ir ouraal VOL. XIX DAILY CAPITAL JOt'ltN'AL, SALKM, OHKGOX, KltlDAY, APltllj 1(1, 1000. No. 74. J TURKISH AFFAIRS DESPERATE ALMOST KXT1IIK AUMV SIDKS WITH TIIK YOUNtt TUICKS AXI) SKVKHAL DIVISION'S AIIE MAIIOIIIXG TO COXSTAXTIXO- "PLK TO AID TIIKM. MANY ARE KILLED Tcwflk Pushu Hcslgim hh Minister of War Sultan Mny Ho Deposed and Xcw Government Inaugurated Young Turks Again on Tup. Un.tcd Press Leaned Wire Athons, April 1C. Towflk Pasha resigned as grand vizlor of Turkey today, whon ha received tlio nows that troops wore advancing against Constantlnoplo from Balonloa, accord lug to dispatches received lioro. Other mombors of tho now onbluet aro expected to follow Ills load, and developments aro anxiously awaltod. Whole Army in Itevolt. Salonlca, lAprll 1C, Two battal ions of Boldlers aro marching against Constantinople today, dotormlncd to overthrow tho -now regime and place tho loung TttrkH in powor again. The first battalion took up the march lagt evening, and tho second started today, tho remainder of tho second army corps is preparing to depnrt, and will probably march before nightfall. The movoment of troops wns in spired by Young Turks, who woro driven hero from Constantinople by tho now regime. Tho soldiers woro urged to hurry, in order that tboy might savo the lives of Young Turks and omcors Imprisoned in tho bar racks, and the troops responded promptly. Ahmed Rlzn, tho doposed presi dent of parliament, arrived hero to day, and bogan tho organization of n provisional govornmont, which will soon bo proclaimed. Murder Common, Dead. Constantinople, April 1C. Nows of the reported advance of tho troops against this city caused the Sultan to order tho Anatolian guard to surround the pnlaco. This Is consid ered tho most loyal body of men In tho empire Tho Antollnns dlsllko tho Young Turks, who oxpollod mnny of thorn from participation in an al leged reactionary movement. Hoportod disaffection in tho sec ond army corps cannot bo confirmed hero today. Tho elimination of tho Young Turks from participation in tho gov erntnont of Turkey was effected to day whon a resolution was passed by parliament to the effort that those mombers who did not attend the rog ular sessions henceforth would bo classed as traitors and oxpollod. Tho death list Is bolng dally In creased by continuous rioting, which Is going on in nnd about tho city. ' ,Iuiglnes8 remains at a standstill t O 'Continued on tmgo 4.) MANY ARE MIRNED TO DEATH ST. GKOHGK HOTHL IN SAX KltAXCISCO lllTItXKD AT KAHLY HOUR THIS MOUXIXd XUM HKlt OK DKAD UNKNOWN, HUT HSTIMATKD AT l-'KOM lit) TO HO. ONE A SALEM MAN Charles C. Uartwrlglit, llrothrr of Dr. Curlwrlgtit, Undjly Injured, and No Hopes Arc Kntertnlned of Ills ltccovcry Lived In Salem Krom 1H1IO to 1000. San Francisco, April 1C. Four porsons are known to bo doad, eight aro seriously Injured, one of them fatally, and it is feared that ID more doad bodlos will be found In tho ruins of tho St. George tenement, at tho corner of Eighth and Howard streets hero, which was destroyed by flro early today. Four bodies havo ulroady boon taken from tho ruins of tho tono inent, and aro at tho morguo await ing identification. Six men aro at the hospital, one of their number, a man named Cartwrlght, who says ho Is tho brother of a prominent phy sician at Salem, Oregon, Is bolleved to bo on his deathbed, nnd two dro mon of truck No. 3 are lying on cots at tholr engine house suffering from Injury sustained while fighting tho flames. The St. George was a vorltablo death-trap, and protst was tuado at the time of Its orcctlon, Just after tho groat tiro three years ago. It was filled