kl f tfumal VOL. lL. DAILY CAPITAL JOl RXAL. 8ALKM, OHKGON, TUESDAY, Al'IUL IB. 100D. 71. i A I ROCH FIRE DRIVEN BY GALE CARRIES TURKEY'S SULTAN IN TROUBLE IPALACK HUHHOUNHKD HY MU TINOUS TROOPS WHO DKSLVND Till-: DISMISSAL OP GUAM) VIZKK IIILMI PASHA AND OTHKH OITICKHS. WANT THtIR PAY Soldier Remand Removal of Ut.e lew. Olllclnls, Who Uhc Up the Government Funds and Icnve None With Which to Pay Them. (United I'rtu Leased Wire. J CoiiflUintlnoplo, April 13. Tho houao of parliament Is surrounded todny by two battalions' ot mutinous .soldiers, who nro domnudtng tho dis missal of Illlml Pasha, tho grand vizor, tho minister of war and tho procldent of tho qho ruber of,doputlos. Hopresontatlvos of tho sultan nro pnrloying with tho soldlors nnd aro trying to gut thorn to roturn to tholr quarters, but tho mutineers aro in sistent, nnd hnvo warned tho gov ornmout nuthorltlos thnt thoro will bo bloodshed unloss tholr demnnds aro hoodod. Tho situation Is regurdod as ox tromoly critical, as It Is foared that moro troops will mutiny boforo night unless those now surrounding par Ilamunt can bo paclfled. Tho sultan Is distracted today, be Ing assailed by trouble from ovory side. The situation in Aslntic Tur koy, whero tho Arabs aro in robot lion, Is no hotter, and England has throatonud to Intorforo. Navigation on the Tigris rlvor has been tied up for dnys, because of tho notion of tho Arabs In sitting on tho banks and firing Mt avery craft, rogardloss of the colors sho (lies. Failure of the govorntnont to pny the troops whs used as an exause for -tho uprising, but tho real onuso of tho trouble Is the long standing eu nilty of the Young Turks who con trol parliament for the Liberals. The Liberals aro Incensed beoauso of tho nummary dismissal of Klsmll Pasha, former grand vlzer. and the appointment of Illlml. who Is recog nized at a more tool of the Young Turkg. The soldiers are demanding that a horde of useless officials bo dis missed, so that the govorntnont ex penses Will not bo so great, and tho troops may bo paid off. The situation has resultod in u rolgn of lawlessness, tho most alarm ing since the revolution. It Is de clared that a masscro will follow If the present uprising Is successful. The Liberals aro bellerod to have instigated the outbreak by the argu ment that parliament violated the constitution In passing the Austro Turkish agreement. Rigid censorship of the dlsaatcfcaa from here is oxpeoted to bo put Into effect at any minute. A MODERN ENOCH ARDEN l United Vtttt Leaaed Wire.) S&a Francisco, Cal., April 13 Through a suit annulment of mar riage Rd U the superior court in this eity by Mrs. Georglanaa C. Paw ell, the story of a modern Enoch Ar don has come to light. Mrs. Powell celobrated her mar riage to Harry T Powell In Norem- ESTER NE I. bor, 1SGG. In 1SS1 her husband loft lior, and fur 2S years sho heard noth ing of him, further than tho report that ho was dead. In 1900, strong in tho bollef thnt l'owoll was dead, sho married James Warden nnd his lived with him happily since thnt time. Somo months ago, a friend tour ing Southern California, Btumbled upon Powell, and, upon her return, acquainted Mrs. Wnrdon that hor first, husband was living in San Dlogo, nnd thnt ho wan III nnd with out funds. Tho loynl wlfo Journoyod to San Diogo nnd brought hor former husband to this city, whero ho was given rofugo nt tho homo of rolatlvos ot his wlfo. Undor tho caro of his wlfo and n physician, Powoll Is much lmprovod In health, and n place for him has boon found in the soldiers' homo nt Yountvlllo. Since learning that hor first bus bnnd was allvo, Mtb. Powell has not lived with Wnrdon. Thoy hnvo agreed that a soparatlon Is tho only por it proceed uro, in vlow of tho oxlstlng conditions. Mrs.'Powell has brought suit In tho suporlor court for annulment of hor marriage with Wnrdon, nnd will llvo on n ranch which sho owns In Olonn county. SLOT MACCHINES WILL GO OUT OF BUSINESS San Francisco, April 13. Desplto tho petition ot tho principal bankors horo asking that slot machines bo al lowed to contlnuo to oporato tho "nlckol oators" aro doomod today. Aftor July 1 no slot mnchlno will bo allowed to oporaU in San Francisco, as a result of an ordinance passed by tho Biipervlrors late yestorday. Tho olgnr doalora havo mado a hard fight to savo tho machines, which aro sold to take