DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1000. -4. zr. u SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Time Cnrd No. Ot Effective Sunday August 10, 1000. Toward Portland Passenger. .No. 10 S:)3 n. m Oregon Express do. io swu b. in,. . Lounge utotc 1'ass. No. 12 '2 45 p. m.. .Koitcburc Passenger No. 14 0:13 p. m Portland Express Toward Portland Freight. No. 222 B p. m Portland Fast Freight No. 220 10:40-11:23 a. m....Vny Freight Toward San Francisco Passenger. No. 11 11:0.1 a. ci. . . . Itoseburg Passenger No. 17 u.-io p. m.. .ueitnge urove I'ass. No. in 0:50 p. Tu California Express No. l.'i -3:31 n. tn,..SAn Francisco I5ip. .Toward San Francisco Freight, No. 221 2:4.1 a. m.. .Portland Fast Frt. No. 225 11 :28 a. m Way Freight OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Time Card Effective Nov. 15, 1008. Leaves Fer: Portland nnd Intermediate, local. 0:40 a.m. Portland-Uillshoro and Intermediate, local 8:3.'. a.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 11:15 a.m. Portland aud Intarmedldtc, local. 1 :40 p.m. Portland-Tualatin and Illllsboro, lim ited 3:05 p.m. Portlnud-Ulllsuoro and Intermediate, local 4 :oo p.m. Portlnnd and Intermediate, local. 0:20 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:40 p.m. Arrives Frem: Portlnnd Portland local . Portlnnd Ited . Portland Portland loial . Portlnnd Portlnnd Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:2! Illllsbdro and Intermediate. n.m. , . 10 :00 a.m. Ulllsboro-Tualatln, llm- 10:50 n.m. nnd Intermediate, local. 1:00 p.m. Illllsboro and Intermediate. , 4 ;00 p.m. and Intermediate, local, 5:45 p.m. nnd Intermediate, local. 8:20 p.m. nnd Intermediate, local. 10:40 p.m. O. C. T. Co. O. 0. T. Co.'a boats Icaro for Port lnnd dnlly oxcopt Sunday and Wednesday at G a. m. For Corrallls, Tuesday and Saturday about 7:30 p m. M. P. BALDWIN, Agont. LOW RATES TO OREGON DAILY During March and April From all piirtn of the East, vlu Union Pacific Oregon Short Line The Oregon Railroad & Navi gation Co. Southern Pacific $33 from -Chicago $30.50 from St. Louis $25 from Omaha $25 from Kansas City Correspondingly low from all other points. TO THE PUBLIC Wrlto letters to ovorybody you know In tho oitBt nnd toll thorn about thoao low colonist rates. Sond thorn liter ature about Oregon, or sond tholr addrossos t,o us nnd wo will do It. In this way you can bo n grant holp in tho growth and progross of your stato. YOU CAN PREPAY FARES for nny one from any pluco If you wan', to. Deposit the nooossnry amount with our looal agent and ho will telegraph ticket promptly. Inquire of agents or wrlto to W.M. MoMURRAY General Paaeenger Agont The Oregon R R & Navigation Co. Southern Pacific Co. (lines In Ore.) PORTLAND. ORKGON AWATZ? SW0 I 33 S. COV.MtRCIAL ST ' HmmMMHi 'IrH-ftH i Graber Bros. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Will give prompt attention . to all orders, guarantee our '. work to give satisfaction and ; to be up to the sanitary stand- ard VK WILL lE PLE.8KD TO GIVE RSTIIATI ON CO NT It ACTS ., :; We are agents for the Ala- ; ; ; mo. Victor and Ideal Gasoline Kaglnes Shop on Liberty Jtreet, back I of narrs Jewelry Store. v wf MM else HUM HW i ' The Story of a Medicine. Its nntne Golden Medical Discovery was suggests by ono of Its most Import ant and valnablo Ingredients Goldoa Seal root. Nearly forty years ago, Dr. Pierce dis covered tlint ho could, by tho uso of pure, triplc-rofined glycerine, aided by ccr tain degree of constantly maintained heat and with tho aid