with tiny rooms and sovor al hundred men woro Jammed Into It last night. All of theso woro valoop and had but slight chance of escape when an alarm of (Ire was sounded at 2:45 o'clock this morning. Tho narrow halls of tho building wore quickly filled with a struggling, lighting, screaming mass of humani ty, nnd wvoral men woro thrown down nnd trampled nlmosl to a pulp. Tho tenement was a wooden Btruc turo and burned llko tlmlor. Within n few minutes after tho tlmo tho lire wns first discovered tho entire building was a muss of flames, and every means of uscapo cut off from tho unfortunates who failed to awak en at tho first alarm. In a little more than an hour, nothing but a muss of embors marked the spot where last night a three-story build ing stood. Tho bodies at the morguo aro so badly charred Hint there Is little hope of tholr being idontlflod. Throo aro the bodies uro thoso of men, tho fourth being that of a woman. May He Klfty Dead. San Francisco, April Id. Two more dead bodlos woro recovered from tho ruins of tho St, Gcorgo ten ement at 10 o'clock this morning, making tho number of dead six. Doth bodlos woro charred boyond recognition, Flromon working In tho ruins ae THE PRIGE OE ELOUR JUMPS UP MINNEAPOLIS MILLKUS SAY IT MAY llKHAK lllCCOHl) HLNOI? WAIt TIMKS AND (SO AS HIGH AS TUX ItOLLAKS I'Klt HAUUF.L OH PKIt SACK. SCOTT MINISTER TO MEXICO WHEAT STANDS PAT F. perls Say the World Is Short of Hrend, Owing to Short Crops mill Kvcr-IncrensliiK Population Ar gentine Crop In Short. Chicago, April 1C According to tho unreserved statements of tho nmuagors of mnny of tho largest Hour mills In the United Stnton.ln - eluding tho Wnshburn-Croiby, tho PIllHbury-Wnahburu Company nnd tho Northwestorn Consolidated Allied CompnnloH, there n no possible rollof from tho presont high price of flour nnd othor mill products. That the prlco of flour Is dosllned to soar during tho coming months. possibly to a figure of $10 por bnr rol, Is tho opinion of n majority of tho manngoru nnd owners. Tho mnuagors aver that thin la no combination to fix prices, control tho EM We Have Just Received From our New York buyer, Mr, Lackey, of New York, the following new goods:: Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Silk Lace Jackets, New Millinery, New Dress Goods and Silks, New Silk Coats, Spring Jackets, Novolty Wash Goods, Flowers, Feathers and Foliage, Laces, Embroideries and Dress Trimmings, Tho Chicago Store for the newest and lowest prices all the time, You May Think You ean buy the same goods else where for tho same price, but you cannot do It. Com here first and see the quality of the goods, then go else where and see what yon can get for the same money. We kaow what we are doing, and we know you cannot beat our price on the Pacific Coast for the same class of merchandise. S-l-3 pretty fancy towns ia a great variety of styles, fast color, ami an extra fine clotk, yard 4c 4 fie Shepherd IMatd weal goods, 36 Inches wide, yard drew 29c 6c, Cc and 7c Valenciennes laees, edgos and Insertion to mateh, English-made goods, now only, per dozen 25c 25c fast blaok stocking, seamless and stainless, 600 dozen to soloat from, now only, pair 10c This is only a few ef the wondor ful bargains we have to show you throughout our establishment. New Spring Suits Huy here ami get up-to-date style at price aa low as our eompetltlors have to nay wholesale prices for. We have the shrewdest buyer iu Kw York on our start sending us suits all the time. We are keeping him busy, we are selling suits so fast. There is no use in your trying to beat our prices. You can buy a handsome suit here just as aheap as you oan buy It Id ,Vew York or Cbioagn. Smart buy ers all say so. Just think of HI Suits tike the sample out long coats, silk .,. . . . ., . -. ., ... s iihuu, uewrai luumnaii aim nun uure skirts, how selling for $9.50, $12.40, $14.90 and up Klt)ltc)itj)lt)lliIil)iii8ttiaitl-a)tstB Base Ball !! FIRST GAME OF SEASON 11 ii OREGON SALEM 3 !! UNIVERSITY v" HIGH II ; ; Saturday, April 1 7, 2:30 p. m. !! Willamette Field, Admission 25c, Grand Stand 10c, 1 1 l ! !)