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 16, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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M. iM W W li
K. IIOPKr Kdltor and Proprietor
Independent Newnpnper Oerotcd to AtnerlcAti lrlneiplc til
tho 1'rwtrcM nd DoTcIopement of All Oregon.
fubllihod Krcrjr Urcalng Kxcept Bandar, lom, Ore.
(tur&rlahlr in Adranoo.)
Dally, r rArrior, per year W.OO I'cr month ..Wo
Dally, by mall, per year- . 4.00 l'cr month 8ftc
Weekly, by mall, per ycur. '.00 Six month m.UK
United Prus Leased Wire.)
Sonltlo, WiiMli., April 10. On
tho evidence cuntalnud In BtutomontB
of Bcvornl little girls, nono of whom
Ih over 12 years old, Frederick M.
Nowborry, .it rout OBtnto doalor, Ih In
jnll today In default of $2000 ball.
Nowhurry olalniH to ho it couttln of
Truinnn II. Nowborry, Into Hoorotary
of tho nnvy, and waH urrostod hint
owning In Ills ollloo by Truant ON
Jlcor Kctchum, accompanied by Dep
uty Prosecuting Attornuy John II.
According to tho HtatomuutH initdu
by tho proHuoutltiK witness, shu wuh
taken to Nowborry'B office by n wo
man who promised hur candy. A
letter Ih In tho IiuikIh of tho proso-
cutlug nttornoy, alleged to liuvu been
written to tho glrl'u teacher by Now
borry, and Blgued with her mothor'H
name, explaining tho catmo of tho
glrl'u ubKoucu from Bchool.
Newberry oamo hero about seven
mouths ago from Prince Charlotte
iBland, where ho claluiH to have boon
IntoroHtud In mining. lie conducted
r real estate and brokerage btiHlnvBH,
ntlvurolHlng to noil lotf. In tho Prince
Ituport towtiHlto, and auruago In tho
vicinity of hat place.
Nowberry nays no Iiiih a wife and
family In Dayton, Ohio, ie Ih known
in PlttMburg. whore ho wan engaged
In the hotel huHluumi, and letter
from Allegheny rulluct discredit on
tho prisoner,
Tim maximum penalty for Hie
orlino with which Newberry Ih
charged Ih sentence for life In tin
Htatti puiiltontlaiy.
Tito prisoner
HurtH that IiIh arrent U m ease of
(United PrtwH l.m. Wlr 1
Seattle. Wash., April 10. Tho
work of Installing the Hovernment'N
fisheries uxhlblt Is progromitnK; nip
Idly, and within a few days evur
thing will bo In UMdluowi to receive
tho tinned tribes. Agent of the gov
oniinout are now btiHlly eugHHod In
tho work of ussembllUK the exhibit
of live tlsh on thin coast.
Tho lUh tank are arranged about
tho sides of tho building and are
equipped with kIuhh one and oue
IiHlf IniihuH In thick n. The water
llno will lis above tho frame of the
gins, and, by arrangement of the
rear walls, wmoh are set uhlliiuely.
tho rotleotlttii of tho rook lu the
taukH will be seen against lb upper
surface. Tho effect will t to make
It appear from tho front as If the
MTo socuro indopondoncot"
snys Stimuol Stnilos. "tho
prnctlco of slmplo ocononiy
is nil (lint is nocossnry."
Think of It oontantment
nnd pianty mny bo hnd
for whnt Jusl slniplo ocon
oniy. ' i
A snvltuts nocouiU with us
will onoourago you to ocon-omizo.
Capital National
tanks wore caverns beneath tho
Tho display Includes nil tho par
aphernalia used by flflhormon on tho
Atlnntlc and Pacific coasta.
I trailed 1'reiw I.wined Wlrp.J
Wallace, Ida., April 1C For tho
flrBt tlmo Blnco tho "Last Chanco"
huIooii oponad In Wallace In 1880,
tho click of tho poker chip Is' not
heard In tho city, ShorlfT Moffntt, of
Hhoshono county, former saloonmau
and gambler, having IsBiiud an odlct
that all gamoa miiHt close.
When he llrHt took olllco all rou-
lotto, faro and crap gamoa woro
ctoBcd. Then complaint wna mndo of
"frame-up" gamea, and tho Bhorlff
today ut n ban on tho last game,
Bhorlff Moffntt wiih elected by tho
gamhlerH' vote, they hollevlng that
ho, having onco boon engaged In a
like pursuit, would exorcise lenloncy
In dealing with tholr enterprlBOB.
t'nltcd Pre LmiumI Wire.)
Seattle, WiihIi., April 10. OrdorB
from tho war dopartmout woro re
ceived today by the Seattle army of
ficers directing that all (martermas
tors' supplies for Alaskan army posts
I'uget Sound artillery posts and
Forts LawHou and Wright shall bo
purchased by tho quartermaster at
Seattle, Instead of through tho olllco
of tho quartermaster at San Fran
cisco. All supplies for tho postB on
tho Columbia river and Ilolso bar
racks will llkewlso bo purchased
through tho olllco of the quarter
master at Portland, Instoad of
through the olllco at San Francisco.
