B Js- iV DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM, OIIBGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1909. "- ? SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Ttmo Card No. 5-1 Effective Sunday August 10, loot). Toward Portland Passenger. No. 10 S:1S a. m Oregon Express M), i unu a. m... cottage urore rats. rore I'aig. Paxsenger No. 12 v.io v. m.. .iiosebare ram No. 14 0:13 p. m Portland Express Toward Portland Freight. No. 222 6 p. m Portland Ka.tt Freight No. 22010:40-11:28 a. m....Way Freight Toward San Francisco Passenger. No. 11 11:03 a. n... .Roseburg Pansenger No. 17 0:45 p. m... Cottage QroTe Pass. No. 10 0:80 p. m..... Calif ornla ' Express No. 13 3 131 a. m...San Francisco Exp. Toward San Francisco Freight. No. 221 2:43 a. m.. .Portland Fast Frt. No. 225 1 1:28 a. m War Freight OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Time Card Effective Nov. 15, 1008. Leaves Fer: Portlnnd and Intermediate, local. 0:40 a.m. Portland-Ullliboro and Intermediate, local ...................... 8:55 a.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 11:15 a.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 1:40 p.m. Portland-Tualatin and lllllsboro, lim ited 3:05 p.m. Portlnnd-tllllsboro and Intermediate, local 4 :00 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 0:20 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local, 8 MO p.m. Arrives Frem: Portlnnd nnd Intermediate, local. 8:25 u.in. Pnrtlnnd-lllllsboro and Intermediate, local 10 :o0 a.m. Pnrtlnndlllllaboro-Tualatln, lim ited 10:60 a.m. Portlanunnd Intermediate, local. 1:00 p.m. Portland-Illllsboro nnd Intermediate, local 4 :00 p.m. Portlnnd and Intermediate, local. 0:45 p.m. Portland nnd Intermediate, local. 8:20 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 10:40 p.m. O. C I Co. Stenmors Pomona nnd Orogona leavo for Portland Monday, Wednes day nnd Friday nt 10 a. m.j Tuos day, Thursday nnd Saturday at C a. m. For Corvnllls Tuesday, Thura dny nnd Saturday about 7 p. m. M. P. HALDWI.V, Agent. LOW RATES TO OREGON s DAILY During March and April From all pnrta of tho East, via Union Pacific Oregon Short Line The Oregon Railroad & Navi gation Co. Southern Pacific $33 from Chicago $30.50 from St. Louis $25 from Omaha $25 from Kansas City Correspondingly low from all other points. TO THE PUBLIC Write lottora to evorybody you know in tho oast nnd toll thorn about thoso low colonist rates. Sand thorn liter ature about Oregon, or send tholr addresses to us and wo will do It In this wny you can bo a groat holp In tho growth and progress of your state. YOU CAN PREPAY FARES for any ono from any plnco If you wan', to. Doposit tho necessary amount with our local ngont and ho will tologrnph tlckot promptly. Inquire of ngonts or wrlto to WM. McMURRAY GonornI Passenger Agent Tho 0 logon It. R. & Navigation Co, Southern Pacific Co. (linos In Oro.) PORTLAND. OREGON HVA7ZK' 223 S. COMMtROAL ST V iMIIIItHIIIIMIHHIill ! Graber Bros, i Will give prompt attention to all orders, guarantee our work to give satisfaction and to be up to the sanitary stand ard VK WILL UK PLEASKO TO filVE KSTISIATE8 ON OOVTUACT8 We aro agents for the Ala mo. Victor and Ideal Gasoline Engines. Shop on Liberty itreet, back of Harr's Jewelry Store. nnllMHIHIHMHllll ! v vfr PLUMBING GAS FITTING The Knock-out Blow; The blow which knocked out OorbeH was a revelation to the prlro fighters. From tho earliest days of tho ring tha knock-out blow was