of apparatus and appliances designed for that purposo, ox tract from our n.ost valuablo natlvo me dicinal root their ctiratlvo properties much better than by tho uso of ulcoho!, so generally employed. So tho now world famed "UouKh Medical Discovery, foi the euro of weak stomach. Imllgostlon. or dpopla. torpid liver, or WlloulBneas and kindred derangements wn first made, m It eyers!ne has oVti, without a partlcla of alcohol ii its maRe-up. A glRnQ;fu st of Its Ingredi ents, prlnteu i iVrv bottlo-wrapjie-, will show thit It Is hiaeto from the moot valuable meo clnal rwtsMound growlnc In our Amcr tan foresiSJ Alltheseln- irm-iu1, i. - rere'vi.utp ?ipv lorviiii'iit t in tlioJcfl' teri,..lVlU.,'L. , iiilTlV Mcdlai who r aimirfi MWlot w io r, i-iimmi A liulbeiric ot the il tlicm as.U o riUnwse for which iVjnmOSttL'.yL ' ieio cndorsenientSfisS been compiled by Pr. R. V. Pierce, oJ uuuuiu, AT. 1., Ullll "III IK H1.1IIL-M j IXC w. any one nA ng atne by postal card. of. letter Bild'w'-od to tho Doctor as ahoo From tltOM- i'ik1i!hh'iiIr, copied Irou. standard tmyli-al book of nil thodllTei ent school of practice, It will bo found that the tncredlenu composing tho "Uol J on Medical Discovery " are advised n-' only for tho cure of the nlxivo mention's diseases, but ai'o for tho euro of nil ca tarrhal, htvi.i'hlnl and throat atTectinns. accompalucd with catarrhal discharge, hoarseness, core throat, llngerlni?. of baug-on-coiths, nnd nil thoso wastlni MIoctlnno which, If not promptly at, properly treated aro liable to termlim'. In consumption. Tnko Dr. Pierce's Di covcry In tlmo and porsovoro In Its ut until you plvo It a fair trial and It Is not likely to disapixjint. Too much must not bo oxnoctcd of It- It will not perform miracles. It will not euro consumption In Its advanced stttKcs. No medicine wllL It uHll cure the affections that lead up U jonsumption, if takeix n tttru. MEALS 15c Call and try them. Moals 15c Board por wcok $2.75, also fur nished rooms very roasonablo. AT TIIK Salem Restaurant aao couitT street. FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. A S.ri. Cimtajt Itiuir f.rScrrmiMnMimT9.nn( krvn IkBilH TO fill. Aif.l IUr.1 Bi.lrlK.iI.. lit m ,..,. blnl Mwny Hf.U4. BBt ,fp4l4 ill Olcrlw" lk i lbera.at,l4l.k,L. t4l.lfr Iwnr M. hvfi..rt. H;rdiuiUldM tt II. IOC II 1.B4 JW-, Hdfll 1. ID. mt0MC0ICLCO.,0T4. t-HNOMTIW. A. i Id in Salem bv Or 5. C. S'- Phono 44 Main. 147 N. High st. C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cnbs and Livery, All Rigs Modorn Rubbor Tiro. HUIE WINfi SANG CO. Removal SaleAll Goods At Cost AVo mnkr up nil kinds ladles' Un derwear, Wrappers, KJiuoiiun mid WulstN, We keep nl kinds of IireHs Good and Hllkn, Gent'H nnd Ladles' I'urnlsliliiK fl(M)N, Clilnu Ware, Mut tings, Shws, TruiikH, HIiinkctM, Coin fortN, Htc. Honiovcd to nc.t N. Cotn'l St. Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven Wlro fencing, Hop Wlro, Barb Wlro, Poultry Netting, Shingles, Mai thold Roofing P & D Ready Roofing. Screen Doors and ad justlhle Window Screens. All At loweht Prices. CIIAS. D. MULLIGAN 230 Court ht Phono ISM FP Fire Proof Fool Proof In considering making your own light, or cooking, why not consider tho P. P. Gas Maohlne and Slub bers Light. Will soil and Install this maohine and guarantee It to give 100 per cent moro light for the same money than electricity or city gas. Let me figure with you. estimates furnished. Call at my shop and see the lights and stovea in operation. I also oarry PYHO DENATURED ALCOHOL utilities.. Safe