Danger of Uio Grip.
An nttack of grip soldom rosults
fatally, but It Is tho Indlroct cnuso
of many deaths. If it does not ro-
Biilt In puouuionln, which la frequent
ly tho oaix), It louvo its victim with
a cough which llngora on long lifter
ovory other symptom of the dlsonso !
Iiiih vauUhod. Tho system la thus left
III n wnnWonoil onmlltlnii ntnl la an.
Mltlblo to nlm(mt ovory other da.
ono. Tlio grip can be grontly los
onod In Kb severity, it Chnmborlnlu's
Cough Homedy la usod, nnd nay tea
donoy toward pnoumouln Is promptly
checked. Thoro In no modlotno
whloh haa mot with greater auccotw
lu tho treatment of this disease. It
euros tho cough and loaves tho sys
tem In n natural nnd healthy condi
tion. For snlo by nil druggist,
o -
To N. W. Harris & Company of Chi
cngo, and to Whom it May Con
corn: Notlco is horoby gtvon that I, T
M. Dlmmlck, County Troasurer of
Coos County, will within thirty dayi
from tho dato of this notlco redeem
and pay school bonds Numbors 11, 13
and 13, Issued by School District No
0. Coos County, Oregon, nnd dated
May 1st, 1895. The ald bonds will
bo paid at tho "Banking House of
the New York Security and Trust
Company In tho City and Stnto of
New York, tho said bonds to be re
deemed being tor the sum of tire
hand rod dollars each No Interest
will be allowed after May 1st, 1909.
Dated at Coqulllu City, Coos Coun
ty. Oregon, this 85th day of March,
County Traurer of Coos County,
Matty Uovtor PiVM-rllHi,
I'ruprlotnry iniHllolUtt uader a l.utln
name, olmrglng for the written pre
serlytion three Union tho cost of tho
medlslue, and do not uealtnte to con
demn that self-sam medlolno If It ts
udrtlsiHl or mentioned to the pub
lie. Thvr are, however, many honest
doctor who do not hesltato to open
ly riMMtminoud and prwcrlbe such
staadard remedies as Idla K. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
The Stnto Hoard decided Thursday
to buy the Oonham, Glddlngs, Bar
tholomy tracts north of tho city, in
all 51 ncros, with improvements, for
a fllto for tho new deaf muto school,
for which tho state loglslaturo ap
propriated J7C.0OO tit Its last B08-
sion. This fllt is on tho Oregon
Electric rnllroad and near tho Sa
loni street car linos, and seems to
nnswor all tho roquIromentB of tho
law, Fred Logg, tho state architect,
has all his plans In readiness and
building operations will begin at an
onrly day. This yonr'fl work of the
deaf muto school will he concluded
at the old site, which will in tho fu
turo be turned ovor to tho asylum
for convalescents.
They Aro Sal cm People, nnd Wliat
They Say Is of Local Interest,
Whon an Incident llko tho follow
ing occunt right horo at homo, It Is
hound to carry weight with our rcaJ
ors. So many strnngo occurrences go
tho rounds of tho press; aro pub
lished as facts, tho people b ceo mo
Bkoptlcal, On ono subject skepti
cism Is rapidly disappearing. This Is
jno jo ootiojodxo junpu oqj o) otvp
citizens,, nnd tholr public utterances !
regarding thorn. Tho doubtor mustl
uouut no moro In tho faco of such
ovldonco as this. Tho public state
ment of a roputablo cltlzon living
right at homo, ono whom you can dco
ovor dny, loaves no ground for tho
Blcoptlo to stand on.
D. W. Hill, 38 Front street, Salem,
Oregon, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills
nro not n now romedy to mo, na I
hnvo uecd thorn on different occasions
whonovor tho nocosolty has arisen.
I hnvo enjoyed tho host of health all
my llfo, oxcopt for occasional at
tacks of kldnoy troublo and back
ache. Whon sufforlng In this way
I hnvo procured Doan's Kldnoy Pills
nt Stono's Drue Storo, and a fow
doaoB alwnyn romovod tho troublo. I
mil a firm bollovur In tho morlt of
this romedy. I know of sovornl oth
er peoplo who hnvo used it with good
romiitB, I nin only too pleased to
rocommond Doan's Kldnoy Pill?
whonovor tho opportunity occurs."
For snlo by all denlors. Prlco r0
conts, Foitor-Mllburn Co.. Duffalo.
Now York, sole ngonts for tho United
Hemombor the
and tnke no other.
nnmo Donn'n
Prulwbly government by injunc
tion wus Unit InHtltutud by n rich
Is a man who can't soo good In an
porson or thing. It's a habit caused
by a disordered liver If you find
that you aro beginning to see things
through bluo spectacles, treat your
liver to a good cloanlng out procM
with Ballard's Herblno. A suro cure
for constipation, dyspopsla, Indiges
tion, sick hoadaoho, blllousnoss, nil
llvor, stomach and bowol troublos.