aimed for tho Jaw, Iho temple or tho lllnulnr vein. Rtnmnrh punches were thrown In to worry and "vary mo nguter, out II a scientific man had told one of tho old fighters that the most vulnerable spot was tho region of tho 3tomach, ho'd havo laughed at htm or an Ignoramus. Dr. Plcrco Is bringing nojVJ0 th, public a parallel fact; that thq stamacVUs tho most vulnerable organ out of he pto ring as well as In It. V protectWjifLras, throats, feet and lungs but theVAwiWswo aro utterly indlffcr ent to, until dlscTkA finds tho solar plcxui nnd knocks usoutT Make your stomneh yunp nnqTronC ny tl0 use of l)oci Pjercjgrj; jjpdlea.1 J)i5vprytV you nrot.-ct .our-r.t In your most .viitnr at'fr nqt. Golden Medical Discover- cures "weiK stomach," Indigestion, or dyspepsia, torpid liver, bad, thin and Im pure blood and other diseases of tha or gans of digestion nnd nutrition. Tho "Golden Medical Discover j " has a ipeclflc curatlvo effect upon all mucous surfaces and honco cures catarrh, no matter where located or what stago it may havo reached. In Nasal Cttarrh it ts well to clcano tho passages with Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy fluid whllo using tho "Discovery "as a constitutional rem edy. Iliy tho "Golden Medical Discov ery" euros catarrhal dlsoases, as of the stomach, bowels, bladder and other pelvic organs will bo plain to you If you will road a booklet of extracts from tho writ Ings of eminent medical authorities, en dorsing Its ingredients and explaining their curative jiropcrtlcs. It Is mailed free on request Address Dr. R.V. Plcrco, IlufTalo, N. Y. This booklot gives all lh Ingredients entering Into Dr. Picrcs'i medicines from which It will bo seen Miat thoy contain not a drop of alcohol, puro, trlplo-rofincdglycerlno being used Ins tcao. Dr. Pierce's great thousand-pago Illus trated Common Sonso Medical Adviser will be sent free, pnper-bound, for 21 one cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 81 stamps address Dr. I'lorco as above. HUIE WING SANG CO. Removal Sale"All Goods At Cost Wo ninko up nil kinds Ladles' Un derwear, Wrappers, Klnionas nnd Waist. Wo keep nl kinds of Ircss (ioods nnd Silks, Cent's and Ladles' Furnishing Goods, Clilnn Ware, Mat tings, Shoes, Trunks, Illnnkets, Com forts, Etc. Removed to 1123 N. Com'l St. Salem Fence1 Works Hoadquartoro for Woven Wlro Fonclng, Hop Wlro, Barb Wlro, Poultry Nottlng, Shingles, Mai thold Rooting P & D Ready Roofing. Screen Doors nnd nd Justlblo Window Screens. AH At Lowcttt Prices. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN 200 Court Ht Phono 121 MEALS 15c Call and try them. Meals 10c Doard per woek 2.75, als-j fur nished rooms very reasonable. AT TUB Salem Restaurant aao count street. I FRENCH FEMLE PILLS. A Brm, C$mi SUutr Ut ftcrruMi MMmtnM, W KNOWN TO FAIL ''' - I fli4j I Bui. UNITED MEDICAL CO ,0I T4, Umuiii . K. "t Id in Salem bv Or. 5. C 5'"" Phono 44 Mnln. 147 N. High st. C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs and Livery. All Rigs Modern Rubber Tiro. FP Fire Proof Fool Proof In considering making your own light, or cooking, why not consider tho F. P. Gas Machine and Htub- bers Light. Will sell and Install this machine and guarantee it to give 100 per cent more light for the same money than electricity or city gas. Let me figure with you, estimates furnished Call at my shop and see the lights and stoves In operation. I also earry PVHO DENATURED ALCOHOL utilities.. Safe economi cal, odorless. A. L