Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 07, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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sj fjmmfi. iuwMiaffJ
By buying now, The old "Reliable" store makes good again, Bargain hunters have found bargains, Economical buy
ers have saved money, Every lady has found that we do as we advertise, No one has been dissatisfied or disappointed
People havo responded to our call as if by magic, Most people believe in patronizing the stores that pay the heavy
taxes, All should, If you don't want to patronize this store ,then patronize some of the other good hoVie stores, but do
not patronize branch stores, stores that have no interest in the welfare of our beautiful city, or stores that don't pay
any taxes,
Every Day Is Bargain Day Here
20 per cent
20 per cent
20 per cent
20 per cent
20 per cent
20 per cent
20 per cent
.20 per cent
20 per cent
20 per cent
20 per cent
20 per cent
discount on
discount on
discount on
discount on
discount on
discounl on
discount on
discount on
discount on
discount on
discount on
discount on
Trunks for cash only
Suit Cases foi cash only -Cut
Glass for cash only
Chinaware for cash only
Lace Curtains for cash only
Draperies for cash only
Comforts for cash only
Blankets for cash only
Millinery for cash only
Men's Clothing for cash only
Boys' Wearables for cash only
Women's Wearings for cash only
with tho Railroad Commission
against tho Northern Pacific Com
pany, asking that stock pons and
chutes bo installed at Deer Island.
Tho commission will tnko tho matter
up with tho officials immediately.
Iiniioivr Wanted
Salem was never so shy of work
ingmon as It Is today. Laborors tiro
In demand everywhere. Tho street
dopartmontSr nop yards, farms, wood
yards, every place is calling for work
lngmcn, and until tho demand is
supplied many industries nro "hung
Davis Hnd n Wnd
Sheriff Mlnto, upon searching
James Davis, tho green goods man,
found a trifle over $700 on his per
son which ho turned ovor to tho
Sheriff of Morrow county, who In turn
will deliver it back to the Hcppner
Suicide at Asylum
James Toovillon, ngod 55 years,
committed suicide nt the asylum last
night, by taking strychnine. Ho hnd
been In tho asylum 18 years and wns
n trusty.
' o
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Morgan aro
on a trip through Eastern Oregon.
Mrs. ueorge Aplln, of Woodburn,
has boon the guont of Mrs. Thos.
Drown, returning to her home this
Mrs. J. P. Veatch is quite illlfrom
a stroke of paralysis, at her homo,
828 Marlon street.
H. W. & M. L. Meyers, las
Junction City, Or. Robert D.
Dickson nnd wlfo.
Toledo, Or. Albert l-'rye, II. L.
Independence K E. Neoly.
Tttcomn, Wash. E. C. Cauloy, P.
L. Lltch.
Seattle, Wash. Miss C. Trucs
dnlo, Ivau Harrison.
Eugene Dr. DoDar, J. W. Hobbs,
Koy A. Wolch, Thomas Logan.
.uedford, Or. II. D. Patterson, S.
C. Martin
hstos Park, Colo. A. Mills.
Hood Rlvor, Or. W. F. Sarn
way, Miles Pollard and wlfo.
Heppner, Or. E. M. Shutt, John
0. Lucky, George A. Turner nnd
Oakland, Or. E. W. Crouch.
Orogon City .ur. nnd Mrs. Frank
Dundco, Or. II. T. Plcrco, Dnvo
R ICeots nnd who.
Oregon City. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Frnnk Knnpp, Floyd A. McCnrtoy.
Dolso, Idaho L. J. Mllchor.
nny C. Hnmiiton nnd family,
IMchnrd Smith, 1. II. Davis, n. A.
uoom, u, a. Lionni nnd wife.
Dnllns, Or. D. F. Magnoss nnd
wlfo, .. G. Doblns.
Crnbtrco, ur. A. U. Mluch nnd
wlfo, J. J. Coffeo.
Portlnnd W. Hnhn. W. A.
oodwnrd, J. J. Munson Frnnk
Hall, T. II. nniflhman, S. D. Kllno
nnd wlfo nnd daughtor, Miss Ruth
G Nlckleson, Hoy Stolnwny, A. A.
Sherlock nnd wlfo, Carl J. Moon,
Wm. Colvln, Snmuol A. Rlchnrdson
nnd wlfo, Thomas Klrlclnnd, Paul
Llngflold. Frnnk D. Preutt, Miss
t onstunco R. Jncobson.
FnllH City, Or. Mrs. G. II. Hurl-
bertsou and duug.er.
Christirin church, today (Wednes
day iiprll 7, 1009, nt 2 o'clock,
Miss Pearl Shoemaker to Mr. A. C.
DoVoo, Row Davis Everett perform
ing tno ceremony In the presence of
rolutlves of tho young peoplo.