!)! f ISlSltiSHHHHitHH f f f I mZTC &9 olaru thzt thoro are dozens of bod atlll In th ruins and oHtimntos of tho numbw of doad now rnngo from ?C to GO. All of the Injured, oxcopt Cart wright, aro expected to recover. Tho Injured: Cbarlo Cartwrlght. I'ntrlok Guorln. John Moll. Charles Potts, John Campbell, John Ifeioaon, James Rogers, firewall, William McKIhIvv. fireman. William Rogers, fireman, Patrlok Hsggerty. fireman. The fireman, were caught and crushed br fnlltng wall. Might small buildings adjoining the St. George Unemeat wero de- atroyed by the lire, the total prop erty loss being estimated at 1200, business milt nnd doolaro that tho advances aro tho result of whoat proBpuotM throughout tho country. Tho local mauuKur of tho Wash-burn-Crosby Company, said today. "It Isn't speculation In whoat that Is affecting the present prloe of Hour. The wheat prloe Is dostlnod to bo at I IT throughout tho entire summor. The United Status has grown a larg er orop than usual, hut the world's stiaply Is exceedingly short. There il a wheal bread famine In Mexico, while Argentine wheat is milling at ft. SI and Canadian at 91.27. Liver pool Is vary short." Continuing, he said: "All of these condition create an iinNsual demand for American wheat, and will demand actual shipment. At present, abaurd aa It may sound, flour at 7 per bar rel Is wiling below cost. It takes five bushels of wheat to make a barrel, (United I'mmi Leased Wtto.1 Washington, April 1C, Harvoy . W. Scott, tho votoran odltor of tho Portland Orci;onlnn, Is to bo tho uoxt American ambassador to Moxl- co. According; to reports current lioro today, ho will nuccocd David 12. Thompson, of Newark, who la to loavo tho diplomatic sorvlco. Scott's- appointment has not, and probably will not bo announced ofllclnlly for sovoral days, and wilt form pnrt of tho slnto of diplomatic appointments which is to bo mado public in tho nenr future 8cott Is a nntlvo of Toazowoll county, Illinois, an Is 71 years oC nito. After an education paid for by bin own earnings, ho ontorcd tho iowspapor profession in Portland. IIu has boon editor of tho Portland OrcKonlau for 44 yours, and in a part owner of tho paper. DESPERATE FIGHT WITH JAP DESERTER (United I'rem Iad Wlr.l San FranclHco, April 10. After a desperatu bnttlo, In which hla face wns out to ribbons, Pntrolmnu John Anner Bitot and killed a JapanoBO do- sertor from one of the ships In tho harbor, who resisted arrest oarly to day. When tho oflloor attempted to place tho Jnpnnuso under arrest In Uto IoiIkIiik houso where ho had boon hldiiiK, tho desertur drew a kulfo and attacked him. Tho pair clinched nnd ntriiKKlod down "tho hallway' of tho lodging house and Into ' tho Htreet, tho policeman rucolvlng a number of jiovoro Itulfo wounds, Anner realized that he could not disarm tho Japanese ami, drawing his gun, Hhot him through the heart, killing him Instantly. SMART SMUGGLERS USE OTHER PEOPLE 000 Kearly half a block wa humeri ' ' f 1-20 bushel, adding the over The burned buildings we1 OI MCM- """' situated between eighth and Ninth, Best Sans Silks Per ball only.. 2c unmMSffiM gjr in-1 1 r-TT " 5c White Pearl" Buttons 