in $12,000,000 annually. Thoy woro backed by tho bankcro, who for some unknown rea son, ontored a ploa to save tho gam bling dovicos. MORE INDICTMENTS AGAINST KIDNAPERS (United irra (.eased Wire 1 Cleveland, Ohio, April 13. -New Indlotrnents for kidnapping Billy Whltln wero returned by tho grand Jury today against J. H. Doylo and his wlfo, now In jail nt 8haron awaiting trial on chargaa of blaok ninll. It U undaratood that the now lu dletmonU war roturnad at tho In stance of the sheriff, who feared that the woman would be releaood at Sharon. SHOT HIS WIFE KILLED HIMSELF Reno. Nov , April 13. Because his wlfo started a suit alleging cruelty, Lonls MoFaddcn. a teamster, attempted to kill her and thlnklnc he had sucrodod. Blew out his brains. The body lies In a local undertaking establishment today while tho wid ow Is suffering from a bullet wound In her neck. "Here Is where wo both die." ex claimed MeFaddoa yesterday as ho slammed the door of a room In their home and Jorked a revolver from his pocket. He fired two shots and Mrt. over to where she was lying and gazed McFadden fell. MeFaddou walked at her palo face for a moment, long enough he thought to satify Ijim that the wound la her nook would surely cause death. Than he enuffad out his own life, with the sane revolver. Two chil dren of the oouplo witnessed tho trag edy Mrs. MeFaddoa will recover Toledo. Ohio. advrtiai 4 grant tuberculosis exhibit" That ought to draw people from all over the world to see it W YORK IN GRASP 0 l.- rr TO MARRY JAPANESE PREACHER MISS GOODMAN, 10 YKAHS OK AOIC, AND OK MISSIONARY PROOLIVITIKS, WILL SOON WKI) PASTOR Oi. JAPANKSK PHKS HYTKRIAN MISSION. BOTH WILL REGRET Lady Is Old Knougli to Know Rotter, 1 Rut In Kvldently Infatuated With i tho Snddlo-Colorrd nnd liliit-Kycd I Gentleman, and Only Knperionco 1 Will Curo Her. (United I'reei (.eased Wire.) Los Angoles, Cal., April 13. Dis cussion almost us groat as that occa sioned by tho Qladys Kmory GunJI ro Aokt marriage is rlfo horo today, following tho roport that Miss Knto Goodman, a promlnont mission work er of this city, is to marry thu Rev. Joseph Kpnlchl lunznwa, minister ot tho Presbytorlan Jupauoso mission Innzawa has admitted his ougugo inont to tho American woman, nnd hns stated that tho marriage will oc cur In tho near future. Miss Good man Is at present in Han Franaliao, on business connected with hor mis sion work. Tho Jnpanoso proaahor Is 45 years old, and has llvon In San Francisco and other coast cltios for tho past 20 years. Ho Is well thought ot by , tho olorgy of this city, and It Is Inti mated that the proponed union Is np- ' proved by many omlnont local di vines. . Miss Goodman Is a mombor of a well-known Now York fnmlly, nnd Is about -10 yours of age. Sho Is a for mor studont oi tho Unlvorslty of Chi cago, and, while attending classes at that institution, determined to go to Japan as a missionary- Stopping lu this city on her way to the Orient, she became iHiereated In Japanese mission work here, and has become a Hell-known tigure la loual religious elrelas. HAS A GARDEN WITH HER JAP (UiMtrd I'reae I.Med Wire, I Seattle. Wash. April 13. Instend of living in Columbia City, as report ed. Mr. and Mrs Guajiro Aukl, who were married in Seattle, following a sensational flight from California sev eral weeks ago, are now eking out an exlstoncu, on a little four-acre tract acroM Lake Washington, a short distance from Sunuydnlo. Mrs. Bmery. mother of tho Ameri can girl who took the Japanese ser vant for her husband. Is living with the couple on this little garden patch, which they have loaned MINISTERS DENOUNCE SOME PARISHIONERS (United I'reu Ieaaed Wire. I San Franolsoo. April 13. Much Interest Is being shown nere today as a result of the denunciation on the part of the Methodist minister of this eity of the deplorable position taken by the various Methodists churches of the country, in endeavor lag to secure pastor who are not burdened by numerous offspring During the weekly meeting of the Methodist clergy of this city yester day afternoon tho question arose i DESTRUCTION TO GREAT CITY How many children Bhould n Meth odist minister navo? After a general discussion, led by tho Ilov. Carl Wnrnor, It was agreed that tho position mntntalnod by tho majority ot congregations regarding tho families of ministers was unfair and