They left on the afternoon electric
for Portlnnd, but they will return
shortly and make their homo in Sa
lem. Mr. DeVoo conducts the Asy
lum nvenuo grocery store.
homo of tho bride's pnrontB, Mr.
nnd Mrs. C. II. Pratt, In Yow Park,
April 7, 1909, Miss Pnnslo Pratt
to Mr. Fred J. Drowning, Rev. P.
S. Knight performing the co-c-
Only n fow rolutlves and friends
wore prcsont. The young couple loft
on tho nftornoon enr for a short visit
In Portland. Mr. Drowning Is nn
omployo of tho Salem gas works. Tho
young couplo will rcsldo in Salora.
Norwich Union Fire
Insurance Company
Frank Meredith, Resident Agent
Room 13, Ladd & Bush, Dank
Ovor Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Ot
Tuning, polishing, repairing. Ph'aG08
o mpw TnnAY o
O O O O O O O O O r O
Wontlinr Indication. l-'iilr tonight
with light trhtt, Tliunidny fair anil
Try Zlim'a loo aruam.
Toil Per Cent DUcouitt
On April wntur bills If paid buforo
tho 10th of tho mouth. 4-7-41
Bargain Thin Wwk, chalco lot on
tho Orogou Kleotrlo It. It. from $100
to $300. Hoc Derby & Wilson.
Chooolatr it ml Hon nu
At HuokliiRhnm'a Pnlnco of Swooti.
Rod Grots l'harimioy. 4-3-tC
Finn .Mnplo and Ash Wood
For anlu, chonp. for Immediate de
livery. Apply Kmlw lima.. Hindi
llroyiimu building. Telephone Main
m. s-15-tr
Cottage Undertaking Parlor
CottUKO and Ohemekota it,; calU
day or night; J. a Bill. Phono 7li.
Tim I'or ditt Dlvmunl
Oil April WHlur bilk If paid before
thu 10th of the iiuiuth. ll-u
Special thU wek. cotoauiil Jap
At XIiiii'm.
Make your uprlug decorating a
pleasure by having your work done
by responsible parties. Lot us ahow
you our now lino of wall hanging.
No old, shelf-worn antiques, overy
roll now aud up-to-date. Tho ouly
ouluslvo wall paper and palut
house In the city.
KnnKiy& Porter
ISO Liberty 8L Phono 485
Ten Per Cent Discount
On April water bills If paid boforo
tho loth of tho month. 4-7-It
If Vou
Need n Standard sewing iniichino
or any tmrta of It. George C. Will's
Htoro where It Is Hold.
Tim Per Cont Discount
On April water bills If paid buforo
thu 10th of tljo month. 4-7-4 1
Komo Cheap IXn on tin
Oregon Klootrlo at atntlon.
Several Now Hoiim'k
For salo or runt. For prices and
terms ane vogot Luuibur Company.
To Builder of Flno Homes
The Pattou proporty on Court at.
has boon out Into lota nnd la now of
fered for snlo. Call at Derby & Wll
afliia' olllce nnd see plat and got
prliHM. t 4-7-3t
MlKM Mllli
Of tho government forestry buroau
will gvo n lecture on "Forestry" In
the nudltorluni of thu High School.
Tlwirsday afternoon at 3 o'olook.
Thla will bo under the ausplooH ot
the Salem Woman's Club. Admit
Ion free. Publlo Invited.
ills Chock Was Jood
JamtM K. Davla. arreted here for
working a Kraft on a Homier bank.
will bo taken to that point for trial
Ah a matter of fact. Davla did not
t-oiutult any crime In thla oounty.
Ho cantied a ohook here for $50, but
Uio chetik was perfectly good, he
having $400 In tho bank at Heppner
( uraw on. or courso. he obtained
ho money by fraud, that Is as the
ntor a told, but he hnd the bank's
statement that he had money with
H aud when no 50 check wna pro
k itod. it wu8 promptly paid.
MaMiii (in VUItln
Membera of DeMolay Commandery
No 5. KulKhta Templar, weut up to
Albany laat night to confer the de
t?m of KnlKhta of Malta for Temple
Conunandery. No. 3. the Salem
Coniamndory being one of tho fow In
tho atate that put thla work on in
full form Thoko olng from here
were Chas 11. llltiKoa. Lot lVarco.
Mtllou I. Me)era. George Duuaford.
J 8. Wyant. Win. Waruer Frnnk
lirner. Paul Hauaor. Al. Stelner. R
0. Thomaa and othora.
This Mcaiu Dollar
To you. Two of tho girot4t Inven
tions of modern times on exhibition
In Dorcas Urea Hop Office. Greater
money maker than telephone. Call
and wo thorn; tree demonstration.
