is- 5sx-epar e -rEr- - ; V 4 DAILY OAPlTAli JOUKNAI, SALEM, OILKGOX, FRIDAY, Al'ItlL 0, 1000. STATE EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION MEETS Tho State Editorial Association mot thin morning at Portland. Hovor nl tnatutra will coino up before tho ns- Bombly. ntnotiK thorn living tho con sideration of tho advertising nnd Job printing rates, tho Ubol lnw, tho de linquent tax bill, which was votocd by Governor Ghnmborlaln, and tho advisability of attending In a body tho National Acsoolutlon mooting In Seattle during tho exposition. For theflo mattorn committees will bo ap pointed, and, nftor the business mat ters iiavo boon taken oaro nf, now Dlllcors will bo chosen for the follow ing year. At tho last session tho natno of tho association wan changed from tho Oregon Prosit Association to Its proa nut name. Tho chuiiHo was inndo whon a now sot of l-lnwH was adopt ed and notion taken to havo tho aounlry editors In uvory county ngrco to a uertaln whedule of prices for nil vortlslng, both In printing advortlsu inutflH and In doing Job work In Addition to tho adoption of tho by laws, tlin nwtouliitlon ulocted olllcors and h niniilier of Important commit (com woro appointed. Tha most im portant of those wiih tho rate uom- mittau, whloh formulated a uniform sonto bf prloee. goeoml In linport (liiQO wAH-tho legislative oonimlttoo, whorto duty it I to 100k Into tho pres ent libel law and to havo frumod such legislation as In deemed bout by tho HfwfOalHllou to further tho Interests nf tho slate prees. o oral masculine manner. Tho polo players will not permit her to entor into their game, explaining; "Shu rides nicely and wonderfully for n woman, but riding nicely is not riding for polo, and It would bo too much of a strain on our chivalry. Uesldes. she might bo killed or in jured in the gamo." Mies Jennlo Crocker, of Now York nnd San Francisco, holress to tho Crockor millions, also oollovcs iuu women may rldo in men's ajfnrG'uud when the occasion arises sho dons trousers nnd a long top coat Sho plays polo well, and a gamo in which Miss Crockor will play o"nst Miss Bears is being arranged so that the young woman from Newport mny not go eastward from the wild and wooly West, condemning It for its absurd formalities. LOOKS BRIGHT FOR BASEBALL SEASON TROUSERS DO NOT MAKE THE MAN (United I'reee Leased Wlro.) llurllimaiHe, Oil April t. - Wear ing men's cloth won't make h wo limn a poln player, even If nil rldoM over wt nicely, mid Isn't afraid, ac cording to the members of tho orauk llngllsh Ntid tinerlrnn tmmi playing the International series lir. and Mis llleauor Sears. .Newport and HottuH, millionaire, with ambitions not usually associated with the for- IIIHlltllM of tllM Ne IOllRllld IIIHtlOp- oils, Is iKiHttiig today, nnd xpntmd hor fouling an followH. "Tho limn won't (at me pley with thorn. I Kiej I'm ho aeoutil. bo ohubo I huppou to In 11 woman." All yiwlordsy afternoon Mis Sours. dlHd In oonl hreeehti, bout ad h top iHiRt. strode about Dim veranda nf tho alulihouee st the CratHjwHys Held, waiting to b Invited to participate In the games A ahort tlm hrh ah aave society 11 ikoek by sppfurlng on ih- tenuis courts at Dl Montr. 1 lad in m suit Of men's Itunurls. ami assuming u gen-' ''" KKE1 LOOKING YOUNG. Do not How your urny hnlrN to 11111U0 1 you old looIdiiQ. Grny Iittlrvri I people nrc Iiock uuiiibcrs. Do I not be one. Tlio unc ol Health Will permanently restore the yeutfehtl color to a ray or tailed Mir. ho matter bow old you are. Will heep you looblnu youuu, fctcltg yoang. Will ulve you fccamtllul Mend ol hair tuitt everyone will admire. Start wslHfl It NOW and HE YOUNG. IH NOT A DYE. l (. Dalit. l drufloUl. &roJ V lor tit Uwk, "Th 0r. oAti lWlr.H V hUe Hey tlic. (u, Ncunrli, N. J. Tho now promoters of tho Salem bnssball tonm, Fred Hoysor and Arch ie Jorman, nro