economi cal, odorless. A. L FRASER Pfaom 1M a&8 BiU BU LEFT MONEY AS FRIEND AND MORE AS WIDOW (United Press Leased Wlre.J Olympln, Wnsh., April 13 Al fred Adler, of Now York, who loft an estate .of $250,000, provided In his will for n bequost of $35,000 to his friend, Hnnnuh Hurtling, and then a few dnys before his death married her. Sho securod the ?35, 000 as beiieflclur), nnd drew hor dower as widow under the New York laws. bhe. on the one rule, and other heirs of Adler started a contoet in the King county courts for tho pro- bHte of the Washington ostnto. The supromo court, In a decision today, holds that she got tho ?35, 000 as n frloud, not as a marrliigo settlomont, that tno will was not re voked ns to the proporty In this stato by her mnrrlngo, nna ordors tho os tnto administered .toro nccordlng to tho will. ROBBED THE ROBBERS AND WAS KILLED M'nltfd I'rmM t.enartt Wtre.l lllttto, Mont., April 13. Decnuso ho "went broke" nt, a gaming tnhlo In the Mountain View snloou, Ed- wld Madden hold up thu rosort In which 30 nion woro playing last night and robbed thu bank of $58. As Mnddou wub making his escape through n secret oxlt, John Seisin, n bartondor, omptlcd hla revolver nt Madden, fntally wounding him. On his deathbed Madden declared ho got whnt was coming to him." Ho said Hint it looked so easy for tno gamblorH to rnko In his monoy, that ho detormlnod to tnko a chanco at tho gnmo nlmsolf . UTAH TO HAVE UNIQUE BUILDING Seattle, Wash:, April 13. Tho contract for tho erection of tho Utah state building at tho Alaskn-Yukon-Pacific exposition has just boon lot and work on tho structure Is to be gin nt onco. Govornor Spry, who has been In Sonttlo for several days, left for Salt Lake last evening. Wal ter E. Ward, architect, will remain to suporlntoud construction. Tho Utah building will ho uiillko nny othor on tho grounds. It will roprosent n style of archi tecture that was used by tho Hopl Indians In Southern Utah, who nour ished contemporaneously with tho cliff dwollors. Tho oxterlor of tho building will bo plasterod In Imltn tatlou of adobe. Quaint old qttutz nnd luiplomonts of tho Pueblo Indi ans will bo plnced on thu grounds, ground, and tho whole will ho In striking contrast to tho classic and tho ronlnssauco typos of Htructures olsowhexo at tho exposition. SHOT BECAUSE HE FAILED TO CLOSE DOOR Spokane, Wnsh., April 13, Un der surveillance ns a witness, W. II. Pahl, a surveyor, 2 1 yoars old, Is lying in u hospital horo today suffer ing from two bullet wounds Intllcted by his hrothor, A. O. Pahl, a painter, -whoso nngor was aroused by the wind blowing through an upon door. Doth men weru In tholr homo with tholr widowod mothur yesterday wiion the palntor asked his brother to close tho door. Tho lattor rofusod to do It, whereupon A. O. Pahl drew his revolver and nred two bullets In quick sucgcmmIou. One struck his brother's Jhw, paseing through his cheek, and the other clipped off the end of nna thumb. The enraged man wiui reloading his revolver when his aged mother seized lit hand. He was taken by the jtoltee. and the wounded man wat rushed to h hos pital, where. It is tld, he will re cover. Kodol gtvoe tho stomach a chanco to regain its lost strength and health, and after a little while you need not take Kodol longer, but take It while you do need It and If It falls to beni flt you your money will bo refunded. Sold by all druggist. o ' Sitting on a youung man's knee isn't a positive sign that be can sup port the girl forever. V Healing Halve for Iturnt, Cliapprd