FRASER Phone 135 338 SUte SL 1 3 (KnKwnsKs WOMAN POLICE -JDOGOOD WORK (United l'rcBB Leased Wire.) San brnnclsco, Cal., April 15. M story surrounds the Idontlty of n wotunn who lies In tho St. Thomas hospital In this city suffering with n brokou neck. While tho physicians in chnrge of the unusunl ense nre vonstnnt In tholr refusals to dis close her unuie. It ts titulorstood that she Is u woman of wealth nnd high social position. It Is known thrt tho patient was taken to the hospital n wuok ago. A dny lator she wns followed by an assortment of trunks mid boxes, making it apparent that sho had come to stay for nu lndoflnlto time. Every precaution to provout hor Identity or tho nnturo of the acci dent which resulted in the broken neck hits boon tnkon by thu physi cians nnd tho hospitnl nttotulnnts. Drs. B. G. Frlsblo nnd Hnrry M. Sherman nro tho surgeons who havo chnrgo of tho strnngo case, nnd who will perform tho dollcato operntion that Is hoped will restore tho mys terious pntlont to health, lloth men are reticent regarding their chnrgo. In speaking of hor, Dr. Frlsblo snid: "The woman is of n sennit Ivo nnd refined nnturo, nnd I am suro would not wnnt her misfortune made pub lic. Wo must respect her wishes now, nnd nwnlt her permission to give out nowB of any Interest evolv ing from tho case." Tho case of tho mysterious patient nt tho St. Thomas ts ono of 14 or 15 cases In tho modlcnl history of the nation. The recent case of Mrs, William C. Whltngy, of Now York, crcnted national attention. FRANKLIN COULdTTT . . . NOT MAKE GOOD United I'rtaa leased Wlre.j Portlnnd Or., April 15. Tho fail ure of Charles Franklin, tho Scattlo wrestlor, to mako good his boast that ho could throw any six Oregon mat artists within 90 mlnutos of actual wrestling has not ondoared him to tho hearts of tho local sports. Joo Carroll, his manngor, postod (250 to bo forfoltod It Franklin could not perform tho feat. Only two men showed up last night to opposo tho Scattlo wrestlor. Thoy woro John Uerg and Dort Thomas. Franklin folt his popularity waning tho vory first bout In which Thomas wns pitted against him. Thomas throw tho Senttto wonder at tho end of -10 minutes. Then fololwcd llorg ! but tho crowd had lost Interest In wrestling for tho present. o STRIPED BASS FOR LOWER COLUMBIA (United I'rew ,-niml Wire. Portlnnd, Or,, April 15, Flvo hun dred striped urns aro to bo planted In tho lowor Columbia rlvor thorugh tho efforts of United States ' Senator Ilouino nnd F. V. Ilolmnu, of Port land. Tho snlmon interests, It has bcon loarned, will offer no objection to this movo, au tho striped varloty of bass do not swim out of salt or brackish water. Senator Hon mo, who Is chnlrman of tho Bcuuto fisheries commltto, has oxprosied his willingness to endorse an application for 500 young bnu. , It is expected that this application I will bo promptely granted by tho de partment or flBhorlos Strlpod bass I In largo quantities are now bolng ' caught In tho Saoramento rlvor, where 100 woro planted only a few years ago by tho dimwits depart most. This fish grow to a weight of 11 to 20 pound. The Cirrus acrobat finds It nocosiary at all tlmta to keep his muocles and Joints sup ple. That Is tho roaton that bun- idreds of thorn keep a bottlo of Dai- lard's Snow Liniment always on hand. A euro euro -tor rheumatism, cuts, sprains, sore throat, Inmo back, eontracled muscles, corns, bunion and all points. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottlo. Bold by all dealers. O.sBfO'OXlXUaV.. 