unsatisfactory. Ho claimed thnt tho good positions were opon only to preachers with limited progeny, and thnt this has resulted In tho rologu tlon ot ministers posossslng many chlldron to tno loss doulrablo charges. This stand was supported by tho majority of tho ministers presont, wvornl ot whom doclnrod unrosorvod ly for tho big family. "God holp tho child who has nolth or brothor nor slstor," ono of tho mlnlstorH rwld warmly, and his state ment was roundly applauded by thu mooting. WHEAT RIDES IN ITS OWN BALLOON (United I'm (.eased Wire. Chicago, April 13. Wheat shot skyward at tho opening ot tho mar ket today, and now price records for tho crop woro established lu May, July and Soptombur, May wheat opened nt 11.28, which Is 1 Vi conts higher than tho provlouH record for tho crop. ' July opened at ll.lGTs and Sep tember at 1.00, both ot which aro now high records for tho crop. Wlnnlpog, April 13. Flour nd vancod ton cunts a bag, or 20 coats n barrel, today. Tho advance' In flour Is said to bo tho result of thu high prlco of wheat brought about by James A. Pntton's wheat comer. CALHOUN JURY AT LAST SELECTED I United lru (.rased Wlre.1 Son Frnnolsco, April 13. Tho rog ular permanent Jury In tho onso ot Patrick Calhoun, president of tho Unltod Railways, aroused of bribery, wan completed today with thu selec tion ot Otto 11. MnoKfoth, it retired groaor, to sit as thu twelfth man In the box. This aftornoon tho work of soloot the attorneys. An extra Juror will tho attorneys. A t.oxtru Juror will bo hold lu reserve to aut In the event that somo regular member of tho body Ih taken 111 during the trial. Tho ompanelment ot tho Calhoun Jury began 00 days ago. Sixty-two actual court days have been con sumed in Hie examinations. Thirty-four valHras, consisting of a total of Jilo talesman have bH summoned. FRESNO, CALIFORNIA JOINS TtfE DRY LIST (United l'r4 I-umnI Wlr) Fresno, Cal., April, 13. Frasno has gone dry. That Is tho verdlot unmistakably expressed at yester day's election. That Is tho no-suloun vlotory aohluvod In tho raisin and wise center of the state. it 10 o'olook this morning the dry forcos hnd a safe majority of 75 votes whian will probably will bo Increased to slightly over 100 Th ordinance la effective lu 90 days.' It closes saloons, hut ullows the continuance of wholesale family liquor stores, and the sale of drinks with legitimate meals In restaurants. With the passage of the ordinance, Dr Chester Howell pledged to Its rigid enforcement, was elaated mayor by a majority of over S00. over four other candidates. Five out of the eight candidates fur trustees on the Good Government league tloket, op poruag the ordinance, wero eeoted, according to late returns, thus Insur ing the proper enforcement of the new law The election was considered a reform victory all along the line GREAT BLAZE RAGES ROOHKSTKR, NKW YORK, WITH A POPULATION OK 170,000, IS RKING SWKPT RY KIRK DRIVKN RY A BO-MILN-AN-HOUR GALIC. CITY 15 DOOMED l"lii Again Got llcyoml Control ThU Afternoon, and What It May Do In Royouil All Power of Mnu to Rvun Guess Lo.hs Will Ro Mil lions, United Trees r.eaied Wlre.l Rochostor, N. Y April 13. Four porsona woro sorlounly Injured as a result of having Jumped from win down, and sovornl blocks aro mo naced by lire, which started in a manufacturing block shortly boforo noon today. Tho llro is spreading rapidly, being fanned by n Ifi-mllo galo. A general alarm was turned In, and tho untlro llro department summoned to light tho llarnos, whlah seem beyond con trol. None ot tho porno ns who Jumpod from windows to euonpo tho llro aro likely to die from the Injuries sus tained. At 1 o'clock this nttoruoou tho llro Is beyond control. Temple Ilrlth KoiIomIi has boon destroyed and tho First Gorman Lutheran Synod church Is In llninoH. Damage already canoed by tho urn has not boon estimated. At 1:35 Captain Hoffman, of tho II rat separate company of fho Nation al Guards, ordered his men to roport ut the armory, so that thoy might bo sent nut to patrol tho burning dis trict. Four firemen wofo caught bonoath falling walls, and were removed to tho hospital, seriously Injured. Damage already done by tho flro amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars and a thickly populated sec tion of the city Is still threatened with destruction, Thu'ilra started In a