Hands and Sore Nipples. As a healing salve for burns, sorei, sore nipples and chapped hands Chamberlain's Salve Is most excel lent. It allays the pain of a hirn almost Instantly, and unless the In- Jury is very severe, heals the part without leaving a scar. Price 25 cents For sale by all good drug gists. A lot of paragraphs pass as philo sophy which in truth are simply drivel. OASTOXIXA. BtrtU rt i w 13 ih tun unn tws PIMPLES I !' ' . ' ll" t ronirll.. i i l, iMJ 00 ,i I I I i faim I Hi- t Mil Inn ' n I II ol piuiii. it .1 Li Ii l ,11 r in v I m rU l ry nl li ' I MTI eonuiiii f i ii. I. r ihriit n,i i .i.mn.iii t '"it- m it I ferl Him ntin I r,t ihn 1 ir i n. ii fo in hiixt rhnncr to rv..mniul ,l ',-' Wiilrn UBitnSl JJwtk N.J. Dcsl For M The Dowels y candy cathartic y rirAnant l""ill i r 'tent Ttflt PnOmxl, 'Netr SI. ln-n ftiumi itimi" lv tt .Sr NT nhl III lull lux i-nntl'iKi IMiliM IMIl ed UtO. lilantftnlpi.! to i irts nr ymir Hi ' r hncic Sterling Rrmrdy Co., Ctilcno or N.Y. 595 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILUON BOXES llcwnro of Ointments for Cntnrrh that Contain Mercury, ns mercury will suroly dostroy tho soiiso of smoll nnd completely do rnnge tho wholo oystem when outor tng It through tho raucous aurfneoj. Such articles should never bo usoJ oxcopt on proiclpttons from reputable phyalclnns, ns tho damngo thoy will do It ton-fold to tho good you oai possibly dorlvo from thorn. Ilnll'n Catarrh Curo, mnnufneburod by r J Chcnoy & Co., Toledo, 0 contains no morcury, and Is takon intornnlly, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Curo bo bum you got tho sonulno. It Is takon In tor"My and mndo In Toledo, Ohio, by P. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonial frco. Sold by Druggists. Prlco 7Gc por bottlo. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. It doosn't koop tho rocordlng nn gol vory bAisy Jotting down tho good dcodn of somo mou. Frightful Fate Averted. "I vould hnvo hocn a crlpplo for llfo from a torrlblo cut on my kneo cap," wrllos Frank Dlsborry, Kolll her, Minn., "without Ducklon's Arni ca Salvo, which noon cured mo." tn falllblo for wounds, cuts nnd bnulsoi, It soon cures Durns, Scalds, . Old Sores, Dolls, Skin Eruptions. World's host for pllos. Gc at J. C. Perry's. o ' "It's tho man who ottcks to wntor," says Clay Mooro," that drinks liko n Ash." Tho ItCiMlock of Success lies In n koon, clear brain, backed by Indomltnblo will and roslstloss cu orgy. Such power comos from "ho splondld health that Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills Impart. Thoy vltnllto 'iv ory organ and build up brain nnd body. J. A. Harmon, Llzomoro, W. Vn., wrltes: "Thoy aro tho bOBt pills I ever used." 2Go nt J. C. Porry'B. o If you had a chanco to bo ono of those greedy trust companies would you bo ono? o IW-st Treatment for Colds, "Most ordinary colds will yield to tho Blmplo.it treatment," says tho Chicago Trlbuno, "modoratlvo laxn tlves, ho foot baths, a frco pornnt ration nnd an nvoldnnco of cxpoBuro to oold nnd wit after trcntmont ' While this troatmont Is sltnplo, It ro qu'res coDsldorablo troublo, and thu ono adopting It must remain In door for n dny or two, or a fresh cold is almost suro to bo contractod, nnd In many Instnncos pneumonia follows. I It not bottor to pin your faith to an old .ollnblo preparation like Chamberlain's Cough Romcdy, that Is famous for Its cures of colds and e" always be depended upon? For ale by all geod druggists. Hre If Opportunity did knock at ohm Salem