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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1909)
mm.mimm MggMSJIBSgfHSaMBWaasilBaWBJBreaiBCB tf DAILY OAI'ITAIi JOURNAL, BAJLEM, OREGON, THURSDAY. ATIltL 14, 1000. m ?ti THE CAPITAL JOURNAL K. IIOFKK, Editor and Proprietor Independent Newippr Irtsrofcxl to American Principle nd the I'rwrrenn and Uorelopoment of All Orcjon. r f ftiblUhei Krerr Bronlng Except Sunday, Calem, Oro. SUBSCRIPTION KATK3. (InmrUblr In Adrtnco.) Dally, by carrier, per ' W.00 Ter month-.... Wo Dally, by mall, per JMf. . 4.00 Ier month Ko Weekly, by mall, per yew..... .. '.00 8lx inonthi m,tOc rv UmqNLBEL YELLOW JOURNALISM. A Portland newspaper tho othor tiny printed a sonsntlonal nocount of how a daughter or n pramlnont Corvnllle family was acouscd of nhopllfllng In Now Yofk City, WAS ARRKHTEl) AND l'LACKD IN JAIL. Kvon If nil tho mnttor published woro truo, what has boon gained by such it publication? A young woman's niimo Is Btninod far life, A RKSPEOTAISLK FAM ILY HAH 1IKUN HUMILIATKI), Unfortunately tho father of tho girl belonged to tho stronger po litical clrolo tho offensive class. If ho had bolongcd to tho charmod Inner circle no outrago could bo committed IIV HIM OR 1MB FAMILY THAT WOULD NOT . IIAVI2 IIHKN COVEHK1). Formerly hlHtory was written by tho victor on tho battlollold. JournnllHin In written by tho crowd that has tho Inside pull. o NO STATIC NORMAL SCHOOLS. Th6 people of Weston aro discouraged trying to run a atato Normal School. Hy their donations of good money thoy kept tho sohool allvo two yenrH. They donated a brick building, and donated tholr diatrlct school tnxoB, and now have no local school faollltlos. It don't pay. Dut they have dona more not so much ob Monmouth or ABhland and nil these communities havo crlpplod thunisolvos In the onuso of training Hchool tenohero. Let tho state lapso baak where nlnu-tunths of tho nchools In tho country will bo taught by olghth-grndo girl graduates called hoIiooI touchers. Thou a reaction will come. Tho stato board should put padlookfl on tho doors of the normal schools, board up tho windows, reduco tho state to tho low grade where It hns dellboratoly gone, in tho in omit line, let uh hold soma pioneer reunions and talk about tho days when schools with throe "Kb" were a prlncoly luxury that not uvait nil tho common people woro pormlttod to enjoy. For tho next two years there will be no action by tho stnte on the subject of what constitute!! the training of school teachers. A good program mako tho whole stato go dry and then on Sunday wu will all go to Portland and get full. Thnt Is what tho rodjcjtl l'rohls neem to bo working for. Oovornor Schollonborg, of Nebraska, has won what ho calls a groat big political victory by securing tho Oregon plan of electing United States sonators by direct nomination, direct election by tho pcoplo, and tying tho hands of thrifty momborn of tho gonornl nsaombly, so that thoy ennnot convert tholr vnto on senator into cash. Of course, tho groat big itato of Nebraska is Republican to tho core, and to tho ma chine brand of G. O. P. mon it will hooiu lllto sacrilege in tho Holy Tomplo that thoy can no longer change money, soli "doves," nnd mako morohundlso within Its sacred porches. One state after anothor will follow tho Oregon plan until tho national aonato Is purified. , During tho spring ovory one woild bo benefitted by taking Koley'o Kid ney Remedy. It furnlahoi a needed tonic to tho kidney attor tho exit. strain of winter, and It purifies tho blood by stimulating tho kldnoys, and causing them to ellmtnato tho itnpurl tloa from It. Foloy's ICIdnoy Romody Imparts now llfo and vigor. Plrxu ant to tak. For sale by J. 0. Perry. Tho man who always does as ho