Sold by all doalers.
Ono can now ride on a through
olectrle rond from New York to Chi
cago. A ilUnitch say "the ttonato Is
pruning tho tariff bill." The senate It
always was full of prunes.
Excursion to Silverton
W. O. W Head Camp Othcors.
Silver Bell Circle No 43 will be kith
us. Big time expected- livery body
going, 150 tliketa sold. 1 20 round
trip, ltemember the date. April 20.
Train leaven at 7 p m Tickets on
sale at Harvey's grocery store. Fletch
er & Byrd's fd store also at Wood
utnu hall Friday uight 4-14-St
Arner, 31300
Itooord 2:17?;. Full brother to
Don Derby, 2;04i; Derbertha,
1:07: Diablo, 2:09 Vi; Demonto,
3:llV4; Ed Latferty, 3:16M, and
By Qhas. Derby, 4907, sire of 6
htttWr than 2:10, dam Bertha t.T
Meattra, dam of 4 bettor than 2:10.
and five others.
Winner of first premium at Sa
lem horse show.
For standard stallions season of
1909 at Fair Ground and Club Sta
bles. Fe. $35.00 for eeason, $35.00 to
Insure. a. n. SIMPSON,
4-S-tf Fairground, Or,
Tailored, Not Manufactured
) b"l Will .'lSP
f rap
.141 N. Commercial
ii of Pound n Week.
nt least, Is what a young baby ought
to gain In wolght. Doos youra7 If
not thoro's eomothlng wrong with Its
digestion. GIvo It McQoo's Baby
Elixir and it will begin gaining at
onco. Curos stomach nnd bowel
troubles, aids dlgosllon, stops frot
fulnoss, good for toothing babies.
Prlco 2Cc and GOc. Sold by all deal
ers. o
Although they hnvo been talking
all winter nboiut voting, you will bo
ablo to notlco that there nro a lot of
women who won't voto this spring.
Tho Hed-Itock of Success
llos In a keon, clear brain, backed
by Indomltablo will and roslstlos cn
orgy. Such powor comes from -.no
Bplondld honlth that Dr. King's Now
I Llfo Pills Impart. Thoy vltallzo ov
ery orgnn nnd build up brain
nn,1 I
! body.
J, A. Harmon, Llzomoro, W.
Vn., wrltes: "Thoy aro tho best pill
I over used." 25c nt J. G. Porry'u.
lHHtfrKI-f f J I I
' !
that is what makes STEIN
BLOCK Smart Clothes fit
with style and hold their
shape and please you more
every day. Brains are put
into them--thought--study-
love for color and the prop
per matching of lining and
fabric-all these things are
brains. You can't find any
thing in this world that is
right that hasn't brains in its
Suits $ 1 0 to $30
Money Comets In Bnnchc
to A. A. Chlsholm, of Trcadwoll,. N.
V., now. His reason Is well worth
reading: "For a ling tlmo I auffored
from indigestion, torpid llrer, consti
pation norvousnoBs, and gonoral de
bility," ho writes. "I couldn't aleep,
had no appetite, nor ambition, grew
wcalcor ovory day In splto of all med
ical treatment Thon used Electric
my old-tlmo health and rigor. Now
I can attend to business every day.
It's a wonderful modlclno." Infal
llblo for 'stomach, Llror, Kldnoyi,
Ulood and Norvoa. COc at J. O. Per
ry's. o-
A good custard pio properly sup
plied will ivometlmcs heal a breach
In domestic relations.
ICodol gives tho stomach a chanco to
rognln Its lost strength and health,
nnd nfter a littlo while you need not
tnhn Ifmlnl Innrrnr. lint tnbn It whlin
you do need it and If It falls to bnut-
fit you your money will bo rofunded.
Sold by all druggist.
f lll llts)imf l ffl)l ! Wllf t
Dependable from every point
of view. As free from disap
pointments as any carpet can
be made.
1 1 1 1 1 1 hi i 1 1 i
Salem, Oregon
A llonllng Salvo for Hunts, Chapped
Handa mill Soro Nipples.
As a healing nalvo for burns, soroa,
soro nipples and chapped hands
Chamborlaln's Salvo is most oxcal
lent. It allays tho pain of a burn
nlmoBt instantly, and unless tho In
Jury Is vory Bovoro, heals tho part
without leaving a scar. Prlco 25
conts For salo by all good drug
gists. If a woman is skillful onough and
wIbo enough to sottlo tho morning
coffco sho probably can sottlo other
domestic dlOlcuJllcs.
Frightful Fnto Averted.
"I vould hnvo been a crlpplo for
llfo from a torrlblo cut on my knee
cap," wrltos Frank Dlsberry, Kelll
hor, Minn., "without Bucklon's Arni
ca Salve, which soon cured mo." in
fall'blo for wounds, cuts and bruliei,
It soon curos Burns, Scalds, Old
Soros, Boils, Skin Eruptions. World's
bout for pllos. 6c nt J. O. Perry's.
4ltl4'M'tt4(i4t)itHlttf tiaif fM