men's door she never would get a renponw. A KNOCKEli U a man who can't see good In an' per-on or thing. It's a habit causeJ by a d'sorderod Mvor If you And that you aro beginning to see thing through blue spectacles, treat your liver to a good cleaning out procei with Rallard's Herblno. A sure cure for constipation, dyspepsia, Indiges tion, sick headache, biliousness, all liver, stomach and! bowel trouble. Sold by all dealers. . O-i '. Great CIiIhcmj Doctor L. M. II U M liSk oiedlciuu whrrh l'. cure au known dUrase. He makes a pveia ty of. aud. guarantees to cure Catarrl Atthna, Lung, Throat, Itheuuiatun. Debility, Stomaeb, Liver. Kldne Troubles; also any blackened iwplien sorenes, broken limb Smallpox, Epidemic; all hind o Dolls. Lost Manhood, Female Wak aeis, Herni Troubles and ParaiyU Consulut'on free. Care of Ylck H Tong Co., Chinese drug and tiuih. 16J High St., upsUlrs, Salem, Or THE STOCK BOOKS For tho North Santlnm Mining company, aro still epm fer ha ves tors. A limited amount of stock Is now for snlo, at tho IX)W PItlCH of 60 por eharo. SAVAGE & HERREN FISCAL AGKNTS. 1SW 8. COMMKRCIAL ST. R E AD V TAILORED FOR WELL DRESSED J . ,AAk MEN. e . tiPrirM 0M0KJwr S I 11 c BMM-SMM--J --Bageaagtg!gSStS!S!Bgie!giH8tgH : : 'HA ff aam.ai nil, I WUaa 120 t wfgiff km m9mmmmKmmkm itiwi Brainy Women Aro thoHu who will lmro us lnuutlor tholr waists, dollcnto llngerlo, otc. Our facilities aro thoso ot tho best for tho porfoct handling of this chnrnctor of work. Our holp Is thoroughly oxporlonced, nnd much moro Bkllfull than most holp you enn secure to como to your homo or to "tnko out." A trial will mako you n cllont of ours, Salem Laundry Co. Telephone 'M. l.'l(l-l(l(l H. Liberty Ht. wtiiit-iifiiiimiitiHftiifiM WILLIAM I STOCKS and BONDS ii WILLA.MKTTH HOTKL, HALKM, Or, ( I enn iuIvImi you on nny stocks or IkiihIh sold or on tho market, j J Money wcined for promotion purpoHcn, pntentn, inniitifactiirliiK in- J J (lustrles, large land deals, etc, 1 1 Cull and see mo. Wauled, n J References required. I HHIlllH)llttlllt(lmtllllHUiH SPRAY YOUR TREES WITH DEPENDABLE BRAND LIME AND SULPHUR SOLUTION You get the best spray on the market. Made by Salem people and guaranteed by Salem people. Guarantee and test tacked on every barrel. Manufactured by the GIDEON STOLZ COMPANY, Salem, Oregon. Por salo by tho following dcaleis: TIIiON & CO. I'LKTCIIKH HVUI). I), A. WIIITK A HONH. IL I. CI I VSK. LK HOLD HltOH. Sff44-HSHHIl Portland's Popular Fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining sorvico in city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m. Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modem Hostlery In the metropolis of the Northwest. ANNEX IS NOW OPEN Our capacity has been doubled and our freo bus will hereafter moot trains No, 6, and train No. 12, limltodi Oregon Electric that arrive in Portland at 10:55 a, m. and 4:55 p, m. M. C. DICKINSON, Manager THE OREGON CLOTHES ? . Ufyv wr price range: &ZQ TO 40 II Nothing Better on the Market jj GOODS BEARING THIS MARK ; ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED j WHEN SOLD BY THE j; Salem Hardware Company jj Com" St. Phone 172 !! ii THE BEST ROAST THE FAMILY EVER HAD Can be obtnlnod from our prlmo, ton dor nnd Juicy Ilcof, Mutton or Pork. All our moats nro soloctcd from tho cholcost, and propurod for tho tablo to suit tho domiinds of thu fastidious, Our prices nro lowor for at nllty than you can find nt any plnco In Salem. E. C. CROSS & SON DAVIDSON j; few eonipetent men and women. ; . 4-4fl