pleases Is olthor u brute or a diplomat. Arner, 31300 Record 3:17)4. Full brother to Don Dorby, 3: 04 VI; Dorbortha, 3t07U; Diablo, 3:095 Domonio, 3:11U; Kd Lafferty, 3:lfl4. and others. Ily Ohns. Derby, 4907, sire or 0 butter than 3:10, dam Hertba by Alonttrn, dam of 4 hotter than 3:10, and live others. Winner of tlrtt premium at Ba lm horse show. For standard ttillleus season of 1009 at Fair around and Qlub Sta ble, Foo, 131.00 for won, J36.00 to insure. O. II. 8IMP80N, 4-JMf Fairground, Ore. Money Codmw la Uaacheo to A. A. Chlsholm, or Treadwell, N. Y now. Ills roaaon la wll worth reading: "For a ling time I ufTor4 from indigestion, torpid Uvor, conitl patton norvousnoes, and general de bility," ho writes. "I couldn't sleep, had no appotlto, nor ambition, crew wonkor ovory day in aplto of all msa Ical treatment. Thon used Blectrlo my old-tlmo health and vigor. Now I can attond to business ovory day. It's a wondorfui medicine." Infal llblo for Stomach, Llvor, Kidneys, Mood and Nerves. 60c at J O. Per ry's. o He brave nnd let who will be scared by tho aseesor. A HiNilIng Halve for llurns, Chapped Hands nnd Soro Nipples. As a healing salve for burns, sorej, ore nlpplee and ohapped hands Chamberlain's Salvo is most excel lent. It allays tho pain of a burn almost instantly, aud unless tho in jury U very severe, heals the part without leaving a near. Price .25 coato For sale by all good druggists. A mod dieiMMtUoM Is ob that tho owner may wear Inside out or up side down and still be preseataMe j If cnultal provldu socurity, if surplus and undivided profits indicate prosperity, if constant growth it, proof of good sorvico, than wo solid' your businoss on tho mound that wo offer you tho wi vioo of a good bank. Capital National Bank ESTABLISHED 1885 i. H. ALHHRT, Prv. It, M. GHOISAN, Viw-lYo, JOS. 11. ALUKUT, Cahlr Ol that outdoor oxorclso Is needed bv the Amerkmn people. That's all very well, but how ean people with rheu matism follow that advloe? The aa ewer 1 simple uo Mallard's Sniw Ltalmeat and the rheumatism wll so; leaving you as spry as a colt. , Qlvee nulek and permanent rat'sfj from rheumatism, neuralgia, lame bock and all pains. SAVED FROM AN OPERATION By Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound Louisville. Ky. "LytVi K. I'ir.k ham's Veptnlilo (' . .j" ..el had cer- t: "ir 'i-ric lr.e n ur.iiiili. I (ttiftvnt! imnrr!et (i-,:i!'.. ntrvt ; i e i, r. id p. sf t: i fci ile troi hlr I.v.L;;.rinktiaL. t i , etablu Com i v'tirl l.a! rcrtopvl tr'- to nirfppt i ealth nnd kept me from the opfcjaili s toble. 1 will ncvt'r be itluut i' :. medicine in tho '.. tue." Mn. Sa.'i'i, Lav., 8C8:i Fourth St., J oukviJIe. K.v. Aiuidutr Oiierntion Avoided. Adrian, fin. "I suffered tni't'd mlsory from fctnn! roubles, ami my doctor sni'l r.:i oixritioii was my only elinnco, md 1 arrnfled it uimo't as miti'l: its deatli. J.ydin II. lirklu.mV Vegetable (JoinpoiimU'uiiipleUb i'v.;:l mo without nu oiratlou.rt--LKXA V. IIknuv, It. F. H. 8. Thirty yonrs of tmparallo1t(l sue rowt conllrnifl tho power of J.ydla II. IMnUluiiii's Vcpetuble Comih-iuiitl to euro fi'tnnlo (ll"raas. 'J'Iih pront vol itinepf Mi Itrd U'ltlmonyroiiffint. ly jMmriiiK in )nv eonclURivelv that J.ydla K. I'l.ik'i.iiii'a Vep'tnblu Com p.uitwl ! :i rvntirLoMc ren.nly for thomi uitres!iu? Totmniun ins lroni u-iiu-u fo many woman siUi'ur. fered by tho exposition. Tho season tickets contain coupons which will admit tho bearer to tho grounds for 100 days NO MORE LIQUORS IN RESTAURANTS In the future Salem restaurants adjoining saloons will not be permit ted to Bell intoxicating drinks tp their patrons, where it is obtained in tho saloon and brougnt through a sido door into tho eating apart ments. Mayor Itodgorn put n ban on all this