2c Per Doz. Howard and Tehama strc-ots The lire was ropleto with henna- tlonal features. Inoldidlng a panic, hairbreadth oseapes, daring rescues and death In Its most horrible forms. Officer W. P. Kruegcr was tho he ro of the fire. Hespondlng to tho first alarm, the oflloor s'zod Up the situation at u glanco. and aftor turn ing in a toeond alarm dashed into tho building which was already as suming tho appoarenc of a furnace Dajhlng through the narrow llttie balls. Kruger klokcd at doors and shouted an alarm. Slapping one man to mako him quiet bis districted cry lag. the eool-hoaded otfloer turnej to aaoUer who was aged nnd hclp Ibm and earofully asitted him to a stairway. There is no doubt that Kr tiger's prompt action savod a sooro ef Uvea for kd the panic which fol. lowed the awakening of the Inmatov, ooeurred ll minutes later when the flaiuwu were at their bo'ght. few ery. with selling and carrying no- couiils, the aetiial cost aiiproxlumtes I7.S0 a barrul. "Wo wore uuprejwred for such rapid Sump In thy market, and were unable to prepare our oiiHtmuers for thorn." ANOTHER CASE OF KIDNAPING iCvuiinued on Page 6 ) (United Press Leased Wire.) Bt. Lou In. ilo., April 10. Tho po Use of this city are searching for tho 7-year-old son of James gheppard Cabanue, Jr , a commercial' traveler, of Memphis. The boy waa klduapod yesterday afternoon while on an or rand to a store near the home of his a-m ml mother, Mrs. Jalla Cabanno. About 7 o'clock last night Mrs. Cabanne w Informsd over the tel ephone that the lad had been taken away, and would bo returned Id a few weeks No ransom was uskud. unJ the police ur at a loss to accouni for the affair Now York, April 10. Tho nnmo of Miss Nolllo Grant, of Sail L'ran olsco, grnuddaughtor of Genoral Ulysses H. Grant, and wMrs. John 13, Mason, her aunt, have been used by smugglurH In an effort to gut Into this country froo of duty liteus and gowns valued at many thousauds of dollars, according to tho atntomont of cus toms olllnlals hero today. Miss Grant and Mrs. Mason recent ly returned from abroad. Tholr luggagu was found by the olllclula to tally with their sworn statement In liigard to dutiable goods. Sovoral days Inter triinliH and boxen nil dressod to tho two women arrived from Paris, and an Investigation ro vimled tho fact that they worn lllliijl with costly la oos and fabrloa. Communications with Miss Grant nnd Mrs. Mason corroborated thu opinion of the customs ofHulals that the Ban rrauclkcaos knew npthJng Qt the oniielgiuiittHt It M supposeil W the oinejala that an organised gang or Hiuugglers ahlpiHNl the hoxun up on learnlag that the mo American women iHteiuled to sail for homi, trusUag to aoHfederstes to rtsilya im goods aftor they had passed the custom oMes. MILLERS SAY WORLD IS SHORT OF BREAD Mlniionpolls. Minn.. April 10. A. C. i-orlng. rooelvor for tho Pillsbury Waahbiirn Plour Milling Company, deolurod today that tho presont 4011 dltlon of the wheat market whs not alone tho result of Juinm A. Ini. ten's speculation, or a short grop, Ho said a tremendous Iuuiohao. In population and a corresponding liif orouse In tho consumption of bread, caused thu prosunt high prlnee. Ixical bakers do not think that thy present prloe of flour vill remain long. Wholesale prioes on flour to day are unchanged, carload lots be in sold at $0.30 to $6.16 a barrel Many grocers today received noilnm fit ua advance of 20 senU a huudird pounds on Hour, ove llgursa Issued Thursday. 000000000000 O I'ueillr Coakt Ttam. O O Yesterday's Soure. O O Portland 1. Sacramento 4. O O Han Francisco 3. Ii Angeles 1 O O Vernon 8. Oakland 7 O OOOOOOOOOOOO