woll pleased with tho surcoBi thoy nro having In raising funds fortho purchase of the ball park on Asylum avonuo and stated this morning that tho business men nnd tho regular yearly can elrclo woro contributing hnndsomoly toward making tho proposed ball sport a wln nor. Tho Hut ban boon signed by Salem puoplo who would havo refused if tho now mauagors had not nrrnngod tho plan to opon tho grounds to accom modate nil tho Salem basoball ng- ut'Oi'firnt InriM tirovlillnc (lull- ilntna did not conflict with their ntavlnc Houeauio. ia tins way, tlio looal rnns will hav tho opportunity of seeing ovorythliiK lu tho ball line, from tho little amateur to th big professional nnd will alo bo in a position aftor tho soauon fairly opuna (up to do his or hor own Judging as "who Is who" and bnsobnll arts. Tho now managers havo boon bo- ttluged with lottors from ball playors all over tho country who havo bou roadlng Salem pnpor containing tho notlcos of tho now team, and tho matter of signing players is of minor Importance, SIMON THeThOICE OF THE BIG 400 I H ' " ' 'J ' J J - wj n 1 ' jixi-u- i-ju 1 . ... mil' . V nSVuwMv " SIwMwmTI FT 1 1 sSl!s,zMsSw 11 1 m 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 rf The Kvpiiblteiin nomliiNtlug "100" IirvIiik Mlwoted Hon. Jim. Simon for mayor, tlm InHiirgtiutH aio out like Dlugouw "looking for a man." So far thaj' have failed to Hud htm. and at prawftHt It ltMika a thouvh Mr. Simon miftht bo tb only randldato for tho vtry important otttrf of mayor of IVirtland. o J .PIERP MORGAN I WANTS TO FLY IMtt4 Vrvm l.wii-4 Wlr. Hum. April t. -J lMvnwat .Mor gan today aaaoanctHl hi dwlre 10 purthtue one of tttv Wright aru pIniim, ami wad known Urn fact thai he has rtMtuetKtMl WMlUitr Wright, STUDY THE ABOVE MAP IlIOO.Mim'N ADDITION to tho City of Newport, Oregon, Is now on the marker for the first time Tho tract is located nbout half way between Nye Crook nnd Newport, and conalatBof some 30 lots on tne rising ground directly nbovo the ocean Bach lot Is but n fow stops from the bunch and a commands n view of tho ocean or surf for miles noith and south To the north can be soen Jump Off Joe and tne Ynqulna Head Light. To tho toiith the entrance to Yaqulna Hoy and the Mfesavlng Station The property Is about a tlvo-mlnute walk from tho boat Inndlng In Newport It Is reached by a now slx-root board walk, which tuns In a straight line from tho Ocean Houio Hotol In a northwMt direction to the lots. This Is now tne moat popular walk In Newport on account of its beautiful surroundings and magnlflcont vlow of the I'aolllc when tho ond Is reached at IH.OOMHlt'S ADDITION. Here beforo the observer the ocean nnd the Leach strotch for miles and mllos. A WORD ABOUT YAQUINA BAY You eould not find moro lntorosttng mention to spend vour summer than around this bonutlful bay, which is conceded by those who know to Ira tho most beautiful mimmor resort. .VATUHAI.I.Y, of an on the Pacific const, barring none Hunting and flaking nro unaxothihl. nnd tho many places of Interest eloee to Newport, such as the Lighthouse Otter Hock. Seal Hocks, etc., mnko it an idoal plnce to own a summer homo. NOW LOOK AT THE MAP Kin 7 " , thM ,U!'0!"l.t'iJ A,M,IT,ON r,ht 0 tne wt'in- " 'et h" the great advantage of being close to the bay and town, with no steop bill! to climb to rtwah It. Tho beaoh In front of the proneri Is good for bathing nnd the gathering of rock oysters. Mr. Uloomor has alrondy built two Utamtlfwl eottie on timet lots for his own pergonal u Mr Uloome Is a Seattle man and Intondg to make this the most popular addition to VHMte t For further Information enquire Kt CAPITAL JOURNAL OFFICE aj4 i WliM. DHSKHVIID. souitlliiii wiM to th' raust'd Tlio rmlM Tlmt ComoK from Thank fill SjiIiiiii Tcoplc. That remedy U Donui Kidney 1MIU Snlom teetiwoay proves It always I Hri,e " nn procurea n oox ana Hkln my kidney double I suffered from a lnmenvHs and soreness across the small of my back nnd about two months ago when in this condition , my attention was called to Doau Klduey Pills 1 wtmt to Dr. Stone's ients Foster-MUburn Co, Buffa- The man who kicked all wlntor li. Ni-w Yonk. sole agents for the about Its betas eol.l. win nnw imi-in to fXplltln that he hIvmivh illd llko I'nited States. Remember the name Doan' ake oo othor. o -and winter Ut reliable, I800" the buckacho aud -soreness For genuine optlmtim commend I W Brows. 