For Stove Wood
Aud coal cull IDS Voget Lumber
A Flno HtKAcro l"nriii
With stook and mnohlnory, woll lo
cated, $400 team, 11 hoad ot cattlo,
all for $0,700.
Seo DKRUY & WILLSON. 4-7-3t
I'lalntlir Got Judgment
Judgmunt wiih given Byron T.
Itnudall UKUIiiHt F. W. IIiiHkoll. ot al..
ymtorday nftornoon In the sum ot
$33. Frank llolmH nnd II. Overtoil
woro attorneys for tho plaintiff,
while O. O. Bingham and E. P. Mnr-
ooui appeared ror tno uerendants.
(.'oiinty CoiiimUhliiiioix Moot
Tho county uoinmlaaloiiors mot this
aitornoou and tho first mnttora takon
up were tho bllla ngnlnat the county,
which were much smallur In num
ber than heretofore. Tho commit
alouera will have an easy tlmo In
trHiianutliiK tho bualnosa thla term,
as petitions havo come in very slow
ly during the iwat month.
Cupid Woko l'i
County Clerk Allen Issued the fol
lowing marrlaHe lleenaea today to Sa
eom peeple: Fretl J. Drownlne;, 31.
to Pauale Pratt. 17; A. C. DVne.
29. to Pearl Agnea Sohomaker. 3 1.
Thla la the first tlmo the oounty olerk
Uhh had an opiKirtuulty to open his
marriage book alnee tho 4th of tho
present month, and two at a time
ho ounaldera outside of the ordinary.
Cuii Pmotloo Ij
A. W. Norblnd wna glvon n permit
to pruetloe law In Orogon thla morn-
lag by the supremo court on admis
sion papers from tho state of Michi
gan. Tho admission certificate la
only good for ulue mouths. Tho ap
plicant la to practice law In Astoria.
U. of O. ltooklot
The Journal has JuBt received tho
M a roh number' of the University of
Oregon Bulletin. It la a haudsomely
prepared booklet of 30 paged, show
lug a number ot views o. the Univer
sity buildings and campus, with a
large amount ot condensed Informa
tion In regard to the work of the
University, entrance, requlromeuu.
cos of living, student life, etc
To lxK-ute tho lllaui
An appealed case is being heard In
the supremo court today, the prin
cipals being Delhi Kennady va. W J.
Hawkins. A Judgment was given the
plaintiff In the lower courts ot Mult
nomah county In the sum of $4 6ft.
being a portion pf $733 sued for by
the plaintiff on the allegation that
properly boloDglng to her was ruined
through the collapse of a building
In Portland, due to tho neglect of the
contractors couatructlnr the build
Try Inn's chocolnto cronms. Thoy
aro tho como-back kind.
Tho Harnett Hotel
Fiirnlstied rooms nnd cafe In con
nection, with best whito cooking.
Kiistcr Service
Gorman Evniigolloal Luthornn
church, East Stato stroot. Easter
services, with Lord's Supper, begin
ning nt i0 a. in. C. Hopf, pastor.
Action for Damage!
The notion for dnmages butwoou
U. O. Klghtllngor vs. J. F. Cnlbroath
la holng trlod In tho clroult court
today. Frank Holmos Is appearing
for tho plaintiff, whllo G. G. Bing
ham Is counsel for tho defendant.
Davis Is Dead Gniiu
Sheriff Shutt, of Morrow county,
loft thla afternoon with James Dnvls.
tho rami who Is wnntod In Heppner.
Orogon, for obtaining monoy under
fnlso proteusos. Davis Is taking his
medlolno In tine shapo. nnd says noth
lug regarding his future predicament.
Sheriff Shutt nnd Sheriff Mlnto aro
of tho opinion that Davis has boon
lu tho business in which ho met his
downfall for some tlmo, nnd that
there nro not many tricks turned
but what he Is an artist at.
Object to Hook Cninhor
The southeast part of the clt was
well represented nt the boosters'
mooting In tho Yew Park hoso house
lust night. The whole evening was
taken up discussing the removal of
the rock crusher, located on South
Wlntor atroet. to somo place outside
the city limits. Attorney Thomas
Brown. Walter Lennon. A. J.J Dasov
aud other cltlseua living In tho vlrin
Ity of tho crusher, made tho primlpal
talka, jhowlng the disagreeable and
unsanitary conditions which the peo
plo who live In that locality have to
endure. Nearly every one present
was In favor ot having the crusher
moved. A commlteo was appointed
to present the ma tot r to the city
couucll. and it that body falls to act
private cltlions will take tho matter
Into their own hands.
Now Incorporations.