four-story fac tory building, and, fanned by a gale, It soon spread to n row of apartment house. Thau Temple Ilrlth Kudesh was ilautroyed and St. Peter's Presby terian church caught flro several t linos. Aid Is being rushed here from Iluf falo nnd Hyrneuso. M 2:3a p. m. Chief Little duolured that the up-town llro was under 0011 trol. He was mistaken, however, us a freshening galo resulted In tho flames again spreading. An aocurnte ustunatu of the dam ago Is Impossible ut this time, but it is now certain that It will roach 1760,000, If It Is confined to Its pres ent territory. Thoro Is llttlu chance of It being so confined, and the dam age will probably be tuuoh greater. All members of the local mllltla companies haw been ordered out to aot as putrols for the burnlug dis trict FIFTEEN KILLED ON ON ACCOUNT OF EASTER I United Press Lesetd Wlrcl"""" Kl Paso, Tax., April 13. Troops aro patrolling the streets of Torreon. Moxleo. today according to dispatches received hero today, to provont a re currence of the rioting of Saturday F EIRE nnd Sunday, whott 15 persons were killed. 'mo trouble began last Saturday when tho mayor refused to permit tho Kastor ceremony known iib "burn ing Judas." Tho people grow excited because their religious ceremony was to bo provontcd, and rioting followed. Six policemen, thrao soldlors and six rlotora woro killed, and a num ber severely wounded. SUPREME COURT HANDS DOWN OPINIONS Tho Supremo Court handed down another grist ot decisions this morn ing, being npponls prlnulpnly from Multnomah county. M. A. M. ABhlot nnd C. 10. Rumolln rospoudontn vs. C. O. Pick, under tho firm nnmo ot C. O. Pck Transfer and Storngo Company, appealed from tho Circuit Courtot Multnomah oounty, 13, C. Hronnugh Judge, rovorsod and romnudod by Chief Justice Mooro, This was an action to recover valuo of cortain countorti, shelving nnd oth er articles, which It Is allogod, tho defendant converted to Ills own uso, Judgment was rondnrod In tho lower court lu favor of tho palutlff for f 200 being a portion ot ?SG0 sit oil by tho plaintiff ns damages Incurred by tho fondant retaining tho gooda lu ques tion, for which tho dofendnnls ap peal. Thco. Rornholm, trmtoo'a rospon iloutH, vs. Kiln Talbot, nppollnnt, ap pealed from tho Circuit Court ot Multnomah county, O. U. Gantonblon Judge, affirmed by Justice Kakln. Tho notion wau brought Into tho oourt by tho plaintiffs to onjoln the defendants from thespasHlng on prop erties n multuomah county and cut ting down trow, ami tho lnwr court rendered n Jmlgmont In favor of tho plaintiff from which an nppoal waa tnkon. J. W. Dryden rwinondonta v, Pat-ton-Armwtrong Co., appollanU, np poalod from tho Circuit Court of Multnomah county, J. j. Clolnnd Judge, reversed and romandod br Justloo ISnkln, Tho rospondent In action wub givon Judgmont ngaliut tho Pntton-AniiHtroiig Co., moing a logging firm, for damages for person- al Injurlos sustaluod whllo working In ono or tho nppollnnfa Jogging camps, from which tho'logglng company np- nppsal. Tho hlghor courts rovorsod tho Judgment on the grounds tho lower court erred In donylng a mo tion for Judgment of non-suit. State of Oregon rospondonte vs. Kdwanl H. Martin, appealnd from tho Circuit Court of Multnomah coun ty, J. R. Claland. Judge, motion to dismiss an appeal denied by Chief Justice Mooro. An opinion was handed down by Justice 8lator containing 37 typo- wrlttan page m the case of J. L. Morrow and W. II, Cooper, palntlfts nnd appollanu vs. Wnrner Valloy Stock Company, defendants and re spondent, appoulud from tho Cir cuit oourt of Lake County, Honry L. Ilenson, Judge, reversed by Jus. Hoe slater. Tlils'U an action to re cover lots lying In what was for merly the bed of Warner Lake, In Lake oounty. which, according to the Allegations In tho lower oourt, was taken In possoiaton by tho respond ents In a fraud ulont manner by by forged )afndavJU. Tho fiu- Supreme Court holds that tho lota with the exception of lots 9. 10. 11 and 12, bo tho rightful property of the uppullants and tho respondents lie enjoined from oinlmliig any por tion or them. JusUeo King also huMio down a dissenting ap'nlon In which he disagrees with that handed doHH by JnUce Slater and awards Iota 9. 10. 11 and 13 to the appl InnU. - ' 0 ' Kvon If Opportunity did knock at some Salem men's door sho never would get a response