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks DtSIONS Covrichtb Ac. rooa unuting a tk4t a m4 Scrlpilnn wtf w mcmiix cur ttzc -n na l IUMUMriclreM:0lQtUL MlkDBAQC uil'aua wmi vv... IIP llt l It. IH4ut tftner (uf ciiifibiit. aliu Uen tbrsecb Moeo 4 Cj. fwaira tlM wuAiu. wllbout ctarca. In I ha I rttiM Sckntific JmxVM. A KAmBf Hlolr(xf wklf, PSMUiff (If Of Mftt40 y ur fMt lour noitU,L HuUb; lit Ail fflAVnUftjaaVltaT- WSSSffKSlHjft 1153333 An Ul Don't Neglect It It is ii serious mistake to neglect a weak heart. It is such a short step to chronic heart disease. When you notice irregu larity of action, occasion ing short hreath, palpita tion, fluttering, pain in chest or difficulty in lying on left side, your heart needs help a strengthen ing tonic. There is no bet tor remedy than Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. Its strength ening influence is folt al most at once. "I hare used 10 bottlf nf Pr. Miles Iloivrl Cure and can truthfully say It tin done me more good than anything I Imvt ever usd, nnd t tmva trlrd ntirly eprythliiK Mint I know of. Th doctor xvliu nttcmlrd me okd ma xtliat t wns lakltijt and I told him Dr. Mill Urarl Cure, ha Mild It wna tint etnna to do mr any kpmI, but It iiid. I hare rut t-'.on any fur u year rnxv. nrd wrile t:-re la ocoasUmally a illrlt r mvioni if the old trouble. It Is net cicujrti for ma to contluun tha Ue of the in-rtictti. If 1 should nt voive I wot.ld Uiiot wliitt to lo. TiiKe Dr. M'lrV Hi-nrt Curo ns t did befora. I eomtiuV.' tmxlt piiicllcully cured of my lici't t mil B. Ii. Ul'NNAAi, Ltvlnxalou, Texaa. Or. M:ic' Hexrt dura It told by your drugujit. who will pusrantee that tha flnt battle v. I II bineDt. If It TIU he will rt.'ur.d .your money. MtlesMcdkjilCo., Elkhart, Ind Ilownro of OlntmoaU for Oatarrh Uiat Contnln Bforcmry. nB mercury will suroTy dostroy the sonso of emoll and complotoly do rango tho wholo system whon entor Ing It through tho mucoua surfacoj. Suoh articles chould iicror bo nseJ oxcopt on prosclptlons from reputable phyalciana, oa tho damago thoy will do It ton-fold to tho good you oa possibly dorlvo from thorn. Hall's Catarrh Curo, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, 0 contains no morcury, and Is takon Internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system, la buying hall's Catarrh Curo bo sure you got tho conulno. It Is takon la tornally and mado In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonial freo. Sold by Druggists. Price 75c per bottlo. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Whon you come to think of It you must admit that you cannot gnln ovon your own npprorn! by bad man nors. Konnody'o Laxatlro Cough Syrup la freo from all opiates and It euros '.he cold by gontly moving tho bowels. It la ospoclally rocommondod for chil dren, as It tastoa noarly as good as innplo sugai. Wo soil and rocommoud It, Sold by all druggists, o - Do glad while you mny, for gen erally sndnnsM glvos you no choice o ICodol for Dyspepsia and Indlgostlon tnkon occaclonally will soon rollore you of all tho slmplo stomach all nionU that you now havo, but which may bo moro sorlous later. Sold br all druggists. o Slnndor Is tho iiowh that fear car rlos to envy. Kodol glvou tho stomach a chance to regain Its lost strength and health, and nfter a llttlo while you need not tako Kodol longor, but tako It while you do need It and If It falls to bnut II t you your