Articles of Incorporation filed In
tho ofllco or Frnnk W. Benson, secre
tary of Btato, April G, 1909, ns fol fel fol
eows: Archdiocese of Oregon City; prin
cipal ofllco, Portland; Incorporators,
Aloxnudor Chrlstlo, James Riuiw.
Jnmos II. Blnck. Anthony Hlllobrnnd
nnd George F. Thompson.
Tho Commercial Claimants Porma
nont Fund of tho Oregon Conforonco
of the Methodist Eplscopnl Church;
principal ofllco, Portland; Incorpora
tors. Hlrnm Gould, Thomas L. Jonos,
W. T. Korr. A. F. Flogol, Theo. Fos
slor nnd J. I. Jones.
Old Glory Mining nnd Milling
Company; principal ofllco. Grantn
Pnss; capital stock, $1,000,000; In
corporators, C. L. Mnngum, E. R.
Mangum nnd YVllllnm Stock.
American Securities Company;
principal olllce. Portland; capital
stock. $100,000; Incorporators, C. II.
Sholos. Alva W. Porson and Ivy Pay.
Tho Haberdasher; principal ofllco.
Eugone: capita! stock. $7000; Incor
porators. W. Polders. E. R. Davis
and P. R. Wllloughby.
Wlllamouo Valloy Oil and Gas
Company; principal ofllco. Pertland:
capital stock, $75,00; Incorporators,
n. F. Whlteakor. W. H. Whltenkor.
N. M. McDnnlol nnd Will F. Sponcor.
For Sulo Noarly now Studobaker
ono-eeatcd buggy, sldo spring. A
rig. Enqulro of Walt Low nt llv
ory barn. If taken Immediately
Bold cheap. 3-2G-tt
Notice to Hit Public.
If you want n marblo or grantto
monument, call at our Bhop In City
View Cemetery. Wo can snvo you
monoy. Tho Dlaoslng Granlto Co.
Wanted Girl for gonornl housework.
Apply forenoons nt 7G4 Ferry
stroot. 4-7-3t
For Sale Horse nnd buggy, also liar
noHs nnd saddle. Enqulro nt 12GG
North Fourth stroot. 4-7-31
Wanted Young mnn to learn tho
florist trade. Call In person nt
Rout's greenhouse, on Garden
road. l-7-3t
Lady Clerk Wanted For retail bus
iness. . ddross Box 113, Salem.
II. (J. Meyer At Co Tho host nnd larg
oat shop In tho city. Six flrst-clnsa
bnrbers. Only flrst-clnss bootblack
In city, porcelain baths nnd every
thing portnlnlng to n flrst-oluss
Shop. Also carry a full lino of
cigars and tobneco nnd harbors'
supplies. 162 Commercial street,
next door to Stntosman ofllco.
President Rooteveit Saya
I'-ajm fx rlyWr 3ivrJ 0
that outdoor oxorclso Js needed by
the Amorlcan people. That's all Tery
well, but how can peoplo with rheu
matism follow that advice? Tho an
swor'W simple u-o Ballard's Snow
Liniment and the rheumatism will
to; leaving you as Bpry as a colt.
Gives quick and permanent rwllof
from iheumatsm, neuralgia, latno
bark and ull pains.
ltallntad CoiihiiIn-sIou Matte
The Railroad Commission received
au answer from the Northern Pacific
Company this morning to their let
tor ot Inquiry regarding a telegraph
station at St. Johns. The railroad
compauy atate they do not think it
necessary to construct a telegraph
station In St. Johns, as the business
there Is not sufficient to warrant the
company making such au Improve
ment, and that arrangements have
boon made for au experienced man
to attend to all business In that lo
cality without the telegraph station.
A complaint was filed with the com
mission to see that the Northern
Pacific people construct a telegraph
station In their territory Elmer T.
Connell has Died a formal complaint
Drug Store
The only cash drug store In Ore
gon, owes no one, and no one owes
It; carries large stock; Its shrives,
counters and show cases are loaded
with drujs, medlcinw, notions, toilet
articles, wines and liquors ot all
kinds tor medicinal purposes. Di.
Stone Is a regular graduate In mod
leine, and has had many years ot ex
perience In the practice. Consulta
tions are free. Prcscrlptlona are
free, and only regular prices for
medicine. Dr. Stone can be tound
at his drug store, Salem. Or., from
7 to the rLornlnc until 9 at night.
The Beautiful
Of a woman is always aided by
some refined and beautiful Jewelry.
Of course this Easter you nro In
vesting In some new apaprel.why not
make your personal appearance eom
i .t2.and 0,eKant y adding to your
cloth'Bg purchases some now and
beautiful Jewelry?
J? .'Jr a60r'ents of the latest
productions of tho finest arttata and
jowelry raanufaoturora you will find
mcy assign tno flnlsh of tho article
ypu so much desire and at a "right"
An Inspection solicited.