business yesterday afternoon, by giving tho dlfforont proprietors of such places duo notice to clouo their side doors. Tho saloon mon were inucn surprised thnt such n move should bo made in this direc tion without first hnvlng proper no tlco of the matter, and, after holding a conforenco yostordny, sovernl aro going to learn Just what their rights arc In (ho city. FRANK G0TCH DOWNED THE TURK Soattle, Wnsh, April 15.4 Tho an nouncement was made In this city today that Frank Gotch, who last night easily dofcated Mahrnout tho Turk, of Chicago, and Hnckcnschmldt will' wrcBtlo In Scattlo at tho exposi tion. It Is said that sixty per cent of tho gato rccolpts or guarantee of 315,00, will induce tho two big mon to got together. Tho ofTer is made on behalf of tho manngoment of John Cort's arena nt the exposition and has boon con veyed to tho wrestlors by Dr. D. F. Hollor, who was a spectator of last night's match! SEASON TICKETS FOR GRADUATES Seattle, Waah., April 10. Tho Alaska-Yukon-Pnclllc exposition will glvo n season ticket to tho fair to tho student who graduates with tho highest honors for each of tho high schools of tho stato. Tho prices will bo given by tho division or exploita tion In recognition or tho work dono by tho public in advertising tho fair through lottor to pupllo in EaMorn schools. Thoro aro 200 high schools in tho stato with pupils who aro ellgiblo to partlclpato In tho prlzo contest of- nvMsV'BlBBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBttBlBMBlBWiABNtsrT" LUNG PIERCED BY LEAD PENCIL DrDJaynes EXPECTORANT This is the Time for Colds and it is the time to cure them before they get a firm hold upon the system. Dr. D. Jaync's Expectorant is the quickest, surest and best known remedy for Coughs, Colds, Pleurisy, Bronchitis, In flammation of the Lungs or Chest and all ailments of a like nature. It has been success fully employed for four gon orations. Dr. D. Jaync's Sanative Fills is a thoroughly relU nble and effective laxative, purgative, cathartic and stomach tonic. Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant is Sold by All Druggists, in $1.00, 50c. and 25c Bottles. islslBlBlBHBBIH&ffiBI IsKssAsttssstJT il f f '! tfMrK.f.t, n A, JSSSBSSjf r iifi .i?c""S. Migi u SISSSSatiflla1t!kMHHBBUtiD B slslaBMCrlS; 7vAy. 3 sisisisBPIranBw) r K 4 BmBiSSSSr EASTER SERVICE When you attend church Eastor Sunday of courso you wish your ap pearance to be perfoet. No mnttor how elegant your clothes may ha lf they are not wtt off by some re fined and becoming Jewelry your ap pwtronce Is bound to Iw common- place. Let us uimt: Itl.NOS, 11UOOC11US, UKAC1IITS, STICK PINS, Ol'FF LINKS, FOItS, (SOLI) -WATCH CHAINS, HOLD WATCH ItS, JltWltlillD HAT P1XS Kverytktuc; else in the Jswslr) line Barr's JEWELERS Sa nFrnnclsco, April 1C. Ills left lung pierced by a lead pencil, Chas. Westrnn lies In tho Harbor Ilospltitl In this city today hovering between llfo and death. Wostran, who Is employed nt tho Santa Fo ferry slip nt tho foot of Market Htreot, fell whilo at his wont yostordny, and a lead poncll which ho carried in n vest pockot entcrod between tho seventh nnd eighth ribs nnd tore its way Into tho lung, o Rheumatism. Moro than nlno out of every tea cases of rhoutnatlsm or tho muscles, duo to cold or damp, or chrosJc rheumatism. In such caaos no inter nnl treatment Is required. The fr.H application of Chamberlain's Lini ment is all that Is needed, and it is certain to give quick roller, aivo it n trial and seo for yoursolf how quickly It relievos tho pain and sore ness. Tho medicines usually given lu ternnlly for rhoutnatlsm aro poison oub or vory strong medlclnos. They aro worso than usoloss In cases of chronic nnd muscular rheumatism. For nlo by all good druggists. Full