374 Summer stren, "cross the loins entirely disappeared, us to the tariff reformer who believe Snlem. Ore., says- ''Three year of ' niso uia ine otnor sympioms or ,nwt ,hf 1W0nie will cure relief eillnhur C fnc " .ruuuiv uuuu n ivmuujr ruin nrw millwright work In a sulphuric fac tory, whon It was neceeary to per- worthy of a trial by anyone annoyed in pauonous gnsoe cramped position from tram IBM tariff exactions from Hit KttMt avtator. la take him n it tor ,..:' i i . . '.'i with bnckncho or kldnev comnlalnt." gres that U controlled by ' Iivtlll iVIIUliS III IMIMJUUHB iinavB uuu it Uncut, if his weluht Is not too Kreat to work In crnmnod nooitinn nml For xnlo bv all doalers Price 50 l annon for the machine, right gave the flret exhibition of his machine here yesterday aftorniHin and Morgan accompanied the milt l.iiv nttachee of the various legations on their vlelt to Wright's head quarter Wilbur Wrlglit explained his skip. an4 gave a ilowrlptlou of I Its op(raU0H. He wade ho attempt u rl itrtay. however. The Awerleaa avUtor will gle a number of exklWUotw. mh1 Morguu will be ureeetti an one of the niot int,-i"u4 soM-taUr. The Wwim. i i it uh interview eeirl wtik IUm ' itrrg Kronn wanaer for th W i ikhu and Made anown to him hu liiv to ) an auroylaae. a con- Joseph ; Kodol gives the stomach a ohnnco to regain Its lost strength and health, and aftor n Uttlo while you ncod not tako ICodol longer, but tnko It while you do need It and if it falls to bene fit you your money will bo refunded. Sold by all druggists. Have You Seen the New Styles IN l'i jislag a wowmn pie at all right. ui what kke wiurte U mum ku NMll hi It. EASTER SERVICE Whon wii tend il.uuh Kter Sunday f ir' uu vik your ) pejirKUOe to Ue tr(cl No MmvUT how )i8m wr ekilhas hmu We If thai' V4 UM a oft M"tt r AKwt wd bwvHilHK Jewwlry ynnr H lrnHee Is bound to W comma pkfee l-et i sei HIMiS, UUtMH:illi. STICK 1'INS, X)WV LINKS. KOUS, tJOLD W.UX'll rilAINK, fiOLU W.VWltltS, JKWKI.K1I HAT PINS Everything Ue In tho jewelry line JEWELERS ' o.-- OONVUAViHms. Heae4 ld witl Wo rw)lvMt by (kt- Hoar of UtrecUtre of Sokool Ue trlrt No St. Ih MavOM eeHHiy. Ore goa at tke otUee of tke efkool clerk, lu tke Murpky Mock, for tkwerettloN of a hw eekortl UmUUmk on lot . T am) k, Woak 1. 11. In fiUu Oregun IU1 to to mnwl ai the rtaxukv ateHtlHf ( thd hoard, to We held at tke kk eeheol kvlldiug StHnU. AnHt if. le. at 7 Ja o'ctocV t m. OertlMeil ekeeX hv I w eern of tke aMHMiat of WM tt aeeonnwui) b bid. SOd ekeeK of enceei-fMl bid 4w be turfelte! to tke kor4 un kMs ke neallfy wlk4 Aw Ut frv.iu Ute f awant. l'lajw and '"" ttone m W at the oOlce of at Mtottt uad OHrlntendeut of i-oa struMtOM. V. A. Iogg. In the Mur nh) ktoek. Saiew. OrtWR- noard nwnw the right to notxt any or all bids. U.v ordor oi the board. II JOHNSON Jr Clerk 4 & 9tdl BISHOP'S READY :". ia ii iulu i i wi iir'tz aJEf" i f-RmMJM.M-AM-r iCl mJ l ir $!Oto$35 X iAforC . K. ta I W. -L. -UH-ntR. LLitrij n. -wt wr : m. n eMHM Our spring line of suits, recently arrived, is mak ing a tremendous hit with those who have seen them. It's but right that they should. The patterns are simply great. Beautiful fabrics backed up with quality. The tailoring is the best, and prices are especially attractive. SALEM WOOLEN MILL STORE 4f f M. 1,,-wrK'iiiitntmt