monoy will bo refunded. Bold by n,U druggists. o Self-oontorod people are often knooked olear out of polso, tholr Ihso .being so smnll. o A KXOCKKR Is a man who can't see good In an person or thing. It's a habit causeJ by a disordered liver If you And that you aro beginning to see things through blue spectacles, treat your liver to a good cleaning out proceti wlth Ballard's Herblne. A auro curs for constipation, dyspepsia, Indigos tlon, sick headache, bllloosnsa, all I Ivor, stomach and bowel trouble. Hold by all dealers. O - ii. Orcttt Clilncko Doctor L. M, HUM ' Man medicine whlnb will cure an I known dlsr&so. He makes a spcU , ly of, and guarantees to cure Catarrh Asthma, Lung, Throat, Rheumatism Debility, Btoraach, Liver. Kldnej Troubles; also any blackened j swollen soreness, broken limb' ' Smallpox; Epidemic; all hinds of I Boils, Lost Manhood, Female Weak- new, Herols Trochlea and Paralysis Consultation free. Care of Ylck Bo iToDg Co., Chinese drugs and htrbt I US High gt, upstairs, ftalesa. Or. THE STOCK BOOKS For tho North SanUam Mlblng company, are still y fw -vostors, A limited amount of stock Is now for snlo, at tho iX)W PUIOM of Cc por sharo. SAVAGE & HERREN FISOVL AGENTS. 12rf S. COMAIKUCIAL ST., RtAOY TAILORED FOR WELL DRESSED MEN. r sTf-flmfl v j?v v " Xi Mr 9 ylv c n itum'nmna3iuinttiiiitn tm f iiii sfe !! !! 8lfllt)lBlttllifii f ilIlf Brainy Women Aro thoso who will hnro us laundor tholr watats, delicate llngorlo, otc. Our facilities nro thoso of tho best for tho porfoct hnudllng of this oharaotor of work, Our h,olp Is llinrmifflilv J.vnnplntln,(1 nnit tltlfnll I 0 '. more skilful, than most help you socuro to como to your homo or to ma. .. A trial will muko you a cllout of ours, Salem ''Laundry Co. Telephone lift. 111(1-1(10 8. Liberty Ht. If lf f ffi lf llHllBflf flHIfl WILLIAM I STOCKS and BONDS WILLAMETTE HOTEL, HA I.EM, Or, I run uiIvIhc you on any utiirkw jir ImiikIh (told or on Iho market. Money Mtcured for promotion purponeH, putontN, iiiaiiufncturlng lu diiNlrlrw, largu luud deals, etc. Cull mid see mo. Wanted, m few compeleiit men and women. Deferences required. aitmiiiict8if Portland's Popular Fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON Our Rathskeller Grill finest (lining service In city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p. m, Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern Hostlery in the metropolis of the Northwest. ANNEX IS NOW OPEN Our capacity has been doublod and our freo bus will hereafter rneot trains No. 6, and train No. 12, llmitod, Oregon Electric that arrive In Portland at 10:55 a. m. and 4;55 p. m. M. C. DICKINSON, Manager Trie OREGON ' n Ml jaaBa)aMav. , , CLOTHES SO) price: range: A B MM J Q TO 40 Spring Shoes I hnvo n full lino of spring shoes, Mon's, Ladles' and Children's, tans and blncltB. All good shoos that will glvo sntlofnotlon. I nm sura you will bo woll plonsod with Bay lino of footwonr. Soo my stock be foro you buy olsowhero. ,JP Bi , D, t JACOB V0GL 345 Stnto Stroot. b.x Nothing Better on the Market 1 GOODS BEARING THIS MARK ABSOLUTELY' GUARANTEED WHEN SOLD BY THE Salem Hardware Company 120 Com' St Phone 172 tHE BEST ROAST THE FAMILY EVER HAD Can bo obtained from our prlmo, tou- , ' ' AH our moats are oolocted from tho choicest, and proparod for tha tabic to suit tho demands of 'thu'fastidlous. Our prlcos nro lowor for qi nllty than you can find nt any placo In Balom, E. C. CrlOSS & SON DAVIDSON iiait4iita.iii II