Bearing Orchard Tracts SIZES TO SUIT PURCHASER Winter Apples and Royal Ann Cherries RICH BOTTOM SOIL 3 MILES NORTH OF SALEM. , , Enquire of owner at Capital National Bank. -w It Is hard to please everybody, but that Isn't any reason why wo should II nd it hard to please anybody. - E. ECKERLEN Wholesale Family Liquor Store 144 Commercial St Free Delivery Phone 103 Frightful Fnto Averted. "I would havo been a crlpplo for llfo from a terrible cut on my knee, cap," wrltoi Frank Dlsborry, Kolll her, Minn., "without Ducklen's Ami-! ea Salve, which soon cured me." in faU'ble for wound, cuts and bnuliei, It soon cures Durns, Scalds, Old Sores. Ilolls. Skin Eruptions. World's bost for plies. 6c at J. C. Perry's. I Excursion to Silverton W. O V Head Camp Officers, Silver Hll Circle No 4 3 will be kith us. UIk time expected Kverybody going. 15o tickets sold $1 -'u round trip. Remember the date. April 20 Train We at 7 p m TkkeU on sale at Harvev'ai grioer store Fletch er & Hrd' feed s;ire. also at Wood man hull Frldu nluht 4-U 3t Tk tkoaikt lUal w had tt cta5 g to S de Ht UOt tk bitter taste out of or HWMitlts. a M of lHuud u Week, at last. Is what a young baby ought Is pit In weight boas yours? If not tbc's wuasthlng wrong wlta it 4Utstloii. Qlve It McCKv' naay Hllxtr and It will begla galaiag at ones. Oh rat stamaoh aad bowel trMblt. aids d'gestlon. stops frat fMlaasa. good for teething babte. Prise 35c and SOc Sold by all deal ers, OJL0VOXIXUI.. lUtnta UilaltMKlUllMHBMtft1 Salcm-the "Cherry City of the World" Population (1912) 50,000. . Now that ws are squared away for another srosldontlal term, and everything aiad this ooMHWUMtty has stteh a proaoHnoed air. of ImisIimm asUvtt' ami Droprtty. ws may well look to our indi vidual ehtvHiMit. Are you gulR to got sowowhoro i tho oxt four yoars. or aro ou woroly goUg to tAho what ommh Id ysm. aqd lot tho fumrs take cars of llsof Wo hollovo ovry tlttsaii of thU oomMiialty see a soasoM of HlomiW opportunity hotoro Mm. and will teko ad vaaias of It This bank hollovos. aloag with avory mm who ha ovwr got tea aoywhors In tho world, that a good soakiac osAooothM to the steppias sumij to ooriMitoM ssoosss, Wo oKw to tho holp aad ih senrtoss of a ftoaaoUl losiltoUoa that to proa of Its rosord and sosad la lo artaosiOoM aad waiiMiawt t sagsost that u opa aa aocoaat with as. Tho awoaat with whloh yon sUrt Is lnaUrU It is tho hanking coaassihw that will ataho hard ays sasy for yoa. aad ths start will hrlas Its owa rwrd la a substaatlal balaaoo hoforo the oad or the yoar. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Ladies' White Lawn Waists Nicely embroidered , long sleeves, only $1.00 Ladies' Waists at $1.25 1 A groat assortment long sleeves, open baok or open fronts, white lawn, nicely embroidered; also blaek embroldored waists 11.25. tan waists 1.25, chock od waists. Seo thoso splendid val ues . White Embroidered Waists . $1 .50 Something special, they ar beauties, easily worth !.00 White Embroidered Waists . $2.00 This Is Indeed a rich fcurnieut. a great bargain at this price; has to be seen to be appi eclated. Ladies' Net Waists At Low Prices We have too many of them, therefore, we have re duced the prices on all of them. Net waists reduced to $2.50 $3.50 Net waists reduced to 2,75 $5.00 Net waists reduced to 3.75 $7.00 Net waists reduced to 4,25 Silk glovs. extra heavy doulo tipped fllngers, pair only . . .60c Long silk gloves, extra heavy tipped fingers, pair only . . . .75c MILLINERY Ws aro headquarters for all the newest things in this line. Shapes, trlwtaod hats, flowers aad foliage. Trimming by ox pert trimmers. Lowest prlees. , ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM 240 COMMERCIAL STREETS 1 . SALKM. OREGON. wmmm0Mis0'' eftg r